Pazzage is an SEG Concepts Initiative

Pazzage is an SEG Concepts Initiative


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Have you ever been in a relationship

with a Narcissistic person- that

handsome rogue that swept you of

your feet and fulfilled a few hundred

romantic clichés in record time? Like a

whirlwind out of nowhere and before

you had the time to catch your breath

or even have one single rational

thought in your head, the person is

now officially your ‘everything’. It’s all

sunshine and kittens until one day you

see a side to them that you wish you

had not, a blazing red flag that you

firmly tuck away into a back drawer of

your otherwise brilliant mind, the

Empath in you, blaming yourself for

being too sensitive.

Now, you begin to see that not so

pleasant side to him from time to time- a

snide remark here, a mind-messing lie

there, thrown in with some rather

obnoxious gas-lighting, here-a- peck,

there-a-peck, everywhere a peck, peck

until your brain poor- ol’ Mac Donald- can

take it no more. Incessant cycles of

idealisation, devaluation and discard take

their toll on you and the back drawer is

now full of neatly folded red flags.

You know, somewhere in that beautiful head of

yours, this relationship is akin to a narcotic addiction,

you know it’s bad for you, but the exit options look

bleak. You are now officially bonded in your trauma,

to your abusive knight/ lady in their not-so-shining

armour. The former fun-loving soul that you were,

slowly starts to become a shadow of your previously

glorious self; it’s always as though the sky is overcast.

The cognitive dissonance is maddening; you

exchange your absolutely sane perception of reality

for their warped versions of it. ‘It’s all your fault!’ your

mind tells you and your partner holds you in their

arms and softly whispers into your ear- ‘it’s all your

fault, but I love you so much that I’ll stay. Ah, the


‘Break away’, screams your mind.

‘Leave!’ yells the remnants of your sanity.

Listen to your instinct, your gut feeling. It’s an

evolutionary gift. One day you will find the strength

to leave, to walk away, and to heal. To do all the

things they told you that you couldn’t possibly do.

It’s not a cakewalk, because a Narc’s love is like

quicksand, you disappear a little by little until it

swallows you up, kind heart et al.

Reach out to some of the people they isolated you

from, seek help, you are not alone. You are light, you

are truth, my dear beloved Empath, and you are a

warrior. Your poor heart hurts because you are as real

it gets.

It will soon be time to love again, or not to love again.

Healing from a toxic relationship brings in its wake

tremendous growth, the power of the human mind

to take numerous beatings and to still emerge

revived, reborn, and reinforced is nothing short of


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