Essays on Painting

Various pieces from a career in Teaching, Lecturing. Demonstrating and Giving Crits in Painting to all ages.

Various pieces from a career in Teaching, Lecturing. Demonstrating and Giving Crits in Painting to all ages.


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camera is concerned is all grey, it is what a camera regards as optimal viewing.

Your visual span is about 120 or 130 degrees, unless you are using a wideangle

lens a camera’s span only about 40 degrees. That means that if you

see a wonderful view and you take a photo of it, when you get it home you

will probably say “What on earth was that?”


All babies have a set of tasks related to learning to see, they have to master

three separate skills. They have to learn to focus, to reverse the image on

their retina and also learn to correct the curvature of the image. From this

we know that babies need things to educate their eyes from a very early age.

Very occasionally we are able to ask people who have blind from birth

and who have recovered their sight to identify an object. To do so they often

have to close their eyes before they can.

Young children have the gift of complete accommodation and can focus

very closely indeed. You can verify this by noting how close they hold things

to your eyes when they want you to see something. Well it works for them.

You must all remember your own childhood when you closely examined

everything new that you came across.

I distinctly remember the long walk to school for the afternoon session

I dawdled because I knew that if I arrived early I would find that the gates

would be locked. I knew every brick on the way, each one was familiar and

studied in close-up, concentrating purely on the detail.


Children have to make sense of their world, they love models because

they help them to take a godlike view of the world. Toy cars, soldiers, garages,

dolls’ houses, are always first encountered as models on a small scale. It

is not surprising therefore that people taking up drawing later in life think

of houses from a top view and frequently get the roof angles wrong when

they are drawing buildings. Children will draw tall towers and draw them

as if they could see the top surface, perhaps because they learnt about everything

from models.

A child's point of view, a picnic, the view is chosen to show the most

typical view of the particular object, (difficult to show foreshortening of


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