Selwyn_Times: January 18, 2023

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WEDNESDAY, JANUARY <strong>18</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

Passionate about our place<br />

starnews.co.nz<br />

EV warning<br />

after<br />

cat’s death<br />

Page 8<br />

Property Guide liftout inside<br />

Steak out in<br />

Texas for<br />

father and son<br />

Page 9<br />

Division of Tuffnell Drainage Ltd<br />

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Let’s not be<br />

judgemental<br />

Former<br />

district court<br />

judge David<br />

Saunders<br />

has spoken<br />

publicly for<br />

the first time<br />

about his<br />

passion for<br />

naturism.<br />

The 71-yearold<br />

talks<br />

exclusively<br />

on pages<br />

4-5 about<br />

shedding<br />

his judicial<br />

robes<br />


SANDYS<br />

Council<br />

boss to<br />

‘kick back<br />

and enjoy’<br />

retirement<br />

THE DISTRICT council is looking<br />

for a new chief executive after David<br />

Ward decided it is time to retire.<br />

He will step down from the role<br />

when his contract finishes at the end<br />

of June. At 68, he says it is time to<br />

retire.<br />

“I’ve thoroughly<br />

enjoyed my time (at<br />

the council) and I<br />

am really proud of<br />

the organisation,” he<br />

said.<br />

“It’s time to kick<br />

back and enjoy it,’ he<br />

said of retirement.<br />

Ward has been<br />

David<br />

Ward<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong>’s chief executive for almost<br />

10 years and has worked in local<br />

government since 1991. The last 10<br />

years had been a time of substantial<br />

growth, and major changes.<br />

“I am particularly proud of our<br />

organisation and the development<br />

of our staff during my time as CE;<br />

the construction of a number of<br />

valuable and already very wellutilised<br />

district community facilities,<br />

which will be enjoyed for years to<br />

come; and the enhanced community<br />

engagement models that we have<br />

implemented.”<br />

• Turn to page 5<br />

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ISSUE 98<br />

ISSUE 99<br />


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2 <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong> Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />


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Lynette Evans<br />

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from the editor’s desk<br />

THE STORY on retired judge<br />

Dave Saunders will probably<br />

be the most talked about this<br />

week.<br />

Nudity is always a good<br />

media seller no matter what<br />

the PC brigade might say.<br />

Throw a judge into the mix<br />

and that’s going to make it<br />

even more readable.<br />

But on pages 10-11 there’s<br />

another interesting yarn.<br />

Amateur historian Mike<br />

Noonan has written a piece<br />

on a new internet program<br />

which details the history<br />

of the district’s towns and<br />

settlements. Who or whatever<br />

programmed the program<br />

doesn’t know their history<br />

news<br />

Incorrect history online<br />

Amateur historian Mike Noonan looks at how accurate internet programs<br />

are when it comes to towns and settlements in <strong>Selwyn</strong>.<br />

Pages 10-11<br />

because, as Mike found out,<br />

it is wrong. It reminds me of<br />

a young reporter’s Google<br />

search on rugby legend Sir<br />

Brian Lochore several years<br />

ago. She’d never heard of<br />

Lochore so needed some<br />

online help. The outcome: Sir<br />

Brian Lahore.<br />

- Barry Clarke<br />

barry@starmedia.kiwi<br />

NEWS<br />

Susan Sandys<br />

Ph: 021 914 742<br />

susan.sandys@starmedia.kiwi<br />

news<br />

Teens play 71 holes in a day<br />

It was a long day of golf for two 14-year-olds from West Melton who took<br />

on a Cancer Society initiative.<br />

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Page 13<br />




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Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong><br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

NEWS 3<br />

Families targeted in ‘racist’ attacks<br />

• By Nathan Morton<br />

FAMILIES ARE angry and<br />

scared after waking to a racial<br />

attack, finding the n-word and<br />

Nazi symbols tagged on multiple<br />

properties in Rolleston.<br />

Houses on Chert St and<br />

Burnham School Rd were hit on<br />

Thursday night by graffiti taggers<br />

using green spray paint.<br />

Nelly and Tim Bremner woke<br />

on Friday morning to find the<br />

n-word scrawled in big letters on<br />

their driveway.<br />

The word left the couple feeling<br />

“mortified”, particularly<br />

Nelly, who as a Fijian Indian felt<br />

personally affronted by the word.<br />

Her house was the only one on<br />

their street targeted.<br />

“I don’t know what to say. It’s<br />

horrible,” she said.<br />

“We have a little boy with<br />

brown skin, we’re so angry. We<br />

just moved here from Wellington<br />

and we got warned about a racist<br />

culture down here, I guess<br />

they’ve been proved right.”<br />

Tim called the police and<br />

alerted them to the tagging. They<br />

learned other houses across the<br />

district had also been targeted<br />

by similar graffiti on the same<br />

night.<br />

One property on a separate<br />

street also had the n-word<br />

sprayed on it.<br />

“They wrote words like homo<br />

VANDALS: Some of the green spray-painted graffiti left on homes in Chert St and<br />

Burnham School Rd.<br />

and pedo [at other houses],” said<br />

Nelly.<br />

“The person might know the<br />

person in the community, but<br />

what they’re doing with their<br />

writing, it’s things that will upset<br />

and offend the community.”<br />

Tim also spoke with the<br />

district council.<br />

The incident has since been<br />

lodged with the graffiti removal<br />

programme.<br />

The couple were offered support<br />

from an empathetic local.<br />

“We spoke with a Scottish man<br />

who lives nearby, he had penises<br />

spray-painted on his fence and<br />

he’s offered to waterblast our<br />

driveway,” he said.<br />

“So we’ll see how that goes.”<br />

Another family living nearby<br />

on Burnham School Rd awoke to<br />

find Nazi symbols sprayed onto<br />

their recycling and rubbish bins.<br />

Daniel Fechney spotted his<br />

bins had been targeted, before<br />

walking down the road to see if<br />

any other properties on his street<br />

were targeted - again, it had been<br />

a targeted incident.<br />

“I got home at 11pm last night,<br />

I didn’t hear anything then and I<br />

suppose spray painting is a quiet<br />

activity,” said Fechney.<br />

While cleaning his bins, a lady<br />

stopped by and told Fechney<br />

about the n-word sprayed on the<br />

Bremner’s driveway, he said the<br />

news of this was upsetting.<br />

“It doesn’t matter if you’re<br />

black, brown or orange - you<br />

should be accepted,” he said.<br />

“I wouldn’t care if it was a<br />

bunch of teens bored at home<br />

during the holidays or an actual<br />

person who thinks the words<br />

mean something, either way, it’s<br />

disrespectful and unneeded.”<br />

Police said they understood<br />

the distress incidents such as<br />

these cause. “We will do all<br />

we can to hold these people to<br />

account. Incidents of this nature<br />

are not common in <strong>Selwyn</strong> and<br />

are certainly not reflective of the<br />

overall community,” said area<br />

commander Inspector Peter<br />

Cooper.<br />

Rolleston has been rapidly<br />

expanding in recent years<br />

due to high numbers of new<br />

subdivisions being built, Fechney<br />

said the area has experienced<br />

“more stupid stuff” in recent<br />

weeks.<br />

– NZ Herald<br />

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<strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong> Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

4<br />

NEWS<br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Baring all publicly for the first<br />

• By Susan Sandys<br />

RETIRED: David Saunders has been a member at<br />

Pineglades Naturist Club for 50 years.<br />


DAVID SAUNDERS says it is<br />

a good feeling to be finally able<br />

to talk openly about his lifestyle<br />

now that his days as a judge are<br />

well behind him.<br />

The longtime Pineglades<br />

Naturist Club Rolleston member<br />

has never spoken publicly about<br />

his life as a nudist, despite a short<br />

lived media storm six years ago.<br />

So after being elected president<br />

of the New Zealand Naturist<br />

Federation over New Year, it is<br />

time to talk.<br />

“I feel comfortable about it,<br />

I’m not sitting and judging cases<br />

where somebody is going to say<br />

‘Well that judge only decided<br />

that, because he’s a naturist,’”<br />

Saunders, 71, says.<br />

In 2016 Sensible Sentencing<br />

Trust founder Garth McVicar<br />

caused a short lived stir going<br />

public about a judge whose<br />

naked photos were posted on the<br />

Pineglades website. McVicar said<br />

the judge (Saunders) - who wasn’t<br />

named - was creating a “public<br />

outrage”.<br />

TV news ran with the “naked<br />

judge” story, without identifying<br />

Saunders, with McVicar calling<br />

for an investigation, arguing the<br />

photos could undermine fair<br />

judicial process, as they could be<br />

used for blackmail purposes.<br />

Broadcaster Paul Henry, himself<br />

a naturist, joined the<br />

debate, taking issue with<br />

McVicar’s view the matter. But<br />

it did rattle the corridors of the<br />

judiciary.<br />

The chief district court judge<br />

at the time told Saunders: “Keep<br />

your head down, it will blow<br />

over.” So that is what he did.<br />

“(Media) came to me, I said ‘I<br />

would love to make a comment,<br />

but I won’t, because I’m not<br />

going to fuel the debate’,” said<br />

Saunders.<br />

But his lifestyle was never<br />

something he kept secret from<br />

work colleagues and friends.<br />

He was a district court judge<br />


David<br />

Saunders<br />

was a<br />

district<br />

court<br />

judge for<br />

27 years.<br />

for 27 years before retiring two<br />

years ago - 10 years in Dunedin<br />

then 17 years in Christchurch.<br />

He has been a member of<br />

Pineglades at Rolleston for 50<br />

years, having joined when he was<br />

21, a Canterbury University law<br />

student.<br />

Being naked in public came at<br />

an early age.<br />

His father was headmaster<br />

at Hanmer School, who would<br />

undertake pool duty at the<br />

thermal pools.<br />

“No one wore togs, I think<br />

it was the sulphur in the water<br />

(because of the affect on fabric),<br />

so it was just accepted.”<br />



Rangiora A&P Showgrounds<br />

Saturday 28th & Sunday 29th <strong>January</strong><br />

For some reason the <strong>Selwyn</strong> district<br />

and the Ashburton seem to be a real<br />

“hot bed” for classic cars and hot<br />

rods. Large numbers of enthusiasts from<br />

these areas come to Rangiora’s Muscle<br />

Car Madness each year.<br />

This year will be the 33rd year of<br />

this ‘ mammoth ‘ event. We have cars<br />

coming from all over the country as far as<br />

Northland and Waiheke island. Another<br />

large group is coming from Wairoa in the<br />

Hawkes Bay.<br />

Pete Schimanski returns this year<br />

with another car from his collection,<br />

an extremely wild, street legal early<br />

Holden Monaro. Matt Elliot is bringing<br />

his Chevrolet c10 pickup, it sits on the<br />

ground and is one of the top trucks in the<br />

country.<br />

Phil Dunstan will have his remarkable<br />

classic caravan on display, certainly one<br />

of the most detailed and creative art<br />

works to ever be seen.. all the way at<br />

the other end of the spectrum ia Morris<br />

1100 powered by a supercharged 383<br />

Chevrolet engine.<br />

The burnouts will also be a spectacle,<br />

not to be missed. The finals were<br />

cancelled due to weather last year so<br />

there is a lot of unfinished business!<br />

Ricky Ireland is bringing down his ex<br />

Summernats winning late model Holden<br />

ute which has around 2,000 horsepower.<br />

For the Ford fans Arnie donaldson<br />

returns with his chopped falcon ute, plus<br />

all your favourite regulars. Oh and there is<br />

a certain morris 1100!!<br />

Melbourne ‘rockabilly’ band the Flyin’<br />

Saucers return for the first time since<br />

2020 and everyone loves Belinda on the<br />

double bass. I recently heard a great<br />

band at the ‘Beach hop’ called the Sons,<br />

who play a wide variety of infectious rock<br />

‘n roll and are joined by Brothers grimm,<br />

Late Starters, Yeah the Boys, Nexus and<br />

several high school bands which will give<br />

us a great variety of music.<br />

The pageant is another great<br />

spectacle that ‘kicks off ‘ at 12 noon<br />

on Saturday, with all ages catered for.<br />

Registrations are on site on Saturday<br />

morning with old style hairdressers<br />

available on site.. If you need a new<br />

dress for the event there are several<br />

sites on site,and the man in your life can<br />

purchase heaps of man cave stuff and the<br />

youngsters have rides in the kidz zone.<br />

Event t shirts are available but always sell<br />

out fast. Saturday seems to be the big<br />

one these days. Check the weather first.<br />

Cold ice cream or cold beer. Its all here.<br />

It is a full day, don’t arrive mid afternoon<br />

on Sunday. you need the whole day. Info<br />

027545-7877<br />

Muscle Car Madness public show days<br />

this Saturday and Sunday. Includes<br />

car displays, food & retail stalls, kids<br />

entertainment, live bands, Rockabilly<br />

Beauty Pageant, Burnout Competition.<br />

Day entries available if you have a<br />

showable classic car.<br />

Admission is $20 adult, under 16’s FREE.<br />

Discounted 2 day pass (public hours<br />

9am–4pm only) for just $30.

Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong><br />

Later in Nelson the family<br />

would visit the relatively private<br />

Tahuna Beach.<br />

“I hated swimming with togs<br />

on,” he said.<br />

At Pineglades in his 20s<br />

he found being nude just as<br />

liberating. Today he still has<br />

this sense of joy as he potters<br />

about the club as one of the older<br />

members whose main job is<br />

grounds work.<br />

“It just feels natural to be<br />

working without t-shirts and<br />

stuff on, working naked in the<br />

garden.”<br />

He said it was also a connecting<br />

way to meet people. When<br />

everyone is naked there are no<br />

barriers. Fellowship and friendships<br />

are formed.<br />

The dad-of-three said it was<br />

also a good lifestyle in which to<br />

bring up children.<br />

“It gives them a much broader,<br />

liberal view of what life is about.”<br />

Pineglades is on seven hectares<br />

on Brookside Rd, with beautiful<br />

garden areas frequented by native<br />

birds and inter-twined with<br />

walkways. It has sports courts,<br />

children’s playground, heated<br />

outdoor swimming pool, spa and<br />

sauna complex, and clubhouse<br />

with a licensed bar and barbecue<br />

area.<br />

It has baches throughout<br />

which members own. They they<br />

stay weekends and holidays; a<br />

few members live there permanently.<br />

Baches have kitchenettes<br />

and running water, while bathrooms<br />

are communal. There is<br />

also an area for caravans, and<br />

a few baches owned by the club<br />

are rented out to visitors on a per<br />

night basis.<br />

The club has about <strong>18</strong>0 financial<br />

members.<br />

“It’s a far cry from the 1970s<br />

when I believe numbers were,<br />

when I joined up, around 500 or<br />

600,” Saunders said.<br />

In its early years Pineglades<br />

was called the Canterbury Sun<br />

and Health Club. It was on the<br />

rural outskirts of Rolleston,<br />

whereas today it is surrounded<br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

time liberating for judge<br />

RELAXED:<br />

David<br />

Saunders<br />

at a wine<br />

and cheese<br />

open day at<br />

Pineglades.<br />

by homes. Saunders said members<br />

looked out for each other.<br />

A fellow club stalwart, who undertook<br />

much of the communal<br />

building work in the grounds,<br />

was is in the process of replacing<br />

rotting windows on an 80-yearold<br />

member’s bach.<br />

Currently members are<br />

looking forward to the club’s<br />

annual volleyball match with<br />

Rolleston Volunteer Fire Brigade,<br />

on February 4. Club members<br />

wear nothing, except any items<br />

they may choose to add for sun<br />

protection or warmth, while firefighters<br />

wear shorts and T-shirts.<br />

“A few years ago they had<br />

t-shirts specially made that said<br />

‘If people are here thinking they are<br />

going to pick up a one-night stand or a<br />

fling, it’s the wrong reason (to be here)’<br />

– Retired judge David Saunders<br />

‘Next year we will play naked.<br />

Yeah right!’ with a tui on it,” said<br />

Saunders.<br />

A common question in online<br />

forums was if there was anything<br />

sexual about naturism clubs.<br />

“It’s not. In fact, we would be<br />

a much stronger moral group<br />

than you would probably find at<br />

many golf clubs or tennis clubs.<br />

It would break the fabric of here<br />

if everybody was swinging and<br />

carrying on. I’m not going to say<br />

it has never happened, but by<br />

and large we conduct ourselves<br />

with propriety, respect and self<br />

respect,” he said.<br />

“If people are here thinking<br />

they are going to pick up a onenight<br />

stand or a fling, it’s the<br />

wrong reason (to be here).”<br />

Saunders said he was looking<br />

forward to fulfilling the national<br />

federation president role, and expected<br />

his experience as a judge<br />

would help.<br />

He said the philosophy behind<br />

naturism was described well<br />

in the international federation<br />

mission statement - “Naturism<br />

is life in harmony with nature,<br />

with self respect, and respect to<br />

others.”<br />

NEWS 5<br />

Work starts to<br />

find new<br />

chief executive<br />

• From page 1<br />

Said Ward: “The growth of<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong> will continue at a fast pace<br />

in the coming years, which will<br />

provide further opportunities<br />

for the organisation and my<br />

successor. In the meantime, there<br />

are still many matters that I will<br />

be attending to through to 30<br />

June.”<br />

A process has now started to<br />

find a new chief executive.<br />

Said Mayor<br />

Sam Broughton:<br />

“Council is looking<br />

for a strategic,<br />

future focused<br />

leader who will<br />

ensure the council<br />

continues to<br />

deliver services<br />

that support the<br />

lifestyle and<br />

Sam<br />

Broughton<br />

opportunities our community<br />

enjoys, and carries on meeting the<br />

demands of the sustained growth<br />

within the district.<br />

“Our dynamic and changing<br />

community requires us to employ<br />

a relationship builder to advance<br />

the partnerships the council has<br />

already developed with mana<br />

whenua, businesses, community<br />

groups, schools and other<br />

stakeholders for the wellbeing of<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong> district.”<br />

Broughton said Ward had given<br />

excellent service.<br />

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6 <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong> Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />


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Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong><br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Hole under SH1 forces detour<br />

• By Susan Sandys<br />

DISCOVERY OF an enclosed<br />

hole under State Highway 1 led<br />

to more than six weeks of traffic<br />

diversions currently in place at<br />

the Aylesbury Rd/Burnham Rd<br />

intersection.<br />

District council contractors<br />

discovered the void when<br />

installing the Darfield to<br />

Rolleston sewerage pipeline mid<br />

last year. At the time there were<br />

traffic diversions in place along<br />

the two roads, when the plan was<br />

to install a 100m drinking water<br />

pipe under the highway at the<br />

same time.<br />

However, the void meant the<br />

contractor had to pause the<br />

drinking water pipe installation<br />

for safety assessments, leading<br />

the job to be rescheduled to the<br />

New Year.<br />

From <strong>January</strong> 9 to February 19<br />

there is no highway access from<br />

Aylesbury Rd. The road is closed<br />

overnight, then opening 6am-<br />

7pm weekdays only for one-way<br />

traffic turning off the highway.<br />

In late <strong>January</strong> for about<br />

two weeks, with dates yet to<br />

be confirmed, there will be no<br />

highway access from Burnham<br />

Rd. The road will be one-way,<br />

open only to traffic turning off<br />

the highway.<br />

District council group<br />

manager infrastructure and<br />

property Murray Washington<br />

said the drinking water pipe was<br />

a future proofing project, ready<br />

A ROUNDABOUT may be<br />

installed at the State Highway<br />

1/Aylesbury Rd/Burnham Rd<br />

intersection.<br />

A Waka Kotahi NZ Transport<br />

Agency spokesperson said<br />

the agency was undertaking<br />

feasibility investigations for a<br />

for future connections.<br />

“At this point the pipe isn’t<br />

roundabout at the intersection,<br />

as part of the State Highway<br />

1 Templeton to Waikirikiri/<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong> River project. The<br />

spokesperson said no further<br />

details would be available until<br />

April. The roundabout would<br />

be the second on the highway<br />

INCONVENIENCE: There will<br />

be no highway access from<br />

Aylesbury Rd until February<br />

19 and the road will remain<br />

closed overnight.<br />

source from or supplying to<br />

anywhere, it’s been put in while<br />

we have access to work in that<br />

area so that it’s there when it’s<br />

needed in the future.”<br />

The new year timing for the<br />

latest road diversions had been<br />

co-ordinated with Waka Kotahi<br />

NZ Transport Agency, KiwiRail<br />

and Burnham Military Camp.<br />

This timeframe was chosen as<br />

it was considered to be least<br />

disruptive to motorists.<br />

“There has been no change to<br />

the budgets for either of these<br />

projects from the timing of the<br />

work,” Washington said.<br />

Roundabout may be added to intersection<br />

between Rolleston and <strong>Selwyn</strong><br />

River. A two-lane roundabout<br />

is to be installed next year at<br />

the intersection of the highway<br />

with Dunns Crossing Rd and<br />

Walkers Rd, as part of the<br />

Rolleston flyover and associated<br />

improvements project.<br />

NEWS 7<br />

Residents<br />

resigned to<br />

chlorination<br />

• By Susan Sandys<br />

PREBBLETON Community<br />

Association members are resigned<br />

to chlorination of the township’s<br />

water beginning later this month.<br />

Prebbleton is the last area on<br />

the district council’s schedule<br />

for introducing temporary<br />

chlorination. It is scheduled to<br />

begin <strong>January</strong> 31, following the<br />

Jowers Rd, West Melton, supply<br />

scheduled for <strong>January</strong> 24.<br />

All other areas which have not<br />

been permanently chlorinated had<br />

the disinfection method switched<br />

on in the last three months of last<br />

year as the district council meets<br />

new drinking water standards. The<br />

district council aims to stop adding<br />

chlorine on a supply-by-supply<br />

basis if it receives exemptions from<br />

water regulator Taumata Arowai.<br />

President Graeme Gemmill said<br />

he and the committee members<br />

generally felt chlorination was a<br />

“fait accompli” following councillors<br />

voting late last year to move<br />

ahead with it. But members were<br />

hopeful the exemption process the<br />

district council was committing to<br />

would ultimately see chlorination<br />

cease.<br />

The district council’s first<br />

exemption application, for Rakaia<br />

Huts, failed due to contamination<br />

risks including septic tanks.

<strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong> Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

8<br />

NEWS<br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Cat’s death highlights EV danger<br />

SURVIVOR: Lizzie the burmese kitten is happy to be home<br />

with owner Miriam Martin after getting lost following an<br />

unplanned car trip.<br />

• By Susan Sandys<br />

LIZZIE THE kitten from<br />

Prebbleton has learned the hard<br />

way not to climb into the wheel<br />

arch of cars.<br />

The lilac point burmese<br />

survived being lost for three<br />

nights following an unplanned<br />

trip which killed her playmate<br />

Shadow.<br />

Their owner is warning fellow<br />

cat owners to be mindful that<br />

electric vehicles in particular are<br />

a risk to animals, as their quiet<br />

motors are less likely to scare<br />

them away.<br />

Miriam Martin is a burmese<br />

breeder. She said she had been<br />

devastated to find Shadow dead<br />

near the end of her long driveway<br />

in early <strong>January</strong>, shortly<br />

after realising both Shadow and<br />

Lizzie were missing. The pair<br />

were <strong>18</strong> weeks old, from different<br />

litters, but “inseparable”<br />

playmates.<br />

A friend had visited earlier in<br />

the day to clean the cattery. Martin<br />

and her friend realised after<br />

Shadow was found dead what<br />

must of happened.<br />

It appeared the two cats, who<br />

had earlier been seen playing<br />

near the parked car, had climbed<br />

into the front wheel arch, with<br />

Shadow jumping out once the<br />

car was moving. The friend<br />

had been devastated to realise a<br />

LUCKY: Lizzie has only<br />

eight lives left after a<br />

journey in a car’s wheel<br />

arch.<br />

thump she had heard was not a<br />

possum after all.<br />

“I can’t blame her at all, she<br />

had no idea.”<br />

Martin said she and a fellow<br />

breeder searched for four days<br />

in the 2km stretch between<br />

her and her friend’s home, also<br />

in Prebbleton. This including<br />

walking while rattling cat<br />

biscuits in a tin and shaking a<br />

play stick with a feather and a<br />

bell.<br />

“People must have thought we<br />

were nuts,” Martin said.<br />

Martin said she was now<br />

happy to have Lizzie back after<br />

a resident living about 100m<br />

from the friend’s home phoned<br />

her about a kitten fitting Lizzie’s<br />

description meowing in her<br />

backyard.<br />

“She was very, very clingy<br />

for about two days. That night<br />

I couldn’t sleep because every<br />

time I touched her she would<br />

purr. She was just so excited to<br />

be home,” Martin said.<br />

She said both Lizzie and<br />

Shadow had been living in her<br />

home and sleeping on the bed<br />

before they were to later become<br />

breeding cats.<br />

Martin said her older cats were<br />

scared of cars, but younger cats<br />

could be naive. While the engine<br />

starting in fuel vehicles could<br />

scare pets away, electric cars<br />

were quieter. She advised people<br />

to either honk the horn or tap on<br />

the bonnet of electric cars before<br />

driving off.<br />

Martin said Lizzie, who was<br />

named after Queen Elizabeth II<br />

following the monarch’s death,<br />

was like many burmese in that<br />

she had a penchant for small<br />

spaces. While she was learning<br />

about the dangers of cars, Lizzie<br />

had been causing concern lately<br />

with her explorations of the<br />

inner depths of the bed’s duvet<br />

cover.<br />

“No matter how careful you<br />

are, they find these little nooks<br />

and crannies,” she said.<br />

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Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong><br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

A lot at ‘steak’ for father, son<br />

NEWS 9<br />

• By Darryl Baser<br />

CHRIS MCLAREN and his<br />

son Nick, 17, have won the right<br />

to compete in this year’s Steak<br />

Cook-off Association World<br />

Championship at Fort Worth,<br />

Texas.<br />

However, they need to raise<br />

about $3500 each to get to the<br />

competition on March 13.<br />

The Waddington pair compete<br />

in SCA-run barbecue competitions<br />

around the South Island<br />

with the more experienced<br />

Chris, who’s been competitively<br />

cooking since 2020, having also<br />

competed in the North Island<br />

including at High Steaks in<br />

Rotorua in 2022.<br />

Barbecue competitions have<br />

two categories – the main event,<br />

or steak cook-off, and an ancillary<br />

section for either entrees<br />

or drinks. Both events have a<br />

golden ticket available for the<br />

person who wins.<br />

He won his golden ticket at a<br />

competition in Pegasus in 2022.<br />

“I won both my golden tickets<br />

last year, one for the steak, one<br />

for the ancillary. I came second<br />

in the ancillary, for a drink<br />

which had to contain Bacardi. I<br />

actually got second place in that,<br />

but the person who won that<br />

event already had their golden<br />

ticket so it rolled down to me,”<br />

McLaren said.<br />

He says he didn’t actually get<br />

entry into the steak category by<br />

winning a competition, but his<br />

name was read out on a global<br />

livestream event at New Year,<br />

which was broadcast from Texas,<br />

announcing the top 10 competitors<br />

from each of the 10 competing<br />

regions around the world.<br />

He got a surprise when they<br />

read out the New Zealand section:<br />

“Troy Bilbrough was first,<br />

Ashley Hofacher was second,<br />

and third place was myself and<br />

I didn’t have a golden ticket,<br />

but they announced on the live<br />


Chris McLaren<br />

(left) and son<br />

Nick, with<br />

tools of the<br />

trade and<br />

golden tickets<br />

in hand, hope<br />

to compete at<br />

the home of<br />

barbecue, in<br />

Texas.<br />

feed that I had a ticket as well to<br />

compete in the steak category at<br />

the world champs.<br />

“When you get an invite to<br />

the world champs, you gotta<br />

go,” he said.<br />

While Chris has been competing<br />

for a couple of years, Nick<br />

is following in his father’s footsteps,<br />

winning his golden ticket<br />

at BBQs Direct in November<br />

2022, in the ancillary category,<br />

which cemented the pair’s decision<br />

to go to the United States.<br />

“It was like, we’ve got to go, father<br />

and son, to compete against<br />

each other. We’re there to try<br />

and beat each other.<br />

“He only got into competitions<br />

in July, and had only<br />

learned how to cook a steak the<br />

week before that.”<br />

The pair have a Givealittle<br />

page with a $3000 target, and<br />

have raised more than $1000.<br />

If you want to donate, go<br />

to https://givealittle.co.nz/<br />

cause/help-us-get-tothe-world-steak-cookoffchamps<br />

CUT BACK: This tree at the<br />

intersection of busy Gerald<br />

and Robert St in Lincoln finally<br />

got a decent trim.<br />

Hazardous<br />

trees get<br />

the chop<br />

OVERGROWN trees in Lincoln<br />

which had become a traffic hazard<br />

have been pruned.<br />

In November, the <strong>Selwyn</strong><br />

<strong>Times</strong> reported the trees on the<br />

intersection of Gerald, Robert<br />

and William Sts were causing<br />

motorists a lot of frustration.<br />

The tree on the corner of Robert<br />

and Gerald was particularly bad.<br />

The district council said it had<br />

responded to a Snap Send Solve<br />

request that came in asking<br />

the trees be trimmed as it was<br />

affecting visibility. The work was<br />

carried out last week.<br />

A spokesman said if people<br />

have issues like this they should<br />

contact through Snap Send Solve<br />

or call 0800 SELWYN (735 996)<br />

and they will get them sorted.<br />



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<strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong> Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

10<br />

NEWS<br />

Pea growers<br />

asked to help<br />

with Lions<br />

fundraiser<br />

THE LIONS Club of Ellesmere<br />

is seeking pea straw from<br />

farmers as it aims to continue<br />

last year’s successful fundraising<br />

efforts.<br />

Spokesperson Glenn Smith<br />

said the club donated $125,000<br />

to the community from the<br />

proceeds of its annual golf<br />

match as well as pea straw sales.<br />

Schools received $21,900<br />

of the funds, youth groups<br />

$17,300, health groups $21,200,<br />

clubs $29,700, and sports clubs<br />

$35,600.<br />

“A special thank you goes out<br />

to our local farmers who donated<br />

large amounts of pea straw,<br />

without them we wouldn’t have<br />

the ability to raise the funds<br />

we have. We would also like to<br />

thank the contractors who bale<br />

and cart the larger bales for us at<br />

no cost,” Smith said.<br />

“We are continuing to look<br />

for pea straw to bale, we know<br />

times are tough. However, if<br />

anyone is growing peas, please<br />

consider what you can achieve<br />

by supporting your local Lions,”<br />

he said.<br />

•Anyone who is able to<br />

help is asked to get in<br />

touch with Smith on 027<br />

436 0348.<br />

Retired<br />

microbiology<br />

lecturer and<br />

amateur<br />

historian<br />

Mike Noonan<br />

who lives<br />

near Dunsandel looks at<br />

how accurate internet<br />

programs are when it<br />

comes to towns and<br />

settlements in the<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong> District<br />

ARTIFICIAL intelligence (AI)<br />

computer programs are being<br />

developed rapidly these days.<br />

These programs leverage the vast<br />

array of online data to mimic the<br />

capabilities of the human mind<br />

in order to answer questions.<br />

A new AI chatbot, called<br />

ChatGPT, was launched in<br />

November. It was immediately<br />

lauded for its capability to give<br />

articulate and detailed answers.<br />

I am a retired microbiology<br />

lecturer, and after reading an<br />

article on how well ChatGPT<br />

answered microbiology<br />

questions, I had the same view<br />

as the author, thinking I would<br />

have given ChatGPT a pass in<br />

my university course.<br />

Now as a local historian, I<br />

decided to see if I was going<br />

to be replaced by a computer<br />

very soon by asking ChatGPT<br />

about the history of some towns<br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

When internet searching<br />

ACCURACY: Leeston, seen here with the first hotel in the background, was established in<br />

<strong>18</strong>64, not in the <strong>18</strong>70s as the ChatGPT description claims.<br />


in <strong>Selwyn</strong>. Question: Can you<br />

tell me about the history of<br />

XXXXX town in Canterbury,<br />

New Zealand? The answers<br />

for each town started with a<br />

statement about the distance<br />

from Christchurch, followed by<br />

a sentence stating the area was<br />

originally settled by Māori and<br />

then the arrival of Europeans in<br />

the <strong>18</strong>50s.<br />

Each of the towns “grew<br />

slowly over the years, and by<br />

the turn of the 20th century,<br />

it had a population of around<br />

200 people.” The final sentence<br />

was a bland statement about the<br />

“strong sense of community and<br />

a rich history, making it<br />

an attractive place to live and<br />

visit.”<br />

The description of each town<br />

also contained sentences which<br />

were so inaccurate I found<br />

them amusing. The ChatGPT<br />

descriptions follow in italics.<br />

The town of Leeston was<br />

established in the <strong>18</strong>70s.<br />

Leeston was named after<br />

William Leeston, who was the<br />

provincial secretary and member<br />

of the Provincial Council of<br />

Canterbury.<br />

Actually the town was<br />

established in <strong>18</strong>64, and<br />

probably named after first<br />

chairman of the Ellesmere Road<br />

Board, Edward J. Lee.<br />

Both Dunsandel and Hororata<br />

were originally called The<br />

Clumps, due to the clusters of<br />

trees that grew in those areas.<br />

Then Dunsandel was later<br />

renamed Dunsandel, after a<br />

town in Scotland.<br />

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Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong><br />

