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“I got on the board of the Jackson Symphony League

(JSL) and took on the leadership role of running the Sub Deb

program.” Now president of the JSL, Karen is still involved

with Sub Deb.

The Jackson Symphony League was founded in 1955 and

has contributed through its exhaustive efforts in education,

information and fundraising to ensure the success and

vitality of the Mississippi Symphony Orchestra. To continue

that mission to reach out to the community’s youth, the JSL

launched Jackson Sub Debs in 1960.

Jackson Sub Deb is a partnership with the Mississippi

Symphony Orchestra (MSO) and the JSL. It is a program

that provides community service opportunities to girls in the

Jackson Metro area in grades ten, eleven and twelve. “We have

202 girls this year from sixteen schools,” says Karen, “We have

students from as far south as Florence High School to as far

north as Germantown High in Gluckstadt, and as far west as

Clinton High to as far east as East Rankin High School.”

The girls in Sub Deb have certain requirements throughout

the year, from ushering at MSO concerts to attending

education and training programs, as well as selling raffle

tickets to benefit the MSO. There are twelve concerts

scheduled each season, and Sub Debs sign up to usher at two

of the concerts. Sometimes the concerts have a theme, and the

girls will dress in appropriate outfits to add to the atmosphere.

Education and training sessions run from 45 minutes to

one hour and can be educational, fun, and entertaining. Some

of the subjects covered at the E&T trainings include a car care

clinic, self-defense workshop, and even a dorm decorating

class. The girls also assist with give-back shopping days by

sharing on their social media. “When we asked each girl to

share our raffle ticket sale on their social media, we watched

the ticket sales increase at an incredible rate,” says Karen.

“What they do is powerful and so beneficial to the MSO.”

One of the tasks Karen asked of the students was to write

a thank-you note to the musicians in the symphony. “Their

messages were so heart-felt and sincere. We are compiling

Hometown MADISON • 49

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