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issue arises. On the other, it’s a once in a

lifetime opportunity to store your baby’s

stem cell. Many families who have opted

for stem cell banking shared that they are

doing this for peace of mind in the form

of “bio-insurance”.

Infant Stem Cell Banking

If you are looking to store your baby’s

stem cells, CryoCord offers infant stem

cell banking for two types of services: cord

blood and CordMSCs.

Cord blood: Cord blood

remains in the veins of a

newborn’s umbilical

cord following birth and

contains valuable stem

cells, predominantly

Hematopoietic Stem

Cells (HSCs), which can

generate blood cells and

cells of the human immune

system. HSCs can be used to treat

more than 80 different types of diseases

such as leukaemia, anaemia

and thalassaemia.

CordMSCs: Mesenchymal Stem Cells

(MSCs) can be found in the Wharton’s

Jelly, the soft connective tissues of the

umbilical cord. MSCs can be potentially

used to treat diabetes, heart disease,

spinal cord injury and more.

It is ideal to store both because HSCs from

cord blood can only differentiate into

blood cells such as red blood cells, white

blood cells, platelets, etc., whereas MSCs

from Wharton’s Jelly can differentiate into

other types of cells and tissues like bone,

heart, cartilage, etc.

What to Expect

It’s important to be fully informed on how

stem cell procedures are carried out. Rest

assured, procedures at CryoCord are safe,

efficient, and painless. Here’s what you

can expect:


The procedure for collecting cord blood

is painless and poses no threat to the baby

or the mother. Additionally, cord blood

collection does not interfere with

the delivery process. Following

standard post-delivery care,

the blood remaining in the

umbilical cord is collected

into a sterile, specially

designed cord blood

collection bag through a

wide-bore needle. The blood

flows into the bag by gravity

until it stops, after which the

collection is complete. The blood bag

is then clamped, sealed and labelled. The

procedure usually takes 3-5 minutes. Two

tubes of maternal blood are also drawn

for serology testing.

Storage duration

In theory, there is no limit to how long

stem cells can be stored. The current data

indicates that stem cells stored for 15 years

can still be successfully used for

transplantation. The New York State

Health Department guidelines for cord

blood banking states that cord blood stem

cells can be stored indefinitely in

liquid nitrogen.

Why CryoCord is the Ideal


When choosing a stem cell banking

facility, always go with a reputable and

certified company. CryoCord is highly

recommended due to their strategic

approach and programs.

Expansive supply of stem cells

CryoCord’s CordMSCs® undergoes

cellular dissociation and expansion in

the laboratory prior to storage. Only

through cellular dissociation can the

properties, viability, and cell count of MSCs

be identified.

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