Bay Harbour: September 28, 2022

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WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Connecting Your Local Community<br />

starnews.co.nz<br />

Your<br />

local news.<br />

Deputy mayor<br />

prepares for role<br />

out of politics<br />

Page 3<br />

Playcentre’s new<br />

pou carved out of<br />

a telegraph pole<br />

Page 7<br />

anywhere,<br />

anytime.<br />

Residents sick of disruption<br />

from shipping container site<br />

• By Tina Grumball<br />

A HIGH-PROFILE property<br />

developer is the owner of an<br />

industrial site at the centre of a<br />

prolonged conflict with nearby<br />

residents.<br />

Across the Ōpāwaho Heathcote<br />

River, home-owners have<br />

suffered dust, constant noise,<br />

and the obstruction of their Port<br />

Hills views from the Woolston<br />

site.<br />

“You’re talking<br />

about people’s lives<br />

being disrupted<br />

for a considerable<br />

period of time,”<br />

said Linwood Ward<br />

Yani<br />

Johanson<br />

councillor Yani<br />

Johanson.<br />

“It’s not fair on<br />

the local community that this<br />

kind of activity is allowed to<br />

occur, unfettered and unabated,<br />

in my view.”<br />

Christchurch property<br />

developer Richard Peebles,<br />

and Peebles Group Ltd, own<br />

the site. Peebles also co-owns<br />

Riverside Market and Little<br />

High Eatery.<br />

The area being developed<br />

is the last 12ha of the overall<br />

industrial area to be completed,<br />

BARRIER: Across the Ōpāwaho Heathcote River, the six-high container stacks are<br />

obstructing residents’ views of the Port Hills. Right – before and after views from one<br />

resident’s backyard.<br />


Peebles said.<br />

“Peebles Group Ltd take our<br />

responsibilities very seriously<br />

and have planned mitigation<br />

measures to reduce the impact<br />

on surrounding neighbours.”<br />

While the construction<br />

on-site has been occurring<br />

for nearly two years, concerns<br />

of shipping container storage<br />

were first raised at the Waikura<br />

Linwood-Central-Heathcote<br />

Community Board meeting on<br />

March 16.<br />

In spite of concerns, the containers<br />

were placed on the site in<br />

early July.<br />

“We could hear them compacting<br />

the area down, which<br />

was shaking out houses and<br />

rattling windows and all sorts<br />

of things,” Gould Cres resident<br />

Susan Jones said.<br />

• Turn to page 5<br />

Governors <strong>Bay</strong> and Diamond<br />

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with Tracey McLellan MP for Banks Peninsula<br />

Saturday 1 October <strong>2022</strong> | 10.30–11.30am<br />

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2 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>September</strong> <strong>28</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />


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neighbours in the following suburbs<br />

Brookhaven • Heathcote • Ferrymead<br />

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Ph: 027 458 8590<br />

jo.fuller@starmedia.kiwi<br />

Nielsen Media NRS<br />

McAra returns to Stoddart Cottage<br />

DON MCARA returns to Stoddart<br />

Cottage gallery in October with an<br />

exploration of structures sculpted<br />

from the materials and contours<br />

of local landscapes. Evoked in oils<br />

and watercolours, much of the work<br />

exhibited in Structures and Reflections<br />

has a maritime theme, often set<br />

around or near to Lyttelton <strong>Harbour</strong>,<br />

embracing both contemporary and<br />

past, pre-earthquake vistas.<br />

“Shipping has always fascinated<br />

me,” said McAra, whose last exhibition<br />

at Stoddart Cottage proved its<br />

most popular on record. “Amongst<br />

many of the Lyttelton works on show<br />

in this exhibition, a more up-to-date<br />

representation of Lyttelton shipping is<br />

The Shipping News, based on a photo I<br />

took earlier this year.”<br />

Don McAra is an award-winning<br />

painter known primarily as a<br />

representational landscape artist,<br />

painting en plein air and in the studio.<br />

After teaching art, for the last 35<br />

years he has been working full-time<br />

treasures from the past<br />

as a professional artist. Initially training<br />

at Dunedin Technical College<br />

School of Art, McAra went on to<br />

study watercolours under H.V. Miller,<br />

and life painting with Doris Lusk.<br />

This year Don was selected by Watercolour<br />

New Zealand to show his<br />

work in an international exhibition in<br />

Perth Australia.<br />

Structures and Reflections is at<br />

Stoddart Cottage from October 7-30.<br />

The opening is on Saturday, October<br />

8 from 3-5pm.<br />

Terra Nova’s Motorised Sledge<br />

The dawn of mechanised travel in the Antarctic didn’t come without its<br />

problems.<br />

Page 10<br />

Rob Davison<br />

Ph: 021 225 8584<br />

rob.davison@starmedia.kiwi<br />

GENERAL INQUIRIES Ph 379 7100<br />


www.starmedia.kiwi<br />


1 2 3 4 5 6<br />

8<br />

10<br />

9<br />

11 12 13<br />

14 15 16<br />

18 19 20<br />

22<br />

23<br />

21<br />

7<br />

17<br />

23/9<br />

Across<br />

1. The players in attack go straight ahead (8)<br />

7. The search for proportional representation<br />

and honour (5)<br />

8. Will Jersey be on its knees to this flower?<br />

(7)<br />

9. Concentrated on playing tennis at end of<br />

June (7)<br />

10. A parrot taken right out of a truck (4)<br />

12. Letters may be written out supporting the<br />

board (7)<br />

14. An old street urchin looking for treasure<br />

in the bed (7)<br />

17. As Fate would have it, it’s quite an<br />

achievement (4)<br />

18. How elephant will sound like a bit of a<br />

daffodil (7)<br />

21. It is hard work, to track game around<br />

Virginia (7)<br />

22. Pull together a series of strokes in tennis<br />

(5)<br />

23. Made sick, if decent, arrangement (8)<br />

Down<br />

1. It is easily said if lace gets torn (6)<br />

puzzles<br />

2. Recompensed for the way it drew a Red<br />

out of it (8)<br />

3. Is sickly, is unsuccessful, is decapitated (4)<br />

4. Show how it is PC to edit thus (6)<br />

5. Soft feathers cost less now (4)<br />

6. Venerate the Right always, at start of<br />

election (6)<br />

Test<br />

7. One receiving treatment<br />

your<br />

is not easily<br />

skills<br />

provoked (7)<br />

11. Is chary about giving work up for a bed<br />

Cryptic crossword, quick crossword, code cracker and sudoku – have a<br />

in India (7)<br />

13. Willing to put up with small child about to<br />

go learn otherwise at one (8) of our brain teasers.<br />

14. Am up to true form, being fully developed<br />

(6)<br />

15. In Kent it might appear as a small animal<br />

(6)<br />

16. Is called to have one’s hair dressed (6)<br />

19. Guy, about fifty, may be unpleasantlooking<br />

(4)<br />

20. Shave off two, one is told (4)<br />

Page 22<br />

SUDOKU<br />

Fill the grid so that every column, every row and 3x3<br />

box contains the digits 1 to 9.<br />


1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

8<br />

9 10<br />

11 12 13<br />

14 15 16<br />

17 18<br />

19 20 21<br />

22 23 24<br />

25<br />

26 27<br />


Across<br />

1. Mouth fluid (6)<br />

5. Regard as likely (6)<br />

8. Boy child (3)<br />

9. Gripping tool (6)<br />

10. Walked with long<br />

steps (6)<br />

11. Crumbly cheese (4)<br />

13. Forbidden zone<br />

(2-2,4)<br />

14. Vapour (5)<br />

15. Wait on (5)<br />

19. Immature (8)<br />

21. Care for (4)<br />

22. Noiseless (6)<br />

23. Weather chart line (6)<br />

25. Possessed (3)<br />

26. Spirited (6)<br />

27. Starter (6)<br />

Down<br />

2. Malady (7)<br />

3. Anger (3)<br />

4. Agreement (6)<br />

5. Ship’s flag (6)<br />

6. Lasting (9)<br />

7. Scrounge (5)<br />

12. Knowledge (9)<br />

16. Old, but of high quality<br />

(7)<br />

17. Very dirty (6)<br />

18. Mock (6)<br />

20. Bring together (5)<br />

24. Breakfast grain (3)<br />



Across: 1. Saliva, 5. Expect, 8. Son, 9. Pliers, 10. Strode, 11. Feta, 13.<br />

No-go area, 14. Steam, 15. Serve, 19. Juvenile, 21. Tend, 22. Silent, 23.<br />

Isobar, 25. Had, 26. Feisty, 27. Entrée.<br />

Down: 2. Ailment, 3. Ire, 4. Assent, 5. Ensign, 6. Permanent, 7. Cadge,<br />

12. Awareness, 16. Vintage, 17. Filthy, 18. Deride, 20. Unite, 24. Oat.<br />


Across: 1. Forwards 7. Probe 8. Cowslip 9. Intense 10. Lory 12. Trestle<br />

14. Mudlark 17. Feat 18. Trumpet 21. Travail 22. Rally 23. Infected.<br />

Down: 1. Facile 2. Rewarded 3. Ails 4. Depict 5. Down 6. Revere 7.<br />

Patient 11. Charpoy 13. Tolerant 14. Mature 15. Kitten 16. Styled 19. Ugly<br />

20. Pare.<br />

comp corm crimp croci crop<br />

ichor micro MICROCHIP ohmic<br />

porch rich<br />

TARGET<br />

chic chimp chip chirp choir<br />

chomp chop choric coir comic<br />

How many words of four letters or more can you<br />

make? There is at least one nine-letter word.<br />

O M I Each letter may be used only once and all<br />

words must contain the centre letter.<br />

7th, 8th No words starting with a & capital, no plurals 9th Oct<br />

ending in s unless the word is also a verb, e.g.<br />

he fires the gun.<br />

1 day admission: H P R $5.00 | 3 day admission: $10.00<br />


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Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Wednesday <strong>September</strong> <strong>28</strong> <strong>2022</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News<br />

