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<strong>TIFLOGRAFIKA</strong><br />

AKLØJØ <strong>BIBLIOTEKOSE</strong><br />

<strong>Tactus</strong> <strong>ir</strong><br />

<strong>Lietuvos</strong> akløjø bibliotekos<br />

tarptautinis seminaras<br />

Praneðimai<br />

Vilnius, LAB,<br />

2006 m. balandþio 25 d.<br />

**********<br />




<strong>Tactus</strong> & LAB workshop<br />

Proceedings<br />

Vilnius, 25 th April 2006<br />

<strong>Lietuvos</strong> akløjø biblioteka<br />

Vilnius, 2006

UDK 061.3-056.262<br />

Tif 33<br />

ISBN 9955-17-687-3<br />

Nuotraukos ið <strong>Lietuvos</strong> akløjø<br />

istorijos muziejaus archyvo<br />

© <strong>Lietuvos</strong> akløjø biblioteka, 2006

<strong>TIFLOGRAFIKA</strong><br />

AKLØJØ <strong>BIBLIOTEKOSE</strong><br />

<strong>Tactus</strong> <strong>ir</strong><br />

<strong>Lietuvos</strong> akløjø bibliotekos<br />

tarptautinis seminaras<br />

Praneðimai<br />

Vilnius, LAB,<br />

2006 m. balandþio 25 d.

4<br />

Pratarmë<br />

2006 m. balandþio mën 25 dienà <strong>Lietuvos</strong> akløjø bibliotekoje<br />

ávyko seminaras “Tiflografika akløjø bibliotekose”. Kadangi<br />

jis sukëlë didelá akløjø mokyklos mokiniø, mokytojø, leidëjø,<br />

dailininkø <strong>ir</strong> platesnës visuomenës susidomëjimà, nutarëme<br />

seminare perskaitytus praneðimus iðleisti atsk<strong>ir</strong>u leidiniu.<br />

Trumpai pristatysiu <strong>Lietuvos</strong> akløjø bibliotekos dalyvavimà<br />

Taktus (<strong>Tactus</strong>) organizacijos veikloje. Apie grupelæ entuziastø,<br />

kurie leidþia tiflografikos bûdu iliustruotas knygeles akliems<br />

vaikams, informacija mus pasiekë ið þurnalo “The New Beacon”,<br />

kurá LAB prenumeruoja jau ne p<strong>ir</strong>mà deðimtmetá. Taktus<br />

jungia áva<strong>ir</strong>iø aklaisiais bes<strong>ir</strong>ûpinanèiø organizacijø atstovus ið<br />

Europos ðaliø.<br />

2005 metais LAB prisijungë prie Tiflo-Taktus trejø metø kultûrinio<br />

projekto kaip asocijuota narë, kadangi norint tapti tikràja<br />

nare reikëjo didelio finansinio indëlio - pagal ES “Kultûros<br />

2000” programos reikalavimus, reikëjo áneðti 5 proc. visos projekto<br />

sumos. Tai tikrai pernelyg grieþtas reikalavimas, kadangi<br />

tokià sumà gali pakelti tik turtingos Europos senbuviø, bet ne<br />

Rytø Europos valstybiø bibliotekos.<br />

Tiflo-Taktus projekto autorius - Philippe Claudet, Prancûzija.<br />

Ðio projekto tikslas - Europoje kasmet organizuoti tiflografika<br />

iliustruotø knygø akliems <strong>ir</strong> silpnaregiams vaikams konkursus.<br />

Tai p<strong>ir</strong>mas Europoje projektas, sk<strong>ir</strong>tas pagyvinti knygø su<br />

reljefinëmis iliustracijomis leidybà, per ðias knygeles skleisti<br />

sk<strong>ir</strong>tingø Europos tautø kultûrà, uþmegzti bendradarbiavimà<br />

tarp tiflografiniø knygø leidëjø, suaktyvinti mokslinius tiflografikos<br />

tyrimus. Konkurse knygos sk<strong>ir</strong>stomos á dvi kategorijas: akliems<br />

<strong>ir</strong> silpnaregiams vaikams iki 7 metø amþiaus, <strong>ir</strong> 7-12 metø<br />

amþiaus. Knygos turi atspindëti tos ðalies kultûros paveldà.<br />

Projektas pradëtas 2000 metais pagal “Europos Kultûra 2000”<br />

programà, tuomet vadinosi “<strong>Tactus</strong>”, jis tæsiamas nuo 2005<br />

metø “Typhlo-<strong>Tactus</strong>” pavadinimu. Konkurso metu atrinktos geriausios<br />

knygos apdovanojamos piniginëmis premijomis, didesniu<br />

t<strong>ir</strong>aþu iðleidþiamos áva<strong>ir</strong>iomis Europos kalbomis <strong>ir</strong> parduodamos<br />

ðalyse narëse. Projektà remia Europos komisijos<br />

ðvietimo <strong>ir</strong> kultûros skyrius bei Prancûzijos Kultûros ministerija.<br />

Apdovanojimai teikiami Paryþiuje per knygø mugæ Montreuil<br />

Children’s Book Fa<strong>ir</strong>. Taktus oficiali svetainë:<br />


Tiflo-Taktus organizacijos nariai:<br />

* Les Doigts Qui (Idqr, Prancûzija)<br />

* L’Oeuvre Nationale des Aveugles, Belgija (ONA)<br />

* ClearVision Project, Londonas, Jungtinë Karalystë<br />

* Royal National Institute for the Blind, Peterborough<br />

(RNIB, Jungtinë Karalystë)<br />

* Celia Library for the Visually Impa<strong>ir</strong>ed (Suomija)<br />

* Hollman Trust (Italija)<br />

* Verband der Behinderten e.V Erfurt (Vokietija)<br />

* Association Nationale des Parents d’Enfants Aveugles<br />

(ANPEA, Prancûzija)<br />

Mûsø dalyvavimo Tiflo-Taktus (Typhlo-<strong>Tactus</strong>) projekte tikslai:<br />

Susipaþinti su Taktus pat<strong>ir</strong>timi leidþiant akliems vaikams<br />

sk<strong>ir</strong>tas knygutes su reljefinëmis iliustracijomis (tiflografika).<br />

Pagyvinti iliustruotø knygeliø, sk<strong>ir</strong>tø akliems <strong>ir</strong> silpnaregiams<br />

vaikams iki 7 metø, leidybà Lietuvoje. Tokio amþiaus<br />

vaikams knygeliø Lietuvoje labai trûksta.<br />

Pagal galimybes spausdinti knygutes su reljefinëmis iliustracijomis.<br />

Dalyvavimo Taktus veikloje rezultatai:<br />

Bibliotekos atstovës dalyvavo Tiflo-Taktus sus<strong>ir</strong>inkime, kuris<br />

ávyko 2005 m. b<strong>ir</strong>þelio mën. 5-7 d. d. Prahoje. Jame pristatë<br />

iliustruotø knygø akliesiems leidybà Lietuvoje. Tai sukëlë<br />

susidomëjimà, <strong>ir</strong> buvo numatyta <strong>Lietuvos</strong> akløjø bibliotekoje<br />

pravesti seminarà apie tiflografikà, kuris <strong>ir</strong> buvo<br />

surengtas 2006 m. balandþio 25 d. Pagrindinës praneðëjos<br />

- Taktus tikrosios narës Marion Ripley ið ClearVisionproject<br />

bibliotekos, Jungtinë Karalystë, <strong>ir</strong> Päivi Voutilainen<br />

ið Celia akløjø bibliotekos, Suomija. Seminare dalyvavo<br />

Estijos, Latvijos <strong>ir</strong> <strong>Lietuvos</strong> akløjø bibliotekø bei leidybiniø<br />

organizacijø atstovai, kurie pristatë knygø su reljefinëmis<br />

iliustracijomis padëtá savo ðalyse. Praneðimø tekstai ðiame<br />

leidinyje spausdinami iðtisai.<br />

Tikimës, kad ðis leidinys padës pildyti mûsø þiniø bagaþà<br />

apie ðiandieninæ padëtá tiflografikoje bei pagyvins iliustruotø<br />

knygeliø, sk<strong>ir</strong>tø neregiams vaikams, leidybà.<br />

Audronë Gendvilienë<br />

Leidinio sudarytoja <strong>ir</strong> vertëja<br />


6<br />

Jadvyga Kuolienë<br />

<strong>TIFLOGRAFIKA</strong><br />


<strong>Lietuvos</strong> akløjø bibliotekos d<strong>ir</strong>ektorë<br />

Atidarymo kalba<br />

Pradedant ðá seminarà, leiskite pasveikinti visus jo dalyvius,<br />

padëkoti tarptautinës Taktus organizacijos atstovëms - Marion<br />

Ripley (Londonas) <strong>ir</strong> Päivi Voutilainen (Helsinkis), maloniai<br />

sutikusioms dalyvauti ðiame renginyje <strong>ir</strong> perskaityti praneðimus.<br />

Iliustruotø Brailio raðtu knygø vaikams leidybos klausimas<br />

ypaè aktualus ne tik Lietuvai, bet <strong>ir</strong> mûsø kaimynëms Estijai <strong>ir</strong><br />

Latvijai. Nors Sovietø Sàjungoje tiflografikos srityje Lietuva buvo<br />

viena ið p<strong>ir</strong>maujanèiø, taèiau, atgavus Nepriklausomybæ,<br />

dël ekonominiø sunkumø iliustruotø Brailio raðtu knygø spausdinimas<br />

nutrûko, <strong>ir</strong> dabar tenka ðià veiklos sritá pradëti ið naujo.<br />

<strong>Lietuvos</strong> akløjø <strong>ir</strong> silpnaregiø sàjungai <strong>ir</strong> <strong>Lietuvos</strong> akløjø bibliotekai,<br />

atliekanèiai vaikø literatûros Brailio raðtu leidëjos misijà,<br />

iliustruotø knygø Brailio raðtu leidybos problema ðiandien<br />

tapo neatidëliotinai spræstina.<br />

Tikimës, kad ðis seminaras pagreitins svarbios problemos<br />

sprendimà.<br />

Pradëdama norëèiau palinkëti visiems sëkmingo darbo.

Rasius Makselis<br />

<strong>Lietuvos</strong> Respublikos kultûros ministerijos Informacinës<br />

visuomenës plëtros skyriaus vedëjas<br />

Labas rytas. Ið tikrøjø, Kultûros ministerijos vardu man labai<br />

malonu pasveikinti visus sus<strong>ir</strong>inkusius á ðá svarbø seminarà,<br />

<strong>ir</strong> ypatingai <strong>Lietuvos</strong> akløjø bibliotekà, kuri inicijavo ðá renginá.<br />

Að tik norëèiau pasakyti, kad ðiuo metu kalbant apie kultûrà,<br />

kultûros politikà Lietuvoje <strong>ir</strong> Europos Sàjungoje, daug kalbama<br />

apie kultûros áva<strong>ir</strong>ovës svarbà. Að manau, kad kalbant<br />

apie iliustracijas knygose Brailio raðtu siekiama to paties tikslo<br />

- padaryti, kad akliems þmonëms bûtø lengviau paþinti kuo<br />

áva<strong>ir</strong>esnæ kultûrà. Todël að Kultûros ministerijos vardu norëèiau<br />

palinkëti, kad ateityje áva<strong>ir</strong>iausiomis priemonëmis, iðnaudojant<br />

áva<strong>ir</strong>ias technologijas <strong>ir</strong> valstybës paramos bûdus, taip pat <strong>ir</strong><br />

þmoniø kûrybiðkumà, kuris rengiant tokias iliustracijas yra labai<br />

svarbus, bûtø galima pasiekti, jog regëjimo sutrikimø turintys<br />

þmonës geriau jaustøsi <strong>ir</strong> Lietuvoje, <strong>ir</strong> kitose ðalyse. Aèiû<br />

Jums <strong>ir</strong> linkiu sëkmës dalinantis pat<strong>ir</strong>timi ðiame seminare.<br />


8<br />

Audronë Jozënaitë<br />

<strong>Lietuvos</strong> akløjø <strong>ir</strong> silpnaregiø sàjungos uþsienio ryðiø vedëja<br />

Labas rytas visiems. Ið tikrøjø að norëèiau perduoti geriausius<br />

linkëjimus nuo Osvaldo Petrausko, kuris, kaip þinote, yra<br />

<strong>Lietuvos</strong> akløjø <strong>ir</strong> silpnaregiø sàjungos p<strong>ir</strong>mininkas. Jis tikrai<br />

bûtø dalyvavæs ðitame seminare, bent jau atidaryme, kadangi<br />

yra tikrai didelis ðios bibliotekos gerbëjas <strong>ir</strong> puikus skaitytojas.<br />

Deja, ðá rytà vyksta neágaliøjø departamento posëdis <strong>ir</strong> ðito posëdþio<br />

iðvengti jam tikrai nebuvo galima. Todël jis praðë perduoti,<br />

kad <strong>Lietuvos</strong> akløjø biblioteka buvo <strong>ir</strong>, tikimasi, liks viena ið<br />

geriausiø <strong>ir</strong> didþiausiø mûsø bendro darbo partneriø. Taip pat<br />

noriu padëkoti sveèiams <strong>ir</strong> tikiuosi, kad su Jûsø pagalba, Jûsø<br />

dëka akløjø biblioteka iðmoks, galbût suras naujø galimybiø<br />

leisti iliustruotas knygas akliesiems. Linkiu visiems gero darbo.

Priit Kasepalu<br />

Estijos akløjø bibliotekos d<strong>ir</strong>ektorius<br />

Vaiku Seppe<br />

Estijos depozitinës bibliotekos d<strong>ir</strong>ektorë<br />

Labas rytas. Visø p<strong>ir</strong>ma noriu pasakyti porà þodþiø apie save.<br />

Mano pavardë Vaiku Seppe, esu Estijos depozitinës bibliotekos<br />

d<strong>ir</strong>ektorë. Nuo 2004 metø Estijos akløjø biblioteka yra<br />

Estijos depozitinës bibliotekos filialas. Að d<strong>ir</strong>bu ðios bibliotekos<br />

d<strong>ir</strong>ektore tik tris mënesius, taigi man viskas èia nauja. Esu<br />

dëkinga uþ galimybæ dalyvauti ðiame seminare, kadangi tikiuosi,<br />

jog èia gausiu daug vertingos informacijos. O dabar perskaitysiu<br />

praneðimà, kurá parengë Estijos akløjø bibliotekos d<strong>ir</strong>ektorius<br />

Pritas Kasepalu. Já iðvertë á anglø kalbà <strong>ir</strong> atliko tam<br />

tikrus pataisymus kitas Estijos akløjø bibliotekos darbuotojas<br />

Arvo Folkenbergas. Deja, sveikatos bûklë sutrukdë jam dalyvauti<br />

ðiame seminare.<br />

Gerbiami kolegos <strong>ir</strong> draugai ið uþsienio ðaliø. Norëèiau su<br />

Jumis pasidalinti Estijos akløjø bibliotekos pat<strong>ir</strong>timi tiflografikos<br />

leidybos srityje. Su reljefine medþiaga susidûriau prieð 45<br />

metus, lankydamas akløjø mokyklà. Labai gerai atsimenu miesto<br />

þemëlapá, to rajono, kuriame buvo mano mokykla. Þemëlapis,<br />

padarytas dar prieð karà, jau tada buvo gerokai pasenæs,<br />

taèiau mums buvo pakankamai naudingas. Jis buvo padarytas<br />

ið puðinës medienos, 1,5 ið 1,5 metro dydþio, ant jo dvi<br />

lygiagreèios vielos þymëjo gatves, taip pat buvo paþymëti pastatai<br />

<strong>ir</strong> baþnyèios. Nuo tø laikø medþiagos labai pasikeitë; dabar<br />

jø yra áva<strong>ir</strong>iausiø, pradedant iðsipuèianèiu popieriumi <strong>ir</strong> baigiant<br />

kitomis ðiuolaikinëmis medþiagomis. Jau daug metø Estijos<br />

akløjø biblioteka iðnaudoja visas ámanomas galimybes<br />

siekdama spausdinti reljefinius pieðinius. 2005 metø pabaigoje<br />

mums pagaliau pavyko ásigyti prietaisà reljefiniams pieðiniams<br />

ant iðsipuèianèio popieriaus spausdinti. Jau iðbandëme<br />

já, bet mums vis dar trûksta ágûdþiø. Beje, pastaraisias metais<br />

Estijos akløjø biblioteka kaupë <strong>ir</strong> analizavo informacijà apie tiflografikà,<br />

keitësi informacija su kitomis organizacijomis. Nelabai<br />

seniai, turbût 2000 metais, mes p<strong>ir</strong>mà kartà iðg<strong>ir</strong>dome apie<br />

rankø darbo tiflografines knygutes, kurios daromos Suomijoje.<br />

Mûsø tëvynainë Sülvi Sarapuu, kuri dabar gyvena Suomijoje<br />

<strong>ir</strong> pati daro tiflografines knygutes akliesiems, atsiveþë á Es-<br />


tijà kelis tokiø savo rankø darbo knyguèiø pavyzdþius. Estijos<br />

akløjø biblioteka pristatë poros ðalies universitetø taikomojo<br />

meno fakultetø dëstytojams tiflografines knygeles. Taèiau tik<br />

tada, kai viena dëstytoja atvyko á mûsø bibliotekà <strong>ir</strong> atidþiau<br />

susipaþino su tiflografinëmis knygomis, þinia pradëjo plisti tarp<br />

ðalies tekstilës dëstytojø. Po to, pagal Europos Sàjungos finansuojamà<br />

projektà, savaitës trukmës kursuose Suomijoje tiflografiniø<br />

knygø gamybos mokësi du instruktoriai. Po ðiø kursø<br />

buvo padaryta viena tiflografinë knygutë. Vëliau viena ið tø instruktoriø<br />

surengë tiflografiniø knygeliø gamybos kursus Viljandëje.<br />

Be to, ji padarë dar vienà tiflografinæ knygà, kurioje buvo<br />

panaudoti vaikø pieðiniai. Pernai mûsø idëja spausdinti reljefinius<br />

pieðinius pasiekë Talino universiteto meno <strong>ir</strong> amatø fakulteto<br />

dëstytojus. Pagal projektà buvo iðleista tiflografinë knyga,<br />

kurioje iðspausdintos liaudies dainos, o kelias deðimtis reljefiniø<br />

iliustracijø sukûrë studentai, kurie uþ tai gavo egzamino<br />

paþymius. Mums labai patinka tose iliustracijose atskleidþiamos<br />

idëjos. Beje, kai kurie studentai nepakankamai stipriai pritv<strong>ir</strong>tino<br />

iliustracijø detales, taèiau mes labai vertiname studentø<br />

darbà <strong>ir</strong> tv<strong>ir</strong>tai tikime, kad ðià iniciatyvà reikia tæsti.<br />

Universitetuose padarytos tiflografinës knygos buvo perduotos<br />

akløjø mokyklai <strong>ir</strong> akløjø bibliotekai. Suomiø projekto “Nuostabi<br />

tiflografinë knyga” dalyvës, kuriø daugumà sudaro estës,<br />

mûsø bibliotekai padovanojo dvi tiflografines knygas. Vienoje<br />

knygoje vaizduojamos gyvuliø pëdos, o kitoje vaikai supaþindinami<br />

su geometrinëmis figûromis. Ið Celia akløjø bibliotekos,<br />

esanèios Helsinkyje, Estijos akløjø biblioteka gavo <strong>ir</strong> kitokiø<br />

dovanø - þemëlapiø, knygø Brailio raðtu vaikams, kuriose<br />

yra tiflografiniø iliustracijø ant plasmasiniø lapø. Kadangi tiflografinës<br />

knygos yra kur kas brangesnës uþ áprastas Brailio<br />

raðto knygas, mes finansiðkai nepajëgûs nup<strong>ir</strong>kti jø savo bibliotekai.<br />

Dar kartà dëkojame uþ pakvietimà, <strong>ir</strong> aèiû uþ dëmesá.<br />


Gunta Bite<br />

Latvijos akløjø bibliotekos Brailio leidybos skyriaus vedëja<br />

Labas rytas, ponios <strong>ir</strong> ponai. Esu Gunta Bite, vadovauju skyriui,<br />

kuris leidþia knygas Brailio raðtu. Mûsø skyrius buvo ákurtas<br />

tik pernai lapkritá. Jis pradëjo veikti tik Europos Sàjungos<br />

struktûriniø fondø finansavimo dëka. Taigi, mes neturime knygø<br />

Brailio raðtu leidybos pat<strong>ir</strong>ties, noriu pasakyti, tokios pat<strong>ir</strong>ties,<br />

kuria galëtume su Jumis pasidalinti. Todël, dalyvaudami<br />

ðiame seminare, tikimës gauti naudingø þiniø, kurios padëtø<br />

mums organizuoti savo darbà.<br />

Aèiû uþ dëmesá.<br />


12<br />

Sylvi Sarapuu<br />

Tiflografiniø knygø autorë, Suomija<br />

Gerbiami seminaro dalyviai! Esu Sylvi Sarapuu. Atstovauju<br />

darbo grupei “Nuostabi tiflografinë knyga”.<br />

Pradëjau domëtis tiflografinëmis knygomis 1989 metais,<br />

kuomet viena draugë ið Suomijos padovanojo man vaikiðkà<br />

knygelæ su reljefiniais paveikslëliais. Esu neregë, turiu kultûriná<br />

iðsilavinimà, turiu tris vaikus, o 1989 metais mano namuose<br />

augo du ikimokyklinio amþiaus vaikai. Nors vaikiðkø knygø netrûko,<br />

að pati negalëjau skaityti knygø savo vaikams <strong>ir</strong> kartu su<br />

jais þiûrinëti paveikslëliø, kadangi tuometinëje Tarybø Estijoje<br />

tinkamø knygø tiesiog nebuvo. Turbût tokiø knygø nebuvo visoje<br />

Tarybø Sàjungoje.<br />

Mano pat<strong>ir</strong>tis neturëjo galimybiø iðsiskleisti.<br />

Baltijos ðalims pasukus nepriklausomybës atgavimo keliu,<br />

pasitaikë proga sugráþti á savo motinos tëvynæ - Suomijà, <strong>ir</strong><br />

vietinëje akløjø bibliotekoje vël susidûriau su tiflografinëmis knygomis.<br />

2000-jø pradþioje mane su dukterimi papraðë prisijungti<br />

prie darbo grupës, kuri ketino pagaminti vienà tiflografinæ knygà<br />

<strong>ir</strong> padovanoti jà kaip humanitarinæ paramà Talino Linnupesa<br />

vaikø darþeliui, kuriame buvo specialios sutrikusio regëjimo<br />

vaikø grupës. Iki tø metø pavasario buvo padaryta knyga<br />

“Tõmblukuga kass” (“Katë su uþtrauktuku”). Balandþio mënesá<br />

Talino nacionalinëje bibliotekoje vykstanèios informacijos dienos<br />

ðventëje knygà áteikiau Linnupesa vaikø darþelio vedëjai.<br />

2001 metø pavasará Celia bibliotekoje iðg<strong>ir</strong>dau apie Taktus<br />

konkursà, kuris turëjo vykti tø metø rudená Prancûzijoje. Kadangi<br />

konkurso organizatoriai buvo ið Europos Sàjungos ðaliø,<br />

o Estija dar jai neriklausë, knygà “Katë su uþtrauktuku” nusiunèiau<br />

á konkursà per Suomijos bibliotekà. Tekstà iðvertëme á anglø<br />

kalbà <strong>ir</strong> pabandëme savo laimæ. Knygà teisëjai pavadino<br />

ádomia, <strong>ir</strong> tai paskatino mane veikti.<br />

Darbo grupës<br />

“Nuostabi tiflografinë knyga”<br />

gimimas<br />

Apie ðià knygà papasakojau savo seseriai <strong>ir</strong> mudvi, að (Sülvi<br />

Sarapuu), vadovës-ekspertës vaidmenyje, mano duktë (Kadi<br />

Sarapuu) - tekstø korektorës-vertëjos <strong>ir</strong> mano sesuo (Astrid

Järvsoo) - amatininkës vaidmenyje sudarëme darbo grupæ<br />

“Nuostabi tiflografinë knyga”. Paraðëme projektinius pasiûlymus<br />

Suomijos meno tarybai <strong>ir</strong> Kultûros fondui. Mûsø nuostabai,<br />

paramà gavome <strong>ir</strong> tada padarëme ðias knygas: “Jäljed”<br />

(“Pëdos”), “Koera haukumine” (“Ðuo loja”), “Lumivalgeke ja seitse<br />

pöialpoissi” (“Snieguolë <strong>ir</strong> septyni nykðtukai”), “Kolm<br />

päkapikku” (“Trys nykðtukai”), “Kikukesed pikukesed” and “Kujundid”<br />

(“Formos”). Pagal TARU projektà padarëme knygà<br />

“Sügis” (“Ruduo”). Mus dvejus metus finansavo Suomijos aklø<br />

vaikø rëmimo fondas, <strong>ir</strong> per tà laikotarpá mes padarëme ðias<br />

knygas: “Lapse päev” (“Vaiko diena”), “Kaido kartul” (“Kaido<br />

bulvë”), “Mutionu pidu” (“Dëdës Muèio balius”), o visai neseniai<br />

- knygas “Kosilased sauna juures” (“Saunoje”), “Vares ja<br />

varblane” (“Varna <strong>ir</strong> þv<strong>ir</strong>blis”) bei “Meie maja” (“Mûsø namas”).<br />

Kai kurias mûsø knygas galësite apþiûrëti parodoje.<br />

Nuo 2002 metø mûsø darbo grupës padarytos knygos dalyvauja<br />

Taktus konkursuose, kurie vyksta Prancûzijoje. Mûsø<br />

knygos visada patekdavo á finalà, taèiau dauguma jø padarytos<br />

ið medþiagos, joms padaryti reikia ádëti daug rankø darbo,<br />

jos netinka masiniam t<strong>ir</strong>aþavimui, todël priziniø vietø neuþimdavo.<br />

Veikla<br />

Per tuos metus savo pagamintas knygas mes pristatydavome<br />

Suomijos <strong>ir</strong> Estijos bibliotekose bei neágaliøjø globos namuose<br />

<strong>ir</strong> bibliotekose. Apie mus raðë Suomijos <strong>ir</strong> Estijos laikraðèiai.<br />

Kelias knygas padarëme pagal specialius Norvegijos <strong>ir</strong> Suomijos<br />

akløjø bibliotekø uþsakymus. Estijos akløjø biblioteka 2005<br />

metø vasarà taip pat ið mûsø gavo p<strong>ir</strong>mas tiflografines knygas.<br />

Nuo pereitø metø uþsimezgë bendradarbiavimas su Tiia<br />

Artla, Talino universiteto namø ekonomikos <strong>ir</strong> amatø fakulteto<br />

dëstytoja. Jau tø metø rudená mus pakvietë á studentës Monikos<br />

Jaik bakalauro darbo gynimà. Jos diplominis darbas buvo<br />

tiflografinë knyga “Kits kilu karja” (“Oþys <strong>ir</strong> kilkiø bûrys”). Ðià<br />

knygà taip pat galite pamatyti parodoje.<br />

Ðiuo metu esu áregistravusi savo verslà Sülvi Sarapuu vardu.<br />

Mes t<strong>ir</strong>aþuojame savo darbo grupës padarytas tiflografines<br />

knygas pagal ástaigø, aptarnaujanèiø specialiø poreikiø<br />


þmones, uþsakymus, taip pat pagal pavieniø þmoniø uþsakymus,<br />

be to, gauname labdaros lëðø.<br />

Ir dar, - mes naudojamës áva<strong>ir</strong>iais projektais <strong>ir</strong> stipendijomis,<br />

ieðkodamos galimybiø visai naujoms tiflografinëms knygoms<br />

parengti.<br />


Jadvyga Kuolienë<br />

<strong>Lietuvos</strong> akløjø bibiliotekos d<strong>ir</strong>ektorë<br />

Tiflografika<br />

Lietuvoje<br />

Að dar norëèiau trumpai papildyti, kas yra daroma ðiuo metu<br />

<strong>Lietuvos</strong> akløjø bibliotekoje tiflografikos srityje. Labai malonu,<br />

kad mus supranta <strong>ir</strong> bendrà reikalà labai gerai suvokia <strong>Lietuvos</strong><br />

akløjø <strong>ir</strong> silpnaregiø sàjunga, <strong>ir</strong> pagal mûsø parengtà programà<br />

“Iliustruotø knygø Brailio raðtu vaikams leidyba” jie mus<br />

ðiek tiek finansuoja <strong>ir</strong> tà tæstinæ programà mes vykdom; 2006ji<br />

- p<strong>ir</strong>mieji metai, tæsim kitais metais. Ðiais metais mes parengsim<br />

techninæ bazæ ðiai leidybai <strong>ir</strong> iðleisime gal kokias porà<br />

knygeliø, o kitais metais numatæ iðleisti penkias knygeles vaikams.<br />

Ðià programà vykdyti, manome, rëmëjai mums padës.<br />

2005-siais metais mes buvome paskelbæ iliustruotos Brailio<br />

raðtu vaikams knygelës parengimo konkursà, <strong>ir</strong> mus labai<br />

maloniai nustebino, kad daugelis gyvai atsiliepë á ðità konkurso<br />

kvietimà. Gavom deðimt parengtø knygeliø, kuriø dalá manome<br />

panaudoti vykdant iliustruotø knygeliø leidybos programà.<br />

Su ðiais darbeliais Jûs galësite susipaþinti mûsø periodikos<br />

skaitykloje antrame aukðte. Ten parengta ekspozicija, kurioje<br />

labai maloniai sutiko dalyvauti <strong>ir</strong> mûsø vieðnios ið Suomijos,<br />

Anglijos atveþusios didelá kieká Taktus, Celia <strong>ir</strong> Clearvision<br />

bibliotekø iliustruotø knygeliø vaikams. Taip pat eksponuojamos<br />

neregës tiflografiniø knygeliø autorës Sylvi Sarapuu pagamintos<br />

knygutës. Praðom per pertraukà pasidomëti ðita paroda<br />

<strong>ir</strong> apþiûrëti. Tikimës, kad mûsø pradëti darbai bus sëkmingi,<br />

<strong>ir</strong> prie to prisidës <strong>ir</strong> ðis seminaras.<br />


16<br />

Diana Raudonienë<br />

Vilniaus dailës akademijos magistrantë, meno teorijos <strong>ir</strong> kritikos<br />

specialybë<br />

dijanara@delfi.lt; tel. 8 698 87170<br />

Mano veikla yra susijusi su Lietuvoje gyvenanèiø <strong>ir</strong> kurianèiø<br />

profesonaliø grafikø telkimu kûrybai tiflografinëmis technologijomis.<br />

Kaip meno teorijos specialistë galiu patv<strong>ir</strong>tinti, kad Lietuvoje<br />

yra daug puikiø grafikø, pelniusiø pripaþinimà tarptautiniu<br />

mastu. Deja, praktiðkai në vienas mano kalbintas menininkas<br />

nieko neþinojo apie taktilinæ grafikà.<br />

Suprantama, vien teikiamos informacijos apie tiflografines<br />

technologijas neuþtenka - ne kiekvienas grafikas gali taip pat<br />

rezultatyviai kurti taktiliniam suvokimui, kaip <strong>ir</strong> vizualiam. Yra<br />

svarbûs suvokimo aspektai; man paèiai ádomi ði sritis, ketinu á<br />

jà toliau gilintis. Tinkamas vizualinës grafikos perkëlimo á taktilinæ<br />

atlikimas arba tiesiogiai taktilinës grafikos kûrimas reikalauja<br />

atitinkamos technologijos iðmanymo <strong>ir</strong> ágûdþiø, suvokimo<br />

psichologijos þiniø, sk<strong>ir</strong>tumø tarp regëjimo <strong>ir</strong> lytëjimo supratimo.<br />

Bendravimas su lietuviø grafikais bus plëtojamas, suteikiant<br />

jiems informacijos apie reljefinës grafikos kûrybai naudojamas<br />

technologijas bei tuos aspektus, kurie lieèia suvokimo problematikà.<br />

P<strong>ir</strong>mas ðios veiklos þingsnis - paroda, kuri bus surengta<br />

Akløjø bibliotekoje 2006 m.rugsëjo mënesá. Ji apims vilnieèiø<br />

grafikø, d<strong>ir</strong>banèiø lino <strong>ir</strong> medþio raiþiniø technikomis, kliðiø <strong>ir</strong><br />

atspaudø eksponavimà bei bukletø su taktilinës grafikos technologijø<br />

apraðymu iðleidimu <strong>ir</strong> platinimu grafikams (p<strong>ir</strong>miausia<br />

tiems, su kuriais teks bendrauti parodos sudarymo metu).<br />

Parodos objektø eksponavimas bus derinamas su edukaciniu<br />

(supaþindinti aklus <strong>ir</strong> silpnaregius su grafikos - medþio <strong>ir</strong><br />

lino raiþiniø - kûrimo technikomis), estetiniu (estetiniam suvokimui<br />

pateikti profesionalaus meno kûrinius) bei specifiniu (panaudoti<br />

grafikos kûriniø eksponavimo bûdà, adekvatø neágalumo<br />

situacijai - pritaikyti parodà, atsiþvelgiant á meno kûriniø<br />

suvokimui akløjø <strong>ir</strong> silpnaregiø naudojamus pojûèius) uþdaviniais.

