Bay Harbour: February 24, 2021

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WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY <strong>24</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />

Connecting Your Local Community<br />

starnews.co.nz<br />

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of Lyttelton<br />

Lyttelton has a rich, colourful and<br />

haunting history. Ghost stories<br />

have now began appearing on the<br />

Lyttelton – Ain’t No Place I’d Rather<br />

Be! Facebook page. If you dare to<br />

read some go to pages 12 and 13<br />

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2 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>February</strong> <strong>24</strong> <strong>2021</strong> Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

what’s on<br />

this week<br />

GENERAL INQUIRIES Ph 379 7100<br />


Star Media, a division of Allied Press Ltd<br />

PO Box 1467, Christchurch<br />

starmedia.kiwi<br />

NEWS<br />

Samantha Mythen<br />

Ph: 021 919 917<br />

samantha.mythen@starmedia.kiwi<br />


Jo-Anne Fuller<br />

Ph: 364 7425<br />

jo.fuller@starmedia.kiwi<br />

Rob Davison<br />

Ph: 021 225 8584<br />

rob.davison@starmedia.kiwi<br />

The best-read local newspaper,<br />

delivered to 10,514 homes every week.<br />

Brookhaven • Heathcote • Ferrymead<br />

Redcliffs • Mt Pleasant • Sumner • Lyttelton<br />

Diamond <strong>Harbour</strong> • Governors <strong>Bay</strong> • Akaroa<br />

Community Fire Awareness<br />

and Prevention Information<br />

Evening<br />

Thursday, 6.30-9pm<br />

Sumner Community Centre, 14<br />

Wakefield Ave<br />

Representatives from Fire and<br />

Emergency NZ, the city council, Orion,<br />

NZ Police and Lincoln University<br />

will present a range of information,<br />

including fire safe plantings, evacuations<br />

and preparedness, emergency<br />

access, fire hazard management and<br />

more. Spot prizes, and light refreshment<br />

will be provided.<br />

Ladies Friendship Club<br />

(formally Probus)<br />

Monday, 10am<br />

Star of the Sea Church hall, 45 Colenso<br />

St, Sumner<br />

Meet others in the community and<br />

enjoy a cup of tea. Also regular speakers<br />

and social outings. Phone Lois for<br />

further details 384 1975.<br />

One Stitch at a Time<br />

Thursday, 10am-noon<br />

Mt Pleasant Community Centre<br />

A small group of crafters meet<br />

every Thursday morning. So far, they<br />

have quilters, knitters, cross-stichers<br />

and plant dyed fabric crafters. Creating<br />

connections and community<br />

while sharing knowledge and skills.<br />

All welcome.<br />

Jubulani Community Choir<br />

Monday, 7.30pm<br />

40 Winchester St, Lyttelton<br />

A friendly community choir who<br />

Estuary Fest, Saturday, 1pm-5pm, McCormacks <strong>Bay</strong> Reserve. Organised<br />

by the Mt Pleasant Memorial Community Centre and Residents’<br />

Association in partnership with the Avon-Heathcote Ihutai Trust, to<br />

celebrate the special nature of the estuary and all that live in, on and around<br />

it as well of those that play on it. The festival features stalls and displays<br />

about the estuary and wetlands as well as the usual fairground rides, food<br />

trucks and live entertainment by local performers. Free entry with some<br />

rides costing a gold coin. •Estuary Matters, page 14<br />

love singing a variety of genres of<br />

three, four part harmony music. They<br />

believe everybody can sing and has<br />

the right to sing. No experience and<br />

no auditions required. Phone Jillie for<br />

more information 021 152 8068.<br />

Korero, Kai & a Kuppa Tea<br />

Wednesday, 6pm<br />

Bowling Club, Akaroa<br />

For everyone who is interested in<br />

learning some basic te reo Māori, in<br />

a friendly, organic and dun environment.<br />

Take a plate of food to share,<br />

pen, pad and a Māori dictionary if<br />

you have one. Koha entry appreciated.<br />

Community Koreo<br />

Thursday, 5.30-7.30pm<br />

The Gaiety, Akaroa<br />

A time to gather and discuss<br />

community concerns, city council<br />

issues, to share ideas and views. Also<br />

a chance to meet new community<br />

members and connect with the wider<br />

Akaroa area. Deputy Mayor Andrew<br />

Turner and other city council<br />

representatives will be present. All<br />

welcome.<br />

Riding the Wave Art Group<br />

Saturday, 10am-1pm<br />

Sumner Redcliffs Anglican Church, 87<br />

Nayland St, Sumner<br />

Encouraging your creative flow<br />

through prayerfulness, reflection, and<br />

enjoying together a variety of easy art<br />

techniques and media which assist<br />

you to “ride the waves of life.” Materials<br />

are provided. Donation or koha<br />

appreciated. Phone Beth 022 678 125<br />

or Jo 021 574 999 to book a space.<br />

Farewell to the Godwits event<br />

Sunday, 28 <strong>February</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />

Come along to the 23 rd annual ceremony to wish<br />

the Godwits a safe journey back to their breeding<br />

grounds in Alaska.<br />

South Shore Spit<br />

Reserve —<br />

End of<br />

Rockinghorse Road<br />

Some parking available<br />

- or catch the # 60 bus<br />

(every 30 minutes)<br />

5:30pm<br />

Free BBQ sausages,<br />

music, stalls,<br />

children’s activity.<br />

6:00pm<br />

Welcome by our Mayor,<br />

talk by Andrew Crossland<br />

Godwit expert before<br />

short guided walk to<br />

view birds up close.<br />

For more information contact: info@estuary.org.nz

SLEEPLESS NIGHTS and long<br />

waiting times.<br />

These have been the daily realities<br />

for Heathcote residents since<br />

<strong>February</strong> 14, while Port Hills Rd<br />

is upgraded nightly from 6pm to<br />

7am.<br />

Although the works are set to<br />

be finished by tomorrow, residents<br />

have been frustrated with<br />

lack of consideration and contact<br />

from the city council.<br />

Everyone is grateful the road<br />

is finally being fixed, however,<br />

residents cannot understand why<br />

the work has been occurring at<br />

night in a primarily residential<br />

area.<br />

Said Heathcote resident Judy<br />

Stack: “The contractors are<br />

doing a great job, the road was<br />

in shocking condition. Our beef<br />

is that when we go to bed, they<br />

begin to start work. The noise is<br />

completely intrusive.”<br />

Heathcote Ward councillor<br />

Sara Templeton understands the<br />

resident’s frustrations.<br />

Although she has been in<br />

touch with the contractors, she<br />

said they only have a few shifts<br />

left.<br />

“It will be a complete and<br />

smooth road by Thursday morning,”<br />

she said.<br />

Stack lives in a new house,<br />

built after the <strong>February</strong> 22, 2011,<br />

earthquake with double glazing,<br />

SOIL AND<br />



the past week.<br />

yet she still hears the construction<br />

and it has been making the<br />

house shudder, echoing up the<br />

valley.<br />

“Why can’t they do the work<br />

during the day, reducing the road<br />

to a single lane?” she said.<br />

“It is absolutely not good<br />

enough that they are doing all<br />

this work in the small hours of<br />

the morning.”<br />

Said another Heathcote resident<br />

Sue Coombe: “The work<br />

shakes the house like an earthquake,<br />

it is too disruptive.”<br />

City council streets maintenance<br />

manager Mark Pinner<br />

said the work was taking place<br />

at night instead of the day as a<br />

permanent single lane in one<br />

direction would have resulted<br />

in a large detour which was not<br />

considered desirable.<br />

Said Pinner: “To maintain the<br />















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Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Roadworks wreck residents’ sleep<br />

• By Samantha Mythen<br />

NOISY: Port Hills Rd has been resurfaced at night during<br />


traffic flow with lights or controls<br />

during peak times in daylight<br />

would also significantly reduce<br />

the time for the physical work<br />

to proceed which would in turn<br />

result in substantially more time<br />

on site. The use of night shifts<br />

also lessened the impact to use<br />

of access to passengers accessing<br />

bus stops.”<br />

Residents, however, say in spite<br />

of numerous works occurring<br />

along the road after the past few<br />

years, this is the first set of night<br />

works. They still do not understand<br />

the decision.<br />

Last week, Stack rang the city<br />

council to see if the situation<br />

could be remedied.<br />

A noise abatement officer rang<br />

back and said the project manager<br />

for the works would be in<br />

touch. She never heard back.<br />

Said Stack: “The fact that when<br />

you are really impacted by something<br />

and you ring the council<br />

for help and maybe someone will<br />

call you back, does not look good<br />

on the council’s behalf.”<br />

Due to another sleepless night,<br />

Stack’s young grandson had<br />

missed school on Monday.<br />

Ann-Marie Locker is another<br />

concerned resident who wonders<br />

why the work has to be done at<br />

night.<br />

“It’s been absolutely horrendous,”<br />

she said.<br />

Her children have both woken<br />

up with headaches and have also<br />

had two days off school.<br />

Although, every house<br />

along the road was meant to<br />

be informed about the road<br />

works, neither Stack or Locker<br />

received a notice in their<br />

letterbox.<br />

The notice says: “There will<br />

be periods of construction noise<br />

and vibration. The contractor<br />

will ensure noise is kept to a<br />

minimum.”<br />

Stack believes this is ironic<br />

after no action has been taken<br />

to mitigate the negative effects<br />

on residents in spite of her complaint.<br />

She said this shows the<br />

council does not care.<br />

Work to repair Port Hills Rd<br />

began after being deferred since<br />

2017. The wastewater system and<br />

water mains were replaced over<br />

the past two years and the road is<br />

now being resurfaced.<br />

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Harcourts Grenadier Sumner P: 03 326 4400<br />

Wednesday <strong>February</strong> <strong>24</strong> <strong>2021</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News<br />

