Ashburton Courier: April 14, 2022

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APRIL <strong>14</strong>, <strong>2022</strong> |www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz |Phone: 308 7664<br />

Oscar popping up in Methven<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

The Methven Scarecrow Trail<br />

starts this weekend andyou<br />

mayspotsomefamiliar<br />

characters aroundthe town.<br />

Every year Methvenlocals<br />

build scarecrows to acertain<br />

theme. Thisyear’s theme is<br />

characters from children’s TV<br />

shows.<br />

Methven artist Hannah Kidd,<br />

well­knownfor her steeland<br />

iron animal sculptures, is<br />

droppingeverything to create<br />

another scarecrow<br />

masterpiece with thehelp of<br />

colleague Sue Bamford.<br />

In previous years Hannah<br />

andSue have madeBuzz<br />

Lightyear, Dobbie,<br />

Dumbo and<br />

Fantastic Mr<br />

Fox.<br />

This year,<br />

after alot<br />

of thought,<br />

and<br />

delving back in timetotheir<br />

childhood, back to thedays<br />

when kids would turn on the<br />

TV andwatchMastersofthe<br />

Universe, Jemand the<br />

Holograms andOllie Olsen<br />

reminding us to ‘Keep cool till<br />

after school’.<br />

Theladies decided on that<br />

iconicgrumpygreen chapfrom<br />

Sesame Street, Oscarthe<br />

Grouch.<br />

With so manycharacters to<br />

choose from, whyOscar the<br />

Grouch?<br />

‘‘We chose ourfavourite, we<br />

think about what will be fun and<br />

easy,’’they replied.<br />

Thelife sizeOscar sits in his<br />

rubbishcan<br />

home<br />

looking<br />

pleased<br />

with himself.<br />

High­spec materials have<br />

gone into bringing him tolife,<br />

with Hannahsacrificing her<br />

favouritegreen towel forhis<br />

body.<br />

Sue listed theother materials<br />

carefully chosen forthe project;<br />

‘‘He’s stuffed with straw, his<br />

eyebrows are old woollen<br />

slippers with tennis balleyes,’’<br />

shesaidproudly.<br />

There is healthycompetition<br />

between theMethvenscarecrow<br />

makers as local children get to<br />

vote on their favourite<br />

scarecrow creation.<br />

‘‘It startsout as fun and<br />

games, andbefore youknow it<br />

it’s highly competitive,’’ Hannah<br />

said.<br />

One thing that<br />

will help Oscar<br />

stand outfrom<br />

theothers is<br />

he will be a<br />

kinetic scarecrow.<br />

‘‘There will be akinetic pulley<br />

system where the kids pulla<br />

rope and the binwill open and<br />

Oscarwill pop out,’’the artists<br />

claim.<br />

Although thisseems a<br />

dubiousboast, they have used<br />

pulleys before on Dumbo,<br />

whose earsflap whenaropeis<br />

pulled.<br />

The arduousprocess of<br />

creating OscartheGrouch,<br />

included sixmonths of<br />

planning, ‘‘alot of coffeeand<br />

cafe brain storming sessions,<br />

mood boards,and then twodays<br />

of construction, and adayof<br />

staging.’’<br />

During the trailscarecrows<br />

will be placed around Methven<br />

for families to findand try to<br />

identify each character, with<br />

prizes up forgrabs forthe<br />

most correct entries.<br />

Trailmapsand<br />

entry forms are<br />

available from<br />

iHub andthe<br />

Methven Four<br />

Square<br />

Supermarket.<br />

Fishscreen<br />

open day<br />

PAGE 5<br />

PAGE 10<br />

Tayla set for<br />

karate champs<br />

PAGES 31 ­37<br />

Feature: build,<br />

buy &renovate<br />

Methven artists Sue Bamford (left) and Hannah Kidd with their Scarecrow trail creation Oscar the Grouch.<br />

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NEWS<br />

2 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>14</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

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Build customers,<br />

sales and profits<br />

withus...<br />

Delivered to all homes,<br />

lifestyle blocks and farms in<br />

MidCanterburyand Geraldine<br />

news<br />

Daniel Tobin<br />

Editor<br />

308 7664<br />

027 628 7679<br />

daniel.tobin@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Reporter<br />

Toni Williams<br />

toni.williams@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Contributor<br />

Mick Jensen<br />

advertising<br />

Jann Thompson<br />

Sales Manager<br />

308 7664<br />

027 587 6351<br />

jann.thompson@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Karen Gane<br />

Sales Account Manager<br />

308 7664<br />

021 510 804<br />

karen.gane@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

get in touch<br />

Editorial<br />

daniel.tobin@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Advertising<br />

info@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

CreativeManager<br />

murray.thompson@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Accounts<br />

accounts@alliedpress.co.nz<br />

Distribution/Deliveries<br />

mary.summerfield@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Office<br />

office@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

03 308 7664<br />

199 Burnett Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Annual Plan feedback urged<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council has<br />

adopted its draft Annual Plan <strong>2022</strong>­23<br />

andthe community has untilMay 6to<br />

offerfeedback and suggestionsonit.<br />

The draft plan outlinesthe operating<br />

budgetfor the coming year and<br />

currently means an overallaverage<br />

rates increase of 9.4 percent, although<br />

that willvaryacrossthe district and<br />

dependonlocation andproperty<br />

values.<br />

An online,virtual community<br />

meeting on theplanwas heldlast<br />

Thursday andeveningmeetings were<br />

held in <strong>Ashburton</strong>, Methvenand<br />

Rakaia earlier this week with<br />

councillors andcouncil staff.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> mayorNeil Brown said<br />

theplan wasa‘‘no­frills’’ budgetthat<br />

detailed the workcouncil hasplanned,<br />

howmuch it will costand how it will be<br />

paid for.<br />

“Just like everyoneelse,the cost for<br />

us to purchase goodsand services has<br />

risen sharply in the pastyear which is<br />

amajorreason we’ve notmet the 7.8<br />

percentincrease anticipatedinthe<br />

Long TermPlan,” he said.<br />

Budgetsfor someday­to­day services,<br />

particularlyinareaswhere it’slikely to<br />

only have asmallimpact on the<br />

community, have been reduced.<br />

He saidifthe community waswilling<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> mayor Neil Brown.<br />

to accept areduction in the level of<br />

service in otherareas, then furthercuts<br />

could be made.<br />

“I encourage peopletohaveagood<br />

readthrough the consultation<br />

documentand to give us their feedback.<br />

‘‘If weare to lower costs, we need<br />

solutions to be abletodoit.’’<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> councillors spent seven<br />

daysatbudget workshopsdeliberating<br />

the draft plan.<br />

An inflation rate of 5per cent has<br />

beenused, butindicators are thatthey<br />

maynow be understatedby2per cent.<br />

Council is proposingtodelay afew<br />

large capital projects includinganew<br />

driveway entrance to <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Making Mid Canterbury at home<br />

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Domain,the domain promenadeand<br />

an upgrade to Balmoral Halltoreduce<br />

costs.<br />

Criticalwork thatmust be completed<br />

include upgrades to water<br />

infrastructure in Methven, MtSomers<br />

and Rakaia.<br />

Council hashighlightedtwo key<br />

topics forfeedback in theplan<br />

consultation.<br />

It is askingifthe standard of services<br />

should be reduced in order to reduce<br />

the ratesdemand andisalsoproposing<br />

to use$1.7 million fromforestry<br />

reserves to accelerate themajor<br />

roading repairs programme.<br />

Another factor affectingratesisthe<br />

impact of ratingrevaluations<br />

completedinthe districtlast year.<br />

There are significantincreases in<br />

urbanproperty values compared to<br />

ruralproperty values, whichmeans<br />

town ratherthan country ratepayers<br />

will be payingmore.<br />

The draft Annual Plan document is<br />

168 pages long.<br />

Public hearings on theplan areset<br />

for May 26.Aweek later therewill be<br />

deliberationsand apossible councillor<br />

workshop. Theplan will be adopted by<br />

June 29 and take affect from July1.<br />

Residents canfind out more and<br />

have theirsay on theAnnualPlan at<br />

itsourplace.nz or they can requesta<br />

copy of the consultationdocument from<br />

the counciloffices.<br />

Answers at last on three waters<br />


It’s taken six months but <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

District Council has received answers<br />

to questions submittedaspart of the<br />

proposed threewaters reform.<br />

The Government is proposing to shift<br />

the current 67 council­owned and<br />

operated threewaters services into<br />

four new publicly­owned entities to<br />

manage the future delivery of drinking<br />

water, wastewater and stormwater.<br />

The new entities will be publiclyowned<br />

by councils on behalf of<br />

communities and will have ajoint<br />

strategic direction and regional<br />

representative groups madeupoflocal<br />

government and Maori.<br />

They will be financially separate<br />

from councils.<br />

Aletter datedMarch 7from the<br />

Department of Internal Affairs<br />

thanked council for its feedback on<br />

three watersand gave answers to 17<br />

questions submitted lastSeptember.<br />

The questionsincluded how the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>community could have<br />

guaranteedinfluence over its three<br />

waters services in the future,how the<br />

community voice will be heard and the<br />

inclusion of stormwater in the reform<br />

proposals.<br />

The letteralso updated council on<br />

the current status of the reform<br />

process and proposals.<br />

Council chief executive Hamish<br />

Riachtold councillors at arecent<br />

meetingthe largest area of feedback<br />

on three waters related to the<br />

representation, governance and<br />

accountability of the new entities.<br />

Atransition unit would be set up in<br />

eachofthe four entities to support the<br />

change over.<br />

Independent boards would run the<br />

day­to­day management of the entities,<br />

Mr Riach said.<br />

Regional groups were proposed and<br />

alsosub­regional groups that offered<br />

stronger links to local communities.<br />

Mr Riach said there was no<br />

guarantee <strong>Ashburton</strong> would have a<br />

representative role, and if it did, that<br />

rolecould cover awiderarea than just<br />

thisdistrict.<br />

The proposed reforms will be<br />

implemented throughaseriesof<br />

legislationthat is expected to be<br />

introduced to Parliament in the<br />

middle of this year.<br />

The Government will consider the<br />

recommendationsofthree working<br />

groups and once the Bill is introduced<br />

the public, including councils, will be<br />

able to submit on it through written<br />

and oral submissions to the Select<br />

Committee.<br />

MrRiach said he could see<br />

significant issues with staffing when<br />

council was called upon to co­operate<br />

and provide information for the<br />

transitionand transfer of assets.<br />

It would affect key staff across a<br />

number of areas of business and was<br />

likely to have consequences for<br />

‘‘business as usual’’ operations.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> mayor Neil Brownsaid<br />

the reformsneeded more timetoget a<br />

regulator in place.<br />

Apause was needed, as was a<br />

relationship rebuild with mana<br />

whenua, so that everyone was on the<br />

same page.<br />


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NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>14</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

3<br />

Consent needed for SH1 service station<br />

Waitomo EnergyLimited has applied for a<br />

land use consent to construct, operateand<br />

maintain an unmanned fuel service station<br />

on West Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

The site is located on West Street,<br />

opposite the<strong>Ashburton</strong> Domain and is 200m<br />

south fromthe Walnut Avenueintersection.<br />

The site is gazettedfor railwaypurposes<br />

and managed by KiwiRail Holdings<br />

Limited.<br />

Because of itslocation off astate highway,<br />

Waitomo Energyhas already asked for and<br />

beengiven written support by Waka Kotahi<br />

New Zealand Transport Agency.<br />

Waitomo Energy would lease an area of<br />

1535m2 for the proposed service station and<br />

the forecourt would include four dispenser<br />

locations and eight filling locations.<br />

Two vehicle crossings are proposed<br />

directlyontoSH1,which will operate on a<br />

one­way basis.<br />

The northern vehicle crossingwill be 12m<br />

wide and be used forentry only andthe<br />

southern vehicle crossing willbe11m wide<br />

and used as an exit only.<br />

The proposalwould also include<br />

landscaping, stormwater disposal and<br />

earthworksassociated withconstruction.<br />

Resource consent is also requiredfrom<br />

Environment Canterbury and would be<br />

sought followingthe successful granting of<br />

land use consent by <strong>Ashburton</strong> District<br />

Council.<br />

The application hasbeen publicly<br />

notified with submissions closing on <strong>April</strong><br />

26.<br />

The site is zoned Open SpaceAandusing<br />

it as afuelservice station is notapermitted<br />

activity under the <strong>Ashburton</strong> District Plan.<br />

Waitomo Energy Limited has applied for a<br />

consent to build an unmanned fuel service<br />

station on this West Street site opposite<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Domain.<br />

St John<br />

annual<br />

appeal<br />

Ambulancestaff continuetoface<br />

unprecedented demand and St John is<br />

asking NewZealanderstoshow their “heart<br />

of gold” and this month support itsannual<br />

appeal.Donations can be made by textor<br />

phone.<br />

TheStJohnHeartofGold annual appeal<br />

is themost significant fundraiser of the<br />

calendar year,but this yearthe call for the<br />

public to supportStJohn with adonation is<br />

as important as ever.<br />

Theorganisation has contracts with<br />

Ministry of Healthand ACCwho fundabout<br />

80 percent of the operatingcostsfor the<br />

ambulance service. The rest is made up<br />

from ambulance partcharges,third­party<br />

contractsandfundraising.<br />

St Johnchief executive PeterBradley said<br />

the appeal wasaboutshowing kindness and<br />

helping in atimeofneed.<br />

‘‘Asdemandonour services has<br />

increased,our ambulance staff have<br />

continuedtostep forward and be there for<br />

communities throughout Aotearoa. In<br />

return,wehave seen incredible actsof<br />

supportfrom the public –and theirongoing<br />

supportright now is as important as ever,”<br />

he said.<br />

Last year,111 callvolumes increased<br />

almost 10 percent nationwidetomorethan<br />

600,000 andStJohnambulance officers<br />

attendedover 400,000 emergencies –about<br />

five percent morethan the previous year.<br />

Thispressurecomes on top of ongoing year<br />

on year increasesindemand foremergency<br />

ambulance services which have<br />

experiencedunprecedented demand in<br />

recent monthsdue to the Covid­19<br />

pandemic.<br />

St Johnpredicts<strong>2022</strong> to be an even busier<br />

year.<br />

Duetothe ongoingriskswith covid<br />

pandemic, it is the second timeinrecent<br />

years St Johnhas cancelled nationwide<br />

street collections andotherface­to­face<br />

fundraising activities.<br />

Butwith ever increasing pressureon<br />

ambulance services they are aimingtoraise<br />

two million dollars to go towardssupport for<br />

ambulances and lifesavingequipment.<br />

“Weappreciatethe continuedfunding<br />

and support we receive from the<br />

Governmentfor our ambulance service,as<br />

wellasthe generosity of the public that<br />

helpstoensure we maintainthe best levelof<br />

criticalcare to our patients. We are<br />

extremely grateful to every individual and<br />

groupthat offers their support,” Mr Bradley<br />

said.<br />

Donationstothe St JohnHeart of Gold<br />

annual appealcan be made at thewebsite<br />

heartofgold.org.nz, by texting‘appeal’to<br />

2790orbycalling 0800 St John(0800 785<br />

646).<br />




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NEWS<br />

4 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>14</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

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Schools dealing with staff<br />

shortages, due to covid<br />

TheLastBus<br />

ReviewedbyRowenaHart<br />

Every now and then amovie comes along<br />

that totally grips you and takes you onan<br />

adventuretoremember.<br />

Andthisisthatmovie ...aBritish gem ...my<br />

friend told meshe cried when she saw the<br />

trailer?<br />

Poor old Tom has lost his wife and decides<br />

to take her ashes to where they began their<br />

married life. The journey is ...unbelievably<br />

fromthe far northofScotland to Lands End in<br />

Cornwall!<br />

Andall on local busesusing his free bus pass.<br />

Incredible!<br />

Half way through the journey he is sitting at<br />

abus stop with abunch ofgirls and another<br />

bunch ofboys all having agreat night out ...<br />

Tomgets to sing...it wassosomoving,two of<br />

us had tears,some were sobbing ...<br />

Timothy Spall plays Tomtoperfection ...oh<br />

whatamovie!<br />

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@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Increasing numbers of teachers<br />

isolating because of covid and alack<br />

of relievers in Mid Canterbury is<br />

causing someschools to close and go<br />

online, or limit pupilattendance,<br />

just days out from end of term one.<br />

It’s alast resortoption to close a<br />

school, Wakanui School principal<br />

and Mid Canterbury Principals<br />

Associationspokesperson Rebekah<br />

Clement said.<br />

“To run classes we need teachers<br />

in front of them.<br />

‘‘Withteachers sick or isolating,<br />

other part­time teachingstaffat<br />

schools may be ‘redeployed’ into<br />

classrooms or relievers used,”she<br />

said.<br />

“Relievers are not abundant in<br />

Mid Canterbury and currently are<br />

very stretched (working five daysa<br />

week).<br />

“Theresimplyisn’t the relieving<br />

staff to fill all the current ‘gaps’,” she<br />

said.<br />

It was an issue at Wakanui School,<br />

but also at Hinds and <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Borough schools who were this week<br />

dealing witharesurgenceofcovid<br />

cases in their school communities<br />

and had fewer pupils at their<br />

respective schools.<br />

Hinds School had optedfor home<br />

schooling on Fridayand Monday to<br />

avoid wide spreadsicknessjust<br />

beforethe holidays.<br />

And with no shortterm relievers<br />

available <strong>Ashburton</strong> BoroughSchool<br />

principal HilaryBoycesaid the<br />

schoolwas “trying to findsolutions<br />

on adaily basis”.<br />

“Just as we were thinkingcovid<br />

had prettymuch finished withus, we<br />

are facing ashortage in staffing this<br />

week due to positive tests or family<br />

members testing positive,” she said,<br />

to her school community.<br />

Mrs Clement saidschools were<br />

doing theirbest to be creativeand<br />

find workarounds but for some it had<br />

got to the point it was not feasible.<br />

Some had closed temporarilyto<br />

all, while othershad just moved<br />

classes with high numbers of<br />

positive casestohome learning.<br />

“All schools would have completed<br />

extensive Healthand Safety<br />

planning around covid at the start of<br />

the year,” she said.<br />

“Considerable thought has gone<br />

Rebekah Clement<br />

❛“Teachers, support staff<br />

and principalshave<br />

worked hard to maintain<br />

consistency and quality<br />

learning for students in an<br />

uncertain timeand with<br />

many obstacles ­they<br />

should be applaudedfor<br />

theworktheyhave<br />

done.”❜<br />

—Rebekah Clement<br />

intoprocesses and procedures that<br />

allow the whole school community<br />

(students, staffand whanau) to<br />

remain safe,” she said.<br />

Someofthose processes included<br />

following Ministry of Education<br />

advice,keeping classes/groups<br />

separate, separatebreak times/<br />

staggered, limitingnon­essential<br />

people on site,students/staff<br />

following maskmandate, regular<br />

‘breather breaks’ outside, teaching<br />

outside, ventilation in classrooms<br />

and outdoor assemblies.<br />

But therehad been issues.<br />

“Some schools have needed to<br />

work through the employment<br />

processrelatingtothe vaccine<br />

mandate. This has been achallenge.<br />

“Overall Ithink schools have<br />

worked through whathas been<br />

required of us, (optingfor) sensible<br />

decisions that are best for their<br />

school community and keeping<br />

everyone as safeaswecan.<br />

“We’ve had to be incredibly<br />

adaptable by the week (and day at<br />

times) to changing requirements<br />

(especiallylast term),” she said.<br />

“Teachers, support staff and<br />

principals haveworked hard to<br />

maintain consistency and quality<br />

learning for students in an uncertain<br />

time and withmany obstacles ­they<br />

should be applauded for the work<br />

they have done,”she said.<br />

It had also been atime consuming<br />

processfor school management<br />

teams.<br />

“Schools have found solutions<br />

(withinthe requirements) that best<br />

suit their situation.<br />

‘‘This may lookdifferent in one<br />

school to another­and that’s ok.<br />

Everyone is doingtheirbest.<br />

“What has helped school staff is<br />

supportive boards and communities<br />

backingtheir ‘team’.<br />

“Covid isn’t apleasant situationto<br />

be managing and we’d all like to get<br />

‘back to normal’ and doingall the<br />

things we used to do they way we did<br />

them,” she said.<br />

“For now we need to continueto<br />

adapt and think of the bigger<br />

picture.”<br />

Heartfelt thanks:<br />

‘‘The Mid Canterbury Principals<br />

Association would like to extend their<br />

gratitude and thanks to all the staff in<br />

our schools who have been going<br />

above and beyond to ensure quality<br />

teaching and learning has continued<br />

throughout what has been a<br />

challenging time,’’ Rebekah Clements<br />

said.<br />

‘‘We appreciate your ability and<br />

willingness to provide stability for our<br />

students.<br />

‘‘Thank you.’’<br />


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NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>14</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

5<br />

Fishscreen captures crowd at open day<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Hundredsofpeople youngand<br />

old took up the chancetowalk<br />

in adry section of the Rangitata<br />

Diversion RaceonSunday and<br />

get up close to the new $17.2m<br />

fish screen system before it<br />

goes underwater.<br />

The area will be connected to<br />

the mainwater raceinMay.<br />

Rangitata Diversion Race<br />

(RDR)Management Ltd chief<br />

executive officerTony<br />

McCormicksaid morethan 500<br />

peoplehad registered to attend<br />

the five hour session.<br />

“This is afantastically unique<br />

opportunity to pretend you’rea<br />

fish and get right amongstthe<br />

fishscreen,” he said.<br />

The fishscreen has been<br />

installed over the pastyear at<br />

the RDR’s intakeatKlondyke<br />

where wateris diverted from<br />

the Rangitata River for use by<br />

irrigation schemes,hydroelectric<br />

power and stockwater<br />

networks.<br />

It is designedtokeep fish,<br />

including youngsalmon, trout<br />

and natives,from being trapped<br />

in the main diversion race.<br />

“TheRDR quite<br />

fundamentally is the lifeblood<br />

of Mid Canterbury,” Mr<br />

McCormicksaid.<br />

“We provide waterfor<br />

irrigation for over 100,000<br />

hectares; most of Mid<br />

Canterbury is irrigated off the<br />

RDR. We run along the top<br />

under the foothills there and<br />

provide water to three<br />

irrigationschemes and then<br />

thereisalso stock water we<br />

supply to the counciland<br />

hydrogeneration at the end.”<br />

It’s a365­days operation.<br />

“There is an enormous<br />

amount of enterprise on the<br />

back of the water and the<br />

farming enterprise it supports<br />

in the wholeMid Canterbury<br />

region.”<br />

“It’s aprojecttoprotectthe<br />

fisheries and to make sure the<br />

fish stay in the river wherethey<br />

are meant to be,” he said.<br />

Young fish swept into the<br />

intakeare divertedbythe fish<br />

screenback into the river to<br />

continue their life journey.<br />

Thereisalso achannel at<br />

ground level for eels which<br />

swim alongthe bottomofthe<br />

canal.<br />

Localrepresentatives from<br />

Iwi andanglers have been<br />

among those invited to special<br />

viewings of the fishscreen ahead<br />

of its operation. As well as<br />

representatives from <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

District Council(ashareholder<br />

in the company thatowns and<br />

operates theRDR),schemes of<br />

other districts,other<br />

shareholders and school pupils.<br />

It had impressed many, Mr<br />

McCormick said.<br />

The fishscreen is made up of<br />

sevencylindrical spheres that<br />

rotate,and aportionofflat<br />

screen. Made of stainless steel<br />

sections are crafted in a‘wedge<br />

wire’ grillspatterntoprevent<br />

debrisbuild­up, suchasleaves<br />

and twigs from jamming in the<br />

grills. Thereisan external brush<br />

system to clean offany debris.<br />

The shapeof the fishscreen ­<br />

Photos: Top left; Rangitata Diversion Race (RDR) ManagementLtd<br />

chief executiveofficer Tony McCormick, and above; crowds get up<br />

close to check out the fishscreen.<br />

likethat of amissile with a<br />

rounded head ­ensuressmooth<br />

waterflow, which is less<br />

turbulent for thefish and helps<br />

the screen work better.<br />

It was manufactured by AWMA<br />

WaterControl Solutionsin<br />

Australia. It is aNorth American<br />

design adapted to the conditions<br />

of the RDR and to meetconsent<br />

conditions. Covid disruptions<br />

had not affected supply<br />

timeframes.<br />

As part of the monitoring<br />

process oncethe screen is<br />

operational, some fish will be<br />

caughtatthe out­takeand<br />

assessed to ensure they have<br />

safely madethe journey.<br />

Nearly $3m had beenspent on<br />

engineering designand<br />

management, whichincluded<br />

computer modelling to ensure<br />

the fishscreen wouldwork as<br />

expected.<br />

1991 Mitsubishi Pajero<br />

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2WD,<br />

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$37,990<br />

New<br />

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307 9028<br />


NEWS<br />

6 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>14</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Baptist Church brings Easter story to life<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

An interactive andsensory<br />

display depicting events<br />

leadinguptothe resurrection<br />

of Jesus Christ, andthe<br />

meaning of Easter,has just<br />

woundupatthe <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Baptist Church.<br />

The display, in the church<br />

auditorium,tookthree daysto<br />

set up.<br />

It was visited by hundreds of<br />

people, includinggroups,<br />

schools andpreschools.<br />

Church children and<br />

familiesministry leader Delia<br />

Foxsaid membersofthe<br />

church, community groups,<br />

artists andbusinessesacross<br />

MidCanterbury had come<br />

togethertobring the Easter<br />

Trail biblical storyalive.<br />

‘‘It really felt like a<br />

community spirit was behind<br />

thisEaster trail,’’she said.<br />

Along the trail therewere10<br />

stations ­orbiblical scenes ­<br />

helping unveil someofthe<br />

many layers of symbolismand<br />

depth in thebible.<br />

Theystartedwith the arrival<br />

of Jesus by donkey in<br />

Jerusalem on Palm Sunday,<br />

wherehewas welcomed with<br />

great enthusiasm, and<br />

includedthe last supper,the<br />

betrayal events in the garden<br />

of Gethsemane, Jesus on trial,<br />

hisdeath on the cross, to the<br />

resurrectionand<br />

reappearance of Jesus.<br />

Alongthe display tour there<br />

were adultand children<br />

activitieslike writing on a<br />

palmleaf, finding characters,<br />

actinginascene or placesto<br />

reflect in prayer, as well as<br />

sensorytones such as thesweet<br />

smelloffrankincenseinthe<br />

tomb of Jesus or carryingrocks<br />

representing burdens to be<br />

laid down.<br />

It wasthe second year the<br />

church had run the event, but<br />

the firsttimeitwas open to the<br />

publicand for an extended<br />

periodoftime, MrsFox said.<br />

Ithad provedpopular with<br />

500tickets,out of 1600, booked<br />

in its first twodaysof<br />

operation.<br />

Thefree daily sessions ran<br />

every 20 minutes foraone hour<br />

tour, and were leadbychurch<br />

volunteershoping to give<br />

insight to peopleabout the true<br />

meaning of Easter.<br />

Photos; Above, ministry leader<br />

Delia Fox near The Last Supper<br />

scene. Below, painted stones<br />

mementos were among the<br />

reflection pieces available for<br />

people to take home after the<br />

trail. Right, ascene depicting<br />

the Holy Spirit.<br />

Jo Luxton<br />

MP forRangitata<br />

New<strong>Ashburton</strong> officehours:<br />

Monday – Wednesday:<br />

9am – 2pm<br />

Thursday and Friday:<br />

Open by appt only<br />

75 Harrison Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

03 339 1030<br />

RangitataMP@parliament.govt.nz<br />

Authorised by Jo Luxton MP,<br />

Parliament Buildings, Wellington<br />


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EA Networks<br />

credits customers<br />

EA Networks has distributed<br />

consumer discounts totalling<br />

$3.3 million (including GST)<br />

this month.<br />

The discount is paid via a<br />

customers electricity retailer,<br />

with the amount received<br />

related to the amount of<br />

electricity they have used<br />

across the last financial year.<br />

Larger users receive alarger<br />

amount, but the proportion of<br />

the total discount pool is the<br />

same for all customers.<br />

Astandard residential<br />

customer should expect to<br />

receive acredit of about $50<br />

including GST.<br />

“We are very pleased to be<br />

distributing these funds at this<br />

time” said chief executive<br />

Roger Sutton.<br />

While the timing of the<br />

payments may vary slightly by<br />

retailer, most customers should<br />

receive their credit from EA<br />

Networks in their <strong>April</strong> retail<br />

power account.<br />

All customers of EA Networks<br />

will receive an email or letter<br />

from the company detailing the<br />

total discount they should<br />

receive via the electricity<br />


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NEWS<br />

8 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>14</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