NEWS 3<br />

Turner to manage Rod Donald trust<br />

A FAMILIAR face in Lyttelton<br />

will be gone from local body<br />

politics after next week’s<br />

elections.<br />

Andrew Turner, Banks Peninsula’s<br />

city councillor since 2013<br />

and deputy mayor for the past<br />

six, announced early this year he<br />

would not run again.<br />

Last week, he revealed a new<br />

challenge, becoming the manager<br />

of the Rod Donald Banks<br />

Peninsula Trust, replacing the<br />

retired Suky Thompson.<br />

Turner said he was looking<br />

forward to a life with greater<br />

freedom and flexibility.<br />

“One of the things I’ve enjoyed<br />

about being deputy mayor is<br />

the breadth and huge variety of<br />

work. There is a large amount of<br />

responsibility on the one hand,<br />

but also the opportunity to get<br />

out and see everything that happens<br />

in all the different corners<br />

of our city,” he said.<br />

Turner entered office shortly<br />

after the <strong>September</strong> 4, 2010,<br />

earthquake as a member of the<br />

Lyttelton Mt Herbert Community<br />

Board. He served three years<br />

on the board before being elected<br />

as the Banks Peninsula Ward<br />

city councillor in 2013.<br />

In 2016 he stood unopposed<br />

and was appointed deputy mayor<br />

that same year, a role he’s continued<br />

to hold following re-election<br />

in 2019.<br />

LEGACY: Deputy Mayor Andrew Turner will leave local body politics after next week’s<br />

elections.<br />

Turner, who has lived in<br />

Lyttelton since 2003, owned and<br />

operated several local businesses<br />

before entering politics.<br />

Economic development has<br />

been a particular focus during<br />

his time with the city council.<br />

He is particularly proud of the<br />

financial strategy that was put<br />

together “in very difficult circumstances”<br />

in 2013, when the<br />

incoming council faced a large<br />

budget deficit, commitments to<br />

anchor projects, and no certainty<br />

regarding settlement of its insurance.<br />

Said Turner: “We avoided<br />

the massive rates increases that<br />

we could have needed to put<br />

in place; we avoided the sale of<br />

revenue producing assets, and in<br />

fact used those assets to leverage<br />

a debt position which, whilst<br />

large, has been sustainable. The<br />

way we have managed the council’s<br />

finances in the particularly<br />

challenging period since the<br />

earthquakes is an achievement<br />

I’m very proud of.”<br />

The earthquakes have coloured<br />

much of Turner’s years of public<br />

service; with them came the opportunity<br />

to help make decisions<br />

that will have a lasting legacy for<br />

the city for generations.<br />

“The decision to repair the<br />

town hall is one of those I’m<br />

very proud of. Another massive<br />

legacy is the governance arrangements<br />

for the former residential<br />

red zone. It’s been exciting to be<br />

involved in some of the decisions<br />

that have really set the city on<br />

the right path for the future.’’<br />

Along with the role of deputy<br />

mayor, Turner has chaired the finance<br />

and performance committee<br />

and the communities, housing<br />

and economic development<br />

committee and has served on<br />

the board of Christchurch City<br />

Holdings Ltd, ChristchurchNZ<br />

and a number of other entities.<br />

“I always said that I would<br />

finish while I was still enjoying<br />

the role and while I felt I was still<br />

effective. The life of the city runs<br />

in cycles and I’d like to think we<br />

have some clear water in front of<br />

us now, it feels as though we’re at<br />

a natural turning point.<br />

“It is important to know when<br />

to step up – but it’s equally<br />

important to know when to step<br />

down.<br />

“For me personally it’s time<br />

to move on and do some<br />

new things. It’s time for us to<br />

encourage a new generation of<br />

leadership and I’m particularly<br />

pleased to see what I consider<br />

to be some excellent and<br />

highly motivated young people<br />

standing for election.”<br />

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4 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>September</strong> <strong>28</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

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Nouveau moNtego raNge<br />

Montego Sun Lounger<br />

354051<br />

eXCLuSive<br />

Montego<br />

Round Outdoor<br />

Dining Setting<br />

7 Piece<br />

Charcoal<br />

Vivace Chairs<br />

!89742<br />

$999 eXCLuSive $2,049<br />

Montego Outdoor Lounge Setting 3 Piece<br />

354037<br />

Montego<br />

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354042<br />

$3,199 eXCLuSive $649<br />

Nouveau rimiNi raNge<br />

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Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Wednesday <strong>September</strong> <strong>28</strong> <strong>2022</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News<br />

NEWS 5<br />

‘People are tired of being woken up’<br />

• From page 1<br />

“Then one morning I woke up<br />

. . . pulled the curtains across<br />

and here’s these containers in<br />

front of me,” Jones said.<br />

No notification was given by<br />

the city council. A spokesperson<br />

said the company was “permitted<br />

to establish on the site<br />

without a resource consent subject<br />

to compliance with certain<br />

standards”.<br />

While residents knew it was<br />

an industrial zone, Jones said no<br />

one had any idea it would become<br />

a shipping container yard.<br />

Another Gould Cres resident,<br />

who preferred not to be named,<br />

said containers were stacked five<br />

or six high at 2.9m each. They<br />

said, at 14.5-17.4m, the stacks<br />

were in breach of the 11m height<br />

restriction on the northern end<br />

of the site, closest to the residential<br />

areas.<br />

A city council memo from<br />

August 30, obtained by <strong>Bay</strong><br />

<strong>Harbour</strong> News, suggested a stack<br />

of containers could be defined<br />

as a building, but that could be<br />

legally challenged.<br />

Peebles confirmed the restriction<br />

on part of the site, however<br />

he said “a container temporary<br />

storage facility is not a building<br />

and there is no height restriction<br />

for storage”.<br />

The city council spokesperson<br />

said they were investigating the<br />

issue.<br />

Noise monitoring performed<br />

by the city council on August 23<br />

found noise limits to be breached<br />

on two Long St properties,<br />

giving the company working 14<br />

days to comply.<br />

Long St resident Melissa Mc-<br />

Cutchan said they operate at all<br />

hours of the day and night. Noise<br />

complaints frequently come<br />

from herself, her husband and<br />

neighbours.<br />

Johanson said: “It’s just been<br />

really concerning to residents<br />

and frustrating because concerns<br />

are being raised, but the development<br />

is progressing.”<br />

McCutchan said it was “actually<br />

mentally taking a toll now<br />

because I dread going on maternity<br />

leave for the fact that they’re<br />

going to be working all-day and<br />

all night . . . because in the home<br />

it’s a constant drone”.<br />

Anytime a container was<br />

dropped onto another, the noise<br />

and vibrations caused her to<br />

question if it was an earthquake.<br />

Jones said: “People are sick and<br />

tired of being woken up with the<br />

banging and carrying on around<br />

NOISY:<br />

Numerous<br />

residents said<br />

the workers<br />

on the site<br />

are operating<br />

outside the<br />

7am-5pm<br />

approved<br />

hours and<br />

causing<br />

sleepless<br />

nights.<br />

PHOTO:<br />

JOHN<br />


five in the morning. There is no<br />

end in sight.”<br />

Peebles confirmed there had<br />

been one incident where a worker<br />

had started half an hour early,<br />

but could not give any more<br />

details.<br />

A resident on Long St himself,<br />

Johanson noted there had been<br />

repeated times where they had<br />

been working well before 7am,<br />

waking up the neighbourhood.<br />

“They don’t have any respect<br />

for the impact that they’re having<br />

and it’s not fair.”<br />

The city council spokesperson<br />

said they would be performing<br />

further testing, and had done so<br />

last week but there was no work<br />

going on.<br />

If the Christchurch District<br />

Plan noise rules were not being<br />

complied with, the city council<br />

would consider an escalated<br />

enforcement approach.<br />

In a positive step, a notice of<br />

motion was passed at the most<br />

recent city council meeting,<br />

which noted concerns and<br />

called for a report and advice<br />

into how the district plan could<br />

be changed by introducing<br />

additional controls and public<br />

notification requirements.<br />

Construction on the part of<br />

the site adjacent to residential<br />

properties was due for completion<br />

in October, Peebles said.<br />

However, the facility was<br />

a container yard and the<br />

containers would come and go<br />

and the space would be used for<br />

logistics and container use in the<br />

long-term.<br />

Johanson received an update<br />

from the city council last week<br />

stating they had asked the owner<br />

to comply under the Outline<br />

Development Plan, with the 30m<br />

setback requirements and to<br />

reduce container stack heights<br />

to 11m. Compliance was asked<br />

by <strong>September</strong> 30, and if it is not<br />

met, further enforcement action<br />

was likely.<br />

Bin Good with<br />

recycling<br />

Conceived and Originally<br />

Directed by JOHN‐MICHAEL TEBELAK<br />


Originally Produced on the New York Stage by<br />


Licensed exclusively by Music Theatre International (Australasia).<br />

All performance materials supplied by Hal Leonard Australia.<br />

6 – 15 OCTOBER <strong>2022</strong><br />


TO BOOK PHONE: (03) 338 4699 OR VISIT:<br />


I CAN<br />

COME<br />

TO YOU<br />

Fresh in<br />

for spring<br />

By putting the right clean items in the yellow bin,<br />

you’re helping to reduce waste going to landfill.<br />

These are the only items that can go in the<br />

yellow bin:<br />

Remember:<br />

Give your bottles<br />

and containers a rinse<br />

and make sure they<br />

are loose.<br />

Plastic bottles & containers<br />

numbered 1, 2 and 5<br />

(3 litres and under and put lids<br />

in the red bin)<br />

Glass bottles and jars<br />

(put lids in the red bin)<br />

Thanks for<br />

bin good<br />

If you need more<br />

info download our<br />

handy Christchurch<br />

Bins app<br />



Financial Statement Preparation<br />

Tax Preparation & Compliance<br />

Xero & MYOB Specialist<br />

Ph 03 384 4633 Cell 021 677 670 steven@sclarke.co.nz<br />

7 Margot Lane, Mt Pleasant www.sclarke.co.nz<br />

03 322 4548 | Easy Parking<br />

17 Lillian Street, Halswell<br />

www.maxwellfashion.co.nz<br />

Winter Hours<br />

Open Mon-Fri 9.30am - 4.30pm<br />

Saturday 10.00am - 1.00pm<br />

Check out our facebook page<br />


Flattened cardboard<br />

and paper<br />

(no smaller than a standard envelope)<br />

Aluminium cans<br />

and metal tins<br />

(please don’t squash)<br />


6 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>September</strong> <strong>28</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

X-TRAIL<br />

RUNOUT<br />

Nissan X-Trail ST 2WD 7 Seater<br />

+CCF<br />

$39,990+ORC<br />

3 YEARS<br />


Complimentary 3 years/45,000km (whichever occurs first) no cost service applies to X-TRAIL T32 models first registered from <strong>September</strong> 1st <strong>2022</strong>. The complimentary service offer to be carried<br />

out by Christchurch Nissan includes all items listed in the service schedule including parts, lubricants and labour. Excludes all lease and some fleet purchasers. Offer available while stocks last.<br />

CHRISTCHURCH NISSAN, 380 Moorhouse Avenue, Christchurch<br />

Ph: 03 595 6820<br />

www.christchurchnissan.co.nz<br />

christchurchnissan.co.nz<br />


386 Moorhouse Avenue, Christchurch<br />

Ph 03 379 0588 | christchurchmitsubishi.co.nz<br />

10 year / 160,000km Powertrain Warranty (whichever comes<br />

first) (non transferable). 5 year / 130,000km New Vehicle<br />

Warranty (whichever comes first) (non transferable).