Tokiu bûdu dvi grupës - menininkø <strong>ir</strong> meno kûriniø suvokëjø<br />

- bus “pristatytos” viena kitai. P<strong>ir</strong>ma, akliesiems <strong>ir</strong> silpnaregiams<br />

bus suteikta galimybë naudotis tais paèiais kultûros produktais,<br />

kuriais naudojasi regintys visuomenës nariai. Antra,<br />

lietuviø grafikams bus suteikta informacija apie potencialius jø<br />

kûriniø suvokëjus bei naujas technologijas, leidþianèias tuos<br />

kûrinius padaryti kuo labiau prieinamus akløjø suvokimui.<br />

Sekantis þingsnis - grafikës Danutës Graþienës kûriniø, atliktø<br />

naudojant mikrokapsuliná popieriø, paroda.<br />

Grafikë Danutë Graþienë - menininkë, intensyviai d<strong>ir</strong>banti<br />

tradicinës grafikos srityje. Ji kuria darbus oforto bei oforto <strong>ir</strong><br />

akvatintos technikomis, taip pat kûriniuose naudoja reljefà. Grafikë<br />

nuo 1977 m. dalyvauja lietuviø, tarptautinëse grafikos -<br />

ekslibrisø, estampo, pieðiniø, maþosios grafikos parodose, bienalëse,<br />

trienalëse; nuo 1980 m. iliustruoja knygas.<br />

Reljefo naudojimas kûriniuose yra nuoseklûs grafikës meniniai<br />

ieðkojimai <strong>ir</strong> atradimai. Taèiau tokie lakðtai, be abejo, yra<br />

sk<strong>ir</strong>ti þiûrëjimui, o ne lietimui, kadangi reljefas áprastame popieriuje<br />

yra labai nepatvarus.<br />

Planuojamo projekto metu grafikë Danutë Graþienë, naudodamasi<br />

termo-pieðtuku bei mikrokapsuliniu popieriumi, sukurs<br />

reljefiniø (taktiliniø) grafikos kûriniø <strong>ir</strong> eksponuos juos surengtoje<br />

parodoje. Èia jos kûrinius liesdami galës apþiûrëti þmonës<br />

su regëjimo sutrikimais.<br />

Tolesnëje veikloje planuojamas simpoziumas, kurio metu<br />

jau didesnis skaièius <strong>Lietuvos</strong> grafikø turëtø progà iðbandyti<br />

mikrokapsuliná popieriø bei kitas reljefinës grafikos kûrimo technologijas.<br />


18<br />

Vytautas Gendvilas<br />

Vieðosios ástaigos “Brailio spauda” d<strong>ir</strong>ektorius<br />

Esu Vytautas Gendvilas <strong>ir</strong> vadovauju “Mûsø þodþio” þurnalo<br />

redakcijai <strong>ir</strong> spaustuvei akløjø raðtu. Labai smarkiai kuo g<strong>ir</strong>tis<br />

neturime, taèiau keletà knygeliø, naudodami pora technologijø,<br />

esam savo bazëj iðleidæ. O su iliustracijomis esu susijæs<br />

tokia prasme, kad vaikas bûdamas labai mëgau pieðti <strong>ir</strong> labai<br />

daug laiko praleidau pieðdamas. Bet gal dràsos pritrûko, todël<br />

netapau dailininku. Kai mokiausi akløjø <strong>ir</strong> silpnaregiø mokykloj,<br />

didelis dþiaugsmas bûdavo, kai vadovëlyje arba kokioj nors<br />

knygoj rasdavau iliustracijà Brailio raðtu.<br />

Kai Lietuvoj ávyko politiniai pasikeitimai, visas leidybinis iliustracinis<br />

darbas buvo sustojæs. Taigi, kai nebuvo jokiø iliustracijø,<br />

buvo lengviau darbà daryti, nes bet kokia padaryta iliustracija<br />

jau buvo þingsnis á prieká. Iðleidome kelias knygas su iliustracijomis;<br />

jos buvo padarytos naudojantis spausdintuvu Index<br />

Everest. O kita rûðis knygø su iliustracijomis atlikta naudojant<br />

terminá popieriø. Iliustracijas, kurios buvo atliktos su Index<br />

spausdintuvu, pieðiau pats, o naudojant terminá popieriø, buvo<br />

pasitelkti <strong>ir</strong> kiti þmonës, taip pat buvo bandoma nukopijuoti<br />

vienà kità knygutæ, kuri yra sk<strong>ir</strong>ta gerai matantiems vaikams.<br />

Ir pieðiant, <strong>ir</strong> darant iliustracijas teko susidurti su kai kuriom<br />

problemom, kurios tà optimizmà daug pieðti, nors tai buvo <strong>ir</strong><br />

nedidelis kiekis, gal ðiek tiek apmaþino. Turiu pasakyti, kad<br />

visus pieðinius, kuriuos pats nupieðdavau arba pasitelkdavau<br />

talkininkus nupieðti, visada pasitikrindavau, duodamas juos paþiûrëti<br />

nematantiems draugams <strong>ir</strong> bendradarbiams, klausdamas,<br />

ar jie paþásta, kas yra nupieðta. Na, bendraudamas su<br />

jais <strong>ir</strong> pats supratau, kad pieðiant susiduriama su keliomis problemomis,<br />

á kurias, tikiuosi, ðiandien rasime vienà kità atsakymà.<br />

Taigi, darant reljefines iliustracijas, susiduriama su keletu<br />

problemø. Pati didþiausia problema, leidþiant knygas su reljefinëmis<br />

iliustracijomis, sakyèiau, yra finansinë problema. Jà suprasèiau<br />

taip, kad tie, kam reikëtø knygø, neturi pinigø uþ jas<br />

susimokëti, o tie, kas galëtø knygas padaryti, neranda tø, kas<br />

galëtø uþ tas knygas sumokëti. Tai tiek bûtø apie pinigus. O<br />

kita problema yra apie paèius pieðinius. Medicinos <strong>ir</strong> kitø aplinkybiø<br />

dëka Lietuvoj vienu metu buvo pagausëjæ vaikø, kurie<br />

yra nematantys nuo gimimo. Að ið anksto atsipraðau, jeigu ap-

juodinsiu pedagogus, bet manau, uþ praeitus laikus tai tiksliai<br />

galiu pasakyti, bet manau, kad yra <strong>ir</strong> dabar taip, kad nematanèio<br />

þmogaus niekas nemoko suprasti nupieðto matanèiøjø pasaulio.<br />

Todël <strong>ir</strong> tie, kas pieðiam, kas darom iliustracijas, daþnai<br />

nupieðiam taip, kaip mes suprantam <strong>ir</strong> kad mûsø akiai bûtø<br />

graþu. Na <strong>ir</strong> manau, kad tie, kam pieðiama, <strong>ir</strong> tie, kas pieðia,<br />

pritars, kad kuo daugiau bus pieðiniø <strong>ir</strong> kuo daugiau bendradarbiavimo,<br />

susikurs plaèiai paskleistos taisyklës arba bent kaþkokie<br />

reljefiniø iliustracijø gamybos principai. Tada net <strong>ir</strong> tie,<br />

kurie nelabai á ðià sritá ásiliginæ, galëtø pieðinius pieðti akliesiems,<br />

kad juos suprastø aklieji. Tikiuosi, kad ðiandien bus diskusijø<br />

ðituo klausimu, <strong>ir</strong> linkiu visiems sëkmingo aiðkinimosi, sëkmingo<br />

klausymosi, o po to labai sëkmingo áva<strong>ir</strong>iø naujø idëjø gimimo.<br />


20<br />

Marion Ripley<br />

<strong>TIFLOGRAFIKA</strong><br />



ClearVision biblioteka, Jungtinë Karalystë<br />

ClearVision bibliotekos<br />

pristatymas<br />

Noriu pasakyti, kad esu labai laiminga, bûdama èia su Jumis,<br />

<strong>ir</strong> þinau, kad panaðiai jauèiasi <strong>ir</strong> Paivë - bûti Lietuvoje jai<br />

labai malonu. Labai atsipraðau, kad nemoku Jûsø gimtosios<br />

kalbos. Kaip þinau, anglai yra pagarsëjæ tuo, kad nekalba kitomis<br />

kalbomis. Neseniai kaþkur g<strong>ir</strong>dëjau, kad tris kalbas mokantys<br />

þmonës yra trikalbiai, dvi kalbas - dvikalbiai, o tie, kurie<br />

moka tik vienà kalbà - tai anglai.<br />

Mudvi su Paive priklausome Taktus grupei - Europos tiflografiniø<br />

knygø leidëjus jungianèiai organizacijai - apie kurià smulkiau<br />

papasakosiu vëliau. Svarbiausias Taktus organizacijos tikslas<br />

- keistis idëjomis, pat<strong>ir</strong>timi, ákvëpti vieniems kitus. Todël<br />

esu labai laiminga, galëdama èia bûti, nes jau spëjau pamatyti<br />

kelias tikrai puikias knygas, padarytas Lietuvoje. Ir man labai<br />

rûpëjo iðg<strong>ir</strong>sti, kas tiflografikoje daroma Estijoje <strong>ir</strong> Latvijoje. Að<br />

jau supratau, kad visi ðioje srityje turime tø paèiø problemø.<br />

Mano manymu, su panaðiomis problemomis susiduria visos<br />

Taktus organizacijos narës, o galbût <strong>ir</strong> visos pasaulio ðalys.<br />

Netgi sakyèiau, kad në vienas aklas vaikas, në vienas aklas<br />

suaugæs þmogus, kur begyventø, neturi pakankamai reljefiniø<br />

iliustracijø. Manau, kad visos mûsø organizacijos turi tø paèiø<br />

sunkumø: mes neturime pakankamai pinigø <strong>ir</strong> neturime pakankamai<br />

laiko, idant padarytume viskà, kà norëtume padaryti.<br />

Taèiau geroji ðio darbo pusë yra ta, kad visgi yra dalykø,<br />

kuriuos mes pajëgûs padaryti, <strong>ir</strong> bûtent apie tai að ðiandien<br />

pakalbësiu.<br />

Pradësiu nuo ClearVision (“Aiðkaus regëjimo”) bibliotekos,<br />

kurioje d<strong>ir</strong>bu. ClearVision biblioteka yra aklø vaikø biblioteka.<br />

Tai nacionalinë biblioteka, kuri knygas siuntinëja paðtu. Knygas<br />

mûsø biblioteka siunèia skaitytojams, iðsibarsèiusiems po<br />

visà ðalá, nemokamu paðtu. Biblioteka pradëjo veiklà 1986 metais.<br />

Taip, ðiais metais mes paþymime savo 20-já jubiliejø. Bib-

lioteka ásikûrusi Satfildo akløjø mokykloje, ji yra netoli Vimbledono.<br />

Galbût g<strong>ir</strong>dëjote apie Vimbledono teniso turnyrus, kurie<br />

kasmet vyksta Vimbledono miestelyje, á pietus nuo Londono?<br />

Tai vienos garsiausiø tarptautiniø teniso varþybø. Mûsø bibliotekos<br />

patalpos yra visiðkai greta teniso kortø, kartais g<strong>ir</strong>dime,<br />

kaip dþiûgauja publika.<br />

Taigi, biblioteka buvo ákurta 1986 metais, kuomet á Linden<br />

Lodþ mokyklà atëjo d<strong>ir</strong>bti nauja darbuotoja. Anglijos mokyklose<br />

yra tokia tvarka, kad vaikai po pamokø neðasi knygas namo<br />

<strong>ir</strong> skaito su tëvais <strong>ir</strong> seneliais. Turbût taip yra <strong>ir</strong> Jûsø mokyklose.<br />

P<strong>ir</strong>mas naujos mokyklos darbuotojos klausimas, arba vienas<br />

ið p<strong>ir</strong>møjø, buvo toks: kur knygos, ið kuriø akli vaikai mokosi<br />

Brailio raðto, kurias galima bûtø neðtis namo? Atsakymas<br />

buvo toks: “Ne, Brailio raðto besimokantys vaikai turi specialias<br />

knygas, turi specialius mokytojus, tø knygø niekas daugiau<br />

negalës skaityti, nes ten tik Brailio raðtas”. Visos knygos,<br />

ið kuriø maþi akli vaikai mokësi Brailio raðto, buvo pilkai rudos<br />

arba vien rudos spalvos, jos nebuvo ádomios nei regintiems<br />

vaikams, nei suaugusiems. Ði nauja darbuotoja nesitaikstë su<br />

padëtimi, nes suprato, kad regintiems vaikams reikia tëvø pagalbos<br />

<strong>ir</strong> padràsinimo, taigi, jei ðito reikia regintiems vaikams,<br />

tai akliems vaikams juo labiau. Ji priëjo iðvados, kad knyga turi<br />

atrodyti ðitaip, - jà pasiøsiu per rankas, kad visi galëtumët paèiupinëti.<br />

Tai normali vaikiðka knyga su aká traukianèiu paveikslëliu<br />

ant v<strong>ir</strong>ðelio, viduje yra reginèiøjø raðto tekstas <strong>ir</strong> paveikslëliai;<br />

taigi, tai áprastinë knyga. Taèiau tarp puslapiø ádëti skaidrios<br />

plasmasës lapai su Brailio raðto tekstu. Vadinasi, tëvai gali<br />

skaityti reginèiøjø raðtu, o vaikai - Brailio raðtu; tëvai gali padëti<br />

suprasti sunkius þodþius <strong>ir</strong> panaðiai, patys nemokëdami Brailio<br />

raðto.<br />

Biblioteka savo veiklà pradëjo dëþëje turëdama vos keletà<br />

knygø, kurias akli vaikai vakare galëjo neðtis namo. Taèiau tuoj<br />

pat þmonës, kuriø vaikai nesimokë toje mokykloje, pradëjo praðyti,<br />

kad <strong>ir</strong> jiems paskolintume tas knygas. Ir dabar mes jø turime<br />

trylika tûkstanèiø. Tai pasakø knygos, dalykinës knygos,<br />

poezija, tai yra visos tos knygos, kokias galima rasti áprastoje<br />

bibliotekoje. Vëliau <strong>ir</strong> maþesniø vaikø turintys tëvai pradëjo praðyti<br />

knygø. Tie vaikai buvo dvejø trejø metø amþiaus. Tada mûsø<br />

fonduose ats<strong>ir</strong>ado ðitos kartoninës knygos su Brailio tekstukais,<br />

priklijuotais prie puslapiø. Tokio amþiaus akli vaikai turbût<br />

skaito tiek pat maþai, kiek regintys vaikai, bûdami trejø metu-<br />


kø. Taèiau mes manome, kad labai svarbu jog vaikai, kurie<br />

kaþkada pradës mokytis Brailio raðto, pradëtø èiupinëti Brailio<br />

taðkus, kad labai anksti susidurtø su tokiais taðkais knygos puslapiuose.<br />

Dabar nemaþai áprastiniø knygø turi vienoká ar kitoká reljefiná<br />

elementà. Ðtai èia pasaka apie maþà rudà viðtytæ. Ar þinote tà<br />

pasakà? Apie maþà rudà viðtytæ, kuri nud<strong>ir</strong>ba visus darbus?<br />

Ne? Kiti gyvuliai jai nepadeda nei sëti, nei pjauti, nei malti grûdø<br />

ar kepti duonos, taèiau paragauti duonos nori visi. Kiekviename<br />

puslapyje yra kaþkoks reljefinis áspaudas. Þinoma, tai<br />

nëra daug, taèiau tai reiðkia, kad aklas vaikas, èiupinëdamas<br />

ðià knygà, gali atsk<strong>ir</strong>ti jà ið kitø. Ir suprasti, kad skaityti yra malonu:<br />

vaikai verèia puslapius, aptinka juose Brailio raðtà, apsimeta,<br />

kad skaito, kaip daro regintys vaikai.<br />

Vyresniems vaikams mes turime Brailio raðtu knygø, telpanèiø<br />

viename tome, <strong>ir</strong> prie jos pridedame tà paèià knygà<br />

reginèiøjø raðtu, kad aklieji galëtø skaityti kartu su reginèiais<br />

vaikais. Taip pat turime knygø su Mûno raðto tekstais. Neþinau,<br />

ar Jûs Mûno raðtà naudojate; ðis raðtas buvo sukurtas tuo<br />

pat metu, kaip Brailio raðtas. Jis neprilygsta Brailio raðtui, bet<br />

seniems þmonëms já lengviau iðmokti, kadangi raidþiø formos<br />

primena reginèiøjø raides. Kadangi Mûno raðto langeliai didesni<br />

uþ Brailio raðto, tam tikra prasme já lengviau iðmokti tiems<br />

vaikams, kuriems Brailio raðtas yra per smulkus <strong>ir</strong> per sudëtingas.<br />

Taigi, turime 13 000 knygø - áprastiniø knygø su áterptu tekstu.<br />

Jas siunèiame maþdaug tûkstanèiui adresatø visoje Jungtinëje<br />

Karalystëje. Tai mokyklos, ðeimos, taip pat vieðosios bibliotekos,<br />

ið kuriø knygos siunèiamos vietos skaitytojams.<br />

Jungtinëje Karalystëje dauguma sutrikusio regëjimo vaikø<br />

lanko mokyklas integruotai. Specialià mokyklà paprastai lanko<br />

vaikai, turintys sunkiø papildomø negaliø. Mûsø biblioteka<br />

buvo ákurta vaikams, besimokantiems Brailio raðto, aptarnauti,<br />

taèiau netrukus mes pradëjome iðduoti knygas akliems tëvams<br />

<strong>ir</strong> seneliams. Manau, suprantate, kad tos knygos, kuriø<br />

pask<strong>ir</strong>tis - skaityti jas kartu, vienodai gerai tinka <strong>ir</strong> vieniems, <strong>ir</strong><br />

kitiems, taigi, tinka <strong>ir</strong> akliems tëvams, mokantiems skaityti reginèius<br />

vaikus. Akli tëvai yra geriausi mûsø skaitytojai. Kai kurie<br />

per savaitæ savo vaikams perskaito po kelias knygas, jie<br />

keièia knygas paðtu kas savaitæ.<br />


Pakalbësiu apie paèià bibliotekà. Tai labai maþa organizacija.<br />

Turime daug knygø, bet jei jos visos gráþtø á bibliotekà,<br />

mes negalëtume atidaryti durø. Mûsø patalpos yra maþdaug<br />

ketv<strong>ir</strong>tis ðio didelio kambario, kuriame esame (LAB konferencijø<br />

salë - A.G.). O að esu vienintelë darbuotoja, d<strong>ir</strong>banti pilnu<br />

etatu. Kita darbuotoja d<strong>ir</strong>ba puse etato, keturi spausdina Brailio<br />

raðto tekstus namuose, aklas korektorius d<strong>ir</strong>ba taip pat namuose,<br />

be to, naudojamës kalëjimø Brailio raðto skyriais, kai<br />

pr<strong>ir</strong>eikia Brailio raðtu iðspausdinti ilgesnes knygas. Þinoma, bûtø<br />

labai malonu turëti daugiau darbuotojø <strong>ir</strong> didþiules patalpas.<br />


24<br />

Päivi Voutilainen<br />

Celia akløjø bibliotekos Skaitytojø aptarnavimo skyriaus vedëja,<br />

Suomija<br />

Suomijos Celia akløjø<br />

bibliotekos pristatymas<br />

1890 metais bibliotekà ákûrë Cely Mechelin - senatoriaus<br />

Leo Mechelino duktë, kuriai tuomet buvo 23 metai.<br />

1890-1977 metais biblioteka priklausë Akløjø knygos bièiuliø<br />

draugijai, o nuo 1978 metø biblioteka kaip specialioji biblioteka<br />

perëjo valstybës þinion. Bibliotekoje yra 60 darbuotojø.<br />

Vienintelë tokia biblioteka Suomijoje.<br />

2001 metais bibliotekai buvo suteiktas Celia vardas pagerbiant<br />

bibliotekos ákûrëjà.<br />

Biblioteka siekia uþtikrinti neágaliøjø lygybæ literatûros <strong>ir</strong> informacijos<br />

prieinamumo srityje.<br />

Biblioteka leidþia <strong>ir</strong> skaitytojams iðduoda knygas Brailio raðtu,<br />

garsines knygas (skaitmenines Daisy formato knygas <strong>ir</strong> kasetëse<br />

áraðytas knygas), elektronines knygas <strong>ir</strong> kitokià specialià<br />

medþiagà.<br />

Groþinæ literatûrà, akademinæ literatûrà.<br />

Garsiniø knygø fonde yra 33 000 pavadinimø knygø, ið kuriø<br />

skaitytojø pageidavimu 10 % jau perkelta á skaitmeniná Daisy<br />

pavidalà.<br />

6 700 Brailio raðtu knygø pavadinimø.<br />

450 tiflografiniø pieðiniø knygø vaikams.<br />

12 000 skaitytojø.<br />

Vaikø aptarnavimas Celia bibliotekoje:<br />

Skaitmeninës Daisy knygos áraðytos á CD, taip pat kasetëse.<br />

Brailio raðtu knygos vaikams, be to, yra knygø su termoforminiais<br />

reljefiniais pieðiniais.<br />

“Maþoji Celia” - tai vaikø kambarys, kuriame laikomos tiflografika<br />

iliustruotos knygos, þaislai <strong>ir</strong> garso áraðai.<br />

Pasakø valandëlës vaikams <strong>ir</strong> jø tëvams.<br />

Celia bibliotekos tiflografinës knygos:<br />

P<strong>ir</strong>mosios tiflografinës knygos gautos 1984 metais ið<br />

Weterhofo amatø <strong>ir</strong> dizaino mokyklos.<br />

Tiflografinës iliustracijos yra rankø darbo, padarytos ið<br />

áva<strong>ir</strong>iø medþiagø <strong>ir</strong> daiktø, kurie prie medþiaga aptrauktø

puslapiø yra prisiûti, o prie kartono puslapiø - priklijuoti<br />

(koliaþo technika).<br />

Skaitoma kartu su suaugusiais, tai suteikia artumo jausmà,<br />

galimybæ diskutuoti <strong>ir</strong> mokytis.<br />

Celia biblioteka per metus ásigyja 10-50 pavadinimø naujø<br />

tiflografiniø knygø ið áva<strong>ir</strong>iø projektø lëðø arba gauna ið<br />

jas siuvanèiø entuziastø.<br />

Ðiuo metu vyksta bendras projektas su Joensuu universitetu:<br />

amatø <strong>ir</strong> dizaino specialybës studentai kuria keletà<br />

tiflografiniø knygø, kurios bus perduotos Celia bibliotekai.<br />


26<br />

Marion Ripley<br />

ClearVision biblioteka, Jungtinë Karalystë<br />

Kas skaito knygas<br />

su tiflografinëmis iliustracijomis?<br />

Pasiþiûrëjæ á ClearVision <strong>ir</strong> Celia bibliotekø turimas tiflografines<br />

knygas - medþiagines <strong>ir</strong> koliaþo technika padarytas knygas<br />

- tuoj pat pagalvojame apie maþus vaikus. Tikrai, ðios knygos<br />

yra nepaprastai naudingos patiems maþiausiems vaikams,<br />

nes supaþindina juos su pasauliu, kurio jie nemato. Taip pat<br />

ðios knygos teikia jiems labai daug dþiaugsmo, labai juos traukia<br />

<strong>ir</strong> stimuliuoja. Regintys vaikai, paaugliai <strong>ir</strong> suaugæ þmonës,<br />

- visi gauna neapsakomà malonumà þiûrinëdami visokius paveikslus,<br />

þurnalø, knygø iliustracijas, reklaminius plakatus gatvëse.<br />

O ðios tiflografinës knygos, kuriose panaudotos áva<strong>ir</strong>iausios<br />

medþiagos, yra mûsø bandymas padaryti reljefinius pieðinius<br />

tokius pat ádomius, kaip vizualinës iliustracijos. Tikiuosi,<br />

kad Jûs per pertraukà aplankysite parodà <strong>ir</strong> ne tik apþiûrësite,<br />

bet <strong>ir</strong> apèiupinësite ten eksponuojamas ið áva<strong>ir</strong>iø ðaliø atveþtas<br />

knygas. Taip pat tikiuosi, kad sutiksite su manimi, jog visos tos<br />

knygos skaitytojams teikia nepaprastai maloniø akim<strong>ir</strong>kø, o jas<br />

skaitydami, gali imti juoktis ne tik vaikai, bet <strong>ir</strong> suaugusieji.<br />

