SEAS Student Handbook 2020-2021

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Transcript Notations

The grading system is as follows: A, excellent; B, good; C, satisfactory; D, poor but

passing; F, failure (a final grade not subject to re-examination). Occasionally, P (Pass) is

the only passing option available. The grade-point average is computed on the basis of

the following index: A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0. Designations of + or – (used only with A, B,

C) are equivalent to 0.33 (i.e., B+=3.33; B–=2.67). Grades of P, INC, UW, and MU will not

be included in the computation of the grade-point average.

• R (registration credit; no qualitative grade earned): not accepted for degree

credit in any program. R credit is not available to undergraduate students for

academic classes. In some divisions of the University, the instructor may stipulate

conditions for the grade and report a failure if those conditions are not satisfied.

The R notation will be given only to those students who indicate, upon

registration and to the instructor, their intention to take the course for R, or who,

with the approval of the instructor, file written notice of change of intention with

the registrar not later than the last day for change of program. Students wishing

to change to R credit after this date are required to submit written approval from

the Office of Graduate Student Affairs and the course instructor to the registrar.

The request to change to R credit must be made by the last day to change a

course grading option. A course that has been taken for R credit may not be

repeated later for examination credit and cannot be uncovered under any

circumstances. The mark of R does not count toward degree requirements for

graduate students. The mark of R is automatically given in Doctoral Research

Instruction courses.

• UW (unofficial withdrawal): given to students who discontinue attendance in a

course but are still officially registered for it, or who fail to take a final examination

without an authorized excuse.

• IN (incomplete): granted only in the case of incapacitating illness as certified by

the Health Services at Columbia, serious family emergency, or circumstances of

comparable gravity. Undergraduate students must request an IN by filling out the

Incomplete Request Form with their CSA adviser prior to the final exam for the

course in the semester of enrollment. Students requesting an IN must gain

permission from both the Committee on Academic Standing (CAS) and the

instructor. Graduate students should contact their instructor. If granted an IN,

students must complete the required work within a period of time stipulated by

the instructor but not to exceed one year. After a year, the IN will be

automatically changed into an F or the contingency grade.

• YC (year course): a mark given at the end of the first term of a course in which

the full year of work must be completed before a qualitative grade is assigned.

The grade given at the end of the second term is the grade for the entire course.


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