Spring Home & Garden 2021

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When Fluellen’s yard is in full bloom, awed passersby will

stop their cars in the middle of the road to capture photos

of the majesty. She shared that buses of people have come

by to look at her collection.

Her passion has also converted into a source of income.

Each year, people from miles around come to her home to

purchase flowers that they take back to their own homes to

plant or re-pot.

When asked for advice that she would give to a newbie

who was interested in planting their own personal flower

garden, Fluellen recommended her favorite.

“Daylilies—that’s the place to start,” she assured. “They

are not hard to grow at all. When I plant my daylilies, I

mix soil conditioner and potting soil together, using half

potting soil and half soil conditioner. I mix them together

until they’re well blended. Then, I dig a hole about 12 inches

down and pour the dirt halfway in the hole. I take some

fertilizer—I use Nutricote fertilizer 365 days out of the

year—and I sprinkle some in the hole and put dirt on top

of that. Then I mound the hole up, and I spread the roots

of the daylily over that mound. Then I fill it in with the

remaining soil and pack it. Once you get through planting,

you water it. Daylilies do need to be watered regularly to

keep the soil moist, but that’s it.”

For those that want to give it a try, Fluellen recommends

the last of March or the beginning of April as the time

to start planting daylilies. She said that planting can

be done through June; however, whatever isn’t planted

by that time should wait until September and October

because temperatures in the months of July and August

are too high. It’s important to note that once November

arrives, the soil starts to become too cold for planting. All

daylilies should be in the ground at least six weeks prior to

cold weather.

Spring 2021


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