Taigi, tiflografinës knygos yra sk<strong>ir</strong>tos ne vien vaikams. O<br />

kitas dalykas, kurá reikia turëti omeny, yra skaièius vaikø su papildoma<br />

mokymosi negalia. Galiu pacituoti naujausius duomenis,<br />

kuriuos pateikë dr. Jugnoo Rahi ið Vaikø sveikatos prieþiûros<br />

instituto: Jungtinëje Karalystëje aklø vaikø skaièius didesnis,<br />

nei buvo iki tol manyta. Kol sulauks 16 metø, ðeði ið 10 000<br />

JK vaikø turës sunkià regëjimo negalià arba apaks. Be to, 70<br />

proc. ið jø turës dar vienà papildomà sunkià negalià. Manau,<br />

kad tai nepaprastai didelis skaièius.<br />

Aklø þmoniø kontingentas Jungtinëje Karalystëje pastaraisiais<br />

metais pasikeitë. Anksèiau buvo daugiau tiesiog aklø vaikø.<br />

Medicinos paþangos dëka kai kuriø akiø ligø galima iðvengti<br />

arba jas iðgydyti. Kita vertus, dabar gimsta kur kas daugiau<br />

neiðneðiotø kûdikiø. Seniau tokie bûtø gimæ negyvi, o dabar jie<br />

iðgyvena, bet turi kompleksinæ negalià. Taigi, dabar daug aklø<br />

vaikø turi mokymosi negalià, bûna kurti, turi cerebriná paralyþiø,<br />

negali susikaupti, <strong>ir</strong> taip toliau. Netgi galima bûtø pasakyti,

kad kai kuriems tokiems vaikams aklumas yra pati lengviausia<br />

jø negalia.<br />

Manau, kad aklaisiais bes<strong>ir</strong>ûpinanèios Jungtinës Karalystës<br />

organizacijos dabar sk<strong>ir</strong>sto akluosius á turinèius tik aklumà,<br />

jie laikomi norma, arba normalia situacija, <strong>ir</strong> á likusius - þmones<br />

su kompleksine negalia, kurie nesugeba mokytis. Nuo seno<br />

mes teikiame paslaugas þmonëms, kurie yra tik akli, bet<br />

ateity mums teks keisti savo darbo kryptá, prisitaikant prie visø<br />

sutrikusio regëjimo þmoniø poreikiø. Netgi vaikø, kuriø negalia<br />

yra tik vienos rûðies - aklumas, vystymasis bûna truputá lëtesnis,<br />

kadangi daug dalykø, kuriuos regintys vaikai iðmoksta stebëdami,<br />

akli vaikai iðmoksta kitais bûdais, o tai ilgiau trunka.<br />

Kalbant apie iðmokimà skaityti, dvejø metø atsilikimas laikomas<br />

norma vaikui, kuris yra tiesiog aklas.<br />

Visiems vaikams patika þiûrinëti paveikslëlius, tai juos moko,<br />

skatina mokytis skaityti. Paveikslëliai padeda vaikams paþinti<br />

pasaulá. Visiems vaikams patinka knygos su paveikslëliais,<br />

o akliems vaikams jø reikia dar labiau nei regintiems.<br />

Tai viskas, kà norëjau pasakyti ðia tema. Ar turite klausimø?<br />


28<br />

Päivi Voutilainen<br />

Celia akløjø bibliotekos Skaitytojø aptarnavimo skyriaus vedëja,<br />

Suomija<br />

Kodël reikia tiflografika<br />

iliustruotø knygø?<br />

Moksliniø darbø apie tiflografiniø iliustracijø átakà ikimokyklinio<br />

amþiaus vaikø ugdymui beveik nëra, todël þemiau iðdëstytos<br />

mintys didþiàja dalimi paremtos tuo, kà mûsø bibliotekos<br />

leidybos skyriaus darbuotojai suþinojo ið tiflopedagogø <strong>ir</strong><br />

tëvø, be to, turime sukaupæ <strong>ir</strong> savo pat<strong>ir</strong>ties, kadangi skaitytojus<br />

aptarnaujame tiflografinëmis knygomis jau 20 metø.<br />

Gyvename atvaizdø, paveikslø <strong>ir</strong> vizualiniø áspûdþiø pilname<br />

pasaulyje. Regintys þmonës iðmoksta suprasti paveikslus<br />

taip anksti, kad nieko apie tai nebeprisimena. Taèiau, nors vaikiðkos<br />

knygos su paveikslëliais ats<strong>ir</strong>ado palyginti neseniai, vargu<br />

ar galima ðiandien ásivaizduoti normalià vaikams sk<strong>ir</strong>tà knygà<br />

be paveikslëliø arba vaikà, neturintá knygø su paveikslëliais.<br />

Kaip aklas vaikas suþinos, kà reiðkia nupieðtos formos, spalvos,<br />

kryptys, jei jam pieðiniø pasaulis yra neprieinamas? Gal<br />

galime tokiam vaikui padëti, pasitelkæ tiflografinius pieðinius?<br />

Ið pradþiø vaikiðkos knygos su paveikslëliais turëjo ugdymo<br />

tikslus. Maþas vaikas geriausiai mokosi per savo vaizduotæ <strong>ir</strong><br />

jausmus. Pasakos <strong>ir</strong> pasakojimai þadina vaiko vaizduotæ, taip<br />

pat padeda ugdyti kûrybiná màstymà <strong>ir</strong> sugebëjimà spræsti áva<strong>ir</strong>ius<br />

abstrakèius uþdavinius vaikui priimtinu bûdu. Todël visos<br />

vaikiðkos knygos tam tikra prasme yra ugdomosios.<br />

Anksèiau buvo manoma, kad akliems vaikams ið viso nereikia<br />

paveikslëliø, arba kad jiems ið tø paveikslëliø nëra jokios<br />

naudos. Iki 1985 metø Suomijos akløjø biblioteka neturëjo jokiø<br />

vaikiðkø iliustruotø knygø Brailio raðtu, <strong>ir</strong> panaði padëtis tebëra<br />

daugelyje pasaulio ðaliø. Taèiau prieð dvideðimt metø mûsø<br />

maþøjø aklø skaitytojø tëvai pradëjo praðyti iliustruotø knygø.<br />

Mums labai pasisekë, kad iniciatyvà parodë amatø <strong>ir</strong> dizaino<br />

mokyklos dëstytoja, buvo pradëtos gaminti tiflografika<br />

iliustruotos knygos, <strong>ir</strong> ðis darbas tebevyksta iki ðiol.<br />

Vaikai <strong>ir</strong> jø tëvai palankiai atsiliepë apie p<strong>ir</strong>màsias tiflografines<br />

knygas. Ið tiflografiniø pieðiniø vaikai gaudavo naujos pat<strong>ir</strong>ties.<br />

Maþi vaikai labai greitai mokosi, jiems smagu viskà nagrinëti.<br />

Nagrinëdami savo p<strong>ir</strong>ðtukais <strong>ir</strong> tëvø padedami, akli <strong>ir</strong>

silpnaregiai vaikai galëjo pat<strong>ir</strong>ti jaudulá, versdami naujà knygos<br />

puslapá, kuriame rasdavo kità ádomià iliustracijà, mokydamiesi<br />

naujø þodþiø. Be to, tokios knygos buvo reikðmingos dar <strong>ir</strong><br />

tuo, kad galëjo tapti vaiko “nuosavybe”, kurià buvo galima padovanoti<br />

kitiems vaikams. Gerai padaryta tiflografinë knyga atveria<br />

vaikui turtingà pasakø pasaulá, iliustracijø pasaulá, kuris<br />

ilgai buvo prieinamas tik regintiems vaikams.<br />

Dauguma tiflografika iliustruotø knygø siekia mokyti aklà<br />

vaikà áva<strong>ir</strong>iø ágûdþiø, kuriø jam reiks gyvenime, norint suvokti<br />

neregimà aplinkiná pasaulá. Tiflografinës iliustracijos gali atverti<br />

naujø sàvokø pasaulá, iðplësti þodynà, ypaè skaitant knygà kartu<br />

su suaugusiu þmogumi. Suaugusiojo vaidmuo - paaiðkinti proporcijas<br />

tarp knygoje pavaizduotø <strong>ir</strong> tikrø daiktø, papasakoti<br />

apie spalvas, iðaiðkinti vaikui knygoje apraðomas sàvokas.<br />

Taèiau lytëjimu informacija gaunama nuosekliai, <strong>ir</strong> jà reikia<br />

gerai suprasti. Todël aklam vaikui reikia suaugusiøjø paramos,<br />

kad jie pasakodami padëtø vaikui suprasti, kà jis tuo metu èiuopia<br />

savo p<strong>ir</strong>ðtukais. Jeigu vaikui paduosime reljefiná pieðiná, jam<br />

nedera sakyti: “Tai maðina”, bet “Tai yra maðinos modelis arba<br />

maðinos pieðinys - tikra maðina kur kas didesnë”. Aklas<br />

vaikas turi suþinoti, koks yra sk<strong>ir</strong>tumas tarp pieðinio <strong>ir</strong> tikrovës.<br />

Pieðiniai yra trijø matmenø daiktø atvaizdai plokðtumoje.<br />

Taèiau, kai vaikas tai iðmoksta, tada lytëdamas tiflografinius<br />

pieðinius arba daiktus jis gali pat<strong>ir</strong>ti daugybæ daiktø savybiø,<br />

tokiø kaip ðiltumas, minkðtumas, ðaltumas, kietumas, dydis<br />

<strong>ir</strong> forma, <strong>ir</strong> dar daugelá kitø dalykø, kuriø negalima paaiðkinti<br />

þodþiais. Iðmokus skaityti tiflografines iliustracijas savo pasakø<br />

knygutëse, akliems <strong>ir</strong> silpnaregiams vaikams geriau sekasi<br />

mokykloje, kai tenka gilintis á plastmasëje atspaustus reljefinius<br />

pieðinius, iðsipuèianèiame popieriuje atspaustas diagramas,<br />

mokytis Brailio raðto.<br />

Kaip be grafikos vaikai galëtø iðmokti daugiau, ne vien aritmetikos?<br />

Seniau Suomijoje akli vaikai bûdavo atleidþiami nuo<br />

matematikos <strong>ir</strong> tiksliøjø mokslø, nes buvo manoma, kad jie tokiø<br />

dalykø iðmokti negali. Dabar mes turime keletà aklø mokiniø,<br />

kurie vidurinëje mokykloje mokosi aukðtosios matematikos.<br />

Mûsø nuomone, taip yra todël, kad tie vaikai ikimokykliniame<br />

amþiuje skaitë tiflografika iliustruotas pasakø knygas.<br />

Tie vaikai anksti pradëjo tren<strong>ir</strong>uoti savo lytëjimà, anksti tapo<br />

“raðtingø rankø”.<br />


Apibendrinant reiktø pasakyti, kad akli <strong>ir</strong> silpnaregiai vaikai<br />

savo knygose turi turëti tiflografines iliustracijas dël tø paèiø<br />

prieþasèiø, kaip jø regintys bendraamþiai: kad iliustracijos skatintø<br />

skaityti toliau, kad jie mokytøsi, tyrinëdami pieðinius p<strong>ir</strong>ðtais.<br />

Kita tokia pat svarbi tø iliustracijø savybë - kad jos vysto<br />

lytëjimo ágûdþius <strong>ir</strong> pojûtá, ugdo rankø koordinacijà. Be to, iliustracijos<br />

skatina vaikà mokytis skaityti - jie susidomi, puslapyje<br />

aptikæ Brailio raðto taðkus.<br />


Päivi Voutilainen<br />



KNYGAS<br />

Celia akløjø bibliotekos Skaitytojø aptarnavimo skyriaus vedëja,<br />

Suomija<br />

Áva<strong>ir</strong>ûs tiflografiniø knygø<br />

gamybos bûdai<br />

Unikalios tiflografika<br />

iliustruotos knygos<br />

Tiflografines iliustracijas galima daryti keliais bûdais. P<strong>ir</strong>mieji<br />

akliesiems sk<strong>ir</strong>ti pieðiniai buvo daromi ið papje maðë arba<br />

iðraiþomi medinëse lentelëse. Tie pieðiniai buvo rankø darbo<br />

unikalûs, vieninteliai savo rûðies, darbai. Beje, Suomijoje<br />

daromos nuostabios medþiaginës tiflografinës knygos su paveikslëliais<br />

- jos visos padarytos rankomis, <strong>ir</strong> retai kada daugiau<br />

kaip vienu egzemplioriumi. Jos siuvamos rankomis arba<br />

siuvamàja maðina, siuvama ið áva<strong>ir</strong>iø medþiagø, panaudojant<br />

daiktus, kurie pritv<strong>ir</strong>tinami prie puslapiø, aptrauktø medþiaga<br />

(audeklu). Kai kurias ðiose knygose esanèias detales galima<br />

judinti, dalá jø - atlipinti <strong>ir</strong> vël prilipinti.<br />

Kartais minëtos knygos labiau primena þaislus nei áprastas<br />

knygas. Pasitaiko, kad jas pavadina þaislinëmis knygomis. Tokiomis<br />

knygomis, padarytomis pasakø pagrindu, siekiama panaðumo<br />

su tradicinëmis pasakø knygomis, kokias skaito regintys<br />

vaikai. Tiflografiniø knygø privalumas toks, kad jas malonu<br />

liesti, malonu èiupinëti, jos saugios, detalës tv<strong>ir</strong>tai prisiûtos<br />

prie puslapio, ilgaamþës, jas netgi galima skalbti. Taèiau<br />

ðiø knygø siuvimas trunka labai ilgai, be to, reikia mokëti gerai<br />

siûti. Mûsø skaitytojai vaikai prie tokiø knygø pripratæ, jas mëgsta,<br />

o mums nepaprastai sekasi ta prasme, kad kasmet mûsø<br />

fondas jomis pasipildo. Dabar Celia bibliotekoje yra maþdaug<br />

450 tiflografiniø knygø.<br />


32<br />

Iliustracijos, padarytos koliaþo bûdu,<br />

klijuojant popieriø ant popieriaus<br />

arba naudojant kitas medþiagas<br />

Reljefinës iliustracijos ið popieriaus gaunamos klijuojant kelis<br />

popieriaus arba kartono sluoksnius ant kartoninio pagrindo. Atsk<strong>ir</strong>os<br />

figûros iðkerpamos þ<strong>ir</strong>klëmis arba iðpjaunamos peiliuku,<br />

arba su mechanine pjaustykle iðkertamos kelios figûros.<br />

Pastarasis bûdas tinka masiniam t<strong>ir</strong>aþavimui, taèiau kai kuriuose<br />

etapuose vis tiek reikia rankø darbo. Dar galima reljefines<br />

iliustracijas daryti ant kartoninio pagrindo, ant kurio klijuojamos<br />

figûros ið kartono, ðvitrinio popieriaus, odos, kailio, vielos,<br />

v<strong>ir</strong>vës, juosteliø, molio, visa tai kartu arba atsk<strong>ir</strong>ai, <strong>ir</strong> taip<br />

iðgaunamos áva<strong>ir</strong>ios formos <strong>ir</strong> tekstûros. Sk<strong>ir</strong>tingos medþiagos<br />

duoda ryðkø stimuliuojantá poveiká, jas lytëdami vaikai pat<strong>ir</strong>ia<br />

naujø áspûdþiø. Taèiau darant tokias reljefines iliustracijas, bûtinai<br />

reikia patikrinti naudojamas medþiagas, klijus, spalvoms<br />

naudotas chemines medþiagas, kad nebûtø nuodingos. Pasitaiko,<br />

kad klijai nelaiko pakankamai tv<strong>ir</strong>tai priklijuotø detaliø <strong>ir</strong><br />

vaikui á burnà gali patekti maþi reljefinës iliustracijos gabaliukai.<br />

Todël tiflografines knygas reikia daryti labai kruopðèiai.<br />

Pastarasis bûdas daþniausiai naudojamas t<strong>ir</strong>aþuojant Taktus<br />

knygas. Formos ið kai kuriø medþiagø iðpjaunamos pjaustykle,<br />

taèiau reikia ádëti <strong>ir</strong> daug rankø darbo, kol padaromi ðimtai<br />

kiekvienos Taktus konkurse apdovanotos tiflografinës knygos<br />

egzemplioriø.<br />

Ðilkografijos technika<br />

Ðvedijos garsiniø <strong>ir</strong> Brailio knygø biblioteka turi pasigaminusi<br />

vaikiðkø tiflografiniø knygø ðilkografijos bûdu. Bûdinga trafaretinio<br />

spausdinimo technikos savybë ta, kad galima panaudoti<br />

t<strong>ir</strong>ðtesnius daþus arba gumà, kurie uþtepami ant padëklo<br />

<strong>ir</strong> prispaudþiami prie pagrindo per trafaretà. Á daþus galima<br />

pridëti kokios nors plaukuotos medþiagos, taip sukuriant ðvelnø,<br />

malonø liesti pav<strong>ir</strong>ðiø. Problema ta, kad ðios iliustracijos<br />

palyginti plokðèios <strong>ir</strong> gana sunku atsk<strong>ir</strong>ti paveikslo reljefà <strong>ir</strong> fonà.<br />

(Pavyzdys - knyga Dick Bruna: Miffy).<br />

Norint naudotis ðia technika, reikia palaikyti gerus ryðius su<br />

kokia nors spaustuve.

Kiti tiflografiniø iliustracijø<br />

gamybos bûdai<br />

Termoforminës iliustracijos<br />

Suomiðkuose Brailio vadovëliuose p<strong>ir</strong>mosios reljefinës iliustracijos<br />

pas<strong>ir</strong>odë maþdaug prieð trisdeðimt metø. Jos tradiciðkai<br />

buvo vadinamos plasmasiniais reljefiniais pieðiniais, kurie<br />

buvo padaryti su vakuuminëmis formavimo maðinomis. Turbût<br />

tai plaèiausiai naudojamas bûdas akliesiems sk<strong>ir</strong>toms reljefinëms<br />

iliustracijoms gaminti. Pagaminti plasmasinæ kopijà<br />

ið reljefinio originalo arba formos yra pigu <strong>ir</strong> greita. Tokios iliustracijos<br />

puikiai pasiteisina vadovëliuose, pavyzdþiui, kai reikia<br />

atvaizduoti augalus arba gyvûnus, taip pat ðiuo metodu tinka<br />

vaizduoti þemëlapius <strong>ir</strong> diagramas. Plastmasines reljefines<br />

iliustracijas galima nuspalvinti nenuodingais daþais, kad tiktø<br />

silpnaregiams.<br />

Taèiau termoforminës iliustracijos nelabai tinkamos naudoti<br />

p<strong>ir</strong>moje aklo vaiko knygoje. Reikia turëti pakankamai gerus<br />

lytëjimo ágûdþius, kad suprastumët tokias reljefines iliustracijas.<br />

Jos visuomet bûna dviejø matmenø <strong>ir</strong>, lieèiant p<strong>ir</strong>ðtais<br />

tokià iliustracijà, visa ji atrodo vienoda. Be to, plastmasë nëra<br />

labai maloni liesti; kai suðyla, ji pasidaro slidi nuo prakaito, o<br />

per ilgà laikà iðsipurvina.<br />

Spausdintinë grafika<br />

Spausdintinë grafika dar vadinama Brailio grafika. Tai pieðiniai,<br />

susidedantys ið taðkø, kurie yra padaromi su Brailio<br />

spausdintuvais arba su specialia maðina, sk<strong>ir</strong>ta grafikams daryti.<br />

Yra vaikiðkø knygø, iliustruotø ðiuo bûdu, bet man jos atrodo<br />

palyginti kuklios, kadangi suteikia tik vienos rûðies lytëjimo<br />

pojûtá. Taèiau ðis metodas tinka, jei siekiame mokyti Brailio raðto<br />

arba ugdome rankø koordinacijà.<br />

Iðsipuèiantis (mikrokapsulinis)<br />

popierius<br />

Reljefiniai pieðiniai, padaryti ant iðsipuèianèio popieriaus,<br />

taip pat daþnai dedami á vadovëlius. Paðildytas mikrokapsulinis<br />

popierius iðsipuèia. Tai pakankamai ekonomiðka medþiaga,<br />

ant kurios ið originalaus pieðinio galima pasidaryti vienà<br />


arba kelis paprastus reljefinius pieðinius. Taèiau skaityti tokias<br />

iliustracijas galima tik gerai águdus, todël jos netinka maþø vaikø<br />

knygoms. Iki ðiol aptarti metodai geriausiu atveju duoda reljefines<br />

linijas, tokios iliustracijos nepakankamai sudomina ikimokyklinio<br />

amþiaus aklus vaikus.<br />

Suomijoje mes turime vaikiðkø tiflografiniø knygø, padarytø<br />

naudojant kelias technikas. Didþioji mûsø knygø dalis - rankomis<br />

pasiûtos medþiaginës knygos, kadangi bûtent tokias p<strong>ir</strong>màsias<br />

knygas gavome ið amatø mokyklos. Mûsø bibliotekos<br />

personalas yra padaræs knygø <strong>ir</strong> ið medþiagos, <strong>ir</strong> naudojant<br />

koliaþo technikà. Jeigu knyga padaroma kruopðèiai, prisilaikant<br />

tam tikrø taisykliø, ji bûna gerai skaitytojø vertinama <strong>ir</strong><br />

tampa svarbia mûsø fondo dalimi.<br />


Marion Ripley<br />

ClearVision biblioteka, Jungtinë Karalystë<br />

Nuo paprastø prie sudëtingø<br />

tiflografiniø knygø<br />

Ketinu kalbëti apie áva<strong>ir</strong>aus sudëtingumo tiflografines knygas,<br />

sk<strong>ir</strong>tas maþiems vaikams. Ðiomis knygomis mes siekiame,<br />

kad vaikai sklandþiai pereitø nuo realiø daiktø, kuriuos galima<br />

paimti á rankas, lytëjimo prie abstraktesniø dalykø lytëjimo.<br />

Be ðio tv<strong>ir</strong>to pagrindo, kuris prasideda nuo realiø daiktø,<br />

negalime tikëtis, kad vaikai sëkmingai <strong>ir</strong> lengvai vienà dienà<br />

pereis prie þemëlapiø <strong>ir</strong> diagramø. Kaip nurodë Francis Aldridge,<br />

buvæs Sasekso universiteto profesorius, pagal sudëtingumà<br />

tiflografikà galima sk<strong>ir</strong>styti á dvi kategorijas. Vienas reljefines<br />

iliustracijas labai lengva apèiuopti, bet nelabai lengva suprasti,<br />

kas ten yra. Kitas iliustracijas sunku apèiuopti, taèiau<br />

ten vaizduojama sàvoka yra visai paprasta.<br />

Pavyzdþiui, ásivaizduokite paprastà grafikà - linijà, kuri vaizduoja,<br />

kiek keleiviø rytais bûna Vilniaus autobusuose. Að, aiðku,<br />

spëliosiu, nes rytà autobusu Vilniuje nesu vaþiavusi; bet<br />

visgi galima manyti, kad penktà ryto bûna visai maþai keleiviø,<br />

aðtuntà jø bûna labai daug, o deðimtà vël sumaþëja. Taigi, <strong>ir</strong><br />

mûsø reljefinis grafikas bûtø linija, kuri ið pradþiø kyla aukðtyn,<br />

paskui leidþiasi þemyn. Ðità linijà labai lengva apèiuopti, netgi<br />

maþas vaikas gali p<strong>ir</strong>ðtuku rasti linijà, kuri kyla á v<strong>ir</strong>ðø <strong>ir</strong> leidþiasi<br />

þemyn. Bet suprasti, kad ðita linija reiðkia skaièiø þmoniø, vaþiuojanèiø<br />

miesto autobusais áva<strong>ir</strong>iu paros metu, yra pernelyg<br />

sudëtinga maþam vaikui suprasti.<br />

Taigi, ðiuo atveju turime paprastà reljefiná grafikà, kuriuo vaizduojama<br />

sudëtinga sàvoka. Kita vertus, paimkime ananasà.<br />

Reljefinis ananaso pieðinys bûtø labai sudëtingas, jame bûtø<br />

daug þvyneliø <strong>ir</strong> smailø lapø, jo pav<strong>ir</strong>ðius bûtø labai grublëtas,<br />

- lieèiant bûtø sunku suprasti, kas tai yra. Jei tokia iliustracija<br />

pateks vaikui, kuris bus valgæs ananaso, bus já laikæs rankose,<br />

tada ananaso sàvoka jam atrodys lengva, bet pats reljefinis<br />

pieðinys bus labai sudëtingas. Tai tik pavyzdys, rodantis, á kà<br />

reikia atsiþvelgti, kai darome reljefines iliustracijas vaikams arba<br />

suaugusiems.<br />

Kitas dalykas, kurá turime atsiminti, yra tai, kad reginèiøjø<br />

raðto knygose iliustracijos kartais bûna labai paprastos, labai<br />


gerai suprantamos maþiems regintiems vaikams, bet sudaro<br />

nemaþø sunkumø akliems vaikams, kurie tas iliustracijas tyrinëja<br />

p<strong>ir</strong>ðtukais. Savo rankose laikau reljefiná paveikslëlá, kuriame<br />

vaizduojama jûra, palmë, saulë danguje <strong>ir</strong> valtelë horizonte.<br />

Atrodo visai paprastas paveikslëlis, yra kur kas sudëtingesniø<br />

uþ já. Bet jeigu d<strong>ir</strong>btumëte su maþu aklu vaiku, kuris neþinotø,<br />

kaip atrodo paveikslëliai reginèiøjø knygose, pastebëtumëte,<br />

kad ðis paveikslëlis tik atrodo paprastas, ið tikrøjø jame<br />

yra nemaþai dalykø, kuriuos aklam vaikui reikëtø paaiðkinti.<br />

Saulë danguje: mums ji atrodo tokia áprasta, tai toks visiems<br />

suprantamas simbolis; saulë vaizduojama kaip ratas su ið jo<br />

iðeinanèiomis linijomis. Bet ðito simbolio aklas vaikas nesupras,<br />

jei jam nepaaiðkinsime. Jûra dingsta uþ medþio kamieno,<br />

bet kur ji prapuolë? Medis stovi prieð jûrà, todël mes jos <strong>ir</strong><br />

nematome. Ir kalva uþstoja jûrà. Ar tai reiðkia, kad kalva iðsikiðusi<br />

á jûrà? Ne, vëlgi, kalva yra prieð jûrà <strong>ir</strong> jà uþstoja. Dar èia<br />

yra didþiulë palmë <strong>ir</strong> maþytis laivelis. Taigi, perspektyva yra<br />

dar vienas dalykas, kurá teks paaiðkinti maþam aklam vaikui.<br />

Pratinant prie tiflografiniø knygø, galima pradëti nuo realiø<br />

daiktø. Ðtai tokie krepðiai labai populiarûs áprastose Jungtinës<br />

Karalystës mokyklose. Mokytojai jais daþnai naudojasi, norëdami<br />

reginèius vaikus sudominti knygomis, siekdami, kad vaikai<br />

geriau suprastø, kas knygose raðoma. Tokius krepðius mokyklos<br />

praðymu daþnai pasiuva tëvai <strong>ir</strong> seneliai. Á toká krepðá<br />

ádedama po knygà. Èia yra paprastutë knyga apie Dþekà vonioje.<br />

Ði knyga taip pat moko paþinti spalvas. Krepðyje taip pat<br />

randame tikrø daiktø, todël vaikai, klausydamiesi pasakojimo,<br />

gali iðsiimti þalià rankðluostá, maþà antytæ, raudonà laivelá, mëlynà<br />

þuvytæ.<br />

Tai paprastas bûdas padaryti knygà gyva, padëti vaikui, kuris<br />

negali apþiûrëti paveikslëliø; tai paprasta idëja, kurià lengva<br />

ágyvendinti, siekant sudominti vaikà knyga.<br />

Paprastai að neprieðtarauju Paivei, bet dabar norëèiau pakalbëti<br />

apie knygas su termoforminëmis iliustracijomis. Visiðkai<br />

sutinku, kad dauguma knygø su termoforminëmis iliustracijomis<br />

sk<strong>ir</strong>tos vyresniems vaikams. Taèiau ðitos knygos buvo<br />

padarytos specialiai labai maþiems vaikams, kuriose termoforminës<br />

iliustracijos padarytos ið realiø daiktø. Lyginant su termoforminiais<br />

pieðiniais, þemëlapiais <strong>ir</strong> diagramomis, tai visiðkai<br />

kitokia termoforminiø iliustracijø rûðis, nes, pavyzdþiui, ðtai<br />

ði iliustracija - tai trys lego kaladëlës, o vaikai gerai þino, kas tai<br />


yra. Visos ðioje knygoje esanèios reljefinës iliustracijos atkartoja<br />

kasdien sutinkamus daiktus, kuriuos vaikas gali paèiupinëti.<br />

Su ðia knyga galima þaisti toká þaidimà: vaikas turi surasti<br />

tikrà daiktà, kuris atitinka tiflografinës knygos iliustracijà.<br />

O ðioje knygoje pasakojama apie milþinà, kuris priverstas<br />

gráþti namo, nes visus pinigus iðleido Makdonalde. Bet jam<br />

spaudþia batas, todël jis já nusiima <strong>ir</strong> jame randa raktà. Jis pasako<br />

trumpà eilëraðtá, kuriuo iðlieja savo susierzinimà, <strong>ir</strong> apsiauna.<br />

