The Audacity of Hope

The junior senator from Illinois discusses how to transform U.S. politics, calling for a return to America's original ideals and revealing how they can address such issues as globalization and the function of religion in public life. Specifications Number of Pages: 375 Genre: Freedom + Security / Law Enforcement, Biography + Autobiography, Social Science Sub-Genre: Presidents + Heads of State Author: Barack Obama Age Range: Adult Language: English Street Date: November 6, 2007 Origin: Made in the USA or Imported

The junior senator from Illinois discusses how to transform U.S. politics, calling for a return to America's original ideals and revealing how they can address such issues as globalization and the function of religion in public life.
Number of Pages: 375
Genre: Freedom + Security / Law Enforcement, Biography + Autobiography, Social Science
Sub-Genre: Presidents + Heads of State

Author: Barack Obama
Age Range: Adult
Language: English
Street Date: November 6, 2007

Origin: Made in the USA or Imported


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behavior, even if it’s for our own good. Not many Americans would feel comfortable

with the government monitoring what we eat, no matter how many deaths and how

much of our medical spending may be due to rising rates of obesity.

More often, though, finding the right balance between our competing values is difficult.

Tensions arise not because we have steered a wrong course, but simply because we live

in a complex and contradictory world. I firmly believe, for example, that since 9/11, we

have played fast and loose with constitutional principles in the fight against terrorism.

But I acknowledge that even the wisest president and most prudent Congress would

struggle to balance the critical demands of our collective security against the equally

compelling need to uphold civil liberties. I believe our economic policies pay too little

attention to the displacement of manufacturing workers and the destruction of

manufacturing towns. But I cannot wish away the sometimes competing demands of

economic security and competitiveness.

Unfortunately, too often in our national debates we don’t even get to the point where we

weigh these difficult choices. Instead, we either exaggerate the degree to which policies

we don’t like impinge on our most sacred values, or play dumb when our own preferred

policies conflict with important countervailing values. Conservatives, for instance, tend

to bristle when it comes to government interference in the marketplace or their right to

bear arms. Yet many of these same conservatives show little to no concern when it

comes to government wiretapping without a warrant or government attempts to control

people’s sexual practices. Conversely, it’s easy to get most liberals riled up about

government encroachments on freedom of the press or a woman’s reproductive

freedoms. But if you have a conversation with these same liberals about the potential

costs of regulation to a small-business owner, you will often draw a blank stare.

In a country as diverse as ours, there will always be passionate arguments about how we

draw the line when it comes to government action. That is how our democracy works.

But our democracy might work a bit better if we recognized that all of us possess values

that are worthy of respect: if liberals at least acknowledged that the recreational hunter

feels the same way about his gun as they feel about their library books, and if

conservatives recognized that most women feel as protective of their right to

reproductive freedom as evangelicals do of their right to worship.

The results of such an exercise can sometimes be surprising. The year that Democrats

regained the majority in the Illinois state senate, I sponsored a bill to require the

videotaping of interrogations and confessions in capital cases. While the evidence tells

me that the death penalty does little to deter crime, I believe there are some crimes—

mass murder, the rape and murder of a child—so heinous, so beyond the pale, that the

community is justified in expressing the full measure of its outrage by meting out the

ultimate punishment. On the other hand, the way capital cases were tried in Illinois at

the time was so rife with error, questionable police tactics, racial bias, and shoddy

lawyering that thirteen death row inmates had been exonerated and a Republican

governor had decided to institute a moratorium on all executions.

Despite what appeared to be a death penalty system ripe for reform, few people gave my

bill much chance of passing. The state prosecutors and police organizations were

adamantly opposed, believing that videotaping would be expensive and cumbersome,

and would hamstring their ability to close cases. Some who favored abolishing the death

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