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2468707<br />

Council updates its climate<br />

change policy, plan to come<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong> Districtcouncillorshave<br />

agreedtoupdatecouncil’sclimate<br />

change policy and develop a<br />

resilience action plan to support<br />

thepolicy.<br />

Counciladoptedits climate<br />

change policy in2019, but areview<br />

by councilstaff identified little<br />

progress hasbeen made towards<br />

thegoals of thepolicy.<br />

Thepolicyisnot specific on<br />

actions that will be done to achieve<br />

goals and there is also no<br />

mechanism in placetoassess<br />

whethercouncilisdoingits part<br />

acrossthe organisation.<br />

Officersbelieve thecurrent<br />

policyisstill fit for purpose with<br />

minor updates, andratherthanredevelopingthe<br />

policy, recommends<br />

the development of an actionplan<br />

to meet goals.<br />

This plan is seenasawayto<br />

monitor progress andalso to<br />

providepublicaccountability.<br />

In earlyMarch council received<br />

the CanterburyClimate Change<br />

Risk Assessment TechnicalReport,<br />

developed by Tonkinand Taylor<br />

andpublished by the Canterbury<br />

Councillor Angus McKay, avocal<br />

opponent of adopting the climate<br />

change policy update and resilience<br />

action plan.<br />

Mayoral Forum, andaworkshop<br />

washeld aweeklater to look at a<br />

policyreview.<br />

CouncillorJohnFalloon said<br />

council had to be seen to bedoing<br />

the right thing, but he did notagree<br />

with the needtodevelop alocal<br />

action plan.<br />

‘‘Itmeans astaff member is<br />

neededtowrite it ­we’re just too<br />

small an organisationtobedoing<br />

it.’’<br />

Councillor Diane Rawlinson said<br />

an actionplanwouldmean council<br />

could benchmarkitself and<br />

councillor LizMcMillanagreed.<br />

CouncillorLynetteLovett said<br />

accountability wasimportant, as<br />

wasassessing whatweweredoing<br />

at ground level.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>mayorNeilBrown said<br />

an action planwoulddescribe what<br />

council wasdoing to address<br />

climate change, howitwas<br />

monitoring progress, and<br />

measuring success.<br />

Actions, forexample,could<br />

include taking gravel out of the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>River to help prevent<br />

flooding, buildinghigher stopbanks<br />

andbuildingmore dams to store<br />

waterfor later, he said.<br />

CouncillorAngusMcKay was a<br />

vocalopponenttoadoptingthe<br />

climate changepolicy update and<br />

resilience actionplan.<br />

‘‘I’m against it.The foundation<br />

document policy hasthe wrong<br />

foundationtoit. I’m frightened that<br />

thisaction planwill be built on a<br />

flawed policy.’’<br />

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2471347<br />

Ceremony backlog<br />

Thereisabacklog of new<br />

residents waiting to take<br />

partinanofficial<br />

citizenshipceremonyin<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> because of<br />

the currentcovid<br />

situation.<br />

Therehas been no<br />

ceremony sinceMarch<br />

lastyear.<br />

Aceremony was<br />

plannedatthe time of<br />

the big flood event last<br />

May and twoothers have<br />

beencancelledbecause<br />

of covid case numbers<br />

and alert levels.<br />

Speaking at lastweek’s<br />

council meeting council<br />

economicdevelopment<br />

managerSimon<br />

Worthington saidno<br />

citizenshipceremonies<br />

were currently planned.<br />

Therewere residents<br />

who hadobtained<br />

New citizens at the last ceremony held in <strong>Ashburton</strong> in<br />

March last year.<br />

citizenshipinrecent<br />

months, but also wanted<br />

to attend aformal<br />

ceremony.<br />

Mr Worthingtonsaid<br />

he hadbeen in touch<br />

withthe Department of<br />

Internal Affairs to<br />

discussthe situation and<br />

had been told thatall<br />

ceremonies wereonhold<br />

for now.<br />


FREE<br />

GIFT<br />

Funds for<br />

walk track<br />

The Mt Somers Walkways<br />

Societyhas received $10,000<br />

from the New Zealand<br />

Community Trust to help<br />

with awalking trackto<br />

Sharplin Falls.<br />

The society plans to reroute<br />

anewtrack to the<br />

picturesqueStaveley spot.<br />

The funding will be used<br />

for track constructionand<br />

followsotherfunding given<br />

by thelikes of the Lion<br />

Foundationand Community<br />

Trust of Midand South<br />

Canterbury in recent<br />

months.<br />

Walkwaysociety chairman<br />

Charles Rosssaid it was<br />

likely the project would start<br />

in earnestinSpring,with<br />

two bridges across Bowyers<br />

Stream beingbuilt and<br />

galvanised over winter.<br />


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selected Lounge<br />

SuitesandRecliners #<br />

Including<br />

30 % off<br />

selected Bedroom<br />

&Dining Furniture #<br />

Brooklyn<br />

Fabric 5Seater Lounge Suite in Wrangler<br />

$2999<br />

was<br />

$<br />

5199<br />

lessthan<br />

$13<br />

9060401 Valid until 10th May<strong>2022</strong><br />

perweek for<br />

60 monthson<br />

interest free*<br />

Chiropractic Limited Edition Queen Bed<br />

$1199<br />

was<br />

$ 3899<br />

less than<br />

$9<br />

9072315<br />

Valid until 10th May<strong>2022</strong><br />

per week for<br />

36 monthson<br />

interest free*<br />

20 % off<br />

selected Nursery #<br />

40 % off<br />

Sunbeamand<br />

Russell Hobbs #<br />

Vogue 3+2Seater inEsther Oatmeal<br />

$3999<br />

was<br />

$<br />

6799<br />

lessthan<br />

$17<br />

9061377<br />

Valid until 26th <strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

perweek for<br />

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Charlie<br />

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was<br />

$2799<br />

lessthan<br />

$<br />

3999 $12 perweekfor<br />

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interest free*<br />

9039548 Valid until26th <strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

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Acer computers #<br />


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Rechargeable Vacuum<br />

Mini Barista Espresso<br />

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Brooklyn Air<br />

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$5<br />

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per week for<br />

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$599<br />

$499 699<br />

$359 $179<br />

was<br />

$299<br />

was<br />


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36MONTHS<br />

$499 &over*<br />


60MONTHS<br />

$<strong>14</strong>99&over*<br />

on furnitureand beds<br />

Offers valid until Tuesday 19th <strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong>, while stocks last orunless otherwise stated. Some products on display in selected stores only —please call 0800 764 847 tocheck availability. *Apple, selected computers, game consoles, gift cards,<br />

clearance items and some promotional items are not available in conjunction with interest free offers. Flooring available on amaximum of18 months interest free. Exclusions, fees, terms, conditions and credit criteria apply. Equal instalment<br />

amounts include one-off establishment fee of$45.00, amaintenance fee of$3.75 per month and exclude any insurance premium financed. Current interest rate of23.95% applies to any unpaid minimum payments during the interest free<br />

period, and any balance after the expiry of (any) interest free period. See in-store or visit smithscity.co.nz/interest-free for details. **Weekly equal instalments are based ona52week finance period commencing 7days from the date interest is<br />

first calculated. Setting upan Automatic Payment authority will help you to avoid missed payments and additional interest charges. Available in-store and online. Current interest rate of 23.95% applies. There are noset-up, annual, oraccount<br />

maintenance fees –a$19 notification fee may apply incircumstances ofdefault. Terms, conditions, and credit criteria apply. See in-store orvisit smithscity.co.nz/easycard for more details or to apply for your EasyCard. #Discount is off our full<br />

retail price. Not available in conjunction with any other offer. ^1/2 price item either equal toorlesser value than first item. Applies toqualifying products purchased atthe same time within asingle transaction. Discount is off our full retail price.<br />

Subject to availability.Not available in conjunctionwith anyother offer. Exclusionsapply. Limits mayapply. Personal shoppersonly,trade notsupplied. Airpointsterms, conditions,and exclusions apply. Visitsmithscity.co.nz/airpoints for full details.

Deaths<br />

RUSH James William (Jim),<br />

on <strong>April</strong> 7,<strong>2022</strong>. Suddenly<br />

but peacefully at home,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>, aged 79 years.<br />

Dearly loved husband of<br />

the late Shirley. Cherished<br />

and loved Dad and fatherin-law<br />

of Dave, Kellie and<br />

Gordy Kenton, and the late<br />

Graham. Adored Grandad<br />

of Katie,Todd, and Annabel.<br />

Loved by his extended<br />

family and many friends.<br />

Messages to the Rush family<br />

c/- POBox 472, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

7740. Amemorial servicefor<br />

Jimhas been held.<br />

SCHOU, Neville Owen,<br />

on <strong>April</strong> 8, <strong>2022</strong>, died<br />

peacefully, at <strong>Ashburton</strong>,<br />

aged 90 years. Dearly loved<br />

husband of Judith, together<br />

for 75years. Loved father<br />

and father-in-law ofPhillip,<br />

Roderick and Pauline,<br />

Nicola and Chris, Gabrielle<br />

and David, Jeffrey, and<br />

Gerard. Loved Grandad<br />

of all his grandchildren<br />

and<br />

Paterson’s<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

FDANZ<br />

03 3077433<br />

great-grandchildren.<br />

Messages to Schou family<br />

PO Box 472, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

7740. At Neville’s request<br />

aprivate cremation will be<br />

held.<br />

Paterson’s<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

FDANZ<br />

03 3077433<br />

STRINGER Shirley: On<br />

<strong>April</strong> 9,<strong>2022</strong>. Peacefully at<br />

Terrace View Retirement<br />

Village, <strong>Ashburton</strong>, aged<br />

85 years. Dearly loved<br />

wife and soulmate of the<br />

late Blair. Much loved<br />

mother and motherin-law<br />

of Barbara and<br />

Peter, and Vicki and Gary.<br />

Much loved MaofDevina<br />

(Indonesia). Cherished<br />

Nana to Jordan and Anna,<br />

Louis and Michelle, Josef<br />

and Emily and Maddison<br />

and adored great-Nana to<br />

Sophie, Lucy, William, Aylah<br />

and Juliette. “A beautiful<br />

heart, a warm smile and<br />

always ready with adinner<br />

invite.” Reunited with Dad.<br />

Messages to the Stringer<br />

family c/- P O Box 472,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> 7740. In lieu of<br />

flowers donations to St John<br />

Ambulance, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

would be appreciated and<br />

may be made online at<br />

bit.ly/sstringer0904.<br />

Shirley’s interment will be<br />

private and her Celebration<br />

of Life will be held at the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Baptist Church,<br />

Cass street, <strong>Ashburton</strong> on<br />

Wednesday <strong>April</strong> 20, <strong>2022</strong><br />

commencing at 2.00pm.<br />

Please wear something<br />

colourful to help us<br />

celebrateShirley’s life.<br />

Paterson’s<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

FDANZ<br />

03 3077433<br />

Family Notices<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

AYERS: Lynda Rose,<br />

24.01. 1931 to 10. 03.<br />

<strong>2022</strong>. Following our<br />

Aunty’s death, the nieces<br />

and nephews would<br />

like to acknowledge the<br />

expressions of sympathy<br />

through cards, messages<br />

and support following her<br />

death at Rosebank. To<br />

those who attended the<br />

funeral serviceatPaterson’s<br />

Chapel, and to those who<br />

travelled to Rangiora<br />

Methodist Cemetery<br />

for the burial. Special<br />

appreciation to Rev John<br />

Meredith who officiated<br />

at Paterson’s, to Penny<br />

the organist, those who<br />

assisted with the service<br />

and to Paterson’s for their<br />

guidance. Thank you to<br />

Jack Ayers who officiated<br />

at the burial. The family<br />

would like to acknowledge<br />

Diana Dynes who was a<br />

special friend to Lynda and<br />

who cared for her ‘Lucy’.<br />

We would like to thank<br />

the Management and<br />

dedicatedstaff at Rosebank<br />

Resthome who cared for<br />

Lynda over the last 5years.<br />

Many thanks to Rachel who<br />

provided refreshments for<br />

us all following the burial at<br />

Rangiora.<br />

THOMSON: Matthew Hylton,<br />

6July 1972 to 6th March<br />

<strong>2022</strong><br />

Matthew’s family wouldlike<br />

to thank everyone for their<br />

love and support. For the<br />

cards, flowers, messages<br />

and phone calls. To all<br />

who helped and attended<br />

Matthew’s service.<br />

The InnerWheel Ladies and<br />

Trotts Gardens Catering for<br />

the lovely food, especially<br />

the egg sandwiches,<br />

Matthew’s favourite.<br />

There are no words to<br />

adequately express the<br />

supportand wonderful care<br />

Matthew received from the<br />

amazing Medical Staff of<br />

the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Hospital,<br />

thank you.<br />

Please accept this<br />

message as our personal<br />

acknowledgement.<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

RISELEY,Mary(Molly)<br />

31/08/1929 -28/03/<strong>2022</strong><br />

Bob, Elaine,Linda and family<br />

would like to express their<br />

gratitude for the support<br />

they received after the<br />

loss of adearly loved wife,<br />

mother, grandmother and<br />

great-grandmother.<br />

We acknowledge the staff of<br />

Rosebank Lifecarefor taking<br />

such great care of Molly<br />

during her staywith them.<br />

To St John Ambulance and<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Hospital staff<br />

who have assisted Molly<br />

over the last few years, Dr<br />

Diane Young and all at Three<br />

Rivers Health and Grantand<br />

staff at Netherby Pharmacy.<br />

She was always sograteful<br />

forthe help she received.<br />

We would like to say thank<br />

you to all the wonderful<br />

friends, neighbours and<br />

relatives for the cards,<br />

flowers, baking, phone calls<br />

and visits while Molly was<br />

unwell and following her<br />

death.<br />

Thank you to all who<br />

attended her funeral, and<br />

to Jim Harrington for doing<br />

such a great job leading<br />

the service, and to Helen<br />

Harrington for being so<br />

supportive. Also thank<br />

you to Jim Young for his<br />

assistance over the past<br />

months and during the<br />

service.<br />

We would like to express<br />

our appreciation to Jo<br />

Metcalf and staff at Memory<br />

Funerals for their help and<br />

guidance atsuch adifficult<br />

time.<br />

It is a comfort for the<br />

family to know so many<br />

people regarded Molly<br />

as a good friend. Please<br />

accept this as our personal<br />

acknowledgement<br />

Memorial Service<br />



Please join us fora<br />

Memorial to celebrate<br />

Jim (Frederick James) Small.<br />

Friday29<strong>April</strong><br />

from 11am-2pm<br />

Celtic RugbyClubrooms,<br />

46 Keenan’s Road,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

All welcome<br />

Family owned,<br />

locally owned<br />

22 MooreStreet,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

0800 263 6679<br />

2468641<br />

NEWS<br />

10 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>14</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Tayla Davidsonwill represent New Zealand at the World Karate FederationOceania Champs.<br />

Tayla makes NZ team<br />


Rakaia’sTaylaDavidson will representNew<br />

Zealandatthe World Karate Federation<br />

Oceania Champs in New CaledoniainJune<br />

andhas also been selected to attend atraining<br />

camp that could sheher selected for theWKF<br />

WorldChampionshipsinTurkeyinOctober.<br />

The<strong>Ashburton</strong>Collegestudentisbackon<br />

trackwithher karate dreamsafteracovid<br />

ravaged 2021haltedinternational travel and<br />

competitionand forced thecancellationof<br />

regionaland national tournaments.<br />

Tayla said shewas stokedand excited to be<br />

be selectedfor the Oceaniaevent and was<br />

looking forwardtorepresenting her country<br />

again. She hadtravelled to Croatia,England<br />

andAustralia previouslytorepresentNew<br />

Zealandand wasproud to have another<br />

opportunity.<br />

The Oceania champswill bringtogether<br />

someofthe bestkarateexponentsfrom the<br />

regionand theNZteam, includingcoaches<br />

andsupporters, is likely to number 70.<br />

Tayla said this year was shaping up to be a<br />

goodyearandshe wasveryhappy to havebeen<br />

selected for thehigh performance training<br />

camp.<br />

Shehopedtoimpress coaches at thethreedaycampand<br />

to be selected fortheWKF<br />

Cadet, Junior andU21 World Championships<br />

inKonya, Turkey fromOctober 26­20.<br />

The 15­year­old travelsup to Christchurch<br />

for training twice aweekand uptofourtimes<br />

when sheisnearing abiggerevent.She also<br />

trainsinthe garage at home.<br />

Shestartedinthesport ofkarate as asixyear­old<br />

andwas unbeaten in herdivisionfor<br />

threestraight years.<br />

Tayla hasbeenanational championforthe<br />

past threeyears in kumite (fighting).<br />

Hot honey cross buns<br />

Thismakesanice soft bunand can be mixed<br />

in acake mixer for minimalmess. It’s afun<br />

way to spend aday with the kids.<br />

Ingredients<br />

1kgflour<br />

1<br />

⁄2 cup honey<br />

1Tbsp driedyeast<br />

240gsoftenedbutterorplant­basedbutter<br />

200ml milkorsoy milk<br />

water<br />

1<br />

⁄2 tsp salt<br />

2tsp cinnamon<br />

2tsp mixed spice<br />

1tsp ginger<br />

zest2oranges<br />

1cup sultanas<br />

apricot jam<br />

Method<br />

In acake­stand mixer or abreadmaker<br />

addflour, honey,yeast,butter, milk, salt,<br />

spicesand orange zest.<br />

Turnonmixer then slowly add justenough<br />

water to formasoft dough. Kneaduntilitis<br />

notstickyany more thenfold in the fruit.<br />

Cover with adamptea towel then leave to<br />

risefor an hourortwo.<br />

Punch dough down thendivide into12<br />

equal­sized buns, cover with atea toweland<br />

leave to riseagain until double in size.<br />

Preheat ovento180degC and make athick<br />

paste out of flour andwater to formthe cross.<br />

Bakeuntilthe cross sets, about 15 minutes,<br />

then brush over aglaze of apricot jam mixed<br />

with alittle hotwater.<br />

Place back in the oven for another 15­20<br />

minutes, untilbrownall over.<br />

Glaze again,theneat with lots of butter.<br />

~ODT<br />

Complete<br />

Local Care<br />

Since 1982

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>14</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

11<br />

The Plains complex gets back on track<br />

Thisweekend heraldsan<br />

Eastercelebration atthe<br />

Plains Railway andHistorical<br />

Museum in Tinwald.<br />

The liftingofgovernment<br />

restrictionsaroundgathering<br />

limitsand vaccinepassports<br />

allowsthe site to opentothe<br />

public after athree month<br />

enforced break.<br />

Under Red Traffic Light<br />

System regulations,the<br />

restriction of visitornumbers<br />

was impossiblefor volunteer<br />

staff to manage,due to the<br />

openness of thesite. But<br />

restrictionshavechanged.<br />

Theprecinct is open this<br />

Saturday andSunday from<br />

11amto4pm,entry is via cash<br />

donation.<br />

Thelargest coal­fired<br />

locomotive in theSouth<br />

Island, will be hauling the<br />

Easter egg­spress,along with<br />

miniaturetrain rides<br />

operatingatthe <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Steam andModel Engineers<br />

track.<br />

The <strong>Ashburton</strong> Fire Museum<br />

willbeshowcasingtheir<br />

acclaimed heritagecollection<br />

of equipment and<br />

memorabiliafromthe<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Volunteer Fire<br />

Brigade.<br />

Membersofthe <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Woodworkerswillbecrafting<br />

uniquewoodwork itemsin<br />

their workshop.<br />

TheLynnMuseumwillopen<br />

dependent on staff availability<br />

and the <strong>Ashburton</strong>Aviation<br />

Museum willhave an aircraft<br />

cockpit ondisplay.<br />

Thevillagedisplay<br />

buildings househundreds of<br />

items,from homewares to<br />

tractors,reminiscentof<br />

pioneering days,complete<br />

with aworking stationary<br />

enginedisplay.<br />

Forthe kids,therewillbea<br />

bunny egg hunt, with eggs<br />

hiddeninthe village<br />

buildings,along with Easter<br />

colouringactivitiesinthe<br />

stationwaitingroom.<br />

Thepopup playground will<br />

provide inflatablefun forthe<br />

kids to enjoy andNigendys<br />

food trailer will be serving a<br />

variety of hotfoodsand<br />

delicious bakedgoods withthe<br />

Shot Ash/Rakvan serving<br />

coffee, hot chocolate and cold<br />

drinks.<br />

If you are interestedin<br />

volunteering, feel free to chat<br />

to staffonsiteasnew members<br />

arewarmlywelcomed.<br />

Visitthe PlainsRailway's<br />

Facebook page forfurther<br />

information.<br />

Members of the groups onsite:<br />

From left Bill Healey (<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Woodworkers) ,John<br />

Millichamp (Lynn Museum), Ian<br />

Moore (<strong>Ashburton</strong> Fire<br />

Museum), Malcolm Taylor<br />

(<strong>Ashburton</strong> Steam &Model<br />

Engineers) and Lorayne Oakley<br />

(The Plains Railway).<br />

World musical<br />

coming to town<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>music loversare in<br />

for treat whenthe long­awaited<br />

showThe World of Musicals<br />

Concert comestotown in early<br />

July.<br />

Thestirringmusical concert<br />

theatre experience hasgraced<br />

stages across the globe and<br />

featuresanensemble of multitalented<br />

performing artists who<br />

will recreateclassic hits,<br />

emotive ballads, big­screen<br />

anthemsand iconic show tunes.<br />

Theproduction featuresa<br />

revueofwell­known musical<br />

theatre hitsincluding classics<br />

from TheLion King, Mamma<br />

Mia,WeWill RockYou, The<br />

Mikado,The Piratesof<br />

Penzance, The Phantom of the<br />

Opera, The Rocky Horror<br />

PictureShow,JesusChrist<br />

Superstar,Les Misé rables and<br />

TheBluesBrothers.<br />

Theshow will offer<br />

somethingfor all ages.<br />

Originally The World of<br />

Musicals was set to be on stage<br />

in <strong>Ashburton</strong> inMay last year,<br />

butbecauseofcovid it was<br />

rescheduled to October.<br />

It will now be performed on<br />

July 2atthe <strong>Ashburton</strong>Event<br />

Centre.<br />

Ticketsfor the show are<br />

availablefromthe box office or<br />

event centrewebsite<br />

(ateventcentre.co.nz).<br />

Chocolate product recall<br />

Ferreroisextending itsrecall<br />

of Kinder chocolate products<br />

due to possiblecontamination<br />

with salmonella bacteria.<br />

Affected products are part of<br />

aglobalrecall of arange of<br />

Kinder brandedchocolates<br />

madeinaBelgianfactory, says<br />

deputy director­generalNew<br />

Zealand Food Safety,Vincent<br />

Arbuckle.<br />

“Thepreviousrecall<br />

covered named products with<br />

bestbefore datesup to 7<br />

October <strong>2022</strong>.<br />

“Products under recall have<br />

expanded to include any<br />

Kinder product made in<br />

Belgium, includingall batches<br />

and date ranges. All product<br />

affectedbythe recall will have<br />

‘Made in Belgium’onthe label.<br />

Ferrero has confirmedthe<br />

following products have been<br />

imported:<br />

­All batches of Kinder<br />

Surprise Maxi Eggs (100g)<br />

White, Natoons, Frozen,<br />

Christmas and Miraculous<br />

Range.<br />

­All batches and sizesof<br />

KinderMini Eggs Hazelnut<br />

­All batches of Kinder<br />

HappyMomentsBallotin<br />

(190g) (Christmas product)<br />

­All batches of Kinder (133g)<br />

withaplush toy (Christmas<br />

product)<br />

Theseproducts were soldat<br />

retail stores throughout New<br />

Zealand includingNew World,<br />

Pak’n Save,Four Square,<br />

Countdown, FreshChoice,<br />

SuperValue, Kmart and The<br />

Warehouse stores. Some are<br />

also available at small retail<br />

stores.<br />

“Thekey thingtoremember<br />

is to check the label of Kinder<br />

chocolates,ifitsays‘Made in<br />

Belgium’itwill be covered by<br />

therecall andshould be<br />

thrown away or returnedtothe<br />

place of purchase.<br />

‘‘If you or afamily member<br />

haseaten product affectedby<br />

therecall andhave concerns<br />

foryour health, seekmedical<br />

advice.’’<br />

Salmonella infectioncan<br />

spread between people,soif<br />

yoususpect youare affected<br />

please wash yourhands<br />

thoroughly and avoid<br />

preparingfood for othersif<br />

possible.<br />

For up­to­date information<br />

on the recall, visit onlineat<br />

mpi.govt.nz<br />

Two1bedroom apartments<br />

now available<br />

These apartments won’t last long.<br />

Each serviced apartment has open plan living/kitchenette, ensuite bathroom,<br />

laundry facilities and of course anurse call system for peace of mind.<br />

One apartment also offers north facing scenic views.<br />


contact our Facility Manager Donna Coxshall 03 307 6<strong>14</strong>0<br />

–Love where you live –<br />



2468639 2468636

<strong>Ashburton</strong> College<br />

Individual Excellence in aSupportive Learning Environment<br />

News<br />

Issue 10<br />

<strong>14</strong> <strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

Head of Senior School Message<br />

What aTerm!<br />

This term has really thrown us some curve balls,<br />

butweare nearlythere!<br />

I would like to acknowledge all our whānau,<br />

kaimahi and ākonga for all their mahi over this<br />

term, and for managing through the Emergency<br />

CoverPlan rotations.<br />

Iknow the balance ofkeeping up with school<br />

work, family life and work commitments is<br />

challenging. The students have demonstrated our AshColl Values by<br />

beingresponsive, self-managingand resilient.<br />

Well-being<br />

With the recent COVID casesand students returning to campus,itcan be<br />

overwhelming forsenior studentsasthey trytocatch up onmissedwork,<br />

finish internal assessments and maybe, for some, manage the lingering<br />

effects of COVID; all while trying to balancesocial,sporting andworklife.<br />

During this period of transitioningback to school,focusing on thethings<br />

thathelp maintainwell-being become increasingly important.<br />

Following aresome suggestions from Sport NZ on howtosupportthe<br />

mental health of young people.<br />

Young people can focus on the following six factors to help anchor<br />

them,which whānau canhelpwith,inorder to remain balancedand<br />

healthy-both physically and mentally:<br />

1. Controllables: Concentrateonthe things thatmatterand the things<br />

they can control –and beattentive totheir internal experiences<br />

(thoughts, feelings, sensations); take time to acknowledge and<br />

accept them; and then gently bring their attention backtothe task at<br />

hand.<br />

2. Routines: Maintain consistent routines (sleep, nutrition, wake-up<br />

time, study, social time). It reminds their brains that itissafe todial<br />

the stress response back, and enables them to focus on what is<br />

helpful.<br />

3. Connection: Stay connectedtotheir purpose,values and goals. Keep<br />

up regular contactwith their supportsystems.Intimesofchallenge,<br />

we need to increase support, as they might need to reach out more<br />

than usual.<br />

4. Behaviours: Do the basics of personal self-care (quality food, time<br />

with loved ones, mindfulness etc) and ensure they put themselves<br />

first. Deliberately seekout people and things that make themhappy.<br />

5. Opportunities: Promote agrowth mindset. Everyone ishaving to<br />

changeplans andbehaviours.Ifthey can focusonthe opportunities<br />

that the new plan presents, they will come through this in abetter<br />

place.<br />

6. Time Management: Allocate aspecific amount of time in theirday to<br />

focus on Coronavirus and Government updates, what-ifs, worry etc.<br />

This will allow their brain toengage fully when they’re required to<br />

focus on otheractivities.<br />

Recovering from COVID<br />

When our ākonga arereturning afterCOVID we areseeing thatfatigueis<br />

acommon symptom.<br />

It is advised (New Zealand’s Science Media Centre) that if you have<br />

fatigue, muscle weakness, etc, do not ‘pushthrough’. Do not think that<br />

youcan exercise your wayout of this.<br />

Commencing exercise too early may increase the risk of Long-COVID. If<br />

you dohave symptoms of Long COVID (ongoing, or newly developing<br />

symptoms), please seek help.<br />

The main advicefor recovering fromCOVID appearstobe:<br />

• Don’t overdo it –ifyou feel youneed rest,thenrest.<br />

• Begin with avery low level ofactivity, and very slowly increase –<br />

interspersed with regular planned breaks throughout theday.<br />

• Begin with some fun things, and things that won’t matter if you stop<br />

forabreak.<br />

• Maintain ahealthydiet.<br />

• Ask forhelp from friends andfamily.<br />

• The current consensusisthatexercise should not be undertaken until<br />

the individual has been completely symptom-free for atleast seven<br />

days.<br />

• When exercise is restarted it is advisable to easeback into it slowly.<br />

• Adequate sleep, good nutrition, hydration, and social connection are<br />

alsovitaltohelp yourecover well.<br />

Holiday Break<br />

Enjoythe Easter Break:rest,eat andslowdown.<br />

Ilook forward toseeing all the ākonga back after the holidays, ready to<br />

engage in learning.<br />

‘When the storm hits,the boatsinthe harbourdrop anchor.<br />

If theydon’t,theyget swept out to sea.<br />

Droppinganchor does not makethe storm go away,<br />

but instead keeps theboat steady until thestorm passes’. Sport NZ<br />

AbbeyBruce<br />

Head of SeniorSchool<br />

The<br />

AshColl<br />

Way<br />

Staff Farewell<br />

Brian Molyneux<br />

We are sorry tobe farewelling Brian Molyneux, Head of Department<br />

Digital Technology,from<strong>Ashburton</strong> College at the end of thisterm.<br />

Brian has had two teaching periods at <strong>Ashburton</strong> College. Firstly, this<br />

was from 2012-20<strong>14</strong> also as Head of Department Digital Technology, and<br />

additionallyteaching HardMaterials Technologytojuniorstudents.<br />

Brian then spent two years at Mount Hutt College, from 20<strong>14</strong>-2016, but<br />

returned to College inJuly of 2016, again asHead of Department and<br />

Teacher of DigitalTechnology.<br />

Since June 2017 Brian has also held aKāhui Ako (Hakatere Community of<br />

Learning),Within-College Teacher-in-Charge of Achievement Data Systems<br />

position.<br />

During ayear’s leave in2019 Brian and his wife and family returned to<br />

the UK and the Isle of Man, for family reasons. While there, Brian had the<br />

interesting and rewarding experience of working asEducation Manager at<br />

the Isle of Man Prison. Brian had previously taught on the Isle ofMan prior<br />

to coming to New Zealandin2005.<br />

Throughout his teaching career Brian has focused on developing systems<br />

to monitor and provide early indications ofand alerts regarding ‘at-risk’<br />

students. This included tracking systems and using student data todirect<br />

andinformlearning,with information availabletosupportteachers.<br />

With a B.Sc. in Information Management, Brian was well-poised to make<br />

analysis of student data intelligible and useful, thus managing the<br />

information in order toenhancelearning.<br />

At College he is well-regarded and acknowledged as aconscientious staff<br />

member,passionate abouthis subjectand having achievedexcellentwork<br />

in making studentdataavailabletosupport decision-making and planning.<br />

Brian has anumber of interests, including guitar (playing and building),<br />

mechanicalengineering,homerenovation and motorcycle restoration.<br />

The call of home can be strong and, when they leave Mid Canterbury at<br />

Easter,Brian and his family arereturning to theIsle of Man. This also seems<br />

an appropriate place for amotorcycle enthusiast! Brian is at pains to be<br />

sure we understandthatthe Isle of Manisnot the UK –itisaself-governing<br />

British Crowndependency!<br />

In acknowledging Brian and his work, weare farewelling astaff member<br />

who contributed alot of ‘good work’, quietly, without fanfare, and without<br />

‘pushing hisown barrow’.<br />

Brian’s capabilities, contributions, and himself as a person will be missed<br />

and we thank him sincerely for his contributions. With our appreciation, he<br />

and the family are wished very well as they leave their New Zealand life and<br />

returntoformerhome roots.<br />

Information<br />

Please notethe following variations to two<br />

forthcoming schooldays, in Term Two.<br />

College Closed Thursday12May forthe<br />

purpose of an ACCORD Teacher Only Day<br />

Please notethatthe College will be closed fornormalinstruction<br />

on this day, in order to undertakeanACCORD Teacher Only Day.<br />

These Teacher Only Days were allocatedinthe Accord<br />

between the MinistryofEducation, NZEI Te RiuRoa,<br />

andPPTATeWehengarua, and arebeing held throughout<br />

New Zealand on set days forregions.<br />

Thedaysare set aside to supportthe implementation of<br />

changes to NCEA, and wider strengthening of curriculum,<br />

progress and achievementpractice.<br />

We do ask thatyou makealternativearrangements foryour<br />

sons/daughters on this dayand thank youfor your support.<br />

Parent/Student/SubjectTeacher Interviews<br />

and Early Closures<br />

Thursday19May and Tuesday24May<br />

2:30pm –8:00pm, Hotel<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Theinterviews arefor all year levels.<br />

ForYear 9students, interviews arewith subjectteachers only,<br />

notoption teachers.<br />

Thelength of interviewswill be fiveminutesper subject.<br />

It is expected that studentsattend,with theirparents/caregivers,<br />

in order to be part of the three-way conversation.<br />

Onlinebookings –you willbeadvised earlyTermTworegarding this<br />

process; plusarrangements if youdon’t have an online facility.<br />

School Early Closure-Both Days,from1:20pm<br />

PleaseNote: schoolearly closure for all students,<br />

at 1:20pm,onboth of these twodays.<br />

Theclosures areBoardofTrustees approved.<br />

Congratulations<br />

Summer Sports TournamentWeek<br />

As advised in our last newsletter, this annual event had fixtures<br />

scheduled from Sunday27March through until Sunday03<strong>April</strong>. While<br />

therewereanumber of cancellations due to COVIDrestrictions,itwas<br />

superbtohavesome codes able to hold events.<br />

This week we report on the final two events, being the New Zealand<br />

AonMaadi Rowing Championships and the 3x3Basketball Event.<br />

Congratulations<br />

BronzeMedalGainedatNew Zealand<br />

AonMaadi Rowing Championships<br />

Informationprovided by Year 12 Student Lily Davidson<br />

During the week of 28 March–03 <strong>April</strong> asquadoftwelverowers headed<br />

to Twizel, Lake Ruataniwha to compete in the AON New Zealand<br />

SecondarySchools’Rowing Championships‘Maadi Cup’.<br />

It was anexciting week for the squad, with everyone pleased tobeout<br />

racing for the last time of the season. Twizel put out some great weather,<br />

providinggreat racing conditions meaning minimal delays throughoutthe<br />

week.<br />

It was abig week for everyone with six days of racing being completed.<br />

Heats took place on the Monday and Tuesday, with many of our crews<br />

making it past this point toland spots inquarter-finals, and repechages to<br />

takeplacelater in the week.<br />

Wednesday and Thursday were busy for most, with almost everyone out<br />

on the water fighting through repechages and quarter-finals toprogress<br />

through to semis,with most earning their place.<br />

The remaining rowers were still kept competitive, competing in Dand<br />

CFinals onThursday, while the rest continued powering through semi’s<br />

battling forplaces in Aand Bfinals.<br />

Aand BFinals for Five Crews<br />

An impressive totaloffivecrewsmadeittotheAand BFinals.<br />

BronzeMedal<br />

TheGirls’Under16CoxedQuadsecured aplaceinthe AFinaland,most<br />

impressively, rowed their way to aBronze Medal finish, making the<br />

week even moreworthwhile.<br />

(Pictured above,lefttoright): Honor Bradford, Sienna Skilling,Sophie Gibson,<br />

Isabel Wall,LilyDavidson (Cox), Justin Wall (Coach).<br />

This result was achieved following a3rd placing in their Heat, 1st in<br />

the Repechage; 2nd in the Semi-Final. The rowing process gives every<br />

opportunitytoplaceashighly as possible.<br />

Theteam on the waterwith their medals (pictured left, front to back):<br />

Isabel Wall,Sophie Gibson, Sienna Skilling,Honor Bradford, Lily Davidson<br />

(cox).<br />

Overall -the <strong>Ashburton</strong>College Rowers AchievedSome GreatResults<br />

It is important totake results inthe context of the number of competitors<br />

and boats at this event, even in this year where numbers were reduced by<br />

those with COVID or isolating due to home contacts.<br />

At closeofentries this year,organisershad just on <strong>14</strong>00 students enteredin<br />

this largest school sports eventinthe SouthernHemisphere.<br />

BFinals–1st Place<br />

Girls’ Under 16 Single Sculls<br />

- Sophie Gibson: Heat-2nd;<br />

Quarterfinal -2nd; Semi Final -6th.<br />

Girls’ Under 16 Double Sculls - Isabel Wall,Sophie Gibson: Heat-1st;<br />

QuarterFinal -2nd; Semi Final -6th.<br />

BFinals–Additional Placings<br />

Girls’ Under 16 Double Sculls - SiennaSkilling,Honor Bradford:<br />

Heat-2nd; QuarterFinal -4th;<br />

Semi Final -5th; BFinal -4th.<br />

Boys’Under 18 Single Sculls - Matthew Pearce:Heat-3rd,<br />

QuarterFinal -3rd, Semi Final -7th,<br />

BFinal -5th.<br />

Other<br />

Boys’Under 17 Single Sculls - Tim Connelly-Whyte: Heat-8th.<br />

Girls’ Under 17 CoxedFour - Mia Chambers,Leah Reid,<br />

Isla Connelly-Whyte,<br />

Honor Bradford, Lily Davidson (cox):<br />

Heat-6th; Repechage -6th.<br />

Boys’Under 17 Double Sculls - IzaccCarr, TimConnelly-Whyte:Heat-6th.<br />

Boys’Under 18 Single Sculls - Zane Cameron: Heat-4th;<br />

Quarterfinal -5th.<br />

Girls’ Under 16 CoxedFour<br />

- Mia Chambers, Leah Reid,<br />

Isla Connelly-Whyte,Honor Bradford,<br />

Chloe Braas (cox): Heat-6th,<br />

Repechage -6th.<br />

Boys’Under 18 Double Sculls - Zane Cameron, Matthew Pearce:<br />

Heat-4th, Repechage -3rd.