Wednesday <strong>September</strong> <strong>28</strong> <strong>2022</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News<br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Old telegraph pole<br />

NEWS 7<br />

transformed to pou<br />

DIAMOND <strong>Harbour</strong> Playcentre<br />

unveiled a new pou that was<br />

gifted by their community to the<br />

centre on <strong>September</strong> 15.<br />

Community member Wally<br />

Hemapo donated an old telephone<br />

pole to the centre to be<br />

used specifically as a pou.<br />

Hemapo carved a beautiful<br />

depiction of a “mother and<br />

baby” koru wrapped in a korowai<br />

at the top of the pou.<br />

Artist Rebecca Gibbs painted<br />

the pou with help from children<br />

at the centre.<br />

“Rebecca designed a beautiful<br />

harakeke to represent our playcentre<br />

whānau, with the ocean,<br />

mountains, river and land in the<br />

background. The centre tamariki<br />

filled in background areas<br />

with colourful fingerprints,”<br />

playcentre member Olivia Sinclair<br />

said.<br />

“Several playcentre whānau<br />

were also instrumental in<br />

making this project happen,”<br />

Sinclair said.<br />

Playcentre Aotearoa’s Kaiwhakahaere<br />

Hononga Māori<br />

(Māori relationship manager)<br />

Erana Rattray, who attended<br />

the unveiling ceremony for the<br />

pou said: “It was wonderful to<br />

be able to weave te reo me ōna<br />

tikanga Māori throughout the<br />

UNVEILED: Diamond <strong>Harbour</strong> Playcentre’s new pou being<br />

admired by the children.<br />

ceremony and for playcentre<br />

tamariki and their whānau to<br />

experience our rich culture,<br />

connecting the centre to the<br />

wider community.”<br />

“We recited karakia timatanga,<br />

mihi whakatau, sang waiata<br />

and Mr Hemapo and Ms Gibbs<br />

delivered whaikōrero, tamariki<br />

placed pītau (ferns) at the base<br />

of the pou and afterwards our<br />

tamariki led karakia kai and<br />

we shared kai together,” Rattray<br />

said.<br />

Diamond <strong>Harbour</strong> Playcentre<br />

welcomes whānau with tamariki<br />

aged 0-6 years.<br />

• To organise a free visit<br />

email Diamondharbour@<br />

playcentre.org.nz<br />

Stride out for a<br />

5km walk or run<br />

Ferrymead Harriers opens<br />

for its new season today.<br />

Club member Steve<br />

Hughes reports<br />

THE GROUP has been<br />

organising 5km run/walks on a<br />

Wednesday night during daylight<br />

saving time since 2008 from<br />

The Good Home Ferrymead,<br />

Waterman Pl.<br />

The emphasis is on a friendly,<br />

family-orientated event, with<br />

adults, children and dogs welcomed.<br />

This season starts today<br />

with entries from 5.30pm, the<br />

walk starting at 6pm, and runners<br />

at 6.15pm.<br />

The 5km course starts at the<br />

end of Waterman Pl, uses the<br />

tracks and footpaths through the<br />

Charlesworth Reserve and the<br />

suburb of Brookhaven, before<br />

returning to the starting point.<br />

Participants can walk or run all<br />

of it, take shortcuts, or do two<br />

laps if they wish.<br />

The main thing is to exercise<br />

with family and friends. There<br />

are no prizes for being fastest<br />

or first, but all participants have<br />

chances to win spot prizes.<br />

The entry fee of $5 per person<br />

has been the same since 2008<br />

and for that participants also<br />

get a barbecue sausage and a<br />

complimentary beer or wine<br />

courtesy of The Good Home<br />

Ferrymead.<br />

Since 2008 the group has been<br />

interrupted by earthquakes,<br />

storms, and pandemics, but have<br />

a loyal base of participants who<br />

have kept the group going.<br />

Some have been taking part<br />

since the beginning, and we have<br />

had people take part from as far<br />

afield as Sweden, Switzerland,<br />

Ireland, United Kingdom, and<br />

North America.<br />


Days of Ice<br />

Tri-Series Cricket<br />

FAST5 Netball World Series<br />

Riccarton Park NZ Cup Week<br />

Addington Cup Week<br />

The NZ Agricultural Show<br />

The Killers<br />

BLACKCAPS v India<br />


Christchurch Adventure Park<br />

He Puna Taimoana<br />

New Regent Street<br />

The Crossing<br />

Riverside Market<br />

Little High/Salt District<br />

Akaroa<br />

The Terrace<br />

Velocity Karts<br />

Pink Lady Rooftop<br />


<strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>September</strong> <strong>28</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

8<br />

NEWS<br />




50 YEARS<br />

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03 962 0505<br />

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• Insurance Repairs<br />

• Impellor Reconditioning<br />

oN sAle Now!<br />

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$35.80<br />

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Addington, Christchurch<br />

Phone 379 7100<br />

A FUNDRAISER for popular<br />

Motukurara harness racing<br />

owner-trainer Murray<br />

Edmonds has been labelled<br />

a massive, and at times<br />

emotional, success.<br />

More<br />

than 300<br />

people were<br />

involved in<br />

the sell-out<br />

dinner at<br />

the Silks at<br />

Addington<br />

Raceway on<br />

Murray<br />

Edmonds<br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Huge support for popular trainer<br />

Thursday<br />

night, with<br />

thousands<br />

of dollars also raised through<br />

raffles and more than 50<br />

auctions.<br />

The function was organised<br />

by Stevie Golding, Sandi<br />

Curtin and Murray’s niece<br />

Aimee Edmonds, after the recent<br />

news that Edmonds had<br />

been diagnosed with a brain<br />

tumour.<br />

Edmonds was at the<br />

function along with family<br />

and friends from all over the<br />

country. Clearly touched by<br />

the occasion he described the<br />

night as “pretty unreal”.<br />

“We are just over the<br />

moon,” said Golding, who<br />

also emceed the night. “Everyone<br />

enjoyed themselves, and<br />

there were so many kind<br />

words.”<br />

GOOD CAUSE: This Dexter Dunn racing suit (left) was auctioned off at the sell-out<br />

fundraiser for Murray Edmonds at Addington Raceway.<br />

While it was emotional and<br />

heartfelt at times it also had its<br />

raucous moments, none more<br />

so than when it looked like<br />

one of the Edmonds-trained<br />

runners was going to win<br />

race 5.<br />

Watching Our Coin was<br />

ahead with 100 to go, only<br />

to be beaten on the line by<br />

Rakanotta.<br />

“Man – everyone was yelling<br />

at the top of their lungs.<br />

I’ve never been in a louder<br />

room during a horse race, it<br />

was unreal.<br />

“It was just a fantastic<br />

night,” said Curtin.<br />

“The number of items that<br />

were donated by people, some<br />

of them didn’t even know<br />

Muzz, but they could see it<br />

was such a good cause.”<br />

One example of that<br />

generosity came just hours<br />

before the function. Golding<br />

was picking up some items<br />

when he met up with Gary<br />

Roberts from Sulky Wheels in<br />

Templeton. On hearing what<br />

Golding was up to Roberts<br />

donated a work sulky. It sold<br />

for $<strong>28</strong>00.<br />

Other popular items included<br />

a signed Kiwis Anzac<br />

rugby league jersey that sold<br />

for $2400, a signed Dexter<br />

Dunn racing suit ($2300), a<br />

Marcoola service fee ($2100),<br />

and an old Phar Lap photo<br />

($2200).<br />

An offer by Robbie and<br />

Carla Holmes to break in a<br />

yearling was also sought after,<br />

going for $2300.<br />

Some items raised a few<br />

laughs, including a fishing<br />

trip with Golding himself that<br />

went for $2000 (bought by<br />

David Butt) and Mark Purdon<br />

buying a case of pinot noir<br />

donated by brother Barry for<br />

$2000.<br />

A final tally up for the night<br />

is still a few days away – but<br />

the night achieved all it set out<br />

to do, and more.<br />

“We can’t thank everyone<br />

enough, the people at<br />

Addington and everyone who<br />

was involved,” said Golding,<br />

“it was amazing.”<br />

– Harness Racing Desk<br />





Join us to learn about the upcoming plans for<br />

the New Zealand Sail Grand Prix | Christchurch,<br />

taking place in Lyttelton, 18-19 March, 2023.<br />

Hear updates from event organisers and have<br />

an opportunity for Q&A.<br />

7.00 – 8.30PM MONDAY 3 OCTOBER<br />


Wednesday <strong>September</strong> <strong>28</strong> <strong>2022</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News 9<br />



ON SALE<br />

Kate Sofa Bed<br />

WAS $<br />

599<br />

NOW<br />

$<br />

549<br />

Made with Seaqual<br />

recycled fabric<br />

Renew Queen Mattress<br />

WAS $<br />

999<br />

NOW<br />

$<br />

849<br />


ON SALE<br />

Dining Table – W180 NOW $ 779<br />

Dining Chair NOW $ 175<br />

Dining Bench – W150 NOW $ 335<br />

Buffet<br />

NOW $<br />

1099<br />


Console Table<br />

NOW $<br />

599<br />

Coffee Table<br />

NOW $<br />

529<br />


Zest Dining Table<br />

–W180<br />

WAS $<br />

479<br />

NOW<br />

Dawson Sofa Chaise<br />

WAS $<br />

2199<br />

$<br />

399NZ MADE!<br />

NOW<br />

$<br />

1899<br />

Jamie Single/Single bunk<br />

Bed – Black<br />

WAS $<br />

699<br />

NOW<br />

$<br />

549<br />

Scan to find store<br />

250 Moorhouse Ave, Christchurch<br />

0800 TARGET (0800 827438)<br />

targetfurniture.co.nz<br />

Offers and product prices advertised here expire<br />

03/10/22. Sale Excludes Accessories.

<strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>September</strong> <strong>28</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

10<br />

NEWS<br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Treasures from the past:<br />

