Essays on Painting

Various pieces from a career in Teaching, Lecturing. Demonstrating and Giving Crits in Painting to all ages.

Various pieces from a career in Teaching, Lecturing. Demonstrating and Giving Crits in Painting to all ages.


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is why it is so abstract, almost as abstract as a Matisse, this could have been

painted by an Impressionist. Renoir perhaps.

Other factors effecting the way we see things could be fog, bad light, a

migraine, concussion, drugs or alcohol, a heat haze, humidity or rain. Each

of them will effect how acuity of our eyesight. Some artists make a virtue

of this and paint fog pictures which are really very easy because everything

is reduced to a silhouette. Many paint wonderful sunsets because that way

all the foreground that have to draw tends towards a silhouette and they

don't even have to draw very well to do that.

Of course there are other factors like light and shadow, the seasonal variations,

the local colour and if you ever painted landscape you will know

how the light changes the shadows and the colour of things as well. Most

of us have looked at scene and decided to paint it, if you have not indicated

the shadows beforehand by the time you get round to them you find that

they are completely different and

are not the ones that made you

decide it was a good picture in the

first place.



Here are a few drawings that

play tricks on the eye. One you

may be familiar with, familiarity

however doesn’t seem to reduce

the effect.

Three figures equal size with ext

r e m e p e r -

s p e c -

t i v e

l i n e s


b e -

h i n d

and the transition from a frame into three cylinders.


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