Bet vël jam sunku eiti. Nusiauna <strong>ir</strong> randa bate ðaukðtà. Ir<br />

taip ðitas pasakojimas kartojasi vël <strong>ir</strong> vël, o vaikas gali atspëti,<br />

kad kitame knygos puslapyje milþinas bate dar kaþkà suras.<br />

Ðità knygà iðbandëme su daugiau kaip ðimtu vaikø; buvo<br />

vykdomas toks projektas. Knyga vaikams labai patiko, o daugelis<br />

vaikø , kuriems ji patiko, turëjo mokymosi negalià. Tø vaikø<br />

mokytojai ið pradþiø parengdavo vaikus, <strong>ir</strong> tik tada pristatydavo<br />

knygà. Pavyzdþiui, viena mokytoja á klasæ atsineðë batà,<br />

kuriame buvo pridëta áva<strong>ir</strong>iø daiktø. Vaikai ëmë tuos daiktus ið<br />

bato vienà po kito <strong>ir</strong> sakë, kas tai yra, o keli vaikai apsiavë tà<br />

batà su ðaukðtu viduje <strong>ir</strong> vaikðèiojo po klasæ, norëdami patys<br />

ásitikinti, kad batas spaudþia.<br />

Taigi, p<strong>ir</strong>mos vaikiðkos tiflografinës knygos yra padarytos<br />

pagal tikrus daiktus, kuriuos vaikai galbût sugebës atpaþinti.<br />

Ðtai èia yra tokios knygos pavyzdys. Tai knyga - abëcëlë, lape<br />

- viena abëcëlës raidë. Jeigu knygoje bûtø visa abëcëlë, ji bûtø<br />

pernelyg stora, o maþi vaikai negali ilgai iðlaikyti dëmesio.<br />

Ðtai èia pavaizduoti daiktai, kurie angliðkai prasideda raide “b”;<br />

lietuviðkai jie prasideda “k” raide: krepðelis, krepðelyje, karoliukai.<br />

Ðtai èia interaktyvi knyga, pavadinta “Patriukðmaukim”. Vaikas<br />

gali daryti su knyga áva<strong>ir</strong>ius dalykus, jis atranda joje tikrà<br />

lazdelæ, su kuria galima muðti tikrà bûgnelá; tai tikri daiktai, su<br />

kuriais vaikas gali þaisti. O paskutiniame puslapyje yra tikros<br />

kastanjetës, jos primena Ispanijà.<br />

Kitos knygos yra visiðkai nesudëtingos, bet jose atskleidþiamos<br />

kur kas sudëtingesnës sàvokos, nei iki tol mano rodytose<br />

knygose. Ðtai èia turiu mielà paprastà <strong>ir</strong> tv<strong>ir</strong>tà knygutæ, kurià<br />

vaikui tikrai bûtø sunku sugadinti. Kiekviename puslapyje vaikas<br />

turi rasti koká nors sk<strong>ir</strong>tumà, kitoká daiktà.<br />

Ðio amþiaus vaikams turime skaièiavimo knygø, knygø su<br />

prieðybëmis <strong>ir</strong> geometrinëmis formomis. Ðtai magnetinë knygutë,<br />

jos p<strong>ir</strong>mame puslapyje yra magnetas, kurá reikia laikyti<br />


ankoje <strong>ir</strong> iðbandyti, kaip jis pritraukia visokius daiktus. Taip vaikas<br />

èiupinëja visiðkai tikroviðkus daiktus, <strong>ir</strong> pamaþu ásisàmonina<br />

kokià nors truputá sunkesnæ sàvokà.<br />

Toliau galime pereiti prie knygø su abstraktesnëmis iliustracijomis.<br />

Ir jos yra palyginti paprastos, jø tekstûra labai tikroviðka,<br />

bet paimkim kad <strong>ir</strong> ðià knygutæ apie Raudonkepuraitæ.<br />

Ar Lietuvoje ðita pasaka þinoma? Jeigu minutëlæ pamàstytumëte,<br />

kokia reginèiøjø raðtu iðleistoje knygoje apie Raudonkepuraitæ<br />

turëtø bûti p<strong>ir</strong>ma iliustracija, turbût nutartumëte, kad<br />

joje turëtø bûti pavaizduota v<strong>ir</strong>tuvë, kurioje mama kepa pyragëlius<br />

senelei, ant kilimëlio tupi katë, ðalia stovi Raudonkepuraitë,<br />

yra stalas, ant palangës - pelargonija.O ðioje paprastutëje<br />

tiflografinëje knygoje p<strong>ir</strong>mame lape mes turime tik Raudonkepuraitës<br />

kepurytæ. Kitas puslapis sudëtingesnis, nes jame<br />

vaizduojami medþiai, bet jie labai supaprastinti, lapai èiuopiasi<br />

kaip tikri lapai, nes iliustracijos tekstûrà mes stengëmës<br />

padaryti kuo tikroviðkesnesnæ. Kai Raudonkepuraitë ateina á<br />

senelës trobelæ, ji pastebi, kad senelës labai didelës ausys (puslapyje<br />

- didelë ausø iliustracija), labai didelës akys, <strong>ir</strong> labai dideli<br />

dantys; taip kiekviename puslapyje vaikas vis kaþkà atranda.<br />

O ðiame puslapyje mes turime dureles, kurios padarytos ið<br />

cigarø dëþutës dangtelio, kurio tekstûra yra kaip tik tokia, kokios<br />

reikia, <strong>ir</strong> skleidþia kaip tik toká garsà, kokio reikia, kai á tas<br />

dureles beldþiama. O kitame puslapyje pavaizduotas pro duris<br />

bëganèio vilko uþpakalis. Senelë buvo kà tik iðëjusi nup<strong>ir</strong>kti<br />

sausainiø, o kai sugráþo, labai apsidþiaugë, kad atëjo jos anûkë.<br />

Èia pavaizduoti sausainiai, jie padaryti ið molio. Mes nutarëme<br />

pasinaudoti proga <strong>ir</strong> padaryti áva<strong>ir</strong>iø formø sausainius -<br />

apvalø, staèiakampá, kvadratiná.<br />

Kita nesudëtinga knygutë yra apie augalus, kurioje vaikas<br />

atranda paprastø sàvokø. Ðtai èia, p<strong>ir</strong>mame puslapyje, yra kieta<br />

sëkla.<br />

O ðtai èia viena ið apdovanotø Taktus knygø. Joje yra pagrindinës<br />

herojës portretas, bet visos tekstûros labai tikroviðkos.<br />

Mes tikimës, kad toliau vaikai pereis prie dar abstraktesniø<br />

knygø, tokiø kaip “Klaros suknelë”, kurioje vaikui yra dar<br />

daugiau kà èiupinëti. Ir ði knygutë visai paprasta, bet èia greièiau<br />

paveikslëliai, o ne tikroviðki daiktai. Ir bûtinai pasiþiûrëkite<br />

á paskutiná puslapá, kuriame ant v<strong>ir</strong>vutës dþiûsta karvës kelnaitës.<br />


Paskutinë knygutë, kurià noriu parodyti, yra kita Taktus konkurse<br />

apdovanota knyga, sk<strong>ir</strong>ta vyresniems vaikams, kurioje<br />

labai daug sk<strong>ir</strong>tingø tekstûrø, ji labai labai stilizuota, o tekstas<br />

pakankamai subtilus. Tai ganëtinai simboliðka knyga, ádomi<br />

saulë, þvaigþdës <strong>ir</strong> visa kita.<br />

Norëèiau pastebëti, kad kai akli vaikai èiupinëja ðias knygas,<br />

jie neturi jaustis lyg per egzaminà. Paivë kalbëjo apie tai,<br />

kaip svarbu, kad tiflografinëmis knygomis vaikai galëtø dalintis,<br />

o tas dalijimasis turëtø vykti ðitaip: “Þiûrëkime kartu”. Tiflografinë<br />

knyga turëtø bûti tokia, kad aklas vaikas niekada neliktø<br />

nesupratæs, kas pavaizduota reljefinëje iliustracijoje.<br />

O dabar norëèiau, kad Jûs pasijustumëte vaiko, tyrinëjanèio<br />

reljefinæ iliustracijà, kailyje, þinoma, jeigu pageidaujate. Jeigu<br />

norite, kiekvienam paduosiu po reljefinæ iliustracijà. Paduosiu<br />

iliustracijas apverstas, lyg per egzaminà. Ir norëèiau, kad uþsimerktumëte,<br />

jei reikia, <strong>ir</strong> tik tada atverstumëte jas. Jei þvilgtelësite<br />

á iliustracijà, vos sekundei, viskà tuoj suprasite. Taigi, jei<br />

norite dalyvauti, iðdalinsiu iliustracijas <strong>ir</strong> pasakysiu “gerai”, tada<br />

uþsimerkite <strong>ir</strong> atverskite. Gerai. (Seminaro dalyviai p<strong>ir</strong>ðtais<br />

tyrinëja iðdalintas iliustracijas). O dabar galite á jas pasiþiûrëti.<br />

Jeigu sëdite ðalia neregio, galite jam pasakyti, kas ten vaizduojama.<br />

Turbût jau supratote, jog nelengva atspëti, kas pavaizduota<br />

reljefinëje iliustracijoje? Ar kuris nors klausytojas gali<br />

man pasakyti, kas buvo jo iliustracijoje? Ne? Betgi jums iðdalinau<br />

reljefines iliustracijas, kurios sk<strong>ir</strong>tos ikimokyklinio amþiaus<br />

vaikams, kai jie skaito “Miffy” knygutes - trejø-ketveriø-penkeriø<br />

metø vaikams. Vaikams, kurie nëra matæ paveikslëliø, nëra<br />

matæ gyvo dramblio.<br />


40<br />

Marion Ripley<br />

ClearVision biblioteka, Jungtinë Karalystë<br />

Kokios turi bûti reljefinës iliustracijos,<br />

kad jas suprastø akli vaikai?<br />

Dabar visi drauge pagalvokime, kà mes galime padaryti,<br />

kad maþiems akliems vaikams sk<strong>ir</strong>tos reljefinës iliustracijos bûtø<br />

lengviau suprantamos. Labai sunku suprasti kontûrinius pieðinius,<br />

nes neþinote, kurià pavaizduoto daikto pusæ èiuopiate.<br />

Kur kas lengviau suvokti reljefinæ iliustracijà, jei ji yra uþpildyta.<br />

Þymiai lengviau, jei puslapyje bus keletas sk<strong>ir</strong>tingø tekstûrø,<br />

bet jø viename puslapyje neturi bûti per daug. Tos tekstûros<br />

turi tarpusavyje sk<strong>ir</strong>tis. Labai svarbu tekstûras nuolat tikrinti<br />

jas èiupinëjant, kadangi yra tokiø, kurios akiai atrodo visiðkai<br />

sk<strong>ir</strong>tingos, bet p<strong>ir</strong>ðtai jauèia palyginti panaðø pav<strong>ir</strong>ðiø. Tiesiog<br />

viename puslapyje vaizduokite vienà arba du objektus, nedëkite<br />

daug <strong>ir</strong> áva<strong>ir</strong>iø.<br />

Ðioje reljefinëje iliustracijoje vaizduojamos dvi þ<strong>ir</strong>afos. Ásivaizduokite,<br />

kad esate vaikas, kuris neþino, kaip atrodo þ<strong>ir</strong>afa.<br />

Kà suþinotumëte ið ðios iliustracijos? Turbût kad þ<strong>ir</strong>afa turi dvi<br />

galvas. Ðios dvi þ<strong>ir</strong>afos pavaizduotos sukryþiuotais kaklais, todël<br />

atrodo, tarsi èia bûtø gyvûnas su aðtuoniomis kojomis <strong>ir</strong><br />

dviem galvom. Sakau, kad ðis gyvûnas turi aðtuonias kojas,<br />

bet þinoma, jums nepavyktø suskaièiuoti tø aðtuoniø kojø, nes<br />

uþ jø parodyta tvorelë. Manau, kad niekas ðios iliustracijos gerai<br />

nesupras, netgi su paðaliniø pagalba.<br />

Visi puslapyje vaizduojami daiktai turi bûti atsk<strong>ir</strong>ti vienas<br />

nuo kito nedideliu tarpeliu tam, kad kiekvienà daiktà galëtumëte<br />

apèiupinëti atsk<strong>ir</strong>ai. Ðio amþiaus vaikams sk<strong>ir</strong>tose iliustracijose<br />

reikia proporcingai vaizduoti daiktus, negalima rodyti<br />

didelio medþio p<strong>ir</strong>mame plane <strong>ir</strong> maþo laivelio - iliustracijos<br />

fone. Venkite perspektyvos: mes galime suprasti, kad kelias<br />

tolumoje siaurëja, taèiau apie ðá dalykà aklas vaikas suþinos<br />

vëliau.<br />

Stenkitës nevaizduoti objektø, kuriuos uþstoja kiti objektai.<br />

Ðiame paveikslëlyje pavaizduoti du kiðkiai, kurie þiûri pro traukinio<br />

langà. Taèiau gaila, kad traukinio rëmas eina skersai per<br />

kiðkio ausis <strong>ir</strong> jas uþstoja. Ausys galëjo bûti vienintelis dalykas,<br />

ið kurio bûtø galima atpaþinti kiðká, taèiau tø ausø negalima<br />

apèiuopti, nes trukdo skersinis lango rëmas.

Þmogø arba gyvûnà kur kas lengviau atpaþinti, jei galima<br />

suskaièiuoti rankas arba kojas. Reginèiøjø raðto knygose paprastai<br />

gyvûnai vaizduojami tik su dviem kojomis. Mes suprantame,<br />

kad deðinë koja slepiasi uþ ka<strong>ir</strong>ës. Bet reljefinëje iliustracijoje<br />

gyvûnà bûna lengviau atpaþinti, jei galima suskaièiuoti<br />

visas keturias kojas, <strong>ir</strong> jeigu uþpakalyje aiðkiai styro uodega.<br />

Apaèioje, parodoje, yra keletas puikiø knygø, kuriose teisingai<br />

pavaizduoti gyvûnai. Kaip gerà pavyzdá noriu paminëti Lietuvoje<br />

surengto konkurso p<strong>ir</strong>màjà vietà uþëmusià knygà, bei kelias<br />

Sylvi, mûsø kolegës ið Suomijos, padarytas knygas.<br />

Panaðiai reikia vaizduoti <strong>ir</strong> veidus. Kur kas lengviau apèiuopti<br />

veidà, jei jis apvalus <strong>ir</strong> uþpildytas; jei galima suskaièiuoti akis,<br />

rasti nosá, paèiupinëti lûpas <strong>ir</strong> plaukus; jei veidas simetriðkas,<br />

lengviau tyrinëti jo bruoþus. Arba ið profilio, kad bûtø galima<br />

paèiupinëti nosá, smakrà, kaklà. Kur kas sunkiau, jei vaizduojate<br />

veidà trijø ketv<strong>ir</strong>èiø kampu, tada jis nebûna simetriðkas, viena<br />

akis bûna didelë, kita maþa, o burna - keistos formos.<br />

Taigi, tokios yra taisyklës, kaip reljefines iliustracijas padaryti<br />

suprantamesnes. Ið kokios medþiagos bedarytumëte iliustracijas<br />

- siûtumëte ið medþiagos arba darytumëte koliaþo bûdu,<br />

- ðios taisyklës tinka visoms reljefinëms iliustracijoms.<br />

Ðalia to, yra dar ðeðios auksinës tiflografiniø knygø gamybos<br />

taisyklës, kurios angliðkai prasideda raide “s”, bet lietuviðkai,<br />

þinoma, jos prasidës kitokiomis raidëmis. Tiflografinës knygos<br />

turi bûti:<br />

Saugios. Kartoju tai, apie kà jau kalbëjo Paivë, bet manau,<br />

kad apie tai verta dar kartà pakalbëti. Nepaprastai svarbu,<br />

kad tiflografinës knygos bûtø saugios, kad netinkamos knygos<br />

nepatektø tokiems vaikams, kurie gali nuo puslapiø nuplëðti<br />

<strong>ir</strong> praryti kokius nors daiktus. Ðia prasme ið medþiagos<br />

pasiûtos knygos paprastai bûna labai saugios, nes galima daiktus<br />

taip tv<strong>ir</strong>tai prisiûti prie pulsapiø, kad net visiðkai nevaldomi<br />

vaikai negalës jø nudrëksti.<br />

Paprastos. Maþiems vaikams sk<strong>ir</strong>tos knygos turi bûti itin<br />

paprastos. Jei knyga jiems patinka <strong>ir</strong> jie jà greitai perskaito, tai<br />

geras dalykas, vaikai pasijunta, kad sugeba ðá bei tà suprasti.<br />

Taèiau dauguma tiflografiniø knygø yra per daug sudëtingos.<br />

Kyla pavojus, kad vaikus atbaidysime, jei jie nesupras, kà vaizduoja<br />

reljefinës iliustracijos. Juk mums nereikia ilgai galvoti,<br />

kas pavaizduota mûsø (reginèiøjø) knygose, todël neverskime<br />

<strong>ir</strong> aklø vaikø átemptai galvoti, kas vaizduojama jø knygose.<br />


Maþos. Knygos turi bûti palyginti maþos. Juk vaikai maþi,<br />

jø maþos rankytës, maþi delniukai, maþi keliukai, ant kuriø jie<br />

deda savo knygutes. Svarbu, kad vaikas galëtø viskà pats pasiekti,<br />

apèiupinëti knygà savo rankomis. Taèiau, jeigu tiflografinë<br />

knyga didelë, tai nëra nepataisoma nelaimë.<br />

Trumpos. Tiflografinës knygos turi bûti trumpos. Dabar jûs<br />

visi tyrinëjate reljefines iliustracijas. Þinote, kiek laiko reikia, norint<br />

p<strong>ir</strong>ðtais iðtyrinëti vienà puslapá. Ðitie vaikai nenori iðtisà pusvalandá<br />

skaityti savo knygà. Ir regintis vaikas nenori ilgai skaityti<br />

vienos knygos. Todël pakanka keturiø - penkiø puslapiø.<br />

Tv<strong>ir</strong>tos. Tai reiðkia stiprios <strong>ir</strong> patvarios, kurias nelengva sugadinti.<br />

Kai vaikai pasiima knygà á rankas, normalu, kad jie bando<br />

kaþkà nuo puslapio atplëðti. Netgi labai tvarkingi vaikai tampo<br />

reljefines detales, norëdami patikrinti, ar jos atplyð, ar ne. O<br />

yra vaikø, kuriø tvarkingais apskritai negalima pavadinti. Yra<br />

tokiø vaikø, kurie ið pradþiø pamëgina knygà perplëðti pusiau,<br />

<strong>ir</strong> tik tada aps<strong>ir</strong>amina <strong>ir</strong> susidomi, kas vaizduojama jos puslapiuose.<br />

Ðtai èia vël pasiteisina medþiaginës knygos, nes vaikai<br />

jas gali plëðyti ið visø jëgø, <strong>ir</strong> nieko neatsitiks.<br />

Lavinanèios. Norëdami lavinti ðiø vaikø pojûèius, mes stengiamës<br />

naudoti áva<strong>ir</strong>ias tekstûras, <strong>ir</strong> ne visos jos bûna ðvelnios<br />

<strong>ir</strong> malonios liesti, bûna kietø <strong>ir</strong> ðiurkðèiø, plaukuotø, ðaltø pav<strong>ir</strong>ðiø.<br />

Parodoje yra viena gauruota knyga. Tai nuostabi idëja, ásivaizduokime<br />

vaikà, paimantá jà á rankas <strong>ir</strong> tuoj pat pagalvojantá:<br />

“Ðita knyga labai ádomi, ji visa gauruota!” Ðios knygos pav<strong>ir</strong>ðiaus<br />

tekstûros pask<strong>ir</strong>tis lygiai tokia pati, kaip <strong>ir</strong> ryðkaus reginèiøjø<br />

raðtu knygos v<strong>ir</strong>ðelio.<br />

Ðalia dalykø, kuriuos vaikai turës èiupinëti, mes galime pridëti<br />

garsø <strong>ir</strong> kvapø. Þinau, kad Paivë savo bibliotekoje turi nuostabià<br />

knygà, kurios puslapiuose yra glamþyto popieriaus <strong>ir</strong><br />

akmenukø, todël, verèiant puslapius, jie ðlama kaip jûra. Galite<br />

prie puslapiø pritv<strong>ir</strong>tinti ðvilpukus arba mygtukus, kuriuos<br />

paspaudus pasig<strong>ir</strong>sta melodija. Kvapai: keletoje knygø yra prisiûti<br />

maiðeliai su levandomis, antiseptiku, cinamonu. Viena mûsø<br />

turima knyga vadinasi “Pasidarykime valgyti” . Joje yra daug<br />

medþiaginiø maiðeliø, prisiûtø prie knygos, kurie pilni visokiø<br />

aðtriø prieskoniø. Paskutiniame puslapyje yra maiðelis su ryþiais,<br />

þinoma, nev<strong>ir</strong>tais. Nev<strong>ir</strong>ti ryþiai labai maloniai g<strong>ir</strong>gþda tarp<br />

p<strong>ir</strong>ðtø.<br />

Norëdami sudominti vaikus, kurie ðiek tiek mato, galite panaudoti<br />

kontrastingas spalvas. Beveik nematantiems vaikams<br />


sk<strong>ir</strong>tose knygose galima naudoti juodà <strong>ir</strong> baltà spalvas. Á puslapá<br />

galima ádëti blizganèiø detaliø, nes ats<strong>ir</strong>as tokiø vaikø, kuriems<br />

tai bus viskas, kà jie pamatys.<br />


44<br />

Marion Ripley<br />

ClearVision biblioteka, Jungtinë Karalystë<br />

Tiflografiniø knygø<br />

temos<br />

O apie kà gali bûti tiflografinës knygos? Paivë jau minëjo,<br />

kad yra tradicinës temos, nes kiekviena ðalis turi daugybæ liaudies<br />

pasakø. Labai gerai, jei padarysite tiflografinæ knygà, kurioje<br />

iliustracijomis papasakosite kokià nors pasakà, eilëraðtá<br />

ar baladæ. Yra labai daug temø, tinkamø ikimokyklinio amþiaus<br />

vaikams. Labai nesunku padaryti skaièiavimo sknygà su ádomiomis<br />

iliustracijomis, abëcëlës pradþiamokslio knygutæ, geometriniø<br />

formø knygutæ - jose parodysite tuos dalykus, kuriø<br />

mokosi regintys vaikai. Galite daryti knygas apie vaiko buitá -<br />

kad rytais reikia nusiprausti, aps<strong>ir</strong>engti, apie pasivaikðèiojimà<br />

parke, apie kitus paprastus kasdieniðkus darbelius. Galite kurti<br />

pasakojimus patys. Èia mes nekalbame apie Hará Poterá, kalbame<br />

apie paprastuèius pasakojimus. Galiu pasiûlyti tokià knygos<br />

temà: “atversk mane <strong>ir</strong> nustebsi”. Joje kiekvienas puslapis<br />

gali bûti uþsegtas kitokiu segtuku, kurá reikia atsegti, atversti<br />

atlankà <strong>ir</strong> pas<strong>ir</strong>odys siurprizas.<br />

Yra þmoniø, kurie mëgsta paimti reginèiøjø raðto knygà <strong>ir</strong><br />

jos pagrindu parengti tiflografinæ knygà. Tam tikra prasme taip<br />

yra lengviau, kadangi nereikia sukti galvos, apie kà bus knyga,<br />

t.y. dël teksto. Taèiau mano pat<strong>ir</strong>tis rodo, kad parengti gerà<br />

tiflografinæ knygà ðitokiu bûdu yra þymiai sunkiau, kadangi reikia<br />

adaptuoti reginèiøjø raðto knygos iliustracijas, o tai ne visuomet<br />

lengvas darbas.<br />

Geriausia iðeitis bûtø surinkti kuo daugiau visokiø daikèiukø<br />

<strong>ir</strong> tada palaukti ákvëpimo - padaryti knygà ið to, kà turite. O<br />

dabar nusigræþkite, jei bijote vorø. Kai parduotuvëje pamaèiau<br />

ðità didþiulá vorà, man toptelëjo, kad já galima panaudoti knygoje<br />

“Maþi <strong>ir</strong> dideli”. Pagal principà “maþi <strong>ir</strong> dideli” galima padaryti<br />

iðtisà knygà.<br />

Panaðiai galima naudoti <strong>ir</strong> varpelius - jø yra paèiø áva<strong>ir</strong>iausiø.<br />

Gana ádomu tai, kad didelis varpelis skamba visai kitaip<br />

nei maþas. Todël tokioje knygoje galëtumëte ne tik apèiupinëti<br />

didelá <strong>ir</strong> maþà, bet <strong>ir</strong> iðg<strong>ir</strong>sti, kaip skamba didelis varpelis <strong>ir</strong><br />

kaip skamba maþas. Taigi, ðituos du varpelius galima bûtø panaudoti<br />

paprastoje tiflografinëje knygutëje.

O ðitas cypimà skleidþiantis þaisliukas galëtø tikti knygai<br />

apie garsus. Jeigu knygutëje bûtø pasakojama apie pelytæ, kurià<br />

Jûs galbût padarysite <strong>ir</strong> pavadinsite “Maþoji pelytë”, tas þaisliukas<br />

tiktø pelytës cypimui pailiustruoti. O èia turiu kelias tikrai<br />

puikias kastanjetes. Plastmasinës, pigios kastenjetës, kurias<br />

galima prisiûti prie knygos <strong>ir</strong> gauti puikià reljefinæ iliustracijà.<br />

Daiktus, kuriuos sunku pritv<strong>ir</strong>tinti prie puslapio arba kurie labai<br />

smulkûs, galima sudëti á nedidelá maiðelá ið plonytës medþiagos,<br />

kad vaikas galëtø juos paèiupinëti. Maiðelá reikia tv<strong>ir</strong>tai<br />

prisiûti prie puslapio, <strong>ir</strong> vaikas gali per medþiagà apèiupinëti<br />

maiðelyje esanèius daiktus. Mano rankose labai plona, slidi medþiaga,<br />

kuri èiuopiant atrodo kaip celofanas, ið kurio daromi<br />

saldainiø maiðeliai.<br />

Kartà vienoje pigioje parduotuvëje atradau ðituos padëkliukus,<br />

ant kuriø statomas alus <strong>ir</strong> kitokie gërimai, jie kainavo<br />

graðius, <strong>ir</strong> man toptelëjo, kad juos galima panaudoti knygoje<br />

apie geometrines formas. Ðitas padëkliukas gali vaizduoti kvadratà,<br />

arba galima á vienà puslapá sudëti du kvadratinius <strong>ir</strong> vienà<br />

apvalø padëkliukà, t.y. kad viena forma bûtø kitokia. Arba galima<br />

sudëti dvi lygaus pav<strong>ir</strong>ðiaus geometrines formas, o vienà<br />

- ðiurkðèià. Jeigu darysite knygà apie prieðybes, galite naudoti<br />

vienà lygià formà, o kità - ðiurkðèià. Arba, jeigu rengsite knygà<br />

apie tris parðiukus, tai galëtø tikti ðiaudiniam nameliui iliustruoti.<br />

Tai tik keli pavyzdþiai, kaip ádomûs daiktai gali pasufleruoti<br />

tiflografinës knygos idëjà, knygos, kuri bus ádomesnë <strong>ir</strong><br />

geresnë uþ parengtà pagal reginèiøjø raðtu iðleistà knygà.<br />

Jungtinëje Karalystëje yra pigiø parduotuviø, kuriose galima<br />

rasti daug daiktø, tinkamø tiflografinëms knygoms. Ðtai ðis<br />

daiktas ið pradþiø buvo kalëdinis papuoðalas; kai já iðardþiau,<br />

gavau daug lengvai apèiuopiamø lapø, elglës ðakuèiø, kurios<br />

neduria, taigi nëra pavojingos, bet pakankamai smailos <strong>ir</strong> todël<br />

ádomios, tinkamos tiflografinei knygutei.<br />

Taèiau labai sunku sugalvoti, apie kà galëtø bûti vyresniems<br />

vaikams sk<strong>ir</strong>tos tiflografinës knygos. Yra nemaþai paaugliø, kuriems<br />

taip pat reiktø tiflografiniø knygø, bet surasti jiems tinkamà<br />

temà labai sunku. Mes mielai siøstume jiems paprastutes<br />

tiflografines knygas, nes jos atitiktø tø vaikø iðsivystymà, bet<br />

nenorime siøsti maþameèiams sk<strong>ir</strong>tø knygø, nes tai juos áþeistø.<br />