NEWS 3<br />

In Brief<br />


Lyttelton <strong>Harbour</strong> Kitchens<br />

Cookbook is calling for recipe<br />

submissions from the public for<br />

its <strong>2021</strong> edition. The final date<br />

for submissions is March 31.<br />

Started by a group of parents<br />

from Lyttelton Main and<br />

Lyttelton West primary schools<br />

in 2009, this will be<br />

the fourth edition. Each year,<br />

the cookbook has quickly sold<br />

out.<br />


Akaroa residents have started<br />

a fundraiser to keep the Pop<br />

up Penguin, Mr “One Fish”.<br />

The penguin, designed and<br />

painted by local artist Katrina<br />

Perano, was a part of the Wild<br />

in Art penguin trail, with 120<br />

penguins created by artists<br />

and school children scatted<br />

around Canterbury. Today at<br />

6pm, 53 penguins, including<br />

Mr “One Fish,” will be<br />

auctioned to raise money for<br />

Cholmondeley Children’s<br />

Centre. Residents would like<br />

to see the penguin stay in<br />

Akaroa, as well as raising<br />

money for Cholmondeley.<br />

Donations can be made to<br />

a Givealittle page – https://<br />

givealittle.co.nz/cause/pop-uppenguins-in-akaroa<br />


<strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>February</strong> <strong>24</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />

4<br />

NEWS<br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

At 91 Bruce’s bungy jump sets<br />

• By Samantha Mythen<br />


Bunny is a veteran of 16 Coast<br />

to Coasts, including the brutal<br />

Longest Day.<br />

He first started competing<br />

three days before his retirement<br />

at 57.<br />

Now 91, Bruce has<br />

accomplished another heartracing,<br />

adrenaline-fuelled feat –<br />

bungy jumping.<br />

Bruce became the oldest<br />

person to complete the 35m<br />

bungy jump off the Waiau<br />

Ferry Bridge near Hanmer on<br />

<strong>February</strong> 14.<br />

In spite of being legally blind<br />

and having hearing aids, he<br />

decided to take up the challenge<br />

as it seemed like an exciting<br />

thing to do.<br />

Bruce said as he stood on the<br />

bridge’s edge about to jump he<br />

thought: “What the hell am I<br />

doing here.”<br />

He tried not to think any<br />

further, then committed to it and<br />

jumped.<br />

Bruce was always an avid<br />

tramper and deer stalker<br />

growing up, but decided to give<br />

Environs & Environs Inspirons one & in the Inspirons<br />

Scottish Environs Highlands. & Inspirons<br />

more thrilling, hair-raising<br />

activities a try later in life.<br />

It was seeing his friend<br />

and neighbour Mike White<br />

competing in the Coast to Coast<br />

in 1985 that inspired Bruce to<br />

27 <strong>February</strong> - 23 March 27 <strong>February</strong> <strong>2021</strong> - 23 March <strong>2021</strong><br />

FLYING: Bruce Bunny leaping off the Waiau Ferry Bridge near Hanmer and later recounting the hair-raising experience.<br />


sign up the following year.<br />

“It’s better than gardening,” he<br />

chuckled.<br />

He has since competed in 17<br />

Coast to Coast events, including<br />

At 66, Bruce was convinced<br />

by another of his daughters –<br />

adventure fiend Debbie – to join<br />

her in the Scottish race. They<br />

arrived in London and then<br />

biked to Glasgow for the start<br />

of the race. Debbie called this<br />

“training.” He said the Scotland<br />

event was “a piece of cake.”<br />

It was three days compared to<br />

the two-day Kiwi event.<br />

Bruce has been an inspiration<br />

to his family.<br />

His son Allan has competed in<br />

the Coast to Coast several times.<br />

When Bruce was 64, he joined<br />

his 16-year-old grandson Jesse in<br />

a team and they completed the<br />

27 <strong>February</strong> - 23 March <strong>2021</strong><br />

event together.<br />

Although Bruce said he was<br />

always frightened of water,<br />

kayaking was his favourite part<br />

of the race.<br />

“I’m not a particularly good<br />

swimmer but I was pretty sure if<br />

I came out, I’d be able to make it<br />

to the side,” he said.<br />

“In a kayak, you’re just sitting<br />

there really and are going with<br />

the water. It’s easier.”<br />

Bruce said the best part<br />

of the race was all about the<br />

people. For Bruce and many<br />

other competitors, the race<br />

was all about giving it a go and<br />

finishing.<br />

“The top 10 per cent are<br />

going to give their all and try to<br />

win, but the other 90 per cent<br />

are in the race for the social side<br />

where the aim is to finish,” he<br />

said.<br />

Fall in love<br />

before<br />

MartinCole JohnEmery<br />

JohnEmery MartinCole MarkDimock<br />

Environs & Inspirons<br />

27 <strong>February</strong> - 23 March <strong>2021</strong><br />

MarkDimock JohnEmery<br />

Group exhibition at Little River Gallery - 27 <strong>February</strong> to 23 March<br />

Kaka Eyeball<br />

- Mark Dimock<br />

MarkDimock<br />

with your favourite<br />

furniture all over again!<br />

John Emery Main Rd, Little River | 03 325 Main 1944 Rd, | art@littlerivergallery.com Little River | 03 325 are 1944 shaped | | art@littlerivergallery.com as much by Main the Rd, objects Little | littlerivergallery.com<br />

used River as | 03 the 325 creature 1944 | art@littlerivergallery.com | littlerivergallery.com<br />

“My painting process usually<br />

begins with a single object.<br />

Following several preparatory<br />

sketches. I then start the<br />

process of adding other images,<br />

as well as fabricated bits and<br />

pieces. Using a combination of<br />

fabricated tromp l’oeil paper<br />

objects and the underlying<br />

painted surface, I hope to<br />

create work that is both<br />

completely familiar and yet<br />

new again. Like life itself, each<br />

work resonates with both the Black on Black - John Emery<br />

story and history associated with some objects, and the<br />

imagined potential of others. As an American down under<br />

for more than 37 years, I realise I have become addicted<br />

to the Southern Latitudes and the continuously changing<br />

landscape of New Zealand. The bounteous flora, fauna,<br />

landscape and weather provide a rich smorgasbord of<br />

images, never static.”<br />

Martin Cole<br />

Martin Cole’s interest and<br />

pleasure of the natural<br />

world direct his themes and<br />

his environmental concerns<br />

led him to work with found<br />

materials. His artworks,<br />

referred to as assemblages,<br />

Huia - Martin Cole<br />

depicted. Cole’s insects, birds and frogs come to life formed<br />

from objects of a previous life, a doorknob, coin or cutlery.<br />

Varying metals are skilfully welded together creating<br />

interesting patinas and textures.<br />

He studied Fine Arts at East Sydney<br />

Technical College in 1989 and has been<br />

working with metal for around 8 years<br />

and lives in Lyttelton.<br />

Mark Dimock<br />

Mark’s 3D pieces are made from found<br />

materials. Old fence posts, provide the<br />

timber for his bird bodies and rusted<br />

steel form the wings and details. Pieces<br />

of abandoned farm equipment have<br />

sculptural qualities that are well used to<br />

support the birds and form conceptual<br />

contrast and physical support for<br />

the sculptures. Mark has great skill<br />

mimicking the natural stance and<br />

movement of birds on the wing and as<br />

they alight.<br />

Mark Dimock has been living and<br />

working in Eketahuna since 1980<br />

where he has established a large studio<br />

workshop and gallery.<br />

He has exhibited widely in<br />

New Zealand and held more than<br />

40 solo exhibitions and many<br />

group shows.<br />

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MartinCole<br />

JohnEmery<br />

MarkDimock<br />

Main Rd, Little River | 03 325 1944 | art@littlerivergallery.com | littlerivergallery.com<br />


ecords<br />

There was great camaraderie<br />

during the race and Bruce made<br />

many friends.<br />

He finally put down the paddle,<br />

and untied his laces, finishing his<br />

last race at 73-years-old.<br />

He has since survived bowel<br />

cancer, but he is not retiring from<br />

life yet.<br />

His daughter, Annie Horgan,<br />

was there to witness his cavort<br />

into the air.<br />

“He comes up with the ideas<br />

and I organise it,” she said.<br />

“He’s amazing, such an<br />

inspiration. I say, “I’m too old, I<br />

can’t do that,” and then Dad goes<br />

and proves me wrong.”<br />

Earlier in the year, Bruce went<br />

down the zipline at the adventure<br />

park. He is tentatively talking<br />

about skydiving now.<br />

Bruce said: “Just do what you<br />

can while you can.”<br />

Sarah Leishman works at<br />

Hamner Springs Attractions. She<br />

was very impressed with Bruce’s<br />

jump.<br />

“It is such a cool statement<br />

to make at 91. He proved that<br />

you are never too old to do<br />

something,” she said.<br />

“He has gone and proven<br />

everyone wrong who uses age as<br />

an excuse.”<br />


Bunny back<br />

at the top of<br />

the bridge<br />

with his<br />

daughter<br />

Annie<br />

Horgan.<br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

• By Samantha Mythen<br />

EARLY ACTION from<br />

volunteers ensured tugboat<br />

Lyttelton was back sailing<br />

on Saturday after it became<br />

attached to the wharf.<br />

At around noon the Lyttelton<br />

Volunteer Fire Brigade was<br />

called out because it appeared<br />

Lyttelton was sinking.<br />

Chief fire officer Mark Buckley<br />

said the situation was not as<br />

dramatic as first seemed.<br />

They had arrived expecting to<br />

pump out water, but there was<br />

no water inside the tug.<br />

Rather, the metal strip protecting<br />

the wooden timber belting<br />

that runs around the tug on the<br />

port side had caught under some<br />

metal attached to the wharf piles.<br />

As the tide had come in, the<br />

starboard side had risen yet the<br />

port side was held by the metal,<br />

causing the boat to list around<br />

12deg.<br />

Said president of the Tug<br />

Lyttelton Preservation Society<br />

Roger Ellery: “It did cause a fuss<br />

but was really just a storm in a<br />

teacup.”<br />

The fire brigade working with<br />

society volunteers managed to<br />

unfasten the tug from the wharf.<br />

“When Lyttelton was unfastened<br />

it bobbed merrily about<br />

like a rubber duck in a bath,”<br />

Ellery said<br />

Wednesday <strong>February</strong> <strong>24</strong> <strong>2021</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News<br />

