HalcyonDays - Issue 21

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Dr. Emory D. Jones is Dr. Emory D. Jones is a retired English teacher who has taught in high school and

in several community colleges. He has four hundred and fifty-five credits including publication in such

journals as Writer’s Digest, Smokey Blue Literary and Arts Magazine, The Light Ekphrastic, Big Muddy;

a Journal of the Mississippi River, Three Line Poetry, Auroras & Blossoms, Pegasus, Halcyon Days

Magazine, Falling Star Magazine, The Cumberland River Review, The Delta Poetry Review, Calliope,

Deep South Magazine, Modern Poetry Quarterly Review, and Encore: Journal of the NFSPS. He lives in

Iuka, Mississippi.

Mark Weinrich is a cancer survivor, a retired pastor, gardener, hiker, and musician. He has had over

435 poems, articles, and short stories published in numerous publications, some include The Upper

Room, Birds and Blooms, New Mexico Magazine, Ideals, The Secret Place, and Live. He has also sold

eight children’s books and currently has two fantasy novels on Kindle.

Nolo Segundo is the pen name of retired teacher, L. J. Carber, 73, who only began submitting his

poetry a few years ago but has since been published online/in print in the U.S., U.K., Canada,

Romania, and India. Married 41 years, his life has been mostly mundane other than teaching ESL in

the Far East in 1973-1975, including the war zone of Cambodia which he left about a year before the

Killing Fields began, and the NDE he had at 24 when he almost drowned in a Vermont river [and no,

it was not of the 'white light' sort—far from it—but then his near-drowning was not accidental]. The

title of a paperback collection of his poems that a trade publisher brought out late in 2020, THE

ENORMITY OF EXISTENCE [ ISBN # 978-90202-98-0], reflects the awareness that he has tried to put into many of

his poems: each of us has a consciousness that predates birth and survives death, because it is beyond time and space

itself--the immortal soul.

Pat St. Pierre is an author of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction. She is also an amateur photographer. Her

fourth poetry chapbook “Not As it Seems” will be published in 2021. She is widely published both

online and in print. Some of her poems have been published in Three Line Poetry, Ephrastic Review,

Jellyfish Whispers, Pangolin Review, Scarlet Leaf River, Highland Park Poetry, etc. Her fiction and

nonfiction have also been widely published while her photography has adorned the covers and

pages of Mountain Tales Press, Minute Magazine, Poetry Pacific, Touch Journal, Plants and Flowers

and others. Her blog is www.pstpierre.wordpress.com.

Royal Rhodes is a retired teacher of global religions, religion & literature, and death & dying.

His poems have appeared in various journals and in collaborations with The Catbird [on the

Yadkin] Press in North Carolina. His most recent project has been for an exhibition of poetry and

art, entitled "The Art of Trees".

Stella Mazur Preda is a resident of Waterdown, Ontario, Canada. Having retired from elementary

teaching in Toronto, she is owner and publisher of Serengeti Press, a small press publishing company,

located in the Hamilton area. Since its opening in 2003, Serengeti Press has published 43 Canadian books.

Serengeti Press is now temporarily on hiatus. Stella Mazur Preda has been published in numerous

Canadian anthologies and some US, most notably the purchase of her poem My Mother’s Kitchen by

Penguin Books, New York. Stella has released four previous books, Butterfly Dreams (Serengeti Press,

2003); Witness, Anthology of Poetry (Serengeti Press, 2004), edited by John B. Lee; From Rainbow

Bridge to Catnip Fields (Serengeti Press, 2007) The Fourth Dimension, (Serengeti Press, 2012). She is a

current member of Tower Poetry Society in Hamilton, Ontario and The Ontario Poetry Society. Stella is currently working

on her fifth book, Tapestry, based on the life of her aunt and written completely in poetic form. Tapestry will hopefully be

released in 2021.

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