NEWS 11<br />

spits out the incorrect answer<br />

Dunsandel was in fact named<br />

after the home in Galway,<br />

Ireland, of early runholder Robert<br />

Daly. Daly never actually came to<br />

New Zealand, but managed his<br />

property here through an agent.<br />

Southbridge was originally<br />

known as The Bridges, due to<br />

the number of bridges that were<br />

built over the local waterways.It<br />

was later renamed Southbridge,<br />

to distinguish it from the town<br />

of Northbridge, which is located<br />

further north.<br />

Southbridge was in fact<br />

probably named after Charles<br />

Bridge, a local landowner. The<br />

name of Northbridge may have<br />

been proposed for another area<br />

after Southbridge was named.<br />

“Glentunnel was originally<br />

known as The Tunnel, due to the<br />

presence of a tunnel that was built<br />

through the nearby Port Hills as<br />

part of the Midland Line railway.”<br />

The Port Hills are in fact a long<br />

way from Glentunnel.<br />

Lincoln was named after the<br />

Lincolnshire county in England.<br />

It is known for its rolling hills.<br />

Lincoln was named after the<br />

Earl of Lincoln, an important<br />

member of the Canterbury<br />

Association.<br />

ChatGPT uses the billions of<br />

websites and text documents<br />

stored online as a source of<br />

data to optimize its 175 billion<br />

parameters. AI is effective<br />

HISTORY: Main South Rd ran through Dunsandel in 1927.<br />

The building on the left is the Dunsandel Store.<br />


only in the area in which it has<br />

been trained, and most of the<br />

information about the history of<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong> District is in the form of<br />

paper-based accounts.<br />

The district council and <strong>Selwyn</strong><br />

Libraries are making efforts to<br />

change this.<br />

The district council is<br />

financially supporting a<br />

cataloguing program called<br />

eHive. Seven of the district’s<br />

historical groups are actively<br />

entering data into eHive.<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong> Libraries is supporting<br />

a program called Recollect,<br />

labelled Kā Kōrero o Waikirikiri<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong> Stories, which already<br />

contains much information. It is<br />

hoped <strong>2023</strong> will be a big year for<br />

the historical groups to learn how<br />

to enter their own data.<br />

If you want to use the internet<br />

to obtain information on the<br />

history of <strong>Selwyn</strong>, I suggest you<br />

use eHive and Recollect in the<br />

meantime and avoid ChatGPT,<br />

unless you want a laugh.<br />

However, if the microbiology<br />

example referred to above is<br />

anything to go by, chatbots<br />

will become an important way<br />

of disseminating historical<br />

information in the future.<br />

PAST: Dunsandel, pictured here in the 1940s, was named<br />

after Robert Daly’s home in Galway.<br />




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Local real estate expert Shona Pearce from Harcourts<br />

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12 <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong> Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong>

Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong><br />

• By Susan Sandys<br />

IT WAS a long day of golf for<br />

two 14-year-olds from West<br />

Melton as they played 72 holes<br />

to raise money.<br />

Cam Griffiths and Marshall<br />

Johnston hit good scores as<br />

they participated in the Cancer<br />

Society’s The Longest Day<br />

initiative.<br />

The pair played at Weedons,<br />

teeing off at 5.30am on<br />

Wednesday last week, sinking<br />

their last ball about 6pm.<br />

While their day of golf is done,<br />

donations are still coming in<br />

and can be accepted until the<br />

end of this month.<br />

They have so far raised more<br />

than $1600, a much higher<br />

total than their initial goal of<br />

$500.<br />

The Longest Day sees people<br />

give one-off donations as<br />

participants play 72 holes in<br />

one day.<br />

Cam and Marshall are<br />

particularly motivated for<br />

the cause, having personally<br />

known people affected by cancer.<br />

For Cam, this includes his<br />

own family members.<br />

“I’m doing this in memory of<br />

both my granddads, who lost<br />

their battle to cancer, and also<br />

for my dad who got diagnosed<br />

with cancer two years ago but<br />

he beat it,” Cam said.<br />

His dad Tony said having<br />

being diagnosed with prostate<br />

cancer was “disheartening.”<br />

Having been through the<br />

battle of dealing with “the<br />

unknown,” made him all the<br />

more proud of the two boys.<br />

“It hit home more once they<br />

had finished, they had done it<br />

for people who are suffering<br />

from cancer and for people<br />

who have lost the battle,” Tony<br />

said.<br />

While the two had been tired<br />

by the end of the day, they had<br />

been grateful for the weather,<br />

which was warm and overcast<br />

with no wind.<br />

Marshall is a tournamentlevel<br />

golfer with a handicap of<br />

three. His score for the four<br />

rounds of the day on the 73-<br />

par course were 75, 75, 74 and<br />

79. Cam was happy with his<br />

scores after starting to play the<br />

sport just last year. They were<br />

94, 100, 101 and 102.<br />

Cam and Marshall have<br />

named their The Longest<br />

Day duo The Bogey Boys.<br />

Donations can be made<br />

at longestday.org.nz/t/<br />

thebogeyboys until <strong>January</strong> 31.<br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Friends sink 72 holes in<br />

one day for a good cause<br />

ABOVE PAR: Cam Griffiths (left) and Marshall Johnston<br />

have raised more than $1600 to help those affected by<br />

cancer.<br />

NEWS 13<br />

Big changes<br />

to reserve<br />

management<br />

at Castle Hill<br />

SUBSTANTIAL changes are<br />

proposed for the Castle Hill<br />

Village Reserves Management<br />

Plan to better manage the area’s<br />

reserves, trees and local assets.<br />

The aim of the plan is to<br />

provide a vision for the reserve<br />

areas in Castle Hill Village<br />

and guide the day-to-day<br />

management and development<br />

of these spaces over the next 10<br />

years. The original Castle Hill<br />

Village reserves management<br />

plan was adopted in June 2011.<br />

The district council has worked<br />

closely with the Castle Hill<br />

Community Association and the<br />

wider village to review the plan,<br />

including surveying property<br />

owners on a range of reserve<br />

topics.<br />

The proposed changes to the<br />

plan include guidance on trees<br />

planted next to houses to limit the<br />

potential for trees to shade homes<br />

in winter, adoption of Fire and<br />

Emergency New Zealand’s advice<br />

to provide a 10-metre tree setback<br />

from dwellings to reduce fire<br />

risk, and managing planting to<br />

balance areas with sufficient open<br />

space to maintain alpine views.<br />

Submissions on the draft<br />

plan can be made to the district<br />

council until Friday March 17.<br />

Road to Wellness with ReneeADVERTISING<br />

Coming from a small farming<br />

community near Auckland, Renee<br />

Benterman has moved to <strong>Selwyn</strong> to<br />

continue her Chiropractic experience.<br />

With a Bachelor of Chiropractic, she<br />

recently joined Karyn Brents at Road to<br />

Wellness Chiropractic and started taking<br />

on new clients for chiropractic treatment.<br />

Renee empathises that prevention is<br />

better than a cure and states, “I wish to<br />

see a community maintain wellnessbased<br />

care.” She questions why people<br />

wait until they are in chronic pain before<br />

they begin to seek help. Road to Wellness<br />

specialises in the Blair technique (system<br />

of analysing and adjusting the upper<br />

cervical vertebrae of the spinal column),<br />

which is particularly effective for any<br />

neurological issues, including migraines,<br />

chronic pain, MS, and Parkinson’s.<br />

Communication and making people<br />

feel comfortable while educating and<br />

providing full explanations are vital to<br />

Renee. She declares, “We work with<br />

them rather than on them”. That includes<br />

Renee discussing what’s brought you<br />

in and providing you with a postural<br />

assessment. This assessment will help<br />

you to understand what is happening<br />

with your body, what has occurred and<br />

why it is unbalanced. She will check your<br />

entire body’s alignment, movement and<br />

restrictions and discuss the process as<br />

she treats you. At the end of the session,<br />

you will be given a folder outlining<br />

postural-related exercises, tips and advice<br />

on what to expect after the adjustment.<br />

This information allows you to get the<br />

best out of chiropractic and will help you<br />

to help yourself.<br />

With her farming background, Renee<br />

says she loves that <strong>Selwyn</strong> is rural but<br />

still has the busyness of a town but<br />

“without the Auckland traffic”. When not<br />

working, she happily explores the area<br />

with her husband and wee dog, one-yearold<br />

springer spaniel poodle Opie.<br />

Renee welcomes all to Road to Wellness<br />

Chiropractic to ensure everyone in the<br />

community has the opportunity to get<br />

the best out of their body’s potential.<br />

Road to Wellness Chiropractic is located<br />

at Office 2/ Level 2/80 Rolleston Drive,<br />

Rolleston or www.roadtowellness.co.nz.

<strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong> Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

14<br />

NEWS<br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Author takes another deep dive<br />


unique history – and within the<br />

area itself the small bays and<br />

communities all have their own<br />

individual stories to tell.<br />

Le Bons Bay is one such<br />

community and over the past 45<br />

years, Garry Brittenden has been<br />

gathering and publishing the<br />

history of the bay. After being<br />

out of print for some time, a<br />

revised and updated Le Bons Bay<br />

the story of a settlement is now<br />

available at bookshops.<br />

The Le Bons Bay history book<br />

was first published in 1978,<br />

and has sold more than 2000<br />

copies as interest in local history<br />

continues to flourish. The latest<br />

revision will be the seventh<br />

printing of the now 200-page<br />

book.<br />

Brittenden says there is an<br />

increasing interest in family<br />

history and this has led to many<br />

descendants of pioneer families<br />

providing of photographs,<br />

diaries and information to add<br />

to the depth of the book.<br />

“The digital age has<br />

certainly provided wonderful<br />

opportunities for history to<br />

be sourced and shared. It has<br />

enabled families to find their<br />

personal histories without<br />

leaving home and this has<br />

resulted in a growing interest in<br />

this area,” Brittenden said.<br />

“I am constantly being<br />

contacted by folk from all<br />

over the world regarding their<br />

historic connection with Le<br />

Bons, either seeking information<br />

or sharing their own research.”<br />

This edition features a<br />

chapter on the quite extensive<br />

Scandinavian migration to New<br />

Zealand that saw around 25<br />

families settle at Le Bons in the<br />

<strong>18</strong>70s.<br />

“The New Zealand<br />

Government actively recruited<br />

immigrants from Scandinavia<br />

at this time, and much has been<br />

written about the settlements<br />

of Dannevirke, Norsewood and<br />

Ekatahuna in the North Island,”<br />

said Brittenden.<br />

“However, significant numbers<br />

came to Lyttelton and ended<br />

up in Robinsons Bay and then<br />

on to Le Bons to work in the<br />

sawmills, where they bought<br />

SETTLERS: The Condon family at their Le Bons Bay home<br />

in the <strong>18</strong>70s. Alfred Condon was the bays first mailman,<br />

walking through the bush to Takamatua and back three<br />

times a week to collect and deliver mail. Left – Garry<br />

Brittenden has been gathering and publishing the history<br />

of the bay for 45 years.<br />

land and settled. Denmark had<br />

a disastrous war with Prussia<br />

in the <strong>18</strong>60s, and many Danes<br />

lost land as a result. In Le Bons,<br />

four Danes who served together<br />

in the war came out with their<br />

families and ended up with<br />

adjoining farms in the bay.”<br />

One of the Danish families,<br />

the Hemmingsens, are holding<br />

a family reunion at Le Bons<br />

later this month. While there<br />

is extensive evidence of Maori<br />

occupation of the bay for<br />

hundreds of years prior to<br />

European settlement, no Maori<br />

lived in the bay when John Cuff<br />

brought his sawmill up the Le<br />

Bons Bay stream in <strong>18</strong>57 and<br />

began the clearance of the dense<br />

native forest.<br />

The sawmills did not just bring<br />

a steady stream of settlers to the<br />

bay, the clearance of the forest<br />

enabled dozens of small farms to<br />

be established, accompanied by<br />

thriving cocksfoot and cheesemaking<br />

industries.<br />

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Getting in there with that paintbrush around live power lines<br />

is very dangerous. Call us about disconnecting the power,<br />

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You’re our priority.<br />

Orion operates, and maintains, the electricity distribution network<br />

that provides power to central Canterbury. We are always here<br />

to help if you have any questions or concerns about the network.

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

into history of bay<br />


Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong><br />

NEWS 15<br />

Mike Bowie is an ecologist who specialises<br />

in entomology (insects and other<br />

invertebrates). Each week he introduces<br />

a new species found in his backyard at<br />

Lincoln. His column aims to raise public<br />

awareness of biodiversity, the variety of living<br />

things around us. Check out the full list of<br />

invertebrates found at www.inaturalist.org/projects/backyardbiodiversity-bugs-in-my-lincoln-section<br />

FRONTIER: A shot of Le Bons Bay beach taken in 1952.<br />

Unlike the other eastern<br />

bays, Le Bons never had large<br />

land holders, so by <strong>18</strong>90 the<br />

bay supported more than 300<br />

people. It is no surprise then<br />

that their numerous offspring<br />

in the generations that followed<br />

maintained a continued interest<br />

in their forebears. The book also<br />

features some wonderful sections<br />

from diaries and recollections of<br />

the early settlers. Henry Drury<br />

was a bushman in the bay in the<br />

<strong>18</strong>70s, and his stories of whiskey<br />

stills, horse racing and bush life<br />

paint an evocative picture of a<br />

world we can only imagine.<br />

The new edition also contains<br />

many additional historic photos<br />

that date back to the <strong>18</strong>70s and<br />

reveal an intimate look at a small<br />

rural community and its changes<br />

over time. The Elliot family came<br />

to Le Bons in the <strong>18</strong>60s and one<br />

of their descendants, Garry Elliot,<br />

has a wonderful collection of early<br />

photos taken around the bay,<br />

some of which appear in the book.<br />


•The book is available<br />

from Smiths Bookshop at<br />

The Tannery and also from<br />

various outlets on Banks<br />

Peninsula. Garry Brittenden<br />

has lived in Le Bons<br />

Bay for many years and<br />

teaches history at Akaroa<br />

Area School. His great<br />

grandfather worked on the<br />

sawmills in the bay for a<br />

time and his grandfather<br />

built the first bach in the<br />

bay in 1932.<br />

Check out BioBlitz if you<br />

are interested in wildlife<br />

IN OCTOBER last year I<br />

photographed an endemic<br />

moth species known as Tingena<br />

brachyacma.<br />

This <strong>18</strong>-20mm long species is<br />

on the wing from September to<br />

November. It is usually found in<br />

the southern parts of the South<br />

Island, so the specimen I found in<br />

our Lincoln backyard is unusual<br />

and the northern-most recorded<br />

on iNaturalist.<br />

This species is predominantly<br />

brown in colour apart from a<br />

creamy white saddle on its dorsal<br />

(top) part of its body. When<br />

resting, the moth is tent-like<br />

and the wing tips at the rear are<br />

higher than the rest of the body,<br />

resembling the bristles of a paint<br />

brush.<br />

The moth inhabits open<br />

swamps, native forest and<br />

scrubland and has been collected<br />

amongst manuka.<br />

If you enjoy reading these<br />

articles on invertebrates or you<br />

or your children enjoy checking<br />

out the wildlife, then you should<br />

pencil in February <strong>18</strong> in your<br />

diary.<br />

On that day there is a BioBlitz<br />

at Muriwai o Whata/Coopers<br />

Lagoon, just south of Taumutu.<br />

The all-day event will be similar<br />

to the highly successful BioBlitz<br />

held at the Lincoln Liffey a few<br />

years ago.<br />

Keep an eye out for more details<br />

in the coming weeks.<br />



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Capital gain, spacious, quality-built homes and a great community feel are just<br />

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HAMILTON | Karaka Pines Rototuna 75 Hare Puke Drive, Flagstaff<br />

| Roseland Park <strong>18</strong> Fox Street, Hamilton East<br />

ROTORUA | Karaka Pines Regency Park Estate 3A Brent Road, Owhata<br />

WAIHI BEACH | Karaka Pines Waihi Beach 8 Browns Drive<br />

TAURANGA | Kempton Park Village 40 Te Paeroa Road, Bethlehem

<strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong> Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

16<br />

NEWS<br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Buskers, magic, mullets and wine<br />

Search the couch for a<br />

few gold coins to catch<br />

a show at the Bread<br />

and Circus World<br />

Buskers Festival which<br />

runs until the end of the<br />

month in Christchurch<br />

BREAD AND Circus is back<br />

for <strong>2023</strong> – 30 years after the first<br />

World Buskers Festival was held.<br />

This year’s programme will<br />

see some twists and turns, while<br />

sticking to the busking roots of<br />

the festival.<br />

There will be something for<br />

everyone from day-time family<br />

fun for children to late-night<br />

adults-only shows.<br />

Since the first World Buskers<br />

Festival was held in 1993, the<br />

event has grown and evolved and<br />

now includes many incredible<br />

ticketed and free shows.<br />

One you won’t want to miss<br />

will be An Idiot’s Guide to Wine.<br />

If comedy and wine are a match<br />

made in heaven, then Merrick<br />

Watts can perfectly blend the<br />

two together for an evening of<br />

entertainment.<br />

Watts, a qualified wine<br />

specialist, will take you on a<br />

journey through the wonderful<br />

world of alcohol, where he is the<br />

idiot – and strangely the expert<br />

too.<br />

Another must-see ticketed<br />

BALANCE: Busking pitches will be set up across the city for<br />

street performers to show off their skills in front of the public.<br />

event will be The Purple Rabbit,<br />

one of the festival’s most<br />

anticipated acts. The adult-only<br />

show will be a perfect storm of<br />

world-class misfits, with a blend<br />

of magic and mind-blowing<br />

mayhem. Get your tickets early<br />

for this one.<br />

Then head outside to catch<br />

the magic of the street buskers<br />

who will fill the inner city with<br />

mischief and contagious energy.<br />

There will be multiple busking<br />

pitches set up across the city,<br />

including at The Green at Te<br />

Pae, Scott Statue Park and The<br />

Bridge of Remembrance. The<br />

pitch performances will be held<br />

every day, except Mondays and<br />

Tuesdays.<br />

MulletMan and MiM will be<br />

at the various pitches throughout<br />

the festival. MulletMan has<br />

featured in nearly every festival<br />

since 2005.<br />

The acrobat extraordinaire<br />

will fly high, hang upside down<br />

and every other way in this high<br />

energy show.<br />

Identical twin brothers from<br />

Argentina, Emilio and Leandro,<br />

are known as the The Twins’<br />

Trip. Their incredible show will<br />

include a mixture of magic,<br />

juggling, cheeky antics and brave<br />

volunteers.<br />

You can also catch these street<br />

performers at The New Regent<br />

Street Spectacular on <strong>January</strong> 20<br />

and 21 at 7pm, 8pm or 9.30pm<br />

and <strong>January</strong> 22 at 5.30pm or 7pm.<br />

•Bread and Circus<br />

runs until <strong>January</strong> 29.<br />

The full programme<br />

can be found at<br />

www.breadandcircus.co.nz<br />

Bread and Circus performers<br />

light up street and stage<br />

•The Purple Rabbit<br />

FALL DOWN the rabbit<br />

hole for some mischief, madness<br />

and magic with The Purple<br />

Rabbit. This star-studded<br />

ensemble uses trickery to put<br />

on a show that you’re unlikely<br />

to forget anytime soon. Awardwinning<br />

Australian magician<br />

and comedian Dom Chambers<br />

has appeared on Penn & Teller:<br />

Fool Us! and made the America’s<br />

Got Talent semi-finals.<br />

The Purple Rabbit will feature<br />

Chambers’ alcoholic Harry<br />

Potter, as well as the Unnamed<br />

Magician, champion beatboxer<br />

Gale, Chinese-trained juggler<br />

Emma Phillips and ‘sexual<br />

psychologist’ Harper Jones.<br />

•Tickets to The Purple<br />

Rabbit are available at<br />

www.breadandcircus.co.nz<br />

•The Space Cowboy<br />

THE SWORD-swallowing,<br />

juggling, chainsaw-welding,<br />

unicycle-riding, blindfolded<br />

arrow-catching Space<br />

Cowboy has no fear. Captivated<br />

children and sceptical adults will<br />

be left wide-eyed as The Space<br />

Cowboy’s magic makes them<br />

doubt what’s in front of their<br />

them.<br />

The Space Cowboy, who<br />

started performing as an<br />

8-year-old in Byron Bay, has<br />

now amazed audiences across<br />

more than 40 countries. He has<br />

numerous TV credits including<br />

Officially Amazing, Outrageous<br />

Acts of Science and America’s<br />

Got Talent.<br />

•Find out more about<br />

The Space Cowboy’s free shows<br />

at www.breadandcircus.co.nz<br />

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Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong> 17<br />

Thinking of building in <strong>Selwyn</strong>?<br />

Are you looking to build your dream home in the <strong>Selwyn</strong> district<br />

this year?<br />

If so, the Build7 team would love to hear from you.<br />

space. Indoor/outdoor flow is also super important in <strong>Selwyn</strong>,<br />

where people are often looking to make the most of country views<br />

or beautiful gardens.”<br />

You may not know it but there are many gorgeous Build7 homes<br />

sprinkled across <strong>Selwyn</strong> including the stunning examples pictured<br />

here at Lincoln and Prebbleton.<br />

"Each of our houses is custom designed to suit what people want<br />

and need to live well, and to work within an agreed budget. They<br />

are the very definition of dream homes," Build7 South Island<br />

owners Jamie and Fran Cowan say.<br />

Fran and Jamie themselves lived in Lincoln for many years.<br />

“We know that people in <strong>Selwyn</strong> really like to be part of the whole<br />

design process, and love that they can simply pick up the phone<br />

and talk to us anytime about their build. We’re really accessible and<br />

personally know what it is like to go through building a new family<br />

home,” Fran says.<br />

“Some of the features we are often asked to incorporate in our<br />

homes are big kitchens, spacious laundries and lots of storage<br />

Stylish living in a recently completed Build7 home in Lincoln.<br />

Polly and Nick’s Prebbleton Home<br />

Build7 is currently building Polly Chen and<br />

Nick Homewood’s family home in Prebbleton.<br />

This is the couple's first time building a new home,<br />

so they were excited to get the foundations laid just before<br />

Christmas. Here’s what they have to say about us:<br />

Renders of Polly Chen and Nick Homewood's new home - a Build7 design and<br />

build project. Open plan living and dining above, with the home's beautiful<br />

exterior profiled below.<br />

“We are really enjoying working with the whole Build7 team.<br />

We have been involved through every step of the design<br />

process and are very happy with the final concept. One of the<br />

best things about working with Build7 is their great<br />

communication. They’ve kept us updated at every step along<br />

the way and are very helpful. Plus, they’ve thought of so many<br />

key details to make our new home even better.”<br />

-Polly Chen and Nick Homewood<br />

Email: canterbury@build7.co.nz<br />

Mobile: 021 329 528<br />

027 858 8489<br />

Level 1, 337 St Asaph Street, Christchurch<br />


<strong>18</strong> <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong> Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

Christchurch<br />

16 Watts Rd, Sockburn.<br />

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Side-by-side<br />

Fridge Freezer<br />

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835mm<br />

W I D E<br />

Upright Fridge Freezer<br />

Stainless Steel<br />

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4 Stars<br />

335 l<br />

599mm<br />

W I D E<br />

Fridge Freezer<br />

Total Frost Free 207 l<br />

Black Stainless Steel<br />

Smart+ Cooling Technology<br />

545mm<br />

W I D E<br />

$<br />

1050<br />

$<br />

975<br />

$<br />

599<br />

$<br />

495<br />


353584<br />

24 Month Warranty<br />


353484<br />

24 Month Warranty<br />


352350<br />

24 Month Warranty<br />


352209<br />

24 Month Warranty<br />

Chest Fridge/Freezer Convertible<br />

4<strong>18</strong> l<br />

Chest Freezer<br />

Concealed Condenser<br />

External Thermostat<br />

High-Temp Alarm<br />

Lockable Wheels<br />

198 l<br />

Retro Bar Fridge<br />

Manual Defrost<br />

Top mount freezer<br />

Glass shelves<br />

Retro Handles<br />

86 l<br />

487mm<br />

W I D E<br />

Retro Bar Fridge<br />

Manual Defrost<br />

Veggie Crisper<br />

Glass shelves<br />

Retro Handles<br />

90 l<br />

447mm<br />

W I D E<br />

$<br />

999<br />

1416mm<br />

W I D E<br />

$<br />

475<br />

945mm<br />

W I D E<br />

$<br />

388<br />

$<br />

349<br />


3514<strong>18</strong><br />

24 Month Warranty<br />


351200<br />

24 Month Warranty<br />


354088<br />

24 Month Warranty<br />


354080<br />

24 Month Warranty<br />

Xtreme Smart Heat Pump<br />

DC Inverter<br />

WIFI Ready<br />

R32 Gas<br />

Energy Efficient<br />

Room Size: 9 ~ 20m²<br />

2KW<br />

Air Cooler Tower<br />

Noise Level 55db<br />

Visible Water Level<br />

3-Speed 3 Modes<br />

1~7hrs Timer<br />

Remote Control<br />

Air Cooler Tower<br />

4.8 l<br />

Noise Level 55db<br />

Visible water level<br />

3-speed 3 modes<br />

1~4hrs timer<br />

Remote Control<br />

4 l<br />

Pedestal or Table Fan<br />

Table/stand fan<br />

Tilt function<br />

3 speed<br />

Adjustable height<br />

Wide oscillation function<br />

$<br />

750<br />

$<br />

199<br />

$<br />

249<br />

$<br />

59<br />


370720<br />

5 Year Warranty<br />


3730<strong>18</strong><br />

24 Month Warranty<br />


373019<br />

24 Month Warranty<br />


373530<br />

12 Month Warranty<br />

60cm<br />

W I D E<br />

60cm<br />

W I D E<br />

Canopy Rangehood<br />

350m3/h<br />

Ceramic Cooktop<br />

4 Hob<br />

Wall Oven<br />

9 Function<br />

$<br />

899<br />


908292<br />

24 Month Warranty<br />

60cm<br />

W I D E<br />

60cm<br />

W I D E<br />

Canopy Rangehood<br />

350m3/h<br />

Midea Wall Oven<br />

9 Function<br />

Ceramic Cooktop<br />

4 Hob<br />

Comffee<br />

Dishwasher<br />

$<br />

1299<br />


908<strong>18</strong>1<br />

24 Month Warranty<br />

60cm<br />

W I D E<br />

60cm<br />

W I D E<br />

60cm<br />

W I D E<br />

Luxury Black<br />

Bathroom Combo<br />

Avalon Shower Door<br />

Edge Wall Vanity<br />

Wall Side Cabinet<br />

Vita Toilet Suite<br />

$<br />

2199<br />


902820<br />

5 Year Warranty<br />

800mm<br />

W I D E<br />

1200mm<br />

W I D E<br />

Core Round shower<br />

Shower Liner<br />

Corner Waste Shower Tray<br />

Novo Floor Vanity<br />

Classic Ceramic Top<br />

Nero Toilet Suite<br />

P Pan | S Convertible<br />

$<br />

1295<br />


908114<br />

5 Year Warranty<br />

750mm<br />

W I D E<br />

900mm<br />

W I D E<br />

Prices Guaranteed as of 22/01/23 Subject to change.<br />


CAN-C 42

• By Dave Di Somma<br />

WHAT A <strong>2023</strong> it’s been already<br />

for the progeny of Christian<br />

Cullen mare Supreme Gem.<br />

Between 2011 and 2015 she<br />

won eight races with a best mile<br />

rate of 1:53.7. Now three of her<br />

daughters have won races this<br />

year at three different venues.<br />

“As a breeder it’s very satisfying,”<br />

says Prebbleton-based John<br />

McDermott.<br />

Trained by McDermott, sixyear-old<br />

mare Ruby’s A Delight<br />

(Bettor’s Delight/Supreme Gem)<br />

got the ball rolling at Rangiora<br />

on New Year’s Day. It was her<br />

sixth success and “she could win<br />

some more as well.”<br />

She was followed by full sister<br />

Sophie, trained by Tyler Dewe,<br />

at Roxburgh on <strong>January</strong> 4 and<br />

then the Geoff and James Dunntrained<br />

Topaz (American Ideal/<br />

Supreme Gem) at Motukarara<br />

on <strong>January</strong> 8. It was Sophie and<br />

Topaz’s first wins.<br />

“It’s pretty rare for all three to<br />

win so close together ... and great<br />

for Supreme Gem, she was top<br />

class.”<br />

The first foal from speedy<br />

racemare Flying Sands (11 wins),<br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Supreme Gem’s last race was a<br />

winning one at Ashburton in<br />

December 2014. She suffered a<br />

career-ending leg injury just days<br />

later.<br />

She had five foals before dying<br />

of colic in February 2021.<br />

“It was a big blow,” says Mc-<br />

Dermott, “but you have to keep<br />

going.”<br />

Now 73, McDermott reckons<br />

he’s bred “nearly 100” foals over<br />

the years.<br />

“I’ve been breeding horses<br />

since I was 21.”<br />

He is also well known for his<br />

RACING 19<br />

Supreme start to year for broodmare gem<br />

BREEDING: Topaz winning at Motukarara on <strong>January</strong> 8.<br />

association with top filly Olga<br />

Korbut.<br />

“I was given a half share in her<br />

when I was 23 after previously<br />

turning down a half share in her<br />

brother the champion Noodlum<br />

the year before.”<br />

She won eight from 58 in the<br />

mid to late 1970s, and was a<br />

Group 1 winning two-year-old<br />

in the 1974/75 season and a New<br />

Zealand record-holder at three.<br />

McDermott’s trained 55 winners<br />

since his first in 2009, with<br />

seven wins as an amateur driver<br />

as well.<br />

He hopes Supreme Gem’s<br />

winning progeny will extend<br />

to her fifth and final foal I Spy<br />

Diamonds. By He’s Watching,<br />

the three-year-old filly hasn’t<br />

qualified yet.<br />

“She’s promising but just needs<br />

more time.”<br />

– Harness Racing Desk<br />

Cup Day report: Poor track preparation<br />

PAYMENTS HAVE been<br />

withheld from the Canterbury<br />

Jockey Club in the aftermath of<br />

the New Zealand Cup Day track<br />

debacle.<br />

The meeting was<br />

abandoned because of<br />

unsatisfactory track preparation.<br />

New Zealand Thoroughbred<br />

Racing has assured owners and<br />

trainers they will not look to cut<br />

stakes this season unless the TAB<br />

payout (the code’s share of the<br />

TAB’s profits) drops further below<br />

budget next year.<br />

But NZTR says it will cut the<br />

money paid to clubs which fail<br />

to provide a racing surface that<br />

can handle the conditions, which<br />

is often the reason blamed for<br />

abandonments.<br />

NZTR has also released its<br />

report into the NZ Cup Day<br />

postponement, which saw the<br />

meeting held two days later but<br />

with an enormously reduced<br />

crowd and the CJC offering to pay<br />

refunds to those who did attend<br />

on Cup Day, their biggest meeting<br />

of the year.<br />

The report into the Cup Day<br />

abandonment suggested irregular<br />

irrigation infiltration and the<br />

longer grass had contributed to<br />

the slippery patch that caused<br />

the abandonment, as well as a<br />

generally inconsistent racing<br />

surface, which saw one of New<br />

Zealand’s most popular and<br />

profitable meetings called off.<br />

“Given these various factors it<br />

is reasonable to conclude that the<br />

combination of dry patches, dense<br />

matted growth on the surface,<br />

and localised low infiltration rates<br />

could produce slippery patches,”<br />

stated the report.<br />

“A certain amount of rain or<br />

irrigation was applied to the track<br />

prior to the race day<br />

“That combination would result<br />

in excess moisture in the surface<br />

layer creating a thin layer of soft,<br />

slippery soil above harder, drier<br />

soil beneath. It is expected that<br />

the programme in Cup Week<br />

complicates things because racing<br />

on Saturday, Wednesday and<br />

Saturday limits the windows when<br />

irrigation can be applied and<br />

most likely does not allow ideal<br />

amounts and timing of irrigation<br />

to be applied.<br />

“It was identified that the turf<br />


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was growing horizontally along<br />

the surface of the track with<br />

stem length of 300mm. In areas<br />

where this grass mat was very<br />

dense it created a slippery layer<br />

underneath.”<br />

NZTR chief executive Bruce<br />

Sharrock said CJC will be docked<br />

some of their meeting payments<br />

for that disastrous weekend.<br />

“While we are all in this<br />

together as an industry, there<br />

has to be accountability. What<br />

has been going on is incredibly<br />

frustrating for the entire industry,<br />

both us and the stakeholders. So<br />

we can’t and won’t be keeping<br />

paying the race day fees to clubs<br />

who fail to meet their obligations<br />

if that comes about through<br />

unsatisfactory preparation,”<br />

Sharrock said.<br />

Riccarton has had and will again<br />

have some meetings transferred or<br />

moved to its synthetic track so it<br />

can undergo a track renovation.<br />

“Riccarton is currently<br />

undergoing a full turf renovation<br />

with all grass being removed<br />

down to 30mm, scarifying,<br />

sub-soiling and verti-draining,”<br />

the NZTR report said.<br />

UNSATISFACTORY: Jockeys and officials examine the<br />

Riccarton track on New Zealand Cup Day.<br />


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& Motorlodge<br />

1<strong>18</strong> Racecourse Rd, Sockburn,<br />

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20 <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong> Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />


FOR LESS<br />


Keara Corner<br />

Suite<br />



FROM<br />

$<br />

2999<br />

Affordable<br />


WAS $1619<br />

$<br />

1489<br />

Austin<br />

3 + 2 Lounge Suite<br />

WAS $2499<br />

$<br />

2299<br />

Brooklyn Corner Suite 5 Piece<br />

Flexible Modular Design, 5 Separate Sections<br />


Blitz<br />

WAS $2029<br />

$<br />

<strong>18</strong>69<br />

Havana 3+2<br />

Flow<br />

Buffet<br />


Flow Extension table $1459 $1309<br />

Flow TV Unit $1299 $1229<br />

Rustic Chair $229 $199<br />

WAS $1950<br />

$<br />

1749<br />

Pearl Bay<br />

Collection<br />

500<br />

DAYS<br />

High Boy - Seven Drawers $439<br />

Lingerie - Seven Drawers $409<br />

Bedside - Three Drawers $179<br />

500 days interest free is available on in-store Long Term Finance (LTF) Q Card and Q<br />

Mastercard purchases $499 and over until 31/01/<strong>2023</strong>. Exclusions apply, see the offer<br />

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Interest Rate applies to Standard Purchases after 3 months interest free period ends (Q<br />

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Financial Services Limited and Consumer Finance Limited reserve the right to amend,<br />

suspend or terminate the offer and these Ts&Cs at any time without notice. Mastercard and<br />

the circles design are registered trademarks of Mastercard International Incorporated.<br />

WAS $329<br />

$<br />

289<br />

Forged Chair<br />

Forged <strong>18</strong>00<br />

Extension Table<br />

WAS $1369<br />

$<br />

1229<br />

FREE<br />



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Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong> 21<br />


WEST MELTON Thompsons Road<br />

Lucerne, Location, Land Bank!<br />

ENQUIRIES OVER $850,000<br />

Plus GST (if any)<br />

COALGATE TAVERN 125 Bridge Street<br />

Exceptional Value - Endless Potential!<br />


Plus GST (if any)<br />

Rarely does an opportunity such as this come to the<br />

market - a 28.3280 hectare bare land block featuring a<br />

fully established lucerne crop that affords the<br />

simplicity of a hands-off farming operation with the<br />

added security of an immediate income source in a<br />

great location! The land is currently subdivided into six<br />

paddocks with a high standard of fencing, established<br />

shelter on three boundaries, sheep yards, stock water<br />

race, and the added appeal of your own duck pond.<br />

Significant fertiliser inputs have been applied over the<br />

past two years to ensure optimum fertility.<br />

Mark Terry<br />

M 027 572 2559<br />

E mark.terry@pggwrightson.co.nz<br />

Karen Hennessy<br />

M 027 967 0<strong>18</strong>6<br />

E karen.hennessy@pggwrightson.co.nz<br />

The Coalgate Tavern, a popular country hotel and<br />

restaurant strategically located on SH77 is for sale as a<br />

freehold going concern. The hotel sits on a 9123sqm<br />

section and includes a public bar, large restaurant with<br />

its own bar, beer garden, bottle store, gaming area,<br />

three bedroom managers accommodation and<br />

NZMCA parking. Here’s a fantastic opportunity to buy<br />

yourself a fabulous lifestyle and enjoy the benefits of<br />

being your own boss! Expand your wings into the<br />

hospitality sector with certainty now that Covid<br />

restrictions have lifted and become a very special part<br />

of this growing community!<br />

VIEW By Appointment Only<br />

Mark Terry<br />

M 027 572 2559<br />

E mark.terry@pggwrightson.co.nz<br />

Karen Hennessy<br />

M 027 967 0<strong>18</strong>6<br />

E karen.hennessy@pggwrightson.co.nz<br />

pggwre.co.nz/DAR36812<br />

pggwre.co.nz/DAR36473<br />

Jannetta Thomas<br />

Complimentary appraisals anytime!<br />

If you’re looking for a sales professional who has local knowledge,<br />

gives honest up-to-date appraisals of your property, is hard working,<br />

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Contact Jannetta Today!<br />

Jannetta Thomas<br />

Residential & Lifestyle Sales Consultant<br />

021 256 6295<br />

jannetta.thomas@pggwrightson.co.nz<br />

BURNHAM 245 Thomsons Road<br />

High Quality Dairy Farm, Location & Performance<br />

• Amazing opportunity to secure a Tier one dairy<br />

farm with proven track record<br />

• Consistently milking 750 cows with production<br />

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• Spray irrigated via groundwater and<br />

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• Excellent main home in established surround, and<br />

three more good houses<br />

• Great location and in nine separate titles<br />

• Not only is this property high performing, the<br />

proximity to Christchurch and Rolleston ensures<br />

the future value is locked in<br />

pggwre.co.nz/LCN37028<br />


Plus GST (if any)<br />

VIEW By Appointment Only<br />

Dan van der Salm<br />

M 021 9<strong>18</strong> 233<br />

E dan.vandersalm@pggwrightson.co.nz<br />

Mark Clyne<br />

M 027 531 2964<br />

E mark.clyne@pggwrightson.co.nz<br />

PGG Wrightson Real Estate Limited, licensed under REAA 2008<br />

6/19 Gerald Street, LINCOLN<br />

42 South Terrace, DARFIELD<br />

Phone: 03 341 4301 | Email: christchurch@pggwre.co.nz<br />

Helping grow the country<br />

For more great listings, visit www.pggwre.co.nz<br />

PGG Wrightson Real Estate Limited, licensed under the REAA 2008<br />

Helping grow the country

22 <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong> Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

Sustainability Expo coming to <strong>Selwyn</strong><br />

From worm farms to super homes, reducing your power bill, keeping warm<br />

and cheaper transport, the practical side of sustainability will be on show in<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong> next week.<br />

Lots of summer still<br />

to come in <strong>Selwyn</strong><br />

Summer in <strong>Selwyn</strong> has once again been a huge hit with residents—and we’re still<br />

only halfway through the jam-packed calendar.<br />

The fun kicked off at the beginning of December, with an outdoor movie screening<br />

of The Muppet Christmas Carol in Anderson Square, Leeston. It was great to see<br />

families gather, following the Leeston Santa Parade. We’re looking forward to the<br />

upcoming outdoor movie events in February when the weather is hopefully<br />

more settled!<br />

After the Christmas break, whānau welcomed in the new year with our Picnic in<br />

the Park events at Arthur’s Pass and Castle Hill, complete with a game of backyard<br />

cricket or kite flying. Both were fantastic events for all ages.<br />

Between 4 and 11 <strong>January</strong>, nearly 200 young people went along to the <strong>Selwyn</strong><br />

Sports Centre to have a go at the 3 play sessions, trying out new sports, such as<br />

Pickleball, Floorball and Korfball, and old favourites like basketball. Everyone had a<br />

great time and it was fantastic to see this event growing.<br />

Other awesome events have included Skate ‘n’ Splash, held at both the <strong>Selwyn</strong><br />

Sports Centre and <strong>Selwyn</strong> Aquatic Centre, and the Inflatable Fun Day at the<br />

Darfield Recreation and Community Centre.<br />

If you’re keen to get out and about these holidays, the good news is there’s still<br />

plenty of Summer in <strong>Selwyn</strong> events to come. So mark the following dates in<br />

your diaries:<br />

• Summer Pool Party–22 <strong>January</strong> at Southbridge Pool.<br />

• Summer Skate Picnic–2 February in West Melton.<br />

• Family Kite Festival–5 February at Foster Park, Rolleston.<br />

• A Month of Sundays–5 and 12 February at Lincoln Library; and 19 and<br />

26 February at Te Ara Ātea, Rolleston.<br />

• Outdoor Movies–10 February at Greendale Reserve (School of Rock) and on<br />

<strong>18</strong> February at Prebbleton Domain Playground (Ferdinand).<br />

• Picnic in the Park–12 February in Hororata Domain and 19 February in<br />

Sheffield Domain.<br />

For a full list of events, go to selwyn.govt.nz/events<br />

Have your say on Castle Hill Village Reserves<br />

Substantial changes are proposed for the Castle Hill Village Reserves Management<br />

Plan to better manage the area’s reserves, trees and local assets.<br />

The Council is inviting submissions on the draft plan until 5pm, Friday 17 March.<br />

The aim of the Reserves Management Plan (RMP) is to provide a clear vision for<br />

the reserve areas in Castle Hill Village, and guide the day-to-day management and<br />

development of these spaces over the next 10 years. The original Castle Hill Village<br />

RMP was adopted in June 2011.<br />

The Council has worked closely with Castle Hill Community Association and the<br />

wider village to review the RMP, including surveying property owners on a range of<br />

reserve topics. Several key issues and challenges were identified through this process,<br />

which are addressed in the draft RMP.<br />

To read the draft Castle Hill Village RMP and make a submission, go to<br />

selwyn.govt.nz/yoursay or visit <strong>Selwyn</strong> District Council’s offices in Rolleston or<br />

the Darfield Library and Service Centre. You can also make a submission via email<br />

or post.<br />



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0800 SELWYN (735 996)<br />

The <strong>Selwyn</strong> Sustainability Expo will be running at the Rolleston Community<br />

Centre this weekend 10am–5pm Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 <strong>January</strong>, helping<br />

residents learn about ways to lead more sustainable lifestyles.<br />

The expo, organised independently by volunteers and supported by<br />

the Council’s <strong>Selwyn</strong> Community Fund, will see exhibitors from public<br />

organisations, voluntary groups and private companies, presenting on areas<br />

such as home design improvements, renewable energy, energy efficiency,<br />

waste minimisation, and waste and water recycling. There will also be a<br />

speaker series covering a range of sustainability themes.<br />

Council staff will be on hand to discuss areas such as practical ways to reduce<br />

waste, green building tips, sustainability resources events funding. Council<br />

projects, biodiversity sites in <strong>Selwyn</strong> and funding for planting projects.<br />

The event is a great opportunity for people to get practical advice and<br />

learn about what’s on offer to support sustainability in <strong>Selwyn</strong>, Council<br />

Sustainability Lead Keith Tallentire says.<br />

“There’s heaps of ways that we can all become a little bit more sustainable<br />

that is better for the budget, better for our health and better for our<br />

community and environment. For many of us the tricky bit is getting started.<br />

The expo’s going to be a really good way to see all the different things that are<br />

happening and how each of us can be part of it, with small and big ways to<br />

make a difference.”<br />

New opportunities help migrant and<br />

community groups connect in <strong>Selwyn</strong><br />

More opportunities are being created for new migrants to connect with<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong> communities.<br />

The Waikirikiri <strong>Selwyn</strong> Welcoming Communities Network was set up as a<br />

part of Council’s commitment to the Ministry of Business’ Immigration and<br />

Employment Welcoming Communities Plan.<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong> is one of 27 councils participating in this plan, and was one of the four<br />

councils to pilot this initiative.<br />

Thirteen people across several migrant and community groups attended<br />

the most recent event, organised by the network, at Lincoln Event Centre on<br />

December 14.<br />

Key speakers included University of Canterbury Masters Student Jerome<br />

Wong Yit who discussed his research – in collaboration with the Council -<br />

on the wellbeing needs of the Filipino community in Rolleston and ways to<br />

support them better.<br />

Hafsa Ahmed from<br />

Lady Khajida Trust<br />

spoke about her<br />

upcoming ethnic<br />

women’s leadership<br />

course, funded by the<br />

Ministry of Ethnic<br />

Communities, and<br />

speakers from Lincoln<br />

University discussed its<br />

work with international<br />

students and creating<br />

opportunities to connect with migrant communities.<br />

Community and Economic Development advisor and host of the event, Kirstin<br />

Dingwall-Okoye says the focus of these events is to connect newcomer groups<br />

and services, share information and enable collaborations where the needs are<br />

most essential.<br />

Ministry of Ethnic Communities’ strategic engagement and partnership<br />

advisor, Fay El Hanafy says she really enjoyed the chance to network at<br />

this event.<br />

“Because <strong>Selwyn</strong> is my focus area, it’s important to network at these events<br />

and be involved with how we can make <strong>Selwyn</strong> a better place for<br />

migrant communities.”<br />

In <strong>2023</strong>, Council hopes to offer more of these networking opportunities for<br />

migrants in <strong>Selwyn</strong>, kicking off with a kai table and public opening of the<br />

Welcoming Communities funded plaque at Te Ara Ātea on Tuesday<br />

14 February.<br />

If you would like to join the Waikirikiri <strong>Selwyn</strong> Welcoming Communities<br />

Network please email contactus@selwyn.govt.nz.<br />

Council Call<br />


Norman Kirk Drive, Rolleston<br />

Ph 0800 SELWYN (735 996)<br />


56 Tennyson Street, Rolleston<br />

Ph 347 2880<br />


1 South Terrace, Darfield<br />

Ph 3<strong>18</strong> 8338 or 347 2780<br />


Notices<br />

Malvern Water Race Scheme maintenance<br />

Planned construction works are to be completed within the Malvern Water Race Scheme from<br />

23–25 <strong>January</strong>. This will<br />

FOSTER<br />

require a shut<br />

PARK<br />

off for<br />

CAR<br />

portions<br />


of the scheme along Old West Coast Road<br />

and fluctuating flows are expected across the remainder of the Malvern scheme, for approximately<br />

48 hours.<br />

Alcohol notices<br />

Delish Thai Cuisine Limited (Delish Thai, Prebbleton) has applied for an on licence.<br />

The Rajput Limited (Rossendale Weddings and Events) has applied for an on licence.<br />

Objections to these applications are open until 3 February. For more information visit<br />

selwyn.govt.nz/alcoholnotices<br />

Park safely at Foster Park<br />

Did you know there are over 570 parking spaces in the Foster Park car parking areas?<br />

There’s heaps to do at Foster Park this<br />

summer, from club sports to general<br />

recreation. It’s great to see so many<br />

190 carparks<br />

people using the park.<br />

If you’re enjoying Foster Park over<br />

summer remember to take advantage<br />

of the free parking and help keep all<br />

park users safe.<br />

Using one of the 570 parking<br />

spaces provided helps keep drivers,<br />

pedestrians and cyclists safe while<br />

providing convenient parking for<br />

park users.<br />

Please remember:<br />

• Car parks are available close to<br />

most sports fields.<br />

• It’s illegal to park on a grass berm<br />

or verge that is separated from<br />

the road by a footpath or kerb. It<br />

is also illegal to park on a footpath<br />

or over broken yellow lines.<br />

The Council parking safety team will<br />

be responding to reports of unsafe or illegal parking around Foster Park. You can report unsafe<br />

parking via Snap Send Solve app or by calling the Council on 0800 SELWN (735 996).<br />

Thanks for parking safely and keeping Foster Park a fun place for all users and neighbours.<br />

Meetings<br />

Public Forums: Council, Community Board and local committee meetings are open to the public. Time<br />

is available at the start of meetings for people to speak on matters of concern. Please notify Therese<br />

Davel or Bernadette Ryan if you wish to speak at the Council meeting at least five days before<br />

the meeting.<br />


Malvern Community Board<br />

Monday 23 <strong>January</strong> 4.30pm<br />

West Melton Community Centre<br />

Council*<br />

Wednesday 8 February 1pm<br />

Rolleston HQ Offices<br />

On the Roads<br />


* Livestreamed on the Council website and YouTube channel<br />


Community Services Committee*<br />

Wednesday 15 February 9am<br />

Rolleston HQ Offices<br />

Transport & Infrastructure Committee*<br />

Wednesday 15 February 1pm<br />

Rolleston HQ Offices<br />

Ayelsbury Road is one-way northbound from SH1 to Godley<br />

Road weekdays 6am–7pm and closed from 7pm–6am and during<br />

weekends for the installation of a water pipe. Blakes Road is closed<br />

from Springston Road to Elmwood Drive for water upgrades and<br />

stop/go is in place from Hampstead Lane for repairs. Weedons Road is closed<br />

from Ellesmere Junction Road to Shands Road for resurfacing and repairs.<br />

Broadlands Drive is open one-way northbound (towards the town centre and SH1) between<br />

Lowes Road and Goulds Road for roading and safety upgrades. Markham Way is open one-way<br />

northbound (from Tennyson Street towards Norman Kirk Drive) for safety upgrades and installation<br />

of a shared path and cycleway. Shands Road is open one-way southbound between Robinsons<br />

Road and Tancreds Road for repairs. Stop/go controls are in place for repairs and upgrades on<br />

Birchs Road at the Tancreds Road intersection, Downs Road from Sleemans Road to Osbournes<br />

Road, North Belt from 130 North Belt, Telegraph Road from Two Chain Road to Grange Road,<br />

Tennyson Street, Wards Road at the Sandy Knolls Road intersection, Weedons Road from<br />

Ellesmere Junction and Waimakariri Gorge Bridge.<br />

Please take care around work sites and follow site signage. Follow the QR code with this story for a<br />

map of these works, or view our road closures map at selwyn.govt.nz/roadclosures.<br />

CHANGE<br />

ROOMS<br />

RUGBY<br />


81 car parks<br />

76 car parks Dynes Rd<br />


SELWYN<br />

SPORTS<br />

CENTRE<br />

MOUNDS<br />

PLAY<br />

GROUND<br />

PIT<br />

SELWYN<br />


CENTRE<br />

225 carparks<br />

Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong> 23<br />

Event Guide<br />

FOSTER<br />

PARK<br />

DOG PARK<br />

Friday 20 <strong>January</strong><br />

Jump and Juggle<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong> Sports Centre, 10am–2pm<br />

Around-A-Bounce are back with seven bouncy<br />

castles! Have a go on the Lu Uno Wall and enjoy<br />

a circus show from the Strawberry Fairy Party<br />

Entertainer. Learn how to hula hoop, juggle, spin<br />


plates and silk fans. Under 8 years: 10–11am, 8+<br />






years: 11.30am–12.30pm. All ages: 1–2pm. $5 per<br />

child. Bookings required at selwyn.govt.nz/events.<br />


Sunday 22 <strong>January</strong><br />

Southbridge Pool Party<br />

Southbridge Pool, 1–3pm<br />

The annual summer pool party is here! Enjoy the<br />

inflatables, water rollers, inflatable spa, free ice<br />

blocks and more. A fun event not to be missed.<br />

Normal pool admission applies. Drop-in.<br />

Monday 23 <strong>January</strong><br />

Board Games Club<br />

Darfield Library, 3.30–4.30pm<br />

Love board games? Head along to Darfield Library to<br />

play a variety of exciting games. Suitable for those<br />

new to board games, as well as regular players.<br />

Free. Bookings not required.<br />

Tuesday 24 <strong>January</strong><br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong> Libraries Holiday Fun<br />

Broadfield Community Hall, 10am–1pm<br />

Come and explore what the library has to offer,<br />

robots, LEGO®, board games, virtual reality, 3D<br />

printing, books, and more. Have a go at making your<br />

own button badge by creating your own artwork on<br />

the day or bringing along photos or images. Children<br />

under 8 must be accompanied by a parent. Free.<br />

Bookings not required. Visit selwynlibraries.co.nz/<br />

events to find out more times and locations the<br />

Library Edge Connector vehicle is visiting<br />

these holidays.<br />

Wednesday 25 <strong>January</strong><br />

Slime and Sand<br />

West Melton Community and Recreation<br />

Centre, 1.30–2.30pm<br />

Come along to our fun science workshop! Create<br />

your own slimy beach with assorted colours and<br />

textures and try out some other fun experiments.<br />

For children aged 7+ years. $5 per person. Bookings<br />

required at selwyn.govt.nz/events.<br />

Thursday 26 <strong>January</strong><br />

Snorkeling<br />

Darfield Pool, 11am–1pm<br />

Come and learn to snorkel these school holiday with<br />

Dive HQ! Learn the basics of using the snorkel and<br />

search for items underwater. 8–13 years. Please bring<br />

togs, towel and a water bottle. $5 per child. Bookings<br />

required. To book or for more times and locations<br />

visit selwyn.govt.nz/events.<br />




19 Messines Street, Leeston<br />

Ph 347 2871<br />


Gerald Street, Lincoln<br />

Ph 347 2876<br />

0800 SELWYN<br />



24 <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong> Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

Jump and Juggle<br />

Friday, 10am-2pm<br />

Around-A-Bounce are back<br />

with seven bouncy castles.<br />

Have a go on the Lu Uno Wall<br />

and enjoy a circus show from<br />

the Strawberry Fairy Party<br />

Entertainer. Learn how to hula<br />

hoop, juggle, spin plates and<br />

silk fans. Under 8s – 10-11am.<br />

8+ – 11.30am–12.30pm. All ages<br />

– 1-2pm $5 per child, bookings<br />

required.<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong> Sports Centre<br />

Staying Safe - A Refresher<br />

Course For Older Drivers<br />

Wednesday, 10am-2pm<br />

This free classroom-based<br />

course will help you re-familiarise<br />

yourself with traffic rules and<br />

safe driving practices. It will also<br />

increase your knowledge about<br />

other transport options and help<br />

you remain independent for<br />

longer. A light lunch is provided.<br />

Email Wendy Fox at Age<br />

Concern Canterbury, wendy.fox@<br />

ageconcerncan.org.nz or phone<br />

331 7808. Courses are run by Age<br />

Concern and supported by the<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong> District Council.<br />

Slime and Sand<br />

Wednesday, 1.30-2.30pm<br />

Go along to a fun science<br />

workshop. Create your own slimy<br />

beach with assorted colours and<br />

Email ross.kiddie@starmedia.kiwi by<br />

5pm each Wednesday<br />

textures and try out some other<br />

fun experiments. 7+ years. $5 per<br />

person.<br />

West Melton Community &<br />

Recreation Centre<br />

Paddle Boarding<br />

Thursday, 10am-noon<br />

Learn how to paddle board<br />

with Jet Junkies over the holidays<br />

at the <strong>Selwyn</strong> Aquatic Centre. 10+<br />

years. $5 per person.<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong> Aquatic Centre<br />

Kids’ Short Story Writing<br />

Competition<br />

Until <strong>January</strong> 30<br />

Calling all budding writers.<br />

Enter the <strong>Selwyn</strong> Libraries short<br />

story competition starting with –<br />

You’ll never guess what happened<br />

to me this summer ...<br />

The top two stories for each<br />

division will win an awesome<br />

readers dream prize pack. All<br />

entries must be typed and<br />

pages numbered. All entries<br />

to be emailed with the subject<br />

line Short Story Competition,<br />

include author’s name, contact<br />

number, age and division to<br />

programming@selwyn.govt.<br />

nz. Enter by 5pm <strong>January</strong> 30.<br />

Division 1 – 12 years and under.<br />

Entries must be under 1000 words.<br />

Division 2 13-<strong>18</strong> years, Entries<br />

must be under 1500 words.<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong> Libraries<br />

Device Drop-In<br />

Friday, Darfield Library, 1.30-<br />

3.30pm, Leeston Library, 2-4pm,<br />

Lincoln Library, 10am-noon<br />

Weekly device drop-in sessions<br />

at Darfield, Leeston and Lincoln<br />

are informal support groups to<br />

help familiarise yourself with your<br />

digital device.Whether it’s a tablet<br />

or mobile phone, someone will be<br />

able to help you with the basics.<br />

Lincoln, Darfield and Leeston<br />

Libraries<br />

Holiday Fun at Southbridge<br />

Hall<br />

Friday, 10am-1pm<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong> Libraries are coming<br />

to you. Come and explore<br />

what is on offer, robots, Lego,<br />

board games, virtual reality,<br />

3D printing, books, and more.<br />

Also have a go at making your<br />

own button badge by creating<br />

your own artwork on the day<br />

or by taking along photos or<br />

images you have found. Button<br />

badges are sized 1”, 1.5” and<br />

2.25”. Children under 8 must be<br />

accompanied by a parent. Free.<br />

Bookings not required.<br />

Southbridge Hall<br />

Board Games Club<br />

Sunday 1.30pm-3pm<br />

Love board games? Head along<br />

to Te Ara Ātea to play a variety of<br />

exciting games. Suitable for those<br />

new to board games, as well as<br />

regular players. Free. Bookings<br />

not required.<br />

Te Ara Ātea, Rolleston<br />

Scrabble Club<br />

Monday, Leeston Library,<br />

10.30am-12.30pm, Lincoln<br />

Library, 11am-noon<br />

Whether you’re a competitive<br />

player or just happy to play and<br />

enjoy a social chat, this club is a<br />

Pahū! – Te Ara Ātea, 56<br />

Tennyson St, Rolleston.<br />

Pahū! (to burst, explode,<br />

pop) brings together<br />

the artworks of Judy<br />

Darragh, Janna van<br />

Hasselt, Turumeke<br />

Harrington, Miranda<br />

Parkes, and Clara Wells –<br />

five artists who respond<br />

to the multi-use nature<br />

of Te Ara Ātea with<br />

an air of mischief.<br />

Expect exuberant<br />

colours, unusual forms,<br />

and tantalisinglytactile<br />

materials from<br />

this second suite of<br />

artworks. Until <strong>January</strong><br />

31<br />

great place to get to know other<br />

locals and take part in a good<br />

game of scrabble. Everything is<br />

provided. Suitable for all ages.<br />

Free. Bookings not required.<br />

Leeston & Lincoln Libraries<br />

JP Clinics<br />

Monday to Thursday. Te Ara<br />

Ātea – Monday, noon–1pm,<br />

Thursday, 11am-noon. Lincoln<br />

Library – Tuesday 10am-noon.<br />

Darfield Library – Wednesday,<br />

11.30am-12.30pm<br />

A justice of the peace can help<br />

you with witnessing signatures<br />

on documents, certifying<br />

copies of documents, taking<br />

oaths, declarations, affidavits<br />

or affirmations, applications<br />

for marriage or civil union<br />

dissolution, citizenship<br />

applications and sponsorship<br />

applications.<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong> Libraries<br />

Do it<br />

with your workmates<br />

New Start • New CourSe • New FiNiSh<br />

6km or 12km ChooSe your diStaNCe<br />

Get your team together, enter and be the<br />

first to run the new C2S course.<br />

Have you been working from home or<br />

remotely? Then get your workplace involved<br />

and re-connect, or are you maybe a group of<br />

mates looking for a goal to achieve?<br />

Two new distances to choose from 6km or<br />

12km so all ages and fitness can join in.<br />

(Teams can split entries over both distances)<br />

Team sites are also available at the finish.<br />

SuNday 19th marCh <strong>2023</strong><br />

Enter your team at www.city2surf.co.nz<br />

Contact Lisa Lynch to book your site<br />

Email lisa.lynch@starmedia.kiwi or call 021 800 809<br />

Read local

Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong> 25

26 <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong> Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

Sunday 19th March <strong>2023</strong><br />

Choose your distance<br />

6km or 12km!<br />

The City2Surf is all about bringing people<br />

together to achieve a goal of active<br />

participation. Anyone can do it, you can walk<br />

or run it and choose the distance that suits you.<br />

Enter now at www.city2surf.co.nz<br />

Proudly supporting<br />

our charitable partner<br />

the New Zealand<br />

Flying Doctor Trust

Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong> 27<br />


Returning to School<br />

TO<br />

Communication and<br />

organisation are key<br />

The fun and unstructured days of the<br />

holidays will be soon over as the time<br />

to return to school nears. This time can<br />

bring excitement and relief for some,<br />

but others may experience fear, anxiety<br />

and stress. Ensuring the positive mental<br />

Leeston<br />

Consolidated<br />

School<br />

Term 1 <strong>2023</strong>, commences on<br />

Tuesday 31st <strong>January</strong> at 9am.<br />

The school office will be open for<br />

new enrolments on Monday 30th<br />

<strong>January</strong> 9am-12pm<br />

Lynda Taylor, Principal<br />

Ph 324-3493<br />

admin@leeston.school.nz<br />

health of our young people is crucial. A<br />

proactive approach means identifying<br />

healthy coping strategies and supporting<br />

connectedness. These tips and<br />

techniques to cope with new challenges,<br />

routines, and tiredness will make the<br />

transition to school as easy as possible.<br />

• Communication is key between<br />

students, caregivers and the school.<br />

Everybody being on the same page is<br />

essential. Prepare the way by talking to<br />

your child about going back to school.<br />

Ask them how they’re feeling – the<br />

positives and negatives. Actively listen to<br />

what they are saying and acknowledge<br />

their worries by explaining that these<br />

feelings are normal. Model a positive<br />

attitude and suggest coping strategies for<br />

stressful situations (mindfulness, music,<br />

breathing, exercise, supportive people).<br />

• Check the school’s website or contact<br />

the office to make sure you know the<br />

date your child is due back to school. Be<br />

prepared for the first day if it is a new<br />

school by allowing your child to check<br />

out the school grounds beforehand<br />

or look at the “street view” on a map<br />

on a device. Practise walking there or<br />

catching public transport, so they know<br />

where to go and what to do. Before<br />

heading off to school, check that their<br />

uniform is correct, clean, fits and easy to<br />

find. Make sure any necessary stationery<br />

is labelled and ready to go.<br />

• Set up and establish routines for<br />

before, at, and after school. Before the<br />

school year starts, wake up your child<br />

earlier to reset their body clock. Prepare<br />

and pack lunches the night before; if<br />

students are old enough, they should be<br />

responsible for doing this themselves.<br />

Decide on clothing the night before<br />

it’s needed. Allow extra time in the<br />

morning to have breakfast and to cope<br />

with unexpected situations. After school,<br />

ensure students know where to keep<br />

their backpacks and school notices and<br />

when and where they should do their<br />

home learning.<br />

Be realistic about expectations on<br />

returning to school. That first week back<br />

is tiring for everybody-students, families<br />

and teachers. Students may encounter<br />

new challenges, activities, friendships,<br />

and routines, so communication and<br />

organisation are key to reducing stress<br />

and anxiety.<br />

West Rolleston<br />

Primary - School<br />

Te Kura o Te Uru Kowhai<br />

Welcome<br />

to <strong>2023</strong><br />

Term 1 <strong>2023</strong><br />

commences<br />

on Tuesday<br />

31st <strong>January</strong><br />

For all new enrolments over the Christmas period, please fill out<br />

our online enrolment form found on the website, these will<br />

be processed in late <strong>January</strong>. The office will be open on<br />

Monday the 30th <strong>January</strong> from 9am to 3pm.<br />

Please visit our website www.westrolleston.school.nz<br />

for more information<br />



Venues Across all of <strong>Selwyn</strong> and the Wider Christchurch Area<br />

www.busybumbles.co.nz | www.facebook.com/BusyBumbles<br />

opsmanager@busybumbles.co.nz | 03 3473031<br />

Welcome to <strong>2023</strong><br />

Clearview Primary<br />

Term 1 Commences<br />

Tuesday, 31 <strong>January</strong><br />

Open afternoon Monday 30 <strong>January</strong> 1-3pm<br />

Office open for enrolments from<br />

Monday 23 <strong>January</strong><br />

The office will be open on Tuesday 24th <strong>January</strong><br />

for new enrolments (By appointment only)<br />

Contact admin@rolleston.school.nz<br />

to make an appointment<br />

Term 1 starts Tuesday<br />

31st <strong>January</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

Uniform Sale<br />

Order on-line at: nzuniforms.com/clearview,<br />

or visit NZ Uniforms retail store<br />

455 Blenheim Road,<br />

Sockburn<br />

Second Hand Uniforms<br />

Sunday 22 <strong>January</strong> 1-3pm<br />

& Monday 30 <strong>January</strong> 1-3pm<br />

in the Clearview Hall.<br />

Cash or cheque only.<br />

Please visit www.clearview.school.nz for further information on Clearview Primary

28 <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong> Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

