Business Today - Dec 2022 - Jan 2023 issue

In our first issue of 2023, BT looks at the year’s upcoming economic challenges, possible implications of the CBE’s withdrawal of the letters of credit system, boosting exports, and Jazeera Paint’s aim to revolutionize Egypt’s paint industry

In our first issue of 2023, BT looks at the year’s upcoming economic challenges, possible implications of the CBE’s withdrawal of the letters of credit system, boosting exports, and Jazeera Paint’s aim to revolutionize Egypt’s paint industry


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Face of Business

Coca-Cola Marketing Campaign

For Gamers “Real

Magic - One Coke Away

From Each Other”

an abundance of channels is a blessing, it’s not

the opposite. I know this can intimidate and

overwhelm people because [of questions like]

“where do I get resources?” “Where do I get resources

to place my brand in all of these channels?”

In my humble view, everything revolves

around people. Your target audience — you

can call it that, or your tribe or cohort — they

have certain passions and overindulge in certain

channels versus others. For example, I am

what is commonly known globally as a sneakerhead,

which means I love sneakers — I have

probably have a lot more than I should — and

there are certain [channels] I overindulge in,

such as hip-hop and basketball, more than anybody

that is not a sneakerhead.

Sneaker brands, whether Nike, Adidas, Puma

or Reebok, they want to use a channel to talk to

me from an ROI perspective. So, they may think

“we know that sneakerheads are into hip-hop,”

so [they might say] let’s sponsor a program that

shows hip-hop artists, or let’s be in a clip with a

hip-hop star, or let’s get a hip-hop star in our

ad, etc.

[With that] I’ll see the product on a channel

that I’m used to, so the brand is basically catching

the fish where the fish is already going to

instead of trying to invite it to go to the desert.

The question always is, with people, where are

they? Then you can craft your strategy based on

where they are spending more time and where

they are more passionate.

Everybody is in the business of attention now,

including entertainment. Netflix competes

with YouTube over attention, it competes with

brands, competes with books. Everything competes

for attention. People have 24 hours; we

don’t have more. We haven’t been able to crack

the code where we increase the number of

www.BusinessTodayEgypt.com January 2023


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