Spring Home & Garden 2021

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also considered several advantageous opportunities in the

middle Georgia area, specifically in Houston County.

Falling in love with middle Georgia, Fiebig shared, “One

of the biggest things I saw here in Houston County was

how friendly everyone is, the affordability of housing, low

cost of living and the great education system.”

The Fiebigs made Perry their home base and have loved

every moment since moving here. Being close to Warner

Robins and the Robins Air Force Base, Fiebig felt a

familiar sense of community in the military town. “After

you serve, there is always going to be a soft spot in your

heart where you miss wearing the uniform and being

part of that community. In real estate, however, I feel so

blessed that I can help so many families and I really feel

like I’m still getting to serve, just in a different capacity.

And with the base being right here, it still feels like home,”

Fiebig explained.

Being involved, serving, and providing a helping hand to

other businesses and families encapsulates the heart of

Fiebig and AF Realty Group. She attributes much of the

success of AF Realty Group to the community they serve.

“We wouldn’t have the success we have had without the

great support from the community. They refer business to

us, they are a part of our family, and so we always love to

give back.”

AF Realty Group works to educate the client so that

they know what to expect through the whole process.

Guiding clients in how to make beneficial financial

decisions, Fiebig believes that figuring out the financing

piece is the next step before looking at homes as many may

not initially realize what all to consider. She shared, “I

help them look at their total costs in purchasing the home

because there are some cost you might not be aware of such

as home inspection cost, appraisal fees, closing costs that

the lender is going to charge, HOA fees, local and state

fees, taxes and attorney cost for closing the home. You

just want to make sure that you’re fully aware of all the

financial commitments.”

Such a monumental decision for the client is not taken

lightly by Fiebig or the Realtors® with AF Realty Group.

Working so closely together with their clients helps

establish a bond that she describes as truly feeling a part

of each individual story. “One thing you’ll hear us say all

the time is to let me be a part of your family story. We get

to spend so much time together, whether you are buying or

selling a home, we get to know the family and the children

and the dog and the cat. Really, you truly do become part

of that family story and it is an exciting time for everyone,”

Fiebig explained. Sharing in that excitement, celebrating

the milestones, and creating relationships is the heartsong

As for AF Realty Group, they strive to provide the best

customer service possible. Confident that they can meet

every need of their clients, they prioritize spending time

to listen and understand what each specific client wants,

staying knowledgeable on the latest trends in the market,

and work to stay educated to provide top quality service.

Fiebig shared that their company creed is, “Service is not

what we do but who we are.”

In order to better serve their clientele, she explains that

communication is key. Between the extensive list of

documents and requirements involved in a real estate deal

at the local, state, and federal level, navigating through the

information and relaying it clearly is an important part of

a Realtor’s® job. Since there are so many moving parts to

buying and selling a home, AF Realty Group works to

keep their clients educated and feeling secure throughout

the process. “It is really important that the buyer feels

comfortable with everybody involved,” Fiebig stated. “Once

you get started you will have your Realtor®, your loan officer,

your home inspector, the closing attorney’s office, different

contractors that you are working with if repairs have to be

done with the home, the listing agent, the seller... It’s pretty

incredible when you look at the number of people that are

involved in just a single transaction.”

Spring 2021


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