Terra Nova’s Motorised Sledge<br />

ON NOVEMBER 26, 1910,<br />

crowds of excited Cantabrians<br />

farewelled Captain Robert<br />

Falcon Scott’s British Antarctic<br />

Expedition aboard the former<br />

whaling barque Terra Nova as<br />

she sailed out of Whakaraupō<br />

Lyttelton <strong>Harbour</strong> bound for<br />

Antarctica.<br />

On board were 33 dogs<br />

and 15 ponies that had called<br />

Ōtamahua Quail Island their<br />

quarantine and training home<br />

for some months. Alongside<br />

them in the hold were three<br />

motorised sledges, precursors to<br />

the caterpillar tracked tanks of<br />

World War 1, as well as the later<br />

Antarctic ‘Weasels’ and modern<br />

snowcats that revolutionised<br />

polar transport.<br />

Influenced by Ernest<br />

Shackleton’s novel use of an<br />

Arrol-Johnson automobile<br />

in his Nimrod expedition of<br />

1907-9, Scott was convinced that<br />

motorised transport was the way<br />

of the future.<br />

With this future in mind,<br />

he had procured three purpose-built<br />

tractor sledges<br />

from Wolseley Motors Ltd, a<br />

subsidiary of the British Vickers<br />

engineering and armaments<br />

company. These were heavy<br />

sledges equipped with two<br />

Caterpillar tracks on dual axles,<br />

Day and Lashley working on a motorised sledge during<br />

Scott’s Terra Nova expedition. Te Ūaka The Lyttelton<br />

Museum ref 7202.1<br />

https://www.teuaka.org.nz/online-collection/1127423<br />

with the rear axle powered by a<br />

centre-mounted four-cylinder,<br />

12 horsepower, air-cooled, petrol<br />

engine.<br />

A padded seat allowed for a<br />

driver at the back who controlled<br />

the throttle and two-speed<br />

forward gearing (no reverse gear<br />

or brakes), while the tractor was<br />

steered by a helmsman walking<br />

ahead with a steering rope to<br />

guide the contraption to the left<br />

or right. With a maximum speed<br />

of just 3.5 miles per hour (5.6<br />

km/h) in top gear, the tractors<br />

could nonetheless haul over one<br />

ton of equipment and supplies on<br />

towed sledges.<br />

Scott had also enlisted the help<br />

of the world’s first Antarctic mechanical<br />

engineer, Shackleton’s<br />

Arrol-Johnston mechanic and<br />

driver Bernard C Day, who –<br />

along with Royal Navy veteran<br />

and native of Hambledon,<br />

Hampshire, William Lashly –<br />

would be responsible for keeping<br />

the motorised sledges working in<br />

the severe Antarctic conditions.<br />

Arriving at Cape Evans in<br />

McMurdo Sound on January 4,<br />

1911, two of the motorised sledges<br />

were set down on the ice and<br />

successfully hauled one ton loads<br />

up to the expedition’s base camp.<br />

Unfortunately, four days later,<br />

with the ice around the Terra<br />

Nova deteriorating, the third<br />

sledge was set down and promptly<br />

plummeted 12 fathoms deep<br />

into the frigid waters.<br />

While Scott had high hopes for<br />

the Antarctic’s motorised future,<br />

these were quickly tempered by<br />

the constant difficulties that Day<br />

and Lashly encountered in maintaining<br />

the tractor engines. The<br />

air-cooled motors overheated<br />

on longer and heavier hauls, had<br />

problems with the oil lubricant<br />

system and frequently broke<br />

down, sometimes even requiring<br />

their mechanics to complete<br />

overnight engine rebuilds in -25<br />

deg C. The biggest flaw, however,<br />

as was the case with Shackleton’s<br />

Arrol-Johnston, was the loss<br />

of traction on ice, which then<br />

required manhauling.<br />

On October 24, 1911, the<br />

journey to the South Pole began<br />

with an advance supply party<br />

departing Cape Evans bound<br />

for the Great Ice Barrier (Ross<br />

Ice Shelf) and on towards the<br />

Beardsmore Glacier. Day and<br />

Lashly drove the motorised<br />

sledges towing three tons of<br />

supplies between them on three<br />

large sledges.<br />

After a painfully slow and<br />

arduous journey across ice<br />

taking several days, with<br />

constant breakdowns and<br />

overheating, the team became<br />

the first Antarctic expedition to<br />

drive onto the Barrier.<br />

After this initial success,<br />

however, the constant strain<br />

on the engines over the year<br />

took its toll, with both failing<br />

catastrophically on November<br />

1 after covering just 50 miles<br />

(80km) in seven days. With<br />

another 150 miles (240km)<br />

to their assigned destination,<br />

the motorised sledges were<br />

abandoned for good, with the<br />

remaining supplies man hauled<br />

across the frozen terrain.<br />

When Scott’s team caught up<br />

with the advance party, Day was<br />

sent back to camp, while Lashly<br />

remained for the ascent to the<br />

Beardsmore Glacier and the<br />

plateau beyond.<br />

Famously not chosen for the<br />

last deadly leg of Scott’s bid for<br />

the South Pole, Lashly turned<br />

back with just 150 miles (240km)<br />

to go. Thus it was that both<br />

Day and Lashly survived to tell<br />

the tales of their mechanised<br />

adventures in the Antarctic.<br />

Dispose of your<br />

hazardous<br />

waste for FREE<br />

Barrys <strong>Bay</strong> Transfer Station<br />

102 Onawe Flat Road<br />

15 October <strong>2022</strong>, 9am - 4pm<br />

Drop off: agrichemicals, waste oils, batteries,<br />

gas bottles, paints, solvents and household chemicals.<br />

Household chemicals<br />

Paints, solvents<br />

Gas bottles<br />

Oils<br />

Please drop off any hazardous waste in its original container or write<br />

the name of the product on the outside for easy identification.<br />


LPC's record breaking<br />

500,000 TEU<br />

» Page 02<br />

Investing in our<br />

dry dock<br />

» Page 03<br />

Synlait's sustainable<br />

approach to the future<br />

» Page 04<br />

Issue 25 <strong>September</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