<strong>Ashburton</strong> College<br />

Individual Excellence in aSupportive Learning Environment<br />

News<br />

Issue 10<br />

<strong>14</strong> <strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

Congratulations<br />

(Pictured above,lefttoright): Girls’Under 17 CoxedFour MiaChambers,<br />

Isla Connelly-Whyte,Leah Reid,Honor Bradford,Lily Davidson (cox).<br />

CFinal –1st Place<br />

Boys’Under 16 Single Sculls - IzaccCarr: Heat-3rd;QuarterFinal -5th;<br />

DFinals–7th Place<br />

Girls’ Under 16 Double Sculls -<br />

Mia Chambers, Leah Reid: Heat-4th;<br />

QuarterFinal -8th.<br />

Appreciation<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> College is most appreciative ofthe huge hours put in by Coach<br />

Justin Wall in preparing rowers foreventsand this pinnacle eventfor rowers.<br />

We acknowledge, also, the hard graft put in on the water bythe students<br />

themselves. Thisisnot a‘soft-training’sport!<br />

Thank you too, tothe number of parents who assisted at different times<br />

during the week. Without this support a team would not be as easily able to<br />

attend,orcompetewith success.<br />

Aoraki 3x3Basketball Tournament<br />

This washeldin<strong>Ashburton</strong>,atthe EA Networks Centre on Wednesday<br />

30 March, with College having eleven teams competing across the<br />

competitiveand festival grades.<br />

Manager for the day, Andrew Shepherd, said results weren’t kept for the<br />

festival grade,but our six junior teams all competed strongly.<br />

All teams and Andrew were kept busy throughout the day with duty<br />

responsibilities between games.<br />

3×3 is played onahalf court, with one hoop,two teams, and three players<br />

per team (and up to one substitute), and no coach on court. Coaches or<br />

instructors have arole in helping in preparing for competitions or raising<br />

skill level of players.<br />

One of the biggest strengths of 3×3 is described as its simplicity, both in<br />

terms of rules and in terms of required facilities. Accordingly it can be held<br />

in arange of settings,using iconic landmarks as backdrops.<br />

It is widely played throughout the world instreet courts, yards, parks,<br />

squares, basketball courts and gyms. InJune 2017, 3×3 was officially<br />

announced as anew Olympic sporttodebut at the 2020 Summer Olympic<br />

Games in Tokyo, Japan; which were held in 2021.<br />

(Pictured right,<br />

lefttoright): The<br />

winning Senior Boys’<br />

team of<br />

Denzel Banghal,<br />

Caleb McNulty,<br />

Ethan Reodique,<br />

Riley Sa.<br />

(Pictured left,<br />

lefttoright):<br />

Boys’Under 18<br />

Double Sculls<br />

Matthew Pearce<br />

and<br />

Zane Cameron.<br />

Placings<br />

Senior Boys’CompetitiveGrade –1st Place<br />

From the eight teams, the balance of which were from Waitaki Boys’ High<br />

School (two teams); Waimate High School and Mount Hutt College (two<br />

teams), <strong>Ashburton</strong> College gained 1st,4th and 5th placings.<br />

Senior Girls’ Competitive Grade –1st Place<br />

Again, the College teams performed well,with <strong>Ashburton</strong>Whiteemerging<br />

as the front-runners, and <strong>Ashburton</strong> College Red inthird place. The other<br />

twocompeting schools were Waimate High School and MountHutt College.<br />

(Pictured left): TheSenior<br />

Girls’Red andWhite first<br />

and third-placed team<br />

members.<br />

(Backrow,lefttoright):<br />

GelaeyaHadfield (Red<br />

team), EvaKelly (White),<br />

ClaudiaThomas (Red),<br />

Amelie Robertson(Red),<br />

Jorja Abernethy (White).<br />

(Front row, left to right):<br />

LauraWinchester (White),<br />

Holly Sa (White),<br />

Lucy Pearce (White).<br />

Players forming the six junior teamswere:<br />

Junior Girls–two teams<br />

Casey Cousins, Libby Feutz, GraceJohnston, PennyMarriott,MillaOverend,<br />

RubyPatterson,Lily Rosevear andAlly Thomas.<br />

Junior Boys –four teams<br />

Ranz Buenafe, Brandon Burrowes, Daniel Ditmer, Liam Elliott,Nikau Forsyth-<br />

Pakinga, Suliasi Hala’ufia, Josh King, Taniela Palavi, Riley Prendergast,<br />

Olly Prince, Jack Spicer, Jack Strawbridge, Dante Tait, Jonny Thorpe,<br />

Alex Urquhart, Niel Vicente,James Wood,William Woods.<br />

Target Shooting -NationalsSuccess for<br />

CharlotteMcKenzie and Madi Tourle<br />

Target Shooting NewZealand Nationals were held over Friday-Sunday<br />

25-27 March. These were postponed from their usual August date in<br />

2021 –due to the customaryCOVID impacts!<br />

This is the pinnacle eventinindoor shooting,which is whatthe majorityof<br />

shooters areinvolved in.<br />

Team Manager Nina McKenzie said that <strong>Ashburton</strong> College should be very<br />

proud to have had twostudents at this event: CharlotteMcKenzie (Year 12)<br />

and Madi Tourle (Year 11).<br />

The National Championships are known amongst shooters as the ‘North-<br />

South’, because they have to be selectedinto aNorth or South Island team<br />

in order to compete.<br />

Venues<br />

Target Shooting New Zealand, asthe host body, has always been able to<br />

hold this eventmid-August at one venue,and alternating between the two<br />

islands.However,this year forthe first time,(and only,the shooters hope) it<br />

washeld overtwo venues.<br />

TheNorth Island shooters were in Palmerston North at the same time as the<br />

South Island shot in Christchurch, connectedvia livefeed.<br />

Each venue had approximately seventy shooters present, across all teams.<br />

Theweather wasunseasonably warm forthis match, ensuring thatsighting<br />

was not always perfect. Itmust be noted that itisvery unusual to be<br />

shooting at atimeofyear which is normally allocatedtopre-season training.<br />

Teams<br />

Selection into ateam involves nomination forselection, and then attending<br />

sanctioned open championships around New Zealand,fromwhich thetop<br />

threescoresare averaged on to aranking list.<br />

Teams present were Junior (Under 21), Women’s,Men’s,Open and Veteran<br />

(60+ years).<br />

Selections<br />

Charlotte was selected toboth the South Island Junior and Women’s<br />

teams,and Madi wasselectedintothe South Island Junior team.<br />

Nina said that this is, ofitself, awonderful feat as there were multiple<br />

university age members in these teams at Junior level (including AshColl<br />

Alumni, Shania Harrison-Lee).<br />

Format<br />

The format ofthe weekend was reduced (due to COVID), with practice on<br />

the Fridaynight; Island matches all daySaturday, and International matches<br />

on the Sunday.<br />

The traditional formal dinner, photos and prize-giving on Sunday evening<br />

were cancelled.<br />

Junior Match<br />

TheJunior matchopened the eventbrightand early on Saturdaymorning,<br />

with both Madi and Charlotte shooting in the opening round.<br />

(Pictured above): Thewaiting area,with members of the South Island Junior<br />

Team. CharlotteMcKenzie (fourth from the left) and Madi Tourle (far right), in<br />

asomewhathistoric moment, with masks showing the era.<br />

Madi had asteady opening target, whilst Charlotte produced the first<br />

‘possible’ of100.08 toset the competition alight, and lay down astrong<br />

challenge to the North.<br />

In the double card round to follow, Madi found her usual excellent form,<br />

with awonderful 196.07; and Charlotte continued to apply pressure with a<br />

195.10.<br />

Thefinal single card round sawastrong finish from Charlotte with 98.05.<br />

Madi’s final target was not at her usual standard but her overall score and<br />

performanceissomething she can be proud of.<br />

Sole South WinOverthe North<br />

The South Island Juniors blazed afantastic score totake amuch-coveted<br />

win over the North.<br />

This was, in fact, the only win the South Island had all day: 3891.169 to<br />

3888.176.<br />

Both girlscan certainly be very proud of being apartofthe winning side.<br />

South Island Women’s Team<br />

Charlotte then returnedtothe mound forthe South Island Women’steam.<br />

Again, the course of fire was asingle, adouble and asingle. Having had<br />

arecent COVID infection, Charlotte was more fatigued than usual but<br />

approachedthe matchwell.<br />

She opened strongly with a98.02, but fell foul of the tester in the double,<br />

thus losing some points. However, her final single of96.03 rounded out a<br />

goodmatch.<br />

TheSouth Island Women succumbed to the North by amarginof30points.<br />

NewZealand Team Announcements -Under 21 Team for Charlotte<br />

New Zealand teams were announced at the conclusion of the matches,and<br />

arepresentedfor an international matchagainst GreatBritain.<br />

Charlotte was very proud to be named in the New Zealand Under 21<br />

(Junior) team.<br />

Shooting with her New Zealand team matesonSundayshe opened with a<br />

stunning 99, and followedthis with areally sound double to scorestrongly.<br />

TheGreat Britain teams will shoot at home and the New Zealand scores are<br />

sealed awaitingthis.<br />

(Pictured right): CharlotteMcKenzie<br />

shooting her international matchfor<br />

New Zealand against GreatBritain.<br />

Veteran’sMatch<br />

Long-time <strong>Ashburton</strong> College Coach<br />

Bryan Hunter, was also in attendance<br />

in the Veteran’sMatch.<br />

(Pictured above): Showing most of the local Mid Canterbury contingent,<br />

which had arecordfourteen shooters present.<br />

(Included in this photo is): Madi Tourle (front row, left); <strong>Ashburton</strong> College<br />

Coach Bryan Hunter (front row, second left); and Charlotte McKenzie (back<br />

row, second from the right).<br />

(Pictured above, left and right):<br />

Madi Tourle and CharlotteMcKenzie<br />

in formal attire, with medals and<br />

tools of the trade to the fore.<br />

(Pictured right, left and right):<br />

Madi and Charlotte, with Charlotte’s<br />

New Zealand Blazer pocket showing.<br />

Summary<br />

Nina concluded, saying, this<br />

experience was wonderful for both<br />

girls.<br />

They nowturntheir focus to the start<br />

of the season and thefirst sanctioned<br />

Open Championship weekend, to<br />

be run by their own association, Mid<br />

Canterbury, and Madi’s home club<br />

Phoenix.<br />

This event, on 22-24 <strong>April</strong>, begins their campaign for selection to the<br />

Nationals in August of this year,tobeheld in Palmerston North.<br />

Positions at this match are highly coveted, and selection regularly comes<br />

down to less than apoint. <strong>Ashburton</strong>College will have anumberofcapable<br />

students being nominatedfor selection.

NEWS<br />

<strong>14</strong> <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>14</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Anzac Day services impacted by covid<br />

We willremember them ... always<br />

Anzac Day remembrance ceremonies<br />

in <strong>Ashburton</strong>will go ahead, butona<br />

smaller scale than past yearsdue to<br />

covid,RSA <strong>Ashburton</strong> president Merv<br />

Brentonsays.<br />

Thedawn service at the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Cenotaph on BaringSquareWest and<br />

theCivic Service andwreath laying will<br />

go ahead (minus the parademarch), but<br />

there will be no cemetery service.<br />

Mr Brenton saidgroups that would<br />

normally supply awreath for the civic<br />

service were asked to deliver named<br />

wreathstothe LintonLoungeatthe RSA<br />

on Sunday, <strong>April</strong> 24 between 1pm and<br />

4pm.<br />

‘‘The cadets willbelaying all wreaths.<br />

Orgroups could choosetolay their own<br />

wreathsattheir convenience after the<br />

civic serviceiscompleted,’’ he said.<br />

Groups willneed to assemble around<br />

thecenotaph, rather than in parade<br />

formation, beingmindful of others, wear<br />

masks and maintaining social<br />

distancing.<br />

There were alsolikely to be fewer<br />

services heldinthe surrounding<br />

districts, butthey would be confirmed<br />

closer to the day, he said. Some, such as<br />

theMethven Anzac Day parade and<br />

service, had already publicly cancelled.<br />

Speakers at <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s dawn service<br />

at 6.30am will include Mr Brenton and<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Cadet Unit major Cezarne<br />

Rodgers.<br />

And at theCivic Service at 11am, Mr<br />

Brenton will speak alongside <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

mayor NeilBrown as well as student<br />

leadersJack Brown and Jorja Roulston<br />

from <strong>Ashburton</strong> College.<br />

There hadbeenmanychanges ahead<br />

of the day being impacted by covid, Mr<br />

Brenton said.<br />

There will be no Anzac Day service at the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Cemetery this year.<br />

Defence force personnelnationwide,<br />

and cadet forces, were only just lastweek<br />

cleared to attend Anzac Day services in<br />

uniform, he said.<br />

Anzac Day, on <strong>April</strong> 25, is aday of<br />

national remembrance, where the nation<br />

comes together to acknowledge the men<br />

and women who have served, been<br />

injured or died in service to their<br />

country.<br />

Thedate, <strong>April</strong> 25, marks the<br />

anniversary of the landing of Australian<br />

and New Zealand soldiers ­the ANZACs<br />

­atGallipoli in 1915. Thousands lost<br />

their lives.<br />



Theannual Poppy Day street appeal<br />

will go ahead on <strong>April</strong> 22 and collectors<br />

will be out and about selling Anzac Day<br />

poppiesfor agold coin donation.<br />

Thepoppies will be sold from<br />

collectors on the streets and alsobesold<br />

from boxesalready in some businesses.<br />

RSApresident Merv Brenton urged<br />

people to getbehindthe annual<br />

fundraising event.<br />

Mr Brenton saidaround 80 percent of<br />

the referrals to RSAsupport services (a<br />

nationwide welfare network) came from<br />

friends and family who wereconcerned<br />

about their friend or partner.<br />

‘‘TheRSA aimtomakethis easier and<br />

ensure service personneland their<br />

families know we are able to help. The<br />

money raised fromthe nationalappeal<br />

goes to the RSAwelfarefund to help<br />

returned, and service personnel.’’<br />

Money raisedinMid Canterbury will<br />

stay in the district and support peoplein<br />

need, he said.<br />

The RSA’s Poppy Appeal, which runs<br />

throughout <strong>April</strong>, hopes to raise<br />

awareness of New Zealand’s younger<br />

veterans while raising much needed<br />

funds for support services.<br />

Veterans today werenot acknowledged<br />

in the same waytheir predecessors were<br />

but still had avery real need forsupport.<br />

RSA nationalpresident BJ Clark said<br />

many New Zealanders did not<br />

understand that even on peacekeeping<br />

missions ourservice people can be<br />

affected mentallyand physically by both<br />

the environment they serve in,and the<br />

situations they are exposed to.<br />

‘‘They come homewith little fanfare,<br />

and return to asocietythat has no real<br />

understanding of what they’ve been part<br />

of,’’ he said.<br />

In thelast 30 years New Zealand had<br />

created over30,000 veterans under the<br />

age of 50.<br />

These menand women have served in<br />

areas fromBosniatoTimor Leste, Iraq,<br />

Afghanistan, across the Pacific and even<br />

Antarctica.<br />

While most will return to their normal<br />

lives with no issues, some will struggle to<br />

reintegrate, they might be injured or<br />

experience ongoing mental health issues<br />

as aresult of their service.<br />


www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>14</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

15<br />

Urgent call for flood protection funds<br />

New Zealanders cannot afford<br />

to bear the futureburden of<br />

increasingly severe and<br />

frequent floods posing adanger<br />

to lives andlivelihoods,<br />

Environment Canterbury says.<br />

Theregional body has aclear<br />

and urgent message following<br />

the release of areport fromTe<br />

Uru Kahika­Regionaland<br />

Unitary Councils Aotearoa,<br />

which calls fornational<br />

leadership andurgentactionto<br />

meetclimate change­induced<br />

flood hazardrisks; costs must<br />

be shared between regional<br />

councils and central<br />

government.<br />

Environment Canterbury<br />

chair Jenny Hughey said<br />

Cantabrians knew only too well<br />

the effectsofflooding.<br />

‘‘Floodsdisplacepeople from<br />

their homes, stop them<br />

reaching work, schools,<br />

medical careand families, and<br />

do untold damageto<br />

community wellbeing,” she<br />

said.<br />

‘‘Flood schemes protect not<br />

just those living and working<br />

near the rivers, buteveryone<br />

whose access to supplies,<br />

power,medicalcare, schools,<br />

workplaces, and family is<br />

impacted when roading and<br />

other critical infrastructure is<br />

damaged.’’<br />

The May/June 2021<br />

Canterburyflooding caused<br />

about $20 million of flood<br />

infrastructure damage, with<br />

$12million to be borne by<br />

ratepayers and recovery work<br />

The flooded Mid Canterbury region in May last year.<br />

expected to take up to two years<br />

to complete.<br />

“Thankfully,there was no<br />

lossoflife. The town of<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>was saved from<br />

greater damage by awelldesigned<br />

urban flood<br />

protectionscheme,but many<br />

rural landowners wereseverely<br />

affected,”she said.<br />

Infrastructure repairs are a<br />

long­term undertaking,often<br />

takingyears to complete and<br />

needtobemanagedinaddition<br />

to ongoing infrastructure<br />

maintenance.<br />

“We’ve just recently<br />

completed aseries of ‘Make it<br />

Safe’ repairworksonthe<br />

RangitataRiver and are still<br />

remediating12critically<br />

damaged sites on the lower<br />

Waitaki River,all caused by<br />

significantflooding fromback<br />


in 2019,” she said.<br />

The Te Uru Kahikareport<br />

shows the scale of Crownassets<br />

and values protected by flood<br />

protection schemes,advocating<br />

the efficient functioning of the<br />

economy and communitiesisa<br />

responsibility that mustbe<br />

shared between regional<br />

councils and central<br />

government.<br />

Devastatingflood events<br />

across the country highlighted<br />

theneed to revisit funding<br />

models, many of whichhave<br />

been in place for decades.<br />

Theestimated cost of<br />

improving the quality of<br />

protectionprovided by the<br />

schemes is significant.<br />

Currently regional and<br />

unitary councils invest about<br />

$200 millioneach year in flood<br />

protection schemes. This is<br />

estimatedtofall short of what’s<br />

neededby$150 millionper<br />

annum. Over theten years<br />

considered, that would be $1.5<br />

billion of under­investment in<br />

criticalflood protection<br />

schemes.<br />

Ashared investment today<br />

meant better protection for<br />

current andfuture generations,<br />

lower overallrecovery costs<br />

andimportantly, mitigation<br />

nowmay actuallysave lives, she<br />

said.<br />

Regional councils had<br />

demonstrated their expertise<br />

andcapability to deliver such<br />

fit­for­the­future flood<br />

protectionsolutions, Mrs<br />

Hugheysaid.<br />

“We appreciatethe one­off<br />

funding support received to<br />

date from centralgovernment<br />

to help us tackle the challenges<br />

that climatechange presents.<br />

However, thisisabout ensuring<br />

asustainable, longer­term<br />

responsetoclimate change<br />

impacts, andwe can’t rely<br />

solely on Canterbury<br />

ratepayers to fundthe<br />

necessary solutions,” shesaid.<br />


We’ve come a long way since 1983. Our firm is innovative, imaginative,<br />

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201-203 West Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

03 308 8228<br />




5BaringSquareWest, <strong>Ashburton</strong> |POBox 94, <strong>Ashburton</strong>, NewZealand 7740 | Telephone (03) 307 7700 | Website ashburtondc.govt.nz<br />

Thursday,<strong>14</strong><strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong> | ISSUE 74<br />

Newtrees to be planted on Oak Grove<br />

We’d likefeedback<br />

on twomain topics:<br />

Arow of trees on the edge ofthe<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Domain alongOak Grove<br />

is being removedthis week.<br />

The trees areamix of Milus trilobataand<br />

Betula pendula, and Council Community<br />

ServicesGroup Manager SteveFabish said<br />

they had deteriorated toapoint where it<br />

wasbettertoremove andreplant.<br />

“It’sashame as theyhavealways provided<br />

agreat show ofautumn colour over the<br />

years, but we need to do thisworknow.”<br />

Replacement trees will beplanted over<br />

winter,with the variety chosen forautumn<br />

colour and to provide shade for sports<br />

eventsinthe area.<br />

Arborists started work on Tuesday and<br />

expect totake several days to cut down<br />

about a dozen trees between Walnut<br />

Avenueand the tenniscourts. The stumps<br />

will be ground outatalatertime.<br />

Peoplewalking,cycling and driving along<br />

Oak Grove should exercise caution and<br />

followsigns put out by contractors around<br />

the work zone.<br />

Awards will recognise youth volunteers<br />

VolunteeringMid&SouthCanterbury<br />

and <strong>Ashburton</strong> Youth Council have<br />

worked together torecognise the<br />

work of youthvolunteersthrough a<br />

new awards event.<br />

Manager of Volunteering Mid & South<br />

Canterbury Dellwyn Moylan said young<br />

people gave their time across adiverse<br />

range of roles and the awards would<br />

recognise their inspiring and selfless work.<br />

There are three categories that<br />

organisations,workplacesandschoolscan<br />

nominate young people in: Community<br />

and Social service, Cultural and<br />

Environmental and Sport volunteering.<br />

The young person must beaged 25 or<br />

underatthe timeofnomination.<br />

Nominations for the awards will be<br />

accepted until <strong>14</strong>May and anevening to<br />

present the awards is planned in June.<br />

Nomination forms are available from<br />

Community House Mid Canterbury, 44<br />

CassStreet,<strong>Ashburton</strong>,andMethveniHub,<br />

160 Main Street, Methven, or by emailing<br />

manager-midc@vmsc.org.nz.<br />


Shouldwereview our<br />

day-to-day levels of<br />

service?<br />


Shouldweuse $1.7M<br />

from our forestry<br />

reserve to payfor major<br />

roading repairs?<br />

Findout more and<br />

haveyoursay at<br />

itsourplace.nz<br />

Carolyn Cameron,Councillor<br />

Localgovernment is worth fighting for<br />

Over thelastfew years, local<br />

government has hadareducing<br />

say in thecommunities they serve<br />

-primarily driven by government<br />

ideologybut also through<br />

necessity,due to Covid-19<br />

managementpolicies.<br />

The mostobvious example is the<br />

mandatingofthe newlegislation<br />

surrounding the management of our<br />

drinking, wasteand storm water(three<br />

waters). Historically, this has been one<br />

of the roles of local government.<br />

ThisGovernment has mandatedthat<br />

the management and control of three<br />

waters be passed overtoone of four<br />

large waterentities, therebyreducing<br />

oversight from alocal perspective. How<br />

willwe(locally) influencedecisions<br />

around the management of our waters?<br />

Soon,DistrictHealthBoardswill be<br />

replacedbyHealth NewZealand and<br />

aMāori Health authority.These large<br />

corporations havebeenestablished<br />

to minimise “postcode” health (ie<br />

the quality of your care depends on<br />

whereyou live)and alsoaddress health<br />

inequities.<br />

Theywill design, deliverand<br />

commission local healthservices. This<br />

may or may notbegoodfor people<br />

in <strong>Ashburton</strong>, we don’tknow, many<br />

questions need to be answered. What<br />

we do know is thatwehavetoensure<br />

thatwewill haveaccess to quality<br />

healthcareinatimely fashion.<br />

We cangoon: TheRMA is being<br />

reviewed-overthe yearsmillions of<br />

dollarshavebeenspent on developing<br />

Districtplans, will these be irrelevant<br />

in thefuture? Waka Kotahi –the latest<br />

roundoffundingshowed<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

received asignificant reduction in<br />

roadingfunds, despitehaving one<br />

of the largest roading networks in<br />

NewZealand andhaving sustained<br />

significant damage in the floods of<br />

2021. Howdowe(again from alocal<br />

level) influencethis?<br />

This is along-winded wayofbringing<br />

me to my point.The role of local<br />

government is alsounder review. What<br />

will it looklikeinthe future? Will the<br />

role of local governmentberemoved<br />

or reduced?Will local government<br />

also be “cut back”sothatweare more<br />

removedfromdecision makersand<br />

lose the right to choose howweinvest<br />

in ourcommunity,losethe ability to<br />

make decisions as to howwewant to<br />

livelocally?<br />

Localgovernment ensures there is<br />

aconduittohow we caninfluence<br />

decisions that impactusinour<br />

community,and our communityhas a<br />

strong and accessible localgovernment.<br />

We all need to protectit, to participate<br />

in decisions andhaveour say.<br />

Thismeans participating fully<br />

in consultation,giving feedback<br />

and comment to your council<br />

representatives and making sure they<br />

reflectyour concerns.<br />

The Annual Planisout forreview.<br />

Thisisagreatopportunity to make<br />

sureweunderstand the directionyou<br />

want forthe <strong>Ashburton</strong> District and to<br />

exercise your righttocontributetothe<br />

management of the <strong>Ashburton</strong>District<br />

Council.<br />

1 Thursday,<strong>14</strong><strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong> |ISSUE 74<br />


Litter-free crew sets sightsonMelrose Rd<br />

Litter-Free <strong>Ashburton</strong> is holding<br />

aspecial pick-up litter day in the<br />

school holidays and hopes families<br />

will join themonamissiontoclean<br />

up asectionofMelrose Road by the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>River.<br />

Thegroup meets on the second Thursday<br />

of the month to pick up litteraround town<br />

but is organising anextra collection on<br />

Thursday 21 <strong>April</strong>totackleMelrose Road.<br />

Litter-Free <strong>Ashburton</strong> spokesperson Bev<br />

Skates said families with school-aged<br />

children had asked if theycould help the<br />

group. “These families said they could<br />

helpduringtheschoolholidayssowe have<br />

organised this extramission.<br />

“We know Melrose Road is a popular<br />

Newclosing times for<br />

EA Networks Centrepools<br />

EA Networks Centre is introducing<br />

new closing times for its pools<br />

and aquatic area, tohelp reduce<br />

operating costs for ratepayers and<br />

better reflectpatternsofuse.<br />

From Tuesday 26<strong>April</strong>, the pools, sauna<br />

and spawillclose twohoursearlier at 7pm<br />

on weekdays and 5pm in the weekends.<br />

Closingtimes forthe stadium will remain<br />

thesame,whilegym hoursare also under<br />

reviewand could changeinthe future.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council Chief Executive<br />

Hamish Riach said Covid-19 had changed<br />

the way people exercised and the facility<br />

needed to ensure itran cost-effectively<br />

by matching its services with community<br />

demand. Recent data had shown thatonly<br />

asmall handful of peoplewereusing the<br />

facility in thefinal hoursofthe day.<br />

“Like many other businesses and<br />

recreation centres around the country,<br />

Covid has had abig impact on the EA<br />

Networks Centre and putpressureonour<br />

budgets. Closing slightly earlier makes<br />

good financial sense, while retaining a<br />

high level ofservice for the majority of<br />

visitors andour community.”<br />

The new hours will require some<br />

reshuffling, withevening aquacise classes<br />

moved toanearlier timeslot. The swim<br />

school will be unaffected bythe changes<br />

and the poolwill be able to stay openlate<br />

forevent bookings and swim meets.<br />

“Despiteinflation, we’vemanaged to hold<br />

spot for illegal dumpers, and household<br />

rubbishandgardenwasteisoftendumped<br />

amongst theblackberryandundergrowth.<br />

There’salsothe rubbishthatresultsfrom<br />

impromptu parties or picnics, where<br />

people have just tossed their bottles and<br />

food wrappersonthe ground.”<br />

Mrs Skates said the layby area where<br />

rubbish was aproblem is at the end of<br />

Melrose Road nearthe river.<br />

our charges steady formany users, but the<br />

centreissupported by ratessoweneed to<br />

be practical about how it operates.”<br />

Mr Riach said EA Networks Centre<br />

members had been emailed about the<br />

newhoursand advertising wasunder way<br />

to update casual customers and visitors.<br />

“Weappreciate it will take time forpeople<br />

to get used to the change, and there will<br />

be agrace period overthe first week so we<br />

can talk to customers who prefer to visit<br />

laterinthe evenings.”<br />

He saidthe centreremained an important<br />

assetfor the districtand staffwereexcited<br />

aboutthe possibilityofintroducing some<br />

newprogrammes during the day.<br />

“We'realso preparing adetailedbusiness<br />

and marketing plan for the facility to<br />

supportgrowth in the future, reacttonew<br />

trendsand attractnew users.”<br />

Pool, Spa and Sauna hours from 26<strong>April</strong><br />

<strong>2022</strong>:<br />

• Weekdays–5.45am to 7pm<br />

• Weekends–7amto5pm<br />

Holiday craftshitthe road<br />

Council’s popular school holiday<br />

outreach programmes, this time<br />

involvingpainting and propagating,<br />

will run in Rakaia and Methven in the<br />

secondweekofthe school holidays.<br />

The programme involves the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Public Library, <strong>Ashburton</strong> Museum and<br />

