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Inside the LMA

Director’s Viewpoint



The heat of summer is settling in

throughout our great state, signaling

the beginning of the LMA’s

annual summer events (which we

missed so much in 2020). I look forward to completing

our ten LMA District Meetings, which kicked off with District

F on June 2 in Sunset and will run through the end

of the month. I hope to see each of you at these meetings.

Planning is also well underway for our 84th Annual

Convention, which will take place July 29 - 31 at the Raising

Cane’s River Center in Baton Rouge. With COVID-19

event restrictions easing significantly, Mayor Sharon

Weston Broome and her staff are eager to roll out the

red carpet in Red Stick for you. We have a strong line

up of informative workshops and exhibitors, and are

thrilled to announce that once again, the City of Pineville

will coordinate the annual Friday morning Prayer Breakfast.

We have tentatively confirmed the participation

of Governor Edwards, Lieutenant Governor Nungesser,

Treasurer Schroder, and Clarence Anthony, the Executive

Director of the National League of Cities. Registration is

open now, so reserve your hotel rooms early as they are

going fast! Registration and accommodation information

is included this issue but may also be accessed on

our website at www.lma.org.

I am grateful that so many LMA members have engaged

in our calls and webinars regarding the American Rescue

Plan Act (ARPA) and I would like to thank the advocacy

staff of the National League of Cities for providing

regular updates on the usage of those ARPA funds.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and we at the

LMA are committed to providing guidance and support

to our members as you navigate through the process

of receiving, allocating, expending, and accounting for

ARPA funds. As a reminder, municipalities over 50,000

in population (“Entitlement Units” or “EUs”) will receive

their allocations directly from the U.S. Department of

Treasury; whereas those under 50,000 in population

(“Non-Entitlement Units” or “NEUs”) will receive their

allocations by way of the Division of Administration’s

Office of Community Development. The DOA is developing

an online portal that will be used to access the funds,

but in the meantime, you must complete the User Access

Form and return it to OCD. You should have received an

email from the LMA containing the form and other pertinent

information, but please contact our offices if you

require additional information.

Another perennial federal issue

that is currently resurfacing is

the National Flood Insurance

Program (NFIP), namely the

updating of the NFIP risk

rating methodology through

the implementation of a new

pricing approach known as

“Risk Rating 2.0,” which is set to

take effect on October 1, 2021. We

share the concerns of our fellow Gulf Coast municipal

leagues about this new methodology, which shifts focus

away from the mitigation of vulnerable properties

in favor of targeting homes outside of flood zones with

higher insurance premiums. According to U.S. Senator Bill

Cassidy’s office, the new risk rating methodology could

increase premiums for 80% of Louisiana policyholders,

some by hundreds of dollars annually. We will continue

to monitor this evolving issue and will work with Senator

Cassidy, Senator Kennedy, and our entire congressional

delegation to address these concerns.

As I write this column, the 2021 Regular Session of the

Legislature is winding down. Overall, we had a successful

session. Though we tracked 263 bills and spent many

long hours lobbying on relevant bills, much of our time

was dedicated to two instruments: HB 199 on streamlining

our current sales and use tax collection system, and

HB 648 whose stated purpose is to proliferate broadband

access statewide through allocation of state funding and

enabling the use of federal and other funding to install

critical infrastructure. You will hear more about both in

our district meetings this month.

Speaking of district meetings, we are all very excited

about resuming these important in-person gatherings

after our forced cancellation of the 2020 meetings due

to the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s been such a pleasure to

see everyone again in person and I look forward to completing

our meetings as we travel the state this month,

updating our members on LMA activities, along with

legislative advocacy.

Thank you all for your leadership during the past year

as we all maneuvered our way through the COVID-19

issues. With meaningful funding not on the horizon,

please continue to monitor your emails so that you will

have the latest information on ARPA and other funding


LMR | JUNE 2021 Page 3

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