The Snowman ( PDFDrive )

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In the drawer beneath there were two unopened boxes of bullets for her service revolver. The only

personal belongings Harry found were two rings. One was studded with gems that glinted angrily in

the light of the desk lamp. He had seen it before. Harry closed his eyes trying to visualise where. A

large, gaudy ring. Covered in all sorts. Las Vegas-style. Katrine would never have worn such a ring.

And then he knew where he had seen it. He felt his pulse throbbing: hard, but steady. He had seen it

in a bedroom. In Becker’s bedroom.

In the Sonja Henie Room dinner was over and the tables cleared away. Arve Støp stood leaning

against the rear wall while staring at the stage, where the guests had huddled together and were

gazing in rapture at the band. It was a big sound. It was an expensive sound. It was the sound of

megalomania. Arve Støp had had his doubts, but in the end the events agency had convinced him

that investing in an experience was a way to buy his employees’ loyalty, pride and enthusiasm for

their workplace. And by buying a bit of international success he was underscoring the magazine’s

own success and building the Liberal brand, a product with which advertisers would want to be


The vocalist held a finger against his earpiece as he attacked the highest note of their international

hit of the eighties.

‘No one hits a bum note as beautifully as Morten Harket,’ said a voice next to Støp.

He turned. And knew at once that he had seen her before, because he never forgot a beautiful

woman. What he was beginning to forget more and more was who, where and when. She was slim

and wearing a plain black dress with a slit that reminded him of someone. Of Birte. Birte had a

dress like that.

‘It’s scandalous,’ he said.

‘It’s a difficult note to hit,’ she said without taking her eyes off the vocalist.

‘It’s scandalous I can’t remember your name. I only know we’ve met before.’

‘We haven’t met,’ she said. ‘You just gave me the once-over.’ She brushed her black hair off her

face. She was attractive in a stern, classical way. Kate Moss-attractive. Birte had been Pamela


‘That I think can definitely be excused,’ he said, with a feeling that he was waking up, that his

blood was beginning to surge through his body bringing champagne to parts of his brain that

relaxed him rather than making him drowsy.

‘Who are you?’

‘I’m Katrine Bratt,’ she said.

‘Oh yes. Are you one of our advertisers, Katrine? A bank connection? A lessor? A freelance


To every question Katrine shook her head with a smile.

‘I’m a gatecrasher,’ she said. ‘One of your female journalists is a friend of mine. She told me who

was playing after dinner, and said I could just put on a dress and slip in. Feel like throwing me out?’

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