HalcyonDays - Issue 21

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A Time my Own

By Carolyn Chilton Casas

Birdsong awakens me to first light

through bamboo slats;

consciousness drifts forward.

The things to do are many

but life has taught me

to honor morning stillness.

Respiration slows and deepens,

becomes more aware,

bathing the space around my heart.

Tingles of energy flow

on the breath, yielding

trust, balance, and wonder.

The gift of sacred contemplation

calmly centers, smooths

round edges from the day to come,

like pieces of glass lovingly

tumbled by the sea.

Halcyon Days - 2021 Issue 21 | 15

Halcyon Days - 2021 Issue 21 | 15

Maya Kruchancova—stock.adobe.com

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