Writers Unblocked Magazine Volume 1/ Number 1

Writers Unblocked is a publication featuring works from members of Centennial College Libraries and Learning Centres' Writing Circle.

Writers Unblocked is a publication featuring works from members of Centennial College Libraries and Learning Centres' Writing Circle.


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Now, my favourite part about being a budding<br />

author, actually putting words on paper, or<br />

laptop, begins! My family would attest to<br />

how crazy I am, waking up in the middle of<br />

the night or before sunrise on weekends to<br />

write. Somehow, my brain is most creative<br />

and active when my environment is peaceful<br />

and quiet, which is when my family is asleep.<br />

Here are a few tips once you start putting<br />

words to the page or screen.<br />

Set a regular writing routine<br />

I know that inspiration can come at any<br />

time and anywhere, but try to stick to a<br />

weekly writing schedule. Know your optimal<br />

writing time and remember to take breaks.<br />

Otherwise, you’d lose the momentum or<br />

forget where you left off, and end up wasting<br />

time refreshing your memory or deleting<br />

redundant parts in your manuscript.<br />

Use the right format<br />

Follow standard guidelines (e.g. APA) to<br />

format your manuscript.<br />

Revise, revise, revise<br />

I’ve learned that editing can feel like it’s<br />

never ending and is way harder than writing<br />

the novel. Download lists of commonly used<br />

verbs to “show” not “tell” and have them<br />

readily available. Read books, watch videos,<br />

and tune into webinars or online courses to<br />

improve your writing and grammar skills.<br />

Get feedback<br />

consider showing one chapter of your novel<br />

at a time, rather than waiting till the whole<br />

book is done, to your beta readers. Take your<br />

friends and family’s feedback seriously and<br />

don’t get defensive. Presenting a complete<br />

and polished manuscript to your editor will<br />

save you money and time from having to<br />

make revisions that could have been avoided<br />

early in the process.<br />


Congratulations, you’ve finished writing and<br />

editing your manuscript! You’re now ready<br />

to share it with the world. This next step<br />

takes a long time and you need to prepare<br />

yourself, here are some tips to prepare for<br />

the publishing process.<br />

Get an editor<br />

Find a professional who is familiar with<br />

your genre to critique your manuscript, and<br />

perhaps your query letter, synopsis, and<br />

pitch as well. Editorial fees are not cheap,<br />

so consider hiring a recent grad from a<br />

publishing program.<br />

Find a literary agent<br />

Use reputable websites like Query Tracker<br />

or Agent Query to make a list of reputable<br />

agents accepting queries. Take your time<br />

to research the agents’ wish list and<br />

preferences on their websites or social<br />

media.<br />

Follow instructions<br />

Read each agent’s submission guidelines<br />

carefully to make sure you provide the correct<br />

information and documents the way they<br />

want (e.g. email versus online form).<br />

Stay motivated<br />

Once you start sending out queries, the<br />

waiting game begins. Let’s face it, rejection<br />

hurts. Agents have rejected me, from two<br />

hours to a month after I sent my submission,<br />

to never responding at all. During this<br />

emotional rollercoaster time, you can keep<br />

yourself busy by reading other books in your<br />

genre, and doing things that you love to stay<br />

sane. Maybe even start plotting your next<br />

project!<br />



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