SEAS Student Handbook 2020-2021

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Receive a D, F, UW, or unauthorized Incomplete in any first-year/sophomore

required courses

Receive a D, F, UW, or unauthorized Incomplete in any course required for the


Receive straight C’s in the core science courses (chemistry, calculus, physics)

or in required courses for their major

Not making significant progress towards the degree

• Continued Probation: Students who are already on probation and fail to meet the

minimum requirements as stated in their sanction letter.

• Strict Probation: Students who are already on probation, fail to meet the minimum

requirements as stated in their sanction letter, and are far below minimum

expectations. This action is typically made when there are signs of severe academic


• Suspension and Dismissal: Students who have been placed on academic probation

and who fail to be restored to good academic standing in the following semester

can be considered either for suspension or dismissal by the Undergraduate

Committee on Academic Standing. The decision to suspend or dismiss a student will

be made by the Committee on Academic Standing in the Berick Center for Student

Advising and the Dean’s Office in close consultation with the student’s

departmental adviser when the student has declared a major. In cases of

suspension, the student will be required to make up the deficiencies in their

academic record by taking appropriate courses at a four-year accredited

institution in North America. Students must be able to complete their degree

requirements in their eighth semester at Columbia after readmission. If this is not

achievable, then students should be considered for dismissal instead.

The courses that the student must take will be determined by the Undergraduate

Committee of Academic Standing and by the student’s departmental adviser when

the student has declared a major. All proposed courses will be reviewed by the

appropriate faculty who teach the equivalent classes at Columbia University. All

courses that are being taken to fulfill a major requirement or as a technical elective

must be approved by the student’s departmental adviser. Courses being taken to

count as a nontechnical elective or to count as general credit would only require the

approval of the Undergraduate Committee on Academic Standing. The existing

procedures for the approval of outside credit will be followed in these cases. Students

must receive a grade of B or better for the credit to be transferred.

The Office of Graduate Student Affairs monitors the academic progress of graduate

students in consultation with the departments. Students will be placed on Academic

Probation if their cumulative GPA is below 2.5 or the minimum GPA required by the

academic department, whichever is higher. A student who, at the end of any term,

has not attained the grade-point average required for the degree may be asked to



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