The Snowman ( PDFDrive )

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She raised the champagne glass to her lips. They weren’t as full as he usually liked, but nevertheless

deep red and moist. She was still looking at the stage so that he could study her profile at his leisure.

The whole of her profile. The hollow back, the perfect arch of her breasts. No need for any silicone,

maybe just a good bra. But could they have suckled a child?

‘I’m considering the option,’ he said. ‘Any arguments you would like to put forward?’

‘Will a threat do?’


‘I saw the paparazzi outside waiting for your celebrity guests to emerge with the evening’s catch.

What about if I told them about my journalist friend? That she was given to understand her

prospects at Liberal were poor after she had rejected your advances?’

Arve Støp laughed aloud and from his heart. He saw that they had already been attracting

inquisitive looks from other guests. Leaning towards her, he noticed that the aroma of her perfume

was not unlike the eau de cologne he used.

‘Firstly, I’m not frightened of a bad reputation, least of all among my colleagues in the gossip rags.

Secondly, your friend is a useless journalist, and thirdly she’s lying. I’ve fucked her three times.

And you can tell the paparazzi that. Are you married?’

‘Yes,’ said the unknown woman, turning to the stage and shifting her weight so that the slit of her

dress allowed a glimpse of a lacy hold-up. Arve Støp felt his mouth go dry and took a sip of

champagne. Watched the flock of tiptoeing women at the front of the stage. Breathed through his

nose. He could smell pussy from where he was standing.

‘Have you got any children, Katrine?’

‘Do you want me to have children?’



‘Because through creating life women have learned to subject themselves to nature, and that gives

them a more profound insight into life than other women. And men.’


‘No, it makes you women less desperate to hunt for a potential father. You just want to enjoy the


‘OK,’ she laughed. ‘Then I’ve got children. What games do you like to play?’

‘Whoa,’ Støp said, looking at his watch. ‘We’re moving too fast.’

‘What games do you like to play?’

‘All of them.’

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