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President’s Message



This issue of the Louisiana Municipal

Review is one that should stir

each of us, as municipal leaders, to

action. In 2018, many of us gathered

in Lake Charles for LMA’s 81st Annual Convention.

The LMR editorial board placed a beautiful sunset image

of Lake Charles with a welcome letter from Mayor Hunter

on the July 2018 cover. His warm letter to our membership

painted a vivid picture of “sparkling Lake Charles

next to our beautiful lakefront Promenade, Marina, and

our unique 9-11 Memorial.” We were

enticed to visit the “extraordinary

Millennium Park, built solely by

area volunteers,” and to “travel

a little to the north and stop by

our recently expanded Veterans

Memorial Park, commemorating

all branches of the United States

Armed Services.”

Mayor Hunter’s 2018 welcome

letter prepared us, while in southwest

Louisiana, “to sail, ski, swim,

sunbathe, game, ride in horse

drawn carriages, play golf, tennis

or beach volleyball, crab and fish,

dine on fine foods, and soak in the

friendliness of our people and the

southern hospitality so prevalent in

our area.” Lake Charles welcomed

us with open arms, and we had a

wonderful time. Now, in their time

of need, we can use our voices to

help usher this incredible region and its residents back to

their splendor.

Here we are nearly three years later, and Lake Charles is

on the cover of this publication again; but this time, the

image and message are starkly different. Still reeling

from an onslaught of natural disasters, this picturesque

American city on the lake now seems to be the city that

America forgot.

By the time you read this, it will likely have been over

300 days since Hurricane Laura hit in August 2020, and

there is still no supplemental disaster aid for this region

in sight. It is unthinkable that any American city would

be forsaken for so long – actually, for a record-setting

amount of time. Just recently, $46 million in funding

from FEMA for debris removal reimbursement was announced.

While we are grateful for every step forward,

that only scratches the surface for a storm that caused

an estimated $8 to $12 billion in damage, and which

left Lake Charles with a current housing need of over

$230 million. Considering the four additional federally

declared disasters that hit the region over the past 14

months, and it is not hard to see why federal aid is critical.

We should all be alarmed by this snail’s pace in providing

supplemental disaster aid and by

the lack of urgency from Washington

DC. As a Gulf Coast state

facing increasingly severe weather

events, this could happen to any

of us and we must ask ourselves:

Could my city survive 300 days after

back-to-back major hurricanes,

a winter storm, a 1,000-year flood,

and a global pandemic? Are we

fiscally secure? Do we know how

to get maximum reimbursement

from damage repairs? Do we have

a solid game plan?

We have now crossed into hurricane

season, and the warmer the

Gulf waters become, the less time

we have to get prepared. Be sure

to review and act on Brett Kriger’s

Hurricane Laura – Lesson Learned

or Just Noticed? article on page 12.

Also, make sure that you are taking

all the right steps to secure funding available for municipal

governments under the American Rescue Plan Act

as outlined on page 18. Lastly, it is critically important for

us to remember that our collective voices can extend beyond

the borders of this state. Our colleagues in southwest

Louisiana need us to rally DC for swift action. None

of us can afford to sit idly by while they fight to recover

with finite resources and growing needs.

John and the team at LMA have been working hard,

along with our national partners, to push for supplemental

federal disaster aid. Advocacy is our mission and now

is the time for all of us to take action - not only for the

recovery of Lake Charles and southwest Louisiana, but

for the future needs of our entire state.

Page 4

LMR | JUNE 2021

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