The Snowman ( PDFDrive )

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Harry shook his head and pointed upwards. The right index finger looked strangely alone between

the thumb and the ring finger.


DAY 21.

The Tower.


They drove through the tunnel and parked on the viewing promontory among the souvenir shops.

The slope looked like a frozen white waterfall that plunged down between the stands and broadened

into a flat out-run a hundred metres below.

‘How do you know he’s here?’ Hagen asked.

‘Because he told me he would be,’ Harry said. ‘We were sitting by a skating rink and he said the

day his life’s work was over and he was so ill he was close to death he would jump from that tower

there. As a homage to life.’ Harry pointed to the illuminated ski tower and the in-run soaring up

against the black sky above them. ‘And he knew I would remember.’

‘Insane,’ whispered Gunnar Hagen peering up at the darkened glass cage perched on the top of the


‘Could I borrow your handcuffs?’ Harry asked, turning to the driver.

‘You’ve already got some,’ Hagen said, nodding towards Harry’s right wrist where he had attached

one cuff. The other hung open. ‘I’d like two pairs,’ Harry said, taking the leather case from the

driver. ‘Can you help me? I’m a couple of fingers short here ’

Hagen shook his head as he attached half of the driver’s handcuffs around Harry’s other wrist.

‘I’m not happy with you going on your own. It frightens me.’

‘There’s not a lot of room up there and I can talk to him.’ Harry produced Katrine’s revolver. ‘And

I’ve got this.’

‘That’s what frightens me, Harry.’

Inspector Hole sent his boss a quick glance before twisting round and opening the car door with his

healthy hand.

The police officer accompanied Harry to the entrance of the Skiing Museum which he had to pass

through to get to the tower lift. They had taken along a crowbar to smash in the door. But as they

approached, the torch light caught fragments of glass glinting on the floor over by the ticket

counter. A distant alarm was inhaling and exhaling with a howl somewhere inside the museum.

‘OK, so we know our man’s here,’ Harry said, making sure his revolver was in position at the back

of his waistband. ‘Place two men by the rear exit as soon as the next patrol car arrives.’

Harry took the torch, stepped into the dark rooms and hurried past the posters and pictures of

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