Concrete_21st Century Grant_Year 3_Evaluation2021

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exercise. A lot of these kids are sitting around for hours and hours every day. We are

really focusing on getting outside as much as we can, and there is some push back since

some of them like to be on their computers. [But] when the kids are outside, they are

being creative.”

Finally, the pandemic created new challenges to implementing 21 st CCLC programming.

Staff recognized the time and resources dedicated to complying with COVID policies and

procedures. They also acknowledged that it required creative thinking to develop and

implement COVID-safe programming. Staff shared several examples of games they

played during the year, including pool noodle tag, Ship to Shore, and Red-Light Green

Light. The program director shared, “some games were familiar, but they were all created

fresh since the old challenges weren’t COVID compliant.”

EQ3. To what extent does the program reach the target population?

The BGCSC 21 st CCLCs were intentionally placed in this community to provide social,

emotional, and academic enrichment to as many students as possible throughout the

service area. Since approximately 80% of the students in Concrete School District receive

free/ reduced lunch benefits, program leaders knew they would be serving their target

population. During Year 3, program staff were aware of the unique challenges impacting

their students. Although typically a robust program, it was difficult to maintain a steady

and strong attendance this year, due to COVID, transportation issues, and capacity of

space and staffing. The program continued to make an effort to reach their target

population, however, strengthening their partnership with the school district, and

maintaining their social capital in the community.

EQ4. To what extent do students persist in the program?

Researchers analyzed attendance data to better understand student engagement and

persistence in the 21 st CCLCs during Year 3. Figure 1 illustrates the average days of

attendance throughout the school year for students who were present for at least one day

of the program. At the elementary site, students attended an average of 4 days while at the

secondary site students attended an average of 2 days. It should be noted that the low

attendance is a result of the ongoing pandemic, greatly impacting the overall average

days attended. When disaggregated by month, July and August had higher rates of

attendance at both the elementary and secondary sites, with a harsh dip in the winter and

a slight increase in the spring.



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