Student Life | Issue 41

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Studying in Lockdown


When I think about studying during

the pandemic I think of the words:

low motivation, boring, stressful,

procrastination, 4-walls, mundane.

Here, I outline my daily routine

and discuss the challenges I have

faced whilst studying as a year 2

University of Suffolk student during

the pandemic.


07:00: I Wake up and have breakfast

whilst looking at any news of


08:00: Have a shower and make the

bed. Making my bed is an important

step I find as it gives your brain

satification that you have done your

first task, and that motivates you to

complete more tasks.

09:00 till 12:00: Spend the day doing

work, and/or join lecturers (we have

live lectures). I always come away

from my room and downstairs to

make tea during a comfort break

during lectures. I have found this

remotivates you and makes you

more productive.

12:00 till 13:00: Have lunch. I always

escape from my room as I spend

enough time engulfed by the 4 walls

of my room. Having a break from

the room remotivates me for the

afternoon work.

13:00 till 17:00: Complete more work

(yes, it never ends!) or continue with

lectures. One of my main challenges

to overcome has been being confined

to 4 walls. My main strategy to

overcome this is to get exercise

every day and to take regular breaks

from being in my room. Doing this

ensures you get out of the house,

which is good mentally. Exercise also

energizes you; gives you a boost

mentally; allows you to come back

refreshed and makes you more


17:00 till 18:30: Make and eat tea. To

me, making tea is very therapeutic

and allows the mind something else

to think about.

18:30 till 21:00: This is my relaxation

time! I will often play cards with

my sister and Dad; build Lego for

an hour; or make my own Lego

creations. One thing I always ensure

is I don’t look at devices. This helps

me to relax and allows a better night’s


21:30 till 07:00: sleep! Getting a good

night’s sleep (for me I need at least 9

½ hours of sleep) is critical to having a

good day the next day. A bad night’s

sleep = a bad tomorrow.

Another challenge has been the lack

of socialisation. To overcome this, I

facetime my Grandad and friends.

It’s not great, but it’s the best I can do



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