HalcyonDays - Issue 21

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Almond Tales

by Catherine A Coundjeris

Oh, Almond Tree!

The first one to bloom,

budding in the snow

sometimes in January.

A green, hairy fruit developing a month later,

Delectably sour on the tongue,

covered in leathery skin,

splitting open

to reveal the stone.

White flowers

a sign of resurrection,

bedecking the lampstands in the tabernacle

of ages ago.

A miracle on Aaron’s rod,

budding, burgeoning, and fruiting

all at once!

She wore blossoms in her dark hair

after the brain surgery to take out the blood clot,

rising from her bed to live again.

Expanding hopes in her breast

for her children and her children’s children.



for something more.

On and on the cycle goes.

So says the Almond Tales:

It might seem like things are at an end

But then the spring still comes again

And you realize there is little to fear.

Aleksandr Derzhavin—stock.adobe.com


Halcyon Days - 2021 Issue 21 | 5

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