Art Gallery, Eco Educate, Forest and Bird,<br />

and Wellbeing Opuke-people will be able<br />

to give kowhai propagating ago, make<br />

agratitude box, paint on acollaborative<br />

canvas and even make their own pet toy<br />

out of recycled materials.<br />

Morethan 115 children and 30 adultshave<br />

taken part in theoutreach programmes in<br />

pastschool holidays.<br />

The Rakaia session will beatthe Rakaia<br />

Community Centre onThursday 28 <strong>April</strong>,<br />

from 10am until 1pm. The Methven<br />

session will be atthe Mt Hutt Memorial<br />

Hall Methven on Friday 29 <strong>April</strong>, from<br />

10am until 1pm.<br />

Bookings canbemade through the library<br />

or via Wellbeing Opuke's Facebook page.<br />

“We would like toclean up this spot and<br />

we’d love to seelotsof families come and<br />

help us inthe school holidays.”<br />

Community Services Group Manager<br />

Steve Fabish said Council was pleased<br />

to support Litter-Free <strong>Ashburton</strong>, whose<br />

good work contributed to the imageofthe<br />

town.<br />

“Theyareavolunteergroupmakingagreat<br />

difference,withtheaddedbonusofgetting<br />

people out in the fresh air and making new<br />

friendswhile doingacommunity service.”<br />

People wanting to helpshouldwear solid<br />

footwear and meet at the river end of<br />

Melrose Road at 1.30pm onThursday 21<br />

<strong>April</strong>. Litter-Free <strong>Ashburton</strong> will provide<br />

bags andgloves.<br />




<strong>Ashburton</strong> District Councilgives public<br />

notice of aproposaltotemporarily<br />

close roads to ordinaryvehicletraffic<br />

to enablethe holdingofacommunity<br />

event–<strong>Ashburton</strong>Car Club “Street<br />

Sprints”.<br />

Roads proposed to be closed:<br />









STREET to theend of the street<br />



PeriodofClosure: From 7.30pm, Friday<br />

6May <strong>2022</strong>until8pm,Sunday 8May<br />

<strong>2022</strong><br />

RANGESTREET: From 6pmFriday6<br />

May<strong>2022</strong>until 6am,Sunday 8May<br />

<strong>2022</strong><br />

Detourswill be available on adjacent<br />

streets andthese will be signposted.<br />

This proposed closure is made under the<br />

LocalGovernmentAct 1974 -Schedule<br />

10 (11(e)) andwill be consideredatthe<br />

COUNCILMEETINGon20 <strong>April</strong><strong>2022</strong>.<br />

Anypersonobjectingtothe proposal<br />

shouldlodge notice of their objection<br />

andthe groundsfor their objectionin<br />

writing by postoremail to theCouncil,5<br />

BaringSquareWest, <strong>Ashburton</strong> by 4pm,<br />

Friday 15 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong>.<br />


Infrastructure Services Group Manager<br />


Biketip: Positionyourself to be seen.<br />

Ride in apositionwhereyou cansee<br />

others and others cansee you. Keep a<br />

steady lineand avoid blindspots.<br />

Onlyride as<br />

farleft as it<br />

feelssafe<br />

to do so.<br />

Maintaina<br />

steady lineso<br />

drivers can<br />

predict your<br />

movements.<br />


Meetings areatCouncil Chambers,<br />

137Havelock Street,unlessspecified<br />

Council meeting, Wednesday20<strong>April</strong>,<br />

1pm (livestreamed)<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Water Zone Committee,<br />

Tuesday26<strong>April</strong>,1pm<br />



Kerbsidecollections –EasterFriday<br />

collections willbecollected on Saturday<br />

16<strong>April</strong>.Noothercollectionswill be<br />

affected overthe Easter andANZAC Day<br />

period.<br />

Rakaia ResourceRecoveryPark –<br />

Closed15<strong>April</strong>,16<strong>April</strong>, 18<strong>April</strong> and 25<br />

<strong>April</strong> (ANZAC Day).<br />

MethvenGreen Wastedrop-off –<br />

Closed17<strong>April</strong>.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Resource Recovery Park –<br />

Closed15<strong>April</strong> and18<strong>April</strong>.<br />



Gas cylinderscannot be put into yellow<br />

wheelie bins forrecycling,orleft<br />

alongsideany wheeliebins at the kerb for<br />

collection.Gas cylinders canbedropped<br />

off at any resource recovery park forfree.<br />




Pursuant to the LocalGovernmentAct<br />

1974 and the Transport (Vehicular Traffic<br />

Road Closure)Regulations1965, notice<br />

is hereby giventhatthe <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

District Council and NZ Transport<br />

Agency,for the purpose of allowing<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Returned andServices’<br />

Association to hold ANZAC Day services,<br />

proposes to close the following roadsto<br />

ordinaryvehiculartrafficfor the period<br />

indicated hereunder.<br />

Roads proposed to be closed:<br />

• HAVELOCK STREET,fromParkStreet<br />

to East Street intersection<br />


Havelock Street to Cameron Street<br />

• SH1(WESTSTREET), from Wills<br />

Street to Burnett Street<br />

• CAMERON STREET,fromWestStreet<br />

to Park Street<br />

Periods of Closure: From 6.00amto<br />

8.30pmand 10.00am to 12.30pmon<br />

Monday,25<strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong>.<br />

Any person objectingtothe proposal<br />

is called upon to lodgenoticeoftheir<br />

objection and groundsthereof in writing<br />

or email to Council by 4.00 pm, Friday<br />

15 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong>.<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong>District Council<br />

InfrastructureServices Group Manager<br />


Waka Kotahi NZTASystemManager<br />


5Baring Square West<br />

Mon, Tue, Wed&Fri8.30am -5pm<br />

Thursday9am -5pm<br />


180HavelockStreet, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 7700<br />

Mon-Fri 9.00am -8.00pm<br />

Sat10am -1pm | Sun 1pm -4pm<br />


20 River Terrace<br />

Mon -Fri 6.00am -9.00pm<br />

Sat&Sun7.00am-7.00pm<br />



327WestStreet<br />

10am-4pm daily.Closed Public Holidays.<br />

ashburtondc.govt.nz Thursday,<strong>14</strong><strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong> |ISSUE 74<br />


NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>14</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

18<br />

GNews joins<br />

The <strong>Courier</strong><br />

The <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong> is<br />

pleased to welcome The<br />

Geraldine News (GNews) which<br />

from this week will be included<br />

as an insert in The <strong>Courier</strong>.<br />

GNews has been keeping the<br />

Geraldine community up­todate<br />

since 1992.<br />

Owners Hugh and Fi<br />

McCafferty continue to nurture<br />

and champion the values of<br />

their local community, and are<br />

excited about this new chapter<br />

for their paper.<br />

The GNews paper is filled<br />

with news and information<br />

from Geraldine and its<br />

surrounds to keep us informed<br />

on what’s happening south of<br />

the Rangitata River. Enjoy!<br />

Feel the need for speed?<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Aviation Museum is<br />

holding afundraiser movie night<br />

at the RegentCinema on May25.<br />

The new action flyingfilm Top<br />

Gun Maverick,starring Tom<br />

Cruise,willbescreened at<br />

7.30pm.<br />

Tickets cost $20 andthe<br />

museumcommittee is hoping to<br />

fillthe cinema.<br />

For ticket inquiries contact<br />

Dennis(027222 1281).<br />


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TheCredit RatingExemptionNoticemeans that MCFhas notreceivedanindependent opinion of itscapability andwillingness to repayits debt from an approvedsource.<br />

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Mid Canty United score five<br />

Mid Canterbury United’s senior team smacked<br />

five goals past Parklands at <strong>Ashburton</strong>Domain<br />

on Saturday and claimed their first points of the<br />

season.<br />

Playing in the Canterbury Premiership, the<br />

second highest league in the region, thehome<br />

side beat thevisitors 5­4 in aclose encounter.<br />

On aglorious day forfootball, Mid Canterbury<br />

edged the first half after going agoal behind and<br />

went in 2­1 thankstogoals from sharp shooter<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

June 9, 10, 13, <strong>14</strong>, 15<br />

July <strong>14</strong>, 15, 18, 19<br />

Luke Martin.<br />

Both teams foughthard on the excellent<br />

playing surface and after athird Mid<br />

Canterbury goal from JoelChand,Parklands<br />

steadily found asecond windand got back into<br />

thegame with goals of their own.<br />

Nic Eden scored for Mid Canterbury before<br />

later hobbling off and thescoredwerethen<br />

levelat4­4.<br />

In atense finish to the action packedgame<br />

the homeside was awarded acontroversial<br />

penaltythat wastucked away by Millar<br />

McLauchlan to finishoffthe visitors.<br />

The game featured injuriestoanumberof<br />

players from both sides and two Mid<br />

Canterburyplayers hobbled off.<br />

Mid Canterburylost its first gameofthe<br />

season 5­1toBurwoodand next plays<br />

Universities at Walter Park in Christchurch<br />

this Saturday.<br />

SPORT<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>14</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

19<br />

Stacey Judd, Lorraine McGregor, Nicci Glanville, Michelle Stanley<br />

and Russell McGregor were among the gymnasts from Dynamic<br />

Gymnastic Sports.<br />


Trampolinists<br />

onthepodium<br />

2474135<br />

Mid Canterbury United left back Ben Sutton<br />

(red and blue) drives forward with the ball in<br />

Saturday’s game.<br />


Masters trampolinists fromMid<br />

Canterbury have taken out the<br />

top spots in theTrampoline<br />

Under40classes first national<br />

qualifier andTCI two day event<br />

held at ICETrampoline Sports<br />

in Rangiora.<br />

Day onesaw Dynamic<br />

Gymnastic Sports members<br />

Russell MacGregor win gold<br />

honours, Stacey Judd silver and<br />

Lorraine Stewart bronze.<br />

MacGregor also took goldin<br />

the Double Mini Trampoline<br />

(DMT)Under 40 class.<br />

Dynamic Gymnastics owner<br />

Nicci Glanville hadahat­trick<br />

of over 40 age group successes.<br />

Shewon goldinthe DMT,<br />

silverinthe trampoline, and<br />

bronzeingymnastics.<br />

Therewas also group<br />

success in the synchro class<br />

wheremasters gymnasts<br />

teamed up with ajunior<br />

partner;StaceyJuddand<br />

Addison Judd teamedupto<br />

winsilver, and Michelle<br />

Stanleyand Laura Stanley<br />

wonbronze.<br />

In the junior agegroup<br />

events Finleigh Glanvillealso<br />

wonsilverintrampoline<br />

NicciGlanville said it was<br />

thefirst competitionofthe<br />

year andthe clubathletes<br />

performed ‘‘extremelywell’’.<br />

They were up against<br />

gymnasts at clubsfrom<br />

Christchurch,West Melton,<br />

Dunedin,Wanaka,<br />

Invercargill andWellington.<br />

‘‘A huge congratulations to<br />

ourathleteswho achievedthe<br />

national qualifyingscores,’’<br />

she said.<br />

Theywere13­<strong>14</strong> years:<br />

FinleighGlanville(forDMT<br />

and trampoline) and Sarah<br />

Reeve(DMT);and 10 and<br />

under: SammyWood(forDMT<br />

and trampoline) and Natalie<br />

McGregor(DMT).<br />

On day two of thenational<br />

qualifier and TCI competingin<br />

trampoline andDMT for the<br />

Red Badgewomen’s class<br />

CharleeBradshawwon gold<br />

and Emma Molloy wonsilver.<br />

In the Red Badge men’sclass<br />

forthe same eventsGus<br />

Simpsonwon gold.<br />

Jack Stanleypicked upa<br />

gold win in the10and Under<br />

men'sDMT and abronzeinthe<br />

trampoline. FinleighGlanville<br />

wongoldinthe 13­<strong>14</strong>Women’s<br />

DMT class. Andinthe age<br />

group synchro events Sammy<br />

Wood andNatalie McGregor<br />

wongoldinthe 10 &under<br />

classand Sarah Reeveand<br />

Emma Armour wonbronze in<br />

the13­<strong>14</strong> agegroup.<br />

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20 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>14</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Clubs at the fore for<br />

District LionsConvention<br />

LionsDistrict 202J heldtheir<br />

annual general meeting and<br />

hybrid conventionatthe<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Trust Event Centre<br />

on Saturday 2nd <strong>April</strong>. About 15<br />

peoplewhere presentin<br />

person,while other district<br />

members watchedonline via a<br />

Zoomwebinar connection.<br />

Garth Bateup was successfulin<br />

his nomination for firstvice<br />

districtgovernor for the<br />

<strong>2022</strong>/2023 year,and Graham<br />

Edge was successful in his<br />

nomination for LloydMorgan<br />

Charitable Trust trustee.<br />

Several local clubs and Lions<br />

were recognised on the day.<br />

District governor Christine<br />

presented <strong>Ashburton</strong>Lions<br />

Club member GrahamEdge<br />

with an international<br />

presidents leadershipmedal<br />

for services to the district. On<br />

behalf of international<br />

president Douglas XAlexander<br />

certificates of appreciation<br />

were presented to firstvice<br />

districtgovernorelect Garth<br />

Bateup andcabinettreasurer<br />

Meredith Lowe. The <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

club won the DistrictYouth<br />

Award, with the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

County Lions club being runner<br />

up.<br />

Theoriginal convention was<br />

to have been held as athree day<br />

event in Methven,organised by<br />

the Methven LionsClub, with<br />

otherLions clubs around<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> assisting. This<br />

would have seen approx 150<br />

district members converge on<br />

Methven forthe weekend.<br />

District governor Christine<br />

presented the convention<br />

committee with district<br />

governor certificates of<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Lions Club member<br />

Garth Bateup, centre, receives<br />

his certificate of appreciation<br />

from 202J district governor<br />

Christine Stewart and pastinternational<br />

director Ron<br />

Luxton.<br />

appreciation.<br />

The Mayfield LionsClub<br />

editorRab McDowell won the<br />

best club bulletin award, with<br />

Rakaia LionsClub editorNicki<br />

Kelly getting an honourable<br />

mention.<br />

The Rakaia Lions club was<br />

alsopresented withaDG<br />

certificate of appreciation for<br />

qualifying to become aModel<br />

Club (the only one in our<br />

District).<br />

The <strong>Ashburton</strong> Astronomy<br />

Group<br />

The <strong>Ashburton</strong>Astronomy<br />

Group met on the 29th of March<br />

andatalk was givenby Ross<br />

HawthorneonEinstein's<br />

GeneralRelativity. Ross<br />

showed us howgravity isn't a<br />

real force and whatweperceive<br />

as gravity is really caused by<br />

the warping of space­time. He<br />

also showed howthings in orbit<br />

werenot held by gravity but<br />

werefollowing ageodesic<br />

causedbythe bending of spacetime.This<br />

is also the reason<br />

that things fall is because they<br />

are followingageodesic rather<br />

than being pulled by gravity.<br />

Friday night wastoo cloudy for<br />

the observatory so we opened<br />

up on the 8th. It was nice and<br />

clear and lots of visitors came<br />

along.<br />

Over this month andthe next<br />

month there is arare planetary<br />

alignmentinthemorning.<br />

Venus, Mars, Jupiter.Saturn<br />

and Neptunewill appear to be<br />

close to each other. We get the<br />

telescopes out on the 24thof<br />

<strong>April</strong> and the moon willbeasa<br />

smallcrescent also alongside<br />

the planets.Wehaven't got<br />

enoughmagnifyingpower to<br />

see Neptune.<br />

Nextmeeting date is Tuesday<br />

26th of <strong>April</strong> in Menorlue<br />

7.30pm andnext Observatory<br />

nightis6th of May 7.30pm.<br />

Sadly the Observatory may not<br />

be there much longerasitisin<br />

the way of thecollege rebuild<br />

which would bring an endtoa<br />

greatassetofthe town.<br />

Forfurther information<br />

phoneAlistair 3089219 or Ken<br />

308 9203 or visit our Facebook<br />

page <strong>Ashburton</strong> Astronomy<br />

Group.<br />

Altrusa Club Report <strong>April</strong><br />

<strong>2022</strong><br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Altrusa celebrated<br />

its 48th birthdayon<strong>April</strong>4th,<br />

which we marked with roses<br />

fromPresident Denise, supper<br />

and birthday cake.The Altrusa<br />

District FifteenConference, in<br />

May, in PalmerstonNorth,has<br />

beenphysically cancelled but<br />

will proceed with aZoom<br />

conference. One of the annual<br />

awards we enter at this time is<br />

the Letha H. Brown Literacy<br />

Award. This yearour entry<br />

featured “Literacy Across the<br />

Generations”withAlphabet<br />

Cards for babies; aBook Marks<br />

competitionfor primaryschool<br />

children, and colourful<br />

scrapbooks for dementia<br />

patients. Donations were given<br />

to the <strong>Ashburton</strong>people of St<br />

John,<strong>Ashburton</strong> Fire Brigade,<br />

Riding for theDisabled,<br />

“Grandparents Raising<br />

Grandchildren”, andfoodbanks<br />

at StVincent de Paul andthe<br />

Salvation Army. The recent<br />

Foot Clinic was affected by<br />

covid withonly 23 clients. Our<br />

Meals on Wheels stint is<br />

approaching, with reminders<br />

for us to bevaccinated and<br />

masked.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> MSAPetanque<br />

Club<br />

We had abusy weekend on<br />

the local pistes withplayers<br />

coming from Alexandra,<br />

Dunedin,Timaru,and<br />

Christchurch. It was great to<br />

see so many local players taking<br />

partwith good results.<br />

On Saturdaythe Stephen<br />

Kyle Memorial Trophy waswon<br />

by aChristchurch team, with<br />

Nicky Foden&Richard<br />

Browne runnersup, while<br />

KarenBensdorpand partner<br />

camein3rd equal withanother<br />

couple from Christchurch. In<br />

the Trophy Consolationlocal<br />

player Lyn Whinham and her<br />

Christchurch partner were<br />

runners up. The Plate was won<br />

by Joan Healeyand her<br />

Christchurch partner with<br />

EllenPithie andPeter Marriott<br />

coming in 3rd equal with ateam<br />

from Papanui. ThePlate<br />

Consolationwas won by Jan<br />

Guilford and her Caversham<br />

partner,2nd were Linda and<br />

GraemeMillard; 3rd equal<br />

were Francie Osbornand Colin<br />

Jones,Johnny Wright and Gary<br />

Hogg.<br />

The Bowl winners were Kate<br />

&Henry Marriott, 2nd were<br />

Shona Husband andJonathan<br />

Crum; 3rdequal Mavis<br />

Thompson and her Timaru<br />

partner;CarolHoggand Trevor<br />

Nish.<br />

On Sunday the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Doubles Trophy waswon by a<br />

Christchurchteam, withChris<br />

Taylor and Richard runners up,<br />

Karen was 3rd equal with a<br />

partner andteam from<br />

Christchurch.Laniand Adelys<br />

Taraunu wererunners up in<br />

theTrophyConsolate, while<br />

Neville Bensdorp and Nicky<br />

were 3rdequal with a<br />

Christchurch team. Jan andher<br />

Caversham partnerwere 3rd<br />

equalwithJohnny and<br />

Jonathan in thePlate.<br />

ThePlate Consolate was won<br />

by Linda andGraeme, with<br />

Ellenand Joanrunners up.<br />

Ashort break fromlocal<br />

tournaments until May, butwe<br />

remindyou that we are trialling<br />

Saturday afternoon play from<br />

23 <strong>April</strong>.Just turn up to 115<br />

Racecourse Road where<br />

equipment andtuition is<br />

available.Thisisinaddition to<br />

ourTuesdayand ThursdayClub<br />

Days.See you thereat1pm.<br />

Keep safe when<br />

digging or moving<br />

equipment<br />

Underground cables and overheadpower lines areeasyto<br />

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If you do make contact with live lines,callEANetworkson<br />

0800 430 460 immediately and stay stilluntil help arrives.<br />

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THE<br />

geraldinenews<br />


THURSDAY, <strong>14</strong>APRIL, <strong>2022</strong> |16,000+ copies distributed with the <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong><br />

view online at gnews.co.nz<br />

Raukāpuka Store co-owner Jigs Agaja surveys passing traffic outside his shop on McKenzie Street. PHOTO: Debbie Oliver<br />

McKenzie Street traffic speed aconcern<br />

Therecent launchofthe GeraldineCommunity<br />

Board strategic plan project is timely for<br />

RaukāpukaStore ownersJigsand BeenaAgaja.<br />

They have raised concerns aboutthe speedof<br />

passing traffic on McKenzie Street.<br />

Jigs says, Our concern is growing, both<br />

from the traffic coming into town from the<br />

north and, once [northbound] cars pass over<br />

the bridge, drivers thinking it is ahigher speed<br />

than 50km.<br />

Beenasays, Trying to cross the roadanywhere<br />

along this street can be very hard. With the<br />

bend just after the bridge, vehicles can quickly<br />

approach when customers, especiallychildren,<br />

are trying to cross.<br />

We have had customers comment on this<br />

problem too, adds Jigs. For the safety of all<br />

our residents, we would lovetosee apedestrian<br />

crossingalong our streetsomewhere. We realise<br />

this is aState Highway, and it would involve<br />

the Land Transport Agency(WakaKotahi NZ),<br />

but thisisour suggestion that we willbewriting<br />

on the strategic plan. We hope it is taken into<br />

serious consideration.<br />

Not onlywould amarked crossingmakeit<br />

saferfor people to cross the road, hopefully, with<br />

the visibilty of the crossing and approaching signs,<br />

it would also reduce speed amongdrivers.<br />

Jigs and Beena encourage other locals<br />

concerned about McKenzie Street traffic to<br />

submit their feedback to the strategic plan<br />

(see form on page 4). DEBBIE OLIVER<br />

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Virtual assemblies an unexpected Covid spinoff<br />

Students at Geraldine High School are used<br />

to their peers leading assemblies. However,<br />

Deputy Principal Richard Harvey says that<br />

Covid has encouraged students to take it to<br />

the next level with the introduction of virtual<br />

assemblies.<br />

Richard says that there are two virtual<br />

assemblies amonth.One is staff-led,and although<br />

it does feature brief video clips, he says, the<br />

student-produced assemblies have raised the<br />

bar. Edited by MacDonald House leader Maia<br />

Mahuika, they include music andgraphiceffects.<br />

...Itisamazing what they cando. They are used<br />

to creating content on platforms like TikTok.<br />

Its alldoneontheir phones.<br />

Footage includes documentary-style reports<br />

in and around the school, reports from home<br />

or local cafés on days students arerequired to<br />

work from home, parodies of advertisements<br />

and gameshows, and afull report onschool<br />

sports, including drone shots. Richard says,<br />

Anecdotal feedback suggests that we should<br />

includesome of this material when we can get<br />

back to being together at live assemblies.<br />


Amelia McKeown andWill Wilsontry their hand at being reporters. PHOTO:VirtualAssembly screengrab

WHĀRANGI 2|NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |TAITE, <strong>14</strong>PAENGA-WHĀWHĀ, <strong>2022</strong><br />


Posted on the Geraldine High SchoolFacebookpage as<br />

GNews went to printonTuesday: Not evenadownpour can<br />

stop GHS students from delivering the Easter gifts to our<br />

community! Goodonyou girls. HappyEastereveryone.<br />

To those who live well to the north ofGeraldine, you<br />

may be surprised to see our little paper falling out of<br />

the <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>. Weare grateful tothe team<br />

for including us in their print run. The win for usisa<br />

betterdealfor printing and distribution in light of the<br />

recent crisis in the paper industry. We hope that the<br />

win for you is interesting information about the<br />

Geraldine area. Come and visit us soon.<br />

Our regulars will notice that we have slimmed<br />

down from our usual 12 pages. The sizeofthe Geraldine<br />

News, i.e. the number of pages we print each week,<br />

is determined by the amount of advertising placed -<br />

and the adjustment canonly be made in increments<br />

of four pages,whichfeels likeasudden gear change.<br />

The announcement last week brought toour<br />

attention the issue of severalhouseholds not receiving<br />

the <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>. Weare working with their<br />

distribution team on ways to improve the coverage<br />

within Geraldine township.For the tech-savvy, we can<br />

be found online at gnews.co.nz. We know its not the<br />

same without the smell of the ink, but from reading<br />

other publications this way, we know you can get<br />

used to it.<br />

Here atHQ, we have been referring to this weeks<br />

GNews as the Covid edition, withbothofuscontinuing<br />

to work on the paper despite being locked upin<br />

isolation. Fortunately,ours havebeenrelatively mild<br />

cases, but our thanks goout to all the offers of help<br />

and support and those who have made muchappreciated<br />

doorstep deliveries. These are some of<br />

the qualities that Property Brokers are looking for in<br />

aGeraldine Gem (see story this page), sodont be<br />

surprised if you find yourself nominated.<br />

As well as being Good Friday forChristians, 15 <strong>April</strong><br />

is the beginning of Passover (Pesach) for our Jewish<br />

friends. HappyEaster, Chag PesachSameach;enjoy<br />

the holiday break. HUGH AND FI<br />

Dont be alarmed, <br />

You are looking for Jesus<br />

the Nazarene, whowas<br />

crucified. He has risen!<br />

He is not here. Seethe<br />

place where they laid him.<br />

MARK 16:6 (NIV)<br />


NEWS: hugh@gnews.co.nz | 027 920 8751<br />

ADS: ads@gnews.co.nz | 027 899 0703<br />

DISPLAY ADDEADLINE: 5pm Friday<br />

CLASSIFIED DEADLINE: 12pm Monday<br />

PUBLIC HOLIDAYS: 5pm previous business day<br />

ADDRESS: 24 Hislop Street, Geraldine<br />

HOURS: Monday-Friday 10am-4pm<br />

Whileevery effortismade to ensurethe accuracy of informationinthispublication,<br />

GNews doesnot accept anyresponsibility for errors or omissions,orfor anyconsequences<br />

arisingfromreliance on information published. The content of submittedmaterial<br />

is not necessarily endorsed by the owners. The editor reserves the right to make<br />

decisions on publication of stories and the quality/suitability ofsubmitted ads.<br />

We want to celebrate the unsung heroes in our community and lift the spirits of those that may have been having<br />

achallenging time, says Property Brokers Getchen Gould. PHOTO: Shutterstock<br />

Hunt on for Geraldines hidden gems<br />

Property Brokers Geraldine has recently<br />

launched Geraldine Gems, an initiative<br />

to acknowledge and uplift those in our<br />

community who might otherwise go<br />

unrecognised.<br />

Sales consultant GretchenGould says,<br />

We have had this idea for awhile now,<br />

atake-off of the TV1 Good Sorts show,<br />

really. We are all exhausted after the<br />

doom and gloom of lockdowns sowe<br />

want to celebrate the unsung heroes in<br />

our community and lift the spirits of<br />

those that may have been having a<br />

challenging time.<br />

ConsultantAnna Coleman says, We<br />

love giving back to the community, and<br />

we see this assomething that the<br />

community can be part of. Weare also<br />

supporting local businesses by purchasing<br />

gifts; as usual, the Geraldine business<br />

community are happy tosupport this<br />

with theirgenerosity.<br />

Each month acall will go out on the<br />

Property Brokers Geraldine Facebook<br />

page, inviting locals to nominate the<br />

hidden gems in our community.<br />

In March, PropertyBrokers presented<br />

the inaugural Geraldine Gem with a<br />

bouquet and agift from local gift shop<br />

Joosh. Preferring to remain anonymous,<br />

the recipient wassomeone going through<br />

achallenging time but, despite that, still<br />

served the Geraldine community with a<br />

smile.<br />

Consultant Kiriwai Bishop says,<br />

It really is somethingthat relates to our<br />

Property Brokers values; we are proud<br />

to be provincial and proud to give back<br />

Geraldine<br />

Gem<br />

to our community. We are absolutely<br />

delightedtobebringing adose of happiness<br />

to our lovely town each month.<br />

BranchadministratorCatherine Allen<br />

says,We think thisisagreat waytostart<br />

apositive ripple throughout our district.<br />

Encouraging people to think about and<br />

appreciate each other in good times and<br />

difficult times is how we grow our<br />

community spirit. Its also abit of fun.<br />

We cant do this without locals getting<br />

involved, so come on, Geraldine, lets<br />

celebrate those gems among us who<br />

deserve to shine.<br />

To nominate aGeraldine Gem, visit<br />

the Property Brokers Geraldine Facebook<br />

page, email geraldine@pb.co.nz, drop<br />

into the Talbot Street office, or call<br />

03 693 1315. DEBBIE OLIVER<br />

Callingforall nominations!<br />

Likeandshareour Geraldine Gem Facebook post then email your nomination details,<br />

includingasummaryofwhy you are nominating yourperson to geraldine@pb.co.nz<br />

or popinto the branchto fill inanomination form (all information will be confidential).<br />

Come on Geraldine -let’s celebratethoseamong us who deservetoshine!<br />

Property Brokers Geraldine |1Talbot Street,Geraldine | P 03 6931315<br />

pb.co.nz<br />

Property Brokers Ltd Licensed REAA 2008<br />


THURSDAY, <strong>14</strong>APRIL, <strong>2022</strong> |GERALDINE NEWS |PAGE 3<br />

Our Wilson Street office is permanently<br />

staffed and offers legal services to clients in<br />

the Geraldine and surrounding areas.<br />

Under the Red Level Covid-19<br />

Protection Framework,<br />

the office is open Monday to Friday from<br />

8.30am to 5.30pm, byappointment only.<br />

Contact us on 03 693 8207 to make an in-person<br />

or contact-less appointment with one of our team,<br />

to discuss all your legal matters.<br />

Phone 03693 8207 or email@gressons.co.nz<br />

or visit our website: www.gressons.co.nz<br />

Tranz Alpine Scooter Safari riders Kirsten Hayes, Karen Pace, and Sue Stewart. PHOTO: Jan Finlayson<br />

