The Audacity of Hope

The junior senator from Illinois discusses how to transform U.S. politics, calling for a return to America's original ideals and revealing how they can address such issues as globalization and the function of religion in public life. Specifications Number of Pages: 375 Genre: Freedom + Security / Law Enforcement, Biography + Autobiography, Social Science Sub-Genre: Presidents + Heads of State Author: Barack Obama Age Range: Adult Language: English Street Date: November 6, 2007 Origin: Made in the USA or Imported

The junior senator from Illinois discusses how to transform U.S. politics, calling for a return to America's original ideals and revealing how they can address such issues as globalization and the function of religion in public life.
Number of Pages: 375
Genre: Freedom + Security / Law Enforcement, Biography + Autobiography, Social Science
Sub-Genre: Presidents + Heads of State

Author: Barack Obama
Age Range: Adult
Language: English
Street Date: November 6, 2007

Origin: Made in the USA or Imported


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always easy to get along with; he was at once warmhearted and quick to anger, and in

part because his career had not been particularly successful, his feelings could also be

easily bruised. By the time I was sixteen we were arguing all the time, usually about me

failing to abide by what I considered to be an endless series of petty and arbitrary

rules—filling up the gas tank whenever I borrowed his car, say, or making sure that I

rinsed out the milk carton before I put it in the garbage.

With a certain talent for rhetoric, as well as an absolute certainty about the merits of my

own views, I found that I could generally win these arguments, in the narrow sense of

leaving my grandfather flustered, angry, and sounding unreasonable. But at some point,

perhaps in my senior year, such victories started to feel less satisfying. I started thinking

about the struggles and disappointments he had seen in his life. I started to appreciate

his need to feel respected in his own home. I realized that abiding by his rules would

cost me little, but to him it would mean a lot. I recognized that sometimes he really did

have a point, and that in insisting on getting my own way all the time, without regard to

his feelings or needs, I was in some way diminishing myself.

There’s nothing extraordinary about such an awakening, of course; in one form or

another it is what we all must go through if we are to grow up. And yet I find myself

returning again and again to my mother’s simple principle—“How would that make you

feel?”—as a guidepost for my politics.

It’s not a question we ask ourselves enough, I think; as a country, we seem to be

suffering from an empathy deficit. We wouldn’t tolerate schools that don’t teach, that

are chronically underfunded and understaffed and underinspired, if we thought that the

children in them were like our children. It’s hard to imagine the CEO of a company

giving himself a multimillion-dollar bonus while cutting health-care coverage for his

workers if he thought they were in some sense his equals. And it’s safe to assume that

those in power would think longer and harder about launching a war if they envisioned

their own sons and daughters in harm’s way.

I believe a stronger sense of empathy would tilt the balance of our current politics in

favor of those people who are struggling in this society. After all, if they are like us,

then their struggles are our own. If we fail to help, we diminish ourselves.

But that does not mean that those who are struggling—or those of us who claim to

speak for those who are struggling—are thereby freed from trying to understand the

perspectives of those who are better off. Black leaders need to appreciate the legitimate

fears that may cause some whites to resist affirmative action. Union representatives

can’t afford not to understand the competitive pressures their employers may be under. I

am obligated to try to see the world through George Bush’s eyes, no matter how much I

may disagree with him. That’s what empathy does—it calls us all to task, the

conservative and the liberal, the powerful and the powerless, the oppressed and the

oppressor. We are all shaken out of our complacency. We are all forced beyond our

limited vision.

No one is exempt from the call to find common ground.

Of course, in the end a sense of mutual understanding isn’t enough. After all, talk is

cheap; like any value, empathy must be acted upon. When I was a community organizer

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