Monday 30 <strong>January</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

Dunsandel School<br />

Irvines Rd, RD2, Dunsandel, 7682<br />

Ph: 325 4079<br />

www.dunsandel.school.nz<br />

Hororata School<br />

2548 Bealey Rd, Hororata, RD2, Darfield,<br />

7572<br />

Ph: 3<strong>18</strong> 0803<br />

www.hororata.ultranet.school.nz<br />

Kirwee Model School<br />

School Ln, Kirwee, 7543<br />

Ph: 3<strong>18</strong> <strong>18</strong>50<br />

www.kirweemodel.school.nz<br />

Tai Tapu School<br />

1 School Rd, Tai Tapu, 7645<br />

Ph: 329 6796<br />

www.taitapu.school.nz<br />

Springfield School<br />

2 Tawera Ln, Springfield, 7681<br />

Ph: 3<strong>18</strong> 4867<br />

www.springfield.ultranet.school.nz<br />

Burnham School<br />

2 Chaytor Ave, Burnham, 7600<br />

Ph: 347 6851<br />

www.burnham.school.nz<br />

Ladbrooks School<br />

9 Barnes Rd, Halswell, Christchurch, 7674<br />

Ph: 329 6885<br />

www.ladbrooks.school.nz<br />


TO<br />

School contact details and start dates <strong>2023</strong><br />

Lincoln Primary School<br />

130 North Belt, Lincoln, 7608<br />

Ph: 325 2571<br />

www.lincolnprimary.ultranet.school.nz<br />

Sheffield School<br />

Wrights Rd, Sheffield, 7500<br />

Ph: 3<strong>18</strong> 3713<br />

www.sheffieldprimary.school.nz<br />

Springston School<br />

16-20 Leeston Rd, Springston, 7616<br />

Ph: 329 5724<br />

www.springston.school.nz<br />

Tuesday 31 <strong>January</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

Waitaha School<br />

12 Lemonwood Dr, Faringdon, Rolleston,<br />

7615<br />

Ph: 344 1243<br />

www.waitaha.school.nz<br />

Darfield Primary School<br />

15 Ross St, Darfield, 7510<br />

Ph: 3<strong>18</strong> 8473<br />

www.darfield.school.nz<br />

Greendale School<br />

<strong>18</strong>7 Greendale Rd, RD1, Christchurch, 7671<br />

Ph: 3<strong>18</strong> 8436<br />

www.greendale.school.nz<br />

Leeston Consolidated School<br />

19 <strong>Selwyn</strong> St, Leeston, 7632<br />

Ph: 324 3493<br />

www.leeston.school.nz<br />

Rolleston Christian School<br />

571 Springston Rolleston Rd, RD 8, Rolleston,<br />

7678<br />

Ph: 550 2653<br />

www.rollestonchristian.school.nz<br />

Windwhistle School<br />

19 Rakaia Gorge Road, Windwhistle, Hororata,<br />

7572<br />

Ph: 3<strong>18</strong> 6828<br />

www.windwhistle.school.nz<br />

Broadfield School<br />

562 Robinsons Road, Broadfield, 7676<br />

Ph: 325 2440<br />

www.broadfield.co.nz<br />

Clearview Primary School<br />

20 Broadlands Dr, Rolleston, 7614<br />

Ph: 347 7025<br />

www.clearview.school.nz<br />

Prebbleton School<br />

Blakes Rd, Prebbleton, 7604<br />

Ph: 349 6553<br />

www.prebbleton.school.nz<br />

Rolleston School<br />

11 Tennyson St, Rolleston, 7614<br />

Ph: 347 8355<br />

www.rolleston.school.nz<br />

Weedons School<br />

135 Weedons Ross Rd, RD 5,<br />

Weedons, 7675<br />

Ph: 347 8740<br />

www.weedons.school.nz<br />

Welcome to Burnham Primary School,<br />

where learners enjoy learning, teachers<br />

love to teach and our families support<br />

and care about our amazing semi-rural<br />

school just a stone’s throw from our local<br />

township, Rolleston.<br />

Together in partnership with whānau, we<br />

value the importance of each child being<br />

successful. Our vision is centred on the<br />

child at the heart - Preparing and Weaving<br />

our Future - through our core learner<br />

actions of RESPECT – EFFORT – PRIDE.<br />

Learners are supported to develop as<br />

West Melton School<br />

743 Weedons Ross Rd, West Melton, 76<strong>18</strong><br />

Ph: 347 8448<br />

www.westmelton.school.nz<br />

West Rolleston Primary School<br />

327 Dunns Crossing Rd, Rolleston, 7678<br />

Ph: 595 0952<br />

www.westrolleston.school.nz<br />

Wednesday 1 February <strong>2023</strong><br />

Araria Springs Primary<br />

<strong>18</strong> Russ Drive, Lincoln, 7608<br />

Ph: 420 0888<br />

www.araria.school.nz<br />

Lemonwood Grove School<br />

14 Lemonwood Dr, Faringdon, Rolleston,<br />

7615<br />

Ph: 974 9236<br />

www.lemonwoodgrove.school.nz<br />

Glentunnel School<br />

Homebush Rd, Glentunnel, 7683<br />

Ph: 3<strong>18</strong> 2717<br />

www.glentunnel.school.nz<br />

Te Rōhutu Whio School<br />

85 Kate Sheppard Drive, Rolleston 7678<br />

Ph: 244 0426<br />

www.terohutuwhio.school.nz<br />

Southbridge School<br />

25 Hastings St, Southbridge, 7602<br />

Ph: 324 2545<br />

www.southbridge.school.nz<br />

Preparing children<br />

for the future<br />

competent and confident citizens, where<br />

they are challenged academically as well as<br />

have many opportunities to develop their<br />

sporting, citizenship and leadership.<br />

Burnham School can accept students<br />

and their families, who enjoy learning in<br />

a small friendly caring semi-rural school,<br />

from across the <strong>Selwyn</strong> district including<br />

Rolleston. As we do not have a school zone<br />

this means that we cater for all students in<br />

Years 1-8.<br />

We look forward to welcoming you and<br />

your family to Burnham School in <strong>2023</strong>.

Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong> 29<br />


TO<br />

Tips for homework<br />

happiness<br />

• Limit distractions – Create a quiet zone for your child<br />

to complete their homework without being disrupted<br />

by siblings, pets, TV noise, electronic games etc.<br />

• Provide a space – Assign a space, desk or room where<br />

everything they require is easy to access including a<br />

stash of paper, pens, etc.<br />

• Encourage time management – Discuss a suitable<br />

time and the amount of time needed to complete your<br />

child’s homework and encourage them to work within<br />

that timeframe.<br />

• Stay positive – it’s important that parents have a<br />

positive attitude and encourage their child to also have<br />

a positive, healthy attituds towards homework.<br />

KEEP COOL &<br />


SCHOOL<br />

Protecting your child’s skin<br />

when they’re young and<br />

educating them can make<br />

a big difference to their<br />

health later on in life.<br />

COOL<br />

CLOUDY<br />



HAT<br />

HOLE<br />

NOSE<br />

NECK<br />

OZONE<br />

RAYS<br />

SLIP<br />

SHIRT<br />

SLOP<br />


SLAP<br />

SHADE<br />

SKIN<br />


TREE<br />



WRAP<br />

• Encourage independence – help your child to learn<br />

independence and life skills by not relying on you to<br />

provide the solutions to their homework.<br />

• Communicate – If your child’s homework time is<br />

stressful, discuss with the teacher ways to help make it<br />

easier and understand what is required.<br />

• Reward – Rewards for hard work can come in the<br />

form of praise, time spent together and/or a special<br />

snack to reinforce positive effort.<br />

For sun smart school information visit: www.sunsmartschools.co.nz<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong><br />

high<br />

school<br />

contacts<br />

High schools have rolling start dates;<br />

please refer to your child’s school<br />

website for detailed opening details.<br />

Ellesmere College<br />

Leeston Dunsandel Rd, Leeston, 7682<br />

Ph: 324 3369<br />

Visit: www.ellesmere.school.nz<br />

Darfield High School<br />

7 McLaughlins Rd, Darfield, 7510<br />

Ph: 3<strong>18</strong> 8411<br />

Visit: www.darfield.school.nz<br />

Lincoln High School<br />

25 Boundary Rd, Lincoln, 7640<br />

Ph: 325 2121<br />

Visit: www.lincoln.school.nz<br />

Rolleston College<br />

631 Springston Rolleston Rd,<br />

Rolleston, 7678<br />

Ph: 595 2490<br />

Visit: www.rollestoncollege.nz<br />

Te Kura Tuarua o Tawera<br />

Darfield High School<br />

Start of School Year <strong>2023</strong><br />

Monday 23 <strong>January</strong>: Office opens<br />

Friday 27 <strong>January</strong>: New Staff Induction Day<br />

Monday 30 <strong>January</strong>: Staff Only Day<br />

Tuesday 31 <strong>January</strong>: Year 7s attend and<br />

Senior Course Confirmation<br />

Wednesday 1 February: Years 7 & 8 attend<br />

Thursday 2 February: Whole school attends<br />

Monday 6 February: Waitangi Day (observed)<br />

www.darfield.school.nz<br />

Let’s begin.<br />

<strong>2023</strong> start dates<br />

Hōake! Monday <strong>January</strong> 30 -<br />

Tuesday <strong>January</strong> 31<br />

Year 9 students at school.<br />

(All buses run as normal.)<br />

Wednesday February 1<br />

- Full day for Years 9, 10 and 11.<br />

- Year 12 at school from<br />

9.15am to 11.15am.<br />

- Year 13 at school from<br />

12:15pm to 2:15pm.<br />

Thursday February 2 -<br />

Friday February 3<br />

All students at school for the<br />

whole day.<br />

The school office is open from<br />

Monday <strong>January</strong> 23.<br />

25 Boundary Road, Lincoln<br />

(03) 325 2121<br />


30 <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong> Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong>

Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong> 31<br />


TO<br />

School is back –<br />

learners on the move.<br />

11,500 <strong>Selwyn</strong> learners will be travelling<br />

back to school soon. That’s nearly 20% of<br />

our population using wheels and feet on<br />

the roads and paths around <strong>Selwyn</strong>.<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong> Road Safety is asking everyone<br />

to plan ahead when school goes back.<br />

Take the opportunity to practice the safest<br />

route for your children on their journey to<br />

school. Educate them around the risks of<br />

crossing roads, driveways and encourage<br />

them to stay alert to avoid distractions<br />

such as mobile devices and headphones.<br />

We all know children can be<br />

unpredictable. Slow down, take extra care<br />

to ensure your speeds are down. Get into<br />

the habit of going 30km/hr past schools<br />

and 20km/hr past school buses. Be patient<br />

and obey the crossing patrol.<br />

Drop back – reduce congestion with<br />

traffic at the gate and walk the last piece<br />

of your journey. Lead by example and get<br />

your family active; physical activity will<br />

benefit everyone’s physical and mental<br />

health. Ensure everyone that needs a<br />

helmet has one, this includes scooters.<br />

Wearing one reduces the risk of head<br />

trauma by 74%. And be a good role<br />

model; as an adult you’re not immune to<br />

head trauma.<br />

Road safety and awareness is a vital life<br />

skill. It starts developing at a young age,<br />

so take every opportunity to educate your<br />

children on how to be a safe road user.<br />

Set them up with good habits and a safe<br />

future on the roads when they grow up.<br />

A range of high vis products are available<br />

which makes your child more visible in<br />

all weather conditions. Most schools have<br />

high vis items available for free or a small<br />

cost, these really make a difference.<br />

School travel safety tips:<br />

• Be bright be seen – ask your school for<br />

a safety vest.<br />

• Explore the safest routes together<br />

talking about potential risks.<br />

• Get out and active together to reduce<br />

the chaos at the school gate.<br />

• Wear your helmets, this goes for<br />

caregivers too – young people are<br />

watching you.<br />

Road safety resources for parents and<br />

children can be organised through your<br />

school or <strong>Selwyn</strong> District Council by<br />

emailing roadsafety@selwyn.govt.nz.<br />

Rolleston College<br />

Kia ora. I hope you have all had a<br />

wonderful holiday, we are looking forward<br />

to welcoming all returning and new<br />

learners to Horoeka Haemata Rolleston<br />

College this year.<br />

Firstly, well done to you all for getting<br />

through 2022. We ended the year with two<br />

amazing Junior Prize Givings, Welcome<br />

Year 8 Day which was a huge success<br />

and our Mixed Touch team winning the<br />

Colleges’ first National Title.<br />

I know <strong>2023</strong> is going to be an even bigger<br />

year, I encourage you all that in the first<br />

Head Prefects (Dakota, Ezra, Ted, Thomas and Gemma)<br />

weeks of school as you settle in, that you<br />

take up the opportunities the College has<br />

to offer.<br />

For now please have a wonderful rest of<br />

your holidays.<br />

We look forward to seeing you all in the<br />

new school year. It is going to be a huge<br />

privilege to represent and serve you all.<br />

As Year 13s, this role is all about giving<br />

back. If you see us, please come and talk<br />

to us, we would love to get to know you<br />

all. Until then, please have an amazing rest<br />

of holidays.<br />

We’re heading<br />

back to school<br />

Please watch out for us<br />


32 <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong> Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

continuing education<br />

Adult and Community<br />

Education Courses at<br />

Papanui High School<br />

Term 1 courses at<br />

Canterbury WEA<br />

WEA re-opens on Tuesday 7th February<br />

for Term 1 with courses in arts, crafts,<br />

music, yoga, Tai Chi, climate change,<br />

science, language, gardening, cultural<br />

studies and more.<br />

With an election this year,<br />

why not consider political<br />

concepts and democracy?<br />

Politics Aotearoa: political parties<br />

and electoral development, Tuesday 14<br />

February, 6.30-8.30pm, 6 weeks, $35–<br />

Quentin Findlay<br />

Did you know that there were no<br />

organised parties prior to <strong>18</strong>90? Before<br />

“the NZ Labour party” there were several<br />

labour parties. Or that local body elections<br />

in Christchurch used proportional<br />

representation four times before WW2.<br />

Parliamentary democracy in Aotearoa<br />

has been a recent development, with<br />

considerable changes in the electoral<br />

process and parliamentary parties from<br />

“then” 19th century until “now” 21st<br />

century.<br />

Open government: What does this<br />

mean? Why is it so important?<br />

Tuesday 28 March, 6.30-8pm, koha<br />

entry - Andrew Ecclestone<br />

Open government is vital in a world<br />

on the brink of ecological and climate<br />

catastrophe. This talk, followed by<br />

discussion, examines why this is the case,<br />

and how to strengthen our democracy<br />

through more open government. Countries<br />

are grappling with open government or<br />

shrinking democratic ideals worldwide,<br />

in Aotearoa we need to safeguard our<br />

future through progressing toward open<br />

government. Andrew is Senior Associate,<br />

Institute for Governance & Policy Studies,<br />

Victoria University and Deputy Chair of the<br />

New Zealand Council for Civil Liberties.<br />

Book online at cwea.org.nz for<br />

Christchurch adult education, courses and<br />

events.<br />

Papanui High School has a long and proud<br />

tradition of serving our community by<br />

providing Adult and Community Education<br />

(Nightclasses) to members of the Papanui and<br />

wider Christchurch communities for 85 years.<br />

We are one of the largest providers of Adult<br />

Education in Christchurch and our range<br />

of courses on offer for Term 1 <strong>2023</strong> will not<br />

disappoint.<br />

There are many reasons why people wish<br />

to continue to learn. Come along and enrol<br />

in one of our popular classes where you will<br />

enjoy getting together with like minded<br />

people. Our tutors are well experienced in<br />

their chosen field and are wanting to help<br />

make your learning experience rewarding<br />

so whether this is your first time returning<br />

to the classroom or whether you are a<br />

regular course junkie we know that you<br />

will find a course that will give you the<br />

opportunity to extend your personal<br />

skills and knowledge and meet some<br />

new people in an enjoyable, relaxed,<br />

friendly environment.<br />

Our range of courses on offer for Term<br />

1 include a variety of Cooking classes,<br />

Photography, Art, Music, Reiki, Tennis<br />

Coaching, Languages, Woodwork,<br />

Beekeeping, Stone Carving, Crafts, Self<br />

Improvement, Fitness, Film Making.<br />

Dressmaking plus many more options.<br />

Our classes for Term 1 <strong>2023</strong> begin<br />

the week of 13 February and most run<br />

for seven weeks. Classes are held in the<br />

evenings but there are some weekend<br />

workshops on offer as well. For a full list<br />

of courses and enrolment information<br />

please visit our website https://www.<br />

papanui.school.nz/com-edu/categories<br />

or telephone our office on 03 352 0701 or email<br />


continuing eDucAtion<br />

[Edition datE] 3<br />

Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong> 33<br />

Explore Risingholme<br />

Learning’s Short<br />

Courses in <strong>2023</strong><br />

Rise<br />

up with<br />

Risingholme<br />

in <strong>2023</strong>!<br />

Your learning doesn’t have to stop once<br />

your schooling has finished. Christchurch<br />

folks can consistently add to their skills<br />

in the wide range of fascinating courses<br />

available at Risingholme Learning.<br />

Wellbeing-warriors can get their fix from<br />

Yoga, Zentangle, Goal Setting and Reiki, or<br />

maybe you need to Rethink Your Money<br />

Mindset in <strong>2023</strong>? For the creatives you can<br />

try Calligraphy, Crochet, Life Drawing,<br />

Screen Printing, and Upholstery to name a<br />

few! Whether you’ve always wanted to play<br />

the guitar, make something in a woodwork<br />

workshop or try your hand at pottery, we<br />

have a course for you.<br />

Whether you are looking to learn new<br />

skills for enjoyment or employment, or<br />

you want to upskill and don’t have the time<br />

(or funds) for traditional tertiary study –<br />

Risingholme Learning has got your back!<br />

By doing a Risingholme course, you’ll learn<br />

practical new skills, and upgrade your life by<br />

taking on an enjoyable challenge.<br />

Our courses are designed to help keep you<br />

motivated and thriving. Your interests may<br />

be creative, practical, or something distinctly<br />

personal. Whatever your interests are, there<br />

is sure to be a Risingholme course for you.<br />

What matters is that it is something you find<br />

meaningful and enjoyable.<br />

Curious about trying<br />

that thing you’ve been<br />

thinking about for years?<br />

Risingholme Learning has over 300 short<br />

courses in multiple locations around<br />

Christchurch.<br />

Ignite a new passion in <strong>2023</strong><br />

Enrolments are always open<br />

on the website<br />

Learn Fabric Arts<br />

from Sewing,<br />

Patchwork and<br />

Quilting to<br />

Pattern Drafting<br />

and more!<br />

To expand your horizons, enrol today, check out the<br />

amazing variety of courses here: Website: www.risingholme.org.nz<br />

Email: info@risingholme.org.nz Phone: (03) 332 7359<br />


34 <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong> Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />


1 2 3 4 5 6<br />

7 8 9<br />

10 11<br />

12 13 14<br />

15 16 17<br />

<strong>18</strong><br />

275<br />

SUDOKU<br />

Every row, column and box should<br />

contain the digits 1 to 9.<br />

WordBuilder<br />


175<br />

6<br />

E F O<br />

N U D<br />

words of three or more letters,<br />

How many words of three or more<br />

including plurals, can you make from the six<br />

letters, using each letter only once? No foreign<br />

words or words beginning with a capital are<br />

allowed. There's at least one six-letter word.<br />

once?<br />

TODAY<br />

Good 17 Very Good 21 Excellent 25<br />

letters, including plurals, can you make<br />

from the six letters, using each only<br />

No words beginning with a capital are<br />

allowed. There’s at least one six-letter<br />

Solution 174: ago, argon, gar, gran, groan, jag, jar,<br />

JARGON, jog, nag, nog, nor, oar, organ, rag, ran,<br />

word. rang, roan.<br />

Good 17 Very Good 21 Excellent 25<br />

19 20 21 22<br />

23 24<br />

25 26<br />

Across<br />

7. Many (8)<br />

9. Line of ships (6)<br />

10. Dossier (4)<br />

11. Pacifier (10)<br />

12. Sentimental film (6)<br />

14. Imprisoned (8)<br />

15. Intensify (6)<br />

16. Moving aimlessly (6)<br />

19. Space rock (8)<br />

21. High-pitched shout (6)<br />

23. Next to each other (4,2,4)<br />

24. Most excellent (4)<br />

25. Platitude (6)<br />

26. Hold sacred (8)<br />

Decoder<br />

Down<br />

1. Wolf-like (6)<br />

2. Unit of heredity (4)<br />

3. Entire (8)<br />

4. Monitor (6)<br />

5. Unaccustomed (10)<br />

6. Activity (8)<br />

8. In short supply (6)<br />

13. Inclination, bias (10)<br />

15. Follower (8)<br />

17. Spread out (8)<br />

<strong>18</strong>. Respect (6)<br />

20. Air (6)<br />

22. Missing (6)<br />

24. Poet (4)<br />

Y N S W P B F I K G L C Q<br />

14 15 16 17 <strong>18</strong> 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26<br />

U E Z A M O D X V R T H J<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13<br />

14 15 16 17 <strong>18</strong> 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26<br />

G I<br />

W<br />

All puzzles copyright<br />

T H E P U Z Z L E C O M P A N Y<br />

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13<br />

www.thepuzzlecompany.co.nz<br />


No.175<br />

10 16 4 12 2 17 <strong>18</strong> <strong>18</strong> 12 4<br />

Crossword<br />

Across: 7. Numerous,<br />

9. Convoy, 10. File, 11.<br />

Peacemaker, 12. Weepie,<br />

14. Confined, 15. Deepen,<br />

16. Adrift, 19. Asteroid, 21.<br />

Scream, 23. Side by side,<br />

24. Best, 25. Cliché, 26.<br />

Enshrine.<br />

Down: 1. Lupine, 2. Gene,<br />

3. Complete, 4. Screen, 5.<br />

Unfamiliar, 6. Movement,<br />

8. Scarce, 13. Preference,<br />

15. Disciple, 17. Disperse,<br />

<strong>18</strong>. Admire, 20. Oxygen, 22.<br />

Absent, 24. Bard.<br />

WordBuilder<br />

den, doe, don, done, due,<br />

dun, dune, duo, end, eon,<br />

fed, fen, fend, feud, foe,<br />

fond, FONDUE, found, fun,<br />

fund, nod, node, nude, ode,<br />

one, undo, unfed.<br />

Sudoku<br />

Each number in our DECODER grid represents a different<br />

letter - there is a number for all 26 letters of the alphabet.<br />


Enter the given letters into all squares with matching numbers.<br />

The challenge now is to work out which letters are represented<br />

Each by the number other represents numbers. a As different you get letter the of letters, the alphabet. enter them Write into the<br />

given the letters main grid, into all and squares the reference with matching grid. numbers. To keep Now track work of out the<br />

which letters letters you are have represented found, cross by them other off numbers. the alphabet provided.<br />

3 2 4 24 6 1 16 15 2 4 10 16<br />

6 7 17 21 13 <strong>18</strong><br />

6 7 2 16 24 4 15 23 1 4 23 2<br />

5 26 25 5 12 10 25<br />

16 6 1 11 12 <strong>18</strong> 1 11 16 21<br />

4 21 14 25 4 20<br />

4 11 11 4 25 12 20 24 2 16 12 14<br />

5 2 22 16 1 16<br />

<strong>18</strong> 5 2 16 12 19 10 2 17 16<br />

12 24 15 2 16 5 22<br />

6 9 2 10 <strong>18</strong> 24 4 14 6 19 6 2<br />

10 4 6 11 24 21<br />

4 20 20 21 8 12 4 24 25 14 6 15<br />

E<br />

A<br />

T<br />

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13<br />

E A T<br />

14 15 16 17 <strong>18</strong> 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26<br />


No.174<br />

175<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13<br />

E B Q Y J U X H F K L A V<br />

G Z P I R S O C T M D W N<br />

14 15 16 17 <strong>18</strong> 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26<br />

4 12 16 10 13 12 23 23 24<br />

22 8 14 9 10 11 11 22 14 17 4<br />

17 20 12 26 24 20 12 1<br />

20 26 17 16 14 20 17 19 6 24 20<br />

W I G<br />

15 7 9 9 17<br />

25 11 24 15 8 <strong>18</strong> 21 17 15 11 <strong>18</strong> 4<br />

1 17 13 19 13<br />

23 21 12 23 3 24 <strong>18</strong> 14 20 12 13<br />

17 10 12 17 10 20 17 11<br />

20 17 23 8 17 14 1 23 19 12 14<br />

11 8 23 19 12 20 5 1 12

Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong> 35<br />


No mess<br />

irrigation<br />

provided locally<br />

Freeman Irrigation is your lifestyle block<br />

specialists including electrical cables,<br />

irrigation and servicing, your pump to inground<br />

irrigation system and connecting<br />

water troughs.<br />

The company installs their pipes with a Mole<br />

Plough which provides a no mess solution to<br />

the installation.<br />

“With this ‘invisible’ trencher you wouldn’t<br />

know we have been on your property within<br />

just a couple of weeks,” says Phil from<br />

Freeman Irrigation.<br />

Their expertise in the latest technology when<br />

it comes to irrigation will save you time<br />

and money and ensure you have a relaxing<br />

time during that summer holiday knowing<br />

that you will come back to a well-watered<br />

property.<br />

Installing Wifi controlled systems means you<br />

can control your irrigation system remotely<br />

by using your smartphone. By utilising<br />

the latest technology sprinklers can also<br />

be connected to the local weather station<br />

forecasts so if rain is expected the amount of<br />

water is reduced to suit the conditions.<br />

“We have a range of smartphone controllers<br />

and rain sensors that can be fitted to<br />

most systems, allowing easy control from<br />

anywhere. If you want to save money and<br />

conserve water a good rain sensor is an<br />

affordable solution,” says Phil.<br />

Maintenance is essential to ensure your<br />

irrigation systems continues to work well.<br />

Some of the issues include clogged sprinklers;<br />

leaking sprinklers and valves; obstructed<br />

sprinklers; leaking/blocked solenoid valves;<br />

overspray onto footpaths, streets or buildings;<br />

design problems; missing nozzles or pipe<br />

leaks and breaks.<br />

For a free quote or for more information<br />

about Freeman Irrigation’s maintenance<br />

service or installation of new systems and<br />

products email phil@freemanirrigation.<br />

co.nz or call 0800 22 33 92.<br />


hail, leaves, snow & vermin from<br />

blocking & damaging your spouting<br />

Quality materials: BHP Colorbond steel mesh with unique patented louvre<br />

will even keep out pine needles. Will not rust or sag with age or load.<br />

10 year warranty, range of colours.<br />

Proven in Australia & New Zealand over the last 15 years.<br />




Call Rohan anytime Mon-Sat for a<br />

no-obligation assessment & quote<br />

03 982 8850 0800 486532 www.gumleaf.co.nz<br />

For the Outdoor Space<br />

of your Dreams...<br />

Paving, Irrigation, Lawns, Planting,<br />

Fences, Pergolas, Water-features,<br />

Outdoor fires, Raised Vege beds,<br />

Decks, Artificial grass, Garden<br />

maintenance & more...<br />

Call Aaron & the team today!<br />

Phone: 03 347 4422 or 021 542 402<br />

Email: Aaron@theoutdoorspace.co.nz<br />

www.theoutdoorspace.co.nz<br />



Promote your local business in our monthly<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong> Home Professionals Feature<br />

Reach 21,720 rural and residential households<br />

across the ENTIRE <strong>Selwyn</strong> District and read by<br />

50,000 readers weekly.<br />

The <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong> is delivered FREE each<br />

Wednesday, covering the latest local news and<br />

information with digital editions also available to<br />

view online at www.starnews.co.nz.<br />

CALL Lynette TODAY to discuss how she can<br />

help PROMOTE YOUR BUSINESS to local <strong>Selwyn</strong><br />

readers, or to the entire Canterbury district.<br />

Contact Lynette Mobile: 021 222 7831 Email: Lynette.Evans@starmedia.kiwi

36 <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong> Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />


Time to call the<br />

professionals<br />

The continued rate of residential<br />

development has seen many locals calling<br />

on Laser Electrical Rolleston to provide<br />

quality work and great customer service.<br />

Many of today’s homeowners need the<br />

peace of mind and security of alarm and<br />

camera systems and the Laster Electrical<br />

team are up to date with the latest<br />

technology including app-based controls<br />

and smart home lighting. Heat pumps can<br />

also be turned on remotely and can be<br />

linked with your home security to your<br />

mobile phone.<br />

Laser Electrical in Jones Road specialises<br />

in industrial, commercial, residential,<br />

and rural electrical solutions and is led by<br />

branch manager Mike Owen who started<br />

with the team as an apprentice in 2012. He<br />

is supported by administration manager<br />

Megan Blondell, estimator Corrie Allen,<br />

housing residential manager Mitch Green<br />

and administrative coordinator Tarn Nisbet.<br />

Their team of electricians take great<br />

pride in their workmanship and are part<br />

of a highly professional company with<br />

the credentials and experience to work<br />

alongside you to create a home perfectly<br />

tailored to your needs and committed to<br />

providing you with a transparent, concise,<br />

and regularly updated communication.<br />

They also have a great selection of<br />

lighting, switchgear, and heat pumps for<br />

you to view in their office showroom. Feel<br />

free to stop by for a lovely coffee and a chat<br />

for any future projects.<br />

Locally owned and operated, being part<br />

of Laser Group gives access to industry<br />

leading technological support, stronger<br />

systems, buying power and a fantastic<br />

network of independently owned branches<br />

throughout New Zealand.<br />

All of this wouldn’t be complete without<br />

offering a 24 hour on call service and a<br />

“totally dependable guarantee”. They’re<br />

a team to be reckoned with and one you<br />

must try soon! Follow us on Facebook<br />

and Instagram to keep up to date with our<br />

current deals and specials, you will be so<br />

glad you did!<br />

Laser Electrical is located at 831 Jones<br />

Road, phone 0800 527 3748. They are<br />

open from 8am until 5pm, Monday to<br />

Friday or email rolleston@laserelectrical.<br />

co.nz. Their website is www.laserelectrical.<br />

co.nz.<br />

On A Roll Curtains<br />

Your local window<br />

treatment provider...<br />

Premium products<br />

at affordable prices<br />

• New build specialist for all<br />

window treatments needs<br />

• Providing a full range of major<br />

brands in curtains, blinds,<br />

venetians, shutters, tracks and<br />

motorisation.<br />

• Competitively priced<br />

• Service from concept to install<br />

• End of lines, select quality<br />

curtain and upholstery fabrics<br />

Sharon CroftS<br />

LandSCape d e S ign<br />

• Consultations • Design Concepts • Planting Plans<br />

P. 329 6229<br />

M. 0274 311 558<br />

s-crofts@xtra.co.nz<br />

www.sharoncrofts.co.nz<br />

Please ring Dot: 021 1051 202<br />

E: onarollcurtains@gmail.com

Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong> 37<br />


One stop for filtered water<br />

Pumps & Filters, in Halswell Junction<br />

Road, is the go to place for irrigation,<br />

pump and filter solutions for all your<br />

domestic or business needs.<br />

Is your water clean and safe to drink? If<br />

your water is supplied by your council, or<br />

if you have a bore on your property, you<br />

may have noticed that the taste and smell<br />

as changed as a re-sult of your council<br />

adding chlorine to your water.<br />

Pumps & Filters can help with reducing<br />

the chlorine to a level that’s un-noticeable<br />

with an under bench filter in the kitchen<br />

for one tap. By adding one large carbon<br />

filter cartridge is normally all that’s<br />

needed for whole house treatment.<br />

“The most obvious problem with chlorine<br />

in the water is that it leaves an unpleasant<br />

taste and smell behind. Chlorine can<br />

alter the taste of beverages. Chlorine is<br />

ingested from drink-ing water and also<br />

inhaled in showers,” says Jason from<br />

Pumps & Filters.<br />

Chlorine can also make hair and skin<br />

feel dry after showering. And when you<br />

do shower chlorine is not only absorbed<br />

through the skin but also vaporised in<br />

the shower and inhaled into the lungs so<br />

makes up the majority of daily chlorine<br />

exposure.<br />

Chlorine should be removed from the<br />

entire water source.<br />

“Some suppliers say you need two filters<br />

- one for sediment and one for chlorine<br />

reduction which we believe is incorrect. If<br />

the council supplies water with sediment<br />

in it , it’s likely you would have bigger<br />

problems than chlorine in your water,”<br />

says Jason.<br />

Pumps & Filters can also test your bore<br />

water and advise on the best remedy if<br />

required.<br />

Pumps & Filters is open from 8am<br />

until 4.30pm, Monday to Friday at 551<br />

Halswell Junction Road, with plenty<br />

of parking outside. Phone them on 03<br />

423 1925 or 0800 478 633 (which also<br />

reaches them after hours), email chch@<br />

pumps-filters.co.nz or visit their website<br />

at www.pumps-filters.co.nz.<br />

Our Services<br />

• House Re-Wiring<br />

• Garden Lighting<br />

• New Builds<br />

• Mitsubishi Heat Pumps<br />

• Office Re-Fits<br />

• Internet & Telephone<br />

• TV Aerials<br />

• Spa Pool Installation<br />

• Industrial Installation<br />

• Electrical Safety<br />

Certificates<br />

Mobile 021 22 77 275<br />

Web juiceelectrical.co.nz<br />

Email greg@aelectrical.co.nz<br />

03 379 6644<br />

PO Box 7778,<br />

Sydenham,<br />

Christchurch 8240<br />


The Genuine<br />

Custom Made Garage<br />

Door Professionals<br />

0800 661 366<br />

info@custommade.co.nz<br />

Auckland • Christchurch • Wanaka<br />

www.custommade.co.nz<br />

Canterbury Ltd<br />

Under bench or whole House Chlorine<br />

Reduction Water Filter Solution<br />

If you want to reduce chlorine in your water we have a solution, be it<br />

under bench single tap or whole house.<br />

Whole house chlorine reduction makes more sense than just treating<br />

one tap in the kitchen. You only need to use one 20” large housing and<br />

a 20” carbon filter cartridge.<br />

What ever the issues is with your water we will have a solution that fits<br />

your requirement, so call into our shop at Pumps & Filters, 551 Halswell<br />

Junction Road and speak to our friendly team or call 03 4231925.<br />

551 Halswell Junction Road<br />

0800 GRUNDFOS / 0800 478 633<br />

Jason 021 649 944<br />

or Mike 021 560 044<br />


38 <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong> Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />


Swimming pools<br />

popular in <strong>Selwyn</strong><br />

Swimming pools continue to gain in<br />

popularity this year keeping Lagoon<br />

Pools, the locally owned and operated<br />

swimming pool supplier and installer,<br />

busier than ever.<br />

The Lagoon Pools team, owned by Julie<br />

and Warren Hastings, can help make your<br />

dreams come true with a new pool but can<br />

also transform the entire pool area.<br />

They also install pool lighting, fountains,<br />

swim jets or spa jets, says Julie.<br />

The continued popularity of enjoying a<br />

pool in your own backyard has led to huge<br />

demand for the company’s services.<br />

“We suggest booking in your pool project<br />

well in advance to make sure your dream<br />

comes true,” says Julie.<br />

Julie and Warren provide a professional<br />

and customer-focused service and say<br />

there really is a pool for any site. They<br />

install pools in sizes to suit both small and<br />

large sections, ranging from three metres<br />

to 12 metres in length with a variety of<br />

widths, colours and shapes.<br />

Lagoon Pools supplies 100 per cent<br />

composite fibreglass pools and, with<br />

patented innovations,<br />

every swimming pool<br />

is supported by their<br />

lifetime structural<br />

warranty and a lifetime<br />

osmosis warranty.<br />

It takes around five days<br />

to install a pool and<br />

the finishing touches<br />

can take from four<br />

weeks to a few months,<br />

depending upon the<br />

design. Not only does<br />

Lagoon Pools install the<br />

pool, they can organise<br />

the complete package<br />

including paving,<br />

decking, landscaping<br />

and fencing to ensure<br />

your entire pool area<br />

looks amazing.<br />

Contact Lagoon Pools<br />

by phoning Julie<br />

or Warren 0800 927 282 or 349 2160.<br />

You can also visit their website www.<br />

lagoonpools.co.nz to find out more<br />

about their range of pools and other<br />

services they offer.<br />

Fun and exercise<br />

all year round<br />

Lagoon Pools import and install quality fibreglass swimming pools. To compliment the pools<br />

they supply good quality equipment including salt water chlorinators, heat pumps, pool lights,<br />

fountains and water features, swim turbines, spa jets, robotic pool cleaners and a range of covers<br />

and roller systems including hidden and automated.<br />

Imported from Leisure Pools in Australia, their Vinyl Ester pools are strong with six layers including<br />

protective armour. Each pool is strength tested and has a lifetime structural and osmosis warranty.<br />

Lagoon Pools owners Julie and Warren are dealers for Leisure Pools in the North Canterbury to<br />

Southland area, and agents for the Elite Hideaway Roller system.<br />

Call Lagoon Pools on 0800 927 282 or 349 2160, email info@lagoonpools.co.nz or visit:<br />

www.lagoonpools.co.nz They are open by appointment only.<br />

www.lagoonpools.co.nz<br />

03 349 2160<br />

0800 92 72 82<br />

Canterbury<br />

Timber & Hardware<br />

Call in today for your free quote!<br />

Rural Farm<br />

Shed Series<br />

The CTH Rural Farm<br />

Shed Series is your<br />

affordable choice<br />

for feed or vehicle<br />

storage, workshop, or<br />

utility shed. Designed<br />

and engineered for<br />

Canterbury’s high<br />

wind and 0.9kpa<br />

snow loading they are<br />

available in a range of<br />

kitset sizes and prices<br />

to suit most budgets.<br />

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P 03 347 7465 E sheds@cthl.co.nz W www.cthl.co.nz<br />

Monday-Friday: 7am-5pm Saturday: 8am-12pm


Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong> 39<br />

Thoughtful planning<br />

for outdoor living spaces<br />

Great outdoor furniture can bring both<br />

function and comfort to your outdoor area<br />

whether it is a deck, verandah, patio or a small<br />

space that will fit a chair or two.<br />

Before your first peruse of the many shops<br />

stocking outdoor furniture, make a list of<br />

what you are looking for and the function of<br />

the space as there is a myriad of choices and<br />

combinations in a range of materials, styles and<br />

sizes.<br />

Do you want to be able to have a sit-down<br />

dinner outside and for how many people,<br />

do you want to extend your living area or<br />

simply want to curl up with a book under your<br />

favourite tree?<br />

Would you like a new barbecue or pizza oven<br />

to complement the space or an outdoor fire or<br />

fire pit as a focal point? These would change<br />

the layout and space requirements for your<br />

new furniture.<br />

Just like selecting a couch for indoors, sit<br />

down and make sure the outdoor seating is<br />

also comfortable. Think about the colours.<br />

Would neutral tones be better that you can<br />

then liven up with cushions or throws or is this<br />

the opportunity to use those cheerful primary<br />

colours that are too bright for inside?<br />

Choose easy-to-care materials that are suitable<br />

for being outside year-round unless storage is<br />

available during the colder months. Natural<br />

wood is both sturdy and comfortable and<br />

weather-resistant woods like teak, redwood,<br />

cedar or cypress require less maintenance. Steel<br />

and wrought iron work well but would need<br />

cushions to make them more comfortable.<br />

Rugs made specifically for outdoor use are also<br />

a great idea and can help ground your outdoor<br />

furniture and also add colour and texture to<br />

the space.<br />

Another thing to think about is purchasing<br />

furniture that has a dual purpose particularly if<br />

space is limited, for example, storage under the<br />

seats can be useful for cushions. Finally make<br />

sure that whatever you purchase is good quality<br />

and that the retailer has some sort of return or<br />

exchange policy.<br />

Thoughtful planning will ensure your outdoor<br />

area, no matter what size it is, will be a<br />

drawcard for friends and family for many years<br />

to come.<br />

Garden<br />

In the<br />

with intelligro<br />

The weather is starting to heat up and be quite<br />

dry, so it is important to keep on top of things<br />

such as watering, weeding and mulching.<br />

Having a watering routine helps to keep your<br />

plants happy and reduce the chances of your<br />

veggies bolting to seed. Adding a layer of bark<br />

or mulch will assist in retaining moisture in the<br />

soil, as well as reducing the chance of weeds<br />

coming through. Weeds will compete with your<br />

plants for space, water, and nutrients, so remove<br />

them as soon as you can if they do pop through.<br />

Intelligro Hire<br />

Doing some backyard<br />

DIY over the holidays<br />

and need some<br />

equipment? Intelligro<br />

have a great range<br />

of landscaping tools<br />

and machines to help<br />

you get your outdoor<br />

project done.<br />

Top Garden Tips<br />

• Remove laterals from tomatoes<br />

• Pull out weeds as they appear<br />

• Harvest produce as it is ready –<br />

you do not want it to bolt to seed<br />

• If you have main crop potatoes in,<br />

keep mounding them up<br />

• Deadhead any spent flowers to<br />

promote new growth<br />

• Add a layer of compost to help<br />

provide nutrients for plant growth<br />

• Apply mulch to aid in weed<br />

suppression and water retention<br />

Your home. Our neighbourhood.<br />

Shaping our communities for over 65 years.<br />

August – April opening hours:<br />

Mon – Sat 7am – 5.30pm, Sun 8.30am – 4.30pm<br />

www.igro.nz /igro.co.nz /intelligro_nz<br />

261 Manion Road, Weedons 7677 | P: 03 347 9012 | E: info@igro.co.nz<br />

Summer<br />

Planting<br />

Project?<br />

Talk to Canterbury’s<br />

plant experts.<br />

Established in 1987, Southern Woods has<br />

been growing millions of quality plants for<br />

over a generation. Talk to our knowledgeable<br />

team about your summer planting project.<br />

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Visit our great plant centre - Open 7 days<br />

1002 Robinsons Rd, between Templeton & Rolleston 0800 800 352 southernwoods.nz<br />

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40 <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong> Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

Tough Mazda ute with all the frills<br />

I WAS SCHEDULED into the<br />

range-topping Mazda BT-50<br />

Takami and was very anxious for<br />

it to arrive.<br />

We had had a series of<br />

disasters in the Kiddie-home<br />

and I needed a ute to take away<br />

and recycle a hot water cylinder<br />

we had replaced along with<br />

other associated debris that had<br />

accumulated in the back yard.<br />

True to form the BT-50<br />

completed the tasks and now the<br />

property is looking a lot more<br />

respectable.<br />

That’s just many of the tasks<br />

today’s modern ute is recognised<br />

for, it is the quintessential load<br />

carrier – one-tonne on the deck<br />

and 3500kg on the towbar – and<br />

over the years I’ve always tried to<br />

make good use of the load space<br />

offered in all of the utes I’ve had<br />

for evaluation.<br />

However, BT-50 Takami is a<br />

little different to the run of the<br />

mill pick-ups that dominate the<br />

Kiwi light commercial market.<br />

It is a high-spec model that in<br />

specification sits with all other<br />

Mazda Takami product. It is high<br />

on luxury, which makes it more<br />

sport utility vehicle-like – it’s full<br />

leather khaki/black-coloured<br />

trim, heated seats, electric seats<br />

and a host of other specification<br />

makes it a ute for the family, it’s a<br />

genuine five-seater and all those<br />

on board are treated to luxury<br />

and comfort.<br />

There’s also a blackout kit, black<br />

wheels and other trim elements<br />

along with a retractable roller<br />

deck lid, sports hoop bar and roof<br />

rails. The combination looks very<br />

aggressive.<br />

It’s not just the comfort and<br />

convenience factor either than<br />

makes the BT-50 Takami a<br />

standout, it has all the safety<br />

kit Mazda has available<br />

through its ute engineering<br />

programme, easily earning it a<br />

five-star Australasian New Car<br />

Assessment Program rating.<br />

Interestingly, while the<br />

Takami has an abundance of<br />

specification, I’ve never felt<br />

the BT-50 in other forms was<br />

lacking for kit, the Limited<br />

variant I evaluated last year<br />

was also high on spec, but<br />

nevertheless the Takami has<br />

everything and, what’s more, it<br />

isn’t priced any distant to other<br />

high spec four-wheel-drive<br />

double cab brands.<br />

At $69,190 it sits $6500 above<br />

the Limited which to me still<br />

represents value, the BT-50 as we<br />

know it is a tough, quality-built<br />

ute that will last the distance in<br />

terms of strength and reliability.<br />

Even though it’s been around<br />

STYLISH: The Mazda BT-50 Takami’s leather trim is twotone<br />

black and khaki.<br />

MAZDA BT-50: Comprehensively equipped for comfort, convenience and safety.<br />

for a year or so now, the latest<br />

generation BT-50 gets what I<br />

call a new engine. Gone is the<br />

old Ford-sourced five-cylinder<br />

unit, today’s BT-50 gets the fourcylinder<br />

turbocharged diesel<br />

engine that is sourced from Isuzu<br />

and is shared in its D-Max.<br />

The 3-litre unit is rated at<br />

140kW and 450Nm, power and<br />

torque reached at traditional<br />

points of the rev band – 4000rpm<br />

and 1600-2600rpm. Unlike many<br />

large capacity diesels, this unit is<br />

quiet and refined, sound is well<br />

isolated from the cabin and it<br />

works smoothly through a sixspeed<br />

gearbox.<br />

On the subject of transmission,<br />

the BT-50 works traditionally,<br />

drive is sent rearwards through<br />

to a live axle located by leaf<br />

springs. When four-wheel-drive<br />

is required a console-mounted<br />

dial system will usher in low or<br />

high ratio as needed, power is<br />

then directed through a transfer<br />

system to the front wheels – fourwheel-drive<br />

is then initiated.<br />

Given the underpinnings<br />

are not only load-bearing and<br />

able to tackle off-road tracks<br />

and trails, the BT-50 has a<br />

remarkable in-cabin ride. The<br />

spring and damper rates are<br />

set so that occupant comfort is<br />

also a priority. Sure, there’s an<br />

underlying jiggle that is common<br />

to all utes of this type, but it’s not<br />

significant and it would seem that<br />

• Price – Mazda BT-50<br />

Takami, $69,190<br />

• Dimensions – Length,<br />

5280mm; width, <strong>18</strong>70mm;<br />

height, 1790mm<br />

• Configuration – Fourcylinder,<br />

four-wheel-drive,<br />

2999cc, 140kW, 450Nm,<br />

six-speed automatic.<br />

• Performance – 0-100km/h,<br />

10.5sec<br />

• Fuel usage – 8l/100km<br />

Mazda has put a lot of thought<br />

into seat design, for the driving<br />

position and comfort beneath<br />

seems perfect.<br />

In terms of performance<br />

and handling, the BT-50 has solid<br />

mid-range boost which in turn<br />

provides peace of mind when<br />

negotiating that highway overtake<br />

– 80-120km/h can be achieved<br />

in 6.6sec, while for the record<br />

a standstill to 100km/h time of<br />

around 10sec is up to<br />

par.<br />

More importantly, Mazda<br />

also claims an eight-litre per<br />

100km/h combined cycle fuel<br />

usage average. In today’s market<br />

where diesel prices are sitting not<br />

that far distant to what we pay<br />

for petrol, fuel thrift is of genuine<br />

importance.<br />

During my evaluation time the<br />

BT-50 Takami was constantly<br />

listing around a 10l/100km<br />

average. On a long highway run<br />

the instantaneous readout was<br />

sitting at 8.2l/100km with the<br />

engine turning over very relaxed<br />

at 1400rpm at 100km/h.<br />

Riding on high grade<br />

Bridgestone Dueler tyres<br />

(265/60 x <strong>18</strong>in), there is lot of<br />

rubber meeting the road surface,<br />

that connection transmitted<br />

firmly back to the steering wheel;<br />

centre and off-centre feel is<br />

involving, providing surety to the<br />

driver.<br />

If a tight corner is entered a<br />

bit on the quick side, there is still<br />

positive turn-in and a definite feel<br />

of control and balance through<br />

the rear driving wheels. Grip<br />

is never brought into question<br />

thanks to quick electronics that<br />

intervene quickly, oversteer<br />

needn’t be considered.<br />

I’ve driven several variants of<br />

the new BT-50 series including<br />

the base model that I took on a<br />

long South Island road trip. I’ve<br />

come away from each experience<br />

quite satisfied with the level of<br />

refinement, Takami has only<br />

served to prove Mazda has taken<br />

that sophistication one step<br />

further.<br />

It would be the ute that I would<br />

buy, but I have to admit I am a<br />

little biased, my wife and I are<br />

new members of the Mazda<br />

owner-family, and we are very<br />

pleased with the experience and<br />

quality of the product.<br />

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32 Moorhouse Ave | P: (03) 366 7768 | www.valuecarswarehouse.co.nz<br />




Cannot be Beaten!<br />

$10,974 NoW $7,974 + orC<br />

Experience<br />

Automatic. $34.63pw.<br />


• Talk to us about finance for your next<br />

Specialising in Finance for Private Purchas<br />

• Very quick approvals, sensation<br />

• From no deposit (term

Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong> 41<br />

Classifieds Contact us today Phone our local team 03 379 1100<br />

Situations Vacant<br />


SHOP is looking for a<br />

full-time cook, with front<br />

of house experience and<br />

excellent coffee making<br />

skills! Approximately<br />

35 hrs per week. Being<br />

available to work<br />

weekends is a must!<br />

But don’t worry you get<br />

guaranteed weekends<br />

off as well. If this<br />

sounds like something<br />

you are interested in<br />

please email your CV<br />

to dunsandelstopshop@<br />

gmail.com<br />

Situations Vacant<br />

Seeking new<br />

experienced<br />

members to<br />

join our small<br />

team<br />

-We pride ourselves on quality<br />

work at a steady pace.<br />

-Your opinion matters.<br />

-Rolleston based.<br />

Contact Jamie 0276 272 576<br />

or Sarah 021 669 114<br />

Relief Teacher Opportunity<br />

We are seeking passionate, innovative teachers who have a<br />

desire to provide genuine learner-centered education. Due to<br />

our continued investment in professional development and<br />

learning, Rolleston College is seeking New Zealand registered<br />

upper primary and secondary teachers for casual relief<br />

positions.<br />

Ideally we would love you to be available to start for the<br />

beginning of Term 1, <strong>2023</strong>. Please register your interest, by<br />

sending your CV along with two verbal references and your<br />

contact details to recruitment@rollestoncollege.nz.<br />

Situations Vacant<br />


The Flaming Rabbit is seeking a<br />

new Duty Manager<br />

Full time, 30 to 35 hours per week.<br />

A mixture of days, evening and weekends.<br />

Must have a CURRENT duty managers<br />

certificate.<br />

Be proactive, honest, friendly and<br />

able to work under pressure in a team<br />

environment.<br />

Applications close 29th <strong>January</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

Contact: Byron William<br />

Email: gm@flamingrabbit.nz<br />

Do you suffer from<br />

dizziness or vertigo?<br />

These issues can be treated with vestibular physiotherapy.<br />

Our team of experienced physiotherapists have all completed<br />

internationally recognised competency courses in Vestibular Rehabilitation.<br />

Contact our Dizziness Clinic:<br />

Nicole Vercoe, Clinical Lead,<br />

Physiotherapy<br />

Nicole.vercoe@lfbit.co.nz<br />

or on 03 335 0541<br />

Vestibular Physio service 90mm x 130.indd 1<br />

Dizziness Clinic<br />

<strong>18</strong>/11/2022 1:41:43 pm<br />

Situations Vacant<br />

Groundsperson<br />

/ Gardener<br />

We are seeking a Groundsperson/Gardener to provide garden<br />

and grounds maintenance services at our Lincoln site. The<br />

primary accountabilities for this role include lawn care,<br />

weeding and mulching, trimming, planting, watering and hard<br />

landscape maintenance.<br />

This full-time permanent position would suit someone with a<br />

background in gardening and grounds services who can work<br />

independently and proactively.<br />

To succeed in this physical hands-on role, you should be<br />

passionate about gardening, and take great pride in presenting<br />

well maintained outdoor spaces for our staff, visitors and<br />

stakeholders. A self-starter, you should be able to work both<br />

unsupervised and as part of a team. Practical maintenance<br />

skills to support the use of equipment associated with this role<br />

and a basic level of computer literacy are also required.<br />

You will need to be an organised person with good<br />

interpersonal skills, a great attitude to work, and the ability to<br />

complete work in a prompt and safe manner.<br />

More information including the position description can be<br />

found on our website https://careers.sciencenewzealand.org/<br />

landcare-research/jobdetails/ajid/ZGlG9/Groundsperson-<br />

Gardener,50026.html All applications are to be submitted via<br />

our careers website.<br />

For specific enquiries about the position contact Anja Hess by<br />

calling +64 3 321 9757.<br />

The official closing date for applications is Monday 30 <strong>January</strong><br />

<strong>2023</strong> at 9.00am. However, we encourage you to apply quickly<br />

as we reserve the right to close applications earlier should the<br />

ideal candidate be found prior to the closing date.<br />

Rolleston College 631 Springston Rolleston Road<br />

Phone. 03 595 2490 Email. recruitment@rollestoncollege.nz<br />

www.rollestoncollege.nz<br />

selwyn.govt.nz<br />

Draft Castle Hill Village Reserves<br />

Management Plan<br />

Submissions invited<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong> District Council is inviting feedback on the draft Castle Hill Village Reserves<br />

Management Plan. The Plan has been in place since 2011, and has been reviewed<br />

to ensure it meets community needs over the next 10 years.<br />

Copies of the draft Castle Hill Village Reserves Management Plan and submission<br />

forms are available on the Council website selwyn.govt.nz/yoursay and at the<br />

Council offices in Rolleston and Darfield Library & Service Centre.<br />

Complete the online submission form at selwyn.govt.nz/yoursay or send your<br />

submission to:<br />

· Email: yoursay@selwyn.govt.nz (subject line, ‘Castle Hill Village Reserves<br />

Management Plan’)<br />

· Post: <strong>Selwyn</strong> District Council, Freepost 104653, PO Box 90, Rolleston, 7643,<br />

ATTEN: Castle Hill Village Reserves Management Plan<br />

· Deliver in person: Council offices in Rolleston or Darfield Library & Service Centre<br />

Submissions are welcome by 5pm, Friday 17 March <strong>2023</strong>.<br />

Please indicate in your submission if you would like to speak at a Council hearing.<br />

This is a public notice under Section 41(6) of the Reserves Act 1977.<br />

selwyn.govt.nz<br />

Public Notice<br />

Malvern Water Race Scheme maintenance<br />

Planned construction works are to be completed within the Malvern Water<br />

Race Scheme from 23–25 <strong>January</strong>. This will require a shut off for portions<br />

of the scheme along Old West Coast Rd and fluctuating flows are expected<br />

across the remainder of the Malvern scheme, for approximately 48 hours.<br />

Chief Executive Officer<br />

• Strategic and Future-Focused Leadership Opportunity<br />

• Community Enabler<br />

• A Growing and Diverse District – The Place To Be!<br />

Kia hiwa rā<br />

The <strong>Selwyn</strong> District just keeps growing! We know Waikirikiri <strong>Selwyn</strong> is a great place<br />

to live, breathe and do business, and it seems the message is out as more and more<br />

people are coming to join us. <strong>Selwyn</strong> is dynamic and ever changing, we have a strong<br />

heritage and exciting future, and we are proud of who we are. The Council and I<br />

are looking for a CEO who can support and challenge us to make great long-term<br />

decisions for future generations. We want to continue to focus on a broad range<br />

of social, economic, environmental and cultural wellbeing outcomes for our people<br />

and are looking for the right person to lead us into and through new opportunities.<br />

At <strong>Selwyn</strong> District Council we employ over 550 team members and are responsible<br />

for community assets worth over $2 billion with an annual income of approximately<br />

$200 million and total debt of about $80 million. Our fast-growing population<br />

(currently 80,000) is supported by a well performing and diverse economy with<br />

success being due to strong partnerships and many contributors. To be successful<br />

in your application you will be able to show your track record of encouraging the<br />

best of others. To read more about our Council, please visit www.selwyn.govt.nz<br />

Ngāi Te Ruahikihiki and Ngāi Tūāhuriri have mana whenua over their takiwā which<br />

extends across Waikirikiri <strong>Selwyn</strong> District. We affirm the importance of an enduring<br />

and collaborative partnership with mana whenua to ensure te mana o te taiao is<br />

upheld and to foster sustainable and prosperous communities. We want a CEO who<br />

is passionate about continuing to advance this work.<br />

With our incumbent CEO due to retire in <strong>2023</strong>, we are seeking a future-focused<br />

leader who will drive the strategic direction and support the continued growth and<br />

sustainability of the <strong>Selwyn</strong> region. Your leadership will guide the Council through<br />

the evolving landscape of Local Government, and you will ensure the strong<br />

oversight of the Council’s people and resources to ignite the full potential of our<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong> Waikirikiri economic base, community and future growth priorities.<br />

To succeed in this role you will be approachable, able to demonstrate a fresh<br />

mindset and have demonstrated ability to connect, empathise and deliver for<br />

all areas of a community. You will have strong commercial leadership capability,<br />

ideally with previous or related Local Government exposure. You will be futurefocused,<br />

innovative and hold mana to foster building a future that is bigger than<br />

any individual. You will build on an existing team culture of empowerment and a<br />

customer centric approach that is outcomes focused.<br />

To Apply<br />

If you are a passionate leader who wants to make their mark while having a<br />

positive influence on the progress of the <strong>Selwyn</strong> District, please submit your<br />

cover letter and CV by going to www.brannigans.co.nz/jobs. Please note this<br />

appointment will be governed by the Local Government Act 2002. Initial enquiries<br />

are welcome by phoning Nick Carter 03 345 8764 or Sally Wynn-Williams on<br />

03 345 8759.<br />

Applications close Monday 6 February <strong>2023</strong>

42 <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong> Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

Classifieds Contact us today Phone our local team 03 379 1100<br />

YOur GuIde TO<br />

TrusTed Trades and<br />

PrOFessIOnaL servIces<br />

To place your advertisement<br />

contact Vicky Sayers<br />

379 1100 or email<br />

vicky.sayers@starmedia.kiwi<br />



Massey Ferguson<br />

Ford / International / Fiat<br />

Ph 0274 317 259<br />

Advanced Service,<br />

Advanced Upholstery<br />

Auto & Marine Upholstery<br />

• Auto restoration<br />

• Boat upholstery<br />

• Caravan & motorhome<br />

squabs & awnings<br />

• Machine, truck & ute<br />

covers<br />

• Farms Covers<br />

• & Much More!<br />

• Authorised agents for Cvana awning<br />

3967 West Coast Road (between Waddington & Darfield)<br />

Tue/Wed/Fri: 8am – 4.30pm • Thur: 8am – 6.30pm<br />

Sat: 8.30am – 12noon • Closed: Sun & Mon<br />

Ph 03 3<strong>18</strong> 7378 www.advancedupholstery.co.nz<br />




• Mirrors • Pet Door Specialists<br />

• Splashbacks • All Broken Windows<br />


Phone Cushla or Darren Twist<br />

027 352 6225<br />

BPH ProPerty Maintenance<br />

• Lawns & Gardens<br />

• HedGe CLean Ups<br />

• deCks & LandsCapinG<br />

projeCts<br />

• window & door repairs<br />

• GeneraL HoUseHoLd<br />

MaintenanCe<br />

• Handy Man jobs<br />

• LifestyLe work<br />

call Brent MoBile 021 676 336<br />

shelterbelt trimming<br />

Boundary Trimming<br />

Call Tony Dempsey<br />

Mobile 0274 323 943<br />

Working in the <strong>Selwyn</strong> District<br />

Specialising in lifestyle & small farms<br />



• Shearing • Crutching • Tailing<br />

• Drenching • Foot Trimming<br />

• Single & Double Crutching Trailers<br />

A professional, friendly service<br />

Call Shaun Adams for a free quote<br />

021 204 1274 or 03 960 3112<br />

adamsshearing.com<br />

• shearing contracting • mobile shearing trailer • mobile crutching trailer<br />

Excavations<br />

• Driveways<br />

• Car Parks<br />

• Site Cleaning<br />

• Demolition<br />

• Farm Tracks<br />

• Drain Cleaning<br />

• Stump & Hedge<br />

Removal<br />

• Asphalt Concrete<br />

Wide range<br />

oF TruckS<br />

For a Free Quote<br />

on your next project<br />

Phone Steve on<br />

021 338 247<br />

• Tennis Courts &<br />

Swimming Pools<br />

• Chip Seal Driveways<br />

• Diggers – 2 Ton<br />

up to 20 Ton<br />

• Excavators<br />

• Bobcat & Drilling<br />

• For Posthole &<br />

Fence hole<br />

Free<br />

QuoTe<br />

landscaping<br />



• Air Conditioning • WOF Repairs<br />

• Oil Change & Servicing<br />

• Diagnostics - Computer Scanning<br />

• Wiring & Wiring Repairs<br />

• Alternators • Starter Motors<br />

• Mechanical Repairs • Tyres • Batteries<br />

Loan car available<br />

Workshop Location: 84 Hayes Rd, Ladbrooks<br />

Mobile Auto Electrician<br />

022 644 9664<br />

Digga Rental<br />

• 1.5t, 1.8t, 3t, 6t, 12t, 22t Excavators<br />

Very Short to Long Term Hire<br />

Very Competitive & Flexible Rates<br />

16 Weedons Ross Rd, Rolleston<br />

Millars Machinery, High St, Leeston<br />

0800 344 425<br />



We offer a full range of services including:<br />

GST & PAYE returns<br />

Bookkeeping & Payroll<br />

Business Administration<br />

EOY Accounting<br />

Back-office support<br />

Credit Control<br />

Working with Xero, MYOB,<br />

hardcopy documents,<br />

spreadsheets and more…<br />

Free Discovery Call<br />

Phone: 022 371 3606<br />

Website: easybookkeeping.co.nz<br />

Division of Tuffnell Drainage Ltd<br />

We unblock drains<br />

Call us now 03 974 3561<br />

Now servicing the <strong>Selwyn</strong> District<br />

based out of Rolleston and Leeston<br />

High pressure waterblasting<br />

CCTV • 7 days a week service<br />

• Shelter<br />

trimming<br />

• Mulching<br />

• Paddock<br />

topping<br />

Franklin Shelter Trimming<br />

Dallis Yates 021 287 4668<br />

franklinsheltertrimming@outlook.com<br />

Follow us on Facebook<br />

25 Years experience<br />

• Landscape construction and<br />

garden maintenance<br />

• Residential & light commercial<br />

• Garden makeovers<br />

For a proFessional job call<br />

ross legg 027 222 0388<br />

email ross@revivelandscaping.co.nz<br />


Need your<br />

hot water fixed<br />

quicksmart?<br />

Ph Mike: 027 272 8058 OR 03 324 4323 A/H | sales@gmcontracting.co.nz www.gmcontracting.co.nz<br />

ADD SOME<br />

COLOUR<br />


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quote!<br />

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w.valuecarswarehouse.co.nz<br />

Ce l 021 8 5 84<br />

Cnr Main South Rd and Epsom Rd, Christchurch<br />

Ph: 03 348 4129 | avoncityford.com<br />

h tp: /kaywa.me/8aVdQ<br />

download the Kaywa Qr Code reader (a p Store &android Market) and scan your code!<br />

My Kaywa Qr-Code<br />

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w.valuecarswarehouse.co.nz<br />

Ce l 021 8 5 84<br />

Animals Livestock/Supplies<br />

Standing<br />

graSS<br />

WantEd<br />

Ph (03) 347 3479 or 0272289868<br />

Equestrian<br />

Canterbury Horse<br />

Transport. Phone 021 656<br />

695<br />

To Lease<br />

Office space to lease,<br />

CBD area. 60 - 100 sqm.<br />

Comp priced. Flexible<br />

lease period. Call Shane<br />

for more details on 021<br />

381 765<br />

Wanted To Buy<br />

PRE 2000’s VEHICLES.<br />

Mopeds, motorbikes<br />

for resurrection and<br />

restoration, not wrecking.<br />

Anything considered.<br />

Please phone 020 4016<br />

3302<br />

Equestrian<br />

Canterbury Horse<br />

Transport. Phone 021 656<br />

695<br />

Vehicles Wanted<br />


$$CASH PAID$$<br />


& 4X4 WANTED<br />

NZ OWNED<br />

AND<br />


FOR<br />

24 YEARS<br />

We use world class vehicle<br />

depollution systems<br />

0800 PICK 77 IT 80 UP... 80<br />

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Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong> 43<br />