NEWS 5<br />

Tug Lyttelton safe after<br />

catching on wharf<br />

ORDEAL: Tug Lyttelton listing to its port side after being<br />

caught under the wharf . PHOTO: DANIEL ODERING<br />

The tug was safe to sail again,<br />

setting out on its harbour tour<br />

on Sunday.<br />

The Sea2Sky Challenge,<br />

an event where there is<br />

something for everyone<br />

The Brad Richards Building Sea2Sky<br />

Challenge offers an end of summer test for<br />

the serious athlete as well as those that<br />

are just wanting to give it a try. Amongst<br />

all the entrants four competitive cousins<br />

are counting down to the upcoming event,<br />

starting at Scarborough Beach on Sunday,<br />

29 March.<br />

Tom Newsom (12), Felicity Newsom (10),<br />

Willow Richards (7) and Max Richards (5)<br />

have started training for the popular local<br />

race, which promises “something for<br />

everyone”. Regular competitors Tom and<br />

Felicity will be competing in the Junior<br />

Triathlon category. Willow and challenge<br />

newcomer Max, are racing in the kids<br />

aquathon.<br />

The fifth edition of the challenge has<br />

partnered with local company, Brad<br />

Richards Building, as this year’s principal<br />

race sponsor. Director Amanda Richards,<br />

who is also Willow and Max’s mother,<br />

co-trainer and support crew, said the<br />

cousins are “very excited” to all be in the<br />

same race together.<br />

“We’re absolutely thrilled to be supporting<br />

Sea2Sky. It’s an amazing local event and<br />

one we can all enjoy and get the kids<br />

involved in,” Richards said.<br />

Traditionally a triathlon/duathlon challenge,<br />

event director John Newsom has added a<br />

scenic 17km run category for 2020 taking<br />

in the Captain Thomas track, the Summit<br />

Road and Godley Head track. “I’ve been<br />

lucky enough to train and race all around<br />

the world. This course, with the trails, hills<br />

and stunning views is still my favourite run<br />

anywhere,” Newsom said.<br />

The full Sea2Sky Challenge offers individual<br />

and team options for both triathlon and<br />

duathlon (run/bike/run). For students, and<br />

those not yet up for the full challenge, there<br />

is the “Try a Tri/Du” and junior races. Finally,<br />

the Kids Aquathon is a great introduction to<br />

the sport for 5-9 year old children.<br />

triathlon duathlon trail run<br />

Stunning and<br />

demanding course<br />

sunday<br />

march 29th<br />

www.sea2skychallenge.com<br />

Individuals, teams, kids<br />

and beginner events<br />

Visit www.sea2skychallenge.com for more<br />

information and to enter

6 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>February</strong> <strong>24</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />

FINaL dayS!<br />

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Wednesday <strong>February</strong> <strong>24</strong> <strong>2021</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News<br />

NEWS 7<br />

Pupils finalise designs<br />

for garden festival<br />


vegetables are sprouting at<br />

schools across the region as<br />

they finalise their designs<br />

for the Grow Ōtautahi<br />

garden festival next month.<br />

Diamond <strong>Harbour</strong><br />

School and five others<br />

will be taking part in the<br />

Rātā Foundation School<br />

Gardens exhibitions at the<br />

three-day festival.<br />

It comes after the event<br />

was cancelled last year due<br />

to the Covid-19 pandemic.<br />

Pupils have been sharing<br />

unique stories of their<br />

communities by creating<br />

special gardens.<br />

At Diamond <strong>Harbour</strong>,<br />

the pupils have based their<br />

garden on what they’ve<br />

learned about penguins<br />

and the importance of<br />

protecting their habitat.<br />

It will educate others on<br />

how they can protect penguin<br />

habitats, especially for<br />

penguins that live in the<br />

Lyttelton <strong>Harbour</strong>.<br />

The Rātā Foundation<br />

School Gardens celebrate<br />

the best of the local environment,<br />

with a view to<br />

sustainability and education.<br />

Festival director Sandi<br />

FESTIVAL: Pupils have been sharing stories and<br />

creating special gardens. PHOTO: NEWSLINE<br />

MacRae said she was<br />

impressed at the work and<br />

detail in the school gardens.<br />

“What I’m seeing in the<br />

lead-up to the event is really<br />

blowing me away. The<br />

schools are not only creating<br />

wonderful reflections<br />

of their local communities,<br />

they’re also weaving the<br />

work into their learning<br />

with a focus on community,<br />

sustainability, creativity<br />

and celebrating our environment,”<br />

she said.<br />

“The plants are growing well<br />

and I can’t wait to see them<br />

on-site in the Christchurch<br />

Botanic Gardens.<br />

“The commitment of the<br />

teachers, children and local<br />

communities involved is<br />

inspirational, and I know<br />

visitors to the festival will<br />

be delighted with what<br />

they have created.”<br />

Rātā Foundation chief<br />

executive Leighton Evans<br />

said the festival provided<br />

a unique opportunity to<br />

celebrate the Garden City<br />

while increasing environmental<br />

awareness.<br />

It also supported educating<br />

children about sustainable<br />

growing practices.<br />

“The Rātā Foundation<br />

School Gardens provide a<br />

pathway for building the<br />

next generation of gardeners<br />

and eco-warriors,”<br />

Evans said.<br />


Many people find Apollo’s Power Vinyasa practice to be effective in<br />

relieving and preventing back pain and tension-related types of pain<br />

yoga pose of the month<br />

Triangle Pose<br />

Triangle pose will tone and shape your legs, build<br />

mobility in your hips, strengthen your core and<br />

create open expression in your torso.<br />

Here are the steps:<br />

Teaching that<br />

changes lives<br />

After a year like no other, the Prime Minister’s<br />

Education Excellence Awards recognise inspiring<br />

work from across New Zealand. Teaching that benefits<br />

children and young people, whānau and entire<br />

communities. Teaching that changes us all.<br />

1. Stand facing the left side of your mat with<br />

your feet together. Step your feet apart by<br />

four to four-and-a-half feet.<br />

2. Straighten your legs, without hyperextending<br />

your knees, and contract your<br />

thigh muscles to the bone.<br />

3. Turn your right foot to face straight forward<br />

to the front of your mat. Turn your left foot<br />

inwards to be about 45° to 60° off the line of<br />

your front foot.<br />

4. Allow your hips to turn slightly towards the<br />

front left corner of your mat but turn your<br />

whole chest to face the left side of the room.<br />

5. Extend your arms straight out from the<br />

sides of your body at shoulder height.<br />

6. Reach your right arm straight forward over<br />

the line of your front foot. Draw your upper<br />

right thigh in towards the centreline of your<br />

body.<br />

7. Tilt at your hips and lower your right hand<br />

lightly to your right shin or to your fingertips<br />

outside your right ankle.<br />

8. Stretch your torso forward over the line<br />

of your front leg and extend your left arm<br />

straight up to the sky.<br />

9. Do not collapse and crumple into your right<br />

waist. Keep the two sides of your torso long<br />

and firm.<br />

10. Rotate your head towards your left shoulder<br />

and look up to the sky.<br />

11. Breathe deeply through your nose for 5-10<br />

breaths. Firm your waist and stand up.<br />

Repeat on the other side.<br />

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Share your team’s best practice.<br />

Enter the <strong>2021</strong> Awards now at<br />

pmawards.education.govt.nz<br />

In Triangle pose, ground your feet powerfully to the earth and create clean lines of energy from<br />

your feet through your legs to your hips, from your hips through your spine to the crown of your<br />

head, and from your spine through your shoulders to your fingertips.<br />

Apollo Power Yoga<br />

Ferrymead studio - 23 Humphreys Drive<br />

Central City Studio - 46 Salisbury Street<br />

Phone 021 055 1884 or 027 227 2026<br />

For more info visit www.apollopoweryoga.com<br />


<strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>February</strong> <strong>24</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />



STORES<br />

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We want to hear your views<br />

on the issues affecting life<br />

in the <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> area<br />

Send emails to:<br />

samantha.mythen@starmedia.kiwi<br />

Letters may be edited or rejected at Star Media’s<br />

discretion. Letters should be about 200 words.<br />

A name, postal address and phone number should be<br />

provided.<br />

Please use your real name, not a nickname, alias, pen<br />

name or abbreviation.<br />

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<strong>February</strong> <strong>2021</strong> or while stocks last. Wine and beer available at stores with an off<br />

licence. Wine and beer purchases restricted to persons aged 18 years old and over.<br />

Barnett Park rocks<br />

I also am disappointed the council gave<br />

approval for the rocks’ removal. They<br />

were a dramatic feature of our local history.<br />

I run past them every few days and<br />

had become quite fond of them.<br />

– Ian Forne<br />

As a member of a family that has a long<br />

history in the area I feel at least the community<br />

should have been consulted before<br />

the rocks were removed.<br />

What do these people think gives them<br />

the right to remove what has become a<br />

symbol of a time we will all remember in<br />

different ways for what they feel suits<br />

them.<br />

– Alan Truscott<br />

Stinks, if they were of cultural significance<br />

they would have been left. As for<br />

the council . . . they quite often give the<br />

impression that they are ignorant.<br />

– James Quaid<br />

Speed limit<br />

I agree with the proposed plan of the<br />

40km/h speed limit for sections of Banks<br />

Peninsula. Speeding cars are a concern<br />

in Corsair <strong>Bay</strong>, especially at the car park<br />

turn off as it’s a tight bend. We hear them<br />

throughout the night and wonder if they<br />

will make it home.<br />

Speed bumps would solve this happening<br />

and I for one, would feel so much safer<br />

walking my dog.<br />

– L Swan<br />

Lyttelton flags<br />

I notice that the red and black are still<br />

flying this week, despite these being the<br />

Canterbury colours!<br />

Lyttelton colours have always been (to<br />

the best of my knowledge) gold and blue.<br />

In 1994, banners of blue and gold were<br />

introduced by Project Port Lyttelton (a<br />

main street project of the time – the predecessor<br />

for Project Lyttelton).<br />

While I served on the Lyttelton/Mt<br />

Herbert Community Board and Banks<br />

Peninsula Council, various flags were<br />

flown on Norwich Quay and London St,<br />

the most memorable being those designed<br />

to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Lyttelton’s<br />

main settlement in the year 2000.<br />

Lyttelton was planned for the arrival<br />

of the Canterbury settlers in 1850. It<br />

remained the largest and most important<br />

town in the district until about 1856 when<br />

it was outstripped by Christchurch. It still<br />

retains its identity and has never been a<br />

suburb of Christchurch despite the amalgamation<br />

of local body governments.<br />

If flags are to be flown, they should<br />

relate to Lyttelton, to local history and our<br />

recognition of our local Maori, who were<br />

here before European settlement.<br />

– Ann Jolliffe<br />

Former Banks Peninsula District<br />

Council member

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Wednesday <strong>February</strong> <strong>24</strong> <strong>2021</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News 9<br />