Ypaè jei jie mokosi integruotai, ðalia reginèiø vaikø. Tai tikrai<br />

sunki uþduotis, <strong>ir</strong> turiu prisipaþinti, kad dar nesugalvojome,<br />


kaip jà iðspræsti, bet tikuosi, kad mûsø kolekcija plësis bûtent<br />

ðita kryptimi.<br />

Temos, tiksianèios paaugliø tiflografinëms knygoms, galëtø<br />

bûti tokios: apie madingus drabuþius, ðukuosenas, ëjimà á<br />

parduotuvæ, galbût sportà, anekdotus, másles, futbolà, laivus,<br />

stovyklavimà gamtoje, jodinëjimà. Jeigu Jûs galëtumëte dar<br />

kà nors pasiûlyti, mielai iðklausyèiau (auditorija pasiûlë: þvejyba,<br />

automobiliai, medþioklë). Medþioklë? Jungtinëje Karalystëje<br />

á medþioklæ þiûrima gana kreivai.<br />

Turbût tai viskas, kà norëjau papasakoti ðia tema, todël dabar<br />

praðome uþduoti klausimus.<br />


Marion Ripley<br />

<strong>TIFLOGRAFIKA</strong><br />


AKLØJØ <strong>BIBLIOTEKOSE</strong><br />

ClearVision biblioteka, Jungtinë Karalystë<br />

Tiflografiniø knygø<br />

bibliotekos steigimas<br />

P<strong>ir</strong>ma rodþiau Jums knygas, kurias turime savo bibliotekos<br />

fonduose - reginèiøjø raðto knygas, kurias mes adaptavome,<br />

áterpdami tekstà Brailio raðtu. Didelis tø knygø privalumas tas,<br />

kad tai tos paèios knygos, kurias skaito regintys vaikai, o tai<br />

daug prisideda prie aklø vaikø integracijos á normalias klases.<br />

Bet nuo pat ClearVision bibliotekos veiklos pradþios skaitytojai<br />

pradëjo mus praðyti specialiai padarytø tiflografiniø knygø.<br />

Jiems tø knygø reikëjo dël áva<strong>ir</strong>iausiø prieþasèiø, apie kurias<br />

ðiandien jau kalbëjo Paivë. Daugelá metø mes jiems sakydavome,<br />

kad tokiø knygø mûsø biblioteka neturi <strong>ir</strong> kaþin, ar turës.<br />

P<strong>ir</strong>moji prieþastis buvo ta, kad tokiø knygø niekur nebuvo<br />

galima nusip<strong>ir</strong>kti. Tiesiog neþinojome, ið kur jø bûtø galima gauti.<br />

O kita svarbi prieþastis buvo susijusi su skaitytojø sveikata <strong>ir</strong><br />

saugumu. Jungtinëje Karalystëje sveikatos <strong>ir</strong> saugumo reikalavimø<br />

laikomasi labai grieþtai, <strong>ir</strong> tai sudarë toká klimatà, kad<br />

mes visi bijome ne tik to, kad kuris nors vaikas gali m<strong>ir</strong>tinai<br />

paspringti kokiu daiktu, bet <strong>ir</strong> to, kad mums iðkels bylà <strong>ir</strong> privers<br />

mokëti milijonø svarø sterlingø dydþio kompensacijà, o<br />

tai reikð, kad biblioteka turës uþsidaryti.<br />

Gali pas<strong>ir</strong>odyti keista, kad mes baiminamës dël tokiø dalykø,<br />

taèiau tai realus, praktiðkas rûpestis. Todël ilgus metus sakydavome<br />

“ne, mes niekada negalësime á bibliotekos fondus<br />

átraukti specialiai padarytø tiflografiniø knygø”. Ir vienà kartà<br />

iðg<strong>ir</strong>dau, kad Suomijoje veikia tiflografiniø knygø biblioteka, taip<br />

pat suþinojau, kad tokia pati biblioteka veikia <strong>ir</strong> Naujojoje Zelandijoje.<br />

Tuomet pradëjau galvoti, kad jei Suomija <strong>ir</strong> Naujoji<br />

Zelandija turi tokià bibliotekà, gal tuomet <strong>ir</strong> Jungtinë Karalystë<br />

gali tokià bibliotekà turëti? Tad 2000 metais pradëjome skaitytojams<br />

atsakinëti ðitaip: “Mes teiksime tokià paslaugà, ketiname<br />

sudaryti tiflografiniø knygø fondà”.<br />


P<strong>ir</strong>mas mûsø þingsnis buvo apie tai pasakyti kuo daugiau<br />

þmoniø, kad nebegalëtume persigalvoti. Man labai pasisekë,<br />

kad pasitaikë proga aplankyti Celia bibliotekà Suomijoje, pasiþiûrëti<br />

á jø knygas, pris<strong>ir</strong>inkti idëjø <strong>ir</strong> pasisemti pat<strong>ir</strong>ties apie<br />

tai, kaip steigti tiflografiniø knygø bibliotekà <strong>ir</strong> formuoti tokiø<br />

knygø fondà. Taip pat kreipiausi á labdaros organizacijas praðydama<br />

finansavimo, nes þinojau, kad pr<strong>ir</strong>eiks nemenkos sumos,<br />

norint sukomplektuoti tiflografiniø knygø fondà. Ásivaizdavau,<br />

kad didelæ sumà iðleisime knygoms ið viso pasaulio<br />

p<strong>ir</strong>kti, bet vëliau paaiðkëjo, kad ðito nereiks.<br />

Daugumà tiflografiniø knygø mums padarë savanoriai. Todël<br />

pinigus iðleidome ne knygoms p<strong>ir</strong>kti, bet bukletams leisti,<br />

kuriuose iðdëstëme, kaip reikia daryti tiflografines knygas. Dabar<br />

jø turime daugiau kaip 800. Ir nors visiems buvau þadëjusi,<br />

kad per trejus metus ásigysime tûkstantá knygø, esu visai patenkinta,<br />

kad per penkerius metus ásigijome 800.<br />

Mûsø turimos tiflografinës knygos atliktos áva<strong>ir</strong>ia technika,<br />

bet didesnë pusë yra siûtos medþiaginës knygos. Ðio sumanymo<br />

pradþioje nemaniau, kad taip atsitiks. Turime koliaþo technika<br />

padarytø knygø, kurias gavome ið Taktus organizacijos<br />

<strong>ir</strong> ið pavieniø asmenø. Taip pat turime labai paprastø termoforminiø<br />

knygø, pavyzdþiu gali bûti “Milþino batas” - jà Jums<br />

rodþiau anksèiau.<br />

O dabar daug laiko sk<strong>ir</strong>iu pokalbiams su þmonëmis, tiksliau<br />

sakant, su moterø grupëmis. Jungtinëje Karalystëje veikia<br />

moterø grupës, yra viena didelë organizacija pasivadinusi “Moterø<br />

institutu”, kuri veikia visoje Anglijoje, turi daug filialø kaimuose.<br />

Dauguma jos nariø yra senyvos moterys - v<strong>ir</strong>ð penkiasdeðimties,<br />

ðeðiasdeðimties, septyniasdeðimties metø, -<br />

daugybë pensijon iðëjusiø moterø. Tos moterys labai entuziastiðkos,<br />

mûsø projektas tiesiog pavergë jø vaizduotæ. Ir dauguma<br />

jø turi kaip tik tokius sugebëjimus, kokiø mums reikia. Jos<br />

priklauso tai kartai, kuri gerai moka siûti. Jos neturi bûti ypatingai<br />

geros siuvinëtojos, jos turi mokëti taip prisiûti sagà, kad ði<br />

nenutrûktø. Dauguma ðiø moterø iðaugino krûvà vaikø, dabar<br />

turi anûkø, todël jos þino, kas patinka maþiems vaikams. Tarp<br />

jø nemaþai buvusiø mokytojø, bibliotekininkiø, specialiøjø pedagogiø.<br />

Tarp jø yra labai kûrybingø <strong>ir</strong> meniðkø moterø, kurios<br />

trykðta idëjomis. Daþnai sus<strong>ir</strong>enka dvi-trys moterys <strong>ir</strong> siuva vienà<br />

knygà.<br />


Pastebëjau, kad jos tà darbà labai mëgsta, kadangi turi<br />

daugiau laisvo laiko nei aklø vaikø tëvai arba mokytojai. Yra<br />

daugybë moterø, kurios gerai moka siûti <strong>ir</strong> tiesiog laukia, kad<br />

joms pasiûlytume imtis darbo. Joms labai patinka þinoti, kad<br />

jø sugebëjimai panaudojami labai naudingam tikslui. Yra þmoniø,<br />

mananèiø, kad mokëti siûti nebemadinga; manau, kad ðis<br />

ágûdis dabar nepagrástai nuvertintas. Taigi, atsistoju prieð jas <strong>ir</strong><br />

sakau:<br />

- Akliems vaikams reikia to, kà Jûs mokate.<br />

Bet mums padeda ne vien moterø organizacijos. Dar mes<br />

turime kelias studentes ið universiteto mados fakulteto, kurios<br />

padarë kelias tiflografines knygas pagal mokymo programà.<br />

Taip pat yra kelios entuziasèiø grupës prie baþnyèiø, o dar ádomiau,<br />

bent jau man taip atrodo, kad mums knygas siuva kalëjime<br />

sëdinèios moterys. Kaliniø praðau nukopijuoti knygas, todël,<br />

jei kas nors pasiuva graþià knygutæ, nuneðu tà knygutæ <strong>ir</strong><br />

reikalingas medþiagas á kalëjimà <strong>ir</strong> sakau: “Ar galite pasiûti<br />

kelias tokias paèias knygutes?” Ir jos padaro deðimt tos knygutës<br />

egzemplioriø.<br />

Britanijoje nuo seno kalëjimuose veikia siuvyklos. Neþinau,<br />

ar ði tradicija tebegyvuoja, bet paprastai kaliniai siûdavo maiðus<br />

paðto reikalams. Mûsø laikais kalinës tikrai siuva piþamas<br />

<strong>ir</strong> apatines kelnes kalintiems vyrams. Todël galite ásivaizduoti,<br />

su kokiu malonumu jos imasi siûti tiflografines knygas akliems<br />

vaikams. Á vienà kalëjimà nuëjau neðina trimis knygomis, kad<br />

jos galëtø iðs<strong>ir</strong>inkti, kurià knygà t<strong>ir</strong>aþuoti. Jos ilgai ginèijosi, kurià<br />

knygà bûtø lengviau pasiûti, kuri ið jø graþiausia, <strong>ir</strong> galø gale<br />

iðs<strong>ir</strong>inko vienà, kurià nutarë t<strong>ir</strong>aþuoti. Kampe sëdëjusi moteris<br />

visà laikà tylëjo, <strong>ir</strong> po kurio laiko prabilo: “Antradiená mane<br />

paleidþia. Norëèiau dar truputá pasëdëti kalëjime”. Manau, kad<br />

ji juokavo, bet esu tikra, kad ji uþsikrëtë entuziazmu, kuris tvyrojo<br />

kambaryje tuo metu.<br />

Laikui bëgant pastebëjau, kad kuo daugiau informacijos suteikiu,<br />

tuo geresnes knygas moterys pasiuva. Ið pradþiø buvo<br />

labai sunku, kadangi turëjau vos dvi ar tris knygas, kurias buvo<br />

padovanojusi Celia biblioteka, todël neturëjau knygø pavyzdþiø,<br />

kuriuos bûtø galima parodyti þmonëms tuo metu, kai pasakodavau<br />

apie knygas. Dabar, kalbëdama grupei þmoniø, iðdalinu<br />

lankstinukus, kuriuose apraðyta visa tai, kà Jums jau<br />

pasakojau - apie knygø dydá, puslapiø skaièiø, kad jos turi bûti<br />

saugios <strong>ir</strong> paprastos. Atsineðu á paskaità keletà knygø, kad au-<br />


ditorija galëtø pasiþiûrëti, kà jau yra padariusios kitos moterys<br />

<strong>ir</strong> galëtø pasisemti idëjø. Taip pat atsineðu vienà puslapio pavyzdá,<br />

kuris pasiûtas ið medþiagos, neuþbaigtas, kad jos galëtø<br />

iðnagrinëti, kaip ádëtas pakietinimas <strong>ir</strong> kad vienas lapo kraðtas<br />

turi bûti minkðtas. Taip pat pastebëjau, kad moterims tikrai<br />

patinka viskà paèiupinëti paèioms, iðtyrinëti, kaip viskas padaryta,<br />

kad ið dviejø staèiakampiø audeklo gabalø galima pasiûti<br />

puslapá, á kurá ákiðamas koks nors pakietinimas.<br />

Þmonës dovanoja mums knygas. Kartais savo organizacijose<br />

jie surengia knygø konkursus, nariai siuva knygas, tada<br />

kas nors teisëjauja <strong>ir</strong> atrenka geriausias, <strong>ir</strong> visa tai vyksta labai<br />

sklandþiai. Po to tos knygos mums padovanojamos.<br />

Kartais gauname knygà <strong>ir</strong> suprantame, kad ji nevykusi. Taèiau<br />

að visada sugebu rasti kur tokià knygà dëti - perduodu<br />

vaikui, kuris palyginti gerai mato. Dauguma knygø bûna geros,<br />

o kai kurios tiesiog nuostabios.<br />

Gavæ tiflografinæ knygà, pridedame tekstà Brailio raðtu. Mes<br />

nenorime, kad tekstà Brailio raðtu bandytø raðyti þmonës, kurie<br />

jo gerai nemoka, nes priveltø klaidø, todël stengiamës paraðyti<br />

patys. Tekstà ávedame á kompiuterá, pridedame brûkðniná<br />

kodà, prisk<strong>ir</strong>iame knygai kurià nors kategorijà pagal tai, kaip<br />

lengvai ta knyga plyðta. Tai nëra labai sudëtinga bibliotekinë<br />

klasifikacija, bet mums tai pats svarbiausias dalykas.<br />

Mûsø bibliotekos skaitytojai vaikai (arba suaugæs þmogus,<br />

kuris ima knygas jø vardu) privalo apibûdinti tà vaikà <strong>ir</strong> jo poreikius.<br />

Skaitytojo anketoje mokytojas turi paraðyti, ar vaikas<br />

tvarkingas, ar nelabai tvarkingas, pernelyg entuziastingas, ar<br />

padûkæs - pastarasis þodis yra ðvelnus þodis, kuriuo mandagiai<br />

apibûdiname toká vaikà, kuris mielai suplëðytø knygà, jei<br />

tik pajëgtø. Svarbiausias dalykas - nesiøsti trapios knygos vaikui,<br />

kuris jà gali suplëðyti. Ðtai taip <strong>ir</strong> mûsø knygos, <strong>ir</strong> vaikai<br />

susk<strong>ir</strong>stomi á keturias kategorijas. Tada ið atitinkamø dëþiø imame<br />

knygas <strong>ir</strong> siunèiame vaikams, atsiþvelgdami á jø amþiø <strong>ir</strong><br />

iðsivystymà.<br />

Pakalbësiu apie tai, kaip sprendþiame sveikatos <strong>ir</strong> saugumo<br />

problemà. Taikome tris bûdus:<br />

P<strong>ir</strong>ma, þmoniø, kurie siuva knygas, praðome, kad pasiûtø<br />

jas labai gerai, kad nenaudotø aðtriø, nuodingø, maþø detaliø<br />

<strong>ir</strong> pan. Antra, apatinëje knygos pusëje uþklijuojame didelæ etiketæ,<br />

kurioje paþymime, kad knygà reikia skaityti nuolatinëje<br />

suaugusiøjø prieþiûroje. Treèia, knygas iðduodame tik mokyk-<br />


loms <strong>ir</strong> kitoms ðvietimo ástaigoms. Kai mokykla tampa mûsø<br />

skaitytoja, jie turi paraðyti pareiðkimà, kad priþiûrës knygas <strong>ir</strong><br />

jomis rûpinsis. Tokiu bûdu mes stengiamës iðvengti nelaimingø<br />

atsitikimø.<br />

Tiflografines knygas vaikai labai mëgsta, gauname labai<br />

mielø laiðkø ið savo skaitytojø. Jie negali patikëti, kad nuo ðiol<br />

jie paðtu gali gauti ðitokias puikias knygas.<br />

Turbût tiek galiu pasakoti ðia tema. Dabar perduodu þodá<br />

Paivei, ji papasakos apie tiflografiniø knygø bibliotekos veiklà.<br />


52<br />

Päivi Voutilainen<br />

Celia akløjø bibliotekos Skaitytojø aptarnavimo skyriaus vedëja,<br />

Suomija<br />

Tiflografika iliustruotø knygø<br />

bibliotekos veikla<br />

Kaip jau sakiau, mûsø biblioteka, t.y. Celia biblioteka, jau<br />

dvideðimt metø iðduoda skaitytojams tiflografinæ medþiagà.<br />

Ðiuo metu turime apie 450 tiflografiniø knygø. Jos yra þenkli <strong>ir</strong><br />

natûrali mûsø knygø fondo dalis. Tiflografinës knygos ávestos á<br />

katalogà <strong>ir</strong> skaitytojams iðduodamos per kompiuterizuotà knygø<br />

iðdavimo sistemà. Skaitytojai gali perþiûrëti popieriuje iðspausdintus<br />

katalogus, be to katalogus galima pasiþiûrëti mûsø<br />

interneto svetainëje. Be to, mes ketiname á internetà patalpinti<br />

ðiø knygø katalogà su nuotraukomis. Taèiau man labai patiko<br />

Marijonos mintis kataloguoti knygas pagal vaikø charakterá -<br />

pagal tai, kaip tikëtina, kad jie sugadins knygas.<br />

Mes turime tiflografiniø knygø duomenø bazæ - toká archyvà,<br />

kur nufotografuota kiekviena knyga, puslapis po puslapio.<br />

Taip yra todël, kad kartais vaikai su knygomis elgiasi visiðkai<br />

negraþiai, sugadina iliustracijas arba nuo puslapio nuplëðia kokià<br />

nors detalæ. Pasiþiûrëjæ á archyve laikomà iliustracijos nuotraukà,<br />

mes galime tiksliai restauruoti knygà.<br />

Knygos iðduodamos á namus paðtu, paprastai po 1-2 knygas<br />

vienu kartu. Knygas reikia gràþinti po dviejø mënesiø. Á<br />

kiekvienà knygø siuntà dedame raðtu iðdëstytas taisykles, kaip<br />

naudotis tiflografine knyga. Tai trumpi <strong>ir</strong> visai paprasti patarimai,<br />

pavyzdþiui:<br />

Skaityk knygà kartu su suaugusiuoju;<br />

Nusiplauk rankas, nevalgyk skaitydamas;<br />

Nepam<strong>ir</strong>ðk knygos gràþinti. (Kartais knyga vaikams taip<br />

patinka, kad jie nebenori jos gràþinti).<br />

Kartais knygos apgadinamos, taèiau mes nepraðome uþ<br />

tai sumokëti <strong>ir</strong> nebaudþiame. Bibliotekoje mes paèios knygas<br />

valome <strong>ir</strong> taisome, nes turime labai daug medþiaginiø knygø.<br />

Turime dulkiø siurblá <strong>ir</strong> siuvamàjà maðinà, taip pat áva<strong>ir</strong>iø maþmoþiø<br />

atsargà - saguèiø, juosteliø <strong>ir</strong> medþiagëliø, sk<strong>ir</strong>tø knygoms<br />

taisyti. Tos knygos tokios reikalingos mûsø skaitytojams<br />

vaikams, kad mes stengiamës jas iðlaikyti geros bûklës kaip

galima ilgiau. Tebeturime dvideðimties metø senumo knygø,<br />

nes p<strong>ir</strong>mosios mûsø gautos knygos buvo labai stiprios.<br />

Retsykiais apklausiame savo skaitytojø tëvus, domëdamiesi<br />

knygø kokybe. Iki ðiol atsiliepimai daþniausiai bûdavo labai geri,<br />

bet mums naudinga iðg<strong>ir</strong>sti <strong>ir</strong> neigiamas pastabas. Jø dëka<br />

tobuliname tiflografines knygas, stengiamës jas padaryti dar<br />

geresnes. Ðiais metais viena Joensuu universiteto studentë mûsø<br />

skaitytojø atsiliepimø pagrindu raðo baigiamàjá darbà.<br />

Reikia nuolat bendradarbiauti su knygø leidëjais. Suomijoje<br />

tikrai nëra daug leidëjø. Mûsø kolegë estë minëjo amatø<br />

koledþà; mes su juo palaikome labai glaudþius ryðius. Jie turi<br />

labai energingà dëstytojà, kuri pas<strong>ir</strong>ûpino, kad tiflografinës knygos<br />

bûtø átrauktos á mokymo programà. Ðiuo metu tampriai<br />

bendradarbiaujame su Joensuu universitetu, kur rengiami amatø<br />

<strong>ir</strong> dizaino mokytojai. Mûsø bibliotekos darbuotojai studentams<br />

aiðkina <strong>ir</strong> dalina bukletus apie tai, kaip daryti tiflografines<br />

knygutes, teikia informacijà apie aklus vaikus, jø poreikius <strong>ir</strong><br />

vystymàsi. Knygø gamintojus informuojame apie Tiflo <strong>ir</strong> Taktus<br />

konkursà, siunèiame knygas á Suomijoje organizuojamas knygø<br />

parodas, tikëdamiesi rasti naujø þmoniø, norinèiø tas knygas<br />

daryti, uþmegzti kontaktà su amatø <strong>ir</strong> dizaino koledþais.<br />

Taèiau, kadangi mes negalime mokëti visos kainos uþ darbà <strong>ir</strong><br />

medþiagas, o ta kaina, þinoma, yra nemaþa, tai esame priklausomi<br />

nuo dizaino specialybës studentø <strong>ir</strong> savanoriø, kurie<br />

siuva tiflografines knygas ið malonumo.<br />

Labai gera mintis naudotis kaliniø paslaugomis, kaip tai daroma<br />

Anglijoje, bet að manau, kad Suomijoje mums nepavyktø<br />

to padaryti. Kiekviena ðalis <strong>ir</strong> kiekviena organizacija turi atrasti<br />

savo bûdà, kaip gaminti tiflografines knygas, be to, turi<br />

surasti tinkamø þmoniø, kurie norëtø tà daryti.<br />


54<br />

Marion Ripley<br />

ClearVision biblioteka, Jungtinë Karalystë<br />

“Tiflo-Taktus” projektas<br />

Ðiandien jau kelis kartus paminëjome Taktus pavadinimà.<br />

“<strong>Tactus</strong>” yra organizacija, jungianti tiflografiniø knygø leidëjus<br />

ið Europos. Organizacija veikia jau ðeðtus metus, dabar ji pasivadino<br />

“Tiflo - Taktus”. Taktus organizacijai priklauso <strong>ir</strong> Jungtinës<br />

Karalystës, <strong>ir</strong> Suomijos akløjø bibliotekos.<br />

Taktus ákûrimo tikslas - keistis tiflografiniø knygø idëjomis,<br />

materialiais iðtekliais <strong>ir</strong> gamybos pat<strong>ir</strong>timi, gerinti ðiø knygø kokybæ,<br />

skatinti vieniems kitus. Du kartus per metus mes organizuojame<br />

sus<strong>ir</strong>inkimus, per kuriuos aptariame áva<strong>ir</strong>ius tiflografiniø<br />

knygø klausimus. Bet geriausiai þinoma mûsø darbo pusë<br />

- kasmet rengiamas tiflografinës knygos konkursas. Konkurso<br />

tikslas - skleisti informacijà apie ðias knygas, kad kuo daugiau<br />

þmoniø apie jas suþinotø, netgi tie þmonës, kurie apskritai nëra<br />

apie jas g<strong>ir</strong>dëjæ <strong>ir</strong> neþino, kad jiems jos praverstø. Kasmet<br />

konkurse atrenkamos dvi geriausios knygos - joms abiems pask<strong>ir</strong>iamos<br />

p<strong>ir</strong>mosios vietos - kurias prancûzai masiðkai t<strong>ir</strong>aþuoja<br />

vienoje d<strong>ir</strong>btuvëje Diþone. Knygos iðverèiamos á kalbas<br />

tø ðaliø, kurios dalyvauja Taktus veikloje, <strong>ir</strong> vëliau parduodamos.<br />

Tiflografiniø knygø kaina dalinai dengiama ið Europos Sàjungos<br />

lëðø. Knygø t<strong>ir</strong>aþavimo bare naudojama daug rankø darbo.<br />

Ten ádarbinami þmonës, kuriems sunku kitur rasti darbo,<br />

tai yra psichikos ligomis sergantys þmonës <strong>ir</strong> panaðiai. Didþioji<br />

darbo dalis atrodo ðitaip: þmonës sëdi prie ilgø stalø su þ<strong>ir</strong>klëmis<br />

<strong>ir</strong> klijais rankose <strong>ir</strong> klijuoja gabalëlius <strong>ir</strong> detales. Kaip sakë<br />

Paivë, ten jie turi mechaninæ pjaustyklæ formoms iðk<strong>ir</strong>sti, su ja<br />

galima iðk<strong>ir</strong>sti ðimtus vienodø formø. Brailio raðtas atspausdinamas<br />

labai kokybiðkai, tai daro specialistai. Taip pat jie turi<br />

labai gerà áriðimo maðinà. Svarbiausia, jie turi þmoniø, kurie<br />

valandø valandas konstruoja kiekvienà knygà. Jeigu ne Europos<br />

Sàjungos subsidija, tokia tiflografinë knyga bûtø neáperkama.<br />

Tikiuosi, apaèioje parodoje nepraleidote progos apþiûrëti<br />

eksponuojamø Taktus konkurse apdovanotø knygø.<br />

Konkursai organizuojami kasmet. Teisëjai renkasi lapkrièio<br />

pabaigoje arba gruodþio pradþioje Diþone, Prancûzijoje. Kiekviena<br />

ðalis narë siunèia du teisëjus: vienà sutrikusio regëjimo <strong>ir</strong><br />

vienà regintá. Teisëjø darbas be galo sunkus, bet ádomus, nes

jie turi per dienà patikrinti 60-70 tiflografiniø knygø, sudaryti<br />

geriausiøjø sàraðà, <strong>ir</strong> ið jo iðrinkti dvi paèias geriausias. Ðitaip<br />

þmonës keièiasi idëjomis, nes, apþiûrinëdami knygas, padarytas<br />

sk<strong>ir</strong>tingose ðalyse, jie susipaþásta su sk<strong>ir</strong>tingomis kultûromis.<br />

Kasmet iðleidþiamas plakatas, kuriame ádedamos geriausiø<br />

tais metais konkurse dalyvavusiø knygø nuotraukos. Tikiuosi,<br />

kad pasiëmëte plakatus, kuriuos buvau iðdëliojusi parodoje.<br />

Ðiuo metu Taktus organizacijai priklauso Jungtinë Karalystë,<br />

Belgija, Suomija, Vokietija, Nyderlandai, Italija <strong>ir</strong> Lenkija. Èekijos<br />

Respublika ðiais metais dalyvauja kaip sveèias.<br />

Per ðiuos trejus metus stengsimës pabrëþti kultûriniø mainø<br />

tarp valstybiø svarbà, todël mes <strong>ir</strong> organizuojame tokius<br />

seminarus, ið kuriø ðis yra p<strong>ir</strong>masis. Per sekanèius dvejus metus<br />

panaðûs seminarai bus surengti Slovënijoje <strong>ir</strong> Rumunijoje.<br />

Tai vis graþioji Taktus organizacijos pusë, taèiau yra <strong>ir</strong> tamsioji<br />

pusë; tikiuosi, kad Paivë su manimi sutiks, jog ne visuomet<br />

bûna lengva d<strong>ir</strong>bti grupëje, sudarytoje ið sk<strong>ir</strong>tingø Europos valstybiø<br />

atstovø. Turime laikytis Europos Sàjungos nuostatø, kurios<br />

yra nepaprastai grieþtos <strong>ir</strong> nelanksèios, <strong>ir</strong> viena ið dalyvavimo<br />

Taktus organizacijoje sàlygø reikalauja, kad kiekviena ðalis<br />

sumokëtø penkis procentus skaièiuojant nuo viso Taktus projekto<br />

biudþeto. Tai reiðkia, kad kai kurios ðalys, nors <strong>ir</strong> labai<br />

norëtø dalyvauti, negali ðito padaryti. Að manau, <strong>ir</strong> turbût Paivë<br />

su manimi sutiks, kad tai yra didþiulis ðio projekto trûkumas.<br />

Mes labai gerai tarpusavyje sutariame, vieni kitus mëgstame,<br />

bet d<strong>ir</strong>bti kartu mums nelengva. Namuose kiekvienas d<strong>ir</strong>bame<br />

pagal savo tvarkà, turime savo apribojimus, savo sunkumus,<br />

savo finansinæ padëtá, o d<strong>ir</strong>bti drauge reiðkia, kad visi<br />

turime laikytis vienodø taisykliø. O tai yra nepaprastai sunku.<br />

Taèiau mes orientuojamës á geràjà dalyko pusæ, kurios iðdava<br />

yra ta, kad dabar turime daugybæ mielø tiflografiniø knygø, kurias<br />

Taktus konkurso dëka esame iðleidæ masiniu t<strong>ir</strong>aþu. Nors<br />

mes visi ið sk<strong>ir</strong>tingø ðaliø, bet në vienas nesijauèiame, kad d<strong>ir</strong>btume<br />

izoliuotai; mes turime galimybæ keistis idëjomis, <strong>ir</strong> mums<br />

labai patinka d<strong>ir</strong>bti kartu su bendraminèiais.<br />


56<br />

Jadvyga Kuolienë<br />

<strong>Lietuvos</strong> akløjø bibliotekos d<strong>ir</strong>ektorë<br />

Baigiamoji kalba<br />

Að norëèiau padëkoti, visø p<strong>ir</strong>ma praneðëjoms Marion Ripley<br />

ið Jungtinës Karalystës <strong>ir</strong> Päivi Voutilainen ið Suomijos, o<br />

taip pat <strong>ir</strong> antrajai Suomijos atstovei, Sülvi Sarapuu, tokiø ádomiø<br />

knyguèiø kûrëjai. Tiflografinës knygutës, pademonstruotos<br />

bibliotekos skaitykloje, sukëlë didþiulá mûsø tiflopedagogø<br />

<strong>ir</strong> visø dalyviø susidomëjimà.<br />

Manome, kad ðis seminaras tikrai prisidës prie iliustruotø<br />

knygeliø Brailio raðtu vaikams leidybos, <strong>ir</strong> tikrai padës mums<br />

organizuoti ðità darbà ateityje, - ne vien tik <strong>Lietuvos</strong>, bet <strong>ir</strong> visø<br />

trijø Baltijos ðaliø atstovams - estams, latviams <strong>ir</strong> lietuviams.<br />

Labai labai Jums aèiû uþ tokià didelæ paramà. Taip pat dëkojame<br />

visiems seminaro dalyviams.

