SEAS Student Handbook 2020-2021

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• Entry/Egress, Unauthorized

• Falsification

• Federal, State, or Local laws, Violation of

• Fire Safety Policies, Violation of

• Illegal Drugs Policy, Violation of

• Hazing

• Information Technologies Policies, Violation of

• Physical Endangerment, Threats, and Harassment

• Retaliation

• Smoking Policy, Violation of University

• Theft

• Vandalism

• Weapons

University Policies and Procedures

• Rules of University Conduct

• Guide to Living

• Gender-Based Misconduct Policy and Procedures for Students

• Columbia University Information Technology (CUIT) policies and procedures

• Undergraduate Student Travel Policy

Academic Integrity

Academic integrity defines a university and is essential to

the mission of education. At Columbia, you are expected

to participate in an academic community that honors

intellectual work and respects its origins. The abilities to

synthesize information and produce original work are key

components in the learning process. As such, a violation of

academic integrity is one of the most serious offenses that

one can commit at Columbia. If found responsible,

violations range from conditional disciplinary probation in

expulsion from the university. Compromising academic

integrity not only jeopardizes a student's academic,

professional, and social development; it violates the standards of our community. As a

Columbia student, you are responsible for making informed choices with regard to

academic integrity both inside and outside of the classroom.

Students rarely set out with the intent of engaging in violations of academic integrity.

But classes are challenging at Columbia, and students may find themselves pressed for

time, unprepared for an assignment or exam, or feeling that the risk of earning a poor

grade outweighs the need to be thorough. Such circumstances lead some students to

behave in a manner that compromises the integrity of the academic community,

disrespects their instructors and classmates, and deprives them of an opportunity to

learn. In short, they cheat. Students who find themselves in such circumstances should

immediately contact their instructor and adviser for advice.


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