Essays on Painting

Various pieces from a career in Teaching, Lecturing. Demonstrating and Giving Crits in Painting to all ages.

Various pieces from a career in Teaching, Lecturing. Demonstrating and Giving Crits in Painting to all ages.


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We also see what we believe, without our being aware of it. When we pay

a great deal of attention to something, our brain overrides our eyes and

magnifies what we see.

I shall always remember when I was a boy, getting my first camera for a

Christmas present. I couldn’t wait to try it out of course and I went to the

Bishops Park and exposed my first film. The last exposure I used to take a

photo of a swan from Putney Bridge. I centred it in the viewfinder and took

every precaution against camera shake. When the results came from the

chemist I was thrilled with them all. However I couldn’t find the picture of

the swan. I puzzled for a while over a rather dull picture showing a bridge

parapet and a vast expanse of river. Closer inspection revealed, in the centre

of this, a tiny swan.

Before we were married my wife went on a holiday to East Africa. As part

of this she took many photographs. In a set of transparencies of the Murchison

Falls there was one particular one which to me seemed to show

nothing but trees, and furthermore, trees a long way away. “What on earth

is this one?” I rudely demanded. “Fish Eagles”, she replied. We had to look

very closely with a magnifying glass before we saw the tiny shapes above

the trees. Obviously another case just like the swan.

The brain

has a way of interfering


our vision

without our

even being

aware of it.

Using a Galileo


refracting telescope,



these views of

Saturn, had he


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