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What is your favorite memory of living

in Madison?

It would be impossible to name one favorite

memory of Madison. I would have to say that that

most of my favorite memories come from watching

our girls grow up in Madison—from taking them to

practice, mastering the monkey bars on the weekends

at Madison Avenue Elementary playground, to

making bird houses for the MAE outdoor classroom.

We watched them cheer on Madison Central at

football games and pep rallies. They were on the

mayor’s youth council and would make scarecrows

for the chamber’s junior ambassador program. We

watched the 4th of July fireworks as a family and

always attended the Madison Christmas parades—

which were among our favorites. I loved when our

girls would set up a snow cone stand at the end of our

driveway during the summers, and they loved

donating their profits to the Webster Animal Shelter.

I feel that it’s the little memories that have made our

lives in Madison so full.

Where are your three favorite places

to eat in Madison?

Kristos, Hokkaido, and my newest favorite,

Full Moon BBQ.

What are some fun things to do

in Madison on the weekends?

These days, I spend most of my weekends working

at the Bridal Path. Now, with grown children, what I

consider to be fun is shopping around Home Goods

and purchasing things I really don’t need. But when

our children were younger, we spent countless hours

at Madison’s fabulous parks playing soccer, feeding

the ducks, swinging on the swings, and attending

many birthday parties.

Share some things you enjoy doing

in your spare time.

I enjoy working in the yard, exercising, and baking.

One of the best things about Madison is how easily

we can get to our land in the country. Our family

loves the outdoors, and we spend most of our spare

time enjoying fishing, hunting, and roasting

marshmallows around the fire pit. It is the perfect

getaway with friends, family, and our darling grand


Who is someone you admire and why?

I admire Stan Buckley. Stan is a resident of Madison,

a godly man who is an amazing father, husband, and

friend. Stan started a ministry called But God

Ministries which is making a difference in thousands

of lives on a daily basis in both Haiti and the

Mississippi Delta by providing food, clean water,

homes, schools, and medical and dental care while

sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

What are three things on your

bucket list?

I have already checked many things off of my bucket

list. We have been blessed to travel to Europe and

see the Statue of David, the Sistine Chapel and the

Coliseum in Rome. We have traveled across the

United States and Canada and had amazing travels

with our girls. I would love to travel to Australia and

South Africa. In a perfect world, I would love to

actually go and meet the five adopted children that

we have through Compassion International who

live in Africa and South America and once again,

when it is safe, go on a mission trip back to Haiti.

Where do you see yourself ten years

from now?

In 10 years, I hope to still be an alderman for the

City of Madison, and work part time at the Bridal

Path, but also enjoy retirement by traveling with my

husband and taking care of several grandchildren.

What is your favorite childhood memory?

My favorite childhood memories are of duck and

dove hunting with my daddy. He also loved teaching

my sister and me, and all our friends, how to water

ski. My daddy died four years ago, and I miss him

every day. He gave me a love of the outdoors that we

have continued to pass on to our girls. He and my

mom loved dancing and they chaperoned every

dance I ever went to from junior high school until

I left for college. I have carried my daddy’s drive

and ability to work hard with a smile on my face

throughout my life. My daddy was a man of integrity

who loved people and loved doing good for others.

He loved his family more than anything.

If you could give us one encouraging

quote, what would it be?

“Character is how you treat those who can do

absolutely nothing for you.”

What is your favorite thing about

Hometown Magazines?

My favorite thing is how they highlight families,

businesses, and schools in Madison. I always see

many people that I know and love the information

it provides.

Hometown MADISON • 7

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