Pazzage is an SEG Concepts Initiative

Pazzage is an SEG Concepts Initiative


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and Hope

This pandemic has brought in a lot of negativity

and pessimism. We are fearful when we go out and

cautious when we come in. We are apprehensive

about almost everything. Social distancing has

become the order of the day. Endless handwashing

and sanitizing are becoming too monotonous.

Economic depression has set in. Many lost their

jobs. No parties, visits to cinemas or restaurants, no

outdoor exercise or work-out. It is as though,

whatever that was desirable and made life worth

living, can make the difference between life and

death now. Oh! It appears as though these days are

going to last forever.

But, even when dark clouds loom over, patterns in

nature inspire hope. After every storm comes

blissful calm. Nature gives us seasons without end.

Between mountains lie beautiful valleys. A

downward descent is followed by an upward

ascent, sooner or later. Will the ever- rolling tides

bother about the clams and oysters washed

ashore? Like-wise mankind must and will move on,

carrying with them the pearls that they found in

the oysters on the way. These pearls are nothing

but the priceless lessons from past mistakes that

make us wise and prepared for our onward journey.

The empty seashells left ashore will wither in time

and will be blown away by the wind. Such is history!

We can go on for weeks without friends and family or

days without food or hours without water, but for

how long can we go on without hope? We cannot, not

in these times, neither before nor after. Hope

combined with will, works magic; Tomorrow will shine

on the hopeful and willful, with promise of joys yet to

be. Stay Strong!

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