Scooter Safari to benefit Cancer Society<br />

Itsawin-win, Geraldine woman Karen<br />

Pace says of the Tranz Alpine Scooter<br />

Safari (TASS), which raises fundsfor the<br />

Cancer Society. Well do our bit -and<br />

well have fun along the way.<br />

She and fellow locals Kirsten Hayes<br />

andSue Stewart are riding in the biennial<br />

250-kilometre Christchurch-Hokitika<br />

odyssey astride50cc scooterson 21 May.<br />

The hundreds of festively decked-out<br />

scooters are always well-supported as<br />

they tackletheapproximatelyeight-hour<br />

challenge. The last seven safaris have<br />

raised atotal of nearly $1.5 million.<br />

Aside from being agreat funding<br />

generator, TASS is agesture of solidarity<br />

with cancer patients. Kirsten says, Its<br />

a challenge. You go in the rain or snow,<br />

or whatever weather. Its supposed to be<br />

slow. Its long. Like how having cancer<br />

treatment is long.<br />

The <strong>2022</strong> event is alsoachance to help<br />

the Cancer Society make up ground lost<br />

duetothepandemic. Sue, whose Hokitikabased<br />

son George will join them inthe<br />

challenge, says, WithCovid,the Cancer<br />

Society has struggled with fundraising,<br />

yettheyre so dependent on it.<br />

Shes riding a Can-Am scooterloaned<br />

by the Tribal Nations motorcycle club<br />

and has received $824 in donations<br />

already. On aco-owned Forza Capri,<br />

Kirsten has raised$486 so far, and Karen,<br />

who has bought herself a long-coveted<br />

Vespa, has amassed$673.<br />

Whiletheyre all well pastthe Safaris<br />

minimum $250 donation threshold for<br />

start-lineeligibility, which is additional<br />

to the events entry fee, theyre determined<br />

to drum up plenty more cash.<br />

Karen says, We welcome any donations,<br />

or if any businesses would like to sponsor<br />

us, were happy to do some branding.<br />

Well fly the flag for anyone who wants<br />

to give to the Cancer Society.<br />

Between now and the start line, the<br />


three will be familiar figures on local<br />

roads, getting used to tackling hills with<br />

just 50cc to call on. Theyll also work on<br />

developing along-haul scooter riders<br />

approach to traffic, road conditions, rain,<br />

concentration, and optimum clothing<br />

choices (watch out for fancy-dress test<br />

runs).<br />

Kirsten says, Initially, Iliked the idea<br />

of the challenge because Id turned 50<br />

and wanted to do something special <br />

But then, my motherwas diagnosed with<br />

cancer. Cancer touches everybody. Its<br />

become a bigger thing. Ithink part of<br />

your life should be that you give back.<br />

To donate to any or all of the womens<br />

Tranz Alpine Scooter Safari challenges,<br />

go to scootersafari.org.nz and search<br />

for them by name. To sponsorthe women<br />

collectivelyorindividually, contact Karen<br />

on 027 7470732, Kirstenon027 3083272,<br />

or Sue on 021 1623495. JAN FINLAYSON<br />




PHOTO:Shutterstock<br />

No change toEaster trading policy<br />

On Wednesday of last week,Timaru<br />

District Council Corporate Planner<br />

Ann Fitzgerald reportedtothose who<br />

had made submissions on Easter<br />

trading,The mayor and councillors<br />

have read and considered the<br />

submissions received, whichexpressed<br />

both supportfor retaining and support<br />

for revoking the policy.<br />

At ameeting on 5<strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong>,<br />

councildiscussedthe options of either<br />

retaining, amending or revoking the<br />

current [Local] Easter Sunday[Shop]<br />

Trading Policy.<br />

Following deliberations Council<br />

decided to retain the [policy] which<br />

permits shop trading on Easter Sunday<br />

throughout the Timaru District.<br />


Developing the regions<br />


since 1978<br />

Freephone 0508 227 237<br />

Bruce 027 449 7259<br />

Email admin@barbergroup.co.nz<br />

CURRY OF THE DAY $16<br />

*<br />





7TALBOT STREET |PH03693 8877<br />

TUESDAY : Beef Vindaloo<br />

WEDNESDAY : Chana Masala<br />

THURSDAY : Lamb Post<br />

FRIDAY : Veg Madras<br />

SATURDAY : Dal Tadka<br />

SUNDAY : Keema Pav<br />



VEGAN<br />


Easter treats<br />

TheOld Post Office<br />

Geraldine •Open 7days<br />

PHONE 03 6939070<br />


WHĀRANGI 4|NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |TAITE, <strong>14</strong>PAENGA-WHĀWHĀ, <strong>2022</strong><br />



GOD SPOT<br />


PHOTO: geraldine.nz<br />



MacyOliver with151 packets containing 906 hot cross buns<br />

to be delivered to supporters of her highland dancing<br />

fundraiser. PHOTO Debbie Oliver<br />

Buns abittersweet reminder<br />

Oneapenny twoapennyhotcross buns.Sowent the<br />

vendors street cry inGeorgian England, acry which,<br />

according to the Oxford EnglishDictionary, goes back<br />

to at least 1733. But the origin ofthe buns goes back<br />

further.<br />

Wikipedia tells us of the theory that the hot cross<br />

bun originates from StAlbans, inEngland, where, in<br />

1361, Brother Thomas Rocliffe, a<strong>14</strong>th-century monk at<br />

St Albans Abbey, developed asimilar recipe called an<br />

Alban Bun and distributed the bun to the local poor<br />

on Good Friday. However, in post-reformation England,<br />

signing buns with the cross was dismissed as popery,<br />

so the tradition seems to have gone underground.<br />

Most European countrieshaveaformofEaster bread.<br />

However, Britain and its former coloniesare unique in<br />

associatingthebread withGood Friday.Now available<br />

at any time of the year, itwas once restricted bylaw<br />

to Good Friday and certain other times.<br />

While wenow eat them for the deep theological<br />

reason that we like them, an underlying theological<br />

message is attached. As aformof bread, there is alink<br />

to the breadbrokenatthe Last Supper and the bread<br />

shared at Holy Communion. The cross reminds usof<br />

the cross on which Jesus died on the first Good Friday.<br />

The bitterness of the orange peel is areminder of Jesus<br />

suffering. Thespicesare to remind us of the spices used<br />

to anoint his body before burial.<br />

The ambiguous tasteofthe sweetand spicyconcoction<br />

speakstomeofthe ambiguityofthe day we call Good<br />

Friday,onwhichavery bad thing happenedbut which<br />

brought salvation intothe world. Just howthat all works<br />

has been the subjectofscholarly debatefor centuries.<br />

As for me, in the words ofAnselm of Canterbury (1033-<br />

1109), Credo ut intellegam -Ibelieve that Imay understand<br />

-not the otherway around. HUGH MCCAFFERTY<br />




earrings, bangles, necklaces and rings now instore<br />

40A Talbot St, Geraldine |Carolyn 027 305 3000<br />

carolyn@mcatamneygallery.co.nz www.mcatamneygallery.co.nz<br />

Products, gift vouchers and bookings available<br />

online at www.nailcreations.co or in salon<br />

Extensions |Manicures |Gel polish |Nail Strengthening |Nail Art<br />




027 248 8384<br />

www.nailcreations@outlook.co<br />




THURSDAY, <strong>14</strong>APRIL, <strong>2022</strong> |GERALDINE NEWS |PAGE 5<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />


GPS Whānau Group Leaders <strong>2022</strong> (FROM LEFT): Row 1:Amalie Tozer, Damon Belsham, Sam Harvey, Macaulay Cleverley, and Macy<br />

Oliver. Row 2: Tyla Patterson, Finn Wilcox, Ollie Christensen, and Justina Courage. Row 3:Charlotte Taylor, Alex Newcombe, and<br />

Eve Upton. Row 4: Myra Martin, Adele Stack, Paris McRae, and Shantelle Parker.<br />

GPS choose Whānau Group Leaders<br />

Each yearsince 2018,Geraldine Primary<br />

School (GPS) hasselected up to fourYear<br />

6students from each Whānau Group -<br />

Whero (red), Kakariki (green), Kowhai<br />

(yellow), Kahurangi (blue) -to be the<br />

group leaders. Interested students put<br />

forward an application in the form of a<br />

letter, email, slide show,orvideo.<br />

GPS teacherSarah Strowger, coordinator<br />

ofthe whānau leaders,says, The whānau<br />

leaders at GeraldinePrimaryare involved<br />

in anumber of different activities and<br />

roles to show leadership in our school.<br />

Oneoftheir primaryrolesistoorganise<br />

activities for their whānau group.<br />

We usually do this at least once a<br />

term, but unfortunately, due to different<br />

breaktimes andonly mixing in our year<br />

groups, we have not beenabletodoany<br />

this term. Things wehave done inthe<br />

pastinclude organising sportsgames and<br />

learning how to adapt these for all age<br />

groups. We have also hadwhānau jump<br />

jam or reading astory.<br />

Each year, we trytohave an artproject<br />

displayedinthe school,sometimes tied in<br />

withdifferent celebrations such as Matariki.<br />

Our leaders also welcome students into<br />

school assemblies and convey student voice<br />

to amember of staff.<br />

We lookforward to gettingintosome<br />

activities when school returns to some<br />

sort of normality. Iamsure our leaders<br />

will have other ideas of what to do in our<br />

yeargroups if we remaininred for along<br />

period. DEBBIE OLIVER<br />



We will remember them<br />

Poppy Day is one ofNew Zealand’s oldest<br />

street collections, started in 1922 to raise funds<br />

to help WWI veterans in dire need get back<br />

home from Europe.<br />

Today there are over 30,000 veterans under<br />

the age of 50. The money raised on Poppy Day<br />

is not just for hearing aids and false teeth.<br />

Today’s veteran has complex, sometimes<br />

expensive and often urgent needs.<br />

As always, the RSA is here togive a<br />

helping hand to all our veterans, young and old,<br />

and their families in need.<br />

If you can help with selling poppies on<br />

Poppy Day please contact RSA Vice President<br />

Campbell Paton on027 647 0711.<br />

$13,990+GST<br />

We are open<br />

on EASTER!!<br />

Friday the 15th<br />

Saturday the 16th<br />

No Sercharge on Good Friday<br />

PH:03693 8536 |027 405 6402<br />


Mundell's Cafe<br />

03-693-1101<br />

5.30pm - 9.00pm<br />

Last Order 8.30pm

WHĀRANGI 6|NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |TAITE, <strong>14</strong>PAENGA-WHĀWHĀ, <strong>2022</strong><br />




Car/MotorbikeMechanic<br />

Due to an increase in workweare lookingfor a<br />

Car/Motorbike Mechanic to join our country workshop.<br />


Ability to work well as part of ateam as well as on their own<br />

Great verbal and written communication skills<br />

Ahard-working ethic |Clean driver’s license<br />

Ability to work on arange of equipment including<br />

ATVs, Side-by-Sides, cars and lawnmowers<br />

WoFCertification would be beneficial<br />

Pay will be negotiable and will reflect the experience<br />

and qualifications the successful applicant has.<br />

To apply for the position phone Jody: 021 112 7295<br />

or email: jody@dansmotorcentre.co.nz<br />

Our services include<br />

•Trenches • Siteworks•Building<br />

foundations •Vegetation<br />

clearing/control •Landscaping<br />

•Cleaning out dairysheds<br />

•Certifying drainlayer<br />


Denys -027 686 2237<br />

Jared-027277 9519<br />

or 03 6922963 (ah)<br />

Easter Sunday<br />

Funday<br />

Geraldine vintage car<br />

&Machinery museUm<br />

10.30am-3pm<br />

Sunday 17<strong>April</strong><br />


Easter egg hunt Sausage Sizzle<br />

Rangatira Ship Engine Crank Up<br />


REOPEN 4.30pm<br />


36 TALBOT STREET |03693 9723<br />

What to do now that<br />

the evenings are dark?<br />

✔<br />

✔<br />

✔<br />

Getoff the couch, come on down to the<br />

squash courts at <strong>14</strong>4 Talbot Street.<br />

All levels of experience wholeheartedly welcome.<br />

Club night Monday and Thursday from6pm,<br />

come down for ahit and get to know everyone.<br />

Tuesday interclub will startatthe endofthe month.<br />

Wednesday has potential forladies night.<br />

Friday nightfish and chips kids night.<br />


OR CONTACTTOBY HOW 027 303 1033<br />


CHEF<br />

Located in Geraldine,<br />

The Lucky Club Parade is the<br />

new Thai takeaway place in town<br />

and we are looking to recruit<br />

achef tojoin our small team.<br />

This is an evening and weekend role with<br />

two consecutive days off|$26 an hour.<br />

Working alongside the current team you<br />

will be fully supported in your new role.<br />

Training provided for anyone with the<br />

required basic cooking skills.<br />

Get intouch with usright now at:<br />

topdog@theluckyclubparade.co.nz<br />



Combined Service! -Fix Both Vehicle &Home Glass<br />

Direct billing to Insurance Companies<br />

TIMARU OWNED -NoRemote call Centre<br />


Free measure &quote<br />

with award winning service<br />

in your area<br />

102 Hilton Highway, Timaru P: 03 688 2829<br />

E: timaru@flooringxtra.co.nz www.flooringxtra.co.nz<br />

23 Theodosia St, Timaru. Call 0800 441-331

THURSDAY, 7APRIL, <strong>2022</strong> |GERALDINE NEWS |PAGE 11<br />

gnewsCLASSIFIEDS<br />


GNews NOTICES<br />

DIDN’T GET YOUR GNEWS? If for some reason<br />

youdon’t receivethe <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong> containing<br />

GNews in yourletterbox,email hugh@gnews.co.nz<br />

or call or txt 027 920 8751. We’ll try to get one to<br />

you and try to ensure any delivery issues are<br />

resolved.<br />

URBANMYTHDEBUNKED Allclassifieds, including<br />

public notices are,and have alwaysbeen,charged<br />

at the GNews classified ad rate. The only exceptions<br />

are alist ofnew board members, anotice to<br />

describe afound item, club results, raffle results<br />

and the first 15 words of adeath notice and the<br />

Community Diary.Passiton.<br />


EASTER FAMILYACTIVITIES at Woodbury Church.<br />

Straight after the 9am Easter Sunday Service at<br />

St Thomas’ (approx 10am) there will be an Easter<br />

egg hunt plus other activities around the church<br />

grounds. All welcome, no charge.<br />


PLACEAGREETING TO AFRIEND just60c perword.<br />


YOUR NOTICE HERE Email ads@gnews.co.nz<br />

or drop in to the Resource Centre. 60c per word.<br />

Death notices: first 15 words free.<br />


WOODBURYHALL Visit woodburyhall.co.nz.<br />



all your business and tax requirements. Phone<br />

Raylene on 03 264 8196 or 027 274 3264.<br />


Motors, phone 03 693 8673.<br />


for dogs.208 Woodbury Road. Phone03693 9929.<br />

BUILDER Qualified LBP,20years experience, for<br />

all building work. PhoneAnts 027309 0798.<br />

CARPET CLEANING Powerful equipment, fastdrying.<br />

Upholstery, mats, rugs. Experienced<br />

owner-operator.Phone John 0274 351 042.<br />


021 1187580.<br />

CLOTHING ALTERATIONS and mending.Phone<br />

Raylene 03 264 8196.<br />

COMPUTER TAMING GeraldineComputerSolutions.<br />

03 693 9496.<br />


Glass 03 693 9927.<br />


DISCOUNT 15% off all and labour prices only.<br />

Phone Geraldine Auto Restorations 03 693 <strong>14</strong>01.<br />


Stephen Foster painting and decorating on<br />

021 041 3318.<br />


professional service, good rates, excellent<br />

local references. Phone Wolffie 03 693 9803 or<br />

027 962 4841.<br />

SHARPENING SERVICE Knives, scissors, blades.<br />

Geraldine Forge and Blades 029 646 6327.<br />


Computer Solutions. 03 693 9496.<br />

TECH SUPPORT GERALDINE Help with computers,<br />

phones and TV.Phone Shane 029 646 6327.<br />



Clover Honey Special 1kg $15, 2kg $25. New<br />

season’sHoneycombalsoavailable.<br />

NATUROPATH Mandy Wallace, Registered Naturopath,<br />

20 years in practice. Naturopathy consultation,<br />

Therapeutic Massage, Reiki, Chakra Balance. Phone<br />

or text 027 705 3210 Email: MandyWallace@xtra.co.nz<br />

or look me up on NaturalTherapypages NZ.<br />



St Thomas’, Woodbury and St Stephe’s, Peel<br />

Forest. 10.30amStMary’s, Talbot Street,Geraldine.<br />



DISPLAY AD: 5pm Friday<br />

CLASSIFIED: 12pm Monday<br />

CLASSIFEDS: 60c per word<br />



24 Hislop Street<br />


eatingout<br />

BARKER’SFOODSTORE &EATERY Retailshop space and innovative café<br />

menuincorporatingBarker’sproducts withseasonal ingredients. Monday-Sunday<br />

8.30am-4.30pm. Phone 03 6939727.<br />

BREWERY CAFÉ Hours: Monday/Tuesday closed, Wednesday 9am-5pm,<br />

Thursday/Friday/Saturdays 9am to late(kitchencloses 8pm), Sunday9am-4pm.<br />

Bookingsadvisable by phoning 03 697 4959.<br />

CAFE VERDE Licensed café in adelightful garden setting. Menu and cabinet<br />

options. Open 7days 9am-3pm.45Talbot St. Phone03693 9616.<br />

THE GREEN MAN PEEL FOREST Come relax in the Forest. Cafe &Bar open<br />

Thu-Sun and Fri &Sat evenings. Phone 03 696 3567.<br />

MUNDELLS CAFÉ Roast is on Friday to Sunday 11.30am to 2pm. Breakfast<br />

and lunch menu are available 8am to 3pm. Izakaya /Japanese food is openevery<br />

Friday night 5.30pm-9pm.<br />

GERALDINE FARM SHOP&CAFE Open Monday-Friday 8am-5pm, Weekends<br />

8.30am-5pm. Menu choices change regularly.Somethingfor everyone. Come<br />

andcheck us out. Phone 03 69395<strong>14</strong>.<br />

THE LUCKY CLUB PARADE Thai Street Food Takeaways - STAFF<br />


Hours: Wed-Thu 4.30-8.30pm; Friday-Sat 4.30pm till later than that.<br />

36 Talbot Street. Phone 03 693 9723.<br />

THE RUNNING DUCK Have you tried our toasted sandwich range or our<br />

popular fried chicken dishes? They fly out the door. Open Monday-Friday<br />

8am-4pm;Saurday-Sunday 8.30am-4pm.<br />

When it’s time to sell, talk to the team who get results.<br />

Call us today for anoobligation appraisal.<br />

Verde Cafe Geraldine<br />

Solid Performer<br />

Huge Potential for Growth<br />

Prime Location -Canterbury<br />

Geraldine Landscapes &Hire<br />

Canterbury<br />

Wolseley Hotel<br />

South Canterbury<br />

THE VILLAGE INN Mon-Sun 11am-9pm. For restaurant bookings, please<br />

phone03693 1004. SUPER LIQUOR Check out our weekly specials instore.<br />

WOODBURY STORE CAFÉ Enjoy seasonal menu and cabinet options at the<br />

restored historic store and country garden setting. Open 5days, Wednesday<br />

-Sunday 8.30am-4pm. Only 6km from Geraldine. Phone 03 971 6292.<br />


Here is arareopportunity forsomeone to takeon<br />

awell-known and greatperforming,licensed cafe<br />

in apremium location of New Zealand.<br />

Asking $490,000<br />

Mark Talbot<br />

027 2043625<br />

Ref 32916<br />

Maternity Leave Start Date<br />

25.07.<strong>2022</strong>; End Date 23.04.2023<br />

We are seeking an enthusiastic teacher<br />

to join our junior team who will work with our<br />

childrento explore their world through project<br />

inquiries and play-based learning.<br />

Are you acreative, skilled practitioner, who<br />

will embrace the PB4L values of our school<br />

and its community? Youwill teach our<br />

Y2-3 class. Our learners are immersed in<br />

rich literacy and numeracy experiences.<br />

Skills in the structured literacy approach<br />

would be hugely advantageous.<br />

Send your CV and covering letter and<br />

request for anapplication form by emailing:<br />

Tre Sylvawood, Principal<br />

tsylvawood@winchesterrural.school.nz<br />


Valley Brewing Company, a well-established<br />

business with plenty of potential left for the new<br />

owner.Asolid clientbase &outstanding reputation.<br />

Asking $1,655,000<br />

Mark Talbot<br />

027 2043625<br />


Licensed REA 2008<br />




CLOSING DATE: MONDAY 2MAY <strong>2022</strong>, 9am<br />

The business has provided an average profit over 4<br />

years of $123k ayear. Well placed for growth and<br />

to capture ongoing work across the wider region.<br />

Asking $265,000<br />

Mark Talbot<br />

027 2043625<br />

Awell-established business withasolidcustomer<br />

base and outstanding reputation both locally<br />

and nationally.<br />

Asking $775,000<br />

Mark Talbot<br />

027 2043625<br />

Ref 32902 Ref 32950<br />

Ref 33244<br />


PH: 03 693 9399<br />



Laser Electrical Geraldine, 17 Peel Street<br />

03 6939399|geraldine@laserelectrical.co.nz<br />

gnewsresults<br />

GERALDINE BRIDGE CLUB Championship Session 4, North South 07.04.22: 1st LGraybill &<br />

PTaylor 60.42% 2nd MThatcher &MBray 54.86% East West; 1st= KGidlow-Black &SStevens<br />

54.17%, 1st= RPitelen &LPincombe 54.17% 06.04.<strong>2022</strong> North South: 1st KMiles &RHowie<br />

58.33%, 2ndVHill&JKelly48.81% East West: 1st LGraybill &LPincombe 69.05%, 2nd TBoyce<br />

&MBourassa 41.67%<br />

GERALDINE GOLF CLUB 27 Hole Stableford 9GrandeVue 18 Denfield 09.04.22: RStevenson<br />

21/4061pts, IMacdonald 57, MChritian57, TKerr 54, MKolhalmi 53, JWorner 52, DLaw 52. ROF<br />

Stableford One Grade: JShirtcliff42pts, DLapthorne 39, SWheller 37, RJeffrey 37, GRobertson<br />

36, TCook35, MPatrick 35, GLeslie 35. NTP #9 Ladies DDewe Men NDewe. Men Longest Drive<br />

TPaulin, Ladies 3rd #18 JKallahan Men 2nd #18 IMacdonald Eagles JShirtcliff#3DLaptorne #<strong>14</strong>.<br />

Twos #17 ATedham, GRobertson, DLaw,MSheppherd, JRate. #15 GLeslie, CPhillips. Ladies L<br />

Cook 40pts, TPutze 36, SBensemann 36. Stableford 06.04.22: RStevenson 37, MMacDonald 37,<br />

BPearsall 36, NCollins 36, AEnsor 35, MWood 35.Two's DSparks 12, CPhillips 12, Macdonald<br />

12, NCollins 15. NTP on 9-DSparks. Nat Teams Medal 05.04.22: DDewe 99-28-71, SBensemann<br />

94-22-72, CJopp 107-32-75, RDavies 99-24-75, ABurrows 96-20-76, MShefford 92-15-77. 2nd<br />

shot #12 DDewe, Nett Birdie #5 LPearsall. 9Hole Par Rd 2GGibson-3, JJones -3 1st equal.<br />

GRANDE VUE GOLF CLUB Stableford Round 11.04.22 1st TKerr 86-<strong>14</strong>-72-36stbs, AMuff84-13-<br />

71-33, JBell 88-11-77-33,C McNulty 88-16-72-32, JPatrick 78-6-72-32, CSeaton 94-19-75-30, R<br />

Ramsay 92-17-75-29, GPatrick 95-19-76-28, BMcIsaac 109-30-79-28, MDenton 100-23-77-27, G<br />

Oliver 103-24-79-27, JCox 103-24-79-26. N/P TKerr.<br />


PHONE 03 6938118 Country hospitality atits best<br />

THURSDAY <strong>14</strong> APRIL TIL WEDNESDAY 20 APRIL<br />

Timothy Spall &Phyllis Logan star<br />

in this heartwarming comedy<br />



FRI 5.15PM |SAT 4.15PM<br />

SUN 3.30PM |WED 5.15PM<br />

Sandra Bullock &Channing Tatum<br />

star in this comedy adventure<br />



FRI 7.30PM |SAT 8.15PM<br />

SUN 7.30PM<br />



MON 3.15PM |WED 7.15PM FINAL<br />

Helen Mirren &Jim Broadbent star in<br />

THE DUKE<br />


SAT 6.15PM |SUN 5.30PM<br />

The all new children's animated feature<br />



SUN 1PM |WED 1PM<br />

The all new children's animated feature<br />



FRI 3PM |SAT 2PM<br />

MON 1PM |WED 3.15PM<br />



PAGE 12 |GERALDINE NEWS | THURSDAY, <strong>14</strong>APRIL, <strong>2022</strong><br />



NEW<br />





$6.99kg<br />


Lemon &Cream Cheese Muffins<br />

(yummy slightly warm)<br />

ALSO check out our<br />

homebaked hot cross buns<br />

free delivery<br />

within the town boundary<br />

PHONE: 03 693 95<strong>14</strong><br />

available<br />

over<br />

EASTER<br />

The Farm Shop Café inGeraldine<br />

VISIT: geraldinefarmshop.co.nz<br />

56 Main North Road, Geraldine PHONE: 03 693 95<strong>14</strong><br />

1/2 GREY PUMPKIN<br />

$1.99 each<br />

OPEN<br />

ALL<br />

EASTER<br />

LEMONS<br />

$7.99kg<br />


$2.49kg<br />


$2.99kg<br />


NOW<br />


APPLES<br />

PHONE: 03 693 95<strong>14</strong><br />

HOURS: : Monday-Friday 8am-5pm<br />

Saturday-Sunday 8.30am-5pm<br />

Public Holidays 9am-5pm<br />

Specials available Wednesday 13 <strong>April</strong> til Tuesday19<strong>April</strong> or while stocks last<br />



11am-3pm<br />






WEEKLY<br />










Professional, experienced and caring veterinarians<br />

Purpose-built,modernfacilities<br />

Ample off-road parking<br />

24hr On-Call Emergency Services<br />

CLINIC HOURS: 8am-5pm, MondaytoFriday<br />

PHONE: 6939060<br />

EMAIL: clinic@gatewayvets.co.nz<br />

For all your interior plastering needs<br />

MOB 027 313 8338 •HOME 693 9013

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

RURAL<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>14</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

29<br />

Changes for <strong>Ashburton</strong> River<br />

The Hakatere /<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

River catchment made<br />

headlines last year forhistoric<br />

floods which damaged farms<br />

and infrastructure and even<br />

threatened <strong>Ashburton</strong>, butthe<br />

lackofwater in theHakatere /<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> River is aconcern<br />

for river users.<br />

So,from July 1next year,<br />

many people who haveconsent<br />

to take andusewaterfrom the<br />

waterways within the<br />

Hakatere /<strong>Ashburton</strong> River<br />

catchment will be subject to<br />

new minimumflow conditions.<br />

These conditions will<br />

change theavailabilityof<br />

water and mean consent<br />

holders willface tighter<br />

restrictions on theirability to<br />

take water.<br />

Thenew minimum flows<br />

were developedwith the<br />

community andincludedinthe<br />

Canterbury Land and Water<br />

Regional Plan to improve and<br />

protectthe natural character<br />

and mauri (life force)ofthe<br />

Hakatere /<strong>Ashburton</strong> River,<br />

promote ecosystem health and<br />

biodiversity,improve water<br />

quality, andensure theriver<br />

mouth remains open for<br />

longer.<br />

At thestartof<strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong>, 61<br />

consent reviews had been<br />

decided. Of them, 55 have the<br />

new minimumflow conditions<br />

added.<br />

From1July2023, those<br />

consent holders must stop<br />

Water consents from the <strong>Ashburton</strong> River will change next year.<br />

taking water whenthe flow in<br />

the Hakatere /<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

River mainstem at the State<br />

Highway 1Bridge recorder<br />

site is less than six cumecs<br />

(6000 litres persecond), and<br />

many also have minimum flow<br />

restrictionsontributary<br />

waterways.<br />

There are 25consent<br />

reviews –held by11consent<br />

holders –still to be decided.<br />

Regional planningmanager<br />

Andrew Parrish said it had<br />

beenadifficult processfor<br />

those whose consents were<br />

beingreviewed,because their<br />

water supply, often for<br />

irrigation of high value crops,<br />

wouldbeless reliable.<br />

For those using water for<br />

irrigation,the new minimum<br />

flows will impact their farming<br />

operation andmany consent<br />

holdersare looking at<br />

alternatives like scheme water<br />

or unconnected groundwater.<br />

The consentreview was<br />

necessary to implement<br />

minimum flows set by the<br />

regional plan and meant more<br />

water wasleft in thecatchment<br />

for the healthofthe river and<br />

the benefit of allwater users,<br />

Mr Parishsaid.<br />

“If we were to just wait for<br />

currentconsents to expire,it<br />

would take 20 yearstoapply<br />

the minimumflow to all<br />

consents that take water from<br />

the Hakatere /<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

system,” he said.“Consent<br />

reviewallows us to reach that<br />

minimum flow by midnext<br />

year, and to do it in away that<br />

creates aneven playing field<br />

for water users.”<br />

Consent holders impacted by<br />

new minimum flows have been<br />

fully engagedinthereview<br />

processand themajority<br />

understood the changes<br />

imposedonthem would<br />

contribute to awider<br />

environmental benefit for all<br />

water users.<br />

The new minimum flows will<br />

helptoensure that an open<br />

rivermouth willbe<br />

maintained.<br />

“We expect these changes<br />

will improveconditions for<br />

fish migration andwater<br />

quality,especially at the<br />

hāpua andriver mouth,”he<br />

said.<br />

“We know that climate<br />

changewill bring lessreliable<br />

rainfall patterns, and we need<br />

to ensure ahigher minimum<br />

river flowtoensure theriver,<br />

as well as the ecosystem it<br />

supports, is resilienttothe<br />

changes we can’t control.”<br />

Venison prices, in right direction<br />

Optimism is starting to creep<br />

in as deerfarmers greet alift<br />

in venison returns.<br />

Unlikevelvet which has<br />

beengoing gangbusters,<br />

venisontookahit,falling to<br />

$5.50akilogram this timelast<br />

year.<br />

However, it has been defying<br />

seasonal fluctuations at nearly<br />

$2/kgabove this mark —albeit<br />

far off the giddy peakof<br />

$11.30/kg in 2018.<br />

Deer Industry New Zealand<br />

chiefexecutive officerInnes<br />

Moffat said deer farmershad<br />

seenasubtleimprovement in<br />

prices after Christmas, from<br />

low levels.<br />

He saidithad occurred<br />

duringanormallylow pointof<br />

venisonsales as Europeans<br />

buyersdoastock take afterthe<br />

game season and contemplate<br />

their needsfor the yearahead.<br />

‘‘Wesaw contractsonoffer in<br />

springalittle over $7 a<br />

kilogram.The venison<br />

schedule normallyfalls by<br />

more than$1/kgaswegoto<br />

Christmas,but this year the<br />

schedule is is $7.30­$7.40/kg<br />

andproviding signals to<br />

suppliers that we are<br />

expecting to see that<br />

increase.’’<br />

European customershad<br />

showed faith in theNew<br />

Zealand venison business<br />

duringEurope’s lockdowns by<br />

placing orders withoutthe<br />

certaintyofsales.<br />

‘‘The salesover the 2021<br />

gameseasonwentwell, so we<br />

are seeing arising marketand<br />

they are placing orders for the<br />

year ahead,’’ he said.<br />

This is being backedupby<br />

solid demand in North<br />

America as the foodservice<br />

market recovers, whilework<br />

by exporters to create new<br />

accountsthere arebeginning<br />

to show promise.<br />

They alsoexperienced<br />

significantordersatgood<br />

prices fromChina fortheir<br />

New Year’scelebrations.<br />

It had liftedthe mindset of<br />

farmers.<br />

‘‘Definitely farmers are in a<br />

positivemood. They have been<br />

patientduring the covidinduced<br />

downturn and are<br />

lookingforward to improved<br />

pricesasthe yearunfolds.’’<br />

The co­product market<br />

remainsuncertain withskin<br />

production down, whiletrim<br />

and offal to Asia for pet food<br />

production has yet to return to<br />

its previous base.<br />

However,velvet is up 10­15%<br />

fromlast year at about<br />

$130­$<strong>14</strong>0/kg for Agrade<br />

product.<br />

The national hindherd had<br />

gonefrom 830,000 in mid­year<br />

2020 to840,000 lastJune.<br />

~Central Rural Life<br />



Aborn and raised Queenstown<br />

farmer sayshehas neverseen the<br />

land so dry. Chris Dagg,who runsa<br />

sheep andbeeffarm at the footof<br />

CoronetPeak, said he hadnever<br />

had to irrigate this late in the<br />

season. It was likely that irrigation<br />

would be needed for at least<br />

anothercouple of weeks.<br />

OtagoRegional Council general<br />

manager’sRichard Saunders said<br />

river and lake levels were being<br />

monitored; however, given the<br />

current dry conditions peoplewere<br />

encouraged to be conscious of their<br />

wateruse.<br />

Agriculture Minister Damien<br />

O’Connorhas classified the drought<br />

conditions in Southland, Cluthaand<br />

Queenstown Lakesdistricts late last<br />

month as "a medium-scale adverse<br />

event" and announced up to<br />

$100,000 in governmentfundingto<br />

support farmers from now until<br />

October.<br />


The ending of the streamlined<br />

forestry test for overseas investors<br />

planning to convert farmsto forest is<br />

apositivefirst step in addressing the<br />

issue of wholesale farm conversion<br />

for carbon farming,Beef +Lamb<br />

New Zealand’s Sam McIvor says.<br />

The Emissions Trading Scheme<br />

(ETS)needstoinclude limits as the<br />

legislation causingthe problem.<br />

“New Zealand is the only country<br />

in the world with an ETSthat allows<br />

unlimited forestry offsetting and both<br />

the ClimateChange Commission<br />

and the Parliamentary<br />

Commissionerfor the Environment<br />

haverecommended that limits are<br />

needed.<br />


Apushto upgradecapacity on<br />

congestedrural broadband networks<br />

getsabig thumbs up from Federated<br />

Farmers presidentAndrew Hoggard.<br />

"The frustration of farmingfamilies<br />

whose businesses,distance<br />

education and everyday activities<br />

are hampered by poor or sometimes<br />

non-existent services comes<br />

through loud andclear. Agricultural<br />

production, not to mention meeting<br />

the swathesofnew regulationsand<br />

requirements coming at farmers on<br />

freshwater protection, greenhouse<br />

gas emissions and more,<br />

increasinglyrelies on fastand<br />

reliable internet connectivity, Andrew<br />

said. Covid restrictions -with more<br />

remote healthconsultations,remote<br />

learningand maintaining family<br />

connections -has added newlayers<br />

of demand.<br />

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RURAL<br />

30 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>14</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Rural industry gets work boost<br />

