HalcyonDays - Issue 21

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Miles of Memory

By Royal Rhodes

The passenger train along the Connecticut shoreline moves as if in a river of

wooden ties and steel rails. It travels through the old industrial towns like

Bridgeport, long ago a manufacturer of brass, and places settled in New England's

past: Old Saybrook, Groton, and Mystic. Once I rode north during a quick

thunderstorm and witnessed from the window of a coach car the tangled cables of

lightning attaching the sky to the ground. But mostly my travels were on dry, calm

days when I could look out on sun-whitened wetlands and woods, with occasional

glimpses of flocks of boats moored not far from access to the placid Sound

beyond. As I journeyed alone, I saw in the train window a white stick in the marsh

-- a rigid egret.


Halcyon Days - 2021 Issue 21 | 17

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