The Snowman ( PDFDrive )

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‘When I say run, you run, you bloody idiot.’

He said it in a low voice but with such repressed fury that Oleg blinked in confusion and a tear

rolled over his eyelashes and onto his cheek. Then the boy turned on his heel, rushed out of the door

and was swallowed up by the darkness and the driving snow.

Harry grabbed the walkie-talkie and pressed the talk button. ‘Harry here. Are you far away?’

‘We’re by the stadium. Over.’ Harry recognised Gunnar Hagen’s voice.

‘I’m inside,’ Harry said. ‘Drive up to the front of the house, but don’t enter until I say. Over.’


‘Over and out.’

Harry went towards the sound that was still coming from the kitchen. From the doorway he stood

watching the thin stream of water falling from the ceiling. It had been tinted grey by the dissolved

plaster and was drumming furiously on the kitchen table.

Harry took the staircase to the first floor in four long strides. Tiptoed to the bedroom door.

Swallowed. Studied the door handle. From outside he could hear the distant sound of police sirens

approaching. Blood from his cut dripped onto the parquet floor with a gentle plop.

He could feel it now, as pressure on his temples; this was where it would end. And there was a kind

of logic to it. How many times had he stood like this in front of the bedroom door, at daybreak, after

a night when he had promised to be at home with her, how often had he stood there with a bad

conscience knowing she was inside asleep? Carefully he pressed the door handle which he knew

would creak halfway down. And she would wake up, look at him with sleepy eyes, try to punish

him with her glare, until he slipped under the duvet, snuggled up to her body and felt its stiff

resistance melt. And she would grunt with pleasure, but not too much pleasure. And then he would

stroke her more, kiss and nibble at her, be her servant until she was sitting on him, no longer the

queen in her slumbers, but purring and moaning, wanton and offended at the same time.

He closed his fist around the handle, noticed how his hand recognised the flat angular shape. He

pressed with infinite care. Waited for the familiar creak. But it was not forthcoming. Something was

different. There was resistance. Had someone tightened the springs? Gingerly, he let go. Stooped

down to the keyhole and tried to peep in. Black. Someone had blocked the hole.

‘Rakel!’ he shouted. ‘Are you there?’

No answer. He placed his ear against the door. Thought he could hear a scratching sound, but

wasn’t sure. He held the handle again. Wavered. Changed his mind, let go and hastened into the

adjacent bathroom. Pushed open the little window, forced his body through and leaned out

backwards. Light was streaming from between the black iron bars of the bedroom window. He

wedged his heels against the inside of the frame, tensed his leg muscles and stretched out of the

bathroom and along the outside wall. His fingers groped in vain to find a hold between the rough

logs as the snow settled on his face and melted into the blood running down his cheek. He applied

greater force; the window frame was pressing into his leg so hard it felt as if the bone would crack.

His hands crept along the wall like frenetic five-legged spiders. His stomach muscles ached. But it

was too far, he couldn’t reach. He stared down at the ground beneath him, knowing that under the

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