Lyttelton Port Company Community Newsletter<br />


Saying goodbye<br />

to our oldest<br />

crane<br />

If you have been watching our<br />

Lyttelton Container Terminal<br />

over the last month, you will<br />

have noticed a rather large<br />

change, as we dismantle one<br />

of our ship to shore cranes.<br />

Built in 1993, Crane 1 has been a key part of<br />

our terminal for almost 30 years, completing<br />

thousands of lifts over its lifetime.<br />

The introduction of the ship to shore<br />

crane in the 1980’s symbolised the growth of<br />

our container terminal and the importance<br />

of containerisation for the shipping industry<br />

globally.<br />

Coming in at almost 800 tonnes the<br />

deconstruction is no small feat, with<br />

a specialised team involved to safely<br />

disassemble the pieces.<br />

Most of the crane will also be recycled,<br />

with approximately 600 tonnes of metal<br />

being taken to the scrap yard.<br />

Looking to the future, we are now<br />

excited for the arrival of a new crane<br />

next year.<br />

Crane 1 is our smallest crane, in terms<br />

of height and reach, so the replacement<br />

will align with the rest of our fleet.<br />

With 30 years of technological<br />

advances to incorporate, the new crane<br />

has improved safety features, especially<br />

around collision detection and prevention<br />

with containers, plant and people.<br />

Moving from DC to AC power supply,<br />

this also means a smoother experience for<br />

our skilled crane drivers.<br />

The new crane, which is currently in the<br />

early stages of manufacturing in Ireland,<br />

is set to be operational in July next year,<br />

bringing us back to a four crane operation.<br />

While the four cranes are never<br />

operational simultaneously, having a four<br />

crane fleet is key in providing flexibility<br />

for our operations and our maintenance<br />

schedule, to ensure we can provide<br />

efficient services to our many customers.<br />

LPC UPDATE <strong>September</strong> <strong>2022</strong>


LPC reaches record<br />

500,000 TEU mark<br />

In the last week of June <strong>2022</strong>,<br />

Lyttelton Port Company<br />

exchanged its 500,000th TEU<br />

for Financial Year <strong>2022</strong>, the<br />

first time the half-million TEU<br />

mark has been broken at LPC.<br />

The 500,000th TEU was exchanged on the<br />

CV Bernhard Schulte in the early hours of 29<br />

June. A regular visitor to Lyttelton, she was<br />

built in 2010, is 264m long and carries up to<br />

4,600 TEU.<br />

LPC GM Container Operations Simon<br />

Munt said he wanted to thank all LPC staff<br />

for playing their part in this achievement.<br />

“Our continued growth is only possible<br />

with everyone’s hard work, dedication and<br />

innovation from the teams at Lyttelton Port,<br />

across to our inland ports, CityDepot and<br />

MidlandPort, as well as our customers,” he<br />

said.<br />

“This landmark is important in signalling<br />

to others that we are no longer a small,<br />

100,000 TEU-a-year port. This also links into<br />

the ongoing growth with the new coastal<br />

services recently announced. We have hit<br />

this large milestone, and are showing no<br />

signs of slowing down.<br />

“Facilitating the trade of containers is<br />

not only a crucial part of our success as a<br />

business, but the success of the economy<br />

of the Canterbury region and the South<br />

Island,” Simon said.<br />

LPC has invested heavily in<br />

infrastructure and plant to handle<br />

the increase. Currently an $85 million<br />

expansion of the Container Terminal on the<br />

Te Awaparahi <strong>Bay</strong> reclamation is underway,<br />

which will lift the capacity of the Terminal<br />

from 500,000 TEU to 620,000 by the end of<br />

this year.<br />

This comes on top of the doubling of rail<br />

capacity through the investment in a new,<br />

second rail siding, the purchase of a fleet of<br />

Noel 1 over 3 straddles, and the construction<br />

of reefer towers.<br />

These developments all help support<br />

the growth through the port as LPC<br />

welcomed several new shipping services<br />

and lines this year.<br />

Since 1973, LPC has exchanged more<br />

than seven million TEU, growing in the last<br />

50 years from just 1000 TEU annually to<br />

503,000 TEU this year.<br />

7,140,738<br />

Since 1973, LPC has exchanged more<br />

than seven million TEU<br />

Theres been a steady increase in TEU volume<br />

over the years<br />

1980<br />

1990<br />

2000 2010 <strong>2022</strong><br />

Vessel CV Bernhard<br />

Schulte visiting<br />

Lyttelton, carrying our<br />

500,000th TEU for FY22.<br />


Countdown<br />

to cruise<br />

The countdown to cruise is on, with just<br />

under a month until the first vessel arrives.<br />

Our teams are busy getting ready to support<br />

the 86 visits the Port will see over the<br />

summer season.<br />

We are excited to welcome back<br />

passengers to the beautiful Whakaraupō/<br />

Lyttelton <strong>Harbour</strong> and looking forward<br />

to the positive injection to the Lyttelton,<br />

Christchurch and Canterbury economies<br />

that cruise will bring.<br />

Cruise in numbers<br />

Season begins:<br />

Thursday 27<br />

October <strong>2022</strong><br />

Season ends:<br />

Monday<br />

10 April 2023<br />

Visits booked:<br />

86<br />

First vessel:<br />

Celebrity<br />

Eclipse<br />

2 LPC UPDATE <strong>September</strong> <strong>2022</strong>


Stop Pause<br />

Reflect: Our<br />

Safety Reset<br />

LPC CEO Kirstie<br />

Gardener and Deputy<br />

Mayor Andrew Turner<br />

cutting the ribbon on<br />

the opening of the<br />

amenities building.<br />

In July, a company-wide<br />

Health and Safety Reset was<br />

launched sparked by the need<br />

to shift the culture of safety<br />

at LPC.<br />

The Health and Safety Reset is a suite of<br />

initiatives and focuses for the business<br />

spanning a year-long period.<br />

The Safety Reset, which kicked off in the<br />

first week of July, was the first of those<br />

initiatives and featured the launch of LPC’s<br />

eight Life-Saving Commitments.<br />

Led by CEO Kirstie Gardener and backed<br />

by our Union partners, face to face meetings<br />

were held with leadership teams, plus leaders<br />

on the ground such as Unions and foremen.<br />

Team meetings were then held by<br />

our people leaders across the business,<br />

ensuring every member of the LPC whānau<br />

understood the key messages, and the<br />

importance of the Safety Reset.<br />

Over the course of a fortnight, workgroups<br />

paused work for a period of time to discuss<br />

safety. Staff also received publications<br />

outlining the eight Life-Saving Commitments<br />

all LPC staff must all make to ensure that we<br />

all go home safe, everyday.<br />

Kirstie says the responsibility for safety is<br />

shouldered by everyone who enters any LPC<br />

facility. That shift, she says, will require “active<br />

leadership and involvement by all of us.”<br />

“Our near miss incidents involve LPC staff<br />

putting themselves into dangerous, risky<br />

situations, based on an acceptance of a level<br />

of risk that is not okay,” she says.<br />

The eight Life-Saving Commitments are<br />

simple and cover LPC’s critical risks areas.<br />

They are: People v Plant, Suspended Loads,<br />

Container Stacks, Ships Lines, Working at<br />

Height, Isolation, Working near Water, and<br />

PPE.<br />

Over the coming year, we will focus on our<br />

people, plant and processes, reinforcing a<br />

positive culture of safety and understanding<br />

where we can improve.<br />

Our Life Saving<br />

Commitment card,<br />

which every staff<br />

member got to carry<br />

with their ID.<br />


Investing in our<br />

dry dock<br />

The Dry Dock is reaching<br />

milestones in its large<br />

program of works that cover<br />

safe and sustainable upgrades<br />

aimed at futureproofing the<br />

facilities.<br />

This month we celebrated the completion<br />

of the amenities building, the substantial<br />

electrical upgrade, as well as the sluice gate<br />

replacement.<br />

Led by Te Hapū o Ngāti Wheke’s Maui<br />

Stuart, the celebration was also joined by<br />

Deputy Mayor Andrew Turner, along with the<br />

array of teams that contributed to the works.<br />

It’s incredibly challenging to upgrade a<br />

nearly 140-year-old heritage listed facility,<br />

meaning we have worked closely with council<br />

and other organisations to get these upgrades<br />

over the line the right way.<br />

The amenities building project began in<br />

October, and started with the demolition of<br />

the previous outdated building, which was<br />

first constructed in the 1950’s.<br />

The new building features shower and<br />

bathroom facilities for international crew<br />

to use while their vessels are in dock for<br />

servicing and repairs, as well as office space<br />

and our dive stores.<br />

The completion was commemorated with<br />

a traditional blessing, which included karakia<br />

and waiata, sung by our waiata group.<br />

We also celebrated the electrical program<br />

of works which involved upgrading the<br />

substations, installing meterage sites, and<br />

modernising the lighting system to new<br />

directional posts.<br />

The new lights introduce much needed<br />

consistency across the site as well as being<br />

LED which are more sustainable than the<br />

previous halogen ones.<br />

The posts also have the benefit of being<br />

directional, meaning while they provide a<br />

well-lit and safe working environment at<br />

the bottom of the dock, they will have little<br />

impact on the surrounding community.<br />

The electrical upgrade is much needed,<br />

as when the dry dock opened, it was run on<br />

steam, and while it has since been converted<br />

to electricity, it lacked safe and sufficient<br />

modern systems.<br />

The sluice gate has also recently been<br />

replaced, which saw an instant improvement<br />

in water management around the dock.<br />

It has drastically reduced the amount<br />

of water that leaks in, as well as providing<br />

greater control of the flow of water when<br />

reflooding the dock.<br />

While these are all major improvements on<br />

a heritage site, there is still work to go.<br />

In future, the team will be looking at<br />

safety improvements around dock access and<br />

further fall protection after the installation of<br />

edge protection last year.<br />

LPC UPDATE <strong>September</strong> <strong>2022</strong> 3


Synlait takes<br />

sustainable<br />

future into<br />

own hands<br />

Synlait has taken a sustainable<br />

approach to the future of<br />

exporting their milk products<br />

to the world – and in doing so,<br />

are taking an estimated 16,000<br />

truck movements off State<br />

Highway 1.<br />

Prior to Synlait’s rail siding project, which<br />

was officially opened in May 2021, all of the<br />

company’s export products were trucked<br />

from Dunsandel to Lyttelton on road.<br />

But, with trains taking containers to<br />

LPC’s MidlandPort and onto Lyttelton, it’s<br />

estimated this could reduce Synlait’s carbon<br />

emissions for these trips by about 50 per<br />

cent when compared to these trips being<br />

completed by container trucks.<br />

The rail siding has also reduced Synlait’s<br />

carbon emissions by 888 tonnes per annum.<br />

Synlait program manager Karen Pearce<br />

says utilising Midland has enabled the<br />

company to increase control over their<br />

supply chain, streamline their operations,<br />

and improve safety at the Heslerton Road<br />

intersection, on which Synlait is based.<br />

Covid-19 has presented challenges for<br />

Synlait over the past few years, as it has<br />

for many others in both the dairy industry<br />

and the import-export industry. Issues have<br />

included shipping capacity constraints,<br />

equipment shortages and procurement<br />

issues, to name a few.<br />

But Synlait has mitigated these issues<br />

by maintaining strong relationships with<br />

shipping carriers, logistics partners and<br />

suppliers to gain different perspectives and<br />

views on capacities.<br />

They have increased their own resource<br />

and spread the risk across many services and<br />

carriers. And, they maintained a high level of<br />

flexibility to react to changes in vessel port<br />

connections.<br />

Timeliness for Synlait remains critical<br />

in meeting vessel port connections and<br />

continuing access to overseas markets.<br />

They recognise that overseas customers<br />

have a choice who they purchase from.<br />

Delays in shipping services are constrained,<br />

and if vessel port connections are missed,<br />

customers could expect a further two-tothree<br />

week delay in arrival. Something<br />

Synlait tries to avoid any delay at all costs.<br />

LPC is proud to have supported Synlait<br />

in working with shipping lines to support<br />

equipment supply out of MidlandPort.<br />

Synlait's rail siding<br />

has decreased their<br />

emissions by up to 50%.<br />


Falling into a<br />

new career<br />

The switch from skydive<br />

instructor to mechanical<br />

maintenance might seem a<br />

big leap, but for Glen, he’s<br />

loving the change.<br />

Glen Powell has been at LPC for 3 years,<br />

working as a heavy diesel mechanic, but<br />

when he was 20, Glen completed his Diploma<br />

in Commercial Skydiving and became an<br />

instructor.<br />

Starting in Queenstown, he spent the<br />

next 7 years skydiving, traveling around the<br />

world.<br />

“At 15,000 feet it can be -30 degrees so it’s a<br />

tough job in the winter, which is why I liked to<br />

travel, to catch the summer seasons,” says Glen.<br />

His favourite place to spend time was<br />

Norway, as the people there nice and<br />

friendly.<br />

“It’s kind of like New Zealand, but<br />

everything is a lot older so the mountains<br />

are bigger.”<br />

Having completed 6500 sky dives, and<br />

120 base jumps he was looking for a new<br />

challenge and started working at Shotover<br />

Jet in Queenstown.<br />

“I’ve always liked engines, but it wasn’t till<br />

that job that I started working as a mechanic,<br />

as some weeks I would be driving the boats,<br />

some weeks, I would be working on the<br />

maintenance of them,” says Glen.<br />

Moving back to Christchurch to be<br />

closer to family, Glen got a job with our<br />

maintenance team.<br />

Keeping our heavy plant in check means<br />

that every day at LPC is different.<br />

“It all depends on the breakdowns that<br />

happen in a shift. Some days you may only<br />

get one breakdown and you can carry on<br />

with the scheduled maintenance, or some<br />

days you might have 10,” says Glen.<br />

“Sometimes straddles will breakdown<br />

in the middle of the patch, and you have to<br />

go and sort them out there to get them to a<br />

safe point, or the straddle drivers can bring<br />

them into the workshop so we can see what’s<br />

happened.”<br />

Glen is also looking forward to the new<br />

workshop opening May next year.<br />

“It’s been a long time coming, even before<br />

I started, so it’s exciting to be part of tooling<br />

the new facilities and making a space that<br />

works for us,” he says.<br />

“We currently supply a lot of our own tools<br />

so we are working through what kind of set<br />

up will be in the new space and how we will<br />

store everything.”<br />

But for Glen, one of the best things about<br />

LPC is the lifestyle that comes with it.<br />

“I love working here, some people don’t like<br />

shift work, but I love it. Having that extra<br />

time, means I can still get out and do what I<br />

want to do,” he says.<br />

This usually means getting out on his bike.<br />

“I have a Triumph Speed Triple which<br />

I love to go exploring on. Recently, I did<br />

Christchurch to Cape Reinga which was<br />

amazing,” says Glen.<br />

“The next big bucket list trip is the USA. I’d<br />

love to do a ride starting in LA and travelling<br />

up to Alaska.<br />

“Now the borders are open again, its time<br />

to start saving and planning.”<br />

LPC Update<br />

emailed<br />

Want to stay up to date<br />

with the latest port news?<br />

Sign up to our monthly<br />

<strong>Harbour</strong>watch emails at<br />

www.lpc.co.nz. For more<br />

information about LPC,<br />

visit or follow us on:<br />

4 LPC UPDATE <strong>September</strong> <strong>2022</strong>

Wednesday <strong>September</strong> <strong>28</strong> <strong>2022</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News 15<br />

Jeremy Dyer Standing for Councillor Banks Peninsula<br />

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -<br />

“Banks Peninsula deserves a strong<br />

independent voice, a vote for me ensures<br />

independent decision making driven by a<br />

vision for our future.<br />

I have worked in Lyttelton harbour for 20<br />

years, operating the iconic Ōtoromiro Hotel.<br />

Our post-earthquake city is re-emerging,<br />

however the pandemic has stymied it’s<br />

vibrancy.<br />

I want to promote more public performance<br />

and art. I have a plan and policies for our<br />

Arts community to live and thrive here.<br />

follow and will seek to utilise existing<br />

infrastructure to initiate a thriving public<br />

transportation service.”<br />

As a current publican I’d be replacing a<br />

former publican. We have your ear, we’re<br />

professionals at this and it would be my<br />

honour to represent your concerns and<br />

aspirations.<br />

Promoting business and protecting our<br />

natural environment is not mutually<br />

exclusive. I would strive to protect our<br />

wildlife and stimulate native reforestation,<br />

eliminating pests and promoting zero<br />

emissions targets for the generations who<br />

Authorised by jeremy Dyer, jeremy@otoromirohotel.co.nz<br />

Libby Ornsby Standing for Councillor Banks Peninsula Ward<br />

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -<br />

Our communities are facing challenges<br />

and change. Our response will define us.<br />

As a pragmatic independent, I'm solutions<br />

focused - not politically driven.<br />

Working together as a community is where<br />

we draw strength. I'm ready to lead that<br />

effort.<br />

You've told me that we need modern<br />

infrastructure that works; clean water to<br />

drink, money must be spent smarter, and<br />

Banks Peninsula needs to receive its fair<br />

share. I will provide a strong focus on the<br />

practical everyday realities. The things that<br />

really matter.<br />

My management background in banking and<br />

engineering has equipped me well with the<br />

skills to work for you.<br />

I currently serve with Rotary, the Cressy<br />

Trust, and St John.<br />

I'm here for our community.<br />

I was born and bred in Banks Peninsula and<br />

it's where I live with my family. The<br />

Peninsula, its people and its uniqueness runs<br />

through my veins.<br />

I am critically aware of the pressure our land<br />

is under from climate change and it needs a<br />

strong voice to protect it.<br />

To be sustainable is not enough, we need to<br />

focus on regeneration.<br />

It would be an honour to serve as your<br />

councillor.<br />

Together we can do great things.<br />

Authorised by Libby Ornsby libbyforbankspeninsula.co.nz<br />

Tori Peden Standing for Councillor Banks Peninsula Ward<br />

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -<br />

It is such an honour to represent the<br />

community over the last six years as the<br />

community board representative and the<br />

last three as chair person.<br />

Banks Peninsula has such diverse<br />

communities full of incredibly passionate<br />

people. We all love the peninsula for a<br />

wide variety of reasons, our access to the<br />

water, natural flora and fauna, the people<br />

that help make up our tight knit<br />

communities, and the lifestyle we choose<br />

to live. Whatever the reason, we are<br />

different and we are special. That is why I<br />

am wanting to become Councilor for<br />

Banks Peninsula.<br />

I want to see council put their<br />

environmental impact on the top of the list,<br />

when looking at any project or priority, just<br />

like they do with financial cost and<br />

community benefits. Community resilience<br />

is important, because with these ever<br />

increasing weather events/extremes we<br />

need to be able to thrive in our<br />

communities, not just survive.<br />

Spending in council needs to be smart.<br />

We needs our roads, water infrastructure<br />

and green space to be maintained, but we<br />

can not over burden the community with<br />

high rates rises to do so.<br />

Tourism does have an effect on our<br />

community, that is why the Destination<br />

Management Plan needs to be delivered,<br />

so we can get the benefits and manage<br />

the negative impacts.<br />

I have a great understanding of the issues<br />

the peninsula is facing and I can work with<br />

anyone around the table for the best<br />

outcome for Bank Peninsula and the city.<br />

Authorised by V Peden PO Box 15, Little River<br />

JJ Smith Standing for Councillor Banks Peninsula Ward & Community Board Mt Herbert<br />

