A Memoir of Jane Austen

A Memoir of Jane Austen

A Memoir of Jane Austen


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151–3; ‘a thorough mistress in the

knowledge of human character’ 152

Johnson, Samuel, one of JA’s favourite

authors 71, 141

Kean, Edmund, actor 89

Knatchbull, Lady, see Knight, Fanny


Knight, Edward (1767–1852; JA’s

brother): his character 16, 69;

adoption by Thomas Knight 16;

offers his mother Chawton Cottage

67 and note, 166–7

Knight, Fanny Catherine, later Lady

Knatchbull (1793–1882; JA’s niece):

closeness to JA 158–9, 260 headnote;

praise for P&P 84; inherits JA

manuscripts and letters 43 n., 50 n.,

186; later opinion of JA quoted xxiv

Knight, Thomas II, patron of Austens,

and adoptive father of JA’s brother

Edward 26 and note

La Fontaine, August 93

Lansdowne, 2nd Marquis of 66

Lansdowne, 3rd Marquis of 113

Latournelle, Mrs, of school in Reading

18 and note, 28

Lefroy, Anna Jemima (b. 1815, daughter

of Anna Lefroy), 119 and note, 185

Lefroy, Anne (née Brydges; ‘Madam

Lefroy’) 44 and note; character and

accomplishments 48; JA’s verses on

49–50; and JA’s romance with Tom

Lefroy 186

Lefroy, Ben (son of Anne Lefroy, husband

of Anna Austen) 77 and note, 123;

news of JA’s death 197

Lefroy, Fanny Caroline (1820–85;

Anna Lefroy’s daughter), ‘Family

History’ 76 n., 197–8 and note

Lefroy, Jane Anna Elizabeth (1793–1872;

‘Anna’, JA’s niece) ill. 156, 161;

biography 261 headnote; early life

and character 75 n., 157–8

literary activities: novel, criticized

by JA 76–7 and note; ‘Car of

Falkenstein’ and ridiculing popular

novels 159–60, 172; begins a family

history 32 n.; novel destroyed 76 n.;

tries to continue Sanditon 76 n., 261;


‘Recollections of Aunt Jane’ (1864)

155–62, 259–61; helps JEAL with

the Memoir 10, 73, 157, 162, 183,


and JA: on JA 158, 183; on JA and

children 73, 158; on JA and Godmersham

158; companionship with

JA 73, 159, 179; letters from JA 72,

74, 76–7, 106–7, 119; on JA’s

closeness to Cassandra 160, 260; on

JA and Fanny Knight 158–9, 260;

JA’s verses on 75 and note; as

Emma 119 n.; on destruction of

JA’s correspondence 184; not

remembering hearing early version

of P&P 158; early anecdotes of JA

160; inherits JA memorabilia 125 n.;

on Sanditon and the dispersal of JA’s

manuscripts 184; ‘the original of

Poll’s letters’ 184

Lefroy, T. E. P. (husband of Anna Jemima

Lefroy) 48 n.; purchases Revd

George Austen’s letter to Cadell


Lefroy, Thomas Langlois (1776–1869):

and romance with JA 48 and note,

186; still living when Memoir in

preparation 186 and note

Leigh, Dr Theophilus, Master of Balliol

and JA’s great-uncle 11–13, 12 n.,


Leigh, Revd Thomas, JA’s maternal

grandfather 11

Leigh Perrot, James (1735–1817; JA’s

uncle): author of epigrams 37, 59; at

Bath 58–9 and note; surety for

Henry Austen 37 n.; his death and

will 120 n., 178

Leigh Perrot, Jane (née Cholmeley; JA’s

aunt) 59 and note, 178; shoplifting

charge 59 n.; and JEAL i, 58 n.,

120 n.

Le Marchant, Sir Denis (JEAL’s

brother-in-law): collects opinions on

JA’s novels 112–13

Leven, Lord and Lady 64–5

Lloyd, Martha (1765–1843; second wife

of Francis Austen): friend of JA 53

and note, 62; JA’s letter to 53–5;

joins the Austen household 63 n.,

67, 166

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