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10 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>February</strong> <strong>24</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />


GREAT<br />

Summer<br />

READS<br />

INSTORE!<br />

Troy Our Greatest Story retold<br />

by Stephen Fry<br />

Following Top Ten bestsellers Mythos and Heroes, this third volume retells the epic<br />

tale of Troy<br />

The story of Troy speaks to all of us - the kidnapping of Helen, a queen celebrated for<br />

her beauty, sees the Greeks launch a thousand ships against the city of Troy, to which<br />

they will lay siege for ten whole years. It is a terrible war with casualties on all sides<br />

as well as strained relations between allies, whose consequences become tragedies.<br />

In Troy you will find heroism and hatred, love and loss, revenge and regret, desire and<br />

despair. It is these human passions, written bloodily in the sands of a distant shore,<br />

that still speak to us today.<br />

Because Of You<br />

by dawn French<br />

The instant Sunday Times bestseller 2020<br />

After five long years of waiting for a new novel, Dawn’s millions of fans will fall in love<br />

with this tantalising story of motherhood. This is a book about mothers and daughters,<br />

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her wonderful bestsellers A Tiny Bit Marvellous, Oh Dear Silvia and According to Yes,<br />

Because Of You is Dawn French’s stunning new book, told with her signature humour,<br />

warmth and so much love.<br />

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: A Life<br />

by Jane Sherron de Hart<br />

In this bestselling comprehensive, revelatory biography - fifteen years of interviews and<br />

research in the making - historian Jane Sherron De Hart explores the central experiences<br />

that crucially shaped Ginsburg’s passion for justice, her advocacy for gender equality,<br />

and her meticulous jurisprudence. As a young girl Ruth grew up during the Holocaust<br />

and World War II and her journey begins with her mother, who died tragically young<br />

but whose intellect inspired her daughter’s feminism. It stretches from Ruth’s days as<br />

a baton twirler at Brooklyn’s James Madison High School to Cornell University, and to<br />

Harvard and Columbia Law Schools; to becoming one of the first female law professors<br />

in the US and having to fight for equal pay and hide her second pregnancy to avoid<br />

losing her job; and to arguing momentous anti-sex discrimination cases before the US<br />

Supreme Court. All this, even before being nominated in 1993 to become the second<br />

woman on the court, where her crucial decisions and dissents are still making history.<br />

An Exquisite Legacy<br />

by George Gibbs<br />

The biography of one of New Zealand’s greatest naturalist-artists, George Hudson,<br />

1867-1946, who was one of New Zealand’s pioneer naturalists, and devoted his life to<br />

collecting and describing the New Zealand insect fauna. He amassed what is probably<br />

the largest collection of New Zealand insects, now housed at Te Papa. Hudson also wrote<br />

seven books on insect fauna between 1898 and 1946, each illustrated in colour with<br />

immaculate paintings of the specimens, a total of over 3100 paintings, mainly focused<br />

on months and butterflies. An Exquisite Legacy is a biography of Hudson, written by<br />

his grandson Dr George Gibbs, himself a prominent entomologist. Hudson remained<br />

an amateur naturalist his whole life, but his contribution to our knowledge about the<br />

New Zealand insect world is of enduring significance, while his artistic legacy, built up<br />

over nearly seven decades, is truly remarkable. This extensive collection of exquisite<br />

illustrations is without parallel in New Zealand. Beautifully illustrated throughout, this<br />

biography of George Hudson is the first chance for most people to see his exquisite<br />

artwork.<br />

Girl with a Sniper Rifle An eastern Front Memoir<br />

by yulia Zhukova<br />

In this vivid first-hand account we gain unique access to the inner workings of Stalin’s<br />

Central Women’s Sniper School, near Podolsk in Western Russia.<br />

Luliia was a dedicated member of the Komsomol (the Soviet communist youth<br />

organisation) and her parents worked for the NKVD. She started at the sniper school<br />

and eventually became a valued member of her battalion during operations against<br />

Prussia. She persevered through eight months of training before leaving for the Front<br />

on <strong>24</strong>th November 1944 just days after qualifying. Joining the third Belorussian Front<br />

her battalion endured rounds of German mortar as well as loudspeaker announcements<br />

beckoning them to come over to the German side. Luliia recounts how they would be in<br />

the field for days, regularly facing the enemy in terrifying one-on-one encounters. She<br />

sets down the euphoria of her first hit and starting her “battle count” but her reflection on<br />

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actions of Hitler’s Nazi Germany.<br />

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Barry & kerry

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Wednesday <strong>February</strong> <strong>24</strong> <strong>2021</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News<br />

NEWS 11<br />

Quake victim may have to repay benefits<br />

• By Anna Leask<br />

A LYTTELTON woman badly<br />

injured in the <strong>February</strong> 22,<br />

2011, earthquake and wrongly<br />

cut off from ACC payments is<br />

owed more than $236,000 in<br />

backdated compensation – but<br />

more than half will be used to<br />

refund another Government<br />

department for benefits she was<br />

forced to seek to survive.<br />

Tattoo artist Bonnie Singh is<br />

now appealing the “debt” and<br />

feels ACC should repay it out<br />

of its own coffers, saying if her<br />

weekly compensation wasn’t<br />

stopped she never would have<br />

needed benefits.<br />

Singh, with her teenage<br />

daughter, was a receptionist at<br />

the Southern Ink tattoo studio in<br />

<strong>February</strong> 2011.<br />

When the quake shook the<br />

city, Singh was crushed by falling<br />

concrete and knocked unconscious<br />

but managed to drag<br />

herself through a tiny hole in the<br />

rubble to safety.<br />

She broke eight vertebrae,<br />

suffered a head injury and concussion<br />

and was diagnosed with<br />

post-traumatic stress disorder.<br />

Unable to work after the quake<br />

and with ongoing medical issues,<br />

Singh was initially covered by<br />

ACC payments.<br />

In early 2013 she was advised<br />

that she had been assessed as being<br />

able to work 30 hours a week<br />

or more in her pre-injury employment<br />

– and that she was no longer<br />

entitled to weekly compensation<br />

and “all other supports”.<br />

She protested at the time but<br />

got nowhere. So, believing she<br />

was no longer entitled to ACC<br />

and still unable to work because<br />

of ongoing pain, she applied<br />

for other Government benefits<br />

through Work and Income New<br />

Zealand under the Ministry of<br />

Social Development.<br />

From 2013 to 2019 Singh, believing<br />

she could not get support,<br />

had no contact with ACC.<br />

But last year, fed up with struggling<br />

to make ends meet, she<br />

asked advocate Fiona Radford to<br />

look at her case.<br />

She hoped to get funding for<br />

pain management acupuncture<br />

but Radford found she was entitled<br />

to much more.<br />

In November the NZ Herald<br />

revealed that ACC agreed Singh<br />

should not have been cut off,<br />

saying its initial decision had<br />

been replaced and she was<br />

now deemed “incapacitated for<br />

pre-injury employment” from<br />

the week compensation was cut<br />

in 2013 until now – seven years.<br />

ACC then calculated a lumpsum<br />

back payment for Singh.<br />

Singh has given the Herald<br />

permission to report that ACC<br />

agreed to pay her $236,165<br />

(before tax) in backdated weekly<br />

compensation.<br />


Bonnie Singh has<br />

received $236,000<br />

in backdated ACC<br />

but more than<br />

half of that is<br />

needed to refund<br />

other Government<br />

support she was<br />

forced to seek.<br />

PHOTO:<br />


However, $129,642 must be repaid<br />

to WINZ for benefits Singh<br />

received since 2013 – leaving her<br />

with $106,523.<br />

An additional “debt” of<br />

just over $27,000 is also owed<br />

to WINZ for other support<br />

supplements she received.<br />

Just days before the 10-year<br />

anniversary of the devastating<br />

quake Singh received her portion<br />

of the money.<br />

Although she appreciated the<br />

cash as it would allow her to<br />

work less and finally focus more<br />

on her healing – she was disappointed<br />

the WINZ repayments<br />

were not being paid by ACC.<br />

Radford was appealing ACC’s<br />

decision around the payment<br />

and also the WINZ “debt”.<br />

ACC chief operating officer<br />

Mike Tully said ACC looked into<br />

covering the outstanding debt as<br />

a payment “outside of scope”.<br />

“We found there was no error<br />

on our behalf and declined this<br />

outside of scope payment.<br />

“We do not believe we have<br />

made an error nor did we cut<br />

off her entitlements – we weren’t<br />

paying weekly compensation<br />

to Bonnie for around six years<br />

because there was no contact<br />

from her nor her GP during this<br />

period.<br />

“We agreed that Bonnie hadn’t<br />

recovered from her 2011 injuries<br />

and have confirmed we will reinstate<br />

and backdate her weekly<br />

compensation.”<br />

Tully said he was “satisfied<br />

there is no error” and the MSD<br />

had to be paid back under New<br />

Zealand law.<br />

“When we agree to backdate<br />

weekly compensation, our legislation<br />

requires us to repay the<br />

Ministry of Social Development<br />

for any benefit a client receives for<br />

periods covered by the backdated<br />

weekly compensation,” he said.<br />

“This is to avoid people in<br />

effect being paid twice.”<br />

Tully said ACC was<br />

“committed to working with<br />

Bonnie” to make sure she had<br />

the help and support she needed.<br />

– NZ Herald

12 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>February</strong> <strong>24</strong> <strong>2021</strong> Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Ghost stories: From a murdered girl<br />

