Tread Fitness Issue 01

Tread Fitness covers all aspects of our health and fitness, including exercise, nutrition, recipes and more.

Tread Fitness covers all aspects of our health and fitness, including exercise, nutrition, recipes and more.


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reach your fitness goals if you are not willing

to put in the effort. The problem is that most

people try to do too many exercises that they

are not interested in, which prevents them

from building long-term stamina. In this article

I will outline two specific exercises you can use

to help increase your stamina.

Running is the one exercise that is the most

effective for building endurance for runners.

For this reason, many runners incorporate

running into their fitness routine. Of course,

there are many runners who prefer swimming

or cycling, but runners can greatly benefit

from running in their fitness routines. Here I

will review two different ways to improve your

running endurance.

Interval training is an effective way to start

building endurance for runners. It involves

short bursts of high-intensity exercise, followed

by low intensity exercise for the remainder

of your workout. For example, you might

start by running fast for a few minutes then

jog for another few minutes. This second

interval exercise is designed to exhaust

your lower heart-rate, which allows you to

gradually increase your intensity for the next

few minutes. Your body will burn a lot more

calories during the Interval Training session, so

it is very effective for building endurance. As an

added benefit, interval training is a great way

to increase your overall fitness levels because

you constantly change up the intensity level of

your workout.

Power walking is another way to improve

your endurance training and can be especially

helpful if you suffer from knee or back pain. If

you are doing interval or heart-rate training,

it will likely be helpful for your overall fitness

goals. If you want to get the most out of your

endurance training session, you should start

out by taking a jog around your local park.

Power walking will allow you to get the most

out of your time and be as convenient as


Finally, the most important thing that you

need to do in order to start building endurance

and improving your overall fitness levels is


to make sure you are getting plenty of sleep.

Research has shown that a person’s overall

fitness levels decrease by up to twenty percent

during sleep deprivation. Also, a lack of sleep

weakens the muscles in the immune system

and decreases the body’s ability to fight off

colds and infections. A balanced diet, moderate

alcohol consumption, and moderate smoking

are also important aspects of a healthy

lifestyle. By getting seven to nine hours of

rest each night, you will find that you will feel

better and be able to recover faster following

an intense fitness routine.

Lactate Threshold (LT) plays an important

role in building endurance. The level of LT

is influenced by genetics, age, and stress.

The lower your LT is, the harder it is for you

to exercise your muscles. If your body mass

index is 40 or greater, you may have to begin

a specific training program geared towards

increasing your LT. A one-hour training session

three times per week with an emphasis on

heart-rate training is the best way to increase

your LT.

Issue #1 | Tread Fitness | 41

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