Pazzage is an SEG Concepts Initiative

Pazzage is an SEG Concepts Initiative


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Each of us is made differently. Our genetics,

our upbringing, and our experiences are

different and hence we all react differently to

setbacks. This is natural and if one’s genetics

and early experiences make one more

positive, one is lucky. But there are certain

mental adjustments, actions, and practices

that can help anyone bounce back faster

from downturns. And it is these adjustments,

actions, and practices that helped me

continue to grow in happiness even during

those toughest of times and to reinvent my

life as a bestselling author and a muchsought-after

keynote speaker.

Surprisingly, I am the happiest person

I have ever met in my life. Surprisingly,

because an incurable autoimmune

disorder stole all my big dreams from

me. At 34, I was on top of the world.

BTech from IIT, MBA from XLRI, a

fantastic career that saw me

becoming the youngest COO in the

Indian telecom industry. My dream

was to become the global CEO of a

Fortune 500 company by the time I

was 45.

The disorder, undiagnosed at that time,

started at 34 as a slight tremor in my hands

and a slight loss of balance, progressively

kept getting worse. By the age of 41, I was

completely paralyzed and most of the fine

motor muscles in my hands and feet had

wasted away and so had some of the larger

muscles in my arms and legs. That was when

the diagnosis happened, and I was put on

medication. Medication that barely worked

and had huge side effects. I put on over 16

kilos, my bone density started reducing and I

had to undergo cataract surgery. In spite of

all the medication, I would trip and fall and

even mundane tasks such as buttoning up

my shirt were a nightmare. Worst, when the

annual medical bills were Rs.20 lacs, I was

also sacked from my job. You might think I

was crushed, depressed, pessimistic. Nope.

Because happiness is a state of mind.

Believe that the Buck Stops with You

While all the doctors that I met told me that

my current medications were the only

options, I never stopped looking for

alternative solutions. Finally, I found a doctor

in the US who was treating patients with my

condition with an experimental procedure. I

spent time and effort understanding the

procedure and then I had to even convince

my Indian doctor that this was a good option.

I believed that I have very little control over

circumstances, but I have complete control

over how I can react to these circumstances.

The treatment helped me hugely. All because

I took total ownership of my own life.

Accept that Life isn’t Fair

Many people, confronted with setbacks, start

cursing their fate. But, if you accept the fact

that life isn’t fair to start with, instead of

wasting energy on “Why did this happen to

me”, you will accept what has happened. This

acceptance is essential if one has to look for

solutions instead of focusing on the problem.

Add Value to Others

The more we reach out and help others, the

more self-worth we get, and the happier we

get. I believe changing my own focus from

‘how I can add maximum value to myself’ to

‘how I can add maximum value to the world’

was the single biggest factor for my

happiness. Ultimately, we all have just one

life. The choice is ours — should we focus on

maximising our pleasure or focus on

maximising happiness for ourselves by

focusing on adding value to others.

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