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -<br />

JJ Smith here I am running for Christchurch<br />

City Council Banks Peninsula and Mt<br />

Herbert board member.<br />

So why?<br />

I have a belief that service before self is<br />

critical as we develop our future.<br />

So what do I bring?<br />

1. Ability to make decisions ..why... I spent<br />

25 years in the NZ Army/7 years as a nation<br />

building adviser / 4 years as a Disaster<br />

relief manager<br />

2. I believe in the solution to Climate<br />

change is Papatūānuku and getting<br />

everything related to nature<br />

3. Animals are one of our key happy<br />

aspects of life so get Dogs on buses and<br />

get every community a dog park<br />

4. Predator free we need to find solutions to<br />

get rid of predators to allow our native<br />

species to thrive I want youth groups to be<br />

part of this and look at getting them credits<br />

5. Water ..do everything we can to get our<br />

water back to its best!<br />

6. We have lacked a decision and elective<br />

group that will make a change ...all they do<br />

is talk.. I will make them decide<br />

7. Banks Peninsula is CHCH best<br />

weekend!<br />

8. This is my home love all but remember<br />

this is the best place to chill!<br />

Authorised by R Hawarden,<br />

17 Jane Deans Close,<br />

Riccarton, Christchurch<br />

Vicki Tahau-Paton Standing for Banks Peninsula Community Board Lyttelton<br />

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -<br />

Lyttelton needs a solution focused<br />

Community Board member, who genuinely<br />

loves Lyttelton, one that is willing to hear<br />

what people need and one that is strong<br />

enough to be your voice and is committed to<br />

take action to produce results.<br />

Lyttelton is diverse and unique, its important<br />

that what we choose today has a positive<br />

impact in determining our future. As a<br />

longtime resident of Lyttelton and<br />

Chairperson of the Lyttelton <strong>Harbour</strong><br />

Business Association I have lived with and<br />

hear all the concerns of our local community<br />

on a daily basis.<br />

I have lived and experienced all that<br />

Lyttelton is, and am a huge advocate of all<br />

things local ! My husband was born at<br />

Cressy House and as I look out from my<br />

office view over the port I feel connected to<br />

this community and it’s people. Focused on<br />

not only retaining all that Lyttelton offers but<br />

helping to grow and nurture our community<br />

and environment.<br />

Looking for ways to restore Lyttelton to a<br />

thriving, refreshed and vibrant community<br />

through practical solutions, working together<br />

with residents and businesses alike .<br />

With more than 20 years experience as a<br />

real estate agent locally and over the hill, it<br />

has meant I have had the flexibility to be<br />

Trustee for a very successful not for profit.<br />

This means I can commit, without<br />

distractions to represent our community.<br />

Together lets, restore, refresh and refocus.<br />

Thank you for your time.<br />

Live locally Work locally Play locally.<br />

Authorised by Vicki Tahau Paton, vicki@vicki.co.nz

<strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>September</strong> <strong>28</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

16<br />


Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Take a stand – it’s up to you in <strong>2022</strong><br />

Five things you need to<br />

know about Christchurch’s<br />

local elections<br />

It’s election time, and it couldn’t<br />

be easier – or more important –<br />

to cast your vote for the Mayor,<br />

councillors and community board<br />

members who’ll represent you for<br />

the next three years. Christchurch<br />

City Council’s elected members<br />

are our decision-makers. Their<br />

calls, big and small, can change<br />

the course of our city for generations<br />

to come.<br />

Before you tick, here’s five<br />

things you need to know.<br />

1) The elected Council<br />

consists of the mayor and<br />

16 councillors.<br />

The mayor represents the whole<br />

city and is elected ‘at large’ by<br />

all of Christchurch and Banks<br />

Peninsula’s voters, while each<br />

councillor represents one of the<br />

16 geographical wards. Although<br />

the councillors are elected locally,<br />

they have a duty to represent the<br />

interests of the city as a whole.<br />

Each ward also elects two<br />

people to represent them on the<br />

local community board. The<br />

Council delegates a number of<br />

powers to these boards in relation<br />

to local issues.<br />

Environment Canterbury is<br />

also electing councillors at the<br />

same time.<br />

Ferrymead<br />

2) To make sorting<br />

candidates easier,<br />

download Christchurch<br />

City Council’s free mobile<br />

app Celect.<br />

People always want to know<br />

about the candidates standing for<br />

their ward.<br />

The Celect app has profiles of<br />

the candidates standing in Christchurch<br />

and Banks Peninsula and<br />

other useful information and<br />

alerts to help you participate in<br />

the local elections.<br />

Celect starts by finding what<br />

ward that you’re in, then lets you<br />

browse candidate profiles and<br />

shortlist the ones you’re interested<br />

in voting for.<br />

Celect is available to download<br />

now for free from the App Store<br />

or Google Play.<br />

3) If you’re enrolled, voting<br />

papers should have<br />

Babel<br />

Or The Necessity of Violence: An Arcane<br />

History of the Oxford Translators’ Revolution<br />

by R. F. Kuang<br />


Traduttore, traditore: An act of translation is always an act of betrayal.<br />

Oxford, 1836. The city of dreaming spires.<br />

It is the centre of all knowledge and progress in the world.<br />

And at its centre is Babel, the Royal Institute of Translation. The tower from which all<br />

the power of the Empire flows.<br />

Orphaned in Canton and brought to England by a mysterious guardian, Babel<br />

seemed like paradise to Robin Swift.<br />

Until it became a prison…<br />

But can a student stand against an empire?<br />

An incendiary new novel from award-winning author R.F. Kuang about the power of<br />

language, the violence of colonialism, and the sacrifices of resistance.<br />

ENTER TO<br />

WIN<br />


Charlie’s Good Tonight<br />

by Paul Sexton<br />

Featuring forewords from bandmates Mick Jagger and Keith Richards, this is the official<br />

and fully authorised biography of the world’s most revered and celebrated drummer.<br />

Mid-1962. The newly formed Rolling Stones are on the hunt for a permanent drummer.<br />

Their sights are set on Charlie Watts, a jazz musician already well-known within<br />

London’s rhythm and blues clubs. Fortunately for future Stones fans the world over, they<br />

persuade him to take on the job. Once installed at the drum seat, Charlie would not miss<br />

a beat for the rest of his life. He was there throughout the swinging sixties as the Stones<br />

reached superstardom and for the well-documented debauchery of the 1970s, typified<br />

by the iconic album Exile on Main St. Battling his own demons by the eighties, Charlie<br />

emerged unscathed, cementing his reputation as the thoughtful, cultured but no less<br />

compelling counterpoint to his more raucous bandmates. For almost 60 years – through<br />

all the band bust-ups, bereavements and changes in personnel both on stage and off<br />

– Charlie remained the rock at the heart of the Rolling Stones. At the same time, he was<br />

the antithesis of the rock-star archetype, an intensely private man who valued his family<br />

above all else. Drawing on new interviews with his family, friends and former bandmates<br />

– including Mick Jagger and Keith Richards – Charlie’s Good Tonight is the remarkable<br />

life story of Charlie Watts: official, authorised and as it’s never been told before.<br />

book<br />

release<br />


We have one copy of Babel to give away, courtesy of Take Note Ferrymead. To be in the draw, email<br />

giveaways@starmedia.kiwi with Babel in the subject line or write to Take Note Book Giveaway, Babel,<br />

Star Media, PO Box 1467, Christchurch 8140. To be eligible for the draw, all entries must include your<br />

name, address and contact number. Entries close Tues October 11. The book winner for Better the Blood<br />

is Philippa Foulds of Redcliffs.<br />

arrived in your letterbox<br />

by now.<br />

Voting closes at noon on Saturday,<br />

October 8.<br />

Each enrolled voter receives an<br />

information and candidate profiles<br />

booklet, a voting paper and a<br />

pre-paid return envelope. Voters<br />

will be able to choose a mayoral<br />

candidate, a ward councillor, two<br />

community board members and<br />

two Environment Canterbury<br />

councillors.<br />

Once you’ve decided which<br />

of the candidates to vote for,<br />

complete your voting form, put<br />

it in the pre-paid return envelope<br />

and post it back. Make sure it’s<br />

in the post no later than 5pm on<br />

Tuesday, October 4 to guarantee<br />

delivery before voting closes.<br />

You can also hand-deliver completed<br />

forms to ballot boxes at<br />

the Civic Offices, 53 Hereford St,<br />

or to your nearest open Council<br />

Need A<br />

Ladder?<br />

The Amazing, Portable, Easy to Use Ladder System<br />

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Simply the best ladder I’ve ever used, it’s everything it’s cracked<br />

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Free<br />

library or service centre up until<br />

noon on Saturday, October 8.<br />

4) You may find you’re<br />

voting in a different ward<br />

this year, even if you<br />

haven’t changed address.<br />

Every six years, the Council<br />

carries out a review to ensure<br />

there’s fair representation at elections,<br />

with each member representing<br />

around the same number<br />

of people (with the exception of<br />

Banks Peninsula, which warrants<br />

its own councillor and community<br />

board due to its unique geography).<br />

As a result of last year’s<br />

review, some ward boundaries<br />

were changed, and some people<br />

may find that they now live and<br />

vote in a different ward than in<br />

the previous election in 2019.<br />

The review also resulted in a<br />

reduction in the number of community<br />

boards in Christchurch,<br />

Free<br />

Free<br />

Free<br />

Gifts *<br />

Worth<br />

$660.00<br />

*Ts & Cs Apply<br />

*1 x Wall Standoff + 2 x Work Platforms + 2 x Leg Levellers<br />

from seven to six – the Waikura<br />

Linwood-Central-Heathcote<br />

Community Board will cease to<br />

exist and its three wards will be<br />

incorporated into other community<br />

boards. Your voting papers<br />

show what ward you’re in – but<br />

there’s also an interactive map you<br />

can use to see all the boundaries<br />

at ccc.govt.nz/repreview<br />

5) There could be any<br />

number of reasons you<br />

haven’t received your<br />

voting papers yet . . .<br />

. . . including enrolling after<br />

deadline, or not updating your<br />

details after you moved address.<br />

The good news is, you can enrol<br />

at any time. If you didn’t receive<br />

any voting papers and you’re<br />

eligible you can still cast a special<br />

vote. Get your special voting<br />

documents from the Civic Offices<br />

and selected service centres or by<br />

emailing elections<strong>2022</strong>@ccc.govt.<br />

nz or phoning 941 8999.<br />

For all things elections, visit<br />

ccc.govt.nz/elections<br />

Call Now! 0800 665 665

Wednesday <strong>September</strong> <strong>28</strong> <strong>2022</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News 17<br />