Classifieds Contact us today Phone our local team 03 379 1100<br />

YOur GuIde TO<br />

TrusTed Trades and<br />

PrOFessIOnaL servIces<br />

Re Roofing<br />

Roof Repairs<br />

Approved Age Concern provider<br />

Over 30 years experience<br />

Licensed Building Practitioner<br />



Ph: 0275 389 415<br />

Email: nabroofing@xtra.co.nz<br />




Office: 03 337 9553<br />

Scott Warlow: 021 168 61<strong>18</strong><br />

Established 1987, Qualified<br />

& Experienced Professionals<br />

Member of Pest Management<br />

Association of NZ<br />




★Garden Clean-ups<br />

★Pruning<br />

★Lawn Mowing<br />

★Garden Maintenance<br />


Call us today for a FREE quote<br />

PH 0800 4 546 546<br />

(0800 4 JIMJIM)<br />


wet area waterproofing,<br />

underfloor heating, soap<br />

boxes, old to new, for best<br />

results, call Devon on 021<br />

375-888 or 03 329 5511<br />


Exp. Repairs, uplifting,<br />

relaying, restretching.<br />

Phone John on 0800<br />

003<strong>18</strong>1, 027 240 7416<br />

jflattery@xtra.co.nz<br />


tintawindow<br />

advanced film solutions<br />

99% uv block<br />

fade protection<br />

heat control<br />

reduce glare<br />

25 Years Experience<br />

privacy films<br />

frosting designs<br />

non-darkening films<br />

Workmanship Guaranteed<br />

Lifetime Warranties on Most Films<br />

UV<br />

block<br />



Servicing Lincoln,<br />

Tai Tapu, Motukarara,<br />

Ladbrooks, Broadfields,<br />

Springston & Prebbleton,<br />

$70 a Chimney. Phone<br />

Rodney 03 324 2999 &<br />

leave a message.<br />


sWEEPs<br />

We’ll sweep your<br />

logburner’s flue, check<br />

firebricks, baffles, airtubes<br />

& controls. We’re experts<br />

on coal-rangers, and can<br />

sweep any sized open fire.<br />

We quote & undertake<br />

repairs, flue extensions &<br />

install bird netting. 0800<br />

22 44 64 www.chimchim.<br />

nz<br />


REPAIRs<br />

Parts & Sales for over 40<br />

years. All main brands<br />

serviced. Grossman Trade<br />

Tools, 23 Watts Road,<br />

Christchurch. Ph 389 9230<br />


Renovations, New Houses,<br />

Hot Water Cylinders,<br />

Kitchens Bathroom<br />

Upgrades, Laundries,<br />

General Maintenance ,<br />

Water Filters. Phone Mark<br />

0278690026<br />

sTuMP<br />


Best price guarantee Tony<br />

0275 588 895<br />


Brown & White Ltd.<br />

Family owned since 2001.<br />

Ph Paul 027 229 3534<br />

Free Quotes Canterbury and Districts<br />

03 365 3653 0800 368 468<br />

Farming<br />







Ph (03) 347 3479 or 0272289868<br />

Macrocarpa Sleepers<br />

200x100<br />

Ideal for<br />

landscaping<br />

1-5m<br />

We cut to<br />

length<br />

Phone<br />

021 059 4945<br />

21 Manion Road, Rolleston<br />

sales@macrocarpasupplies.co.nz<br />

Select Services<br />

Affordable<br />

quality builders<br />

Licenced<br />

Building<br />

practitioner<br />

• Renovations<br />

• Alterations<br />

• New Builds<br />

Damian 027 933 5819<br />

www.metricbuild.nz<br />

Gardening & Supplies<br />

Incorporating<br />

ISSUE 651 | FrIday 31 JUly 2020<br />

The biggest range of vehicles in one location<br />

2015 mazda demio<br />

See page 4<br />

for more info!<br />

32 Moorhouse Ave | P: (03) 366 7768 | www.valuecarswarehouse.co.nz<br />

GET THAT<br />



free<br />

best motorbuys<br />

261 stanmore road, Christchurch For more, see their advert on page 25<br />

$149<br />

FROM<br />

ONLY:<br />

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PH 03 web<br />

www.drivesouth.co.nz<br />

Incorporating<br />

ISSUE 652 | FrIday 7 aUgUSt 2020<br />

2016 NIssAN LeAf 24s<br />

$17,990 FACELIFT MODEL<br />

lEd headlights, heated seats &<br />

steering wheel, Bluetooth/USB<br />

audio, 21,000km with Japanese<br />

service history. Includes New<br />

NZ charging cable & OrC.<br />

1996 toyota Landcruiser<br />

Prado $8,990<br />

7 seater, 3.0 litre diesel,<br />

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See inside for this week's<br />

4WD feature!<br />

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• www.kickthetyres.co.nz<br />



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PH 03 web<br />


www.drivesouth.co.nz<br />

331 blenheim road, Christchurch For more, see their advert on page 25<br />

The biggest range of vehicles in one location<br />

2006 mitsubishi outlander<br />

$11,999<br />

See page 5<br />

for more info!<br />

32 Moorhouse Ave | P: (03) 366 7768 | www.valuecarswarehouse.co.nz<br />

2004 BMw 530d Nz NEw<br />

151, 0kms, black leather interior, very<br />

economical, reliable vehicle, in exce lent<br />

condition. Exce lent buying at only<br />

A fordable new parts available for BMW / MERCEDES BENZ / AUDI<br />

454 St Asaph Street, 03 378 <strong>18</strong><strong>18</strong> or 021 480 201<br />

$11,999<br />

INCLudINg ORC<br />

Incorporating<br />

ISSUE 653 | FrIday 14 aUgUSt 2020<br />

40 Years Finance<br />

Experience<br />

Cannot be Beaten!<br />

• Talk to us about finance for your next<br />

motor vehicle purchase<br />

Specialising in Finance for Private Purchases<br />

Very quick approvals, sensational interest rates<br />

• From no deposit (terms & conditions may a ply)<br />

Cnr Main South Rd and Epsom Rd, Christchurch<br />

Ph: 03 348 4129 | avoncityford.com<br />



see inside for this week's<br />

Hybrid & electric feature!<br />

Hilux, HiAce &<br />

eVerytHiNg iN betweeN<br />

68 Falsgrave Street, Woolston W: nzvanspares.co.nz<br />

E: nzvanspares@hotmail.com Ph: 03 379 3932 / 0508 698 267<br />

GET THAT<br />



See inside for this week's<br />

motorcycle feature!<br />



The biggest range of vehicles in one location<br />

2013 peugeot 4008<br />

$19,999<br />

See page 5<br />

for more info!<br />

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44 <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong> Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

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Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong> 45<br />

Issue 8 - summer <strong>2023</strong><br />

Kia ora<br />

Welcome to the new year. <strong>Selwyn</strong> is<br />

a district where we have countless<br />

places to gather and experience<br />

friendship and family. Our natural<br />

environment offers so much to<br />

explore and as a community we have<br />

complemented this with some great<br />

built locations. Darfield pool has had<br />

an amazing stage one makeover,<br />

the new Youth Space in Rolleston is<br />

a roaring success and just outside<br />

Prebbleton, Kakaha Park is open for<br />

business. There are more details about<br />

all these inside this edition.<br />

Mayor Sam<br />

Opening day of the Youth Space in Rolleston<br />

Youth Space<br />

We asked young people from across <strong>Selwyn</strong> what they wanted to see in the Rolleston town<br />

centre. They told us they wanted a place to hang out with their friends that they could call their<br />

own and do the things they loved. So, we build just that. Last month we opened the ‘Youth<br />

Space’ with a huge party just a stone’s throw from Te Ara Ātea. Top of the wish list was an<br />

awesome skate park, basketball and netball hoops and areas to sit and chill. We partnered with<br />

skateboarder David North of Nelsons Creek Skateboards to design a snake run, flow bowl and<br />

a massive pool bowl which has been a drawcard for skaters from all over the region. But the<br />

Youth Space is more than just fun; it is a place where our rangatahi youth can feel safe, connect<br />

with their friends and keep active.<br />


46 <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong> Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

Kakaha Park<br />

We have some incredible open spaces in<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong> and the latest addition is set to be<br />

the best yet. The first stage of Kakaha Park is<br />

now open between Prebbleton and Lincoln.<br />

Cyclists are already enjoying all levels of<br />

jumps, a snake run and rolling boardwalk<br />

style tracks. Dog owners are making the<br />

most of one of the biggest dog parks in the<br />

district which includes a separate area for<br />

smaller dogs. Now the first stage has been<br />

completed, the park has provided three<br />

full-size and one half-size lit playing fields.<br />

There is also a mini playground, car parking<br />

and toilets. The next two phases will be<br />

developed to include an additional recreation<br />

space featuring large areas of native<br />

planting. There’ll also be a bespoke changing<br />

room, more car parking, off-road bike trails<br />

and a water way opening in <strong>2023</strong>.<br />

Kakaha is the Māori word for astelia fragrans<br />

or bush lily, a native flax-like plant used for<br />

weaving. There is evidence of the presence of<br />

kakaha on the Canterbury Plains long before<br />

European settlement, so the name reflects<br />

the park’s location and the connection with<br />

mahika kai (food gathering) sites in<br />

our region.<br />

A great place to catch up with friends or study<br />

One of the many quiet spaces<br />

Happy birthday Te Ara Ātea<br />

Last month Te Ara Ātea celebrated its one-year anniversary, and what a year it has been.<br />

Almost immediately numbers flowing through the doors ramped up and are now sitting at an<br />

average of about 600 people a day. In the past twelve months people from all over the district<br />

have travelled to take part in one of the 900 workshops and programmes hosted in the facility.<br />

We’ve held art exhibitions, live music and performances, and run classes from digital art to<br />

candle making. Te Ara Ātea also offers many valuable drop-in opportunities with JP clinics and<br />

even a free tech service if you’re struggling with your device. And it’s not just our community<br />

who love Te Ara Ātea; it’s won regional and national awards for architecture as well as the Local<br />

Government New Zealand Award for Cultural Wellbeing Excellence. Whether you’re looking for<br />

a quiet reflective spot with a book and a coffee, to learn more about our culture and heritage or<br />

to get creative, Te Ara Ātea has it all.<br />

Cyclist on one of many new tracks in Kakaha Park<br />

between Prebbleton and Lincoln<br />


Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong> 47<br />

Signing the relationship agreement with Te Taumutu Rūnanga<br />

Deepening<br />

our relations<br />

Our Council acknowledges Te Taumutu Rūnanga as<br />

representative of the people of Ngāi Te Ruahikihiki,<br />

mana whenua, who hold whakapapa connections to<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong>. We also recognize Te Ngāi Tūāhuriri Rūnanga<br />

as representative of the people of Ngāi Tūāhuriri, also<br />

mana whenua, whose rohe extends through <strong>Selwyn</strong>.<br />

We have a long history of working with Te Taumutu<br />

Rūnanga and the fruits of that partnership are evident<br />

in so much of what is great about our district. Recent<br />

examples of this are culturally relevant citizenship<br />

ceremonies and Te Ara Ātea. The partnership with the<br />

Rūnanga also helps with environmental protection<br />

work with Environment Canterbury and development<br />

of the regulations that protect our natural resources.<br />

Introducing our three<br />

new Councillors<br />

Hello, like many Cantabrians I fell in love<br />

with, and, felt like I had ‘come home’ when<br />

I settled here a decade ago. My family had<br />

migrated from England to Lyttleton on the<br />

ship ‘Cressy’ in <strong>18</strong>50 and settled locally. I<br />

enjoy many hobbies, horse riding, gardening,<br />

arts and crafts, and love history, ‘old<br />

things’, environmental topics and farm life.<br />

Communities are the heart of what makes<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong> great, let’s keep them beating stronger.<br />

You can’t beat living in the country, I reside in<br />

Russell’s Flat with my husband, daughter, two<br />

dogs plus an arrangement of farm animals.<br />

Most of my time is spent enjoying the outdoors<br />

- and what a wonderful place to do that. I<br />

would like to thank the people of Malvern<br />

for their support in my election to Council –<br />

with so much change approaching, I hope to<br />

communicate and support you all well.<br />

Elizabeth Mundt—Ellesmere Ward<br />

Lydia Gliddon—Malvern Ward<br />

Until recently the work we have done together has<br />

been ad hoc and relied on goodwill and interpersonal<br />

connections, however recently we formalised<br />

the partnership to enable both organisations to<br />

determine better ways of working together. The<br />

signed relationship agreement commits us to working<br />

together to deliver the best possible community and<br />

environmental outcomes for <strong>Selwyn</strong>. It will mean<br />

we work together from the start of projects. We will<br />

have richer discussions and look for ways of growing<br />

our understanding of <strong>Selwyn</strong>’s heritage as we make<br />

decisions about our future.<br />

Kia ora. Becoming a Councillor has been like<br />

jumping onto a moving train. However, I’m<br />

joining a brilliant team of Councillors who have<br />

been great helping me get my feet under the<br />

table. I’ve already started making links with our<br />

amazing businesses leaders and I am looking<br />

forward to connecting with our community<br />

groups, volunteer organisations and first<br />

responders very soon.<br />

Phil Dean—Rolleston Ward<br />


48 <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong> Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

News in Brief<br />

Roading repairs<br />

Council roading teams have now completed 95 per cent of<br />

repairs after heavy rainfall caused significant damage to the<br />

local roading network during winter last year. The work has<br />

included fixing four bridges, 220km of roads, and more than<br />

3315 potholes.<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong><br />

Stats<br />

Reid’s Pit<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong> has a brand-new recreational reserve at Reid’s Pit, on<br />

the corner of Weedons and <strong>Selwyn</strong> roads. The new reserve<br />

is as big as six football pitches and features two walking/<br />

running tracks and four bike-only tracks.<br />

290 Civil Defence<br />

volunteers<br />

1000+ at<br />

Youth Space opening<br />

Darfield Pool redevelopment<br />

The first stage of the $2.4 million Darfield pool redevelopment<br />

is complete, with new changing rooms and the exterior<br />

painting completed. Stand by for the next stage which will<br />

see a new three-metre hydro slide, splash pad and family area<br />

later this year.<br />

79,300 latest official<br />

population statistics<br />

16,400 registered dogs<br />

Summer in <strong>Selwyn</strong> brochure<br />

Our ‘Summer in <strong>Selwyn</strong>’ brochure listing over 60 fun packed<br />

activities for all ages is out now. To get your copy, pop to your<br />

local library, Te Ara Ātea or our main Council offices and pick<br />

one up. All your summer favorites are back, and more.<br />

Lowest employment rates<br />

We’ve got some of the lowest employment rates in the country<br />

at 2.8 per cent, and our economy is outstripping the rest of<br />

Aotearoa. It was no surprise that we were awarded a best<br />

practice commendation at the Economic Development New<br />

Zealand awards.<br />

New businesses<br />

Businesses are popping up everywhere. Non-residential<br />

construction rocketed up 137 per cent last year compared<br />

to 2021. It’s great to have new businesses setting up and<br />

investing, which in turn creates new job opportunities<br />

in <strong>Selwyn</strong>.<br />

$839,589 average house<br />

price (Sep 22)<br />

594 metres, length<br />

of Cave Stream in<br />

Castle Hill<br />

If you have any questions or<br />

feedback please contact me at<br />

mayor@selwyn.govt.nz<br />

or on Facebook at<br />

facebook.com/samforselwyn.<br />

You can also view the latest issue<br />

online at selwyn.govt.nz/mayor.<br />


pb.co.nz<br />

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Page 9<br />

Local <strong>Selwyn</strong> Audiology<br />


Meeting<br />

28 tH juLY<br />

7.30pm<br />

Dean Harker<br />

Lincoln events Centre,<br />

Meijer Drive, Lincoln<br />

Speaker: Mar e Frost<br />

Physiotherapist,<br />

Pelvic Health and<br />

Pelvic Fl or<br />

Exercises<br />

Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong> 49<br />

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WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 2021 Connecting Your Local Community<br />

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36 <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong> Wednesday November 9 20 2 Wednesday November 9 20 2 <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong> PB<br />

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Steam trains<br />

to ro l into<br />

Springfield<br />

Darfield<br />

through<br />

to play-o fs<br />

Pages 16 & 17<br />

Jacob, Jill join big farmer protest<br />

Jacob Du fy of Darfield and his dog Ji l were among more than 2000 farmers and supporters<br />

who were in Darfield and L eston for the Groundswe l NZ protests on Friday.<br />

• More photos, story, pages 4 & 5<br />


'Hear'<br />

For You,<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong><br />

Don’t wai to get be ter hearing, ca l today to b ok with your local hearing expert, Bre na<br />

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A su port group is operating in <strong>Selwyn</strong> for<br />

men and their families who are living with a<br />

diagnosis and treatment for Prostate Cancer.<br />

C ordinators Chris & Dia ne Ward<br />

Phone: 027 437 1254<br />

email: selwyn@prostate.org.nz<br />

For more information ca l 0800 477 678<br />

www.prostate.org.nz<br />

Scorch<br />

Broadband<br />

0800 726 724<br />

www.scorch.co.nz<br />

Drink driving<br />

charge<br />

laid after<br />

burnout<br />

near police<br />

station<br />

• By Susan Sandys<br />

A MOTORIST a legedly more<br />

than thr e times the drink<br />

driving limit was caught after<br />

doing a burnout near the<br />

Ro leston police station.<br />

Police say the 25-year-old<br />

from Burnham recorded 1026<br />

micrograms of alcohol per<br />

litre of breath. The lega limit is<br />

250mcg/l. He was also charged<br />

with sustained lo s of traction.<br />

Senior Sergeant<br />

Dean Harker<br />

said the driver<br />

was tracked to a<br />

Burnham a dre s<br />

Organised by the Prostate Cancer Foundation of New Zealand<br />

after a member of<br />

the public reporting<br />

s eing him<br />

doing a burnout<br />

near the Te nyson St police station<br />

about 10.50pm on Friday.<br />

“He was a noyed about something<br />

and decided to do a burnout,<br />

which wasn’t a g od l ok<br />

when you have b en drinking as<br />

we l,” he said.<br />

The burnout wasn’t an antipolice<br />

thing, said Harker.<br />

• Turn to page 8<br />

50,000<br />

Charlie<br />

gets a<br />

new home<br />

Page 10<br />

A DARFIELD farmer has<br />

spoken of watching a man leap into<br />

the flooded Hawkins River to try and<br />

save himself after a helicopter winch<br />

rescue operation failed.<br />

Rod May had taken his tractor to<br />

the scene on Greendale Rd, to try and<br />

reach the middle-aged man who had<br />

been clinging to the branches of a tree<br />

in the rising waters on Sunday night.<br />

The man had driven into the<br />

flooded river, escaped from his car<br />

and ca led emergency services from<br />

his ce lphone which he managed to<br />

keep with him.<br />

Ultimately, a second helicopter<br />

winch operation plucked the man<br />

to safety after he was swept downstream.<br />

It was a happy ending to the<br />

ordeal which had lasted more than<br />

three hours. The rescue was among<br />

several in Canterbury on Sunday in<br />

flooded rivers.<br />

May said he and his family had just<br />

had dinner when a neighbour alerted<br />

them. Arriving about 8.50pm, he saw<br />

the floodwaters were too high for the<br />

tractor, however, he used its lights for<br />

i luminating the site where the man<br />

was. • Turn to page 5<br />

Young Christie<br />

makes the<br />

big time<br />

Page 13<br />


Scorch<br />

Broadband<br />

0800 726 724<br />

www.scorch.co.nz<br />

‘We really thought it was<br />

the end for the poor bugger’<br />

• By Susan Sandys<br />


Sunstrike?<br />

Slow down<br />

Page 9<br />

LUCKY: The scene of the rescue on Sunday night, where emergency personnel encountered rapidly rising waters as<br />

they tried to rescue a man trapped in a tree in a swo len river near Darfield. Inset: Farmer Rod May i luminated the<br />

scene with his tractor.<br />

Steam trains<br />

to roll into<br />

Springfield<br />

Darfield<br />

through<br />

to play-offs<br />

Jacob, Jill join big farmer protest<br />

Jacob Duffy of Darfield and his dog Jill were among more than 2000 farmers and supporters<br />

who were in Darfield and Leeston for the Groundswell NZ protests on Friday.<br />

• More photos, story, pages 4 & 5<br />


'Hear'<br />

For You,<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong><br />

The <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong> is read by<br />

Don’t wai to get better hearing, ca l today to book with your local hearing expert, Brenna<br />

Sincock Hearing, for a l of your hearing needs. We offer a fu l range of hearing services,<br />

including hearing aid fittings and ear wax removal with a dedicated ear nurse.<br />

• 100% Kiwi Owned and Operated • ACC Certified •<br />

Call (03) 390 2332<br />

Shop 40 Ro leston Square, 9 Masefield Dr<br />

Ro leston | Darfield | Leeston | Lincoln<br />

Local <strong>Selwyn</strong> Audiology<br />



A support group is operating in <strong>Selwyn</strong> for<br />

men and their families who are living with a<br />

diagnosis and treatment for Prostate Cancer.<br />

Coordinators Chris & Dianne Ward<br />

Phone: 027 437 1254<br />

email: selwyn@prostate.org.nz<br />

For more information call 0800 477 678<br />

www.prostate.org.nz<br />

Pages 16 & 17<br />

Organised by the Prostate Cancer Foundation of New Zealand<br />

locals each week!<br />

• By Susan Sandys<br />

A MOTORIST a legedly more<br />

than three times the drink<br />

driving limit was caught after<br />

doing a burnout near the<br />

Ro leston police station.<br />

Police say the 25-year-old<br />

from Burnham recorded 1026<br />

micrograms of alcohol per<br />

litre of breath. The lega limit is<br />

250mcg/l. He was also charged<br />

with sustained loss of traction.<br />

Senior Sergeant<br />

Dean Harker<br />

said the driver<br />

was tracked to a<br />

Burnham address<br />

after a member of<br />

the public reporting<br />

seeing him<br />

doing a burnout<br />

near the Tennyson St police station<br />

about 10.50pm on Friday.<br />

“He was annoyed about something<br />

and decided to do a burnout,<br />

which wasn’t a good look<br />

when you have been drinking as<br />

we l,” he said.<br />

The burnout wasn’t an antipolice<br />

thing, said Harker.<br />

• Turn to page 8<br />

Meeting<br />

28 tH juLY<br />

7.30pm<br />

Lincoln events Centre,<br />

Meijer Drive, Lincoln<br />

Speaker: Maree Frost<br />

Physiotherapist,<br />

Pelvic Health and<br />

Pelvic Floor<br />

Exercises<br />


Scorch<br />

Broadband<br />

0800 726 724<br />

www.scorch.co.nz<br />

Drink driving<br />

charge<br />

laid after<br />

burnout<br />

near police<br />

station<br />

Dean Harker

03 347 0932<br />

817 Jones Road<br />

mtf.co.nz/ro leston<br />

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lending criteria, responsible lending inquiries<br />

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bag.<br />

50 <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong> Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />


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products or services they want.<br />

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2022 Passionate about our place<br />

starnews.co.nz<br />

Historic<br />

homestead<br />

up for sale<br />

Page 3<br />

NINE-YEAR-OLD Andee Chynoweth of Southbridge<br />

joined Black Caps superstars on the field when they<br />

played Bangladesh at Hagley Oval recently.<br />

•Turn to page 10<br />

Property Guide liftout inside<br />

More hybrid<br />

options in<br />

Skoda range<br />

Page 26<br />

Andee meets her<br />

cricket<br />

heroes<br />

AWESOME: Andee Chynoweth has her favourite Black Cap Glenn Phi lip sign her new shirt. She also stands with<br />

Black Caps and Bangladesh captains Tim Southee and Shakib Al Hasan.<br />

Dan from MTF Finance<br />

Ro leston is here to help.<br />

• By Tina Grumba l<br />

THE OWNER of the<br />

Prebbleton Dairy targeted<br />

four times by youth believes a<br />

family group conference was a<br />

waste of time.<br />

The meeting involved one<br />

of the teens, a 13-year-old,<br />

his family, Oranga Tamariki,<br />

police and four other victims,<br />

including another dairy<br />

owner.<br />

Facilitated by Oranga<br />

Tamariki, youth justice family<br />

group conferences are<br />

intended to help youth take<br />

responsibility and leave them<br />

with a plan for the future.<br />

While the victims could<br />

speak a the meeting, Sangeet<br />

Mehta said the decision had<br />

already been made as to what<br />

would happen with the youth.<br />

The victim’s views did not<br />

make a difference.<br />

• Turn to page 6<br />

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2022 Passionate about our place<br />

starnews.co.nz<br />

Bledisloe<br />

Cup just the<br />

medicine<br />

Money<br />

taken<br />

after big<br />

pokie win<br />

Pages 4 & 5<br />

‘A waste of time’ – dairy owner<br />

after meeting ram-raider<br />

Need<br />

water?<br />

From consen to the pump<br />

We can help you with water we ls<br />





IS YES!<br />

• By Ba ry Clarke<br />

A BAR patron who won $1200<br />

on the pokies may have been<br />

targeted by thieves moments after<br />

she co lected the money.<br />

A group of men who were in<br />

the bar a the same time are the<br />

focus of police inquiries. It is<br />

believed they watched her being<br />

paid, and then quickly swooped.<br />

The incident happened at The<br />

Famous Grouse Hotel in Lincoln<br />

two weeks ago.<br />

After she was paid out a the<br />

bar, the men who had been<br />

si ting nearby went over and<br />

congratulated her. While she was<br />

distracted the money disappeared<br />

from her handbag. She only<br />

realised it was gone after she left<br />

the hotel.<br />

Police have taken CCTV<br />

security camera footage from the<br />

hotel which shows the men going<br />

over to the woman and mobbing<br />

her in a congratulatory way. The<br />

footage also captures a hand from<br />

one of the men going towards the<br />

Police say they may have<br />

identified one of the group but<br />

aren’t saying anymore about<br />

the incident. The <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong><br />

understands the men are from<br />

the Amberley area.<br />

Property Guide liftout inside<br />

Rollicking event<br />

to celebrate<br />

vintage<br />

Pages 20 & 21<br />

ZILCH: Prebbleton Dairy owner Sangeet Mehta does not believe anything wi l come of the family<br />

conference. Left: The damage to the dairy after May’s ram-raid.<br />

residential i rigation lifestyle<br />

03 324 2571 www.dri ling.co.nz<br />

Broadfield<br />

Garden<br />

Spring Colours<br />

250 <strong>Selwyn</strong> Rd<br />

Sunday 9 th Oct<br />

9am to 4pm<br />

Adults $15 children free,<br />

cash only.<br />

No retail this year.<br />

Readership figures below,<br />

consistantly show year after<br />

year, why businesses keep<br />

getting the results they want!<br />



• Offer targeted<br />

advertising through<br />

regular weekly inserts,<br />

or monthly sections, or<br />

special promotions<br />

• Offers flexibility and<br />

frequency - businesses<br />

can choose the size<br />

and location of the ad<br />

as well as when and how often the ad<br />

will appear<br />

• Offer professional design services<br />

- businesses can work with a designer to get<br />

the design and style they want at no extra cost<br />

• Provide affordability - generally costs<br />

less than television, radio, and direct mail<br />

advertising and can be designed to suit<br />

any budget<br />

• Reach more readers - newspapers sit around<br />

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to come back to a newspaper to find and save<br />

information<br />

• Capture more attention - newspaper readers<br />

spend a longer period of time reading a<br />

newspaper whereas research indicates, “the<br />

average attention span of an Internet user is<br />

eight seconds”<br />

• Offer integrated services - such as online<br />

advertising on news sites, professional<br />

photography, and videography, and parallel<br />

advertising in other publications.<br />

You benefit and save with<br />

a monthly plan.<br />

GENERAL ENQUIRIES: 379 7100<br />

www.starmedia.kiwi<br />

Total Readership<br />

15+ Years 48,000 Men<br />

20+ Years 24,000 Women<br />

20+ Years

delightful garden in Kirwee<br />

Page 4<br />

A passion for native plants<br />

use.<br />

3 1 2 1 2<br />

Extra features include:<br />

Feature<br />

Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong> 51<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong><br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong> Residents Guide<br />

64 page magazine<br />

Published annually in May<br />

District<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong> Spring Gardening Guide<br />

20 page liftout<br />

Published annually in October<br />

Spring 2021<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong><br />

Gardening<br />




Residents'<br />

Guide<br />

Your essential guide for better<br />

living in <strong>Selwyn</strong><br />

EAT<br />

SLEEP<br />


SELWYN<br />

RURAL<br />

TOWNS<br />

LOCAL<br />

EVENTS<br />

GUIDE<br />

2020<br />

Published by <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong> - Star Media<br />

PUBLISHED BY & <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong><br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong><br />


2022<br />

Your essential guide for better living in <strong>Selwyn</strong><br />

Published by <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong> - Star Media<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong><br />

Gardening<br />

gARdeN TOuRS | PLANTS<br />

NuRSeRieS | LANdSCAPe deSigN<br />

iRRigATiON | OuTdOOR SPACeS<br />

Step into another world with this<br />

guide<br />

EAT<br />

SLEEP<br />


SELWYN<br />

RURAL<br />

TOWNS<br />

LOCAL<br />

EVENTS<br />

Spring 2022<br />

published by & <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong><br />




High readership guaranteed with informative<br />

and relevant local news to our readers every<br />

week!<br />

Delivered Wednesday, less clutter in market and<br />

lasts all week!<br />

Highest local story count in the district. We<br />

are the trusted local news source, we’ve been<br />

around since 1996.<br />

We get your message into the home<br />

“importantly where buying decisions are made”.<br />

Our readers are local, which means that they are<br />

most likely to buy from you.<br />

Easy and convenient compact format, high<br />

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We offer a FREE advertising consultancy and<br />

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We live locally and understand your<br />

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to get results.<br />

Proud to be locally owned<br />

and operated.<br />

Promote your business with advertorial<br />

opportunities in monthly specialist features<br />

PB <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong> Wednesday October 5 2022 Wednesday October 5 2022 S e l w y n T i m e s 4 3<br />

Spring show largest one-day show in New Zealand<br />

THESE DAYS more and more<br />

Kiwis are growing their own<br />

herbs and vegetables.<br />

And more and more gardeners<br />

are taking a natural and organic<br />

approach to gardening. This<br />

means le s chemicals and more<br />

thought about what plants might<br />

be beneficial to grow nex to each<br />

other.<br />

This approach of growing<br />

certain plants for the benefit of<br />

other plants is ca led companion<br />

planting and the idea has been<br />

around for centuries.<br />

And marigolds are probably the<br />

most famous companion plant<br />

around.<br />

This brightly coloured flower<br />

just happens to produce a strong<br />

sme l which repels many insects<br />

and their roots also contain a<br />

pesticidal chemical which ki ls<br />

nematodes (microscopic parasites<br />

living in the soil).<br />

Marigolds are said to deter<br />

aphids from tomatoes and roses,<br />

and nematodes from potatoes and<br />

other root crops.<br />

They’re also said to keep<br />

white cabbage moths away from<br />

bra sicas and wi l deter flies and Ma s-planted, they wi l create a<br />

mosquitoes.<br />

stunning visual effect in<br />

Plus, they look pre ty.<br />

your flower bed or vegetable<br />

Marigolds are probably most garden.<br />

we l-known as an orange flower Some gardeners like to grow<br />

bu they also come in red, cream, marigolds in the corner of their<br />

lemon and apricot colours. vege plot or others take i to the<br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Companion plant with marigolds<br />

USEFUL: Plant marigolds amongst your vegetables, it is claimed they wi l keep moths and<br />

other pests away from the edibles.<br />


NOW!<br />

PETS & PAWS<br />

We have 1000’s of beautiful roses<br />

ready to plant for colour & fragrance<br />

• Standard roses • English roses<br />

• Climbing roses & much more<br />

next level and create a ba rier of approximately 15cm apart from<br />

marigolds around their garden – the next.<br />

in particular around plants like In around six to eight weeks<br />

le tuces and those mentioned your marigolds should star to<br />

above.<br />

flower and you can judge for<br />

Each plant wi l grow to around yourself their effectivene s as a<br />

20cm high and should be planted companion plant.<br />

780 Shands Road<br />

Phone: 03 349 6458<br />

Open 7 Days<br />

www.southpacificroses.co.nz<br />

Mention you saw this ad<br />

to receive a free bag of<br />

fertiliser with each purchase.<br />

Garden<br />

In the<br />

with intelligro<br />

Wednesday October 26 2022 <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong><br />

GARDENING 23<br />

Growing season is upon us and what be ter way<br />

to kick it o f than by planting some new season<br />

veggies.<br />

make great<br />

companions<br />

No more chances Greyhounds<br />

Inte ligro has you covered with<br />

everything you need to get<br />

growing.<br />

Beware of<br />

hidden<br />

dangers<br />

Planter boxes, specialty veggie mix,<br />

seedlings, seeds, and of course, great<br />

advice. Whether you are a first-time<br />

gardener or have been doing it for<br />

years, the Inte ligro team are here to<br />

help you every step of the way.<br />

Keep safe in the garden<br />

Check out our website for handy tips of keeping<br />

yourself protected.<br />

SPRING IS a time when it’s<br />

desirable to be working is the<br />

garden.<br />

However, there are hidden<br />

dangers and one of those is<br />

developing legionnaires’ disease.<br />

Here are some guidelines to<br />

avoid that happening<br />

•Minimise the amount of dust<br />

present when working in the<br />

garden.<br />

• Water gardens and indoor<br />

plants using a gentle spray.<br />

• Read the warning label on<br />

bagged composts or po ting mix.<br />

• Wear gloves.<br />

• Wear a mask so that any dust<br />

is filtered out before you can<br />

breathe it in.<br />

• Dampen po ting mixes before<br />

• Open bags of soil products<br />

slowly, away from the face.<br />

• Make sure the working area<br />

(for example, the gla shouse or<br />

po ting shed) is we l ventilated.<br />

• See a doctor if you develop a<br />

flu-like i lne s that seems to be<br />

worsening.<br />

• Wash hands thoroughly<br />

after gardening or handling soil<br />

products.<br />

These are simple, easy and<br />

natural steps that a l gardeners<br />

can take to reduce risk while<br />

continuing to enjoy their garden.<br />

SELWYN RURAL LIFE Advertising<br />

brands in Canterbury, with brand-new<br />

tractors and acce sories and technology<br />

showcasing new ideas and a range of<br />

trade sites. Also, this year’ show wi l<br />

include the E lesmere Vintage Club’s<br />

special exhibition.<br />

The annual Christchurch District<br />

Young Farmers Contest and Ski ls<br />

Extravaganza wi l be a fun learning<br />

opportunity for New Zealand Young<br />

Farmers members as competitors,<br />

organisers, and spectators. The<br />

contestants aged <strong>18</strong>-31 compete<br />

against each other in various modules<br />

showcasing the five pi lars of the<br />

competition: innovation, technology,<br />

people, environment and food, gaining<br />

new ski ls, “having a go”, and offering the<br />

chance to represen the District a the<br />

Regional Final.<br />

Bringing loads of entertainment,<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong>’s Got Talent wi l showcase the<br />

amazing variety of local <strong>Selwyn</strong> talent,<br />

with a chance to win cash prizes.<br />

Another spectacular display is the<br />

Wearable Art showcasing ensembles<br />

representing the “Food for Thought”<br />

theme. Additiona ly, teams of Year<br />

5 and 6 students from around the<br />

E lesmere district participate in the<br />

Sport Canterbury-hosted Cochranes<br />

Top Team Cha lenge Competition,<br />

participating in team-based activities<br />

testing ski ls in speed, ingenuity and<br />

craftine s.<br />

With so many things to see and do,<br />

come along, have fun, and experience<br />

agriculture at its best with numerous<br />

a tractions, displays, activities, sta ls,<br />

food and entertainment offering<br />

something for everyone.<br />

Gates open to the public at 8.00 am -<br />

$15 for adults and children aged 0-12yrs<br />

free. Family pa ses $40 for two adults<br />

and three children. Free parking on<br />

the day with cash or Eftpos accepted at<br />

the gate and Eftpos facilities within the<br />

showgrounds.<br />

Firewood & Coal<br />

417 Creyke Road,<br />

Darfield<br />

Phone 03 975 4502<br />

Open Monday to Friday 6am-6pm, Saturday 8am-1pm or after hours by appointment<br />

