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Declaration of Dissertation Originality

I declare that the thesis/dissertation herein is the result of my own research, designed and

carried out by myself under the guidance of my supervisor. Unless explicitly acknowledged

in the text, this thesis contains no unpublished or previously published writing, research or

data produced by someone else.

If any part of this dissertation is untrue, I am aware that I am responsible for all the legal


The author of this thesis: Huang Canping


Authorization for Use of the Dissertation

I fully understand the regulations of the Chinese Center of Disease and Prevention on the

collection, preservation and use of this dissertation. I agree to allow the Center or other

related government offices to preserve this dissertation and I will submit a written and

electronic version of this thesis. I also permit the sharing of this dissertation with

acknowledgement of the intellectual property rights of the author and the Chinese Center

of Disease and Prevention. Citations of this research must mention the first author and the

Chinese Center of Disease and Prevention.

(After the period of confidentiality, the dissertation will be used according to the

orders mentioned above.)

Author Signature: Huang Canping Date: 2017/05/24

Instructor Signature: Gao Fu Date: 2017/05/24

A partial translation into English of the PhD thesis: “Novel Virus Discovery in Bat and the Exploration of

Receptor of Bat Coronavirus HKU9” by Canping Huang, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention,

2016. Translation completed for Independent Science News in March 2021.

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