2006.04.24 apdovanojami LAB organizuoto tiflografika<br />

iliustruotø knygø konkurso nugalëtojai.<br />

Jadvyga Kuolienë presents awards for the Lithuanian<br />

Tactile Book Contest winners on 24 April 2006.<br />

Seminaro sveèias - <strong>Lietuvos</strong> Respublikos Kultûros<br />

ministerijos Informacinës visuomenës plëtros skyriaus<br />

vedëjas Rasius Makselis.<br />

Guest of the workshop: Rasius Makselis, head of the<br />

Information society development department, Ministry of<br />

Culture of the Republic of Lithuania.

Pagrindinës seminaro praneðëjos: Marion Ripley, skaitanti<br />

praneðimà, <strong>ir</strong> Päivi Voutilainen, klausanti.<br />

Key speakers of the workshop: Marion Ripley, delivering<br />

her speech, and Päivi Voutilainen, listening.<br />

Tiflografikos tema sudomino didelá bûrá klausytojø.<br />

The topic of Tactile books aroused a keen interest of the<br />


Päivi Voutilainen <strong>ir</strong> Marion Ripley surengë gausià<br />

tiflografika iliustruotø knygeliø parodà.<br />

Päivi Voutilainen and Marion Ripley brought a plentitude<br />

of Tactile books from Finland and UK for display.<br />

Sylvi Sarapuu atidþiai tyrinëja vienà knygutæ.<br />

Sylvi Sarapuu explores one of Tactile books.

Tiflografika ypaè sudomino aklus <strong>ir</strong> silpnaregius vaikus.<br />

What attracted the visually impa<strong>ir</strong>ed children most was<br />

the chance to explore Tactile books.




<strong>Tactus</strong> & LAB workshop<br />

Proceedings<br />

Vilnius, 25 th April 2006

62<br />

Jadvyga Kuolienë<br />



D<strong>ir</strong>ector, Lithuanian Library for the Blind<br />

Opening address<br />

By declaring the workshop opened, let me greet all its delegates<br />

and thank the <strong>Tactus</strong> representatives - Marion Ripley<br />

from London, UK, and Päivi Voutilainen from Helsinki, Finland -<br />

for initiating this meeting. The issue of production of Braille<br />

books with tactile pictures is an urgent one for Lithuania, as<br />

well as for our neighbouring countries Estonia and Latvia.<br />

During the Soviet period, Lithuanian organisation of the blind<br />

was one of the leaders in typhlographics, but soon after<br />

restoring the independent state, our country’s economy has<br />

fallen into decline and illustrated Braille production also<br />

suffered. It is painfully obvious that we need to start it anew.<br />

Two organisations are interested in fostering the production of<br />

tactile illustrations: Lithuanian Association of the Blind and<br />

Visually Handicapped, and Lithuanian Library for the Blind, as<br />

long as its mission is to produce Braille books for children.<br />

It is my hope that this workshop will broaden our<br />

understanding on how to make tactile illustrations.<br />

I would like to wish everyone the most fruitful and<br />

successful work.

Rasius Makselis<br />

Head of the Information society development department, Ministry<br />

of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania<br />

Good morning. On behalf of the Ministry of Culture, it is my<br />

pleasure to greet all who are present at this important<br />

workshop, and especially the staff of the Lithuanian Library for<br />

the Blind who are hosting this meeting. I would like just to say<br />

that nowadays, while talking about culture and the policy of<br />

culture in Lithuania and the EU, the importance of cultural<br />

diversity is often stressed. To my mind, by means of relief<br />

pictures in Braille books we may attain the same goal - to<br />

pave the way for the blind; to make access to different<br />

cultures easier. On behalf of the Ministry of Culture, I would like<br />

to wish that in the future, using various means, various<br />

technologies and state support, as well as using the creativity<br />

of staff, which is the key factor for producing such illustrations,<br />

you could achieve your goals thus easing physical challenges<br />

of the blind in Lithuania and other countries. Thank you for your<br />

attention and have a successful workshop.<br />


64<br />

Audronë Jozënaitë<br />

Foreign affa<strong>ir</strong>s’ manager, Lithuanian Association of the Blind and<br />

Visually Handicapped (LASS)<br />

Good morning everybody. In fact, I would like to pass over<br />

the greetings from Osvaldas Petrauskas who is, as you know,<br />

the Cha<strong>ir</strong>man of the Lithuanian Association of the Blind and<br />

Visually Handicapped. He would have been delighted to be<br />

here today, at least in its opening part, as he is a real and true<br />

adm<strong>ir</strong>er of this library and an avid reader. But this very<br />

morning the meeting of the disability department is taking<br />

place, the meeting he could not evade. Thus he asked me to<br />

tell you that the Lithuanian Library for the Blind has always<br />

been, and it is hoped, will remain one of the best and most<br />

enthusiastic partners in our joint projects. I would also like to<br />

thank our guest speakers for coming and I hope that with your<br />

assistance the staff of the library for the blind will learn, and<br />

perhaps will find new opportunities of producing tactile books<br />

for the blind. Have a fruitful day.

Priit Kasepalu<br />

D<strong>ir</strong>ector of the Estonian Library for the Blind<br />

Vaiku Seppe<br />

D<strong>ir</strong>ector of the Estonian Repository Library<br />

Good morning everybody. F<strong>ir</strong>st of all a couple of words to<br />

introduce myself. My name is Vaiku Seppe, I am d<strong>ir</strong>ector of the<br />

Estonian Repository Library. Since 2004, the Estonian Library<br />

for the Blind is a branch library for the Estonian Repository<br />

Library. I have been the d<strong>ir</strong>ector of the Estonian Repository<br />

library for only three months, so I am quite new in this job. I am<br />

very thankful for this opportunity to be here today because I<br />

am very hopeful that I will get a lot of valuable information out<br />

of this workshop. Now I am going to read the presentation that<br />

has been prepared by Priit Kasepalu, the d<strong>ir</strong>ector of the<br />

Estonian library for the blind. It has been translated and some<br />

personal additions have been made by another staff member<br />

of the Estonian Library for the Blind Arvo Folkenberg.<br />

Unfortunately, he didn’t feel well and he couldn’t participate<br />

here today.<br />

Dear colleagues and friends from other countries. I would<br />

like to share with you the experience of the Estonian Library for<br />

the Blind has on tactile and embossed pictures’ production.<br />

I f<strong>ir</strong>st came into contact with tactile items 45 years ago while<br />

attending school for the blind. I can remember quite clearly<br />

the map of the city where the school was located. The map,<br />

made before the war already, had by that time become<br />

out-of-date, but for us it was rather useful. It was made of a<br />

large piece of pinewood, 1.5 meter x 1.5 meter in size, and on<br />

it along two parallel w<strong>ir</strong>es which marked streets, buildings and<br />

churches were mapped. Since these times materials have gone<br />

through considerable changes, there is a wide variety from<br />

swell paper to other materials of today. For years, the Estonian<br />

Library for the blind has been using opportunities to produce<br />

embossed pictures. At the end of 2005 we finally succeeded<br />

in getting an appliance that enabled us to make Braille<br />

pictures on swell-paper. Now after our f<strong>ir</strong>st attempts to<br />

produce pictures on swell-paper have been made, we are still<br />

searching for know-how for handling these materials.<br />

However, in the recent years the Estonian Library for the Blind<br />


has been collecting and analysing the information about<br />

tactile pictures and books and sharing information with other<br />

institutions. It was not too long ago, most likely, around the<br />

year 2000, when we f<strong>ir</strong>st heard about tactile books made as<br />

handicraft items in Finland. Our compatriot Sülvi Sarapuu who<br />

currently lives in Finland and makes tactile books for blind<br />

people brought to Estonia some examples of her handicraft<br />

books. The Estonian Library for the Blind introduced the idea<br />

of making tactile books to instructors and professors of<br />

national handicraft departments of a couple of Estonian<br />

Universities in the hope to invoke the<strong>ir</strong> interest. It was not until<br />

one of the professors visited our library and studied tactile books<br />

more thoroughly when the idea started to spread among the<br />

professors of the cha<strong>ir</strong> of national textiles. Then, supported by<br />

the EU project, two instructors were trained to make tactile<br />

books in a week-long course in Finland. As a result of the<br />

course, a tactile book was produced. Later, one of these<br />

trained professors organised a tactile book making course for<br />

Estonians in Viljande. She has also made another tactile book<br />

based on children’s drawings. Last year our idea of making<br />

embossed pictures reached professors of art and handicraft<br />

department of the University of Tallinn. Tactile book based on<br />

folk songs was made as part of project and dozens of different<br />

tactile pictures have been produced as the result of student<br />

exam papers. We are fond of excellent ideas found in these<br />

works. There were also students using inappropriate unfit<br />

fixing, however, we highly appreciate the activities of students<br />

and f<strong>ir</strong>mly believe that it is worth to be continued. These tactile<br />

books and materials made at universities have found the<strong>ir</strong> place<br />

at the school for the blind and also at the library. The members<br />

of “The Beautiful Tactile book” project in Finland, consisting<br />

mostly of Estonians, have donated two tactile books to our<br />

library. One of them shows animal footprints, and the other<br />

teaches children geometrical figures. The Estonian Library<br />

for the Blind has also got gifts from the Celia library in<br />

Helsinki, such as various maps and Braille books for children<br />

containing embossery on plastic sheets. As tactile books are<br />

considerably more expensive than ordinary Braille books, we<br />

are financially unable to buy them for our library.<br />

Thank you again for inviting us here, and thank you for your<br />

attention.<br />


Gunta Bite<br />

Head of Braille Production Department,<br />

Latvian Library for the Blind<br />

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I am Gunta Bite, and<br />

I am head of the department producing books in Braille. Only<br />

last year in November our department was founded. The<br />

department could start working only thanks to the European<br />

Union structural funds’ financing. That is why we have no<br />

experience in producing books in Braille, I mean experience<br />

we can share with you. So taking part in this workshop we<br />

hope to acqu<strong>ir</strong>e some precious information that will help us to<br />

organise our work. Thank you for your attention.<br />


68<br />

Sylvi Sarapuu<br />

Tactile book-maker, Finland<br />

Dear participants!<br />

I am Sylvi Sarapuu and I represent a work group “Beautiful<br />

Touchable book”.<br />

My contact with Touchable books started in 1989 when my<br />

friend from Finland gave me a tactile children’s picture-book<br />

as a present. I am visually impa<strong>ir</strong>ed, with cultural education, a<br />

mother of three and in 1989 I had two pre-schoolers at home.<br />

Although there were plenty of children’s books, I personally<br />

wasn’t able to read to my children and look pictures with them<br />

independently because there simply weren’t any these kind of<br />

books in Soviet Estonia of that time. Probably, the whole<br />

Soviet Union didn’t have them.<br />

Experience was left there to sprout.<br />

At the threshold of re-independence of the Baltic States I<br />

had a chance to return to my mother’s home-country -<br />

Finland, and in the local library for the blind I had a further<br />

contact with touchable books. In the beginning of 2000, my<br />

daughter and me were asked to join a work group that had a<br />

goal of making and giving one touchable book as a<br />

humanitarian assistance to Linnupesa kindegarten in Tallinn,<br />

Estonia, where special groups of visually impa<strong>ir</strong>ed children were<br />

operating. The book “Tõmblukuga kass” (Cat with a zipper)<br />

was completed by the spring of the same year. In April I<br />

handed over the book to the manager of Linnupesa on<br />

information day in Tallinn National Library. In spring of 2001 I<br />

also heard from Celia library about <strong>Tactus</strong>-contest that was<br />

held at the end of the same year in France. Because the<br />

organisers of the contest were the members of the European<br />

Union and Estonia was not part of the European Union yet, I<br />

sent the book “Cat with a zipper” to the contest through the<br />

Finnish library. We translated the text into English and tried our<br />

luck. The book was found interesting and it encouraged me to<br />

take action.

The b<strong>ir</strong>th of a work group<br />

“Beautiful touchable book”<br />

I told about this book also to my sister and we, I (Sülvi<br />

Sarapuu) as the leader/expert, my daughter (Kadi Sarapuu) as<br />

the reviser/translator of the texts and my sister (Astrid Järvsoo)<br />

as the craftsmen formed the work group “Beautiful touchable<br />

book”. We wrote project proposals to Finnish Art Council and<br />

Culture Foundation.<br />

To our surprise we got sponsored and we made the books<br />

“Jäljed” (Footprints), “Koera haukumine” (Dog’s Barking),<br />

“Lumivalgeke ja seitse pöialpoissi” (Snow White and<br />

the Seven Dwarfs), “Kolm päkapikku” (Three Gnomes),<br />

“Kikukesed pikukesed” and “Kujundid” (Shapes). Within<br />

TARU-project the book “Sügis” (Autumn) was completed. We<br />

got sponsored by Finnish Blind Children Support Foundation<br />

by scholarship for two years and we made the books “Lapse<br />

päev” (Day of a Child), “Kaido kartul” (Kaido’s Potato),<br />

“Mutionu pidu” (Uncle Mole’s party), and recently the books<br />

“Kosilased sauna juures” (Suitors Near the Sauna), “Vares ja<br />

varblane” (Crow and Sparrow) and “Meie maja” (Our House).<br />

You can see some of our books here at the exhibition.<br />

Since 2002 the books made by our work group have taken<br />

part in <strong>Tactus</strong> contest in France. Our books have always made<br />

it to the final, but since our books are mainly made of fabrics<br />

and have a high work capacity, but are more resistant to<br />

touching, they haven’t been suitable for mass-production and<br />

the places in the contest haven’t reached the awards.<br />

Activities<br />

During those years we have presented the books we made<br />

in the libraries in Finland, and in Estonia in the libraries and<br />

centres for people with disabilities. Articles have been<br />

published in newspapers in Finland as well as in Estonia.<br />

We have made books as special orders for Norwegian and<br />

Finnish libraries for the blind. Estonian library for the blind also<br />

received the f<strong>ir</strong>st touchable books in summer of 2005. Since<br />

the last year the co-operation has been improved with Tiia<br />

Artla, lecturer of home economics and with the handicraft<br />


department of the University of Tallinn, and in autumn we were<br />

already invited to listen how Moonika Jaik defends her<br />

bachelor’s paper, which resulted in completion of touchable<br />

book “Kits kilu karja” (Goat to a Sprat Flock). You can see this<br />

here as well.<br />

I am registered as sole proprietor Sülvi Sarapuu at the<br />

moment. We prepare Touchable books already completed by<br />

our work group to institutions servicing people with special<br />

needs and to individuals on request and also with the help of<br />

endowments.<br />

We are also continuously looking for opportunities to<br />

prepare completely new tactile books with the help of<br />

project-scholarships.<br />


Jadvyga Kuolienë<br />

D<strong>ir</strong>ector, Lithuanian Library for the Blind<br />

Typhlographics in Lithuania<br />

I would like to give a short introduction on what has been<br />

done in typhlographics by the Lithuanian Library for the Blind.<br />

We are very lucky that our efforts have been encouraged and<br />

backed by the Lithuanian Association of the Blind and Visually<br />

Impa<strong>ir</strong>ed (LASS). LAB’s project “Production of Illustrated<br />

Braille Books for Children” has been partially financed by LASS.<br />

This project started this year and will continue into the next<br />

year. This year, after organising the technical basis for the<br />

production, we are going to produce a couple of books with<br />

tactile illustrations for children, and the next year we hope to<br />

produce five more books. We still need to get the financing,<br />

but we hope for the best.<br />

This year in April, a competition of illustrated Braille books<br />

for children was held. We were amazed to receive as much as<br />

ten books. The winning books will be produced in several<br />

copies under our project “Production of Illustrated Braille Books<br />

for Children”. Today you will have an opportunity to see all ten<br />

books dispayed in our reading room on the f<strong>ir</strong>st floor. Also on<br />

display there are <strong>Tactus</strong> tactile books, Celia books, and<br />

ClearVision tactile books brought by Päivi Voutilainen and<br />

Marion Ripley, and also books produced by blind tactile book<br />

maker Sylvi Sarapuu.<br />

We hope that this seminar will give us knowledge requ<strong>ir</strong>ed<br />

to carry out our project.<br />


72<br />

Diana Raudonienë<br />

Vilnius Academy of Art student,<br />

majoring in art theory and critics<br />

I am studying at the Vilnius Academy of Art and I am<br />

personally interested in blind perceivers’ problems<br />

encountered while experiencing works of art. I am intending to<br />

impart these problematic aspects to Lithuanian graphic<br />

artists who will be collaborating in producing tactile graphics.<br />

There are many professional Lithuanian graphic artists who<br />

receive international recognition. However, almost no one of<br />

them knew about tactile graphics. Of course, it is not enough<br />

to have information about techniques; the problem is to<br />

produce relief pictures for tactile reading. These specific<br />

aspects of perceiving them are very important. The proper<br />

producing of tactile graphics or transferring of visual work of<br />

art to a tactile medium needs corresponding skills and<br />

knowledge of technologies and also understanding about<br />

differences between visual and tactile.<br />

The f<strong>ir</strong>st step of intended activity will be an exhibition in the<br />

library of the blind. The woodcuts by artists working in Vilnius<br />

will be exhibited, and also clishes as tactile objects and<br />

enlarged prints with descriptions. All the information about the<br />

technologies used for producing tactile graphics will be<br />

published and distributed among graphic artists.<br />

So two groups will meet - visually impa<strong>ir</strong>ed people will<br />

enjoy the same product of culture as sighted people, and the<br />

graphic artists will learn about potential perceivers of the<strong>ir</strong><br />

works.<br />

The next step is a planned project. Danutë Graþienë,<br />

graphic artist, will create some tactile works using<br />

microcapsule technology. Danutë Graþienë is a Lithuanian<br />

artist working in the field of traditional graphics. Her prints are<br />

predominantly etchings or a combination of etching and<br />

aquatint. Sometimes she uses relief printing in her works.<br />

Danutë participates in international exhibitions, biennials and<br />

triannials of small graphics forms since 1977 and she<br />

illustrates books since 1980.

The relief details in prints by Danutë Graþienë are of course<br />

visual elements, but she will try microcapsule technology and<br />

will create works for tactile reading.<br />

Also, we are planning a symposium, where an opportunity<br />

to use microcapsule paper will be given for more Lithuanian<br />

graphic artists.<br />

Thank you.<br />


74<br />

Vytautas Gendvilas<br />

D<strong>ir</strong>ector, public institution Brailio Spauda<br />

My name is Vytautas Gendvilas, and I am the manager both<br />

of the Mûsø Þodis magazine editorial office and of the Braille<br />

printing house. We do not have much to take pride in,<br />

nevertheless, we have produced a number of books with<br />

tactile illustrations in our institution. And I am related to tactile<br />

illustrations in the sense that as a child I liked drawing very<br />

much and used to spend a lot of time drawing. However, I did<br />

not have the courage to study art to become a professional<br />

painter. While attending the school for the blind and visually<br />

impa<strong>ir</strong>ed, I remember what a huge pleasure it was to<br />

encounter an occasional tactile illustration in a Braille textbook<br />

or fiction book.<br />

And when the political changes in Lithuania took place in<br />

1990-ies, all publishing and illustrative work came into standstill.<br />

During the years when there were no tactile pictures at all, in a<br />

sense it was easier to start the work as any new illustration<br />

already was a step forward. Thus we made several Braille books<br />

supplied with tactile pictures using IndexEverest Braille<br />

Embosser. Another type of tactile pictures was made on<br />

swell-paper. The illustrations for printing on Index Braille<br />

embosser I draw myself, and drawings for swell-paper were<br />

made by other people; also we tried our hand at printing<br />

several books with tactile pictures copied from mainstream<br />

children’s books.<br />

While drawing and producing tactile illustrations I<br />

encountered certain obstacles which somewhat cooled my<br />

des<strong>ir</strong>e to draw. I would always check my own drawings or<br />

drawings made by other people by showing them to my<br />

sightless friends or staff members and seeing whether they<br />

would understand what has been depicted. And what I have<br />

learned from the<strong>ir</strong> feedback was that while making tactile<br />

drawings we have to pay attention to certain things, and I<br />

hope today to hear more about that.<br />

While making tactile picture books we encounter several<br />

problems. I would say that among these problems the<br />

financial problem is number one. To my view, those who need<br />

these books are not able to pay for them, and those who can

produce these books, can’t find people who would pay for the<strong>ir</strong><br />

production. That is all about money matters. And still another<br />

problem is about the nature of pictures. Due to medical failure<br />

and other reasons the number of congenitally blind children<br />

has increased dramatically in Lithuania. And there has been<br />

no teaching of a blind child to understand the world of the<br />

sighted as depicted in pictures; I hope teachers of the blind<br />

will forgive me for my being so straightforward, but I know what<br />

I am saying. To my mind nothing has changed until now. That<br />

is why we who make drawings and illustrations often draw in a<br />

way that is atractive just to our own eye. I hope that people<br />

who make drawings and people for whom we draw will agree<br />

that the more tactile pictures we produce and the more we<br />

collaborate, the more chances there will be for canonical rules<br />

or principles on tactile picture production to appear. Then even<br />

people who have little knowledge about tactile pictures will be<br />

able to make tactile illustrations in a way accessible for the<br />

blind.<br />

I hope that today there will be extensive discussions on this<br />

topic, and I wish everybody efficient work, attentive listening,<br />

and, consequently, coming up with new ideas.<br />


76<br />

Marion Ripley<br />

ClearVision Library, UK<br />



Introduction to the<br />

ClearVision Library<br />

I would like to say that I am very happy to be here today,<br />

and the same I know is true for Päivi. It is a great pleasure to<br />

be here in Lithuania. I am very sorry that I can’t speak to you in<br />

your own language, and I know that English people are<br />

famous for not being able to speak to people in the<strong>ir</strong> own<br />

language. Somebody said recently that people who speak<br />

three languages are trilingual, who speak two languages are<br />

called bilingual, and people who speak just one language are<br />

English.<br />

Päivi and I are both members of the <strong>Tactus</strong> group, which is<br />

a European organisation of tactile book producers, which I will<br />

be speaking about in more detail later. The main object of the<br />

<strong>Tactus</strong> group is the exchange of ideas, and expertise, and<br />

insp<strong>ir</strong>ation. I am very happy to be here for this purpose today,<br />

and I’ve already seen some lovely examples of the work being<br />

done in Lithuania. And I was very interested to hear about the<br />

work being done in Estonia and Latvia. Already I understand<br />

that we all share the same problems in this area. And I think<br />

these problems apply to all the countries which participate in<br />

<strong>Tactus</strong>, and probably to all the countries in the world. I would<br />

even say that no blind child, no blind adult has enough tactile<br />

illustrations wherever they live. I think all our organisations share<br />

the same difficulties: we don’t have enough money, we don’t<br />

have enough time to do all the things that we would like to do.<br />

But on the positive side, there are things that we can do, and<br />

that is what we will concentrate on today.<br />

I am going to start by talking about the ClearVision Library<br />

where I work. ClearVision is a library, a lending library for blind<br />

children. It is a national postal lending library. All the books are<br />

sent from our library post-free to people all over the country.<br />

The library started in 1986; yes, this year we are celebrating

our 20th anniversary. The library is based at a school for<br />

visually impa<strong>ir</strong>ed children in Southfields which is near<br />

Wimbledon. Some of you may have heard about Wimbledon<br />

tennis tournament which takes place every year in Wimbledon,<br />

south London, which is one of the most important<br />

international tennis events. Our premises are very very close<br />

to the tennis courts of Wimbledon. Sometimes we can even<br />

hear the crowds cheering.<br />

The library started in 1986 when a new member of staff<br />

came to work at Linden Lodge School. The normal thing in<br />

English schools, and probably in your schools as well, is for<br />

children to take books home with them in the evening for the<strong>ir</strong><br />

parents and grandparents to read with them. A new member<br />

of staff came to the school and her f<strong>ir</strong>st question, or one of her<br />

f<strong>ir</strong>st questions, was where are the books that blind children<br />

learning Braille take home to share with the<strong>ir</strong> families. The<br />

answer was no, children who are learning Braille have special<br />

books and they have special teachers and nobody can share<br />

the<strong>ir</strong> books; these are Braille-only books. All books that are for<br />

young children learning Braille were beige in colour, brown in<br />

colour, of no interest to sighted children or sighted adults. This<br />

member of staff would not accept this answer because she<br />

could appreciate that sighted children need help from the<strong>ir</strong><br />

families, help and encouragement, and if they need help, then<br />

blind children need as much and more help from the<strong>ir</strong><br />

families. The format of book that she came up with was like<br />

this; I will pass it around for you to feel. This is an ordinary<br />

children’s picture book with an attractive picture on the cover,<br />

and inside it has print and pictures; it’s an ordinary book. But<br />

interleaved with the print pages, it has clear plastic pages with<br />

the Braille text. This means that parents can read the print,<br />

and children can read the Braille, and parents can help with<br />

difficult words, etc. without knowing Braille themselves.<br />

The library started with just a few books in a box for the<br />

children at the school to take home in the evenings. But<br />

immediately, people from outside the school wanted to start<br />

borrowing these books. And now we have th<strong>ir</strong>teen thousand<br />

of them. These are storybooks and topic books, poetry books,<br />

all sorts of books that you would expect to find in an ordinary<br />

library. Then people with younger children started asking for<br />

books. These children were two or three years old. And we<br />


added lots of these board-books with the Braille stuck onto<br />

the page. At this age, blind children are probably not reading<br />

any more than a sighted child is reading at the age of three.<br />

But we consider it very important that young blind children<br />

who will one day learn Braille should start feeling Braille dots<br />

and finding Braille on a page at a very early age.<br />

A lot of mainstream books now have some tactile element<br />

in them. This is a story of the Little Red Hen. Is this story<br />

familiar to you? A Little Red Hen who does all the work? No?<br />

The other animals won’t help with planting the wheat,<br />

harvesting, grinding the flour or baking the bread but they all<br />

want to participate when it comes to eating the loaf. On each<br />

page, there is a small amount of tactile interest. It’s not very<br />

much, but it does mean that blind children can identify the<br />

book by touch. And they can get the idea that reading is fun:<br />

they turn the page, they can find the Braille on the page, and<br />

they can pretend that they are reading it like sighted children<br />

do.<br />

For older children we have books in one Braille volume,<br />

and a print copy of the book that can be shared with sighted<br />

children. We also have books labelled in Moon. I don’t know<br />

whether Moon is something you use. It’s an alternative to Braille<br />

which was invented at the same time as Braille. It is not as<br />

good as Braille, but it’s much easier for old people to learn<br />

because the shapes are similar to print letters. Because the<br />

cells are larger than Braille, it is in some ways easier for<br />

children who cannot learn Braille because it’s too small and<br />

too complex as a system.<br />

So we have 13,000 books, mainstream books with added<br />

text. And we lend them to over a thousand places in the UK.<br />

This is schools and families and to public libraries so that they<br />

can lend them out locally.<br />

Most visually impa<strong>ir</strong>ed children in the UK are in mainstream<br />

schools. The children who are in special school generally have<br />

significant additional disabilities. The library was set up for<br />

children who are learning Braille but very soon we started<br />

lending books to blind parents and grandparents. I am sure<br />

you can appreciate that these books designed for sharing work<br />

just as well if it is a blind parent teaching a sighted child to<br />

read print. Blind parents are some of our most enthusiastic<br />


orrowers. Some of them read several books a week to the<strong>ir</strong><br />

children and change the books by post every week.<br />

In terms of the library, it’s a very small organisation. We<br />

have lots of books, but if they all came back to the office we<br />

wouldn’t be able to open the door. Our premises are about<br />

quarter of the size of this room. And I am the only full-time<br />

member of staff. We have one part-time member of staff, four<br />

people producing Braille from home, a blind proof-reader who<br />

proof-reads all the books who also works from home, and we<br />

use prison Braille units for production of longer books. It would<br />

be very nice to have more staff and enormous premises.<br />

I think that is all about ClearVision Library, and now Päivi<br />

Voutilainen will introduce Celia Library.<br />


80<br />

Päivi Voutilainen<br />

Head of library services, Celia Library for the Visually Impa<strong>ir</strong>ed,<br />

