Concrete_21st Century Grant_Year 3_Evaluation2021

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In response to COVID and overall student well-being, the 21 st CCLC staff introduced a

Healthy Habits program with their students, as hygiene and personal space became such

an impactful part of the club experience. Staff conducted a series of lessons focused on

hygiene using the Healthy Habits curriculum. One staff commented, “We gave them the

space to know that beyond all of the COVID restrictions, [there are hygiene aspects] we

do every day. The kids responded pretty positively.” Staff also spoke highly of the

organized and thorough COVID protocols that were in place, making it possible for

students to participate safely throughout the year without being anxious about getting


EQ2. What contextual factors influence program implementation?

During Year 3, factors that impacted the ability for program to operate at capacity

included issues around staffing, transportation, technology, and COVID restrictions.

There were several staffing challenges during the 2020-2021 school year that impacted

programming. Roles within the BGCSC changed, and leadership of the 21 st CCLC shifted

accordingly. Additionally, it was a challenge to find staff interested in working in the

program, due to location and salary. The program director noted, “[Our] location makes

staffing an issue. Also, and just a speculation, but with unemployment being so generous,

we are all having trouble getting staff, since we can hire just above minimum wage.”

Program staff also commented on challenges around staffing, however, they felt that they

had been able to experience success as a team. One staff member shared,

We work well together. We have been able to build up our club culture, and create

an environment we want to work in. In some ways starting from the ground up

has been really positive. We have a really great starting point with great attitudes.

[Staff] are rolling with the punches…we have been flexible and understanding of

the complicated time we are in. Even though we are a small team, we run

ourselves effectively and confidently.

In addition to challenges with hiring and retaining staff, the lack of transportation

available to students was a significant barrier throughout the year. Students who were not

in school did not have a way to participate. The program director commented, “With

transportation, we would have had more kids and more robust programming.”

Technology use was another challenge during Year 3. Program staff expressed their

concerns about the impact of so many hours in front of computer screens during the

pandemic, noting effects on students’ social, emotional, and academic well-being. One

staff member shared, “We need to get kids unplugged, [and] get them outside to get some



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