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Article Energy Efficiency


Russell Smith, founder of RetrofitWorks, tells Total Installer’s Sophie Stevens why upgrading

the UK’s poorly-performing housing stock is vital in keeping global warming at bay – and

how installers are key when it comes to spreading the word.

have to be a complete hermit not

to realise that climate change is here,”


says RetrofitWork’s Russell Smith, as

we discuss the events of the past 12-months

alone. From the devastating Australian bush fires,

to record-breaking heatwaves here in Britain, the

daily effects of climate change are increasingly

evident and the UK’s energy-guzzling, fossil-fuelburning

housing stock will continue to play a key role

in this catastrophe, unless swift action is taken.

While coronavirus continues to wreak havoc

throughout our society, Russell warns that the

challenges it brings will pale into insignificance

when compared to the environmental emergency

that lies ahead. “I can assure you that Covid is

nothing compared to the climate change impacts

that are coming around the corner,” he says.

The UK has committed to bringing all greenhouse

gas emissions to net zero by 2050 but if the

nation’s existing homes are not improved, through

retrofit, to make them more environmentally

friendly, we will never reach the climate goals

required to keep the earth’s temperature below

the tipping point to avoid ecological disaster.

“We’ve got to decarbonise our society in the next

20 years – absolute maximum..,” says Russell.

“We have got to completely change the way we

live in order for this to work and that is a difficult

thing for everyone to swallow.

“If you look at the carbon dioxide emissions

that contribute to climate change, the biggest

proportion is emanating from buildings and

around 35% is houses… so it’s absolutely

critical that we come up with a compelling model

[to remedy this].”

While measures to reduce household energy

consumption, in the form of heating or cooling

RetrofitWorks’ Russell Smith

“We have got to

completely change the

way we live and that

is a difficult thing for

everyone to swallow”

for example, are one obvious solution, Russell

explains that every home needs to reduce its

need for energy in the first place. This requires a

whole-house approach where the building fabric

– including the fenestration and the elimination of

issues such as draughts – is critical. “Windows

and doors are up there, they have a big impact,”

he says.

Russell is founder and managing director of

environmental consultancy, Parity Projects

and the not-for-profit, ethical co-operative and

TrustMark scheme, RetrofitWorks. The latter

came about when a group of contractors, keen

to help improve the energy efficiency of the UK’s

housing stock but frustrated by the way they

felt the Green Deal had been designed to give

large companies control, were in Russell’s words

“looking for a better commercial model”.

Under RetrofitWorks, a ‘retrofit coordinator’ will

issue a prioritised and phased whole-house plan,

incorporating all the things that need to happen to

that house to reduce energy bills and get carbon

emissions down to zero. This “jig-saw” approach

is designed to ensure that works carried out at

the outset do not block further improvements that

may be required later down the line.

“We’ve ended up with a model that local

authorities, community energy groups etc, are

working with to provide a mechanism in their area

to get householders to do more [to decarbonise

their homes],” says Russell. “I’m doing all

this because of climate change. I’m doing this

because we need to renovate 27 million buildings

in the next 10 years.”

With housing playing such a vital part in the

fight against climate change, Russell is keen

to emphasise the “major role” of installers

and contractors in spreading the word on the

numerous benefits of retrofitting.

“They might think ‘well it’s not by job, mate’,”

he says, “but actually, they’re the ones, on the

whole, that homeowners are listening to.

“Rightly or wrongly, consumers trust contractors

to give them advice. If I had the money, I’d

be renovating the house of every contractor

in the country, showing them how to do it and

the benefits… and I can assure you they’d be

absolutely convinced, from day one, that they

should be doing this for everybody they are

working for… If I had a couple of billion, I’d

[renovate the homes of] all the people going

through college, all the 56 year-old plumbers…

because they are the messengers.”

While lack of trust has been a barrier to home

improvements in the past, RetrofitWorks sets out


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