Entrepreneurship Thriving<br />

at Te Aratai College<br />

Our Business Studies has been experiencing<br />

rapid growth, resulting in several successes<br />

in the national Young Enterprise Scheme<br />

competition. Our kura is punching well above<br />

its weight, placing well in the competition and<br />

scooping up exclusive spots on the Young<br />

Enterprise Scheme trips. The Lion Foundation<br />

Young Enterprise Scheme (YES) is an<br />

opportunity for students to unleash their innerentrepreneur<br />

and experience the start-up world<br />

first-hand. YES is an experiential programme<br />

where students set up and run a real business.<br />

This year three of our students have secured<br />

spots on business trips to learn about<br />

entrepreneurship in China, Latin America,<br />

and an immersive two-day “Entrepreneurs in<br />

Action” course in Wellington.<br />

In the past, some of our ākonga have garnered<br />

local and national media attention with<br />

their endeavours. There was the “Popcoin”<br />

enterprise that spotted a gap in the snack<br />

food market – gourmet popcorn. The Year 13<br />

entrepreneurs sold the snacks at markets and<br />

pop-up stalls across Christchurch. Not only did<br />

the company make a profit and have to employ<br />

other students to meet demand, but they were<br />

named winners of the 2019 Canterbury Young<br />

Enterprise product launch.<br />

Another successful endeavour was the Year<br />

13 business team that created a children’s<br />

book, ‘A Trip Around the World’—designed to<br />

promote diversity amongst young readers and<br />

to “say no to racism.” The first print run of the<br />

book flew off the shelves resulting in<br />

a sellout within two weeks. The book<br />

can also be found in several libraries<br />

around Christchurch. Their success<br />

was also picked up in the national<br />

media. Additionally, they were<br />

presented with the excellence award<br />

for customer and market engagement<br />

at the Young Enterprise regional<br />

finals.<br />

This year Te Aratai has 10 teams<br />

from two Year 13 business classes<br />

competing in the Young Enterprise<br />

Scheme, a competition where<br />

students learn key business skills and<br />

compete against schools nationally<br />

by setting up their own businesses.<br />

Two teams have been featured<br />

in local media and have received<br />

positive feedback from the<br />

community, including local MPs.<br />

Launched by five enterprising<br />

Year 13 students, “Cheeky Grill”<br />

combines the best of Indian and<br />

Mexican food to create exceptional<br />

butter chicken burritos and<br />

quesadillas. It started when Azkiya<br />

Mohammed, Ashlyn Reddy, Nitin<br />

Ratui, Dipshay Prasad and Lupe<br />

Mahoni wanted to produce some<br />

soul-warming food. Since March<br />

this year, the students have been<br />

selling at their school sites and the Mt Pleasant<br />

Food Truck Alley. They were amazed by the<br />

success of their “Mindian” dishes. Cheeky Grill<br />

have sold out at the locations they’ve been to,<br />

with the most successful stint at the Food Truck<br />

Alley.<br />

Another successful team to feature in the<br />

news this year is the “pHyzi” team who have<br />

prototyped, produced and sold colourful fizzy<br />

bombs that can be used to wash dishes. Chief<br />

executive Manisha Baines said the group was<br />

inspired to develop the product after seeing<br />

young children becoming frustrated and bored<br />

with household chores. Marketing director<br />

Fabian Kazakos-Gardner said, “We thought<br />

about how we could help and being keen on<br />

science came up with the idea of colourful fizzy<br />

dish tablets that work like bath bombs.”<br />

Kaltan Kazakos-Gardner, our current Deputy-<br />

Head Student, who has taken Business<br />

Studies throughout his senior schooling, was<br />

recently awarded a spot in the Latin American<br />

Business programme that places Year 13<br />

NCEA Business students on a two-day course<br />

in Auckland. This course teaches students<br />

about developing business opportunities in<br />

Latin America. He says, “Business Studies at<br />

Te Aratai College offers a range of amazing<br />

opportunities that teach you real-world skills.<br />

There are also plenty of chances to be a part<br />

of activities and trips where you will meet<br />

amazing people. I was fortunate to be a part<br />

of one of these trips, which led me to meet the<br />

ambassador of Argentina.”<br />

Ad: 85 Aldwins Road, Phillipstown | Ph: 03 9820100 | Em: office@tearatai.school.nz | Wb: tearatai.school.nz

18 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>September</strong> <strong>28</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />


FOR LESS<br />


Palliser<br />

Collection<br />


WAS $1299<br />

$<br />

1189<br />

WAS $1749<br />

$<br />

1599<br />

WAS $2469<br />

$<br />

2259<br />

Brooklyn Corner Suite 5 Piece<br />

Table only, chairs not included.<br />


Hue Barstool<br />




WAS $259<br />

$<br />

229<br />

Available in<br />

Natural and Black.<br />

Haus<br />

Barstool<br />

WAS $219<br />

$<br />

199<br />

Available in Black,<br />

Grey, Brown and Cognac<br />

Spring Clean<br />


—LAST WEEK—<br />

Wagner<br />

Chair<br />

WAS $199<br />

$<br />

179<br />

Kaiwaka<br />

Dining Chair<br />

WAS $279<br />

$<br />

249<br />

LiLuva Dining Chair<br />

Available in Natural,<br />

Walnut and Black.<br />


Pinnacle Mattress<br />


Katies<br />

Queen Bed<br />

Nova Bedroom<br />

Collection<br />



FROM<br />

$<br />

1739<br />

Queen $1889 $1739<br />

King $2019 $1859<br />

Super King $2189 $1999<br />

WAS $759<br />

$<br />

499<br />

Bedside $299 From $279<br />

Bedframe $1009 From $939<br />

Under Storage $199 From $189<br />

6 Drawer Tallboy $949 $879<br />

6 Drawer Lowboy $879 $799<br />


Raglan Egg Chair<br />

Available in:<br />

Chocolate,<br />

Black, White<br />

WAS $1049<br />

Outdoor<br />



Affordable<br />

— PRE ORDER —<br />



Corsair Corner Suite<br />

with Coffee Table<br />

$<br />

899 WAS $2589<br />

$<br />

2399<br />

FREE<br />



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HERE<br />





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Wednesday <strong>September</strong> <strong>28</strong> <strong>2022</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News<br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />


19<br />

Now’s the time to PowerUp your career<br />

ŌTAUTAHI businesses are<br />

facing a major skills shortage.<br />

Border closures plus strong<br />

economic growth has meant a<br />

record number of jobs advertised<br />

online – up 33 per cent over the<br />

last year.<br />

Approximately 20,000 women<br />

are either underemployed or<br />

underutilised in the workforce,<br />

a statistic that kickstarted<br />

ChristchurchNZ’s PowerUp<br />

initiative to support more<br />

women into work.<br />

PowerUp is centred<br />

around an information hub<br />

at powerupyourcareer.co.nz<br />

and is focussed on supporting<br />

Canterbury women into<br />

work and arming them with<br />

knowledge and tools to make<br />

informed choices about their<br />

career path. It also offers<br />

support to local employers<br />

through a pilot series of<br />

workshops around diversity,<br />

equity and inclusion.<br />

It is fronted by four Christchurch<br />

women who share<br />

relatable, inspiring stories about<br />

overcoming challenges in their<br />

careers.<br />

For Dale Jackson, low confidence<br />

and an overwhelming job<br />

hunt held her back after redundancy<br />

and, with support from<br />

a career coach, she had to work<br />

hard to rediscover her value.<br />

“My career coach changed my<br />

powerupyourcareer.co.nz<br />

journeys as part of PowerUp campaign.<br />

where it’s never been before by<br />

showing me that it was all about<br />

starting with the basics and<br />

discovering what makes me tick,”<br />

Dale said.<br />

Local support groups also<br />

played an integral role in Dale’s<br />

career journey, particularly<br />

Dress for Success, a group that<br />

provides support and advice on<br />

professional attire and development<br />

skills.<br />

Karen Haigh, talent specialist<br />

at ChristchurchNZ said groups<br />


Gazelle Lowcay, Ceryse Scott, Dale Jackson and Angela Godenho share their career<br />

found on PowerUp and are a key<br />

part of why the hub offers a lot<br />

more than just CV advice and<br />

cover letter templates.<br />

“The PowerUp hub is a onestop-shop<br />

for women looking to<br />

grow their career in Christchurch.<br />

There’s so much support available,<br />

but it can be difficult to access –<br />

the hub collates all the support<br />

services in one place to make it<br />

easier for women to connect to<br />

the services and events that are<br />

right for them, whether they be<br />

jobseekers, career changers or<br />

263 x 180<br />

life. She got my confidence to<br />

new to Christchurch,” Karen<br />

said.<br />

Ceryse Scott agrees that a<br />

regionalised information hub<br />

would’ve been the perfect place<br />

for her. After losing her job due<br />

to Covid, she spent a long time<br />

searching for inspiration and the<br />

right job.<br />

Now settled in her role as a<br />

case manager for the Ministry<br />

of Social Development, Ceryse<br />

credits support networks that<br />

gave her insights into people and<br />

diverse groups and built on her<br />

passion for community work.<br />

Through these Ceryse developed<br />

a portfolio of transferable skills.<br />

Gazelle Lowcay and Angela<br />

Godenho complete the group of<br />

four and have powerful messages<br />

for women looking for work or<br />

thinking about changing career<br />

direction.<br />

Gazelle, a migrant from the<br />

Philippines, retrained in IT after<br />

eight years as a nurse and now<br />

works as a software developer for<br />

Jade Software. Gazelle says it’s a<br />

really supportive work environment<br />

for women and she feels<br />

empowered.<br />

Mother of three Angela was<br />

apprehensive about returning<br />

to work and assumed a work/<br />

life balance wasn’t on the cards.<br />

But her employer, Warren and<br />

Mahoney, have embraced her<br />

part-time hours and Angela says<br />

workplaces are becoming more<br />

family friendly.<br />

“Mums probably get more done<br />

in a day than many get done in<br />

three. We’re really driven and<br />

that’s becoming more valued and<br />

appreciated. You just have to back<br />

yourself, women are prone to<br />

imposter syndrome so it’s really<br />

important to get the right support<br />

and information to help get back<br />

on your feet,” Angela said.<br />

•Visit<br />

powerupyourcareer.co.nz<br />

for more support, events<br />

and information.<br />

like Dress For Success can be<br />

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<strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>September</strong> <strong>28</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

20<br />



1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

8<br />

9 10<br />

11 12 13<br />

14<br />

15 16 17<br />

18<br />

19 20 21 22<br />

23<br />

24 25<br />

26 27<br />


1 2 3 4 5 6<br />

30/9<br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Across<br />

1. Make an issue in a lithe way (6)<br />

4. Earl Grey may be in such a minor storm<br />

centre (6)<br />

9. Feeling for the Orient comes with<br />

movement (7)<br />

10. There may be about one acre of heather<br />

(5)<br />

11. Kitty is in a game involving potting (4)<br />

12. Showed one’s contempt at a large drop<br />

of water (4)<br />

13. Ovine creature discovered in Brewer (3)<br />

15. Accepted that the graft succeeded (4)<br />

16. What muezzin chants shows something<br />

of an element (4)<br />

19. Wasn’t happy when South Africa started<br />

democracy (3)<br />

21. Hand-out for the old and confused at end<br />

of queue (4)<br />

22. As soon as unit is fitted around cookertop<br />

(4)<br />

24. Hunter of gold takes one on (5)<br />

25. I beam out final character twice, running<br />

in Africa (7)<br />

26. Join the forces for the silent revolution (6)<br />

27. Uncle isn’t finished: go back and remove<br />

obstruction (6)<br />

Down<br />

1. Aid to progress giving one something<br />

underfoot when midstream (8-5)<br />

2. Head of college assembles troops around<br />

five (7)<br />

3. Beastly, to lie here, liar being put out (4)<br />

5. Vote in the endlessly wealthy in a galvanic<br />

way (8)<br />

6. Sound of bell, church one (some being<br />

halved) (5)<br />

7. Propitiatory gift sounds like bit one is<br />

bidding for (5-8)<br />

8. Tailors’ bargains (5)<br />

14. Goes along with being swindled, being<br />

among convicts (8)<br />

17. State that surrounds 22 won’t show it (7)<br />

18. Fit windows at end of building, then take<br />

it easy (5)<br />

20. It may be a bore, marching up and down<br />

(5)<br />

23. ‘Ladies only’ sign? (4)<br />

SUDOKU<br />

Fill the grid so that every column, every row and 3x3<br />

box contains the digits 1 to 9.<br />

7<br />

8 9<br />

10 11 12 13<br />

14 15<br />

16 17<br />

18 19 20 21 22<br />

23 24<br />

25<br />

26 27<br />

Across<br />

1. Yell (5)<br />

4. Unauthorised day off<br />

(colloq) (6)<br />

7. Court (3)<br />

8. Submissive (6)<br />

9. Agitation (6)<br />

10. State of extreme<br />

happiness (7,6)<br />

14. Blusher (5)<br />

15. Breast (5)<br />

18. Looking well-worn<br />

(6-7)<br />

23. Humdrum (6)<br />

24. Kidnap (6)<br />

25. Aids virus (3)<br />

26. Give in (6)<br />

27. Spooky (5)<br />

Down<br />

1. Push (5)<br />

2. Delayed or postponed<br />

(2,3)<br />

3. A score (6)<br />

4. Looked for (6)<br />

5. Approximately (L) (5)<br />

6. Matter (5)<br />

10. Bush (5)<br />

11. Strongroom (5)<br />

12. Part of a helmet (5)<br />

13. Wanderer (5)<br />

16. Heaviness (6)<br />

17. Eight notes (6)<br />

19. Overhead (5)<br />

20. String (5)<br />

21. Detection instrument<br />

(5)<br />

22. Host at formal<br />

occasions (5)<br />



Across: 1. Shout, 4. Sickie, 7. Woo, 8. Docile, 9. Unrest, 10. Seventh<br />

heaven, 14. Rouge, 15. Bosom, 18. Battle-scarred, 23. Boring, 24.<br />

Abduct, 25. HIV, 26. Relent, 27. Eerie.<br />

Down: 1. Shove, 2. On ice, 3. Twenty, 4. Sought, 5. Circa, 6. Issue, 10.<br />

Shrub, 11. Vault, 12. Visor, 13. Nomad, 16. Weight, 17. Octave, 19. Above,<br />

20. Twine, 21. Radar, 22. Emcee.<br />


Across: 1. Supply 4. Teacup 9. Emotion 10. Erica 11. Pool 12. Spat 13.<br />

Ewe 15. Took 16. Zinc 19. Sad 21. Dole 22. Once 24. Orion 25. Zambezi<br />

26. Enlist 27. Unclog.<br />

Down: 1. Stepping-stone 2. Provost 3. Lair 5. Electric 6. Chime 7. Peaceoffering<br />