Finland<br />

Introduction to the Celia Library<br />

for the visually impa<strong>ir</strong>ed<br />

- Founded in 1890 in Helsinki by Cely Mechelin, a 23 years<br />

old daughter of senator Leo Mechelin<br />

- Years 1890-1977 owned by the Society of Books for the<br />

Blind, since 1978 state owned special library, staff of 60<br />

persons<br />

- Only library of its kind in Finland<br />

- In 2001, the library was renamed CELIA after its founder<br />

- The purpose of the library is to increase equality for the<br />

disabled in terms of access to literature and information<br />

- The library produces and lends Braille books, talking books<br />

(digital books in Daisy format, c-cassette books), electronic<br />

books and other special materials<br />

- Books for leisure reading and studies<br />

- Talking book collection of 33 000 titles, now 10% in the<br />

new digital archive for Daisy on-demand lending<br />

- 6 700 Braille titles<br />

- 450 tactile picture books for children<br />

- 12 000 library users<br />

Celia’s services for children<br />

- Digital Daisy-books on CD-Rom, c-cassette books<br />

- Braille-books for children, also books with thermoform<br />

relief pictures<br />

- Little Celia - children’s room in the library with tactile<br />

picture books, toys and recordings<br />

- Fa<strong>ir</strong>y-tale hours for children and families<br />

Tactile books in Celia<br />

- F<strong>ir</strong>st tactile books in 1984 from the Wetterhoff School of<br />

Crafts and Design<br />

- Illustrations are made by hand, using different kinds of<br />

materials and objects that are attached by sewing onto pages

covered with fabric, or gluing in cardboard pages (collage<br />

technique)<br />

- Reading together with an adult, closeness, discussion,<br />

exploring<br />

- Celia has no regular production of tactile books, but<br />

annual acquisition is 10-50 new titles depending on projects<br />

and voluntary producers<br />

- Now a tactile book project with Joensuu University,<br />

students of handicraft and design make several tactile books<br />

for the library.<br />


82<br />

Marion Ripley<br />

ClearVision Library, UK<br />

Who uses tactile books?<br />

I think when we look at the sort of tactile books which<br />

ClearVision stocks and the Celia library stocks, the fabric books<br />

and collage books, we automatically think of young children.<br />

Certainly these books are invaluable for the youngest children<br />

for introducing them to all aspects of the world which they don’t<br />

see. These books are also enormous fun, they are very<br />

attractive, very stimulating, very entertaining. Sighted<br />

children, teenagers and adults all get enormous pleasure from<br />

a wonderful variety of pictures: magazine pictures, pictures in<br />

books and publicity advertisements in the street. And these<br />

tactile books with a rich variety of textures are our attempts to<br />

make tactile pictures just as glorious as printed pictures. I<br />

hope you will all take advantage of the opportunity at lunch<br />

time to come and look at the lovely books from various<br />

countries displayed downsta<strong>ir</strong>s. I hope you will all take<br />

advantage of the opportunity to feel these books as well as<br />

look at them. And I hope you will all agree that they offer a<br />

wonderfully entertaining experience, which may well make<br />

adults laugh as well as children.<br />

So tactile books are not just for children. And another fact<br />

to be borne in mind is the number of children who have<br />

additional learning difficulties. I can give the recent figures from<br />

Dr. Jugnoo Rahi at the Institute of Child Health which show<br />

that childhood blindness is more common in the UK than was<br />

previously thought. By the age of sixteen, six per 10,000<br />

children in the UK will have extreme sight problems or<br />

blindness. Of these, and I think this is an interesting figure, 70<br />

percent will have an additional significant disability. I think this<br />

is a surprisingly high figure.<br />

The blind population in the UK has changed in recent years.<br />

In the past, there were more children who were just blind.<br />

Medical advances mean that some eye conditions can be<br />

treated or avoided. On the other hand, there are many more<br />

children surviving premature b<strong>ir</strong>th or serious medical<br />

conditions who in the past would have died. Many of these<br />

children are surviving with multiple disabilities. So a child who

is blind may also have learning difficulties, may also be deaf,<br />

or have cerebral palsy, or attention deficit, all sorts of problems.<br />

For some of these children one might even say that blindness<br />

is the least of the<strong>ir</strong> problems. I think organisations for the blind<br />

in the UK tend to think of blind people as being the norm, as<br />

the normal situation, and then there are some who have<br />

additional learning difficulties. We have traditionally provided<br />

services for people who were just blind, but in the future we<br />

will have to change the services we provide so that they are<br />

appropriate for the needs of the whole population of the<br />

visually impa<strong>ir</strong>ed. Even children who are just blind are likely to<br />

suffer from some developmental delay because so much of<br />

what the sighted child learns by sight has to be learned more<br />

slowly in other ways. In terms of reading ability, a delay of two<br />

years is considered normal for a child who is just blind.<br />

All children need pictures to entertain them, to motivate<br />

them, and help them towards literacy. They need them to<br />

understand concepts and to find out about the world. All<br />

children need books with illustrations, and blind children need<br />

them even more. That’s all I have to say on that topic. Does<br />

anybody have any questions?<br />


84<br />

Päivi Voutilainen<br />

Head of library services, Celia Library for the Visually Impa<strong>ir</strong>ed,<br />

Finland<br />

Why are the tactile books needed?<br />

There are very few researches done about the influence of<br />

tactile illustrations among the pre-school children, and the<br />

following is mainly based on what the editors of educational<br />

materials of our library have learned from the teachers and<br />

parents of blind children, and what experience of 20 years of<br />

lending tactile books has given us.<br />

We are living in a world full of images, pictures and visual<br />

impressions. Sighted persons learn to understand pictures so<br />

early that nobody remembers it. Even though the history of<br />

illustrated children’s books is not yet very long, only a few can<br />

today imagine a regular children’s book without illustrations or<br />

children without picture books.<br />

How can a blind child learn what pictures, forms, colours,<br />

d<strong>ir</strong>ections mean, if he/she has no access to this kind of world?<br />

Maybe we could help them understand through the use of<br />

tactile pictures?<br />

Originally children’s picture books had educational<br />

purposes. A small child learns best through imagination and<br />

emotions. Fa<strong>ir</strong>y tales and stories arouse imagination of a child,<br />

but also help in creative thinking and in ability to handle<br />

various abstract things in a child-friendly way. Therefore all<br />

children’s books are of educational purposes, in a sense.<br />

Earlier it was believed that blind children did not need any<br />

picture books or at least that they had no use of them. In<br />

Finland before 1985 there were no picture books of any kind<br />

for the child patrons of the Library for the Visually Impa<strong>ir</strong>ed,<br />

and the situation is still very similar in many countries. But<br />

twenty years ago parents of our child patrons began asking<br />

the library for picture books for the<strong>ir</strong> children. We were lucky,<br />

on an initiative of a teacher at a school of arts and design, the<br />

co-operation in producing them started in these schools and<br />

continued for years.<br />

The feedback received from children and the<strong>ir</strong> parents was<br />

rewarding and important. Through the tactile pictures the

children received new and stimulating experiences. Young<br />

children are quick to learn, eager to explore. Exploring with<br />

the<strong>ir</strong> fingers and with a help of the<strong>ir</strong> parents, visually impa<strong>ir</strong>ed<br />

children could experience the excitement of turning a new<br />

page, finding a new entertaining illustration, learning new<br />

words. Also the books have become important as well, as the<br />

child’s own “thing”, that he or she may have happily<br />

presented to other children. A well-made tactile book presents<br />

the blind child with the rich world of fa<strong>ir</strong>y-tales and picture books<br />

that has long been available for sighted children.<br />

Many of the tactile picture books contain the idea of<br />

training the blind child in different skills she or he is going to<br />

need to conceptualise the surrounding invisible world and to<br />

acqu<strong>ir</strong>e information from it. Tactile illustrations can open up a<br />

world of new concepts and vocabulary, especially while<br />

reading them with an adult. The adult’s role is to explain the<br />

proportions between the objects in the book and the<strong>ir</strong> real-life<br />

counterparts, to describe colours and to help the child<br />

understand concepts related to the topic of the book.<br />

But information obtained by touch is sequential and has to<br />

be f<strong>ir</strong>st integrated by the mind. Therefore a blind child needs<br />

an adults to give verbal information to help the child to<br />

understand the information he is getting from his fingers. When<br />

a child is given a tactile model of a picture, he should never be<br />

told, “This is a car”, but “This is a model or a picture of a car -<br />

a real car is much larger”. A blind child should learn the<br />

difference between a picture and reality. Pictures are only flat<br />

versions of three-dimensional objects.<br />

But when this is learned, through touching a tactile picture<br />

or object a child can learn and absorb many properties or<br />

characteristics of things, like warmth, softness, coldness,<br />

hardness or size and shape, and many, many other things,<br />

which cannot be verbally explained. After familiarising<br />

themselves with tactile illustrations in the<strong>ir</strong> story-books, it is<br />

easier for a visually impa<strong>ir</strong>ed pupil at school to comprehend<br />

images and relief pictures, maps and graphics attached to<br />

text-books. Once the child is familiar with tactile illustrations it<br />

is easier for him or her to start exploring plastic relief pictures<br />

and swell paper diagrams and to learn Braille at school.<br />


How would it be possible to learn more than elementary<br />

mathematics without graphics? Earlier in Finland the blind<br />

pupils in higher education were exempted from mathematics<br />

and sciences as it was considered impossible for them to learn.<br />

Now we have several students who are learning high level<br />

maths in high school. This we consider to be an outcome of<br />

reading tactile story-books for years before the school-age.<br />

These children had the<strong>ir</strong> “touch training” already and became<br />

“touch literate from a very early age”.<br />

To summarise, visually impa<strong>ir</strong>ed children need illustrations<br />

in the<strong>ir</strong> books for the same reason as the<strong>ir</strong> sighted peers, to<br />

stimulate the reading experience and to learn by exploring the<br />

pictures by touching. Equally important is that these pictures<br />

develop tactile skills and sense, and develop the<br />

co-ordination of hands. They also arouse the child’s curiosity<br />

to reading while finding exciting dots of Braille on the pages.<br />


Päivi Voutilainen<br />



Head of library services, Celia Library for the Visually Impa<strong>ir</strong>ed,<br />

Finland<br />

Different ways of<br />

making tactile books<br />

Unique tactile illustration books<br />

There are several techniques for making tactile illustrations.<br />

The very f<strong>ir</strong>st tactile pictures for the blind were made of papier<br />

m?ché or carved wood. They were handmade unique pieces.<br />

Also the beautiful textile picture books in Finland are<br />

handmade and they are seldom produced in more than one<br />

copy. These books are made by hand or sewing machine,<br />

using different kinds of materials and objects that are<br />

attached to pages usually covered with cloth/fabric. In these<br />

books objects and elements inserted in the book can be<br />

moved, and parts of the materials included can be stuck and<br />

unstuck.<br />

Some of these books are more like toys than traditional<br />

books. They are sometimes called toy-books or fun-books. This<br />

type of storybook seeks the similarity in reading experience<br />

with the traditional storybook used by sighted children. The<strong>ir</strong><br />

advantage is that they are pleasant to touch, feel good in the<br />

hands, they are safe, objects are securely sewn onto a page,<br />

and books are durable and even washable. But they are also<br />

very labour-demanding, and requ<strong>ir</strong>e good sewing skills. Our<br />

children are used to this kind of books, they love them and so<br />

far we have been lucky to receive new books annually. In Celia<br />

library we have now around 450 of tactile books.<br />

Collage illustrations / Paper-on-paper build-up<br />

illustrations with additional materials<br />

Paper-on-paper build-up illustrations are made by gluing<br />

layers of paper or cardboard forms to a paper or cardboard<br />

background. The individual forms are cut with scissors<br />


or a hobby knife, or for several pieces on a mechanic<br />

cutting-machine. This method can be used even for mass<br />

production, but in some stages human work is necessary. This<br />

system involves making an illustration on a cardboard base by<br />

using materials such as cardboard, sandpaper, leather, fur,<br />

cloth, w<strong>ir</strong>e, string or clay, together or individually, to create<br />

shapes and textures. Various materials give a very stimulating<br />

effect and make it possible to get exciting and varied tactual<br />

sensation. However, it is important in these illustrations to check<br />

the materials and stuff involved, glue, colouring chemicals etc.<br />

Everything must be highly non-toxic and safe. Sometimes<br />

glue is not strong enough attachment and small pieces of<br />

removed objects can get into the mouth of a child. So, a great<br />

deal of carefulness is needed with these books.<br />

This method is mainly used in <strong>Tactus</strong>-books, too. Cutting<br />

machines are used in some materials, but also a lot of<br />

handwork is done in producing hundreds of copies of rewarded<br />

<strong>Tactus</strong>-titles.<br />

88<br />

Silk screening technique<br />

The Swedish Library of Talking Books and Braille have<br />

produced children’s tactile books on silk screen printing. A<br />

characteristic of screen printing is that a greater thickness of<br />

the ink or resin can be applied to substrate and it embosses<br />

the picture from the background. Also some ha<strong>ir</strong>y material can<br />

be added in order to provide a soft tactual sensation. The<br />

problem is that illustrations are still very flat and it is difficult to<br />

sense the difference with the background paper. (Dick Bruna:<br />

Miffy).<br />

Use of this technique requ<strong>ir</strong>es a good co-operation with a<br />

willing printing house.<br />

Other techniques for tactile illustrations<br />

Thermoform pictures<br />

The f<strong>ir</strong>st relief pictures appeared in Finnish Braille textbooks<br />

about 30 years ago. These pictures were so-called traditional<br />

plastic relief pictures made by using vacuum-forming

machines. This method is probably the most widely used<br />

method for making relief pictures for the blind. Reproduction<br />

of a plastic copy from a relief master or mould is rapid and<br />

cheap. These pictures are useful attachments in textbooks,<br />

for example pictures of plants and animals as well as maps<br />

and diagrams. The plastic pictures can be also painted with<br />

non-toxic colours for partially sighted users.<br />

Thermoform pictures are not very suitable for f<strong>ir</strong>st books of<br />

a child. You must have a certain amount of training in tactile<br />

skills, before you can understand these relief displays.<br />

Illustration is always two-dimensional and the tactual<br />

sensation is always similar through the whole picture. Plastic<br />

is not very finger-friendly, when warm, it becomes slippery with<br />

persp<strong>ir</strong>ation and d<strong>ir</strong>ty after long use.<br />

Embossed graphics<br />

Embossed graphics are also known as Braille graphics. They<br />

are images made up from dots and usually produced by using<br />

a Braille embosser or a machine specially designed to<br />

produce graphics. Also there exist some children’s books<br />

made on this technique, but they look to me quite modest<br />

because of the<strong>ir</strong> one-sided tactual sensation. On the other hand<br />

this method can be useful in training Braille or hand co-ordination.<br />

Swell-paper<br />

Swell paper pictures are often used in textbooks, too.<br />

Micro-capsule paper, which expands when heated, is quite<br />

economical material for producing one or many simple relief<br />

displays from a printed diagram or an original drawing.<br />

Understanding of these is possible only after a long training<br />

and they are not therefore suitable in small children’s books.<br />

These previous methods mostly produce a raised line and don’t<br />

provide enough tactile interest for pre-school children.<br />

In Finland we have children’s books made in several<br />

techniques. Major part of our books is hand-made fabric books,<br />

because they were the kind of books we received from the<br />

handicraft school. Our own library staff has made both textile<br />


ooks and collage books. As long as the book is made<br />

carefully and along certain regulations, they are well<br />

appreciated and important items of our library collection.<br />


Marion Ripley<br />

ClearVision Library, UK<br />

Different levels of difficulty<br />

I am going to talk about different levels of difficulty within<br />

these tactile books for children at the early stage. What we<br />

are hoping to provide is a smooth transition from real objects<br />

that the child holds in the<strong>ir</strong> hand to something more<br />

representational. Without this good grounding which starts with<br />

real objects we can’t hope for children to successfully and<br />

easily move on one day to maps and diagrams. There are two<br />

sorts of difficulty which have been identified by Frances<br />

Aldridge who was a professor at the University of Sussex.<br />

Some things are very easy to feel, but not very easy to<br />

understand. Some things are very difficult to understand by<br />

touch, but the concept is easy.<br />

Let us think, for example, of a very simple graph, a line<br />

showing the number of travellers on buses in Vilnius in the<br />

morning. I am guessing, of course, because I have never<br />

travelled on a bus in Vilnius in the morning, but I’m guessing<br />

that at five o’clock in the morning there are very few travellers;<br />

at eight o’clock there are lots of travellers, and at ten o’clock<br />

there are less travellers. And so a tactile graphic for this would<br />

be a line which goes up and then down. This line is easy to<br />

feel; a small child could feel a line which goes up and goes<br />

down. But the understanding that this line is representing<br />

numbers of people on a bus in a town at different times of day<br />

is very much too complicated for a small child.<br />

So here you have tactile simplicity, but conceptual<br />

difficulty. On the other hand, if you think of a pineapple, you<br />

might have a very complicated tactile picture of a pineapple<br />

with lots of bristles and points, and pointy leaves, and<br />

interesting texture - very difficult to work out what it is. So for a<br />

child who has held a pineapple and eaten a pineapple, the<br />

concept is easy, but the tactile picture is very difficult. This is<br />

just an interesting thing to bear in mind when we are making<br />

tactile illustrations for children or for anybody.<br />

Another thing to bear in mind is the fact that print pictures<br />

can be very simple and very obvious for young sighted<br />


children, but present particular difficulties to children<br />

exploring the picture by touch. I have in my hand a picture, a<br />

seaside scene with a palm-tree and the sun in the sky and a<br />

boat on the horizon. It looks like quite a simple picture, and<br />

there are certainly more difficult pictures than this one. But if<br />

you were working with young blind child who had no sight, no<br />

experience of print pictures, you would need to be aware of<br />

the fact that this picture appears simple but presents a<br />

number of items which would need explaining. The sun in the<br />

sky - it’s so obvious to us, it’s such a common symbol, the sun<br />

as a c<strong>ir</strong>cle with lines coming out. But it is not something a blind<br />

child could recognize without that symbol being taught to him.<br />

The sea disappears behind the tree, but where has it gone?<br />

The tree is standing in front of the sea, so we can’t see the sea<br />

behind it. The hill is in front of the sea. Does it mean that the hill<br />

is sticking into the sea? No, again, the hill is in front of the sea<br />

and hiding it. We have an enormous tree and a tiny little boat.<br />

And this perspective is another thing which will need to be<br />

taught to a child at some stage.<br />

We can begin with real objects. These sort of bags are very<br />

popular in ordinary schools in the UK. They are much used for<br />

sighted children in ordinary classes to encourage them to<br />

enjoy books and understand more from books. Parents and<br />

grandparents get involved in making them for the school. And<br />

each bag contains a book. This is a very simple book about<br />

Jack at bath time. It’s a book teaching colours as well. We<br />

have real objects in the bag so as the child hears the story,<br />

they can also hold the green towel, and the little duck, and the<br />

little red boat, and a tiny blue fish.<br />

On a very simple level it’s making the book come to life for<br />

a child, a child who can’t see the pictures; it’s a very simple<br />

idea and very easy to produce as a way of encouraging the<br />

child to enjoy the book.<br />

I don’t usually disagree with Päivi, but I would like to talk at<br />

this point about books with thermoform illustrations. I<br />

absolutely agree that the majority of books with thermoform<br />

illustrations are for older children. But these particular books<br />

were designed especially for very young children using<br />

thermoformed illustrations, but with thermoforms of real<br />

objects. This is a very different sort of illustrations to<br />


thermoforms of pictures and thermoforms of maps and<br />

diagrams because, for example, this illustration is three<br />

pieces of Lego and children are likely to be very familiar with<br />

Lego. All the pictures in the book are everyday objects that the<br />

child can feel. The book lends itself to playing matching<br />

games: the child must find the real object, which matches the<br />

picture in the book.<br />

This is a story about a giant who has to walk home<br />

because he has spent all his money at McDonald’s. But his<br />

boot is very uncomfortable, and so he takes it off and finds a<br />

key. And he says a little rhyme of exasperation, and puts his<br />

boot back on again, but it’s still uncomfortable. And then he<br />

takes it off and finds a spoon. And so the story continues in a<br />

very repetitive and very predictable way so that the child can<br />

guess that he’s going to find something else on the next page.<br />

This book was tried out with over a hundred children. It was<br />

part of a pilot project. And it was very much enjoyed, and lots<br />

of the children who enjoyed it had learning difficulties. The<br />

teachers who worked with these children did a certain amount<br />

of preparation before they introduced the book to the children.<br />

For example, one teacher took a boot into the class with the<br />

objects in the boot. The children took the objects in and out of<br />

the boot and identified them one by one, and some of them<br />

walked around the room with the boot on the<strong>ir</strong> foot with the<br />

spoon in it to see how uncomfortable it was.<br />

So the f<strong>ir</strong>st books have real objects that the child is likely to<br />

recognise. This is an example of such a book: it’s an alphabet<br />

book, just one letter of the alphabet. If it had all the letters of<br />

the alphabet it would be much too long for young children and<br />

would requ<strong>ir</strong>e too much concentration. These are all things<br />

which begin with the letter B in English (but unfortunately not in<br />

Lithuanian), including a bag, and in the bag, there are some<br />

beads.<br />

This one, Make a Noise, is an interactive book. The child<br />

can do things in the book and find in it a real little stick with<br />

which to beat a real little drum: real objects for a child to<br />

engage with. And on the last page, some castanets to play:<br />

very Spanish.<br />


Some books are very simple, but the concept is more<br />

difficult than in the books I’ve just shown you. This is a lovely<br />

simple and strong book, which a child would find it difficult to<br />

damage. On each page the child has to find the odd one out,<br />

the different one.<br />

We have counting books at this sort of level, and books of<br />

opposites and shapes. And a little magnet book with a<br />

magnet on the f<strong>ir</strong>st page, which you take through the book<br />

and try on the different items. The child is feeling something<br />

very real and they are being asked to understand something a<br />

little more difficult in terms of the concept.<br />

We can then move on to books which have more<br />

representational illustrations. They still have very real textures<br />

and they are very simple but here, for example, is a story of<br />

Little Red Riding Hood. Is this a story that you know in<br />

Lithuania? If you think for a minute what the f<strong>ir</strong>st picture for a<br />

print version of a Little Red Riding Hood would be, this might<br />

be a picture of the kitchen with Mum making cakes for<br />

grandma, and a cat on a mat, and Little Red Riding Hood, and<br />

a table, and a geranium in the window. But in this very simple<br />

version we just have Little Riding Hood’s cape. The next page<br />

is more difficult because it’s a representational picture of trees<br />

but again it’s very simple, and the leaves feel like leaves, we<br />

made it as real as we could in terms of the textures. When she<br />

gets to Grandma’s house she finds that Grandma has<br />

strangely large ears, and strangely large eyes, and strangely<br />

large teeth, so the child is finding things all the time.<br />

Here we have a little door made from a cigar box lid, but<br />

the right sort of texture and the right sort of sound when you<br />

knock on it. And here is the wolf’s bottom running out of the<br />

door. Grandma had just gone to buy biscuits and then she<br />

came home and was very pleased with her brave<br />

granddaughter, and here are biscuits made of clay. And we<br />

take advantage of the opportunity to have a round biscuit, and<br />

a rectangular biscuit, and a square biscuit.<br />

The plant book is another simple representational book that<br />

can have very simple things for the child to find. There is a<br />

hard seed on the f<strong>ir</strong>st page. And here is one of the<br />

<strong>Tactus</strong>-winning books. It has a picture of the character but it<br />

has real textures. We hope the child will then be ready to<br />


move on to more representational books such as Clara’s Dress<br />

which has more for the child to explore. It is very simple, but<br />

these are pictures rather than real objects. And don’t miss the<br />

last page with this wonderful example of what a cow might<br />

wear for underwear hanging on the line.<br />

The last one I will show you is another <strong>Tactus</strong> winning book<br />

which was for older children, and it’s a mixture of textures,<br />

very very stylised, with quite a sophisticated text. There is<br />

something quite symbolic about it all, with the sun and stars<br />

and everything.<br />

I would like to say that no stage when children are looking<br />

at these books should it be a test. Päivi was talking earlier<br />

about the importance of sharing books and that sharing should<br />

definitely take the form of “let’s look at this together”. It’s very<br />

important that the child never feels they have failed to identify<br />

a picture.<br />

But at this point I would like you all to share the experience<br />

of the child encountering a picture, if you are willing. If you are<br />

happy to do this, I’m going to hand you a tactile picture each.<br />

I’ll hand it to you upside down as if you are in an examination.<br />

And I don’t want you to turn it over until you have closed your<br />

eyes, if necessary. If you catch just one look at the picture, for<br />

one second, you will know everything about it. So if you are<br />

happy to participate I’ll give it to you upside down and then I’ll<br />

say “OK”, and you close your eyes and turn them over. OK.<br />

(The attendees examine the distributed pictures by touch) You<br />

can now look at your pictures. Perhaps if you’re sitting next to<br />

a blind person you can tell them what the<strong>ir</strong> picture is. I think<br />

the message is that it’s not easy. Could anybody tell what the<strong>ir</strong><br />

picture was? No? But these were tactile illustrations produced<br />

for children at the age when they read Miffy books. They were<br />

produced for children aged three to five. For children who<br />

have never seen pictures, who have never seen an elephant in<br />

real life.<br />


96<br />

Marion Ripley<br />

ClearVision Library, UK<br />

What we can do to make<br />

pictures easier to access?<br />

So now we are going to think about what we can do to<br />

make pictures easier for children in the early stages of tactile<br />

development. Outlines are very difficult to understand<br />

because you don’t know which side of the line you are<br />

supposed to be understanding. It’s very much easier if objects<br />

are filled in. Having different textures on the page will make it<br />

easier, but not too many different textures. The textures need<br />

to be very different and it’s very important to keep feeling<br />

textures because some things look very different, but they don’t<br />

feel very different. Just put one or two items on the page, not<br />

lots and lots of different things.<br />

This is a picture of two g<strong>ir</strong>affes. Imagine you are a child<br />

who doesn’t know what a g<strong>ir</strong>affe is like. What would you learn<br />

from this? Perhaps that it has two heads. These two g<strong>ir</strong>affes<br />

have the<strong>ir</strong> necks crossing, so that it looks as if this were a<br />

creature with eight legs and two heads. I say it’s a creature<br />

with eight legs, but of course you could never count the eight<br />

legs, because there are railings behind the eight legs. It’s<br />

impossible for anybody to make sense of this picture, even<br />

with help, I think.<br />

The objects on the page need to be separated so that<br />

there is space between them, so that you can identify each<br />

one separately. At this stage you need to keep things in<br />

proportion, so that you don’t have a big tree at the front of the<br />

picture and a tiny boat at the back of the picture. Avoid<br />

perspective: we may understand that the road looks narrower<br />

at the distance but this is something a child will learn later on.<br />

Avoid hiding one thing behind another. This picture shows<br />

two rabbits looking out of a train window. But unfortunately,<br />

part of the train window a bar goes straight through the<br />

rabbit’s ears. This might have been the one thing which would<br />

identify them as rabbits, but we can’t feel them because of<br />

this bar of the window going across.

