The Audacity of Hope

The junior senator from Illinois discusses how to transform U.S. politics, calling for a return to America's original ideals and revealing how they can address such issues as globalization and the function of religion in public life. Specifications Number of Pages: 375 Genre: Freedom + Security / Law Enforcement, Biography + Autobiography, Social Science Sub-Genre: Presidents + Heads of State Author: Barack Obama Age Range: Adult Language: English Street Date: November 6, 2007 Origin: Made in the USA or Imported

The junior senator from Illinois discusses how to transform U.S. politics, calling for a return to America's original ideals and revealing how they can address such issues as globalization and the function of religion in public life.
Number of Pages: 375
Genre: Freedom + Security / Law Enforcement, Biography + Autobiography, Social Science
Sub-Genre: Presidents + Heads of State

Author: Barack Obama
Age Range: Adult
Language: English
Street Date: November 6, 2007

Origin: Made in the USA or Imported


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These values are rooted in a basic optimism about life and a faith in free will—a

confidence that through pluck and sweat and smarts, each of us can rise above the

circumstances of our birth. But these values also express a broader confidence that so

long as individual men and women are free to pursue their own interests, society as a

whole will prosper. Our system of self-government and our free-market economy

depend on the majority of individual Americans adhering to these values. The

legitimacy of our government and our economy depend on the degree to which these

values are rewarded, which is why the values of equal opportunity and

nondiscrimination complement rather than impinge on our liberty.

If we Americans are individualistic at heart, if we instinctively chafe against a past of

tribal allegiances, traditions, customs, and castes, it would be a mistake to assume that

this is all we are. Our individualism has always been bound by a set of communal

values, the glue upon which every healthy society depends. We value the imperatives of

family and the cross-generational obligations that family implies. We value community,

the neighborliness that expresses itself through raising the barn or coaching the soccer

team. We value patriotism and the obligations of citizenship, a sense of duty and

sacrifice on behalf of our nation. We value a faith in something bigger than ourselves,

whether that something expresses itself in formal religion or ethical precepts. And we

value the constellation of behaviors that express our mutual regard for one another:

honesty, fairness, humility, kindness, courtesy, and compassion.

In every society (and in every individual), these twin strands—the individualistic and

the communal, autonomy and solidarity—are in tension, and it has been one of the

blessings of America that the circumstances of our nation’s birth allowed us to negotiate

these tensions better than most. We did not have to go through any of the violent

upheavals that Europe was forced to endure as it shed its feudal past. Our passage from

an agricultural to an industrial society was eased by the sheer size of the continent, vast

tracts of land and abundant resources that allowed new immigrants to continually

remake themselves.

But we cannot avoid these tensions entirely. At times our values collide because in the

hands of men each one is subject to distortion and excess. Self-reliance and

independence can transform into selfishness and license, ambition into greed and a

frantic desire to succeed at any cost. More than once in our history we’ve seen

patriotism slide into jingoism, xenophobia, the stifling of dissent; we’ve seen faith

calcify into self-righteousness, closed-mindedness, and cruelty toward others. Even the

impulse toward charity can drift into a stifling paternalism, an unwillingness to

acknowledge the ability of others to do for themselves.

When this happens—when liberty is cited in the defense of a company’s decision to

dump toxins in our rivers, or when our collective interest in building an upscale new

mall is used to justify the destruction of somebody’s home—we depend on the strength

of countervailing values to temper our judgment and hold such excesses in check.

Sometimes finding the right balance is relatively easy. We all agree, for instance, that

society has a right to constrain individual freedom when it threatens to do harm to

others. The First Amendment doesn’t give you the right to yell “fire” in a crowded

theater; your right to practice your religion does not encompass human sacrifice.

Likewise, we all agree that there must be limits to the state’s power to control our

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