Big push by Kia<br />

in EV market<br />

THERE’S A BATTLE raging<br />

in the new car marke that<br />

I’m very interested in, and it’s<br />

not just abou the total sales<br />

figures.<br />

You see, there’s a ba tle<br />

within a ba tle and it is in the<br />

fu ly electric vehicle segment,<br />

those companies that have<br />

EVs are fighting amongst<br />

each other for market share.<br />

Of course, the winners wi l<br />

always be the companies that<br />

have affordable cars for the<br />

mainstream – Peugeot, MG<br />

and newcomer BYD wi l fa l<br />

into that category.<br />

However, you can’t<br />

discoun the models landing<br />

here from South Korea,<br />

Hyundai and Kia are both<br />

we l established in the EV KIA EV6: Range of electric models that include<br />

market and new models are rear-wheel-drive or a l-wheel-drive. Price start at<br />

landing on a regular basis. $72,990<br />

Kia has just introduced a models, the difference is not wind and a slight roar off the<br />

newcomer and it is simply just extra power on tap, but big tyres (255/45 x 20in), but<br />

badged EV6, it’s part of a the high output versions wi l its movement is very hushed<br />

series of models that wi l take you further.<br />

and I gue s that’s what you<br />

cover a broad spectrum of The evaluation car was would want and expect when<br />

the EV market. The EV6 isn’t the range-topper, and it buying an electric vehicle.<br />

mainstream, its price tag is good for almost 500km Along with a lot of innercity<br />

running around, I took<br />

from $72,990 won’t lure Joe driving distance if conditions<br />

Average, in fac the rangetopping<br />

EV6 is priced at motoring. If you feel more towards Darfield, returning<br />

are conducive to load-free the evaluation car west<br />

$109,990. However, if you are comfortable topping up via Burnham and Lincoln. It is<br />

determined to buy into the along the way the EV6 wi l an adept highway cruiser, it’s<br />

EV6 there are two variants recharge from 10 to 80 per also very swift with a standsti l<br />

that list from under $80k, cent in around <strong>18</strong>min using a to 100km time of 5.2sec,<br />

and that wi l net you a $5750 designated charge port. and it wi lunge through a<br />

New Zealand Government<br />

highway overtake in 4.2sec<br />

Clean Car Programme • Price – Kia EV6 GT- (80-120km/h). Those figures<br />

rebate. The remaining three Line AWD, $112,990 come from the benefit of huge<br />

models in the line-up are<br />

• Dimensions –<br />

power figures – 225kW and<br />

priced at $78,990, $94,990<br />

and $106,990.<br />

Length, 4635mm; over 600Nm of torque.<br />

That’s quite an extensive<br />

Not only is the ma sive<br />

width, <strong>18</strong>90mm;<br />

range, and if you are<br />

height, 1605mm<br />

amount of torque something<br />

that supplies that urgency,<br />

wondering where the cost • Configuration the EV6 also drives like a<br />

differences lie, the two<br />

– Two electric<br />

sports car. It is firmish in the<br />

entry models have ba tery motors, four-wheeldrive,<br />

225kW,<br />

augurs we l when quick<br />

suspension which always<br />

capacities of 58kW and<br />

77.4kW respectively and are<br />

rear-wheel-drive only, the<br />

605Nm, automatic corners are presented.<br />

The steering loads up<br />

rest have the high power • Performance –<br />

to provide solid off-centre<br />

ba teries and have drive to a l 0-100km/h, 5.2sec support with plenty of<br />

four corners, the four-wheeldrive<br />

models utilising two My charging experience fron tyres. That’s the kind<br />

feedback coming off the<br />

electric motors.<br />

consisted only of using o feel I like, the EV6 is fu ly<br />

The EV6 can be described the domestic supply on involving and covers distance<br />

as a cro sover between sedan my property. Under those like a sports car. That is one<br />

and a sport utility vehicle, conditions the charge time is of the benefits of electric<br />

its design is spherical and quite lengthy – an overnight power, there’s no point<br />

a l enveloping, much like a charge wi l only net you a anywhere where acceleration<br />

sedan, but with its height of half tank, so to speak. On a isn’t met with urgency. Of<br />

1.5m it is ta l and fits the SUV more positive note, I used the course, you don’t have to<br />

bracket.<br />

EV6 as many drivers would, drive the EV6 in sport mode,<br />

A l models have five seats when parked up hook into it’s also happy plying the city<br />

only, bu they share a wealth the household supply and commute or every other dayto-day<br />

dawdle.<br />

of internal space and comfort just let it continua ly top up.<br />

is high. The EV6 is also I found that on a standard There’s no doubt Kia is<br />

minimalistic in its layout. suburb to city commute it keen to impre s with its<br />

Don’t get me wrong, it has was more than adequate to electric-only line-up. The EV6<br />

a wealth of specification, keep range plentiful.<br />

is futuristic, yet it ca ries the<br />

yet it’s a l manipulated by What’s more, it comes with electric vehicle ingredients<br />

simple dial and push-bu ton decent charge cable length that wi lure those who don’t<br />

controls, you may expect – almost 6m which meant see fo sil fuel in the future of<br />

there to be a lot o functions, it was long enough for my personal transport. How it a l<br />

but many of those that unique situation. The type plays out is something that I’ l<br />

would ordinarily be guided 2 to type 2 cable (the one continue to keep an eye on,<br />

by switches can be made for acce sing charge ports) and it’s interesting how the<br />

electronica ly through one of is also quite lengthy, which raft of new EVs are pitched<br />

the central display screens. means you don’t have to get in terms of price, many are<br />

The EV6 has a high graphic too close to the structure si ting just below the 80k<br />

percentage, and the logic and risk bumping into it like threshold whereby owners<br />

behind the touch surfaces is I saw just recently when a can capitalise on the rebate.<br />

deep yet intuitive.<br />

driver of a Tesla go too close. We are certainly in for<br />

I find it interesting that As you would expect, the some exciting times ahead,<br />

both Kia and Hyundai offer EV6 drives smoothly and and Kia wi l no doubt be<br />

the varying power supplies quietly, there are minor a big part of how future<br />

for their flagship electric extraneous noises such as direction shapes up.<br />

The popular weekly <strong>Selwyn</strong> Property Guide<br />

- the go to place to sell or buy a home<br />

Coal<br />

20 kg bags or<br />

500kg bulk bags<br />

Firewood<br />

Pick up or deliver<br />

(delivery charges apply)<br />

Free delivery to Darfield township when<br />

3 cubic metres or more is ordered.<br />

Landscape Products<br />

The Inte ligro team is ready with top you wi l find include barks, mulches, There is a wealth of information on their requirements and tailor a solution to suit.<br />

quality landscape and gardening supplies stones, pavers, tools and acce sories. website covering a huge range of topics. For orders of bulk products, you<br />

to help you create your dream outdoor The majority of Inte ligro’s product These include plant and lawn care, along can email the helpful team at info@<br />

space.<br />

range can be ordered online at www.igro. with gardening guides for the different igro.co.nz or ca l them on 03 347<br />

Inte ligro’s product range is extensive co.nz. If you are after bagged products, seasons. You’ l also find advice about 9012. Loca ly owned and operated,<br />

which includes their very own growing tools or fertilisers, these can be ordered how to grow healthy herbs, vegetables, Inte ligro is a must stop for those keen<br />

mixes that are manufactured onsite and from their website and delivered straight create planter boxes or beautiful hanging on gardening, landscaping and DIY.<br />

are regularly tested to ensure they meet to your door. Bulk orders for delivery can baskets, with recommendations for which Located at 261 Manion Road, Weedons<br />

their quality standards. Other products be done over the phone or via email. produc to use to ge the best results. and open seven days a week.<br />

If you have any questions or need any<br />

gardening advice that is not covered<br />

within their website, use the helpful chat<br />

function on the website, or send an email<br />

to the friendly team at info@igro.co.nz.<br />

Inte ligro has trailers for hire and a<br />

home delivery service for both bulk and<br />

bagged products. They are abou to add a<br />

hire range, so watch thi space.<br />

Inte ligro is not only for the home<br />

gardener. They also have a commercial<br />

division, a sisting landscapers, councils,<br />

and contractors with their larger-scale<br />

projects. One point of difference is The<br />

Mulch Man truck which is a grea tool<br />

to get larger volumes or mulch and chip<br />

blown into playgrounds and large garden<br />

beds. This is especia ly beneficial for jobs<br />

where acce s is an i sue or the terrain is<br />

steep or when working on slopes. if you<br />

have a job requiring a specialised mix, the<br />

team are there to help you through your<br />

Now Available!<br />

Forest Mulch<br />

Bark Mulch<br />

Bark Nuggets (10/20mm)<br />

Premium Organic Compost<br />

Screened Soil<br />

Landscape Rocks<br />

Paparoa Red Rock available in 3 grades<br />

Railway Sleepers (2.1 Lengths)<br />

Kindling Wood<br />

• Unscreened Bark<br />

Delivery fees apply.<br />

It’s time to fertilise your lawns now, giving them a<br />

good boost going into the growing season. Look out<br />

for signs of red thread, mo s and gra s grub and get<br />

on top of them before it gets too bad. Establish a<br />

regular watering plan and raise the height of your<br />

mower slightly. Check out our new lawn care range<br />

in store and online.<br />

www.igro.nz<br />

Greyhounds As Pets is a registered charity dedicated to finding<br />

homes for retired greyhounds. The charity says that ex-racing<br />

greyhounds have not had the same experiences as pet dogs and<br />

have only known racing and kenne life. The change in life for a<br />

racing dog is huge and the group provides training for new owners<br />

to help greyhounds to se tle in and integrate into their new home.<br />

To find out more about adopting a greyhound,<br />

visit: www. greyhoundsaspets.org.nz<br />

SPCA is ca ling for an end to commercial greyhound animal welfare organisation accepts some uses of<br />

racing in New Zealand. The animal welfare group says animals by humans provided their physical, health and<br />

that New Zealand is one of only seven countries left behavioural needs are met.<br />

operating commercial-level greyhound racing. Most While SPCA has tried for years to work with the<br />

recently the US states of Arkansas, Florida and Iowa a l greyhound industry to improve greyhound welfare,<br />

announced phase-outs of greyhound racing.<br />

the organisation says the industry has been unable to<br />

Only last year the Governmentook an<br />

adequately addre s its animal welfare problems.<br />

unprecedented step to pu the performance of<br />

The animal welfare group believes it is clear the<br />

Greyhound Racing New Zealand ‘on notice’, indicating greyhound industry cannot meet its animal welfare<br />

tha the industry would be measured based on key obligations and is no longer acceptable in New Zealand<br />

performance indicators and a decision would be made society. A recent survey ca ried out by an independent<br />

in the coming months. The SPCA is now asking where research company on behalf of SPCA reports that<br />

are these indicators and what are they measuring? 74% of New Zealanders would vote to ban greyhound<br />

Independent reports into the welfare of dogs over the racing in a referendum.<br />

last 10 years have a l reported significant i sues on and To email the Minister for Racing,<br />

off the track.<br />

Hon Kieran McAnulty, to show your support to<br />

SPCA says to ca l for an end to an industry is not put an end to the industry in New Zealand,<br />

a position its organisation takes lightly, and as an visit: h tps: /nomorechances.spca.nz/<br />


Top quality garden supplies<br />

available locally<br />

24 <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong> Wednesday October 26 2022 Wednesday October 26 2022 S e l w y n T i m e s P B<br />




Monday - Friday 8.30am - 5.00pm<br />

Saturdays 9am - 12.30pm<br />

540 Burnham School Rd<br />

Canterbury<br />

www.bmnaturally.co.nz<br />


.And let <strong>Selwyn</strong> pet lovers know<br />

about your pet busine s!<br />

CALL Lynette TODAY to discuss your<br />

business advertising options!<br />

Mobile: 021 222 7831 | Email: Lynette.Evans@starmedia.kiwi<br />

PUBLiSheD eVeRY WeDneSDAY<br />

• For a l your Glass and<br />

Glazing requirements •<br />

• A l areas<br />

covered •<br />

• Pet door<br />

specialists •<br />

H a l s w e l l<br />

&<br />

Glass Glazing<br />

Phone: 322 7999<br />

Garden<br />

August – April opening hours:<br />

Mon – Sat 7am – 5.30pm, Sun 8.30am – 4.30pm<br />

In the<br />

www.igro.nz /igro.co.nz /inte ligro_nz<br />

261 Manion Road, Weedons 7677 | P: 03 347 9012 | E: info@igro.co.nz<br />

Dogs die in hot cars<br />

2 0 1 7 L T D<br />

Mobile: 021 CATDOOR (228 3667)<br />

Email: halswe lglass@actrix.co.nz<br />

Website: www.halswe lglass.co.nz<br />

34 <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong> Wednesday October 19 2022 Wednesday October<br />

with intelligro<br />


I takes just 15 minutes. If it’s hot<br />

outside, it’s sure to be like an oven in<br />

your car and that heat could be fatal<br />

for your dog .<br />

If it’s hot and you’re likely to need to<br />

leave your dog in the car, it’s kinder<br />

and safer to leave it at home. Animals<br />

can sustain brain damage or even die<br />

from heatstroke in just 15 minutes.<br />

Save up to 30%<br />

when you mix<br />

and match our<br />

Organic Compost,<br />

Veggie Garden<br />

Mix, A l Purpose<br />

Po ting Mix,<br />

Screened Soil,<br />

Garden Mix<br />

Simply pick any of the products in the list, and once you hi the volume bracke the price drops!<br />

and Peat.<br />

PRODUCT RRP$ 2-9 BAGS 10-19 BAGS 20+ BAGS 30+ BAGS<br />

Compost 35L $8.50 $7.65 $6.80 $5.95 $ 5.50<br />

A l Purpose Potting 35L $17.00 $15.30 $13.60 $11.90<br />

Veggie Mix 35L $13.50 $12.15 $10.80 $9.45<br />


Peat 35L $13.50 $12.15 $10.80 $9.45<br />


TEMP (C)<br />

Garden Soil Mix 20L $8.50 $7.65 $6.80 $ 5.95<br />

21º<br />

24º<br />

27º<br />

29º<br />

32º<br />

Pampering<br />

pooches in<br />

your area<br />

NOW!<br />

IN SIDE TEMP (C)<br />

40º<br />

43º<br />

46º<br />

48º<br />

51º<br />

After 10 mins. After 30 mins.<br />

32º<br />

34º<br />

37º<br />

40º<br />

43º<br />

Screened Soil 20L $7.00 $6.30 $5.60 $4.90<br />

Labour Weekend hours:<br />

Saturday 22nd Oct 7.30am–5.30pm,<br />

Sunday 23rd & Monday 24th Oct 8.30am–4.30pm<br />

August – April opening hours:<br />

Mon – Sat 7am – 5.30pm, Sun 8.30am – 4.30pm<br />

261 Manion Road, Weedons 7677 | P: 03 347 9012 | E: info@igro.co.nz<br />


0800 454 654<br />

LiFt oUt<br />

FeAtURing the BeSt<br />

PRoPeRtieS AcRoSS<br />

the SeLWYn DiStRict<br />

Week commencing WeDneSDAY, 19th octoBeR, 2022<br />

www.igro.nz /igro.co.nz /inte ligro_nz<br />

Eftpos now available<br />


hail, leaves, snow & vermin from<br />

blocking & damaging your spouting<br />

Quality materials: BHP Colorbond steel mesh with unique patented louvre<br />

wi l even keep out pine needles. Wi l not rust or sag with age or load.<br />

10 year wa ranty, range of colours.<br />

Proven in Australia & New Zealand over the last 15 years.<br />




Ca l Rohan anytime Mon-Sat for a<br />

no-obligation assessment & quote<br />

03 982 8850 0800 486532 www.gumleaf.co.nz<br />


For the Outdoor Space<br />

of your Dreams...<br />

Paving, Irrigation, Lawns, Planting,<br />

Fences, Pergolas, Water-features,<br />

Outdoor fires, Raised Vege beds,<br />

Decks, Artificial grass, Garden<br />

maintenance & more .<br />

Ca l Aaron & the team today!<br />

Phone: 03 347 4422 or 021 542 402<br />

Email: Aaron@theoutdoorspace.co.nz<br />

www.theoutdoorspace.co.nz<br />

THe BeST PRoPeRTieS AcRoSS<br />

THe SeLWYn DiSTRicT<br />

INSIDE<br />

Week commencing WeDneSDAY, 16TH noVemBeR, 2022<br />

Country Living + City Convenience!<br />

An exciting opportunity exists for those that are wanting that<br />

right mix of country living and city convenience. Situated on just<br />

Page 4-5<br />

A dream job comes true<br />

over 1ha, this cla sic, country family home could be just what you<br />

are looking for and offers so much potential to enhance and stamp<br />

your own mark.<br />

Warm, sunny, inviting and with great storage throughout, the<br />

home features 3 good sized bedrooms, generous open plan living<br />

area, we l-equipped modern kitchen with walk-in pantry, an<br />

ensuite and spacious family bathroom plus separate laundry.<br />

city, don’t mi s out on this incredible opportunity to own your very<br />

own slice of paradise.<br />

Vendors are very motivated to get a sold sticker and move onto the<br />

next chapter of their lives. Phone Caine now on 0273301002 for<br />

more information or to a range a private viewing.<br />

Page 3<br />

Simply stunning garden walk.<br />

Page 9<br />

BE IN TO WIN with The Herbal<br />

Garden. Entry details inside<br />

in West Melton<br />

Page 10<br />

Go in the draw to win a 12-month<br />

subscription to kiwigardener<br />

HEY KIDS<br />

WiN a fun-fi led<br />

Gardening set<br />

SEE PAGE 13<br />

The ultimate entertainer<br />

4 2 2 3<br />

On offer here is a significantly scaled 2,019sqm (approximately) section<br />

which provides an exceptional backdrop to this enhanced family home<br />

that’s desirably situated in The Grange.<br />

Properties of this size are a genuine rarity in this location, and it wi l be a<br />

unique drawcard for families who desire considerable space.<br />

Rea suringly constructed from Hebel and enjoying the modern<br />

refinement delivered by recent refurbishments, this 397sqm<br />

(approximately) property also includes a vast range of comforts, with<br />

radiators, underfloor heating, a gas fire and heat pumps promoting<br />

seasonal contentment.<br />

A sequence of spacious living areas is revealed indoors, including an<br />

expansive sunroom which extends out to the sweeping lawn, patios,<br />

and easy-care gardens. An open-plan kitchen and dining room provides<br />

the pivot for daily routines and is armed with a walk-in pantry for ample<br />

storage, while an adjoining forma lounge offers a dedicated area for<br />

relaxation.<br />

The a commodation wing features four generously sized bedrooms<br />

including the master suite which is finished with a walk-in wardrobe and<br />

ensuite. A large room adjacent to the study presents an exce lent area<br />

for hobbies but could easily become a fifth bedroom, making it ideal for<br />

guests.<br />

Storage options are ever-present and showcased in the separate laundry,<br />

dedicated storeroom and the carpeted internal a ce s triple garage.<br />

The grounds are primed for summertime entertaining and feature<br />

an interlinking patio and deck, while raised vegetable beds and auto<br />

i rigation offer easy-care appeal.<br />

A relaxed lifestyle is a sured in this outstanding enclave, with the golf<br />

course and local schooling being a leisurely stro l from your door.<br />

The property’s dimensions and a tractive design wi l undoubtedly a tract<br />

keen a tention.<br />

Deadline Sale : 12pm, Thu 3 Nov 2022<br />

(unless sold prior)<br />

www.bayleys.co.nz/5519356<br />

Urszula Bedggood<br />

Mobile: 027 338 7889<br />

urszula.bedggood@bayleys.co.nz<br />

Haley Smith<br />

Mobile: 027 341 3846<br />

haley.smith@bayleys.co.nz<br />

• Two bay pole shed plus a double carport<br />

• Versatile garage/workshop, fu ly insulated with 3 phase power.<br />

• A large sun-drenched conservatory plus sma ler conservatory.<br />

• Private we l-established se ting with exce lent shelter.<br />

• Woodfire plus heat pump.<br />

• Established trees and plantings.<br />

• Plenty of off-street parking.<br />

This enticing package offers you rura living without the ha sle or<br />

expense of a traditional lifestyle block. Conveniently positioned<br />

just out of Dunsandel and located the right side of the SH to make<br />

it an easy commute to the city. If you are looking for a change of<br />

lifestyle that offers peace and tranqui lity but sti l not far from the<br />

178 Hororata Dunsandel Road, Dunsandel<br />

Deadline sale: Tuesday 6th December<br />

2022 at 2.00pm (Unless Sold Prior)<br />

harcourts.co.nz/ RL2742<br />


Caine<br />

Four Seasons Realty<br />


027 330 1002 | 03 347 1411<br />

caine.hopcroft@harcourts.co.nz<br />

Caine Hopcroft<br />

Contact:<br />

Mobile: 027 330 1002<br />

Phone:03 347 1411<br />

Email: caine.hopcroft@harcourts.co.nz<br />

Four Seasons Realty 2017 Ltd | Licensed Agent REAA 2008<br />

Although the market may appear cha lenging, our sales numbers don’t<br />

reflect it! After having a very successful Winter & Spring, I’m on the<br />

lookout for more homeowners who want a consistent/reliable agent<br />

with the right experience to get them SOLD!<br />

Ca l Caine any time for a no obligation chat about your next move!<br />

33 Stables Drive, Lincoln Viewing: Sunday 3-3.30pm or by appointment<br />


AND TEAM<br />

Spring ha sprung and there’s no better time than now to se l your home.<br />

If you wan to enjoy this year’s Christmas in a new home,<br />

talk with us and together we wi l reach that goal.<br />

Urszula Bedggood | 027 338 7889<br />

urszula.bedggood@bayleys.co.nz<br />


Haley Smith | 027 341 3846<br />

haley.smith@bayleys.co.nz<br />

Residential / Commercial / Rural / Property Services<br />

Sell !<br />

Four Seasons Realty 2017 Ltd<br />

Licensed Agent RE A 2 08<br />

Refer online for open home times<br />

21,000<br />

Main Household Shopper<br />

15+ Years 25,000<br />

Total Household Shopper<br />

15+ Years 43,000<br />

Main Income<br />

Earner 32,000

52 <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong> Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

Sunday 19th March <strong>2023</strong> • Choose your distance 6km or 12km<br />

Enter now at www.city2surf.co.nz<br />

Proudly supporting<br />

our charitable partner<br />

the New Zealand<br />

Flying Doctor Trust

LiFT oUT<br />

FeATURing THe BeST<br />

PRoPeRTieS AcRoSS<br />

THe SeLWYn DiSTRicT<br />


Week commencing WeDneSDAY, <strong>18</strong>TH JAnUARY, <strong>2023</strong><br />

Incredible value for this stunning home!<br />

4 2 2 3<br />

Meticulously designed and with flawless execution, it is clearly you will be sure to love the sought-after triple-car garaging<br />

evident why this stunning home has won multiple MasterBuild with attic storage as well as the substantial off-street parking.<br />

awards by renowned local construction company, Norrell<br />

With too many features to list, only a handful of the home’s<br />

Building.<br />

features include in-slab heating, two ducted heat pumps and<br />

Carefully considered at every turn, the expansive 261sqm undertile heating for year-round comfort, an insulated garage,<br />

footprint incorporates the best of both indoor and outdoor outdoor speakers and argon gas filled thermally broken<br />

living. The spacious open-plan living area is at the hub of the windows with low e glass. Set in a quiet location in a private<br />

home, with the high-spec kitchen appreciating Tristone and cul-de-sac, this award-winning home must be viewed to be<br />

stainless steel benchtops, twin ovens, a large walk-in pantry fully appreciated.<br />

as well as contrasting crisp white and warm wood cabinetry.<br />

Currently configured as both a kids lounge and a home office<br />

Price: Offers over $999,000<br />

(with a temporary wall that can be removed), the large<br />

www.bayleys.co.nz/5519737<br />

separate lounge provides an additional space for the whole<br />

family to spread out. Ease of entertaining is assured with the<br />

living area flowing effortlessly to the gorgeous macrocarpa<br />

pergola and kwila deck in the private and established rear<br />

garden; the perfect place to sit back and relax on an upcoming<br />

Summer evening. The expansive master suite benefits from<br />

a large walk-in robe and ensuite with a stunning tiled shower,<br />

whilst three more generously-proportioned double bedrooms,<br />

Nick Booth<br />

a lovely family bathroom and a separate laundry ensure<br />

Mobile: 027 306 3<strong>18</strong>6<br />

convenient, everyday living is well catered for. If parking for<br />

nick.booth@bayleys.co.nz<br />

extra vehicles, caravans or boats is high on your priority list,<br />

5 Appleton Court, Rolleston<br />

For all of your rural property<br />

Viewing: Call for viewing times<br />


An award-winning salesperson with a reputation for ‘going the extra mile’,<br />

Nick strives to get you the very best result when selling your home.<br />

If you are looking for a real estate experience based on hard work,<br />

open communication and reliability, then Nick would love to help.<br />

Nick Booth<br />

027 306 3<strong>18</strong>6 | nick.booth@bayleys.co.nz<br />


Residential / Commercial / Rural / Property Services

2<br />

2<br />

[Edition datE]<br />

Outdoor rooms<br />

Just because an outdoor space doesn’t have<br />

walls, that doesn’t change the basic principles<br />

applied to any design project inside your home.<br />

With a few simple<br />

fundamentals to guide you,<br />

you’ll soon see how easy<br />

it is to create a beautiful<br />

outdoor room you’ll love entertaining<br />

and relaxing in throughout the warm<br />

days and balmy nights of summer.<br />

Key considerations include style,<br />

function, lighting and mood. Remember<br />

that your outdoor room ought to be<br />

an extension of the look you’ve created<br />

within your home, which reflects your<br />

personality and lifestyle.<br />

Focal point<br />

Beginning, as with any room of the<br />

home, a space must always have a focal<br />

point to anchor the space. For some, this<br />

may be a bar or barbeque area, a large<br />

dining table, or a chill-out zone with<br />

couches or loungers.<br />

Outdoor fireplaces are becoming<br />

more and more popular as our living<br />

areas blend seamlessly between indoor<br />

and outdoor entertaining throughout<br />

the changing of the seasons. They can<br />

serve not only a practical purpose of<br />

somewhere to gather around to warm<br />

as the day turns to dusk and the nights<br />

get shorter, an outdoor fire can make<br />

a stunning feature or room divider for<br />

any outdoor living area. Water features,<br />

like a pond with beautiful koi fish, can<br />

also serve as a great outdoor focal point,<br />

creating tranquil environment in which<br />

to relax and unwind in, or create a<br />

meditative Japanese rock garden which<br />

your outdoor area can overlook.<br />

In the zone<br />

If you already have a large terrace or<br />

outdoor area, a blank canvas is a great<br />

place to start. If you have a particularly<br />

large outdoor area, dividing the space<br />

into zones makes for a more functional<br />

and aesthetically pleasing space. You can<br />

do this by using a number of different<br />

elements, such as contrasting flooring<br />

materials or by creating different levels<br />

of decking. However, if you’re after a<br />

seamless indoor/outdoor flow or wish to<br />

create the illusion of more space, use the<br />

same flooring materials indoors and out.<br />

Divisions can also be made with the<br />

clever positioning of furniture. Use<br />

modular seating to create walls and<br />

separate spaces. Plants are a cost effective<br />

and eco-friendly way to create divisions<br />

between zones, and are also an ideal way<br />

to camouflage ugly walls, create privacy<br />

and soften sharp angles. Living walls, an<br />

ever-increasingly popular vertical plant<br />

system, can be either freestanding to<br />

create different outdoor areas and can<br />

be on wheels to easily transform your<br />

outdoor space at a moment’s notice. Play<br />

with height and scale with various<br />

types of planters, whether you use<br />

hanging planters to draw the eye upwards,<br />

or oversized planter pots to add drama.<br />

Go with the flow<br />

Creating a great indoor/outdoor flow is<br />

easily created by opening up your kitchen<br />

with bifold doors or windows to create a<br />

servery or bar area for easy entertaining.<br />

If you are building your home from the<br />

ground up, you may want to design an<br />

outdoor room which lies at the epicentre<br />

of the building, with rooms opening onto<br />

the communal courtyard with bifold<br />

doors.<br />

Function over form<br />

Consider what you intend to use your<br />

outdoor space for. If you don’t plan on<br />

eating outside, there’s no need for a dining<br />

table, but buy some comfortable outdoor<br />

seating instead. If you only intend on<br />

sitting outdoors during the evening,<br />

then don’t waste money on awnings and<br />

umbrellas, and invest the money in an<br />

outdoor fireplace which you will actually<br />

use.<br />

Atmosphere<br />

Create unique and personalised outdoor<br />

decor with textiles and homewares from<br />

your travels or your favourite antique<br />

shop, or make your own shell garlands or<br />

wreaths from beach holidays. String up<br />

fairy lights or lanterns to create a festive<br />

mood in the evenings.<br />

STAGE 6<br />

5<br />

650sqm<br />

N<br />

• Sections starting from $225,000<br />

• Six prime sections from 650sqm to 2,340sqm<br />

4<br />

650sqm<br />

3<br />

650sqm<br />

14<br />

675sqm<br />

13<br />

675sqm<br />


• Located within the quality subdivision of<br />

Torlesse Estate, just a short distance to the<br />

Darfield village and all its amenities, as well<br />

as the local Primary School, Darfield High<br />

School and pre-schools<br />

2<br />

650sqm<br />

1<br />

1,030sqm<br />

12<br />

750sqm<br />

30<br />

720sqm<br />

• All have mains sewer connection, town water<br />

supply, power and fibre to the boundary<br />

• Protective covenants are in place to protect<br />

the future of your investment<br />

• Titles due approximately March <strong>2023</strong><br />

121<br />

2,340sqm<br />

120<br />

2,310sqm<br />

bayleys.co.nz/5519614<br />

Register your<br />

interest today<br />

Chris Flanagan | 027 433 4657<br />

chris.flanagan@bayleys.co.nz<br />


3<br />

Boundary lines are indicative only<br />

Lincoln 9 Benashet Drive<br />

Ready to start building your dreams?<br />

Situated in the ever-popular Barton Fields, this 811 sqm (more or less) section is titled and ready for you to build your<br />

dream home on. Surrounded by high calibre homes your investment is assured. Barton Fields is a perfect rural<br />

backdrop to a lifestyle that embodies a country feel with city convenience. A short drive gives you all of Lincoln's<br />

growing amenities at your doorstep while venturing 20 minutes further will give you all the additional benefits of<br />

being in Christchurch. With a short drive to the airport and a raft of leisure activities nearby, this section will appeal<br />

to families and professionals alike. With no future stages of Barton Fields available contact me today to download<br />

the property files that your advisors will need to help you start planning a new lifestyle in <strong>2023</strong>.<br />

811sqm<br />

Price by Negotiation<br />

Urszula Bedggood 027 338 7889<br />

urszula.bedggood@bayleys.co.nz<br />

Haley Smith 027 341 3846<br />

haley.smith@bayleys.co.nz<br />


bayleys.co.nz/5520102<br />

Lincoln 4 Zabeel Street<br />

The ultimate Summer entertainer<br />

Basking in afternoon sun yet complemented with shade sails, the expansive Kwila deck and dedicated spa area<br />

create the perfect place to entertain friends, family or simply relax and admire your surroundings. Within the home,<br />

you are immediately greeted with a spacious living area that includes a feature block wall to contrast the neutral<br />

tones throughout; whilst a log fire creates an ambient atmosphere in the additional separate lounge. Showcasing<br />

sought-after features, the gorgeous high-spec kitchen benefits from stone benchtops, a 90cm freestanding stove, a<br />

double fridge space, and even includes a bar fridge. Exuding luxury, both the family bathroom and ensuite are fully<br />

tiled, with the family bathroom offering a lovely freestanding bath. All four bedrooms are generously proportioned<br />

double bedrooms, with a separate laundry and an extra study space for added daily convenience.<br />

