The Snowman ( PDFDrive )

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Pentagon paint the blackest scenario as soon as a firecracker goes off anywhere in the world. I think

you want this case to be special, Harry. You want it so much that you can see the blackest of the


‘The snowman, boss. You remember the letter I showed you?’

Hagen sighed. ‘I remember a madman, Harry.’

Harry knew he ought to give in now. Put forward the compromise suggestion he had already

concocted. Give Hagen this little victory. Instead he shrugged. ‘I want to have my group as it is,


Hagen’s face closed, hardened. ‘I can’t let you do that, Harry.’


Hagen held Harry’s gaze, but then it happened. Hagen blinked, his eyes wandered. Just for a

fraction of a second, but it was enough.

‘There are other considerations,’ Hagen said.

Harry tried to maintain an innocent expression as he twisted the knife. ‘What sort of considerations,


Hagen looked down at his hands.

‘What do you think? Senior officers. The press. Politicians. If we still haven’t got the murderer after

three months, who do you think will have to answer questions about the unit’s priorities? Who will

have to explain why we put four people on to this case because small groups are better suited to ’

Hagen spat out the words like rotten shrimps: ‘free thinking and games of chess? Have you

considered that, Harry?’

‘No,’ Harry said, crossing his arms on his chest. ‘I’ve thought about how we’ll catch this guy, not

about how I’m going to justify not catching him.’

Harry knew it was a cheap shot, but the words hit home. Hagen blinked twice. Opened his mouth

and shut it again, and Harry instantly felt ashamed. Why did he always have to instigate these

childish, meaningless wall-pissing contests, just to have the satisfaction of giving someone else –

anyone at all – the finger? Rakel had once said that he wished he’d been born with an extra middle

finger that was permanently sticking up.

‘There’s a man in Kripos called Espen Lepsvik,’ Harry said. ‘He’s good at leading large

investigations. I can talk to him, get him to set up a group which reports to me. The groups will

work in parallel and independently. You and the Chief Superintendent take care of the press

conference. How does that sound, boss?’

Harry didn’t need to wait for an answer. He could see the gratitude in Hagen’s eyes. And he knew

he’d won the pissing contest.

The first thing Harry did when he was back in his own office was to ring Bjørn Holm.

‘Hagen said yes, it’s going to be as I said. Meeting in my office in half an hour. Will you ring

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