Reporter Samantha<br />

Mythen compiles<br />

scary stories from<br />

the Lyttelton – Ain’t<br />

No Place I’d Rather<br />

Be! Facebook page<br />

The Lyttelton hotel hosted<br />

more than just tourists<br />

“The old Lyttelton Hotel burnt<br />

down with a boarder sleeping.<br />

When the new one was built, the<br />

ghost came with the building. It<br />

used to walk in and out of the<br />

dining room and into the lounge,<br />

even during the day. It would go<br />

into the bar lounge and the owners<br />

of the hotel at the time had a small<br />

poodle and it would run around<br />

and bark at what we thought was<br />

nothing. The bar lady (Gloria) at<br />

the time said it was in the bar all<br />

the time and she would talk to<br />

it. My daughter felt its presence<br />

one day in the dining room and<br />

wouldn’t go back in it.”<br />

Previous owners often heard<br />

someone playing pool and when<br />

they went to look, no one was<br />

there. This always happened prior<br />

to them opening business for the<br />

day.<br />

Other residents speak of<br />

a corner in Lyttelton that<br />

is haunted by a young<br />

girl who was horrifically<br />

murdered, her body was<br />

dumped in the bushes<br />

along Ripon St<br />

The 1875 newspapers called<br />

it, “The most horrible murder<br />

ever perpetrated in Canterbury.”<br />

Isabella Thompson, 13, had<br />

left her home in Dampier <strong>Bay</strong><br />

in the late afternoon to walk to<br />

her school where she bought<br />

tickets to an upcoming picnic<br />

day in Riccarton. Afterwards, she<br />

was spotted crying and walking<br />

alongside an older man. She was<br />

never seen alive again. Just after<br />

6pm, two young boys noticed a<br />

white handkerchief poking from<br />

behind a fence on Rippon St. At<br />

SPOOKY: Cressy House, built in the early 1900s, has seen many inhabitants pass through its rooms. But some may have<br />

never left.<br />

investigating further, they saw the<br />

blood-stained face of the little girl.<br />

Her dress had been torn and her<br />

throat was cut. A man was caught<br />

and the jury took just 12 minutes<br />

to find him guilty of murdering<br />

Isabella. He was hanged.<br />

Helen Peterson used to live in<br />

Dampier <strong>Bay</strong> in a house that was<br />

built as a school called Fergusons<br />

in 1859. She said it was occupied<br />

by a presence, often hearing<br />

footsteps going up and down the<br />

stairs. She wonders if it was Miss<br />

Thompson.<br />

Cressy House<br />

Locals believe Cressy House is<br />

haunted by sinister beings. The<br />

large house was originally built as<br />

the caretaker’s home of the old orphanage<br />

prior to 1906. It was then<br />

renovated in 1933 and opened as<br />

the Lyttelton Maternity Hospital. It<br />

has been a rest home and is now a<br />

boarding house<br />

One local said<br />

“People have hung themselves in<br />

there and I’ve been told by people<br />

who live there that they have<br />

seen dark spirits in the hallways<br />

at night. And there are multiple<br />

writings on the walls saying RIP<br />

this person and RIP that person.”<br />

Monique Silva said<br />

“We heard somethings stomping<br />

up and down the hallway yelling<br />

at each other, it was awful. People<br />

would stay and think Glen and I<br />

were arguing but it was just the<br />

angry hallway ghosts. Also my<br />

eldest daughter stood on a wiggly<br />

tile in the bathroom, it flipped up<br />

and there was a note under it that<br />

said, “Sophie you will die in this<br />

room” . . . Holly had for a long<br />

time begged me to change her<br />

name to Sophie. This gave us all<br />

chills.”<br />

Lyttelton Museum<br />

Bill Edminstin used to live<br />

upstairs of the Lyttelton Museum,<br />

working as the caretaker for many<br />

years. It used to be the old seaman’s<br />

mission, built in 1911. Bill<br />

said he used to hear strange eerie<br />

sounds and the security alarms<br />

went off at all hours for no apparent<br />

reason.<br />

It was always spooky when<br />

he had to pass the ground floor<br />

displays as he headed up to his flat<br />

at night.<br />

The Loons building<br />

Alex Wright works as a duty<br />

manager at the Loons building<br />

and believes it is haunted by a<br />

presence.<br />

“I had finished work and was<br />

sitting at the end of the bar having<br />

my staff drink, I looked up at the<br />

monitor which has the CCTV and<br />

I could see something moving in<br />

the camera. It was a humanoid<br />

shape but moved like smoke and<br />

was translucent.<br />

The temperature felt cold and I<br />

could feel a chill run up my spine<br />

and I felt a strange aura. It wasn’t<br />

sinister but there was a feeling of<br />

sadness, like the presence there<br />

wanted to be left in peace.<br />

I promptly skulled my wine and<br />

left whatever the presence was in<br />

peace. Other strange things have<br />

occurred like doors randomly<br />

opening and something triggering<br />

the upstairs alarm when nobody<br />

is up there. Someone apparently<br />

hung themselves in the upstairs<br />

bar/venue many years ago.”<br />

stone cottage on St Davids St.<br />

My husband was spending the<br />

week working in the south, and<br />

one Tuesday afternoon Jak was<br />

sitting at the kitchen table drawing<br />

while I went into the garden<br />

to collect washing from the line.<br />

As I came back into the house Jak<br />

announced, “dad’s home”. I was<br />

a little surprised and went to the<br />

front of the house to see whether<br />

his car was outside. There was no<br />

sign of him, so I went back to the<br />

kitchen and asked Jak, “what made<br />

you think dad was home?” He<br />

replied, “because I saw him!”<br />

I looked around the house and<br />

found nothing, eventually returning<br />

to the kitchen and asking Jak where<br />

“dad” had gone. Almost without<br />

looking up, Jak said, “he went into<br />

the bathroom”. The door to the bathroom<br />

was next to the kitchen so I<br />

very gingerly opened the bathroom<br />

door. No sign of anyone.<br />

I returned to Jak and asked him<br />

what “dad” had been wearing.<br />

Without hesitation he said, “green<br />

trousers and a brown top”.<br />

That could’ve been the end of<br />

the story, but we later discovered<br />

a previous inhabitant, Albert Fox,<br />

had regularly worn the clothes<br />

described when tending to his<br />

garden. He also went daily from<br />

the garden to the bathroom to<br />

wash his hands. He had lived there<br />

for around 50 years before passing<br />

away in the house.<br />

We ended up moving next door<br />

and built a house on land that<br />

had been Albert’s garden. Over<br />

the years there were a few sightings<br />

of a man digging or walking<br />

in our garden and we would just<br />

shrug and say, “it was probably<br />

just Albie”.<br />

Helen Shrewsbury lived<br />

in the stone cottage on St<br />

David’s St, and tells of a<br />

lovely ghost story<br />

“My son, Jak, was four-yearsold<br />

when we moved into the old<br />

Linda Horan lived next door<br />

to the stone cottage, she<br />

said<br />

“Albie Fox was a lovely man. We<br />

lived next door all our lives and<br />

I would feel so at peace if I was<br />

witness to Albie’s presence.”

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Wednesday <strong>February</strong> <strong>24</strong> <strong>2021</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News 13<br />

to the spine-chilling note ‘you will die’<br />

London St, Lyttelton in the1900s.<br />

Lyttelton is filled with<br />

quirky historic buildings<br />

over 100 years old that are<br />

still lived in today – with<br />

more than just the living it<br />

seems<br />

Monique Silva said<br />

“When we first moved into Ripon<br />

St two years ago, our youngest<br />

called out crying, her first night<br />

in her room. She said there was a<br />

witch in her room but that she was<br />

nice. We settled her but she kept<br />

sitting up pointing at the corner of<br />

the room saying “daddy can you<br />

see her? See the old lady in my<br />

room.” It was so creepy!<br />

We had a small ceremony the<br />

next day and politely asked the<br />

witch to leave us be and that we<br />

would look after the house and<br />

that our children needed sleep<br />

without her there. We haven’t had<br />

a problem since.”<br />

Suzanne Ormandy said<br />

“My daughter went to Lyttelton<br />

Main and saw a woman from<br />

another time sweeping the lower<br />

school area, they looked at each<br />

other. We lived up in a manor<br />

house up on Cunningham Tce,<br />

built in 1880, the first day we<br />

moved in, I saw a lady move from<br />

one side of the hallway to the next,<br />

she was nice and gentle. There<br />

was also another entity there<br />

which was angry, aggressive and<br />

freaked the bejesus out of us, we<br />

had the house cleansed, however,<br />

the darkness lurked around in the<br />

shadows.”<br />

Another local tells a sweet<br />

tale of a dog connection<br />

between worlds<br />

“Some of my ancestors are buried<br />

in the cemetery in Lyttleton.<br />

We went for a walk there years<br />

ago and had our dog with us. As<br />

we were walking through, the<br />

dog lay down and played dead on<br />

someone’s grave. Turns out that<br />

the grave she had laid on was a<br />

fireman who had been buried with<br />

his dog. She must have picked up<br />

on it as that was the grave she went<br />

straight for out of all of the graves<br />

and she wouldn’t leave. She was<br />

whimpering as well.”<br />

51 Canterbury St has<br />

some chilling tales told by<br />

numerous inhabitants over<br />

the years<br />

One resident said<br />

“I remember when my uncle had<br />

51 Canterbury St. Apparently, a<br />

presence who occupied the house<br />

was an old sea captain. People that<br />

were looking after the house one<br />

time left after they were freaked<br />

out by odd noises. Or was it their<br />

over-inflated imagination.”<br />

Another resident lived there<br />

and her children felt a presence,<br />

As adults today they still chat and<br />

ponder about it.<br />

Linda Horan’s brother had<br />

the minister perform a<br />

ceremony at the house.<br />

She said: “We often felt a<br />

presence in the house. It was not<br />

scary rather it was just letting us<br />

know it was there.”<br />

Above: Lyttelton cemetery. Below: Norwich Quay in 1865.<br />

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14 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>February</strong> <strong>24</strong> <strong>2021</strong> Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />


Event planned to farewell Godwits<br />

The Avon-Heathcote Estuary Ihutai Trust is a<br />

non-profit organisation formed to protect one of<br />

New Zealand’s most important coastal wetlands.<br />

Each week, board members will discuss matters<br />

regarding the estuary, its rich history and what<br />

makes it unique. This week Tanya Jenkins writes<br />

about an event to commemorate the departure<br />

of the godwits<br />

FAREWELL TO the amazing<br />

godwit birds who will soon be<br />

leaving for Alaska.<br />

In September each year as<br />

many as 2000 godwits birds fly<br />

non-stop from their breeding<br />

grounds in Alaska to spend<br />

summer here with us.<br />

This journey is 12,000km and<br />

takes eight days and nights.<br />

But it is time to say farewell<br />

as they will soon depart again<br />

to return to Alaska for another<br />

breeding season. Right now, they<br />

are feeding as much and fast as<br />

they possibly can to gain enough<br />

weight to survive the long journey<br />

back.<br />

The males will have to make<br />

an extra effort to produce their<br />

stunning golden brown “breeding<br />

plumage” in time for the<br />

departure.<br />

This is a vital time for us to<br />

ensure our dogs are always on<br />

a lead when walking along the<br />

estuary edge as not to disturb<br />

them.<br />

Research has shown that every<br />

time birds are disturbed it takes<br />

approximately 40min of nervous<br />

flying around before they feel<br />

safe enough to settle and continue<br />

to feed.<br />

If this happens several times a<br />

day they are at risk of not being<br />

able to gain enough energy to<br />

complete the 14,000km journey<br />

back. Yes, it’s even longer than<br />

when they return as they fly back<br />

via the Yellow Sea for one stop to<br />

top up on food before the last leg.<br />

The Estuary Trust together<br />

with the city council commemorates<br />

this amazing annual feat<br />

this year on Sunday. You are<br />

warmly invited to join a gathering<br />

at South Shore Spit Reserve<br />

(end of Rockinghorse Rd).<br />

From 5.30pm there will be<br />

a free sausage sizzle and drink<br />

stall, live music and free “paint<br />

a godwit garden ornament ” for<br />

children to take home.<br />

The Estuary Trust will have an<br />

information stall to answer any<br />

questions you have on the godwit<br />

and “everything estuary.”<br />

At 6pm, councillor James<br />

Daniels will provide a karakia<br />

before our Mayor Lianne Dalziel<br />

welcomes us.<br />

City council park ranger<br />

Andrew Crossland will provide<br />

us with facts and figures of the<br />

godwits before we are taken on<br />

a guided walk to view the birds<br />

up close.<br />

Parking will be available or<br />

take the No 60 Bus that leaves<br />

every 30min from the Bus<br />

Exchange.<br />


Hundreds of<br />

godwits travel<br />

across the globe<br />

each year to spend<br />

their summer at<br />

South Shore Spit.<br />

They will soon<br />

depart and return<br />

to Alaska.<br />



Wednesday <strong>February</strong> <strong>24</strong> <strong>2021</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News 15<br />


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16 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>February</strong> <strong>24</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />

keep it local<br />

and support businesses in your community<br />

Food as it should be<br />

Located at the foot of Soleares Ave<br />

in Mt Pleasant is an amazing little<br />

business that is big on nutrition -<br />

mumma bear.<br />

The busy kitchen/shop produces<br />

healthy, nutritious mueslis,<br />

porridges, granolas, crackers and<br />

bars that are made with wholegrains,<br />

fruit, nuts and seeds. All the good<br />

stuff that keeps us fueled for longer!<br />

Owner/operator Rose Lindley,<br />

aka mumma bear to her family<br />

and friends, has a life long love of<br />

preparing great food.<br />

“I’m a foodie and I used to<br />

write recipes for a health and<br />

fitness website,” said Rose. “It’s<br />

always been my dream to open<br />

my own food business.”<br />

Rose said up until she<br />

opened the Mt Pleasant<br />

production kitchen four years<br />

ago, she used to drive out to a<br />

commercial kitchen in Lincoln<br />

to make her products. Back<br />

then she had two products. She now<br />

produces a range - Muesli, Granola,<br />

Porridges, gluten free and organic<br />

varieties, all low sugar or no added<br />

sugar!<br />

Need a healthy, easy cold<br />

breakfast? Try mumma bear’s “The<br />

Overnighter” range – a Bircher style<br />

Muesli.<br />

“Add an apple and yoghurt, leave<br />

overnight, and a most delicious<br />

breakfast awaits you in the morning,”<br />

said Rose. “For a breakfast to<br />

impress, tart it up by layering with<br />

berries and nuts in tall elegant<br />

glasses!”<br />

There are three varieties – Original<br />

Oat Overnighter with buckwheat,<br />

apricots and cranberries or their two<br />

new gluten free quinoa base options.<br />

“At mumma bear we believe that<br />

food should both taste great and have a<br />

healthy nutritional profile. My husband Tim<br />

is retired and he was a food scientist, so he<br />

does all my nutritional stuff.”<br />

But the good taste of mumma bear isn’t<br />

just available at the Mt Pleasant production<br />

kitchen. You can find it at some of the local<br />

weekend farmers markets.<br />

“We’re open every Wednesday from 10am<br />

to 4pm or anytime you see ‘Doris the bike’<br />

outside, but we encourage you to bring your<br />

own containers to help reduce waste.”<br />

You’ll also find them at the Farmers<br />

Market in both Lyttelton. Online orders are<br />

also available at www.mummab.co.nz or by<br />

emailing tim@mummab.co.nz.<br />

Mercy Ships is Mumma Bear’s charity of<br />

choice.<br />


SHOULD BE, 2/2 Soleares Ave, phone<br />

027 329 1818 www.mummab.co.nz<br />

Lyttelton<br />

Framing<br />

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ChristchurchNZ is helping identify opportunities for people to reskill and move into other sectors<br />

