Essays on Painting

Various pieces from a career in Teaching, Lecturing. Demonstrating and Giving Crits in Painting to all ages.

Various pieces from a career in Teaching, Lecturing. Demonstrating and Giving Crits in Painting to all ages.


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If every element in a painting is a part of the composition, then any

line or color, any object or any space between objects, has been

positioned, and then adjusted and adjusted again, to work in a

precise way with everything else. This holds true for the division

between floor and wall, the shape of a cast shadow, the presence of

a book or a teacup. If I paint a piece of drapery or a piece of paper

on a chair, that element is there because it has a compositional

purpose. It might serve to continue a visual line across the painting's

surface, establishing a relationship to those several parts that

now line up in a particular way; at the same time, it might help

define the way space reads in the painting.


There is a good argument in favour of the more desirable qualities in

traditional painting given by a good commercial artist of the nineteen thirties.

It is in massing and grouping (in creating design which did not exist

before) that the artist can outdo the best results of colour photography.

If realistic or objective after is to continue, it will be largely

because of this sort of creativeness. The camera has already supplanted

the kind of painting which is a slavish copy of nature, and

it is left to the artist to paint the essence of what he sees, rather than

the frozen exterior image. He must take his subject apart. He must

find out what gives it life, why it is of interest to him, why he wants

to paint it. If the design or natural pattern of the subject interests

him most, let him stress that, or if it is chiefly the colour that thrills

him, let that continue to be his main inspiration: Loomis 1948 p. 62.


Illustrations are principally designed to be reproduced whereas paintings

represent the completed objects themselves.

If you see an illustration of an object in a book it usually has a blank space

around it, nobody in the whole of human experience has probably seen

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