The Government is opening up the<br />

borders to an additional 1580 experienced<br />

primary sector workers, and it’s a‘‘shot in<br />

the arm for those struggling to recruit’’,<br />

Federated Farmers says.<br />

It opens the door for experienced<br />

workers to come to New Zealand for jobs<br />

in the dairy industry, meat processing, and<br />

forestry.<br />

FederatedFarmers employment<br />

spokespersonChris Lewissaidgoodthings<br />

taketime, theruralindustry hadbeen<br />

ratcheting up thepressurefor this<br />

necessarystepfor many, many months.<br />

‘‘Let’s hopethe system is agileenoughto<br />

get these people into New Zealandand out<br />

intoworkplaces by thetime we need themparticularlyfor<br />

thesuperbusyspring dairy<br />

calvingseason,’’ he said.<br />

The new settings include an increase in<br />

the currentborder exceptionfor assistant<br />

dairy farm managers,2ICs, dairy herd<br />

managersand dairy farm assistants by 500<br />

to atotalof800 for thoseearningatleast the<br />

medianwage plus$1per hour (currently<br />

equates to $28 per hour).<br />

Mr Lewis said it wasimportant for<br />

farmers to take up these places.<br />

‘‘Weknow that withfueland fertiliser<br />

price rises,concernsinsome districtsabout<br />

supplementary feed, and otherfactors,<br />

there may be atemptationtotry and<br />

struggle through with workforcegaps.<br />

‘‘But just rememberthe stress thatputs<br />

on youand the rest of theteam,the health<br />

and safetyfactors, and thedifficulties of<br />

rosteringtogivepeople decent time off<br />

whenyour staff complementisdeficient.’’<br />

DairyNZchiefexecutive Dr Tim Mackle<br />

saidDairyNZ hadbeen workinghard to<br />

makesure governmentunderstoodthe<br />

pressure farmers were under due to<br />

workforce shortages.<br />

But the border class exceptions still fell<br />

short of the sector’s 4000worker shortage.<br />

The organisation has pushedfor 1500<br />

international dairy workersintothe country<br />

in time forthe <strong>2022</strong>dairy season on June 1.<br />

“We made it cleartogovernment that the<br />

300 dairy border classexception workers<br />

previously approvedwas nowherenear<br />

enough to meet the demandson­farm and<br />

reduce the current highlevels of farmer<br />

stress,” Dr Macklesaid.<br />

“TheGovernment’s decisiontoincrease<br />

the number of internationalworkers by 500<br />

is astep in therightdirectiontoreduce the<br />

pressureonfarm teams.Wewillcontinueto<br />

advocate for more to be allowedintoNew<br />

Zealand, to helpaddress the significant<br />

staff shortage.”<br />

Alsogoodnews for farmingwas themeat<br />

worker border class exceptioncap willbe<br />

extended by afurther 500 workers on topof<br />

previousagreedfigure of 150 workers, and<br />

also approval for up to 300 silviculture<br />

forestry workersand up to 280wood<br />

processorsand manufacturerstoenterNew<br />

Zealand.<br />

AgricultureMinisterDamien O’Connor<br />

said thefood andfibre sector continued to<br />

lead theeconomicrecovery from Covid­19.<br />

‘‘Food and fibreexport revenueis<br />

expected to hit morethan$50 billionby30<br />

June <strong>2022</strong>, andit’svital the sectorhas the<br />

experienced workforceitneedstoachieve<br />

this.New Zealand’s foodand fibre sector<br />

continues to show itsresilienceand ability<br />

to adapt and respond to thechallenges<br />

broughtaboutbyCovid­19, but extra helpis<br />

needed.’’<br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

IN BRIEF<br />


New Zealand pig farmers are<br />

committed to playing their part to<br />

reduce emissions, however current<br />

proposals for pricing greenhouse<br />

gas emissions from livestockwould<br />

be unfair on the sector, NZPork<br />

says.The He Waka Eka Noa<br />

Primary Sector Climate Action<br />

Partnership (HWEN) has recently<br />

completed consultationonpolicy<br />

options for pricinggreenhousegas<br />

emissions from livestock. Incoming<br />

NZPork chief executive BrentKleiss<br />

says emissions from pig farming<br />

differ significantly to emissions from<br />

pastoral farming because pigs are<br />

monogastric so theynaturally<br />

produce much lowermethane<br />

emissions than ruminantanimals like<br />

cattle or sheep.<br />

“Our low emissions profile and the<br />

size and natureofour sector means<br />

reductions in ouremissionswill<br />

require different solutions –rather<br />

than a‘one sizefits all’ approach.”<br />


Jess Moore,ofGore, has been<br />

named as the newDairy Women’s<br />

Network’s new associate trustee.<br />

The former SouthlandHub leader<br />

was one of <strong>14</strong> applicants and was<br />

selected based on her wide<br />

involvement with the Network and<br />

dairy industry at leadership and local<br />

governance level.<br />

Dairy Women’s Network Trustee<br />

and HR committee member Jenna<br />

Smithsaid Jess had astrong<br />

alignment with the value and<br />

purpose of Dairy Women’s Network<br />

and had showncommitment and<br />

leadership within the organisation<br />

through hertime as aRegional<br />

Leader, Business GroupLeaderand<br />

Hub Leader, as well as her<br />

contribution to the conference<br />

committee.<br />

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NZ food to drive<br />

covid recovery<br />

Farmers andgrowers needto<br />

startplanningnow for the<br />

upturn,ASB ruralbanking<br />

general managerBen Speedy<br />

says.<br />

Sharprisesincommodity<br />

prices have strengthened<br />

farmers'andhorticulturalists'<br />

businesses –and now is an<br />

excellenttime to start planning<br />

for the new future.<br />

Mr Speedy, following oneof<br />

the advantageous consequences<br />

of the Covid­19 pandemic, said<br />

the importanceof, and demand<br />

for, healthyand sustainable<br />

food growninreputableand<br />

trusted countries...like New<br />

Zealand.<br />

‘‘Tocontinuetocapitalise on<br />

this,weneed to keep investing<br />

and improve theway we grow<br />

our food and fibre, and be<br />

unwaveringinthe need to listen<br />

and adapttoevolving consumer<br />

demand,’’ he said.<br />

‘‘Fortunately for New<br />

Zealand, we have someamazing<br />

role models andleaders.’’<br />

Thedemand forhealthy<br />

whole food, grownsustainably,<br />

will continuetohold commodity<br />

prices at strong levels,hesays.<br />

Theprices will easeatsome<br />

point because supply chain<br />

pressuresare contributing to<br />

high values on the demand side;<br />

high input prices are<br />

constraining the supplyside.<br />

Butdemand for quality<br />

protein willnot abate,<br />

especially with the rising<br />

middle class worldwide.<br />

Aglobalsupplyresponse will<br />

continue to be constrained by<br />

climate change limitations and<br />

growingdissatisfaction with<br />

'factory farming', over­tilling<br />

soil to increaseinputs, and<br />

concern overanimal welfare.<br />

MrSpeedy saiddemandfor<br />

healthy and sustainable food is<br />

best seen in China's demand for<br />

kiwifruit, given its Vitamin C<br />

properties. In the past two<br />

years, horticulturalexport<br />

volumes have grown morethan<br />

40 percent.<br />

That's resultedinincreased<br />

demand for horticultural<br />

borrowing,with lendingrising<br />

30 percentinthe past two<br />

years, while dairylending has<br />

decreased by 8per cent.<br />

Food prices in NewZealand<br />

increased 6.8 per centyear­onyear<br />

in February froma5.9 per<br />

cent rise in the previous month<br />

­the highest reading since July<br />

2011.<br />

Costs rosethe most forfruit<br />

and vegetables (17per cent),<br />

meat, poultry, and fish(7.1 per<br />

cent), and restaurant and readyto­eatfoods(5.2<br />

per cent). On a<br />

seasonallyadjusted monthly<br />

basis, foodcostsedged 0.1 per<br />

cent higher froma1.1 per cent<br />

gain in January,largely due to<br />

restaurant andready­to­eat<br />

meals.<br />

Rural businesses can prepare<br />

for the year ahead by speaking<br />

with rural professionalsto<br />

understand the medium ­and<br />

long­term implications of<br />

inflation and constrained<br />

labour–and makeaninformed<br />

plan for the future.<br />


www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>14</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

31<br />

build buy &renovate<br />

AUTUMN<br />

<strong>2022</strong><br />

The appeal of renovation on your home<br />

Renovating can be costly and<br />

inconvenient, but can also increase the<br />

value and enjoyment of your home.<br />

There are two main reasons people<br />

renovate: to add to the comfort, use and<br />

value of the home and to tidy it up to sell.<br />

Renovating can be acostly and<br />

inconvenient business.<br />

Before you launch into renovations,<br />

take time to consider whether the<br />

expense and disruption is justified.<br />

If you intend staying in the home you<br />

may want to add extra space to<br />

accommodate an expanding family, or<br />

simply to add asense of spaciousness.<br />

You may also want to add rooms for<br />

special purposes, such as an office or<br />

games room, change the configuration of<br />

the house for better flow, or update and<br />

remodel to give the house afresher,<br />

more modern look.<br />

Other home owners may also be<br />

looking to restore their house to its<br />

original style, or look to add value to<br />

increase their investment.<br />

If you are renovating to sell, it is likely<br />

that you’ll want to give the house an<br />

inexpensive makeover to freshen it up<br />

and make it more attractive to buyers.<br />

For example, repainting, repapering, or<br />

changing dated or damaged fixtures,<br />

such as acracked basin in the bathroom.<br />

You need to consider the tastes of<br />

potential buyers, which really means<br />

keeping everything fairly neutral to<br />

appeal to awider range of people.<br />

Not everyone warms to bright feature<br />

walls or pink bathtubs.<br />

Renovations that will increase the<br />

appeal of your home may include<br />

painting the kitchen and bathroom, or<br />

putting in some decking to give an<br />

indoor/outdoor flow and an increased<br />

sense of space or some landscaping.<br />

Don’t spend money that you won’t get<br />

back in the sale price.<br />

Ask areal estate agent for ideas to<br />

increase the house’s appeal, and how<br />

much you should spend without<br />

overcapitalising.<br />

Take care to renovate to the existing<br />

style of the house and neighbourhood.<br />

People search in particular<br />

neighbourhoods because they like the<br />

age and style of houses found there.<br />

Giving your older villa style house a<br />

very modern aspect, which is<br />

inconsistent with the other houses in the<br />

street, will lessen the range of potential<br />

purchasers.<br />

fyou don’t intend selling, the money<br />

you spend on renovating will be an<br />

investment in the comfort and<br />

enjoyment of the house.<br />

Whether you increase the value of the<br />

home may not be an important factor in<br />

how much you decide to spend.<br />

If your house needs agreat deal of<br />

work to get it how you would like, decide<br />

whether you want to go to all the trouble<br />

and expense, or whether it would be<br />

better to sell and buy something more<br />

suited to your needs.<br />

Many New Zealanders take on<br />

renovation, redecoration and alteration<br />

projects in their homes, usually in the<br />

belief that it will save them money. How<br />

much you can do yourself realistically<br />

depends on your skills, time and energy.<br />

There may also be legal restrictions<br />

on doing work yourself if you don’t have<br />

the right qualifications. You need to<br />

consider the Building Code<br />

requirements and getting building<br />

consent for some work. Many people are<br />

very capable of painting and<br />

wallpapering, and some straightforward<br />

carpentry work but before you take on<br />

any work, consider all the aspects of<br />

DIY.<br />

Need anew bathroom?<br />

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32 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>14</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

build buy &renovate<br />

AUTUMN<br />

<strong>2022</strong><br />

Coping with changes<br />

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Surviving thestrain of living throughmajor<br />

home renovations is more gruelling than<br />

ever as thebuilding materials shortage<br />

could double the amount of time families<br />

have to co­existwith the dust,noise and<br />

disorderofabuilding site.<br />

However Mark Trafford, managing<br />

director andfounder of Maintain To Profit,<br />

said with an active coping planinplace,<br />

families are still getting through whatis<br />

both astressfuland rewardingevent in<br />

their lives.<br />

Livingon­site while thehouse is<br />

undergoing amajor renovation can create<br />

health andsafety hazards.<br />

‘‘You alsoget builders turning offthe<br />

power andwater so they canwork,which<br />

canveryhard on afamily, if you don’t have<br />

copingstrategies.’’<br />

Withthebuilding materialsshortage<br />

worsening, Mr Trafford says relationships<br />

between builders and customerscan<br />

becomestrained, but current<br />

circumstances are beyondabuilder's<br />

control.<br />

‘‘During our first renovation, we lived<br />

downstairs for two months whilethey<br />

renovated upstairs,and thenwhen the<br />

upstairs wascomplete, we moved<br />

downstairs for two months.<br />

‘‘It wasverystressful,especially when<br />

tradespeople turned up at 7am andturned<br />

thewater andpower off.<br />

MrTrafford saysthat it is not only<br />

possible to live through arenovation –even<br />

an extended one –ifyouprepare.<br />

Heoffers the followingtipsfor major<br />

renovationsin<strong>2022</strong>:<br />

• Additions and Renovations • All types of maintenance<br />

• Commercial and Farm buildings • New Housing<br />


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2468706<br />

build buy &<br />

renovate<br />

Move out<br />

It’salwaysbest policy to liveelsewhere<br />

duringarenovation. Families living onsitehinder<br />

theproject, which as aresult,<br />

takes longertocomplete even when there<br />

aren'tmaterials shortages.<br />

‘‘Myadvice is to factorliving elsewhere<br />

intoyourbudget and move out. Findan<br />

Airbnborlive with family or friends.Even<br />

acaravan or something similarisgoing to<br />

be less stressful.”<br />

Time out<br />

Mr Trafford says it’s agood idea to spend<br />

as little time aspossible in thehouse.<br />

“Take time out as much as youcan,even if<br />

you are just making better use of your<br />

backyard for things like meals, coffee,<br />

homeworkand play –take more walks,do<br />

day long picnics on the weekends and<br />

make extended visits to family; even take<br />

regularweekends away.<br />

“Getting out and aboutwill help youdestress.”<br />

Designate activity zones<br />

‘‘Ifyou haveyoungkids,they're goingto<br />

think they'reinHeaven's playground. You<br />

have to be diligent about health and safety.<br />

Designate areas as for play, living and<br />

working andmakesure thewhole family<br />

understandsthe boundariesand thatthey<br />

buy­intoit.’’<br />

Whilesomerenovations will facedelays<br />

,asignificant positive from living through<br />

arenovationisthatyouget to take<br />

pleasure in the milestones.<br />

‘‘You feelmore apart of things as you<br />

watch yourbigger andbetter dream home<br />

take shapearound you.’’<br />

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GLASS<br />

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2474694<br />

We offer the following:<br />

• Gutter and DownpipeCleaning<br />

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• Heat Pump Service<br />

Call Allan on 027 209 5026 and let us know howwecan help<br />

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www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>14</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

33<br />

build buy &renovate<br />

AUTUMN<br />

<strong>2022</strong><br />

Post­renovation insurance checks urged<br />

New Zealand’s Covid­19 era<br />

renovation boom could be<br />

leaving more Kiwis prone to<br />

home underinsurance risk,<br />

according to anationwide<br />

survey by AMI and Ipsos.<br />

The recent survey revealed<br />

one in three homeowners have<br />

made major or structural<br />

renovations to their home in<br />

the past 18 months, however,<br />

more than half (54%) did not<br />

update their home insurance<br />

policy as part of renovations<br />

being completed.<br />

AMI is therefore urging<br />

everyone embarking on ahome<br />

makeover to think carefully<br />

about how their renovations<br />

will change their home and<br />

contents insurance needs.<br />

This includes checking you<br />

have the right cover in place to<br />

protect the extra value added to<br />

your home if disaster strikes<br />

and you need to rebuild and<br />

refurnish from scratch.<br />

AMI’s executive general<br />

manager, claims, Wayne<br />

Tippet, said all homeowners –<br />

regardless of whether they have<br />

carried out renovations –<br />

should be in the habit of<br />

regularly reviewing their<br />

insurance policies to ensure<br />

their most prized asset is<br />

properly protected.<br />

“Lockdowns and<br />

international travel<br />

restrictions have given more<br />

Kiwis the time and budget to<br />

spruce up their homes –often<br />

making them bigger, more<br />

comfortable and more<br />

functional for day­to­day<br />

living,” Mr Tippet said.<br />

“If you’re extending your<br />

home, rebuilding your kitchen,<br />

or adding an outdoor feature<br />

like adeck or swimming pool,<br />

it’s important to contact your<br />

insurer to check you have<br />

adequate cover for the<br />

investments you’re making. In<br />

fact, checking your insurance<br />

cover is something we<br />

encourage all our customers to<br />

do regularly, to ensure there<br />

are no surprises at claims<br />

time.”<br />

According to AMI’s survey,<br />

nearly aquarter (23%) of home<br />

renovations cost more than<br />

$51,000, while 15% cost between<br />

$31,000 –$50,000, 31% cost<br />

between $11,000 ­$30,000 and<br />

31% cost less than $10,000.<br />

Bathrooms and kitchens (45%<br />

each) were the most popular<br />

rooms to renovate, followed by<br />

outdoor areas (40%), bedrooms<br />

(26%) and lounge rooms (22%).<br />

The survey also revealed<br />

more than half (54%) of<br />

renovators did not consider<br />

taking out Contract Works<br />

Insurance (CWI), and afurther<br />

<strong>14</strong>% admitted to not knowing<br />

what CWI is.<br />

Mr Tippet said the purpose of<br />

CWI is to protect your home<br />

from unforeseen damage while<br />

renovations are taking place.<br />

“Homes undergoing major<br />

renovations enter aphase of<br />

being less structurally sound,<br />

which is why most home<br />

insurance policies have<br />

exclusions in place when<br />

homes are being worked on.<br />

“For example, if you’re<br />

extending your home and your<br />

builders have covered part of<br />

the roof with tarpaulins –your<br />

home will be at greater risk of<br />

damage if amajor rain event or<br />

storm passes through your area.<br />

“Contract Works Insurance is<br />

there to cover damage caused<br />

while your home is structurally<br />

more exposed to risks,” he said.<br />

“Most people will agree that<br />

all the fuss and disruption is<br />

worth it when the end result<br />

adds value to your home and<br />

provides more enjoyable living<br />

spaces for everyone.’’<br />

AMI’s top tips:<br />

Before getting started, plan and<br />

cost out the renovations you<br />

want to make. Have arealistic<br />

budget and allow for extra<br />

unexpected costs.<br />

Depending on the size and scope<br />

of your project obtain<br />

professional advice and always<br />

use qualified, licensed<br />

tradespeople.<br />

Ask for help with the consent<br />

process if you need it.<br />

Consider taking out Contract<br />

Works Insurance before the<br />

renovations start. This provides<br />

cover for unforeseen damage to<br />

your home while the<br />

renovations are under way.<br />

Before commencing the<br />

renovations, check that your<br />

home, building and contents<br />

insurance is up to date for during<br />

the renovations, as well as after.<br />

Looking for the right builderforyou?<br />

r u?<br />

Foraquality<strong>Ashburton</strong> builder and access to the peace of mind ofthe Master Build<br />

10-Year Guarantee,choose aRegisteredMaster Builder.<br />

Bradford Building<br />

Brown&Co Builders<br />

Dave Mccrea Building<br />

Des Millar Construction<br />

Fowler Homes <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Fridd Construction<br />

GarthJemmett Construction<br />

GeoffRead<br />

GrantLoveHomes<br />

Harvey Morrison Construction<br />

Ingold Building<br />

James Robinson Builders<br />

Jennian Homes Canterbury<br />

Jim Reed Builders<br />

JosephBuilders<br />

JR BennettConstruction<br />

Lampard<br />

McAndrew Builders<br />

McIntosh Builders<br />

McIntosh Commercial Construction<br />

McKain QualityConstruction<br />

MikeGreer Homes MidCanterbury<br />

Milestone Homes Mid Canterbury<br />

Muldrew Builders<br />

Naish Builders<br />

Paul Middleton Builder<br />

Pearce Builders<br />

Quaid Construction Company<br />

Simon Ross Construction<br />

Smith and Sons <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Snowfed Builders<br />

StuBell Construction<br />

TridentHomes <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Property valuations<br />

Rural, Residential,<br />

Insurance<br />

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Retrofit Double<br />

Glazing<br />

Aluminium<br />

Windows<br />

and Doors<br />

Replacement<br />

Ian McBride<br />


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BCom (Agr,VFM)<br />

Phone: 03 308 5468<br />

Mobile: 029 770 5468<br />

Email: ianmcbride308@gmail.com<br />

Glass Shower<br />

Enclosures<br />

Formoreinformation<br />

andbuilder contactdetailsvisit:<br />

masterbuilder.org.nz/checkyourbuilder<br />

Building aBetter New Zealand<br />

Glass<br />

Splashbacks<br />

and more<br />

2468700<br />

027 279 6771<br />

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163 Tancred Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong>


34 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>14</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

build buy &renovate<br />

AUTUMN<br />

<strong>2022</strong><br />

Building your own slice of paradise<br />

Renovating or building new depends on<br />

your circumstances and those<br />

circumstances will be very different<br />

from your neighbour’s.<br />

Building occasionally gets bad press<br />

with the hassles of afew tagged to<br />

building generally.<br />

But if you have agood builder ­and<br />

there are plenty in Mid and South<br />

Canterbury ­and you plan well, it should<br />

be plain sailing.<br />

If you are going to build, you have to<br />

have somewhere to build.<br />

It might be that you are interested in a<br />

land and home package, in which case<br />

the ‘‘where’’ will be taken care of.<br />

Builders or building firms sometimes<br />

buy blocks of land for development.<br />

One of the benefits of that is that not<br />

only do you get anew home, but you<br />

know your neighbours will have anew<br />

home.<br />

Many companies, these days, offer<br />

turn­key house and land packages, and<br />

the prices are competitive.<br />

If these interest you, the companies<br />

almost always have ashow home or<br />

homes.<br />

So take the time to explore.<br />

Get alist of addresses, and spend a<br />

day, or two, exploring the options.<br />

The more homes you see, the clearer<br />

the idea you will get of what is available<br />

for what price.<br />

Some designs will fascinate you,<br />

others will not.<br />

In any event and even if you see<br />

nothing you like you will be much better<br />

informed.<br />

Such companies have many design<br />

options, so take your time.<br />

It might be that you want to design<br />

your own home, or at least pass on some<br />

firm ideas to abuilder, and that’s fine.<br />

You are going to live there, and pay the<br />

bills.<br />

Most companies will allow flexibility,<br />

but remember that changing stock<br />

designs might add cost always inquire.<br />

If you have firm ideas on ideas, or<br />

none at all, you may want to employ an<br />

architect.<br />

In theend,theymay saveyou money<br />

through clever design.<br />

An architect willbeespeciallyuseful<br />

if youhave aspecial site, or evena<br />

difficultsite.<br />

They are trained to designbuildings<br />

forall situations.<br />

Andifyou have onlyabasicidea of<br />

thestyleofhome you want, an<br />

architect can bring those ‘‘basic’’ideas<br />

to life.<br />

Perhaps youhaveseen ahome, or<br />

visitedone,thatreally takes youreye.<br />

It might be that it wasdesigned by an<br />

architect, and highlylikelythatthe<br />

owners willbehappytopassonthe<br />

name of thedesigner.<br />

Thework of suchprofessionals is<br />

oftenpassed by word of mouth,so<br />

checkaround.<br />

If you havethe designyou want, you<br />

will needabuilder and they are often<br />

recommended by friends or<br />

acquaintances.<br />

ANDY’S PAINT &<br />


Having problems with your internal gutter systems?<br />

Do your drains keep blocking,causing leakage into the soffits and even your house?<br />

Areyour soffits falling out due to water rot?<br />

We canconvert your internal gutters to standard external gutters.<br />

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Ben Kruger 021 808 739 or 308 4380<br />

232 BoundaryRoad,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

www.alpscontinuousspouting.co.nz<br />

E; benkruger@xtra.co.nz<br />

2471794<br />

• Townand Country<br />

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211/D Alford Forest Rd,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />



2474170<br />

AH: 03 302 6992<br />

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2471958<br />

build buy & renovate

TM<br />

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<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>14</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

35<br />

build buy &renovate<br />

AUTUMN<br />

<strong>2022</strong><br />

The joy of buying your first home<br />

You’ve saved enough money for your<br />

first house deposit. It’s taken some<br />

careful planning and some serious<br />

budgeting but you set agoal ­achieved it<br />

­and have been to the bank/mortgage<br />

broker and got yourself the financial<br />

backing to buy ahome.<br />

Your first home may not be your<br />

dream home. But it could be an<br />

affordable first step on the ‘property<br />

ladder’.<br />

There’s no point owning your own<br />

home if you can’t keep up with the<br />

mortgage repayments. Sometimes ‘the<br />

worst house in the best street’ is the way<br />

to go, especially if you are good at DIY.<br />

Real estate websites are agood place<br />

to find out how much properties are<br />

worth in different areas. If you want to<br />

buy an apartment or townhouse, check<br />

your bank will lend on these types of<br />

properties not all will.<br />

If you’re buying aproperty as an<br />

investment, as well as aplace to live, it’s<br />

important to think about resale or rental<br />

potential.<br />

Consider things like public transport<br />

routes, shops and schools and whether a<br />

suburb has astrong rental market.<br />

Your first mortgage, or home loan, will<br />

probably be the biggest financial<br />

commitment you’ll ever make.<br />

It’s agood idea to be just as careful<br />

when choosing your mortgage. Over<br />

time, your repayments could add up to a<br />

lot more than the cost of the home.<br />

There are many types of mortgages,<br />

each with its own interest rate, fees and<br />

degree of flexibility. You can shop<br />

around for amortgage yourself, or use<br />

the (usually free) services of aqualified<br />

mortgage broker. Before signing any<br />

sale agreement or mortgage paperwork<br />

you’ll need to get it looked over by a<br />

lawyer. Abuilder’s report is also<br />

encouraged. Fees vary so shop around.<br />

Build,Alteration,<br />

Renovation and Repair<br />

Cawte Whiting 027-418-7955<br />

kiwibm@outlook.com<br />

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•Manufacturer and supplier of<br />

Rylock aluminium windows and doors<br />

•Retro double glazing installers fora<br />

drier,warmer, quieter home<br />

Forafreequote, contactDavid &Lorayne Oakley<br />

PHONE 308 8493. EMAIL: owdrylock@gmail.com<br />

8A John Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Transformyour kitchen<br />

with aunique designjust foryou<br />

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Ph: (03) 308 4606<br />

E: office@jkfhomes.co.nz<br />

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The Renovation Experts<br />

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606 East Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong>. P: 307 7131 l www.kitchenexpress.co.nz<br />

Open9am to 5pm Monday-Friday; 9.30am-12.30pm Saturday<br />

2473800<br />

build buy &<br />

renovate<br />



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36 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>14</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

build buy &renovate<br />

AUTUMN<br />

<strong>2022</strong><br />

Spare athought for the builders…<br />

While house affordability and the cost of<br />

living continue to dominate the national<br />

conversation, construction costs for new<br />

homes are set to continue to rise for the<br />

foreseeable future.<br />

It may be very difficult for abuilder to<br />

give afixed quote for arenovation or<br />

new build.<br />

Following a34% increase in the price<br />

of building materials in the last 12<br />

months, suppliers are estimating a<br />

further 11% increase over the next six<br />

months, according to the latest research<br />

from EBOSS.<br />

Structural products (steel and<br />

structural timber) and interior products<br />

had the largest increases in the price of<br />

materials, both at 35% over the last 12<br />

months.<br />

EBOSS managing director Matthew<br />

Duder encouraged homeowners to<br />

consider their build budgets very<br />

carefully.<br />

“Traditional contingencies of 5­15%<br />

seem thin when we consider the<br />

cumulative impact of all the increases<br />

we are seeing across the board<br />

combined with the potential for delivery<br />

delays.”<br />

The latest EBOSS Construction<br />

Supply Chain Update highlighted that<br />

while pressures impacting the market<br />

appear to be stabilising, the building<br />

supply chain hasn’t so much recovered<br />

as settled into anew normal with freight<br />

issues remaining and material cost<br />

increases set to continue.<br />

Ninety percent of suppliers rely on<br />

either imported finished products or<br />

imported components unable to be<br />

sourced locally.<br />

The update, released last month,<br />

surveyed 200 suppliers across major<br />

product categories for residential and<br />

commercial construction on freight<br />

challenges, price impacts, lead times<br />

and Omicron­preparedness.<br />

The survey was conducted in<br />

February by EBOSS, which works with<br />

leading building product suppliers to<br />

assist in material selection by architects<br />

and builders. The aim of the survey,<br />

which is part of aquarterly research<br />

series, was to provide an update on the<br />

current and future state of the building<br />

product supply chain and help<br />

developers, architects and builders to<br />

better plan ahead.<br />

Key Findings: Logistics and lead<br />

times: 78% of suppliers are still having<br />

issues supplying the market.<br />

80% of suppliers state that they are<br />

experiencing freight issues.<br />

Product cost increases: Over the last<br />

12 months the price of building products<br />

sold in NZ have increased 34% on<br />

average.<br />

In comparison, the cost of materials to<br />

suppliers has increased 37% over the<br />

past 12 months (buy­in cost), showing a<br />

3% hit on margin to suppliers in general.<br />

Suppliers predict that on average<br />

building products in NZ will increase<br />

11% in the next six months.<br />

Cost of materials are also predicted to<br />

increase 11% over the same period.<br />

93% of suppliers state that an increase<br />

in freight costs is creating inflationary<br />

pressure on their business.<br />

51% say that increases in the cost of<br />

materials are creating the biggest<br />

inflationary pressure on their business.