It’s very much easier to identify a person or an animal if you<br />

can count the<strong>ir</strong> arms and legs. We tend to portray animals in<br />

print with just two legs visible. We understand that the right<br />

leg is behind the left leg. But it’s easier to identify the animal if<br />

all four legs can be counted, and the tail is sticking out at the<br />

back. There are some lovely examples of books with animals<br />

portrayed like that downsta<strong>ir</strong>s. I’m thinking in particular of the<br />

winning book in the Lithuanian competition, and also some<br />

lovely books made by our colleague from Finland, Sylvi.<br />

Similarly with faces. It’s easier to identify a face which is<br />

round and full on; this sort of face where you can count the<br />

eyes and the nose and you can feel the mouth and the ha<strong>ir</strong>; it’s<br />

very symmetrical and it’s much easier to identify the features.<br />

Or in profile, so that you can feel the nose, and the chin and<br />

the neck. It’s much more difficult if you show a face at three<br />

quarters’ angle so that it’s not symmetrical and you have a<br />

large eye and a small eye and a strange shaped mouth.<br />

These are guidelines for making it easier. Whichever<br />

format you are using it applies to sewn books and to collage<br />

books, to any form of tactile illustration.<br />

There are some golden rules for tactile book production<br />

which in English are the six S’s - they all begin with the letter S,<br />

but of course this won’t work in Lithuanian.<br />

1. Safety. I am repeating what Päivi has said on the subject,<br />

but I think it’s something which can be repeated. It’s<br />

extremely important that these books are safe and that<br />

inappropriate books are not given to children who might<br />

pull things out of the page and swallow them. In this<br />

respect, the fabric books are very safe usually because<br />

you can sew things so securely to the page so that even<br />

quite destructive children can’t pull them off.<br />

2. Simple. For young children, no book is too simple. If they<br />

read it and enjoy it very quickly and easily, it’s a good<br />

thing, it makes them feel that they are able to<br />

understand things. A lot of tactile books are too<br />

complicated. There is a danger of discouraging children<br />

if they can’t make sense of an illustration. We don’t have<br />

to work hard to understand pictures in our books, and<br />


we don’t want these children to have to work too hard to<br />

enjoy the<strong>ir</strong>s.<br />

3. Small. The books need to be quite small. The children<br />

are small and they have small arms, small hands, small<br />

laps to rest the books on. It’s important that the child be<br />

able to find what’s on the page with the<strong>ir</strong> hands. We don’t<br />

want them having to reach too far to feel over a large<br />

page. Having said that, if it’s a large book, it’s not a<br />

disaster.<br />

4. Short. The books need to be short. You are all examining<br />

tactile pages there. You know how long it takes to<br />

explore a page by touch. These children don’t want to<br />

spend half an hour reading the<strong>ir</strong> book any more than a<br />

sighted child would spend a long time looking at just<br />

one book. So four or five pages is fine.<br />

5. Sturdy. This means strong and robust and not easy to<br />

damage. In the normal course of exploration children will<br />

try to pull things off the page. Even very careful children<br />

will pick at things to see if they will come off or not. And<br />

some children are not careful at all. There are some<br />

children who will try to pull the book apart before they<br />

stop to see what’s on the pages. Which again is where<br />

fabric is good because they can pull it quite hard and<br />

nothing happens.<br />

6. Stimulating. To stimulate the senses of these children,<br />

we will try to use a variety of textures, and not all soft<br />

and agreeable textures, but hard and rough textures, and<br />

ha<strong>ir</strong>y textures, and cold textures. Downsta<strong>ir</strong>s there is a<br />

very ha<strong>ir</strong>y book: I love the idea of a child picking it up and<br />

instantly thinking, ‘This is a very interesting book, its all<br />

ha<strong>ir</strong>y!’ It’s having the same tactile impact as a bright<br />

cover on a print book.<br />

As well as things to feel, we can introduce sounds and smells<br />

to the book. I know that Päivi in her library has a lovely book<br />

with a corrugated paper between the pages and stones, and<br />

when you turn the page it sounds like the sea. You can also<br />

introduce squeakers and sound buttons to play tunes. Smells:<br />

some people have sewn little lavender bags into books, or<br />

antiseptic, or cinnamon. One of our books is called Let’s Make<br />


a Curry”. It has lots of little bags, little fabric bags sewn into the<br />

book and the bags are full of different curry spices. The last<br />

page has a bag of rice, not cooked of course. And it has a<br />

lovely crunchy feel of rice before it’s cooked.<br />

To stimulate children with a small amount of sight you can<br />

have very bright colour contrasts. Black and white is also<br />

popular for children with very low vision. You can also put shiny<br />

items on the page because for some children this will be all<br />

that they can see.<br />


100<br />

Marion Ripley<br />

ClearVision Library, UK<br />

Topics for tactile books<br />

And what sort of topics? Päivi has already mentioned that<br />

there are traditional topics, every country has lots of traditional<br />

stories. It’s nice to produce tactile versions of these traditional<br />

stories, and rhymes, and poems. There are lots of early<br />

learning topics, it’s easy to make a counting book with<br />

interesting items. And alphabet books, and shapes books and<br />

the sort of simple things that sighted children are also<br />

learning. You might make books on everyday life, on getting<br />

dressed in the morning, on using the bathroom, on going for a<br />

walk in the park, these sorts of simple everyday occurrences.<br />

You can make up your own stories. We are not talking about<br />

Harry Potter here, we are talking about very short stories, very<br />

simple stories. One nice idea for a book is “open me for a<br />

surprise”. Each page has a different fastener, and you have to<br />

open the fastener, and lift the flaps, and find something<br />

underneath.<br />

Some people prefer to use a mainstream book as the<br />

basis for the<strong>ir</strong> story, an ordinary published book. In some ways<br />

this seems to be easier because you already have the story<br />

written for you. But in my experience it is more difficult to<br />

make a successful book like this because you are influenced<br />

by the print pictures which are not always easy to adapt.<br />

In lots of ways the easiest thing is to gather together some<br />

bits and pieces and then be insp<strong>ir</strong>ed by what you have<br />

collected to make a book. Look away now if you don’t like<br />

spiders. When I found this big spider, it occurred to me that it<br />

could be used in a book “Large and Small”. You could do a<br />

whole book based on “large and small”.<br />

And similarly with bells - there are all sorts of bells and it is<br />

rather interesting that the large bell sounds quite different to<br />

the small bell. And so you have not only feeling large and small<br />

but also sounding large and small. So those two could be used<br />

in a simple book.<br />

And here is a squeaker which could go into a book on sounds<br />

or it could be the noise that the mouse makes in the story that

you are going to write about a little mouse. And here are some<br />

rather nice castanets. Plastic cheap castanets but they could<br />

be sewn into a book and be a very attractive item. For things<br />

which are too difficult to attach to the page or too small, you<br />

can put them in a little bag made of very thin fabric so that the<br />

child can feel the objects. The bag is securely attached to the<br />

page, and the child can feel the objects in the little bag. This is<br />

very thin and slippery fabric which feels just like cellophane<br />

used for bags of sweets.<br />

When I found these coasters, used to put a drink on top of<br />

them, they were very very cheap in a very very cheap shop,<br />

and it occurred to me that you could use them for a book of<br />

shapes. This could be a square, or it could be on a page where<br />

you have two like this and a round one: ‘which one is<br />

different?’.And the coaster is rough. If it was a book of<br />

opposites, you could have rough and smooth. Or, if you were<br />

doing the story of the three little pigs, this could be the house<br />

made of straw. This is just an example of how finding some<br />

things can give you an idea for a book which would be easier<br />

and more successful than taking a mainstream book and<br />

trying to come up with tactile illustrations.<br />

Some very cheap shops are a very good source of material<br />

for tactile books. We have pound shops in the UK, where<br />

everything costs less than a pound. This was a Christmas<br />

decoration; when I took it apart I ended up with lots of very<br />

tactile leaves and bits of spruce which are not sharp and not<br />

dangerous but they are very spiky and very interesting from a<br />

tactile point of view.<br />

It’s particularly difficult, though, to think of suitable topics<br />

for older children. There are lot of children who are in the<strong>ir</strong><br />

teens, teenagers, and they need tactile books as well, but it is<br />

more difficult to think suitable topics. We are very keen to send<br />

these children simple books which meet the<strong>ir</strong> needs, but we<br />

don’t want to send them babyish books because this is<br />

insulting to them. This is particularly the case if they are in a<br />

mainstream school where they have sighted children in the<strong>ir</strong><br />

class. This is a real challenge and it’s one that I must say we<br />

are not meeting yet, but I would like to think that our collection<br />

will develop in that d<strong>ir</strong>ection.<br />


Some of the suggestions which have been made for this<br />

group are books about clothes and ha<strong>ir</strong> styles, books about<br />

going shopping, sport perhaps, simple jokes, riddles, football,<br />

boats, camping, horse-riding. And if any of you can think of<br />

any other topics, I would be very interested to hear of them.<br />

(Topics suggested by the audience: fishing, cars, ships,<br />

hunting) Hunting! It’s very controversial in the UK.<br />

I think that’s all I want to cover in this section, so I wonder if<br />

people have any questions they would like to ask, or<br />

suggestions.<br />


Marion Ripley<br />

ClearVision Library, UK<br />



Setting up a lending<br />

library of tactile books<br />

I have shown you earlier the books that we have in our<br />

collection - the mainstream books that we have adapted by<br />

adding Braille. The big advantage of those books is that they<br />

are the same books as sighted children are reading which is<br />

very important for integration of the blind child in a<br />

mainstream classroom. But from the very early days of the<br />

ClearVision library people have asked us for especially-made<br />

tactile books. They needed these books for all the reasons<br />

that Päivi spoke about earlier today. And for years we said we<br />

couldn’t stock books like that in our library.<br />

The number one difficulty was that there was nowhere that<br />

we could buy such books in order to build up a library. We just<br />

didn’t know where we would get them from. But another big<br />

difficulty was the health and safety side of things. In the UK,<br />

the rules about health and safety are very strictly applied, and<br />

this has led to an atmosphere where we are all terrified not<br />

just that a child might choke to death as a result of something<br />

we have lent them but also that we will be taken to court and<br />

made to pay millions of pounds in compensation so that the<br />

library would have to close down.<br />

It may seem ridiculous to be worried by such things but it is<br />

of course a real practical concern. And so for many years we<br />

said ‘no we won’t be able to include especially-made tactile<br />

books in our library’. And then I heard about the tactile book<br />

library in Finland, and also about a tactile book lending library<br />

in New Zealand. And I started to think that if Finland and New<br />

Zealand could do it, then perhaps the UK could also do it. And<br />

in the year 2000, we started to say that yes, we would offer<br />

this service, we would build up a collection of tactile books.<br />

The f<strong>ir</strong>st step was to say this to so many people that we<br />

could not change our mind because we have promised that<br />


we were going to do it. I was very fortunate in being able to<br />

visit the Celia library in Helsinki and look at the books that they<br />

had and get a lot of the<strong>ir</strong> ideas and expertise about running<br />

and creating a tactile book library. I also applied to charitable<br />

trusts for funding because I knew that a certain amount of<br />

money would be needed to set up this collection. I imagined<br />

that a lot of money would be spent on buying books from around<br />

the world but in the event this has not happened.<br />

The majority of our books have been hand-made by<br />

volunteers. And therefore the money has been spent not on<br />

buying books, but on producing handouts to advise people<br />

how to make books. We have now got over 800 tactile books<br />

in our new collection. And although I had promised people we<br />

would have a thousand books in three years, I feel quite proud<br />

that we have 800 after five years.<br />

The books are in a variety of formats but over half of them<br />

are sewn fabric books. I didn’t realise at the beginning of the<br />

project that this would be the case.<br />

We also have collage books from the <strong>Tactus</strong> organisation<br />

and collage books made by other people. We also have some<br />

very simple thermoform books like The Giant’s Boot, the book<br />

which I showed you earlier.<br />

But a lot of my time now is spent on talking to groups, I<br />

have to say it, groups of women. In the UK there are<br />

organisations for women: there’s a large organisation called<br />

The Women’s Institute, which has branches in all the rural<br />

areas of England. Most of the<strong>ir</strong> members are women in the<strong>ir</strong><br />

fifties, sixties, or seventies: a lot of ret<strong>ir</strong>ed women. These<br />

women are very enthusiastic, it is a project that really<br />

captured the<strong>ir</strong> imagination. And a lot of them have exactly the<br />

skills we need. They are of a generation which learned good,<br />

solid sewing skills. They don’t have to be wonderfully artistic<br />

embroiderers but they need to be able to sew a button so that<br />

it doesn’t come off. A lot of these women have raised families,<br />

they have grandchildren, they know what children like. Some<br />

of them have been teachers, some have been librarians,<br />

some have experience of children with special needs. Some<br />

are very creative and artistic and have lots of ideas and often<br />

two or three women work together on a book, all contributing<br />

the<strong>ir</strong> skills.<br />


In my experience, it’s something that they are really happy<br />

to do because many of these women have more time than<br />

parents and teachers who work with blind children. There are<br />

a lot of people who have sewing skills and they are just looking<br />

for a new project. And they are very pleased to think that they<br />

can use the<strong>ir</strong> sewing skills to meet a very real current need.<br />

Some people think that sewing skills are old-fashioned; they<br />

are certainly undervalued I think. And I stand in front of them<br />

and say: “Blind children need what you can do”.<br />

It is not just women’s groups. We’ve also got some<br />

students at a University fashion department who have made<br />

books as part of the<strong>ir</strong> syllabus. There are some church groups<br />

involved and, I think very interestingly to me, there are women<br />

in prison making books for us. What I ask the women in prison<br />

to do is to copy books, so if somebody makes a beautiful book<br />

I will take the necessary materials into a prison and say: “Can<br />

you make me ten copies of this book?” And they make ten<br />

copies.<br />

In Britain, there’s a tradition of sewing workshops in<br />

prisons. I don’t know whether they still do, but traditionally<br />

people in prison sewed bags for the post. Nowadays certainly<br />

women prisoners make pyjamas for male prisoners. They also<br />

make underpants for male prisoners. So you can imagine how<br />

enthusiastic they are about making tactile books for blind<br />

children. I went to one prison with three books so that they<br />

could choose which one they wanted to copy. There was a lot<br />

of discussion about which book would be easier and which<br />

was the nicest book and eventually they chose the book they<br />

would copy. One woman in the corner was very quiet and after<br />

a while she said: “I am going home on Tuesday. I wish I was<br />

staying longer now.”I think she was joking but I’m sure she had<br />

picked up on the enthusiasm for the project in the room.<br />

I have discovered over time that the more information I<br />

give people, the better the books they produce. In the<br />

beginning it was very difficult because I had only two or three<br />

books which were donated by the Celia library to help us<br />

begin so I had no samples to show to people when I gave<br />

talks. Now when I speak to groups I give them a handout, which<br />

covers the sort of things I was talking about earlier - about the<br />

size of the book, the number of pages, and how safe and<br />


simple it needs to be. I take along lots of lovely books so that<br />

they can see what other people have made and get ideas. I<br />

also take along a sample page, which is a fabric page, partly<br />

made, so that they can examine how it has been stiffened and<br />

the fact that it has a limp edge to it. And I have discovered that<br />

people really like to get the<strong>ir</strong> hands on this and examine how<br />

it’s done because it gives them an idea of how they can<br />

actually make a page of two rectangles of fabric and something<br />

to stiffen it with.<br />

People donate books. Sometimes people have<br />

competitions locally. An organisation will hold a competition<br />

and all the<strong>ir</strong> members make tactile books, and then<br />

somebody judges them, and they have a winner and this seems<br />

to work well. We receive all these books as donations.<br />

Sometimes a book comes and it’s not very good. But I can<br />

always find a good home for it with a child who has quite a lot<br />

of sight. Most of the books are OK, and some of the books are<br />

absolutely brilliant.<br />

When we receive the books, we add the text in Braille. We<br />

certainly don’t want people to try to add the Braille<br />

themselves because they are likely to make mistakes. We<br />

enter the book on a computer, we put a bar code on it, and we<br />

grade the books according to how strong they are. This is not<br />

a very sophisticated library classification system but it is the<br />

most important thing as far as we are concerned.<br />

Children who borrow from the library (or rather the person<br />

who joins on the<strong>ir</strong> behalf) has to describe them and the<strong>ir</strong><br />

needs. On the application form the teacher has to describe<br />

them either as ‘very careful’, or ‘quite careful’, or ‘over<br />

enthusiastic’, or ‘boisterous’, which is a euphemism, it’s a kind<br />

way of describing a child who will tear the book apart if they<br />

can. So the important thing is not to send a fragile book to a<br />

child who will pull it apart. This is how our books are stored in<br />

the four categories and the children are described in the four<br />

categories. And then, from the boxes we choose books<br />

appropriate for the child’s age and development.<br />

As far as our concerns about health and safety are concerned,<br />

we have three ways of dealing with this:<br />


F<strong>ir</strong>stly, we ask everybody who makes books to make them<br />

very safe and not to use sharp, toxic, or small items, etc. On<br />

the back of every book we put a big label which says that the<br />

book must be used under constant adult supervision. And we<br />

only lend the books to schools and other educational<br />

establishments. When they join, the schools have to sign a<br />

declaration that they will supervise the books and take care of<br />

them. In this way we hope to avoid any accidents.<br />

The books are very much enjoyed, we get lovely letters from<br />

users. People can’t believe that they are now able to receive<br />

such lovely books in the post. That’s all I have to say on that<br />

subject. Now I pass over to Päivi on running a library.<br />


108<br />

Päivi Voutilainen<br />

Head of library services, Celia Library for the Visually Impa<strong>ir</strong>ed,<br />

Finland<br />

Running a lending library<br />

of tactile books<br />

As I have said earlier, our library, Celia library, has<br />

experience of 20 years being a lending library of tactile<br />

materials. We have about 450 tactile books in our library now.<br />

These books are a notable and natural part of library’s lending<br />

collection. They are catalogued and lent out through our<br />

computerised lending system. Users can have printed lists of<br />

books and the catalogue is also on our web-page. We hope to<br />

have a pictorial catalogue on the web, too. But it is a very good<br />

Marion’s idea to catalogue books according children who might<br />

damage the books.<br />

We have a tactile book database, an archive of each tactile<br />

book page by page as a digital photograph. This is because<br />

children handle books sometimes very roughly and the<br />

illustrations are damaged or items are removed from the<br />

page. We can check the details of the illustrations from the<br />

archive file and then repa<strong>ir</strong> it properly.<br />

Books are lent home by post, usually 1-2 books at a time.<br />

Lending time is two months. A paper with written guidelines<br />

how to use the tactile books is included in each dispatch or<br />

package of books. There are short and simple advice how to<br />

handle the books, like<br />

- Read the book with an adult person<br />

- Keep your hands clean, don’t eat while reading<br />

- Don’t eat the book, don’t put the book into your mouth<br />

etc.<br />

- Remember to return the book. Children sometimes like<br />

the book so much that they do not want to return it.<br />

However, damages happen, but we don’t ask for any<br />

payment or punishment! We make a lot of cleaning and<br />

repa<strong>ir</strong>ing at the library, as we have so many fabric books. We<br />

have a vacuum cleaner and a sewing machine and a stock of<br />

small items, buttons, strings and fabrics for repa<strong>ir</strong>ing the books.

They are so important and precious to the children that we<br />

want to keep them in good condition as long as possible. We<br />

still have books from 20 years back - the f<strong>ir</strong>st books we got<br />

were very strong.<br />

Every now and then we make feed-back inqu<strong>ir</strong>ies asking<br />

parents about the quality of the books. Feed-back has been<br />

excellent, mostly, but it is also useful to hear negative<br />

observations. They are important for developing these books<br />

and try to make them still better. This year a Joensuu<br />

university student has collected the feed-back we have<br />

received and she makes a pro gradu-research on content of<br />

them for the University exam.<br />

A regular co-operation is essential with the book<br />

producers. There are really not too many of them in Finland.<br />

Our Estonian colleague mentioned the college of handicraft;<br />

we have very good cooperation with this college. They have a<br />

very eager teacher who has introduced tactile books as a part<br />

of college curriculum. Now we have a very good cooperation<br />

with Joensuu University, where the teachers of handicraft and<br />

design are educated. Our library staff gives advice and<br />

guidelines to the students how to make the books and<br />

provides information about blind children, the<strong>ir</strong> needs and the<strong>ir</strong><br />

development. We inform the book makers about Typhlo &<br />

<strong>Tactus</strong> competition, send books to book exhibitions in Finland<br />

in order to find new makers and contact the crafts and design<br />

colleges. But as long as we are not able to pay a full price of<br />

the labour and materials used, which of course is not very<br />

little, we are depending on the design students and voluntary<br />

persons, who have the sewing of these books as the<strong>ir</strong> hobby.<br />

It is a vey good idea to use prisoners to make books in<br />

England, but I think it wouldn’t work in Finland. Every country<br />

and organisation have to find the<strong>ir</strong> own way how to produce<br />

these books and to find the people who want to make them.<br />


110<br />

Marion Ripley<br />

ClearVision Library, UK<br />

Typhlo & <strong>Tactus</strong><br />

<strong>Tactus</strong> we have mentioned several times today. It’s an<br />

organisation of tactile book producers in Europe. It’s now in its<br />

sixth year and it’s known as Typhlo and <strong>Tactus</strong>. The UK and<br />

Finland are both members of <strong>Tactus</strong>.<br />

<strong>Tactus</strong> was set up to share ideas, resources and expertise<br />

in tactile book production and to promote excellence and<br />

insp<strong>ir</strong>ation. We have meetings twice a year where tactile book<br />

matters are discussed, but the best known aspect of our work<br />

is the annual tactile book competition. This aims to raise the<br />

profile of tactile books so that people will hear about it who<br />

haven’t even realised that tactile books exist and are needed.<br />

Two books each year are chosen as winners of the<br />

competition and these are mass-produced at workshop in<br />

France. They are produced in the different languages of the<br />

participating countries and are sold at a price which is heavily<br />

subsidised by the EU. These multiple copies are produced at<br />

the workshop in Dijon, using largely low technology methods.<br />

The workshop employs people who are hard to employ, that is<br />

people with a history of mental illness, or similar. And a lot of<br />

the work is just as you would imagine it: people sitting at long<br />

tables with scissors and glue and bits and pieces. As Päivi<br />

mentioned, they do have a large form-cutting machine, which<br />

cuts out hundreds of shapes. The pages are professionally<br />

printed and the Braille is professionally produced. And they<br />

have a very good binding machine. But on top of that, you<br />

have people spending hours constructing every book. The<br />

books would cost a fortune if it wasn’t for the subsidy from the<br />

EU. I hope you had a chance to look at some of the <strong>Tactus</strong><br />

winning books on display downsta<strong>ir</strong>s.<br />

The competition is held every year. The judges meet at the<br />

end of November or beginning of December in Dijon in<br />

France. Each participating country sends two judges: one<br />

visually impa<strong>ir</strong>ed and one sighted. And they have a wonderful<br />

and very hard-working time examining 60-70 tactile books in<br />

a day, short-listing and eventually deciding on the winning

ooks. In this way, ideas are shared as people examine so<br />

many books from different cultures. Each year a poster is<br />

produced, and I hope you have picked up the posters<br />

downsta<strong>ir</strong>s which show the books entered in last year’s<br />

competition.<br />

The current members of the group are: UK, France,<br />

Belgium, Finland, Germany, The Netherlands, Italy, and<br />

Poland. The Czech Republic is participating as the guest<br />

country this year.<br />

These three years we also have the aspect of cultural<br />

exchanges between the countries and we are holding these<br />

workshops of which this is the f<strong>ir</strong>st one. There will be also<br />

workshops in Slovenia and Romania in the next two years. This<br />

is all the plus side of <strong>Tactus</strong> but I’m sure Päivi would agree that<br />

it’s not always easy working together as a European group.<br />

We have to work within EU regulations which are extremely<br />

strict and inflexible, and one of the conditions of participation<br />

is that each country contributes five percent towards the total<br />

budget. This means that some countries which would very<br />

much like to participate, are not able to. And I think Päivi would<br />

agree that this is a big defect in the project.<br />

We all get on very well socially as people, and we all like<br />

each other, but working together is not easy. We all have our<br />

own systems at home, our own constraints, our own<br />

difficulties, our own financial positions, and to work together<br />

all meeting the same rules is extremely difficult. But we focus<br />

on the positive side, and the biggest positive side is that there<br />

are now lots of lovely tactile books which have been<br />

mass-produced through the <strong>Tactus</strong> competition. Each of us in<br />

our countries, we no longer feel that we are working in<br />

isolation. We are able to share our ideas and it’s very<br />

stimulating to be working with other people.<br />


112<br />

Turinys<br />

Pratarmë ............................................................................... 4<br />

<strong>TIFLOGRAFIKA</strong><br />


Jadvyga Kuolienë<br />

<strong>Lietuvos</strong> akløjø bibliotekos d<strong>ir</strong>ektorë<br />

Atidarymo kalba ............................................................. 6<br />

Rasius Makselis<br />

<strong>Lietuvos</strong> Respublikos kultûros ministerijos<br />

Informacinës visuomenës plëtros skyriaus vedëjas .......... 7<br />

Audronë Jozënaitë<br />

<strong>Lietuvos</strong> akløjø <strong>ir</strong> silpnaregiø sàjungos uþsienio<br />

ryðiø vedëja ....................................................................... 8<br />

Priit Kasepalu<br />

Estijos akløjø bibliotekos d<strong>ir</strong>ektorius .................................. 9<br />

Gunta Bite<br />

Latvijos akløjø bibliotekos Brailio<br />

leidybos skyriaus vedëja.................................................. 11<br />

Sylvi Sarapuu<br />

Tiflografiniø knygø autorë, Suomija<br />

Darbo grupës “Nuostabi tiflografinë knyga”<br />

gimimas ....................................................................... 12<br />

Jadvyga Kuolienë<br />

Tiflografika Lietuvoje .................................................... 15<br />

Diana Raudonienë<br />

Vilniaus dailës akademijos magistrantë,<br />

meno teorijos <strong>ir</strong> kritikos specialybë ................................. 16<br />

Vytautas Gendvilas<br />

Vieðosios ástaigos “Brailio spauda” d<strong>ir</strong>ektorius................ 18

<strong>TIFLOGRAFIKA</strong><br />



Marion Ripley<br />

ClearVision biblioteka, Jungtinë Karalystë<br />

ClearVision bibliotekos pristatymas ............................. 20<br />

Päivi Voutilainen<br />

Celia akløjø bibliotekos Skaitytojø aptarnavimo<br />

skyriaus vedëja, Suomija<br />

Suomijos Celia akløjø bibliotekos pristatymas ............. 24<br />

Marion Ripley<br />

Kas skaito knygas su tiflografinëmis iliustracijomis? .... 26<br />

Päivi Voutilainen<br />

Kodël reikia tiflografika iliustruotø knygø? .................... 28<br />



Päivi Voutilainen<br />

Áva<strong>ir</strong>ûs tiflografiniø knygø gamybos bûdai .................... 31<br />

Marion Ripley<br />

Nuo paprastø prie sudëtingø tiflografiniø knygø .......... 35<br />

Marion Ripley<br />

Kokios turi bûti reljefinës iliustracijos,<br />

kad jas suprastø akli vaikai?......................................... 40<br />

Marion Ripley<br />

Tiflografiniø knygø temos ............................................. 44<br />

<strong>TIFLOGRAFIKA</strong><br />


AKLØJØ <strong>BIBLIOTEKOSE</strong><br />

Marion Ripley<br />

Tiflografiniø knygø<br />

bibliotekos steigimas ................................................... 47<br />

Päivi Voutilainen<br />

Tiflografika iliustruotø knygø bibliotekos veikla............. 52<br />


Marion Ripley<br />

“Tiflo-Taktus” projektas ................................................ 54<br />

Jadvyga Kuolienë<br />

Baigiamoji kalba........................................................... 56<br />


Contents<br />



Jadvyga Kuolienë<br />

D<strong>ir</strong>ector, Lithuanian Library for the Blind<br />

Opening address ......................................................... 62<br />

Rasius Makselis<br />

Head of the Information society development<br />

department, Ministry of Culture of the Republic<br />

of Lithuania ...................................................................... 63<br />

Audronë Jozënaitë<br />

Foreign affa<strong>ir</strong>s’ manager, Lithuanian Association<br />

of the Blind and Visually Handicapped (LASS) ................ 64<br />

Priit Kasepalu<br />

D<strong>ir</strong>ector of the Estonian Library for the Blind ................... 65<br />

Gunta Bite<br />

Head of Braille Production Department,<br />

Latvian Library for the Blind ............................................. 67<br />

Sylvi Sarapuu<br />

Tactile book-maker, Finland<br />

The b<strong>ir</strong>th of a work group “Beautiful touchable<br />

book”............................................................................ 69<br />

Jadvyga Kuolienë<br />

Typhlographics in Lithuania .......................................... 71<br />

Diana Raudonienë<br />

Vilnius Academy of Art student,<br />

majoring in art theory and critics ..................................... 72<br />

Vytautas Gendvilas<br />

D<strong>ir</strong>ector, public institution Brailio Spauda ........................ 74<br />


116<br />



Marion Ripley<br />

ClearVision Library, UK<br />

Introduction to the ClearVision Library ......................... 76<br />

Päivi Voutilainen<br />

Head of library services, Celia Library for<br />

the Visually Impa<strong>ir</strong>ed, Finland<br />

Introduction to the Celia Library for the visually<br />

impa<strong>ir</strong>ed ....................................................................... 80<br />

Marion Ripley<br />

Who uses tactile books? .............................................. 82<br />

Päivi Voutilainen<br />

Why are the tactile books needed? ............................. 84<br />



Päivi Voutilainen<br />

Different ways of making tactile books ........................ 87<br />

Marion Ripley<br />

Different levels of difficulty ........................................... 91<br />

Marion Ripley<br />

What we can do to make pictures easier<br />

to access? .................................................................... 96<br />

Marion Ripley<br />

Topics for tactile books .............................................. 100<br />



Marion Ripley<br />

Setting up a lending library of tactile books ............... 103<br />

Päivi Voutilainen<br />

Running a lending library of tactile books .................. 108<br />

Marion Ripley<br />

Typhlo & <strong>Tactus</strong> .......................................................... 110

<strong>TIFLOGRAFIKA</strong><br />

AKLØJØ <strong>BIBLIOTEKOSE</strong><br />

<strong>Tactus</strong> <strong>ir</strong> <strong>Lietuvos</strong> akløjø bibliotekos<br />

tarptautinis seminaras<br />

Praneðimai<br />

Vilnius, LAB,<br />

2006 m. balandþio 25 d.<br />

**********<br />



<strong>Tactus</strong> & LAB workshop<br />

Proceedings<br />

Vilnius, 25th April 2006<br />

Sudarë Audronë Gendvilienë<br />

Vertë ið anglø k. <strong>ir</strong> á anglø k. Audronë Gendvilienë<br />

Korektûrà skaitë Graþina Ramanauskienë<br />

Maketavo Lilija Oleðkeviè<br />

Iðleido <strong>Lietuvos</strong> akløjø biblioteka<br />

Skroblø 10, Vilnius LT-03142<br />

T<strong>ir</strong>aþas 60 egz.

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