Higher<br />

Both Māori<br />

unemployment<br />

and European<br />

impacts<br />

more significantly on those in<br />

lower<br />

Our city<br />

skilled<br />

has had a<br />

roles<br />

connection<br />

and our<br />

vulnerable populations – Māori;<br />

Pasifika; young people not in<br />

employment, education or<br />

training; and our long-term<br />

unemployed.<br />

We are one of only five official<br />

And what are we doing?<br />

We are supporting the journey<br />

for labour market priority groups<br />

– Christchurch school leavers, City Council tertiary<br />

graduates, NEET (young people<br />

not in employment, education or<br />

training), impacted workers,<br />

Māori and industry.<br />

tor in Canterbury<br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

and to identify gaps, we are<br />

mapping the support available<br />

from iwi, central and local<br />

government agencies, our<br />

education providers, charitable<br />

trusts, and other support groups.<br />

Impact projects can then be<br />

delivered to provide support<br />

where needed.<br />

It is critical we ensure our<br />

community has access to the<br />

information they need, and is<br />

aware of the help available.<br />

ChristchurchNZ is developing<br />

regional information resources<br />

and working to ensure this gets<br />

into the hands of those who<br />

need it.<br />

We are also developing a<br />

Regional Workforce Plan that<br />

identifies the skills available and<br />

needed now and in the future.<br />

This plan will inform central<br />

government investment and<br />

policy in education, immigration<br />

and community interventions;<br />

and will enable us to better<br />

understand what skills<br />

Christchurch’s future economy<br />

will require. That in turn will<br />

allow us to work with education<br />

providers to ensure the right<br />

courses are offered.<br />

In times of recession we generally<br />

see an increase in people<br />

choosing to study.<br />

their bases. We truly are a global<br />

Antarctic gateway city.<br />

The Antarctic sector grows in<br />

leaps and bounds every year. It<br />

delivered an estimated $250 million<br />

to the Canterbury economy<br />

in 2019, and the future is looking<br />

even busier.<br />

Many Antarctica bases are<br />

reaching the end of their vi-<br />

This is an opportunity to upskill<br />

Canterbury’s relatively<br />

poorly-educated able lives. Both workforce Scott Base and for<br />

McMurdo Station will soon be<br />

our future rebuilt. economy, to generate<br />

more and Antarctica better jobs, New Zealand to increase recently<br />

announced Christchurch<br />

productivity, company and Leighs to raise Construction living<br />

standards will and lead wellbeing.<br />

the $250m Scott Base<br />

We are supporting<br />

Alongside assisting<br />

Ngāi Tahu’s<br />

these<br />

important international Antarctic<br />

development programmes, of an the iwi Christchurch skills hub<br />

Antarctic Office aims to instil<br />

that will<br />

pride<br />

create<br />

and<br />

stronger<br />

excitement<br />

pathways<br />

among our<br />

for young residents Māori for into our gateway tertiary status.<br />

Every October, to mark the<br />

education and skilled jobs.<br />

Among exhibitions other projects, and presentations we are<br />

working giving with our education residents a chance partners to<br />

learn more about our links to<br />

and mana the whenua ice through to local increase Antarctic<br />

aspiration organisations and participation and experts. of<br />

In 2020, we launched a New<br />

students Zealand-first in low-decile Antarctic schools audio in<br />

future-focused<br />

trail, taking<br />

tertiary<br />

listeners<br />

study<br />

on a 17-stop<br />

that<br />

tour of central Christchurch. This<br />

will lead to careers in<br />

NEWS 17<br />

Leveraging Christchurch’s Antarctic connection<br />

• By David Kennedy<br />

ŌTAUTAHI Christchurch has<br />

always been a base camp for<br />

exploration, and we channel<br />

this through our Christchurch<br />

Antarctic Office.<br />

adventurers staged their journeys<br />

from here, in search of kai, pounamu,<br />

and undiscovered lands.<br />

with Antarctica for more than<br />

100 years. From historic missions<br />

to cutting-edge scientific<br />

missions, Ōtautahi Christchurch<br />

is a well-forged gateway to the<br />

immense white continent.<br />

gateway cities in the world. More<br />

than geographic convenience, our<br />

welcoming nature, scientific expertise<br />

and extreme climate business<br />

experience, determine us a<br />

viable partner for international<br />

programmes and expeditions.<br />

confirmed the Antarctic Gateway<br />

Strategy in 2018, and the<br />

Christchurch Antarctic Office is<br />

charged with delivering it. The office<br />

sits within ChristchurchNZ,<br />

the city’s sustainable economic<br />

development and city profile<br />

agency.<br />

PROFILE: Dave Kennedy heads the Christchurch Antarctic<br />

office.<br />

To In partnership ensure work with Christ-<br />

isn’t duplicated,<br />

church’s vast Antarctic sector,<br />

we maximise the benefits of our<br />

gateway status for locals and<br />

businesses, and ensure international<br />

Antarctic programmes that<br />

call Christchurch home are well<br />

looked after.<br />

We build off the historic connection<br />

Christchurch has with<br />

Antarctica. Fame and glory awaited<br />

adventurers of the early 1900s,<br />

chasing the tantalising challenge<br />

to be the first to reach the South<br />

Pole.<br />

Captain Robert Falcon Scott<br />

chose Lyttelton over Melbourne<br />

for his 1901 Discovery Expedition<br />

and both he and Sir Ernest<br />

Shackleton used our city for future<br />

expeditions, with thousands<br />

of locals turning out to farewell<br />

these global superstars.<br />

Scott and Shackleton both<br />

knew the importance of science<br />

in Antarctica, but never foresaw<br />

that it would become the canary<br />

in the coal mine for climate<br />

change.<br />

Christchurch cemented its<br />

Antarctic gateway status when<br />

American polar aviator and<br />

explorer Rear Admiral Richard<br />

E. Byrd based several Antarctic<br />

expeditions here from the<br />

1920s to 1950s, including the<br />

first Operation Deep Freeze that<br />

established McMurdo Station<br />

in 1957. Christchurch remains<br />

the gateway for the United States<br />

Antarctic Program.<br />

Italy, South Korea, France, Germany,<br />

China, and Russia all use<br />

facilities here to supply and access<br />

Antarctic Summer Science<br />

Season, we run Days Of Ice,<br />

a festival of public events,<br />

Wednesday <strong>February</strong> <strong>24</strong> <strong>2021</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News<br />

high-growth areas. We are<br />

seeking to future-proof<br />

Canterbury’s labour mark<br />

- we know how vital it is to<br />

new jobs to ensure people<br />

employment options now<br />

in the longer term.<br />

We have invested in a cityinnovation<br />

and entrepreu<br />

ecosystem partnership to s<br />

high-growth potential bus<br />

and future job creation in<br />

of regional strength and gl<br />

growth opportunity. These<br />

Supernodes are Aerospace<br />

Future Transport; Food, F<br />

and Agritech; Health Tech<br />

Resilient Communities; an<br />

High-Tech Services.<br />

GATEWAY: Antarctica-bound aircraft on tarmac at<br />

Christchurch Airport this month.<br />

fun and interactive experience<br />

can be found on the Listen Up<br />

Ōtautahi app.<br />

Also launched last year was<br />

Christchurch’s newest and<br />

coolest business network, the<br />

Christchurch Antarctic Network,<br />

rebuild. This project alone is expected<br />

to create around 450 jobs. Christchurch’s Antarctic<br />

with the goal of promoting<br />

and extreme environment<br />

business expertise to Antarctic<br />

programmes around the world.<br />

This network is open to any local<br />

business with an Antarctic angle<br />

to their offering.<br />

Our business attraction te<br />

working to attract addition<br />

businesses and jobs to the<br />

While we expect ongoing<br />

economic disruption, ther<br />

are many green shoots and<br />

opportunities – one of wh<br />

to develop a workforce tha<br />

highly skilled and can sup<br />

thriving and globally com<br />

Antarctica has been woven into<br />

future economy.<br />

the social and economic fabric<br />

of Christchurch since the days of<br />

steam and sail and the city is set<br />

to grow as one of the world’s great<br />

Antarctic gateway cities.<br />

Karen Haigh is a Talent<br />

Specialist for Innovation<br />

Dave and Business Kennedy is Growth the at<br />

head of the Christchurch<br />

ChristchurchNZ<br />

Antarctic office at<br />


18 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>February</strong> <strong>24</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />


Simply Perfect!<br />

2 Sumnervale Drive, Sumner<br />

(Unless<br />

Auction:11 March <strong>2021</strong> Sold Prior)<br />

2 bedrooms 1 bathrooms 1 car garaging<br />

3 off street parks Listing no. FM5681<br />

Impeccably presented and low on maintenance<br />

this 1970s stylish home is ideal for busy<br />

professionals wanting to escape the City or<br />

downsizers looking for a lock up and leave.<br />

Sure, to impress, the modern kitchen combined<br />

with the open plan living area seamlessly flow<br />

through bi folds to the expansive sun-soaked<br />

decking and patio allowing effortless alfresco<br />

entertaining.<br />

Two generous bedrooms share a beautifully<br />

appointed bathroom, with concept drawings<br />

available for a third bedroom and en suite.<br />

Accommodating for all seasons, this light and<br />

bright gorgeous home offers extensive double<br />

glazing, a heat pump and a DVS assuring<br />

premium comfort.<br />

Situated on a secluded corner site and combined<br />

with leafy landscaped gardens this secure site<br />

is complemented with off street parking and<br />

automatic electric gates.<br />

Within minutes to the vibrant Sumner Village<br />

with its trendy cafes and bars, the beach, the<br />

cycling and walking tracks of the Port Hills<br />

and the ever-popular Captain Thomas track,<br />

this showstopper of a property is high on the<br />

wow factor!<br />

Properties in this sought-after area don't last<br />

long, call now for a viewing to avoid<br />

disappointment.<br />

Open Homes Wed, Sat and Sun 1pm-2pm<br />


Carol Williams<br />

Mob. 027 282 4950<br />

Harcourts Grenadier Ferrymead<br />

Phone 03 384 7950<br />

(Licensed Agent REAA 2008)

h tp: /kaywa.me/8aVDQ<br />

Download the Kaywa Qr Code reader (A p Store &Android market) and scan your code!<br />

my Kaywa Qr-Code<br />

w.valuecarswarehouse.co.nz<br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Wednesday <strong>February</strong> <strong>24</strong> <strong>2021</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News 19<br />