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>14</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

37<br />

build buy &renovate<br />

AUTUMN<br />

<strong>2022</strong><br />

Be aware, asbestos may be there<br />

Asbestos was used in construction<br />

materials from the 1920stothe mid­1980s<br />

and it’s an area of concern for people<br />

doing home renovations.<br />

Anyonedoing home renovations may<br />

come into contact with it through such<br />

activities as removing or replacing some<br />

types of roof tiles, wallcladdings, vinyl<br />

floor covering, sprayed fire protection,<br />

decorativeceilings and roofing<br />

membranes.<br />

Working with asbestos or asbestoscontaining<br />

material can be adanger to<br />

healthand special gear should be used,<br />

and specialcare taken.<br />

The Ministry of Health advisesusing<br />

Work SafeNew Zealand (WSNZ)<br />

certified asbestos removers to perform<br />

restrictedwork with asbestos. Thisis<br />

because asbestosfibres are arisk to<br />

healthwhen inhaled.<br />

Safe removal methods are wellknown<br />

to experienced specialist firms.<br />

Asbestos­containingmaterialmay be<br />

found in:<br />

­texturedceilingsand linings<br />

­asbestos cement sheeting or cladding<br />

­asbestos­backed floor covering.<br />

Before you beginany workinvolving<br />

asbestos material, use the following<br />

checklist.<br />

Clear the area and surroundingsof<br />

peopleand pets. Childrenand animals<br />

must be unable to enter the area.<br />

Clear the areaofany removable<br />

objects, including furniture.<br />

Line all other surfaces(i.e., floors,<br />

walls, fixtures) with polyethylenefilm<br />

fastened with strong adhesive tape.<br />

Place clear warning signs to keep<br />

people away.<br />

Fasten all windowsand doors if<br />

workinginside, and seal around them<br />

with tape.<br />

Turn off electricity.<br />

Coverelectrical circuits and closeair<br />

conditioning or ventilationsystems.<br />

Wear disposable overalls (with hood),<br />

gloves and shoe coverings to keepdust<br />

off your clothesand skin.<br />

Protectiveclothing and respiratory<br />

mask shouldbeworn at all times until all<br />

work has been completed and the areais<br />

fullycleaned up.<br />

Use aP1­P2type dust respirator at all<br />

times. Get expertadvice on the correct<br />

type of respirator from afirm that sells<br />

safety equipment.<br />

Wettingthe area,using alowpressure<br />

sprayer, lowers dust levels ­but never<br />

use ahigh pressurejet.<br />

As part of good workpractice do not<br />

eat, drink or smokewhileworking with<br />

asbestos.<br />

Use heavy­duty polyethylene bags<br />

specially designed for asbestos waste.<br />

You can buy these fromany asbestos<br />

removalcompany. Do not use ordinary<br />

rubbishbags. The bags should be marked<br />

‘‘contains asbestos waste’’. Do not allow<br />

waste to build up in the work areas. Bags<br />

should be only half filled because of the<br />

risk of tearing.<br />

Use avacuum cleanerfittedwith a<br />

HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air)<br />

filter.<br />

Asbestos dust is adanger to health. To<br />

reduce dust levelsuse hand tools ­NOT<br />

power tools or abrasive cutting discs.<br />

Do not sandthe surface of asbestoscement<br />

products whendry as thiswill<br />

releasealot of dust.<br />

Wettingthe material reduces the<br />

releaseofdust when sanding and cutting.<br />

Do not use high­pressurewater jets.<br />

Bag the asbestoswasteasyou work and<br />

clean the area. Sources healthed.govt.nz<br />

and renovate.org.nz<br />


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Call us @03421 6997 to secureone

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>14</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

39<br />


1 2 3 4 5 6<br />

7<br />

8 9<br />

10<br />

11 12<br />

13 <strong>14</strong> 15<br />

16 17 18<br />

19 20 21<br />

<strong>14</strong>/4<br />

Across<br />

1, 9. Conditionaldeath sentence, as from<br />

glancing shots? (2,5,5,4)<br />

8. Notintoarevision of themusic-writing<br />

system (8)<br />

9. See 1<br />

11. Asmallislandthathas been rentedout<br />

(5)<br />

12. Being in goal with 10 isapiculture (7)<br />

13. Everything in itsplace in thepost I’dyet<br />

to conceal (4)<br />

15. Put wordsinorder forthe tide to turn (4)<br />

19. Whenever one wishesfor enmity,a<br />

change is required (3,4)<br />

20. Alastword from theFrench to God (5)<br />

22. Metal clubfor use in the laundry (4)<br />

23. Aturn-around maybeverycurtailed with<br />

laser (8)<br />

24. This gleaningisofthe birds(12)<br />

Down<br />

2. Anon-ufaultfromwhich onewon’t<br />

recover(5)<br />

3. Piecesofeight in the fieldofmusic (6)<br />

4. Disparages one as oneseeksadmission<br />

(6)<br />

5. If nude,one is upset by beingconsolidated<br />

(7)<br />

6. Turkish sweetmeatcompletelyavailable in<br />

amost pleasing way(12)<br />

7. Seepingthroughoflintifput out with food<br />

allowance(12)<br />

10. It maybeaworker if it’sfemale (3)<br />

<strong>14</strong>. Anygoldthatcan be made as long as<br />

it’slight (7)<br />

16. Apieceone chewed offmaybe (3)<br />

17. It flows forall time betweenthe poles (6)<br />

18. It maybeabox: pictureits possibilities (6)<br />

21. Aparticular magazine forthe children (5)<br />

SUDOKU<br />

Fill the grid so that everycolumn, everyrow and 3x3<br />

box contains the digits 1to9.<br />

22 23<br />

24<br />


1 2 3 4 5 6<br />

7<br />

8 9<br />

10 11 12 13<br />

<strong>14</strong> 15<br />

16 17<br />

18 19 20 21 22<br />

23 24<br />

25<br />

26 27<br />

Across<br />

1. Punctuation mark (5)<br />

4. Pops (6)<br />

7. Enemy(3)<br />

8. Fragrant spice (6)<br />

9. Stitch(6)<br />

10. Appear uninterested<br />

(4,4,2,3)<br />

<strong>14</strong>. Grizzle (5)<br />

15. Courageous(5)<br />

18. Crudebut effective<br />

(5-3-5)<br />

23. Layers (6)<br />

24. Makepossible (6)<br />

25. Pub(3)<br />

26. Tree art(6)<br />

27. All (5)<br />

Down<br />

1. Ruthless(5)<br />

2. Homely, unfashionable<br />

(5)<br />

3. Biscuit (6)<br />

4. Next to (6)<br />

5. Proportion (5)<br />

6. Cake(5)<br />

10. Might(5)<br />

11. Farewell(Fr)(5)<br />

12. Tropical fruit(5)<br />

13. Very small (colloq)(5)<br />

16. Sushiaccompaniment<br />

(6)<br />

17. Stick to (6)<br />

19. Getthe betterof(5)<br />

20. Window material (5)<br />

21. Rubout (5)<br />

22. Dawdle (5)<br />



Across: 1. Comma, 4. Bursts, 7. Foe, 8. Nutmeg, 9. Suture, 10. Play<br />

hard to get, <strong>14</strong>.Whine,15. Brave, 18.Rough-and-ready,23. Strata, 24.<br />

Enable, 25.Bar,26. Bonsai,27. Every.<br />

Down: 1.Cruel, 2. Mumsy,3.Afghan,4.Beside, 5. Ratio,6.Torte, 10.<br />

Power, 11.Adieu,12. Guava,13. Teeny, 16.Wasabi, 17.Adhere, 19.<br />

Outdo, 20. Glass, 21. Erase,22. Dally.<br />


Across: 1, 9. If looks couldkill8.Notation 11.Islet12. Keeping 13.Tidy<br />

15.Edit19. Anytime20.Adieu 22.Iron 23.Reversal24. Nightingales.<br />

Down: 2. Fatal 3. Octets 4. Knocks 5. Unified 6. Delightfully7.Infiltration<br />

10.Bee <strong>14</strong>. Daylong16. Bit17. Severn18. Camera 21.Issue.<br />

TARGET<br />

erupt peer perm permute<br />

pert peter petter pure purer<br />

purr putt puttee putter repute<br />

rump rupee temp temper<br />

tempt tempter trump trumpet<br />



EASY<br />

TARGET<br />

R E T<br />

U P E<br />

T R M<br />

Good 12<br />

Very Good 16<br />

Excellent 20+<br />


How many words of four letters or more can you<br />

make? There is at least one nine-letter word.<br />

Each letter may be used only once and all<br />

words must contain the centre letter.<br />

No words starting with acapital, no plurals<br />

ending in sunless the word is also averb, e.g.<br />

he fires the gun.<br />

Big<br />

Mike<br />

Big Mikewith near on 30 years’ experience under the belt you<br />

start to think, where has all that time gone? From big brick<br />

mobiles bigger than ashoe box to radio telephones that had<br />

various interruption’s -Yes Ihave experienced alot inmytime<br />

in the industry. If you’re asuperannuant like me, it’s time to<br />

talk. Big Mike; Iwould love to share acoffee with you.<br />

021 272 0202 • mike.grant@raywhite.com<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> •Tinwald •Methven •rwashburton.co.nz •03307 8317<br />

Real Estate Mid Canterbury PropertyLimited Licensed (REAA 2008)

What'smy<br />

property worth?<br />

It's FREE to<br />

find out!<br />





3D VIRTUAL<br />


Trevor Hurley Real Estate Ltd LREA 2008 -MREINZ<br />


All Sold..ButNow One is<br />

Available!<br />

•Arare opportunity to<br />

purchase adesirable<br />

section in the Camrose<br />

subdivision locatedin<br />

the growing township of<br />

Methven.<br />

•Verynicely positioned<br />

maximisingviews to the<br />

mountains.<br />

OffersOver$265,000<br />

12B Churchill Avenue<br />

ID: W730<br />

Desirable townhouse situatedinasoughtafterAllentonlocation. Well presented, sunnyaspect, two<br />

heatpumpsplus HRVkeepsthishomesuper cosy. Updatedkitchen with newgas cooktop, twogoodsized<br />

bedrooms and aconservatory makethiswee beauty amustsee!<br />

These properties areindemand...call nowfor your appointmenttoview.<br />

All offersconsidered after 2pm, Tuesday19th <strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

OffersOver$379,000<br />

Open Home :Saturday16<strong>April</strong>, 10.00 -10.30am<br />


2 1 1<br />



JustWhatYou'reLooking<br />

For!!<br />

Three bedroom property<br />

with open plan living.<br />

Easy care section with garage<br />

pluscarport.<br />

Freshly painted, roughcast<br />

exterior and aluminium<br />

windows.<br />

An excellentfirsthome or<br />

investmentopportunity.<br />

Enquiries Over $349,000<br />

3 1 2<br />

ID: M107<br />

First Home Or Develop?<br />

This property has real<br />

character!<br />

Situatedonthe outskirtsof<br />

Rakaia on acorner section.<br />

Real potential here forthe<br />

astuteinvestorordeveloper.<br />

Four bedrooms and cosy<br />

living.<br />

Such agreat opportunity!<br />

Enquiries Over $299,000<br />

4 1 1 ID: R091<br />

15 Oak Grove<br />

ID:W729<br />

Situatedinaverydesirable Oak Grovelocation this substantial property has so much to offer.<br />

Boasting four bedrooms, office, formal dining,two living areas, beautiful conservatory and twobathrooms this<br />

exceptional home comes with everything afamily could ask forand more! The coveredand heatedswimming<br />

pool,tennis courts and games room arethe icing onthe cake!<br />

Three cargaraging (including carport), aprivate well and composting station,all on a1383m² private,secure<br />

section. This is onenot to be missed, call foranappointmenttoviewtoday!<br />

Enquiries Over $850,000<br />

Open Home :Saturday16<strong>April</strong>, 11.00 -11.30am<br />

4 2 3<br />

Still not SOLD?<br />

It's time to take ACTION!<br />

Call us today for aFREE no obligation appraisal<br />

Get LISTED, get FREE 3D Marketing &get SOLD!<br />

S<br />

O LD<br />

Built foraFamily!<br />

ID: ROL002<br />

On offer is this very spaciousfour bed brick home in the heart of the ever expanding town of Rolleston, within<br />

walking distance to all amenities. The property sits forwardofthe fully fenced sunnysection enjoying plenty of<br />

space out the back! The home offersverylarge open plan livingwith twolounges, doubleglazing,heatpump<br />

and gasheater, four spacious bedrooms with plenty of storage, walk in wardrobe and ensuitetothe master.<br />

Large double attached garage with workbenches.<br />

An added bonus is acovered entertaining area to the rear.<br />

Rollestonisonlya25km commutetoChristchurch.<br />

Enquiries Over $799,000 4 2 2<br />

Proud supporters of the HeartFoundation of NewZealand! We donate from everypropertysold!<br />

Manager<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

Trevor Hurley<br />

0275 435 799<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

Stephen Watson<br />

027 433 9695<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

Manoj Rana<br />

022 453 1964<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

Dannii May<br />

0210 281 3310<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

Deborah Roberts<br />

0210 752 180

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />


2/361 BURNETT STREET 2 1 1<br />


Freshly renovated! All the hard work has<br />

been done ready for anew owner to enjoy.<br />

2bdrms with wardrobes. Single garage with<br />

storage shed. Sunny, easy care courtyard &<br />

an allotment at the back. BEO $339,000<br />

All offers considered after Tuesday, 26 <strong>April</strong><br />

<strong>2022</strong> 2pm. (unless sold prior)<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/HYK<br />


3DAVIS CRESCENT 6 2 1<br />


•Six Bedrooms •Sunny North Facing Lounges<br />

•Separate Kitchen, Laundry &Toilets •Large<br />

Double Garage •Rented at $590p/w •1002m2<br />

Section with potential to subdivide (subject<br />

to survey) BEO $539,000<br />

All offers considered after Tuesday, 19 <strong>April</strong><br />

<strong>2022</strong> 2pm. (unless sold prior)<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/6ZHYK<br />

Agent<br />

Manu Otene 022 308 6885<br />

Agent<br />

Julie Srhoy 021 354 885<br />

33 CHALMERS AVENUE 3 2 2<br />


Spacious elegant kitchen, Sep. lounge, O/p<br />

dining/living, Double tiled ensuite & full<br />

bthrm, Indoor/outdoor flow to the private<br />

patio. Double int. garage with laundry.Set<br />

on a manicured low maintenance private<br />

section, this stylish home offers the lucky<br />

buyer comfortable easy living. BEO $639,000<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/6RHYK<br />

1<strong>14</strong> THOMSON STREET 3 1 1<br />


3 bdrm home with easy care fully fenced<br />

section. Just ahop skip and jump to Tinwald<br />

School! O/p living allows for easy heating<br />

via h/pump. Bath +shower with extraction.<br />

Int. access single garage. Freshly painted<br />

roof, ready for its new owner. BEO $279,000<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/6THYK<br />

Agent<br />

Julie Srhoy 021 354 885<br />

Agent<br />

Manu Otene 022 308 6885<br />

21 CHURCH STREET 3 1 -<br />


This property comes with:<br />

•3bedrooms •1Bathroom with ashower<br />

and bathtub! • Separate toilet • Spacious<br />

and open plan kitchen and dining. • Back<br />

yard space, would make for great outdoor<br />

entertaining area! BEO $329,000<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/6MHYK<br />



These exceptionally private sections offer the<br />

ultimate lifestyle with the Moana township<br />

just astroll away. Situated approx 50 mins<br />

from Hokitika, Lake Brunner is amagnet for<br />

tourists &Christchurch residents. Everything<br />

is right at your doorstep. 2freehold titles left.<br />

Asking Price $259,000 +GST (if any)<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/6GHYK<br />

Agent<br />

Manu Otene 022 308 6885<br />

Agent<br />

Manu Otene 022 308 6885<br />



•1.31ha &1.26ha Bareland •Residential D•1<br />

min to Mayfield shops •26min to <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Set back from the road with shared<br />

driveway, the spectacular property covers 2<br />

sections of flat land &positioned for the sun<br />

&Mountains. Opportunity to subdivide down<br />

to 4000m2 (subject to survey). PBN<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/6PHYK<br />

Agent<br />

Julie Srhoy 021 354 885<br />

29 WAYMOUTH STREET 3 1 3<br />


Space galore with 3dble bdrm home in a<br />

friendly community, Fairton. • Modern o/p<br />

kitchen &dining •Double glazed •Choice of<br />

diesel fire or h/pump for heating •Spa pool<br />

•Internal access carport •2single adjoining<br />

garages with workbench •Plenty of off street<br />

parking for all the toys! BEO $449,000<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/6EHYK<br />

Agent<br />

Manu Otene 022 308 6885<br />

35 WAYMOUTH STREET 1 1 -<br />


Set on a930m2 section with huge potential<br />

in Fairton location, with lots of options.<br />

Peaceful &private yet incredibly convenient.<br />

Fairton is asmall township approximately 6<br />

km from <strong>Ashburton</strong>. If you are looking for an<br />

opportunity add value this cute 1bedroom<br />

home is amust see. BEO $269,000<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/6CHYK<br />

Agent<br />

Manu Otene 022 308 6885<br />




We can tell you with aFREE,<br />

no obligation market appraisal.<br />

For all your real estate needs,<br />

give us acall today, we want to<br />

help. 0800 554 274<br />

Robertson Real Estate Limited MERINZ Licensed Agents REAA 2008<br />

LJ Hooker <strong>Ashburton</strong>: When you know, you know | Phone 0800 554 274 | Visit it www.ashburton.ljhooker.co.nz<br />

Robertson Real Estate Limited MREINZ - Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA 2008 *Sources: <strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council, Property Guru, Vendor Report, Property Management Company

1/63 Short Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

2 1 1<br />

1/19 Tancred Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

2 1 1<br />

With Street frontage, positioned to capture all daysun this<br />

home is perfect forthose downsizing, retirees ,investor or<br />

first home buyers.<br />

Versatile living area with, modern kitchen with heaps of<br />

storage. Spacious living which leads to the Conservatory that<br />

overlooks the small garden.<br />

Fresh updated bathroom with all the essentials and two<br />

double bedrooms.<br />

Asingle garage completes the package.<br />

Viewing is essential.<br />

SetDate of Sale<br />

closing 27 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong>, at<br />

4:00pm (unless sold prior)<br />

View<br />

Thursday4:30 -5:30pm<br />

ChrissyMilne<br />

027 290 6606<br />

You’ll feel safe and secure with caring people close at hand if<br />

you make the choice to become part of the St Stephen Close<br />

Retirement Village. The Right toOccupyisonly for the 65<br />

years plus &is designed tomake life easier inyour lateryears<br />

so you can enjoyretirement. Designed for future proofing extra<br />

wide doorways incase aneed forwheelchairs walkers mobility<br />

scooters into Entrance, Living, Bedroom &Bathroom.The wet<br />

floor bathrooms isagem, so easy to use &clean. Ithas access<br />

from the master bedroom and the hallway to the second<br />

bedroom. Twodouble bedrooms both with ample storage.<br />

ForSale<br />

Price onapplication<br />

View<br />

by appointment<br />

ChrissyMilne<br />

027 290 6606<br />

rwashburton.co.nz/AHB30252<br />

Real Estate Mid Canterbury Property Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)<br />

rwashburton.co.nz/AHB30243<br />

Real Estate Mid CanterburyProperty Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)<br />

36 Hakatere Drive, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

2 1 0<br />

5GlasseyDrive, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

4 2 2<br />

*New kitchen, new bathroom/laundry<br />

*2bedrooms<br />

*Heat pump, gas hotwater, new switchboard<br />

*Secure back yard for children and pets<br />

Spacious open plan living area and easy care, well fenced<br />

backyard with freehold title.<br />

rwashburton.co.nz/AHB30240<br />

Real Estate Mid Canterbury PropertyLimited Licensed (REAA 2008)<br />

SetDate of Sale<br />

closing 21 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong>, at<br />

4:00pm (unless sold prior)<br />

View<br />

by appointment<br />

BruceMcPherson<br />

027 438 4250<br />

Denise McPherson<br />

027 242 7677<br />

*Solid 1980 Split Level Brick home<br />

*Prime Desirable Allenton Location<br />

*4Bedrooms, 2Bathrooms<br />

*Modern Kitchen and Conservatory<br />

*Huge storage throughout<br />

*XLarge Carpeted Double internal Access Garage with Auto<br />

Doors<br />

*Fullyfenced 615sqm section<br />

rwashburton.co.nz/AHB30226<br />

Real Estate Mid Canterbury PropertyLimited Licensed (REAA2008)<br />

ForSale<br />

Offers over$620,000<br />

View<br />

by appointment<br />

Armand vander Eik<br />

021 597 527<br />

12 Mc Nicol Crescent, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

3 1 2<br />

360 Havelock Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

3 2 2<br />

*3double bedrooms and Twoliving areas<br />

*Double glazed and summer hill stone exterior<br />

*Built to capture all daysun<br />

*Covered and sheltered new patio area<br />

*Space to park acaravan<br />

*Concrete block double garage with powered door<br />

rwashburton.co.nz/AHB30247<br />

Real Estate Mid CanterburyProperty Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)<br />

SetDate of Sale<br />

closing 28 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong>, at<br />

4:00pm (unless sold prior)<br />

View<br />

by appointment<br />

BruceMcPherson<br />

027 438 4250<br />

Denise McPherson<br />

027 236 8627<br />

What more could you need? This property has been lovingly<br />

renovated to suit todays modern lifestyle.<br />

*3Bedrooms Plus Office &TwoBathrooms<br />

*New Carpet &Paint<br />

*Double Garage and new sealed driveway<br />

rwashburton.co.nz/AHB30248<br />

Real Estate Mid Canterbury Property Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)<br />

SetDate of Sale<br />

closing 26 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong>, at<br />

3:00pm (unless sold prior)<br />

View<br />

Thursday5:30 -6:00pm<br />

Armand vander Eik<br />

021 597 527<br />

Kim Miller<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 236 8627<br />

Denise Russell<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 432 9717<br />

ChrissyMilne<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 290 6606<br />

Cheryl Fowler<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 461 26<strong>14</strong><br />

Margaret Feiss<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

021 751 009<br />

ShirleyFitzgerald<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 220 1528<br />

Denise McPherson<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 242 7677<br />

Armandvan der Eik<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

021 597 527<br />

Lynne Bridge<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 410 6216<br />

Mike Grant ncre<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

021 272 0202<br />

Mark Totty<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

021 664 113<br />

BruceMcPherson<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 438 4250<br />

Carey VonLubke<br />

Property Manager<br />

027 697 6948<br />

Janene McDowell<br />

Property Manager<br />

027 287 3388<br />

96 TancredStreet, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 03 307 8317 Main Road,Tinwald 03 307 8317<br />

rwashburton.co.nz<br />

36 McMillanStreet, Methven 03 303 3032



Armand Vandereik<br />

Ray White <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Your customer service has been rated<br />

10/10<br />

by<br />

Evelyne J & Barry L Taylor<br />

Residential-Vendor<br />

33ManchesterStreetTinwald<br />


ArmandVandereik<br />

RayWhite<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Yourcustomerservicehasbeenrated<br />

10/10<br />

by<br />

AlisdairGormly<br />

Residential-Vendor<br />

63LaneStreetAllenton<br />

January <strong>2022</strong><br />

ArmandVandereik<br />

RayWhite<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Yourcustomerservicehasbeenrated<br />

10/10<br />

by<br />

AmandaGray<br />

Residential-Vendor<br />

60McMurdoStreet<br />

StreetTinwald<br />

January<strong>2022</strong><br />

customer service has been rated<br />

10/10<br />

by<br />

Fiona McKinney<br />

Residential-Vendor<br />

31Willow Street Hampstead<br />

January <strong>2022</strong><br />

January<strong>2022</strong><br />

M<br />


r<br />

Brian White AO<br />

Chairman<br />


Armand Vandereik<br />

Ray White <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Your customer servicehasbeenrated<br />

10/ /10<br />

by<br />

ArmandVandereik<br />

RayWhite<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Yourcustomerservicehasbeenrated<br />

10/10<br />

by<br />

JasonO''Connor<br />

Residential-Purchaser<br />

26CharlesStreetAllenton<br />


Armand Vandereik<br />

Ray White <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Your customer service has been rated<br />

10/10<br />

by<br />

PhilipSutherland<br />

Residential-Vendor<br />

277 Tancred Street<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

December2021<br />

December 2021<br />

DanWhi<br />

White<br />

Brian White AO<br />

Managing Director<br />

Daniel<br />

Residential-Vendor<br />

24MelcombeStreetTinwald<br />

December2021<br />

Chairman<br />

White<br />

g Director<br />

Brian White AO<br />

Chairman<br />


Armand Vandereik<br />

Ray White <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />


Armand Vandereik<br />

Ray White <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />


Armand Vandereik<br />

Ray White <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Your customer service has been rated<br />

10/10<br />

by<br />

Evelyne J & Barry L Taylor<br />

Residential-Vendor<br />

33ManchesterStreetTinwald<br />

January<strong>2022</strong><br />

Your customer service has been rated<br />

10/10<br />

by<br />

AlisdairGormly<br />

Residential-Vendor<br />

63LaneStreetAllenton<br />

January <strong>2022</strong><br />

Your customer service has been rated<br />

10/10<br />

by<br />

Amanda Gray<br />

Residential-Vendor<br />

60McMurdoStreetTinwald<br />

January<strong>2022</strong><br />

Dan White<br />

Manaa<br />

ging Director<br />

Brian<br />

C<br />

te<br />

rector<br />

r<br />

BrianWhiteAO<br />

Chairman<br />

te<br />

rector<br />

r<br />

AO<br />


Armand Va<br />

ndereik<br />

Ray White <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

AW<br />

Arm mand<br />

Ray White<br />

Your customer service hasbeenrated<br />

10/10<br />

by<br />

Daniel<br />

Residential - Vendor<br />

Yourcus stomer service<br />

10/1<br />

by<br />

Jason O''Connor<br />

Residential - Purcha<br />

26 Charles Street Allen<br />

Armand vander Eik 021 597 527 armand.vandereik@raywhite.com<br />

Real Estate Mid Canterbury Property Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)


44 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>14</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />



Alone and Seeking Love.<br />

Acountry lady who is loving<br />

and down-to-earth.<br />

She has grown up on the<br />

land and enjoys the<br />

farming lifestyle.<br />

Kate has blonde hair and<br />

green eyes. She enjoys<br />

cooking, camping, fishing<br />

and spending her time<br />

with aspecial man.<br />

Call now for more details.<br />

Seniors welcome.<br />

0800-446-332.<br />



Please join us for aMemorial to<br />

celebrate Jim (Frederick<br />

James) Small. Friday 29 <strong>April</strong><br />

from 11am-2pm Celtic Rugby<br />

Clubrooms, 46 Keenan's Road,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>. All welcome.<br />


ALTERATIONS; Sewing<br />

mending and trouser hemming,<br />

curtain alterations<br />

and curtain making. Call<br />

Michelle on 027 352 7248.<br />

BUILD work to do? Contact<br />

Kiwi Building and Maintenance<br />

Ltd. Alterations,<br />

Renovations, New builds<br />

and repairs. Qualified<br />

Tradesmen. Phone Cawte<br />

027 418 7955.<br />

BUILDER : Specialising in<br />

home renovations and<br />

repair work. We also do<br />

decks, fences and retaining,<br />

plastering and painting,<br />

gardening, landscaping<br />

and tree removal. Call<br />

Lindsay 027 230 0205<br />

CARPET Cleaning. Powerful<br />

equipment and fast drying.<br />

Upholstery, mats and rugs.<br />

Experienced owner/operator.<br />

Phone John Cameron<br />

at Supersucker. 027 435<br />

1042.<br />

CARPET 2YOU -for all your<br />

flooring needs. Supplier<br />

and installer of carpet and<br />

vinyl, re-stretch and repair,<br />

carpet cleaning. Phone<br />

Mike Gill 027 491 4210.<br />

CARR’S Chimney Cleaning,<br />

servicing <strong>Ashburton</strong> and<br />

surrounding districts, $70<br />

per chimney. Phone<br />

Rodney on 03 324 2999<br />

and leave amessage.<br />

CHIMNEY Sweep - for a<br />

professional service call<br />

Dan McKerrow, Chimney<br />

Sweep and Repairs on 021<br />

118 7580.<br />

CHIMNEY Sweeping.<br />

Includes full firebox inspection<br />

and internal flue<br />

camera inspection. An<br />

inspection report can be<br />

issued on completion. Call<br />

Allan on 027 209 5026.<br />

COMPUTER Help - need<br />

personalised help with<br />

computer programs,<br />

backups? Trouble with your<br />

PC/Mac, iPhone/iPad,<br />

Internet, printer or internet/<br />

electronic stuff. Call Frank<br />

021 120 9292<br />

COMPUTER Problems? For<br />

prompt reliable computer<br />

servicing and laser engraving,<br />

contact Kelvin, KJB<br />

Systems Ltd, 4 Ascot<br />

Place, <strong>Ashburton</strong>. Phone<br />

308 8989. SuperGold discount<br />

card accepted.<br />

COMPUTER repairs, sales,<br />

training, setup wirelessnetworks,<br />

spyware<br />

cleanup. On-site day or<br />

evening. Low fees. Call<br />

Robin Johnstone, Networks<br />

Firewalls and PC’s Ltd, 308<br />

<strong>14</strong>40 or 027 768 4058.<br />


GARDENING, mowing,<br />

pruning, fertilising, projects<br />

or general spruce ups? Call<br />

Andrew at Spruce Gardens<br />

to get the job done right.<br />

027 765 2899 or 03 307<br />

1693.<br />

sprucegardens@xtra.co.nz<br />

LAWN Mowing. No job too<br />

small. Call Les Smith, From<br />

The Ground Up, for acompetitive<br />

quote. Ph 027 840<br />

0201 or 03 308 1500.<br />


Building Supplies<br />

Salesperson–Fulltime<br />

Mitre 10MEGA <strong>Ashburton</strong> has avacancy for<br />

someone to join their building supplies team.<br />

This is aFull Time Position (41.5 Hours) with a<br />

Tuesday–Saturdayroster.<br />

Duties will include:<br />

•Trade Customer service<br />

•PickingOrders<br />

•Point-of-sales operation<br />

•Merchandising<br />

Ideally the person will have the following<br />

attributes:<br />

•Administration skills<br />

•Building industryexperienceoraninterestin<br />

DIY<br />

•Excellentcommunication and people skills<br />

•Reliability<br />

•Ability toget aForklift licence (if you don’t<br />

already have one)<br />

•Beable to work in ateam environment<br />

•Excellentcustomer serviceskills<br />

This is a great opportunity for the right<br />

person to be part ofagreat team and make a<br />

contribution to agrowing business. Inreturn<br />

we offer job securityand excellentstaff buying<br />

privileges.<br />

Please email your C.V. and covering letter to:<br />

HR.<strong>Ashburton</strong>@mitre10.co.nz<br />

Applications close on Tuesday 26th <strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />


