The Snowman ( PDFDrive )

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‘Right where we are now,’ Idar said. ‘Seldom has a head of state done so little during a war. And he

also said that broad support for the monarchy was the final proof that most people believe in trolls

and fairies.’

‘Isn’t that dreadful?’

‘Veritably, Mother.’ Idar smiled, placing a hand on her shoulder and catching sight of his watch at

the same time, a Breitling, which seemed large and unwieldy on his thin wrist. ‘My goodness me! I

have to go now, Hole. We’ll have to hurry this coffee along.’

Harry shook his head and smiled at fru Vetlesen. ‘I’m sure it’s delicious but I’ll have to save it for

another day.’

She heaved a deep sigh, mumbled something inaudible, took the tray and shuffled out again.

When Idar and Harry were in the hall, Harry turned. ‘What did you mean by lucky?’


‘You said Mathias Lund-Helgesen wasn’t just a saintly bugger, he was lucky, too.’

‘Oh that! It’s this bit of stuff he’s fixed himself up with. Mathias is generally pretty helpless in this

area, but she must have been with a couple of bad’uns in her life. Must have needed a God-fearer

like him. Well, don’t tell Mathias I said that. Or, by the way, even mention it.’

‘By the way, do you know what anti-Scl 70 is?’

‘It’s an antibody in the blood. May suggest the presence of scleroderma. Do you know someone

who’s got it?’

‘I don’t even know what scleroderma is.’ Harry realised he should let it go. He wanted to let it go.

But he couldn’t. ‘So Mathias said she had been with some bad’uns, did he?’

‘My interpretation. St Mathias doesn’t use expressions like bad about people. In his eyes, every

human has the potential to become a better person.’ Idar Vetlesen’s laughter echoed through the

dark rooms.

After Harry had said his thank-yous, put on his boots and was standing on the step outside, he

turned and watched – as the door slid to – Idar sitting bent over, tying his shoelaces.

On the way back, Harry rang Skarre, asked him to print out the picture of Vetlesen from the clinic

website and go over to the Narcotics Unit to see if any of the undercover guys had seen him buying


‘In the street?’ Skarre asked. ‘Don’t all doctors have that kind of thing in their medicine cabinets?’

‘Yes, but the rules governing the declaration of drug supplies are now so strict that a doctor would

rather buy his amphetamines off a dealer in Skippergata.’

They rang off, and Harry called Katrine in the office.

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