Tuition<br />

MARAMA MUSIC Flute<br />

& Saxophone tuition,<br />

beginner to advanced.<br />

Ph Angela Mote MUS<br />

B (pers), Dip Tch. 021<br />

037 8180 angela@<br />

maramamusic.nz www.<br />

maramamusic.nz<br />

For Sale<br />

STEEL for sale all<br />

sections, off cuts cut<br />

lengths. siteweld@xtra.<br />

co.nz Phone 0274 508 785<br />

Wanted To Buy<br />

AAA Buying goods<br />

quality furniture, beds,<br />

stoves, washing machines,<br />

fridge freezers. Same day<br />

service. Selwyn Dealers.<br />

Phone 980 5812 or 027<br />

313 8156<br />

Classifieds Contact us today Phone our local team 03 379 1100<br />

Tuition<br />


Catherine Bracegirdle<br />


12 Ridgeway Pl, Richmond Hill, Sumner<br />

PH. 021 044 5102<br />

www.pianoandtheory.co.nz<br />

catherine.bracegirdle@gmail.com<br />

To Let<br />

RENT ME!<br />

Ideal as an extra<br />

bedroom or office.<br />

no bond required<br />

Fully insulated and double glazed for warmth.<br />

Three convenient sizes from $80 a week:<br />

Standard 3.6m x 2.4m<br />

Large 4.2m x 2.4m | Xtra-large 4.8m x 2.4m<br />

Visit our website<br />

www.justcabins.co.nz<br />

for display cabin locations<br />

www.justcabins.co.nz<br />

Trades & Services<br />

Your local professional<br />



GAS &<br />


• Bathroom repairs<br />

• Renovations<br />

• Leaks<br />

• Blocked drains<br />

• Gas and drainage<br />

Carol and Chris<br />

Phone 376 5322 or email<br />

chcheast@laserplumbing.co.nz<br />

Atkinson Construction Ltd<br />

• Local qualified licensed builder<br />

• Over 30 years experience<br />

• Building alterations<br />

• Maintenance<br />

• No job too big or small<br />

Dean: 021 480 093<br />

atkinsonconstruction@xtra.co.nz<br />

The South Island’s<br />

leading motoring<br />

resource<br />

Filled with news, reviews and dealer listings<br />

From family cars to work trucks, and supercars<br />

to SUvs. no matter what you're looking for,<br />

you can find it all with Drivesouth.<br />

Magazine available for FREE every Friday<br />

at a convenient pick up point near you!<br />

Trades & Services<br />

Services available from Ferrymead<br />

to Taylors Mistake and Lyttleton<br />


★Garden Clean-ups<br />

★Pruning<br />

★Lawn Mowing<br />

★Garden Maintenance<br />

Call us today for a FREE quote<br />

PH 0800 4 546 546<br />

(0800 4 JIMJIM)<br />


Peter O’Brien interior<br />

plasterer, with over<br />

30 years experience.<br />

Specialises in home<br />

renovations including existing<br />

or new plasterboard.<br />

Available also for commercial<br />

work and new builds.<br />

Free Quotes<br />


Phone Peter on<br />

027 2214066<br />


Exp. Repairs, uplifting,<br />

relaying, restretching.<br />

Phone John on 0800<br />

003181, 027 <strong>24</strong>0 7416<br />

jflattery@xtra.co.nz<br />

CHIM<br />

CHIM<br />


We’ll sweep your<br />

logburner’s flue, check<br />

firebricks, baffles, airtubes<br />

& controls. We’re experts<br />

on coal-rangers, and can<br />

sweep any sized open fire.<br />

We quote & undertake<br />

repairs, flue extensions &<br />

install bird netting. 0800<br />

22 44 64 www.chimchim.<br />

nz<br />


JMP Electrical.<br />

Experienced & registered.<br />

Expert in all home<br />

electrical repairs &<br />

maintenance. Call James<br />

027 4401715<br />


Andrew Martin Electrical.<br />

25 years experience.<br />

Specialize in home<br />

renovations, repairs and<br />

maintenance. Call Andrew<br />

0274 331 183<br />

Trades & Services<br />


& GROUT?<br />

Our unique restoration<br />

processes will make your<br />

tiled areas look NEW again!<br />

We specialise in professional<br />

cost effective solutions for<br />

all your tile & grout issues.<br />

• Tiled shower makeovers<br />

• Re-colouring old grout<br />

• Mouldy silicone replacement<br />

• Professional tile/grout<br />

cleaning, sealing & repairs<br />

Call today for a FREE quote on 0800 882 772<br />

or email darryl.p@theprogroup.co.nz<br />


Gas FittinG & GuttER CLEaninG<br />

High reach gutter cleaning machine.<br />

No job too big or small.<br />

Local family run Christchurch/<br />

Redcliffs business for all plumbing,<br />

drainage & gas work.<br />

Free Quotes<br />

Call Morgan 0223 758 506<br />

Visit our website - www.mtpd.co.nz<br />

Email - morgan@mtpd.co.nz<br />


tintawindow<br />

advanced film solutions<br />

99% uv block<br />

fade protection<br />

heat control<br />

reduce glare<br />

25 Years Experience<br />

privacy films<br />

frosting designs<br />

non-darkening films<br />

Workmanship Guaranteed<br />

Lifetime Warranties on Most Films<br />

UV<br />

block<br />

Free Quotes Canterbury and Districts<br />

03 365 3653 0800 368 468<br />

has motoring covered.<br />


Gutter cleaning special<br />

from $99 plus gst for a<br />

whole house clean””.<br />

Free Quotes, call Morgan<br />

Thomas today 022 375<br />

8506<br />


Mature, reliable,<br />

conscientious &<br />

experienced, reasonable<br />

rates, no job too small!,<br />

call Ron 027 434-1400<br />

dio.co.nz<br />

Incorporating<br />

ISSUE 667 | FrIday 20 novEmbEr 2020<br />

113 sherborne st, edgeware<br />

The biggest range of vehicles<br />

in one location!<br />

2011 Jaguar<br />

XF Premium<br />

$18,999<br />

See inside for this week's<br />

4WD feature!<br />

Moorhouse Ave | P: (03) 366 7768 | www.valuecarswarehouse.co.nz<br />

32 Moorh<br />

See page 4 for more info!<br />



free<br />

best motorbuys<br />

Incorporating<br />

ISSUE 668 | FrIday 27 novEmbEr 2020<br />

275 Colombo street, Christchurch<br />

For more see their advert on pages 6 & 7<br />

The biggest range of vehicles<br />

in one location!<br />

2013 Volkswagen<br />

TiguAn TSi<br />

$20,999<br />



Ce l 021 855 884<br />

Incorporating<br />

ISSUE 669 | FrIday 4 dEcEmbEr 2020<br />

See inside for this week's<br />

Classic Car feature!<br />


PH 03 web<br />

www.drivesouth.co.nz<br />

One Owner!<br />

40 Years Finance<br />

Experience<br />

Cannot be Beaten!<br />

• Talk to us about finance for your next<br />

motor vehicle purchase<br />

• Specialising in Finance for Private Purchases<br />

• Very quick approvals, sensational interest rates<br />

• From no deposit (terms & conditions may apply)<br />

Hiace spares<br />

Cnr Main South Rd and Epsom Rd, Christchurch<br />

Ph: 03 348 4129 | avoncityford.com<br />

Now Available @ NZ Van Spares<br />

2015 IsuZu D-mAX<br />

4WD Ls D/CAb<br />

NZ new, 3.0 intercooled turbo/dsl,<br />

auto, rare flatdeck with ladder/pipe<br />

racks, reverse cam, service history.<br />

$34,995 $192pw<br />

For more see their advert on page 31<br />

free<br />

best motorbuys<br />

www.drivesouth.co.nz<br />

See inside for this week's<br />

marine feature!<br />

2.4 auto, alloys, ABS, twin airbags.<br />

40 Years Fin<br />

E<br />

free<br />

best motorbuys<br />

www.drivesouth.co.nz<br />

2005 toyota rav<br />

$9,990<br />

2.0lt Petrol, 5 Dr Station<br />

Climate Contro<br />

2008 bmW 320<br />

drivesouth.co.nz<br />


/ HOUSE WASH<br />

Total gutter / spouting<br />

clear out & clean. House<br />

wash & windows. For a<br />

professional & reliable<br />

service call Greg Brown<br />

A1 Spouting Cleaning 027<br />

616 0331 or 384 2661<br />


&<br />


All types of int/ext<br />

painting undertaken. 30 +<br />

yrs exp. Ph Michael 027<br />

665 4654<br />


Mature, reliable,<br />

conscientious &<br />

experienced, reasonable<br />

rates, no job too small!,<br />

call Ron 027 434-1400<br />


BRICK<br />

&<br />


Earthquake Repairs, Grind<br />

Out & Repoint, River/<br />

Oamaru stone, Schist,<br />

Volcanic Rock, Paving,<br />

all Alterations new & old,<br />

Quality Workmanship,<br />

visit www.featureworks.<br />

co.nz or ph 027 601-3145<br />



Decks, landscaping,<br />

pergolas, sleepouts,<br />

fences, retaining walls,<br />

kitchen overhauls,<br />

renovations, and more. Ph<br />

Greg 022 475 8227

20 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>February</strong> <strong>24</strong> <strong>2021</strong> Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

end of summer<br />


SALE<br />

Valletta Outdoor Lounge/<br />

Low Dining Set<br />

WAS $<br />

<strong>24</strong>99<br />

NOW<br />

$<br />

1999<br />







Snap up these SUPER DEALS before they’re gone!<br />

Elyse Armchair<br />

– Marine or Steel<br />

WAS $<br />

549<br />

Clare 3 Seater<br />

WAS $<br />

899<br />

NOW<br />

$<br />

599<br />

Jamie Single/Single Bunk<br />

WAS $<br />

699<br />

NOW<br />

$<br />

399<br />

NOW<br />

$<br />

599<br />

Velvet!<br />

Seychelles Double<br />

Mattress<br />

WAS $<br />

549<br />

NOW<br />

$<br />

399<br />

Dallas Queen Bed – Jet<br />

WAS $<br />

449<br />

NOW<br />

$<br />

349<br />

Chia 5 Drawer – W60<br />

WAS $<br />

499<br />

NOW<br />

$<br />

399<br />

Sono Boxed Mattress – Queen<br />

Medium Feel<br />

WAS $<br />

599<br />

NOW<br />

$<br />

399<br />

Shop<br />

Online<br />

Nationwide<br />

Delivery<br />

Finance<br />

Options<br />

more super deals online & in store!<br />


250 Moorhouse Ave, Christchurch<br />

Ph: 0800 TARGET (0800 827438)<br />

targetfurniture.co.nz<br />

Offers and product prices advertised here expire 01/03/21.<br />

Sale excludes Manchester and Accessories.

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY <strong>24</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />

Connecting Your Local Community<br />

starnews.co.nz<br />


INSIDE<br />

KNOW<br />

YOUR<br />

ZONE<br />

It’s important to know whether you’re<br />

in a tsunami evacuation zone and<br />

what you need to do in an evacuation.<br />




A tsunami evacuation zone is an area you may need to<br />

evacuate from if you feel a long or strong earthquake<br />

or if there is an official tsunami warning.<br />

There are three tsunami evacuation zones – red, orange and yellow.<br />

Red evacuation zone<br />

This is an area that<br />

is most likely to be<br />

affected by tsunami.<br />

This includes the<br />

sea, estuaries,<br />

rivers, beaches<br />

and harbours.<br />

Orange evacuation zone<br />

This is an area that<br />

is less likely to be<br />

affected by tsunami.<br />

This includes areas<br />

on land that could<br />

be flooded in a<br />

large tsunami.<br />

Yellow evacuation zone<br />

This is an area that<br />

is least likely to be<br />

affected by tsunami.<br />

This could be<br />

flooded or isolated<br />

in a very large<br />

tsunami.<br />

Check whether you are in a tsunami evacuation zone:<br />



GET GONE<br />

If you’re in the red or orange evacuation zones and feel a<br />

rolling-motion earthquake for longer than a minute or a strong<br />

earthquake that makes it hard to stand up, you need to leave.<br />

When the shaking stops, head immediately to the nearest high<br />

ground or as far inland as you can, out of the red and orange<br />

tsunami evacuation zones.<br />

If you’re in the yellow evacuation zone, you don’t need to leave<br />

if you feel a long or strong earthquake.<br />

Listen for an official warning from Civil Defence Emergency Management.<br />

Find out how you can get tsunami prepared:<br />



Have an evacuation plan and possible<br />

route for your household:<br />

Think about where you would go, and how you would get there.<br />

Evacuating on foot or bike could make your evacuation faster.<br />

Make a plan with family or friends who live outside the<br />

tsunami evacuation zone to stay with them.<br />

Think about what things you need to take with you during<br />

an evacuation, and have grab bags ready for everyone in<br />

your family, including pets.<br />

Share any official warnings you hear with family and friends.<br />

If there is an announcement to evacuate the zone you are in,<br />

follow the instructions immediately.<br />

Official warnings may come through an Emergency Mobile Alert<br />

to your phone, on ccc.govt.nz, radio, television, or social media.<br />

If you hear the tsunami warning sirens, check these sources for further information.<br />


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