CONCRETE Services -<br />

Driveways, paths, patios,<br />

mowing edging. Decorative<br />

Concrete Specialist operating<br />

locally with 30 years<br />

experience. No job too big<br />

or small. Contactless service<br />

offered. Phone Paul<br />

021 152 1966.<br />

ENGINEERING repairs, fabrication,<br />

farm equipment<br />

service and maintenance,<br />

WOF repairs, machining<br />

and welding. Odd jobs a<br />

speciality. Mobile workshop.<br />

Can Collect. Phone<br />

Malcolm 0274 754 241.<br />

FIRE Extinquisher sales and<br />

servicing. On farm/<br />

contractors - trucks/tractors/balers/combines/cars/<br />

boats/caravans etc. Phone<br />

Mack at Doors and More on<br />

027 396 0361.<br />

FLY control and spider<br />

proofing. For all your<br />

domestic and industrial<br />

pest control needs phone<br />

AJ Kerr at <strong>Ashburton</strong> Pest<br />

Control on 03 308 8<strong>14</strong>7 or<br />

027 432 5447<br />

FURNITURE Removals. For<br />

all your household removal<br />

needs - urban, rural, lifestyle,<br />

office relocations -<br />

call Nudges Furniture<br />

Removals, phone 027 224<br />

0609.<br />


2474776<br />



New orexisting,<br />

level 4finish, full skim<br />

plaster or repairs<br />

The Finishing Company<br />

03 307 8870 2450087<br />

LOCKSMITH/DOOR repairs.<br />

Keys/locks, sliding and<br />

bifold door roller repairs.<br />

Mobile service. Call Nigel at<br />

Doors and More on 027 516<br />

7104.<br />

PAINTER for all your painting<br />

needs. No job too small,<br />

inside or outside. Professional,<br />

friendly service.<br />

Phone Pete 03 308 1672 or<br />

027 200 1619.<br />

SUN Control Window Tinting:<br />

Privacy, UV, glare, heat<br />

control for homes, offices<br />

and cars. Phone Craig<br />

Rogers 307 6347, www.<br />

windowtinter.co.nz, member<br />

of Master Tinters NZ.<br />

TILING - For all your tiling<br />

requirements including kitchen<br />

splash backs, flooring<br />

etc. (Full water proofing)<br />

Call Kevin on 027 496<br />

83<strong>14</strong>.<br />

TINT-A-WINDOW, fade, UV<br />

block, glare, heat control,<br />

safety, security, privacy,<br />

frosting films, solar protective<br />

window films. Free<br />

quotes, 20 years local service.<br />

Phone 0800 368 468<br />

now, Bill Breukelaar, www.<br />

tintawindow.co.nz<br />

ashburtoncranes2015@gmail.com<br />

2468875<br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />


Reporter–<strong>Ashburton</strong><strong>Courier</strong><br />

We arecurrently looking foraversatile reportertojoin our team at the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><strong>Courier</strong>.Allied Press Limited employs over 450 people on a<br />

permanentbasis across our 15 sites in the South Island. Weoperate across<br />

multiple media platforms (print, online,digital) delivering news, information<br />

and entertainmentthrough our various regional and citypublications including<br />

the <strong>Ashburton</strong><strong>Courier</strong>,The Star (Christchurch) and the Otago Daily Times.<br />

Thesuccessful candidate will have:<br />

• Excellentwriting ability<br />

• Ahigh degreeofinitiative<br />

• The abilitytoworkautonomously,juggle multiple tasks and meet regular<br />

deadlines<br />

• Afull NZ driver’s licence<br />

• Photography, video and websiteskills aredesirable.<br />

• Relevantjournalism qualification (or equivalentexperience) would be a<br />

distinctadvantage<br />

What we offer<br />

• Agreatteam environmentand an opportunitytogrowyour<br />

journalism skills<br />

• Enjoybeing partofasmall,dedicatedteam.<br />

• Employeewellbeing benefits including medical insuranceand EAP<br />

Acopyofthe full position description can be found at<br />

alliedpress.co.nz/employment.<br />

If youthink this role is foryou,please apply to:<br />

Daniel Tobin (Editor) daniel.tobin@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

with your covering letter and CV,<br />

or post to 199 Burnett Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong>, 7700.<br />




$<strong>14</strong>0 per cord<br />

GREEN<br />


$120 per cord<br />



$150 per cord<br />



$350 per cord<br />

C.O.D. in town<br />

Adams Sawmill<br />

Malcolm McDowell Rd<br />

Phone<br />

308-3595<br />


QualityEuropean<br />

Vehicle Servicing<br />

•Advanced<br />

Diagnostics<br />

•Experienced<br />

Technicians<br />

2459956<br />

OLD Man Pine. Very dry, well<br />

split. $400. 4m 3 trailer,<br />

delivered <strong>Ashburton</strong> to<br />

Hinds. Ph 027 444 4521.<br />


MUSCOVY Adult Ducks-<br />

Pied and White, Peking<br />

Bantum chickens and Buff<br />

turkeys. Hinds area and<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> enquiries.<br />

Please phone Heather 027<br />

244 1102.<br />


We are seeking amechanically minded person to join our team.<br />

This position would suit someone who is:<br />

Motivated &Hardworking.<br />

Has the ability to think logically &problem solve.<br />

Physically Fit.<br />

Welding &Mechanical skills are an advantage.<br />

In return awork vehicle and work phone can be available for the<br />

successful candidate.<br />


EXPERIENCED Housekeeper,<br />

Carer, full or parttime.<br />

Mature lady available<br />

for personal cares, cooking,<br />

cleaning. Highly recommended.<br />

Please contact<br />

Christine on 027 218 0668.<br />

WORK Wanted: Domestic<br />

house cleaner, available<br />

weekdays, reliable and<br />

honest. Also available for<br />

Pet walking/sitting, motel<br />

cleaning. Anything considered.<br />

Please phone<br />

Karriane 021 0242 2165.<br />


•Collection/Delivery<br />

‘Free of Charge’<br />

in <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Bruce McIlroy Limited<br />

309MethvenHighway, <strong>Ashburton</strong>7776<br />

Tel: 03 3087282•E:bruce.mcilroy@xtra.co.nz<br />


Call us for a<br />

FREE<br />

QUOTE<br />

Email your cover letter and C.V to:<br />

martyn@dairyplatforms.nz<br />

www.dairyplatformscanterbury.com<br />

2457013<br />

Customer Service<br />

MaintenancePerson<br />

Areyou looking forchange?<br />

2472608<br />

We have afull time permanent position available<br />

within our small selectteam.<br />

We are alocally owned company that has been<br />

servicing Mid Canterbury and the wider area for<br />

20 Years.<br />

The susccessful applicant would need to be<br />

preferablybut not necessarily<br />

• Mechanically minded<br />

• Reliable<br />

• Service driven<br />

• Ateam player<br />

If youhaveagoodsense of humour,enjoya<br />

varietyofwork,and have aclean driver’s licence,<br />

thenplease send your cv to<br />

admin@ashburtonuhire.co.nz<br />


www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />




Join our dynamic Senior Leadership Team based in<br />

Oamaru. Full-time, new position due to growth.<br />

Oversee production and plant activities.<br />

Duties include:<br />

•Day-to-day plant operations<br />

•Production scheduling &forecasting<br />

•Production engineering and systems<br />

•Staff recruitment, training and rostering<br />

•Maintaining food safety &QA<br />

•Subcontractor management<br />

•Procurement and stock management<br />

•Financial management<br />

•LEAN management<br />

Our ideal candidate will have:<br />

•Minimum 5years experience inmanufacturing<br />

•Preferably tertiary qualified<br />

•Experienced in leading and growing high<br />

performing teams<br />

•Excellent communication skills<br />

•Computer literate<br />

•The right topermanently work in New Zealand<br />

To apply today or see more information, go to<br />

www.whitestonecheese.com/pages/job-vacancies<br />

For further questions, please call Daisy on<br />

0800-892-433, or email hr@whitestonecheese.co.nz<br />



Interested in advancementinyour industry?<br />

Seed Processing<br />

Coordinator/Manager<br />

• Key Role with Westham Industries Ltd.,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>, MidCanterbury<br />

The Seed Processing Coordinator will be<br />

responsible for efficiently managing the<br />

complete seedcleaningprocess forWest Farms<br />

Ltdand Westham Industries client’sseeds to the<br />

required standards.<br />

Skills requiredfor the role:<br />

• SeedIndustryexperienceisnecessary<br />

• Production experience and process plant<br />

setting essential<br />

• Strong attention to detail<br />

• Abilitytocreate agood team environment<br />

• Exceptional time management<br />

• Effectiveproblem solver with strong mechanical<br />

skills<br />

• Excellent Customer ServiceSkills<br />

• Health andSafetyfocused<br />

• Good computer skills<br />

• Excellent verbal and written communication<br />

skills<br />

An attractive remuneration package will be<br />

negotiatedwith the successful applicant.<br />

If youare interested in this role,thenpleaseemail<br />

an up-to-date copy of your CV and acover letter<br />

General ManagerJanine Lee<br />

janine@westgroup.nz or<br />

call Janine on 0276655429 foradditionaldetails.<br />

Full Jobdescription is available.<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>14</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

45<br />


Location &Style<br />

118 Cameron Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Now is the perfect time to snap up this modern 3bedroom plus study home.<br />

Set in acentral location on a554 m² back section, this sunny property<br />

is an entertainer’s delight and hosts large open plan kitchen, dining and<br />

living areas that lead effortlessly to the covered deck area and landscaped<br />

gardens. Only 2years young and constructed by<br />

Des Millar this home is to be sold by Deadline Sale –5pm, 26 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

2474949<br />

Further enquiries to joshtuki1@gmail.com orphone 020 428 0795<br />

Trade me listing #3541150195<br />

Deliverers Wanted!<br />

Need some extracash??<br />

Whynot get fit earning it!<br />

Be partofadynamic team from areputable and<br />

well-respectedcompanyand deliver advertising<br />

material andnewspapers<br />

to local houses.<br />

Interested?<br />

We requirehonest,reliablepeople,<br />

aged11orover,<br />

in your area NOW!<br />

Forfurther details contact:<br />

deliveries@alliedpress.co.nz<br />

Please include your name,<br />

address and contactdetails<br />

2475270<br />


Realty<br />

Open Homes Tuesday, 19<strong>April</strong> 6-7pm<br />

Saturday,23<strong>April</strong> 6-7pm<br />

Private viewings by appointment<br />

Look out for<br />

your copy<br />

everyweek!<br />


Presbyterian SupportUSI –Two VacancyPositions<br />

Youth MentorMethven–FixedTerm Part Time,20hours perweek<br />

MethvenTePuawaitanga Charitable Trust &Presbyterian Support<br />

2473850<br />

Aprimaryfocus will be to supportyoung people within the community, through<br />

brief engagement and supporting referral connections. Itwill be important<br />

for the Youth Mentor to be approachable and accessible to the young people,<br />

through proactive involvement at lunch times and throughout the school day.<br />

It will be imperative for the Youth Mentor tobevisible at school events and to<br />

complete case note reporting requirements, inrelation to youth’s concerns or<br />

risks. The role offers stimulating and rewarding work,itprovides an opportunity<br />

to contributetostrengthening families and the community.<br />

www.seek.co.nz/job/56509553 Applications close 22 <strong>April</strong> at 5pm<br />

Family Works–Social Worker,Counsellor,Psychologist<br />

Permanent–32to40hours,negotiable<br />

TheFamilyWorksrole is focused on supporting children and their family /whanāu<br />

who arefacing complexchallenges.The aim is to enable positivestrategies and<br />

practicalsupportfor childrenand parents, whowill benefit from strengths-based<br />

intervention; to improve their well-being and contribute tolong term positive<br />

outcomes.This role will require collaborative and/or partnered responses into<br />

facilitate good outcomes with our clients: while working in the community or<br />

based at our <strong>Ashburton</strong>office.<br />

www.seek.co.nz/jobs/56589430 Applications close 28 <strong>April</strong> at 5pm<br />

At Presbyterian Support we offer a safe and supportive working team<br />

environment. The role offers stimulating, challenging, rewarding work, an<br />

opportunity tocontribute tostrengthening families and the community. We<br />

wish to appointpeople who hold relevantprofessional qualifications.<br />

Please apply throughSEEK -The Job description is available on the PSUSI<br />

website https://www.familyworksuppersouth.org.nz/administration-2021-<br />

ashburton orconfidential enquiries welcomed by emailing Suz Hutchinson at<br />

susanh@psusi.org.nz (PleasenotePSUSI willbereviewing applications as they<br />

come in and mayplace prior to the closing date). Thank you.<br />



46 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>14</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />


HEALTH Coach - Trained<br />

dietitian, BSc Human<br />

Nutrition. 20 years experience.<br />

Restore your health,<br />

reduce medications, raise<br />

energy, heal your digestion,<br />

release excess fat. Phone<br />

Katie Charlton, 020 4013<br />

7988 or email<br />

katie@pecknutrition.com<br />

MENTAL Health Wellness. "I<br />

promise to listen, care and<br />

believe in you" Phone Pete<br />

on 027 280 0889. Dip<br />

Social Work, Dip Life<br />

Coaching. 30 years Tradie<br />

business experience. Member:<br />

A.N.Z. Coaching<br />

Alliance. www.peteyoung.<br />

co.nz<br />


RENT ME!<br />

Ideal as an extra<br />

bedroomoroffice.<br />

Fully insulatedand<br />

double glazed forwarmth.<br />

Threeconvenientsizes:<br />

Standard3.6m x2.4m,<br />

Large 4.2m x2.4m<br />

Xtra-large 4.8m x2.4m.<br />

Visit our displaycabin<br />

418WestStreet or callfor a<br />

freebrochure.<br />

www.justcabins.co.nz<br />

2472174<br />

0800 58 78 22<br />

STORAGE available, <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

Self storage, variety<br />

of sizes. Phone Rainbow<br />

Storage 03 307 0401 or<br />

phone/text 021 554 570<br />

STORAGE: Secure self storage<br />

units available, long or<br />

short term. <strong>Ashburton</strong> Storage<br />

Facilities. Contact us<br />

on 0274 362 636 or www.<br />

ashburtonstoragefacilities.<br />

co.nz<br />

SELL<br />


9kg cylinders<br />

$28.50<br />

Anysizecylinder filled<br />

17 Grey St,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Phone 307 2707<br />

LPG<br />


Small LPG cylinders<br />

Off Street Parking<br />

Available<br />

Arthur Cates Ltd<br />

26 McNally Street<br />

Ph 308 5397<br />

Riverside Industrial Estate<br />



2470268<br />

2468593<br />

ASHBURTON Scrap Metal<br />

Recyclers buy heavy metal<br />

etc. Free light-grade metal<br />

in-yard dumping 9am-5pm<br />

weekdays &9.30-11.30am<br />

Saturdays. 117 Alford Forest<br />

Rd, (behind<br />

PlaceMakers). Phone 03<br />

308 8033 or 027 249 6625.<br />

ROOF COATINGS: All roof<br />

types, specializing in<br />

Decramastic and Long Run<br />

Iron, Coloursteel etc, steep<br />

roofs not a problem. —<br />

Spraymaster 027-433-7780.<br />

2474302<br />








Forall other medical assistanceoutside of normal<br />

hours please phone your general practiceteam,<br />

24/7, to speak with ahealth professional who<br />

will giveyou free health adviceonwhattodoor<br />

wheretogoifyou need urgentcare.<br />

If youdon’t have aregular general practice,<br />

call any GPteam 24/7 forfree<br />

telephone health advice.<br />

All non-residents and visa holders please bring your<br />

passporttoyour surgeryappointment.<br />

New Zealanders to bring some form of ID.<br />


Wises Pharmacy, CountdownComplex,<br />

East Street will be open on ...<br />

Saturday from 9am until 1pm<br />

Sunday from 10am until 1pm<br />

Public holidays from 10am until 1pm<br />

At Geraldine: TheGeraldine Pharmacywill be open:<br />

MondaytoFriday, 9am until 5.30pm<br />

and Saturday 9.30am -1.30pm<br />

Forfree24hour Telephone Health Advice<br />

Phone the Healthline on 0800 611 116<br />

Brought<br />

toyouby<br />

CountdownComplex, East Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Phone: 03 308 6733 Fax: 03 308 6755<br />


TheAnnual General Meeting<br />

of the Mid-Canterbury Four Wheel<br />

DriveClubInc.will be heldon<br />

Thursday 28 <strong>April</strong><strong>2022</strong>,<br />

afterthe monthly generalmeeting at the<br />

TinwaldDomain Clubrooms.<br />

Business includes minutes,matters,election<br />

of offices,finances,trophyawards,<br />

Clubconstitution review,Clubrulesreview<br />

andgeneralbusiness.<br />

John Ramsay,Acting Secretary.<br />

ASHBURTON Aviation<br />

Museum AGM, 7pm on 12<br />

May <strong>2022</strong> at the Aviation<br />

Museum.<br />



ANZAC DAYAPRIL 25th <strong>2022</strong><br />



Thefollowing services have been arranged and<br />

all citizens of the <strong>Ashburton</strong>County are<br />

invited to attend.<br />

6.30am DAWN SERVICE<br />

Dawn Serviceatthe<br />

Cenotaph Baring SquareWest.<br />

Speaker Major Cezarne Rogers and<br />

President<strong>Ashburton</strong>RSA Merv Brenton<br />


If your group normally supply a<br />

Wreath forthe Civic Service, please deliver to<br />

LintonLounge at the RSA between 1pm &4pm<br />

Sunday24th [Named]. Thecadets will be laying<br />

all wreaths. Ifnot youcan layyour wreath at your<br />

ownconvenienceafter the<br />

Civic Serviceiscompleted.<br />

11.00am CIVIC SERVICE &<br />


Cenotaph Baring SquareWest<br />

Guest Speakers: MayorNeil Brown<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>College Head Students Jack Brown<br />

and Jorja Roulston<br />

President<strong>Ashburton</strong>RSA Merv Brenton<br />

2475485<br />


Mayfield A&P Association<br />

Gift Lamb competition<br />

With Covid in the communitywhich sawthe cancellation of our <strong>2022</strong> A&P show<br />

we were stillabletorun our Gift Lambcompetition which sawagreat turnoutof<br />

44 entries.<br />

Iwould like to takethe opportunitytothank all our entrants andtothe guys that<br />

collected the lambs from around the district and the Judges. A special thank you<br />

to Ross and Tim Penno for donating 3 lambs, Ian and Jill Ludeman for donating<br />

2lambsand Andy &Sonya Spencer foradonation. Also athank youtoMayfield<br />

Transportfor carting the lambs and to Silver Fernsfor the processing.<br />

There were two categories that were judged. 1.“On the Hoof” and 2.“On the<br />

Hook”. Unfortunately, due to circumstances out of our control the second<br />

category ofindividual weights were unable to be done, however the winners<br />

from on the Hoof areasbelow:<br />

1st CraigClucas 2nd PatStack 3rdIan Ludeman 4th BarryDaly<br />

Congratulations to youall.<br />

Eric Duff<br />

Weightaverages below. Theaverage $/head was$163.<br />

Grade Stock Meat kg Average<br />

Received<br />

kg /Head<br />

Lamb<br />

Y 22.0 390.2 17.7<br />

P 11.0 231.7 21.1<br />

T 4.0 83.4 20.9<br />

F 4.0 103.4 25.9<br />

C 2.0 47.9 24.0<br />

Total 43.0 856.6 19.9<br />

<strong>2022</strong> Mayfield A&P Gift Lamb Entrants<br />

Tag Tag<br />

Mike Salvenson 57 TomCorbett 99<br />

Ross &Tim Penno 56 Mike Carr 98<br />

Ross &Tim Penno 55 James Carr 97<br />

Ross &Tim Penno 54 Duncan King 96<br />

Hamish Gallagher 53 Alister McDowell 95<br />

Mr Jaine 51 Fraser Tasker 93<br />

Kev Taylor 74 Eric Duff 78<br />

Julia Yeatman 75 David King 77<br />

PatStack 73 DReith 79<br />

BDaly 72 PRHarper 76<br />

MBush 71 Wairuna Farm 84<br />

NCarr 70 Akanui Farm 83<br />

AMorrison 69 JohnnyBell No Tag<br />

ILudeman 68 Dave Neeson 90<br />

JLudeman 67 WindermereFarm 88<br />

BGallagher 66 Ian Lowe 87<br />

Inverery Station 64 Vern Thomas 86<br />

Mt Somers Station 63 Andrew Letham 85<br />

Gawler Downs 61 Doug Reith 89<br />

Surry Hills 60 James Wright 92<br />

Dave Greenslade 59 Fraser McKenzie 91<br />

John Clemens 58 Craig Clucas 100<br />

Mayfield A&PAssociation<br />

On Farm Heifer Competition<br />

Thecommittee wouldlike again to thank thecompanies andpeople fortheir<br />

sponsorship.Wewould also like to thank Hayley Dampney andJon Dampney<br />

and Suzyking fortheir time organising and running theday.<br />

Results<br />

Class 1Owner R1 Heifers<br />

1st GrantEarly<br />

2nd Fraser Hutchinson<br />

3rd SteveSchmack<br />

Class 2Owner R2 Heifers<br />

1st Mark McDonald<br />

2nd Fraser Tasker<br />

3rd BenWoodhouse<br />

Class 3Grazier R1 Heifers<br />

1st Mike Rigarslford<br />

2nd Alan Broomhall<br />

3rd Dave King<br />


FRESH Potatoes; Nadine<br />

and Agria $2.per kg.<br />

Peastraw; $5.per bale or<br />

$6.per bale delivered.<br />

Phone 03 308 3195 or 027<br />

531 9103; 81 Elizabeth<br />

Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />


HORSE Paddock available.<br />

Approximately 1acre, 1km<br />

from town boundary. Ph<br />

027 449 1871.<br />


Class 4Grazier R2 Heifers<br />

1st Dave King<br />

2nd Alan Broomhall<br />

3rd James Murdoch<br />

Overall Winner<br />

Alan Broomhall<br />

Spot Prizes<br />

BenWoodhouse -Most even line<br />

Bert Oliver-Beef Line<br />

PEASTRAW $5. abale, Linseed<br />

straw $4. a bale,<br />

sheep manure $8. a bag.<br />

Medium square bales also<br />

available. Call Ian<br />

027-286-3697 or Dave<br />

027-6011-426. A Hinds<br />

Lions project.<br />

PEASTRAW <strong>Ashburton</strong> College<br />

Cricket Club are selling<br />

small bales, $6.per bale<br />

delivered. Please phone/<br />

text Brent on 027 441 2466.<br />

Apr24:<br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

TRAVEL<br />

2475398<br />

2475304<br />


Thur <strong>14</strong>th<br />

11.15 TheLastBus<br />

2.45 TheLastBus<br />

3.30 Sonic 2<br />

4.15 Dog<br />

5.45 Ambulance<br />

6.00 TheDuke<br />

7.50 FantasticBeasts 3<br />

8.10 TheLost City<br />

Fri15th, Sat16th,<br />

Sun 17th &Mon 18th<br />

10.00 TheBad Guys<br />

10.00 Sonic 2<br />

11.45 TheDuke<br />

12.10 TheLost City<br />

1.30 TheBad Guys<br />

2.10 TheLast Bus<br />

3.20 Sonic 2<br />

3.50 FantasticBeasts 3<br />

5.45 Dog<br />

6.20 Morbius<br />

7.45 FantasticBeasts 3<br />

8.15 TheLost City<br />

Tues 19th &Wed 20th<br />

10.00 TheBad Guys<br />

10.00 Sonic 2<br />

11.45 TheDuke<br />

12.10 TheLost City<br />

1.30 TheBad Guys<br />

2.10 TheLast Bus<br />

3.20 Sonic 2<br />

3.50 Fantastic Beasts 3<br />

5.30 Ambulance<br />

6.20 Morbius<br />

8.00 Fantastic Beasts 3<br />

8.15 TheLost City<br />

NO COMPS<br />

Ambulance, BadGuys,<br />

Fantastic Beasts3,<br />

TheLast Bus, TheLost City<br />





From:<br />

Monday25<strong>April</strong> -<br />

Tuesday17May<br />

<strong>2022</strong><br />

M<br />

M<br />

PG<br />

M<br />

R16<br />

M<br />

M<br />

M<br />

PG<br />

PG<br />

M<br />

M<br />

PG<br />

M<br />

PG<br />

M<br />

M<br />

M<br />

M<br />

M<br />

PG<br />

PG<br />

M<br />

M<br />

PG<br />

M<br />

PG<br />

M<br />

R16<br />

M<br />

M<br />

M<br />

TheRangitata<br />

Diversion Race will<br />

be shut down for<br />

maintenanceover<br />

this period and will<br />

thereforebeclosed<br />

forany recreational<br />

use. Maintenance<br />

will occur throughout<br />

the length of the<br />

Race and the public is<br />

advised to keep clear<br />

of anyworks fortheir<br />

ownsafety.<br />

Forfurther<br />

information<br />

please contact:<br />

Kees Beentjes:<br />

027 578 8763<br />

Kees Beentjes<br />



TRAVEL<br />


–Castle Tour at Riverstone<br />

Jun 11-15: –StewartIsland<br />

June 26:<br />

–SundayDrive(mysterytrip)<br />

Forbookings phone<br />

03 308 0224 l 027 265 6883<br />

2473457<br />

HOSPICE Mid-Canterbury.<br />

Dealing with alife limiting<br />

illness? Contact us to see<br />

how we can support you.<br />

Phone 307 8387 or 027 227<br />

8387<br />



Benefits of our feeders<br />

• Various sizes and types available<br />

• Safe feeding while eliminating as much wasted hay as possible<br />

• Longevity of the feeder maximised<br />

• Competitive prices<br />

• Deer and sheep feeders also available<br />

Double squarefeeders<br />

Cradle Feeders<br />

RoundFeeders<br />

SquareFeeders<br />

34 Robinson Street,Riverside Industrial Park,<strong>Ashburton</strong>. Phone 308 6509<br />

www.palmeragriparts.co.nz<br />

Rectangle High Side Feeders<br />

Makita 18V LXTBL<br />

Makita 18V LXTBrushless Makita 18V LXTBrushless<br />

Brushless 3pce Job SiteKit 3pce Job SiteKit<br />

6pce Job Sit Kit<br />




$<br />

1388 .00 $<br />

1290 .00<br />

Makita Cordless 19V<br />

LED TowerLight<br />


$<br />

1887 .00<br />

$<br />

569 .00<br />

Makita 20L Cordless<br />

Cooler/Warmer<br />


$<br />

959 .00 Hikoki 18V/36V<br />

Combo Kit<br />


$<br />

799 .00 Hikoki Custom Combo<br />

WR18DBDL2<br />


Hikoki WorksiteTable Saw<br />

KC362DAGKZ<br />

Hikoki 36V<br />

BL Combo Kit<br />

DV36DAWH36DA<br />


999<br />

$<br />

469 .00 250mm incl Stand and Wheels<br />


$<br />

1049 .00<br />

Hikoki 36V 1/2 DR<br />

ImpactWrenchKit<br />


$<br />

999 .00<br />

34 Robinson Street,Riverside Industrial Park,<strong>Ashburton</strong>. Phone 308 6509<br />




2012 SUZUKI<br />

SWIFT<br />

• 1200cc, petrol<br />

• Auto<br />

• Cam chain<br />

• Autostop<br />

• 60,1<strong>14</strong>kms<br />

3½ stars<br />

2016 NISSAN<br />

TIIDA<br />

• 1200cc, petrol<br />

• Auto<br />

• 4door<br />

• Cam chain<br />

• 34,000kms<br />

5 stars<br />

2017 TOYOTA<br />

YARIS<br />

• 1300cc, petrol<br />

• Auto<br />

• NZnew<br />

• Cruisecontrol<br />

• 42,500kms<br />


SAVE<br />

$1000<br />

$10,995 $9,995<br />

Clean<br />

carrebate<br />

$872.41<br />

$10,995<br />

NISSAN<br />

2012 NISSAN NOTE, 1200cc, hatchback,ABS, cam chain, 69,000kms ........................SOLD<br />

2016 NISSAN TIIDALATIO, 1200cc, auto, cam chain, 34,000kms........................... $10,995<br />

2016 NISSAN NOTE, 1200cc, auto, cam chain, ABS, 40,000kms .............................. $11,995<br />

2008 NISSAN X-TRAIL25X, 2500cc,auto, 4WD,ABS,cam chain, 110,000kms.. $12,995<br />

2012 NISSAN LATIO 1.2G, 1200cc, auto, ABS, camchain, 57,558kms .................. $10,995<br />

2009 NISSAN X-TRAIL20X, 2000cc, 4WD, auto, reverse camera, 71,000kms..... $12,995<br />

2008 NISSAN NOTE, 1500cc, auto, 88,000kms..................................................................$5,995<br />

2013 NISSAN SYLPHY, 1800cc, 4door sedan, auto, ABS, air con, 48,000kms........... SOLD<br />

MAZDA<br />

2010 MAZDAPREMACY, 2000cc, 7seats,auto, timing chain, 126,000kms............$9,995<br />

2013 MAZDADEMIO, 1300cc, cam chain, autostop, auto, 36,000kms........................SOLD<br />

SUBARU<br />

2012 SUBARUIMPREZA, 2000cc, auto, ABS,cruisecontrol,53,195kms......................SOLD<br />

2012 SUBARULEGACY 2.5iB, 2500cc, auto, AWD, wagon, ABS, 95,000kms........ $11,995<br />

SUZUKI<br />

2015 SUZUKI SWIFTXG-DGE, 1200cc, auto, ABS,cam chain, 61,000kms ...........$11,995<br />

2012 SUZUKI SWIFTXG, 1200cc, auto, ABS,cam chain, 60,1<strong>14</strong>kms ........................ $9,995<br />


2001 MITSUBISHI DION, 1500cc, ABS, 7seats,hatchback, auto, air con................$4,995<br />

2015 MITSUBISHI MIRAGE, 1200cc, auto, ABS, cam chain, 79,152kms ............... $10,995<br />

TOYOTA<br />

2013 TOYOTA SPADE, 1500cc, ABS, air con, cam chain, 53,100 kms....................... $10,995<br />

2008 TOYOTA MARK X, 2400cc, 7seater, ABS, air con, S/W,89,000kms....................$9,995<br />

2008 TOYOTA BLADE MASTERS, 3000cc, auto, 6air bags,bodykit,82,000kms $11,995<br />

2005 TOYOTA RAV4, 2400cc, 4X4, auto, alloys,ABS ....................................................... $12,995<br />

2017 TOYOTA YARIS, 1300cc, auto, NZ new,cruisecontrol,42,500kms ................. $13,995<br />

2004 TOYOTA ECHO, 5door, auto, 105,000kms..................................................................$3,995<br />

2005 TOYOTA ALLION, 1800cc, auto, sedan, 75,000kms.................................................$7,995<br />

2 stars<br />

2010 HONDA<br />


• 1300cc, alternative<br />

• Auto<br />

• 5door<br />

• Cam chain<br />

• 35,783kms<br />

3½ stars<br />

$13,995<br />

$9,995<br />

HONDA<br />

2008 HONDA FITRS, 1500cc, auto,hatchback,alloys,53,000 kms......................... $10,995<br />

2010 HONDA INSIGHT G,1300cc, alternative, auto, 5door, cam chain .................. $9,995<br />

KIA<br />

2006 KIA CERATO, 2000cc, auto, 2wheel drive, one owner,74,461kms......................$7,995<br />


2013 TOYOTA AQUA, 1500cc, auto<br />

2013 NISSAN LATIO, 4door, auto, 41,000kms<br />


<br />

3081396<br />


&RENTALS<br />

470 West Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

A/H Keith Drummond 0274 367 646<br />

www.atob.co.nz<br />


-about our range of rental vehicles<br />

Family,Sports, School or Social Trips<br />

We have 8, 10 &12seaterminivans available.Cars and 3trucks forsmall or big<br />

loads also available.<br />


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