NG8 July/August 2021

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As I gaze forlornly into my pathetic little wardrobe, I<br />

often ponder the question, how should a 55 year old<br />

dress?<br />

Are Doc Martins still acceptable? (yes), can I still<br />

get away with skinny jeans? (yes, but only if the<br />

waistband comes up to my chin and they are 100%<br />

lycra, so jeggings then…), how about a cropped top?<br />

(Absolutely no chance. Whatsoever). Having said<br />

that, I recently purchased a new sports bra. I didn’t<br />

realise it was a pull on. What a palaver. After much<br />

huffing and puffing (I actually googled it), I eventually<br />

squeezed into it. There was a bit of back and arm<br />

overspill, but I reckon I got away with it (another<br />

advantage of Zoom classes). Throughout the class, I<br />

was stressing about how the hell I was going to get the<br />

flipping thing off. Sure enough, no amount of twisting,<br />

pulling and contorting helped. I ended up calling for<br />

backup and between us Gary and I managed to release<br />

me. Needless to say, this is now on Vinted (my new<br />

favourite second- hand clothes app).<br />

Clothes shopping has always been extremely low<br />

down on my list of things I like to do and when I do<br />

buy anything, I have a ridiculous habit of saving them<br />

for ‘best’. Which, let’s face it, over the last year has<br />

been never! I recently found a pair of jeans that I had<br />

been ‘saving’ and now they don’t even fit me! Thanks<br />

lockdown.<br />

This year I am trying to avoid buying new clothes, so<br />

Vinted has come in handy, although it hasn’t started<br />

particularly well. The first two things I bought don’t<br />

fit. Jeans too small (are they making things smaller<br />

these days?) and sandals too big. It appears that I am<br />

expanding and shrinking in all the wrong places.<br />

The<br />

Fashion<br />

Tale<br />

of black jeans, black top and black boots. This avoids<br />

the inevitable critique from my boys who like to think<br />

they know a bit about fashion (they don’t, at least not<br />

over 50’s fashion, if that is even a thing).<br />

To be fair, in my house, I get off lightly, possibly due<br />

to the fact the kids know that I am only ever a hemline<br />

comment away from tearful hysterics 24/7. However,<br />

poor Gary only has to put a pair of slim jeans on and<br />

the kids rip into him.<br />

Previously I have waxed lyrical about elasticated<br />

waists being a game changer. I now want to share<br />

another line I have crossed. Gone are those awful<br />

skimpy pants (cheese wire) and in come the rice bags<br />

(comfy). Yes, let’s hear it for great big Bridgit Jones<br />

style knickers! I recently caught myself tucking my<br />

thermal top into them and thinking, when did this<br />

become an acceptable thing to do? It was funny and<br />

tragic at the same time. Although it has to be said<br />

that if you are still in the early days of a relationship,<br />

I would strongly advise against this draft proofing<br />

technique.<br />

During a recent family decorating day (even writing<br />

that, I can’t actually believe it happened), I dug out my<br />

25 year old painting jeans, trainers and t-shirt. Frankie<br />

proceeded to take a photo of me and put it on his<br />

social media saying my jeans were “well cool”. When I<br />

told him they were George at Asda and older than him,<br />

he couldn’t believe it. Funny old game isn’t it.<br />

Sadly, it appears I am now of an age where fashion has<br />

come full circle. The important thing to remember is<br />

that clothes only become ‘retro’ when they are worn by<br />

someone half your age or less!<br />

Back to my initial question - of course I know that I<br />

can wear what the hell I want, however, I am quite selfconscious<br />

and usually end up in my standard uniform<br />

However, the fact that I can still fit into jeans that are<br />

almost antique is a small win, but I’ll take it!<br />

© Ali Wale

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