SEAS Student Handbook 2020-2021

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bibliographies. Faculty members are available to help as questions arise about proper

citations, references, and the appropriateness of group work on assignments. You can

also check with the Undergraduate Writing Program. Another option is to connect with

Research Librarians for citation management workshops. Information on these

workshops is posted online on the Columbia Libraries website. Undergraduate students

can also meet with the Director of Academic Integrity to review citation styles or discuss

questions about academic integrity by emailing ugrad-integrity@columbia.edu.

Ignorance of proper citation methods does not exonerate one from responsibility.

Personal Responsibility, Finding Support, and More Information

A student’s education at Columbia University is comprised of two complementary

components: a mastery over intellectual material within a discipline and the overall

development of moral character and personal ethics. Participating in forms of

academic dishonesty violates the standards of our community at Columbia and

severely inhibits a student’s chance to grow academically, professionally, and socially.

As such, Columbia’s approach to academic integrity is informed by its explicit belief

that students must take full responsibility for their actions, meaning you will need to

make informed choices inside and outside the classroom. Columbia offers a wealth of

resources to help students make sound decisions regarding academics, extracurricular

activities, and personal issues.

Undergraduate students should consult an advising dean or meet with the Director of

Academic Integrity in Suite 601 of Lerner Hall. Graduate students should consult or meet

their assistant dean in the Office of Graduate Student Affairs in Suite 530 in Mudd.

Academic Integrity Policies and Expectations

Violations of policy may be intentional or unintentional and may include dishonesty in

academic assignments or in dealing with University officials, including faculty and staff

members. Moreover, dishonesty during the Dean’s Discipline hearing process may result

in more serious consequences.

Types of academic integrity violations:

• Academic Dishonesty, Facilitation of: assisting another student in a violation of

academic integrity is prohibited. This may include but is not limited to selling

and/or providing notes, exams, and papers.

• Assistance, Unauthorized Giving: unauthorized assistance to another student or

receiving unauthorized aid from another person on tests, quizzes, assignments, or

examinations without the instructor's express permission is prohibited.

• Bribery: offering or giving any favor or thing of value for the purpose of

improperly influencing a grade or other evaluation of a student in an academic

program is prohibited.

• Cheating: wrongfully using or attempting to use unauthorized materials,

information, study aids, or the ideas or work of another in order to gain an unfair

advantage is prohibited. Cheating includes, but is not limited to, using or

consulting unauthorized materials or using unauthorized equipment or devices


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