Business Today - Dec 2022 - Jan 2023 issue

In our first issue of 2023, BT looks at the year’s upcoming economic challenges, possible implications of the CBE’s withdrawal of the letters of credit system, boosting exports, and Jazeera Paint’s aim to revolutionize Egypt’s paint industry

In our first issue of 2023, BT looks at the year’s upcoming economic challenges, possible implications of the CBE’s withdrawal of the letters of credit system, boosting exports, and Jazeera Paint’s aim to revolutionize Egypt’s paint industry


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News in Focus

to curb dollar outflows from the country.

The CBE’s spring decision to oblige banks to

deal with L/Cs was blamed for causing Egyptian

ports to be full of stranded goods worth

billions of dollars.

As a result, the Egyptian government was unable

to provide the dollars needed for import

operations during the past few months, which

led to the goods remaining in the ports, as importers

could not get them through the port

customs gates except after transferring the

value of imports to the exporter in addition to

paying the freight cost in foreign currencies.

Furthermore, the importers had to pay the

rent for the spaces their goods occupy in the

port, but these are paid in Egyptian pounds.

A Crisis Breakthrough

A periodic book issued by the CBE said that

it was decided to cancel the work of the periodic

book issued on February 13, 2022 and allow

the acceptance of collection documents to

carry out all import operations.

It explained that, with reference to the circular

issued on February 13 2022, it would stop

dealing with collection documents, and to only

work with L/Cs when carrying out import operations

and exceptions from the subsequent

decision, as well as the circular dated October

27, 2022, to increase the value of shipments

www.BusinessTodayEgypt.com January 2023


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