Tread Fitness Issue 01

Tread Fitness covers all aspects of our health and fitness, including exercise, nutrition, recipes and more.

Tread Fitness covers all aspects of our health and fitness, including exercise, nutrition, recipes and more.


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have a range of exercises on hand for each area

of the body. This will help vary your workouts

so that your fitness level never dips below a

certain point and boredom is never an issue.

But don’t get crazy! There are many people

who tell you add complicated movements, or

crazy gear and tools. To get best results, keep is

simple and straight forward.

Muscle Variety - A good fitness routine

should incorporate a variety of exercise types

(such as aerobics, push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups,

jumping jacks, etc.) to give you a wide range of

muscles to target and build. By doing so, you

will be able to work different muscle groups

during each workout, improving your overall

fitness and encouraging growth in all areas of

your body.

Exercises That Get Stronger - Another key

component of a fitness routine for beginners is

the fact that you are required to get stronger

during exercising. This may seem like common

sense, but many people overlook this simple

fact. You can’t walk up a hill or run on a beach

without getting stronger. The same is true

when it comes to exercising. Exercising will

force you to get stronger, which means that

you’ll get healthier overall by continuing to


Lifting Weights - As previously mentioned,

most fitness routines for beginners will include

some form of weight-lifting. This is simply

because the goal of fitness, especially for

beginners, is to get stronger, and therefore you

must lift more weights in order to do so. Lifting

weights can be extremely intimidating at first,

but once you get the hang of it you will find

that it’s actually a lot of fun.

Keep in mind, this doesn’t have to be at a

gym. You can do resistance training at home

with home equipment, or even using your body

weight to give you the resistance you need.

This is especially effective for beginners.

Rep Speed - Another important part of any

effective fitness routine for beginners focuses

around the concept of repetition. Repetition is

the key to muscle building strength and mass

and it will enable you to build much larger


muscles. To start off, you should do as many

reps as you can, with a slow steady pace. As

you become accustomed to doing reps, you

should increase the speed and eventually

move to increase the weight. If you are lifting

heavy weights, it’s a good idea to warm up and

stretch before working out.

Here’s a few tips on getting started with a

new fitness routine:

1. Start slowly. Your level of fitness during

your senior year of high school is still

fresh in your mind. You could lift 200

pounds over your head, do the splits, run

a 6-minute mile, and still have energy left

for the dance after the football game.

However, you’re not 18 anymore.

* Perform workouts that match your

current physical condition. Hurting

yourself is the fastest way to ensure that

you never get in shape.

2. Stress yourself, but not too much. The

perfect workout will stress your body

enough than it must adapt, but not

so much that your recovery time is

lengthened or you hurt yourself.

* There’s great news: you don’t need

to do much at first to see real results if

you’ve been switching back and forth

between sitting at a desk and sitting

on the couch. A short walk on the

treadmill will provide a lot of benefit.

If you haven’t done a push up in 20

years, doing push-ups against the wall is


3. Enjoy the advantages of being a

beginner. You can get more results from

10 minutes of easy exercise than a highly

fit person can get from 90 minutes of

hard work.

4. It’s all about consistency. A mild, daily

workout will do more for your fitness

than one hard workout each week.

Instead of focusing on your effort, focus

on making it to the gym regularly.

5. What you eat is important. Assuming you

Issue #1 | Tread Fitness | 25

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