8. Snips 14. Condones 17. Conceal 18. Glaze 20. Drill 23. Omen.<br />

TARGET<br />

hunk HUSKINESS inks kens<br />

kine knish ness nuke nukes<br />

shin shine shines shins shun<br />

shuns sine sink sinks sins sinus<br />

skein skin skins sunk suns<br />


EASY<br />

TARGET<br />

U S I<br />

S N K<br />

H S E<br />

Good 13<br />

Very Good 17<br />

Excellent 21+<br />


How many words of four letters or more can you<br />

make? There is at least one nine-letter word.<br />

Each letter may be used only once and all<br />

words must contain the centre letter.<br />

No words starting with a capital, no plurals<br />

ending in s unless the word is also a verb, e.g.<br />

he fires the gun.<br />

Mon-Thurs: 7am - 4pm<br />

Fri-Sun: 7am - 5pm


Lower Slope Luxury<br />

26a Maffeys Rd, Mt Pleasant<br />

Coastal Auction Series:<br />

Wednesday 19 Oct from 5pm,<br />

at the Sumner Surf Life Saving Club (UBF)<br />

4 bedrooms, 1 living, 3 bathrooms, 2 car<br />

garaging - rwferrymead.co.nz/OPA30318<br />

Open Homes: Wednesday 2.30pm-3pm<br />

Saturday & Sunday 12pm-12.30pm<br />

NEW<br />


Wednesday <strong>September</strong> <strong>28</strong> <strong>2022</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News 21<br />


Defined by effortless sophistication, this nearnew<br />

residence raises the bar on modern family<br />

living from a serene setting on Mt Pleasant’s<br />

desired lower slopes.<br />

Completed in 2019, elegance unfolds<br />

throughout the deeply considered two-level<br />

layout, and its flexible configuration can easily<br />

adapt to contemporary living requirements.<br />

Your outlook is spectacular and stretches east<br />

to west, giving you the best of the sun, while<br />

the partially enclosed balcony provides you<br />

with a protected platform to unwind outside<br />

in peace and privacy.<br />

The interior view is equally as impressive, with<br />

American White Oak flooring, considerable<br />

heating solutions, designer lighting and<br />

extensive glazing, giving you a clean and<br />

complimentary aesthetic.<br />

Taking centre stage upon the top floor is the<br />

exquisite open-plan living area with an<br />

in-built study nook which partners form<br />

with function in the most superb fashion.<br />

A statement stone island anchors the kitchen<br />

and is assisted by a scullery which benefits<br />

from a second sink and superb storage.<br />

Offering three sleek bathrooms and four<br />

bedrooms, the lion’s share of these occupy the<br />

top floor, including the exquisite master suite,<br />

which is a genuinely private retreat complete<br />

with an ensuite, walk-in wardrobe and<br />

balcony access.<br />

A versatile guest bedroom with an<br />

accompanying ensuite is settled on the<br />

ground floor and could easily be utilised as a<br />

dedicated children’s living area thanks to its<br />

bathroom facilities and seamless access to the<br />

fully fenced lawn.<br />

Zoned for both Mt Pleasant and Redcliffs<br />

schools, this 495sqm property boasts easy<br />

access to the flat where coastal amenities,<br />

including the local shops, coastal walkway,<br />

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22 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>September</strong> <strong>28</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

Toyota expands RAV4 hybrid range<br />

IT WAS A LONG, draining<br />

struggle – coming to a sport<br />

utility vehicle buying decision.<br />

My wife and I looked deeply at<br />

three contenders – two hybrids<br />

and a conventionally-powered<br />

four-cylinder model.<br />

We looked at all factors – fuel<br />

usage, fit for purpose, and price<br />

– what you actually get for your<br />

money.<br />

Toyota tempted us greatly. Not<br />

only do you have the knowledge<br />

that the listed price is all you pay,<br />

as on road costs are included<br />

in that, but if you do buy into<br />

a hybrid, then there’s the benefit<br />

of the Government’s Clean<br />

Car Rebate which accounts for<br />

over $2000 on all RAV4 hybrid<br />

models.<br />

This evaluation surrounds<br />

the RAV4 XSE hybrid of which<br />

buyers can claim back $2387.24.<br />

The XSE sits midway through the<br />

hybrid line-up and it is priced<br />

at $53,990. There are five hybrid<br />

variants that start at $46,990 for<br />

the GX, a GXL adds $3000, while<br />

the Limited and Adventure both<br />

sit at $57,990.<br />

Regular readers will recall my<br />

evaluation of the rugged Adventure<br />

model last month which, as<br />

its name would suggest, is a little<br />

adventurous in its looks. It is<br />

one of two new variants into the<br />

hybrid range along with the XSE.<br />

The latter is a lot more conservative,<br />

but it is a high-specification<br />

variant that will please with its<br />

quality of build, level of specification<br />

and comfort, although as far<br />

as the latter is concerned it would<br />

be perfect if only the in-cabin<br />

heater came up to temperature<br />

quicker, those frosty Canterbury<br />

winter mornings are quite taxing.<br />

Major items fitted include<br />

coloured synthetic leather trim<br />

with heated seats, electric driver’s<br />

seat adjustment, electric tailgate,<br />

radar cruise control and<br />

a comprehensive Toyota Safety<br />

Sense suite of kit, easily earning<br />

a five-star Australasian New Car<br />

Assessment Program rating.<br />

While that’s a healthy package,<br />

take into account too, that the<br />

RAV4 has just undergone a very<br />

mild facelift through new lights<br />

up front providing a point of<br />

difference.<br />

The XSE variant stands out<br />

as well with its two-tone colour<br />

scheme and piano black accents,<br />

it is a point of difference amongst<br />

the others, but it is definitely not as<br />

striking as the Adventure model.<br />

Under the bonnet the RAV4<br />

gets the 2.5-litre petrol/Hybrid<br />

Synergy Drive system that is<br />

based around the mechanicals<br />

which have made Prius the go-to<br />

name in terms of describing<br />

hybrid technology. However, the<br />

HIGH GRADE: The RAV4 XSE has black wheels and black<br />

accents.<br />

TOYOTA RAV4 XSE HYBRID: Definite off-road potential.<br />

RAV4 doesn’t get the 1.8-litre engine,<br />

instead its driveline comes<br />

courtesy of the Camry and the<br />

combined petrol/electric energy<br />

transfer is ushered through<br />

continuously variable automatic<br />

transmission.<br />

The driveline combination<br />

develops a total of 163kW and<br />

221Nm, varying at any given time<br />

depending on whether the engine<br />

is active or if the batteries are<br />

supplying the drive.<br />

Of course, electric propulsion is<br />

the ultimate aim, and if situations<br />

allowed, that would be the case<br />

but, of course, battery capacity<br />

is constantly depleting, and as a<br />

vehicle it is required to accelerate<br />

and maintain momentum,<br />

which is why the petrol engine<br />

operates at will. You can opt for a<br />

full EV mode, but that is only for<br />

short distances and you need to<br />

be very gentle with the throttle,<br />

the engine will cut in with little<br />

provocation.<br />

That aside,the entire process<br />

is seamless with the result being<br />

some rather remarkable fuel<br />

usage figures. Toyota rates the<br />

entire RAV4 hybrid line-up with<br />

a 5.3-litre per 100km combined<br />

cycle average. The trip computer<br />

was listing an impressive<br />

6.2l/100km average when I took<br />

the evaluation car back to the<br />

dealership. If you are doing a long<br />

• Price – Toyota RAV4 XSE<br />

hybrid, $53,990<br />

• Dimensions – Length,<br />

4600mm; width, 1855mm;<br />

height, 1685mm<br />

• Configuration – Fourcylinder,<br />

four-wheel-drive,<br />

2487cc, 131kW, 221Nm,<br />

continuously variable<br />

automatic<br />

• Performance –<br />

0-100km/h, 8.1sec<br />

• Fuel usage – 5.3l/100km<br />

highway cruise you can expect<br />

the display to show around<br />

4l/100km at 100km/h.<br />

I picked up the XSE variant<br />

directly after dropping off the<br />

Adventure model, and having a<br />

fortnight with the two models<br />

was a good indication of what<br />

one could expect to live with on a<br />

daily basis, and I can report it is a<br />

very tempting proposition.<br />

On both occasions I drove west<br />

from the city interlinking with<br />

State Highway 72 the scenic route<br />

that runs parallel to the Malvern<br />

Hills, the roads were dry and it<br />

was easy to maintain a steady<br />

pace along with thrifty fuel usage.<br />

When corners are presented,<br />

predictable handling manners are<br />

offered with accurate turn-in and<br />

controlled body balance.<br />

Interestingly, the Adventure<br />

and XSE get wheels of a different<br />

size – 19in and 18in respectively.<br />

However, I couldn’t pick any<br />

difference in the feel of the two<br />

models, both sit quietly and comfortably<br />

on the road, and handling-wise<br />

the feel at the wheel in<br />

both cases is sharp and involving.<br />

As good fortune would have<br />

it, the XSE model arrived on<br />

a weekend when my daughter<br />

was moving from one inner-city<br />

apartment to another. With the<br />

rear seats folded flat we were<br />

able to load everything from a<br />

65in television to bookcases and<br />

duchesses.<br />

It’s in that type of environment<br />

that sport utility vehicles come<br />

into their own. The RAV4 has<br />

a cavernous rear load section –<br />

with the rear seats upright up<br />

543-litres can be carried there –<br />

and that’s not bad from a wagon<br />

that sits at just 4.6m.<br />

That being the case, it’s also<br />

no surprise to note that demand<br />

for all RAV4 hybrid models is so<br />

high that orders only are being<br />

taken and delivery could well be<br />

out to 12 months.<br />

I’m sure those who do place<br />

an order will be well satisfied<br />

when it eventually rolls up their<br />

driveway.<br />

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24 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>September</strong> <strong>28</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

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