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Long-anticipated ARPA Funding Rules Issued

Since the enactment of the

American Rescue Plan on March

11, state and local governments

have been waiting for the federal

government to issue rules to

specify how the allocated funding

may be used. As a general

proposition, LMA members may

use ARPA funding to:

• Support public health

expenditures, by funding

COVID-19 mitigation

efforts, medical expenses,

behavioral healthcare, and

certain public health and

safety staff;

• Address negative economic

impacts caused by the public health emergency,

including economic harms to workers, households,

small businesses, impacted industries, and

the public sector;

• Replace lost public sector revenue, using this

funding to provide government services to the

extent of the reduction in revenue experienced

due to the pandemic;

• Provide premium pay for essential workers,

offering additional support to those who have

borne and will bear the greatest health risks

because of their service in critical infrastructure

sectors; and

• Invest in water, sewer, and broadband infrastructure,

making necessary investments to improve

access to clean drinking water, support vital

wastewater and stormwater infrastructure, and

to expand access to broadband internet.

These broad categories of usage demand detailed implementation

rules, and on May 11, the US Department

of Treasury delivered on their promise, issuing a 151-

page interim rule, which provides in-depth explanations

on each usage type. While no rule can be expected to

address every situation, this long-awaited rule provides

critical information for our members to begin

planning their fund allocations in earnest.

To assist our members in sorting through the lengthy

rule provisions, a summary of the funding use portions

of the Treasury rule can be found on the LMA

website at www.lma.org.

Get Ready for Your ARPA Funding

Nearly all our members will receive their allocated

funding through the Louisiana Department of Treasury,

which is charged with developing rules for local governments

to submit their information to receive the

first tranche of funds. While we await the release of

that information, at treasury.gov, a detailed checklist

on what steps that your municipality can take to be

prepared for the moment when that portal is available,


✓ Obtain or confirm your local government’s valid

DUNS number

✓ Gather your local government’s payment information:

• Local government name, Entity’s Taxpayer Identification

Number, DUNS number, and address

• Authorized representative name, title, and email

• Contact person name, title, phone, and email

• Financial institution information (e.g., routing and

account number, financial institution name and

contact information)

✓ Confirm your local government’s top-line budget

total (defined as your local government’s total annual

operating budget, including the general fund and other

funds, in effect as of January 27, 2020)

A step-by-step procedural summary of how funds will

be distributed is also available at treasury.gov, as well

as additional information on funding formularies, population

data, and more.

n the meantime, please stay tuned to our weekly

e-newsletters and email alerts for more information

about ARPA funding for municipalities. If you have any

questions, please do not hestitate to contact our office.

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LMR | JUNE 2021

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