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that we are going through, and we do not

have the same federal response and federal

aid that dozens of other communities

have received over the last 20 years.

“It took 10 days to act after Hurricane Katrina.

It took 34 days to act after Hurricane

Andrew. The most recent example, which

admittedly was too long, was it took 233

days to act after Hurricane Michael yet,

we are here, and we are setting another

record on the amount of time it takes to

get supplemental disaster aid. We’re also

setting a record on the frequency and ferocity

of natural disasters to this city.”

It has been widely publicized that every

level of government - from the president

to our congressional delegation to the

governor - has been in touch with Mayor

Hunter about the status of this important

American city, which is an energy epicenter

in the United States. Lake Charles’

pipeline infrastructure, tourism, port infrastructure,

and industries are vital to the

rest of the country. The nation needs Lake

Charles to fully recover, yet for months,

Hunter has been getting pats on the back while everyone says,

“you’re doing a great job” and “don’t worry - help is on the way.”

But to-date, tangible results have not materialized. When President

Biden’s budget came out in late May, supplemental disaster

aid was not included in the budget, and to Hunter, “that was

recently a pretty big wake-up call that something’s not right.”

“Residents of southwest Louisiana are just as much American as

any other citizen that was affected by a wildfire or earthquake

or hurricane or a flood in the past. There’s real suffering in this

region that equates to the level of suffering that has been in

the aftermath of other natural disasters.” Mayor Hunter has

asked repeatedly about the delay in aid and lack of urgency

by the federal government. The answer that he has consistently

received is that Washington DC is now more dysfunctional,

more polarized, and more stagnant than it has

been in generations.

Built on a Strong Foundation

Reflecting on the city’s historical fiscal management, Hunter

has proudly set the record straight that despite the unfortunate

national narrative and partisan talking points, the current

request for disaster aid is not tantamount to a poorly run city

looking for a handout or trying to stuff coffers. Lake Charles

is quite the opposite, with decades of transparent accounting

to establish that it has been extremely well run – and yet, their

pleas for disaster aid still seem to fall on deaf ears.

“I invite anyone to look at our budgets over the last 20 years

and I include my predecessor Mayor [Randy] Roach in this

conversation,” said Hunter. “We don’t run deficits in the City

of Lake Charles. We are a fiscally responsible city. We manage

our business well. The help that we are requesting, the aid we

are requesting is not to make city government more resilient

or recover from any type of issue pre-Laura. This is absolutely

in response to natural disasters that have wreaked havoc upon

our population and our citizenry. We have healthy reserves. To

date, we have not had to raise taxes, go into amounts of unhealthy

debt, do mass layoffs of public safety or other agencies

- and that was in the wake of COVID-19 and these natu-


LMR | JUNE 2021 Page 11

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