4 2 2 2<br />

Deadline Sale (unless sold prior)<br />

4pm, Wed 25 Jan <strong>2023</strong><br />

View 3.15-3.45pm Sun 22 Jan<br />

Nick Booth 027 306 3<strong>18</strong>6<br />

nick.booth@bayleys.co.nz<br />


bayleys.co.nz/5520192<br />


4<br />


Lincoln 203 Southfield Drive<br />

Laid-back living<br />

Bordered by mature greenery and enjoying the expanse of a 1,093sqm (approx) section, this permanent material<br />

abode is rich with casual comfort to represent a superb find for families. Subtle feature walls, an attractive neutral<br />

colour scheme, and the occasional burst of colour add character to the interior, while the 200sqm (approx) layout<br />

offers no shortage of space, with three bedrooms, two bathrooms, an office, and interconnecting living zones. A<br />

generously scaled kitchen and dining room display classic style and steps across to the lounge, where a central log<br />

burner delivers winter warmth and creates an inviting atmosphere. A heat pump is another inclusion, along with<br />

ample storage options throughout, including the internal access double garage, which provides convenient vehicle<br />

parking.<br />

bayleys.co.nz/5520229<br />

3 1 2 1 2<br />

Deadline Sale (unless sold prior)<br />

4pm, Thu 9 Feb <strong>2023</strong><br />

View Sun 1.30-2pm or by appointment<br />

Urszula Bedggood 027 338 7889<br />

urszula.bedggood@bayleys.co.nz<br />

Haley Smith 027 341 3846<br />

haley.smith@bayleys.co.nz<br />


Rolleston 88 Jean Archie Drive<br />

Entry-level excellence<br />

The finesse and reassurance of contemporary construction are offered at this recently completed residence that<br />

sits reserve-side in Rolleston. Freshly finished in October 2022, this home is superbly suited to young families, firsthome<br />

buyers and investors and comes equipped with the remainder of a 10-year Master Build Guarantee, making it<br />

an exceptional opportunity in this popular location. Symmetry and classic style are attractive attributes exhibited on<br />

arrival, while indoors, the pared-back decor is eye-pleasing and incredibly neutral, ensuring you can easily<br />

personalise the home according to your preference. Unfolding across a single level, the floor plan hosts two<br />

bathrooms and three bedrooms, with the master ideally featuring a walk-in wardrobe and ensuite. The family-sized<br />

bathroom is superbly configured and fully equipped, featuring a standalone bath, shower, toilet, and vanity.<br />

3 1 2 2 2<br />

Price by Negotiation<br />

Phone for viewing times<br />

Sam Chamberlain 027 388 9409<br />

sam.chamberlain@bayleys.co.nz<br />

Louise Sams 027 696 9906<br />

louise.sams@bayleyscanterbury.co.nz<br />


bayleys.co.nz/5520150<br />


5<br />

Four Seasons Realty<br />

Four Seasons Realty

6<br />

Four Seasons Realty<br />

Four Seasons Realty





11<br />

Mini makeover gives<br />

living areas a lift<br />

Don’t let heading into winter give you the<br />

blues. Think of all the things you love about<br />

the cooler seasons and give your home a<br />

mini-makeover to make it the comfortable,<br />

warm and welcoming home you desire.<br />

Revamping your living and dining areas<br />

will give your lived-in spaces a fresh new<br />

feel. Unlike a renovation, a revamp (or<br />

face lift) need not involve a huge financial<br />

outlay. In fact it is an extremely budgetfriendly<br />

way of giving your rooms a new<br />

look as you can add and subtract pieces as<br />

the pay packet allows.<br />

Moving slowly over the next couple of<br />

months is an advantage. If you don’t, after<br />

all, like that bright pink cushion you had<br />

planned to build your new look around,<br />

you can change direction without having<br />

spent too much money. Another advantage<br />

of moving slowly to build your new look is<br />

the time it allows you to hunt for just the<br />

right pieces, or wait for the sales to offer<br />

you bargains. Also have a look around your<br />

home for items you could recover, paint or,<br />

with a little tweaking, find new purpose for.<br />

Start your facelift by deciding what sort of<br />

look you’re going to aim for.<br />

Browse magazines and the internet for<br />

ideas, check paint colour charts for the<br />

latest colour options. Visit furnishing stores<br />

and take note of the different display areas -<br />

how do they balance colour and texture?<br />

Then find an item you would like to<br />

build your new look around. This could<br />

be a treasure you’ve had for a while or<br />

something that you covet and have spotted<br />

in a shop.<br />

Your next step is to sit down with<br />

pencil & paper & plan. List what items<br />

can be changed and how, and what can’t.<br />

Think colour, shades and tones and<br />

complementary colours, think texture,<br />

think pattern, think outside the square.<br />

Think fabric, wood, plastic, old and new.<br />

That comfy old chair doesn’t need to be<br />

replaced.<br />

Buy some furnishing fabric and recover<br />

it (or have it recovered).What items have<br />

other family members put aside because<br />

they no longer need them but they’re ‘too<br />

good to throw out’?<br />

Once you’ve got some sort of plan<br />

mapped out you can start work on creating<br />

your new look.<br />

Spend time browsing the shops to see<br />

what is available in your chosen colour<br />

- candles, photo frames, vases, pot plant<br />

holders, wallpaper, fabric, large items and<br />

small.<br />


Potential buyers are<br />

likely to be living in your<br />

neighbourhood, it’s an<br />

area that they already love<br />

and are actively seeking<br />

to stay in. That’s why it<br />

makes sense to advertise<br />

your property in the<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong> Property Guide.<br />

We are the only media<br />

that reaches across the<br />

entire <strong>Selwyn</strong> District.<br />

73<br />

Arthur’s Pass<br />

1<br />

77<br />

Springfield<br />

Glentunnel DarfieldTempleton<br />

Rolleston<br />

Burnham Lincoln<br />

Dunsandel Tai Tapu<br />

Leeston<br />

For cost effective, highly<br />

targeted advertising that delivers<br />

results, contact a local Real<br />

Estate Company that advertises<br />

in the <strong>Selwyn</strong> Property Guide.

12<br />

Selling in the<br />

New Year?<br />

Our hard working team are still achieving great results for our vendors and are<br />

now actively looking for new properties in all price brackets.<br />

We have four dedicated offices in Rolleston, Lincoln, Leeston and Darfield.<br />

The entire team work together in achieving the best result for our clients.<br />

Please call any one of our four offices or email us to book in your<br />

appraisal today, we look forward to hearing from you.<br />

Our work family, look forward to working with your family<br />

Jackie Derrick<br />

Area Manager<br />

M 027 6363 576<br />

Kate McKenzie<br />

Property Managment<br />

M 027 265 9819<br />

Lincoln 03 595 6954 | Rolleston 03 929 0306 | Leeston 03 281 8704 | Darfield 03 975 4506<br />

pb.co.nz<br />

Licensed REAA 2008<br />


13<br />

Rolleston 155 Bellam Road<br />

The Best of Broadfield!<br />

Enriched with quality content and in a highly sought after location, this superb oasis is arguably one of the most<br />

prestigious lifestyle properties on the market right now! The unmistakable architectural design is faultless and simply<br />

immaculate from the moment you enter the gates. The open-plan living is full of light with multiple door's opening up<br />

onto the numerous well sheltered outdoor living spaces. The chef-friendly kitchen consists of top-of-the-range<br />

appliances and an impressive butler's pantry whilst achieving a fantastic functionality mindset. The generous master<br />

suite is complete with a stunning ensuite and walk in robe, whilst the 3 additional bedrooms are supported by a large<br />

family sized tiled bathroom. The home also features a separate office, laundry and carpeted garage complete with<br />

attic storage. Nationally recognised at the highly regarded Master Build House of the Year awards, this reiterates that<br />

this is a home out of the ordinary. The 4ha is fenced into 5 paddocks with quality fencing, water troughs in every<br />

paddock and fantastic shelter and pasture species across the property. The 3 bay lockable Total Span implement shed<br />

is the perfect spot for not only storing all the vehicles and toys but a great space for those whose hobbies require<br />

additional space. All in all, this is the perfect lifestyle property and quite simply the Best of Broadfield!<br />

Property Brokers Ltd Licensed REAA 2008 | pb.co.nz<br />

4 2 2 2<br />

Deadline Sale closes Thursday 9th February, <strong>2023</strong> at<br />

4.00pm, (unless sold prior)<br />

View Thu 19 Jan 5.30 - 6.00pm<br />

Sun 22 Jan 1.00 - 1.45pm<br />

Web pb.co.nz/ROL112792<br />

Chris Moore<br />

M 027 288 0563<br />

E chris.moore@pb.co.nz<br />

Gareth Cox<br />

M 021 250 9714 P 03 975 4506<br />

E gareth@pb.co.nz<br />

Proud to be here

14<br />

Rolleston 34 Sandhurst Drive<br />

Near new home with triple car garaging, must view<br />

Maximise time spent doing your favourite things by securing this low maintenance three double bedroom plus triple garage<br />

home, ready for you to enjoy without lifting a finger. Built in 2021, the 193sqm floorplan encompasses a light and bright openplan<br />

kitchen/dining/living area which is well connected to the outdoor patio by sliding doors. Two double bedrooms share the<br />

centrally located main bathroom and separate toilet, while the sunny Master bedroom features an ensuite with tiled shower,<br />

plus walk-in wardrobe and access to the outdoor patio area via the ranchslider. Fully fenced the 653sqm section is perfectly<br />

positioned North-facing, for all-day sun. With a super large grass area this property has a blank canvas for any keen gardener,<br />

while it works perfectly now as a spacious play area for families with young children and pets. The wonderful indoor out door<br />

flow to the patio area is wonderful for entertaining. Conveniently located within the sought-after Clearview Primary zone and<br />

just short walk from Rolleston College and Foster Park. My owners are motivated and will be accepting an offer at deadline (<br />

unless sold prior) so don't miss out!<br />

Property Brokers Ltd Licensed REAA 2008 | pb.co.nz<br />

2 1 3<br />

Deadline Sale closes Thursday 2nd February, <strong>2023</strong> at 4.00pm,<br />

(unless sold prior)<br />

View Sun 22 Jan 12.00 - 12.30pm<br />

Web pb.co.nz/ROU113683<br />

Karen Harper<br />

M 027 444 1436<br />

Angela Hunt<br />

M 021 548 777<br />

E karenh@pb.co.nz<br />

E angela.hunt@pb.co.nz<br />

Are you looking for an<br />

experienced agent?<br />

“Stephan is great. He has helped us sell several houses<br />

now and he is always so honest, helpful and friendly -<br />

and is genuinely a nice person to deal with.”<br />

Sam and Denise<br />

“We have known Stephan for many years and we have<br />

asked Stephan to sell several of our and our friends<br />

properties over this time. Stephan property market<br />

knowledge, honesty and integrity sets him apart from<br />

other agents. We can’t recommend Stephan highly<br />

enough. Thanks Stephan.”<br />

Peter & Sue<br />

With <strong>18</strong> years of real estate experience in the <strong>Selwyn</strong><br />

region, I have witnessed many changing markets and<br />

continue to produce superb results for my clients. If<br />

you are considering a move and wish to discuss your<br />

options regarding the sale of your property, then<br />

please call me anytime.<br />

Stephan Knowler AREINZ<br />

M 027 229 9522<br />

E stephan.knowler@pb.co.nz<br />

pb.co.nz<br />

Property Brokers Ltd Licensed REAA 2008<br />


15<br />

Hororata 103 Cotons Road<br />

Cotons Road Farm<br />

Cotons Road Farm is 54ha and consists of 43.3ha titled area plus 10.7ha AMF Land. This property has been faithfully<br />

farmed for several decades and now it's the time for the vendors to move on. Cotons Road Farm is situated close to<br />

the Hororata town boundary, with only a 10-minute walk to Hororata Primary School, 15 min drive to Darfield and an<br />

easy 45 min commute to Christchurch Airport. There are four soil types associated with this property allowing for a<br />

multitude of farming options. At present the Baseline is 15kgN/ha/yr. Two scenario options have been modelled, one<br />

being if the property remains dryland and/or two if the property is managed under Central Plains Water Scheme. A<br />

report on the above will be available in the Information Memorandum. The intending purchasers may consider<br />

livestock trading as an option with the Coalgate Sale Yards approximately 9km from the farm. 172m2 is the area of<br />

the very comfortable three bedroom, two bathroom home, with an attached single garage easy care garden and<br />

great views to Mt Hutt and the majestic Southern Alps.<br />

3 2 1<br />

Auction 2.00pm, Thu 16th Feb, <strong>2023</strong><br />

View By appointment<br />

Web pb.co.nz/DFR112535<br />

Grant McIlroy<br />

M 027 345 9262<br />

E grantm@pb.co.nz<br />

Property Brokers Ltd Licensed REAA 2008 | pb.co.nz<br />

Proud to be here

16<br />

Prebbleton 19 Brahman Close<br />

When location means everything!<br />

It's fair to say that properties in the sought-after Stonebridge subdivision, in the heart of Prebbleton, seldom reach<br />

the market. The convenient location, the peaceful nature, and the quality of the surrounding homes ensure residents<br />

are loath to leave, holding tight to their properties and the endearing features of the area. This large family home<br />

astutely blends a commanding presence with warmth and charm. Inside, this well-configured layout boasts five goodsized<br />

bedrooms and two bathrooms, including an ensuite off the master, and an office. Both bathrooms have been<br />

renovated and are tiled throughout with a standalone bath in the family bathroom. The large kitchen and the openplan<br />

dining/living areas are complemented by a separate formal lounge, offering flexibility for families of all shapes<br />

and sizes. The home is sunny and warm, with an abundance of natural light bathing the communal areas, and a bevy<br />

of intelligent heating solutions (including a gas fireplace, a heat transfer system, a heatpump, underfloor heating in<br />

the tiled areas and double glazing throughout) promising year-round comfort. Situated on a back section and framed<br />

by mature trees and manicured gardens, the 2300+m2 grounds are the perfect spot to unwind with family and<br />

friends, enjoying privacy and the undeniably peaceful environs of this highly desirable part of the village.<br />

5 2 2 2<br />

For Sale By Negotiation<br />

View Sun 22 Jan 12.00 - 12.30pm<br />

Web pb.co.nz/LIU113459<br />

Tanya Marillier<br />

M 027 383 3844<br />

E tanya@pb.co.nz<br />

Monty Marillier<br />

M 021 943 973<br />

E Monty@pb.co.nz<br />

Property Brokers Ltd Licensed REAA 2008 | pb.co.nz<br />

Proud to be here

17<br />

Residential | Lifestyle | Rural | Commercial | Property Management<br />

Thinking about<br />

an exciting career<br />

in real estate?<br />

Property Brokers in <strong>Selwyn</strong> are expanding its<br />

team and we now have positions available<br />

for new or experienced salespeople in our<br />

Lincoln, Rolleston, or Leeston branches.<br />

If you are a licensed salesperson or an outgoing and<br />

energetic person passionate about real estate and looking<br />

to make a positive change then we would love to talk to you.<br />

Property Brokers is a hard-working team with a powerful sense<br />

of family where our relationships with people come first.<br />

If you are interested in knowing more about<br />

real estate and working with us, then please<br />

either email or phone me today.<br />

Jackie Derrick<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong> Area Manager<br />

027 636 3576 | jackie.derrick@pb.co.nz<br />

pb.co.nz<br />

Property Brokers Ltd Licensed REAA 2008<br />


security system are just a few of the many extras on<br />

offer with this property. There is a separate standalone<br />

spacious office/studio that gives options for<br />

those who require a dedicated work from home space<br />

or alternatively, room for a dependant relative.<br />

a short, easy commute into the city or out to Ro leston.<br />

Karen Hennessy<br />

Mobile: 027 967 0<strong>18</strong>6<br />

karen.hennessy@pggwrightson.co.nz<br />

Week commencing Tuesday, 3Rd ocToBeR 2017<br />

As always, this builder has finished his latest new build to<br />

perfection, incorporating a l the ‘must haves’ and more for<br />

keep cool or warm, as required, at the push of a bu ton with<br />

2 heat pumps.<br />

The home’s practical layout also includes a walk-in linen<br />

room, a substantial separate laundry, a tic storage with<br />

ladder access and last, but certainly not least, hugely sought<br />

after 4 car garaging. From the moment you approach this<br />

www.flemington.co.nz<br />

Mobile: 027 527 8258<br />

Mobile: 027 224 4733<br />

Week commencing WeDneSDAY, 23RD mAY 20<strong>18</strong><br />

<strong>18</strong><br />

Your guide to all things Real Estate<br />

in the <strong>Selwyn</strong> District<br />

Setting the Stage<br />

Who doesn’t want top dollar<br />

or a fast sale when selling their<br />

home? With your house on the<br />

market, make sure your house<br />

stands out for all the right<br />

reasons. Staging your home<br />

with temporary furnishings<br />

and décor should now be a<br />

standard step when preparing<br />

your home for sale. Highlight<br />

your home’s best features<br />

and give it the edge over<br />

competitors.<br />

Most people start searching for a house<br />

by checking online listings. Photos<br />

initially draw buyers in, and an eyecatching<br />

staged home will entice people<br />

to consider your property before seeing it<br />

in person.<br />

Once the target buyer has been<br />

determined, partial or complete house<br />

staging can be undertaken to showcase<br />

spaces. Heather Russell from the local<br />

business “itransformhomes” suggests that<br />

people watching building and renovation<br />

TV shows where rooms are dressed may<br />

have encouraged house staging. People<br />

now want a finished and ready product.<br />

A professionally staged home brings<br />

a fresh pair of eyes and promotes your<br />

home as a saleable product. A staged<br />

space can help a buyer visualise what<br />

will fit and imagine creating a home, not<br />

just buying a house. Emphasise the good<br />

points, and if there are areas you don’t<br />

want focused on, clever use of furnishings<br />

or décor will distract and draw eyes<br />

elsewhere. Decluttering or rearranging<br />

the furniture to make the most of the<br />

space is important. Heather advises,<br />

“Your home is your biggest asset, and it<br />

should hit the market looking the best it’s<br />

ever looked.”<br />

Statistics show that staged homes get<br />

a higher sale price and spend less time<br />

on the market. Professional staging will<br />

also give a refreshed look and provide<br />

an opportunity for new photos of homes<br />

already on the market and not selling.<br />

Rather than reducing the price, paying<br />

for staging may give you a better financial<br />

return, and Heather states, “It is a shortterm<br />

outlay for a long-term gain.” Costs<br />

will depend on whether it is a partial or<br />

whole house staging but usually includes<br />

the consult, staging, hire period and unstage<br />

at the end.<br />

When it comes time to sell your property,<br />

ensure you get the best sale price quickly<br />

by staging your home to showcase its best<br />

features. Then, from the first glimpse of<br />

listing photos, make potential buyers fall<br />

in love with your house, and when they<br />

walk through the doors, they can imagine<br />

themselves living there.<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong><br />


THe BeST PRoPeRTieS AcRoSS<br />

THe SeLWYn DiSTRicT<br />

INSIDE<br />

Brand new ‘show stopper’ with 4 car garaging<br />

EVERY WEDNESDAY inside <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong><br />

Quality Home, Private Setting, Sought After Location<br />

A large, quality home sited in a private and established<br />

5021m 2 park-like setting in the sought after Claremont<br />

Estate on the boundary of Christchurch City.<br />

The home features four bedrooms (master with<br />

en suite and walk-in robe), open-plan kitchen, dining<br />

and living along with formal dining, lounge and<br />

conservatory. Great indoor outdoor flow to a large<br />

sheltered deck set in sprawling lawns and easy care<br />

gardens with automated watering. Triple car garaging,<br />

security gates, ducted heating, solar energy and<br />

Auction (unless sold prior)<br />

Thursday 19 October, 2pm<br />

411 Blenheim Road<br />

www.pggwre.co.nz/DAR26164<br />

the discerning buyer. Situated on a 1200m 2 section, with<br />

an established backdrop, the substantial 315m 2 floor plan<br />

provides the ultimate in family living options. The sunny &<br />

spacious open plan living room boasts a designer kitchen<br />

with 90cms oven, stone bench tops & a walk in pantry,<br />

together with define dining, living & study spaces that<br />

extend through sliding doors to a large deck & covered ‘al<br />

fresco’ entertaining area.<br />

The formal lounge als opens to the landscaped garden<br />

& has a boxed high stud ceiling with sound speakers. A l 4<br />

bedrooms are fabulously proportioned queen sized rooms,<br />

with the master suite providing the perfect parents’ retreat<br />

featuring an amazing dressing room with fu l wardrobe<br />

system, additional storage & a beautiful tiled ensuite with<br />

double tiled shower, freestanding bath & twin vanities. The<br />

family bathroom is equa ly elegant with a tiled shower &<br />

twin vanities. Cosy up in front of the log burner, keep your<br />

toes warm with the under tile heating in the bathrooms &<br />

DeaDline Sale:<br />

Closing 4pm on Monday<br />

11th June 20<strong>18</strong><br />

(unless sold prior)<br />

rwro leston.co.nz/RLL23148<br />

Town & Lifestyle Real Estate Ltd<br />

Licensed (REAA 2008) - West Melton<br />

Sarah Booth<br />

Contact:<br />

Set amongst other quality homes on larger sections,<br />

this property maintains a semi-rural feel whilst being<br />

Contact:<br />

Phone: 03 341 4301<br />

premium property, you wi l appreciate what a privilege it<br />

would be to be able to ca l it ‘home’.<br />

Brendan ‘Big Red’ Shefford<br />

Contact:<br />

Address: 19 Devine Drive, Templeton Open Home: Sunday 8 & 15 October, 1pm - 1.45pm<br />

63 Rossington Drive, West Melton Open Home: Sunday 2.00pm - 2.30pm<br />

Get your messages into homes throughout<br />

the <strong>Selwyn</strong> District.<br />

Delivered to every home & rural letterbox<br />

(also available at selected pick up points).<br />

For full information on placing<br />

your advertising call:<br />

Lynette Evans<br />

Ph 021 222 7831 | email: lynette.evans@starmedia.kiwi<br />

Get the power<br />

of three offices<br />

working for you<br />

Your section hunt<br />

starts here<br />

New Falcon’s Landing sales office open, 17 Branthwaite Drive, Ro leston,<br />

Thursdays, Fridays and Sundays from 1-3pm. Come, visit and share in our vision<br />

for Ro leston. Or ca l us anytime 03 741 1340. Email enquiries@yoursection.nz<br />

Ray White Rolleston,<br />

Lincoln & West Melton<br />

Sales - Property Management - Loan Market<br />

Residential - Lifestyle - Commercial<br />

Lincoln - 03 325 7299<br />

Ro leston - 03 347 9988<br />

West Melton - 03 347 9933<br />

Town & Lifestyle Real Estate Ltd<br />

Licensed (REAA 2008)<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong> dedicated to getting you outstanding results & making our district a better place to live.


19<br />

Wednesday <strong>18</strong>th <strong>January</strong><br />

5.00pm – 5.30pm<br />

5.30pm – 6.00pm<br />

5.30pm – 6.00pm<br />

Thursday 19th <strong>January</strong><br />

12.00pm – 12.45pm<br />

5.30pm – 6.00pm<br />

Saturday 21st <strong>January</strong><br />

11.30am – 12.00pm<br />

12.00pm – 12.45pm<br />

12.30pm – 1.00pm<br />

12.30pm – 1.00pm<br />

12.30pm – 1.00pm<br />

1.15pm – 1.45pm<br />

1.15pm – 2.00pm<br />

1.30pm – 2.00pm<br />

2.00pm – 2.45pm<br />

2.00pm – 2.30pm<br />

2.00pm – 2.30pm<br />

2.00pm – 3.00pm<br />

2.15pm – 2.45pm<br />

3.00pm – 3.30pm<br />

Sunday 22nd <strong>January</strong><br />

11.00am – 11.30am<br />

11.00am – 11.30am<br />

11.00am – 11.30am<br />

11.00am – 11.30am<br />

11.00am – 11.30am<br />

11.00am – 11.30am<br />

11.00am – 11.30am<br />

11.00am – 11.30am<br />

11.30am – 12.00pm<br />

11.30am – 12.00pm<br />

11.45am – 12.15pm<br />

89 Strauss Drive, Rolleston<br />

Property Brokers<br />

9 Ngata Place, Hei Hei<br />

Property Brokers<br />

50 William Street, Prebbleton<br />

Bayleys Canterbury<br />

10a Manor Drive, Rolleston<br />

Harcourts<br />

155 Bellam Road, Rolleston<br />

Property Brokers<br />

8 Lewis Crescent, Rolleston<br />

Ray White Town & Lifestyle<br />

10a Manor Drive, Rolleston<br />

Harcourts<br />

2309 Main South Road, Burnham<br />

Ray White Town & Lifestyle<br />

35 Wales Street, Halswell<br />

Harcourts<br />

73 Preston avenue, West Melton<br />

Harcourts<br />

49 Granite Drive, Rolleston<br />

Harcourts<br />

32 Oakwood Mews, Prebbleton<br />

Harcourts<br />

139 Wards Road, Rolleston<br />

Ray White Town & Lifestyle<br />

40 Muir avenue, Halswell<br />

Ray White Town & Lifestyle<br />

12 Papatahora Drive, Lincoln<br />

Harcourts<br />

26 Clement ave, Rolleston<br />

Harcourts<br />

16 Trelissick Loop, Castle Hill Village<br />

Harcourts<br />

11 Corriedale Lane, West Melton<br />

Bayleys Canterbury<br />

783 Weedons Ross Road, West Melton<br />

Bayleys Canterbury<br />

8 Fernham Way, Rolleston<br />

Ray White Town & Lifestyle<br />

870 Goulds Road, Rolleston<br />

Ray White Town & Lifestyle<br />

11 ashton Rise, West Melton<br />

Ray White Town & Lifestyle<br />

55 Hardingstone Drive, Rolleston<br />

Bayleys Canterbury<br />

89 Strauss Drive, Rolleston<br />

Property Brokers<br />

2 Redcliffs View Lane, Redcliffs<br />

Property Brokers<br />

7 Hollard Crescent, Lincoln<br />

Property Brokers<br />

6 Kotuku Street, Lincoln<br />

Property Brokers<br />

63 Cassidy avenue, Lincoln<br />

Ray White Town & Lifestyle<br />

1 Fiona Place, Hei Hei<br />

Ray White Town & Lifestyle<br />

10 Spring Place, Leeston<br />

Bayleys Canterbury<br />

11.45am – 12.15pm<br />

12.00pm – 12.30pm<br />

12.00pm – 12.30pm<br />

12.00pm – 12.30pm<br />

12.00pm – 12.30pm<br />

12.00pm – 12.30pm<br />

12.00pm – 12.30pm<br />

12.00pm – 12.30pm<br />

12.00pm – 12.30pm<br />

12.00pm – 12.30pm<br />

12.00pm – 12.30pm<br />

12.00pm – 12.30pm<br />

12.00pm – 12.45pm<br />

12.15pm – 12.45pm<br />

12.30pm – 1.00pm<br />

12.30pm – 1.00pm<br />

12.30pm – 1.00pm<br />

12.45pm – 1.15pm<br />

1.00pm – 1.30pm<br />

1.00pm – 1.30pm<br />

1.00pm – 1.30pm<br />

1.00pm – 1.30pm<br />

1.00pm – 1.30pm<br />

1.00pm – 1.30pm<br />

1.00pm – 1.30pm<br />

1.00pm – 1.30pm<br />

1.00pm – 1.30pm<br />

1.00pm – 1.30pm<br />

1.00pm – 1.30pm<br />

1.00pm – 1.30pm<br />

1.00pm – 1.45pm<br />

1.15pm – 1.45pm<br />

1.15pm – 1.45pm<br />

1.15pm – 1.45pm<br />

1.30pm – 2.00pm<br />

9 Ngata Place, Hei Hei<br />

Property Brokers<br />

5 Highworth Crescent, Rolleston<br />

Ray White Town & Lifestyle<br />

4 Rothwell Drive, Rolleston<br />

Ray White Town & Lifestyle<br />

1 Colebrook Drive, Rolleston<br />

Ray White Town & Lifestyle<br />

2 Colebrook Drive, Rolleston<br />

Ray White Town & Lifestyle<br />

60 McKays Road, West Melton<br />

Ray White Town & Lifestyle<br />

24 Hollard Crescent, Lincoln<br />

Bayleys Canterbury<br />

5 appleton Court, Rolleston<br />

Bayleys Canterbury<br />

107 Kemble Drive, Rolleston<br />

Bayleys Canterbury<br />

39 Lemonwood Drive, Rolleston<br />

Bayleys Canterbury<br />

34 Sandhurst Drive, Rolleston<br />

Property Brokers<br />

19 Brahman Close, Prebbleton<br />

Property Brokers<br />

10a Manor Drive, Rolleston<br />

Harcourts<br />

33 Overbury Crescent, Rolleston<br />

Ray White Town & Lifestyle<br />

7 Sheridan Drive, Rolleston<br />

Ray White Town & Lifestyle<br />

13 May Street, Leeston<br />

Bayleys Canterbury<br />

35 Wales Street, Halswell<br />

Harcourts<br />

25 Makybe Terrace, Lincoln<br />

Ray White Town & Lifestyle<br />

6B Hampstead Lane, Prebbleton<br />

Ray White Town & Lifestyle<br />

20 Rossall Crescent, Rolleston<br />

Ray White Town & Lifestyle<br />

28 Brookside Road, Rolleston<br />

Ray White Town & Lifestyle<br />

30 Beaumont Drive, Rolleston<br />

Ray White Town & Lifestyle<br />

34 Rotherham Drive, West Melton<br />

Ray White Town & Lifestyle<br />

1 Dalwood Crescent, Rolleston<br />

Bayleys Canterbury<br />

85 Ed Hillary Drive, Rolleston<br />

Bayleys Canterbury<br />

32 Marcoola Drive, Rolleston<br />

Bayleys Canterbury<br />

20 Byron Street, Rolleston<br />

Property Brokers<br />

31 Bradbury avenue, Rolleston<br />

Property Brokers<br />

6 armil Place, Lincoln<br />

Property Brokers<br />

11 Eversham Drive, Rolleston<br />

Harcourts<br />

155 Bellam Road, Rolleston<br />

Property Brokers<br />

14 McKenzie avenue, Southbridge<br />

Bayleys Canterbury<br />

3 Goldrush Lane, Rolleston<br />

Property Brokers<br />

99 Renoir Drive, Rolleston<br />

Property Brokers<br />

5 Maurice Street, Lincoln<br />

Ray White Town & Lifestyle<br />

1.30pm – 2.00pm<br />

1.30pm – 2.00pm<br />

1.30pm – 2.00pm<br />

1.30pm – 2.00pm<br />

1.45pm – 2.15pm<br />

1.45pm – 2.15pm<br />

1.45pm – 2.15pm<br />

1.45pm – 2.30pm<br />

2.00pm – 2.30pm<br />

2.00pm – 2.30pm<br />

2.00pm – 2.30pm<br />

2.00pm – 2.30pm<br />

2.00pm – 2.30pm<br />

2.00pm – 2.30pm<br />

2.00pm – 2.30pm<br />

2.00pm – 3.00pm<br />

2.00pm – 2.30pm<br />

2.15pm – 2.45pm<br />

2.30pm – 3.00pm<br />

2.30pm – 3.00pm<br />

2.30pm – 3.00pm<br />

2.30pm – 3.00pm<br />

2.30pm – 3.00pm<br />

2.30pm – 3.00pm<br />

2.45pm – 3.15pm<br />

2.45pm – 3.15pm<br />

2.45pm – 3.15pm<br />

3.00pm – 3.30pm<br />

3.00pm – 3.30pm<br />

3.00pm – 3.30pm<br />

3.15pm – 3.45pm<br />

3.15pm – 3.45pm<br />

3.15pm – 3.45pm<br />

3.30pm – 4.00pm<br />

3.30pm – 4.00pm<br />

16 Russell Lilley Drive, Rolleston<br />

Ray White Town & Lifestyle<br />

126 High Street, Southbridge<br />

Bayleys Canterbury<br />

203 Southfield Drive, Lincoln<br />

Bayleys Canterbury<br />

31 Silverstone Loop, Rolleston<br />

Arizto<br />

26 Prebblewood Drive, Prebbleton<br />

Ray White Town & Lifestyle<br />

9 Rossall Crescent, Rolleston<br />

Ray White Town & Lifestyle<br />

70 Rossington Drive, West Melton<br />

Ray White Town & Lifestyle<br />

32 Oakwood Mews, Prebbleton<br />

Harcourts<br />

35 Rothwell Drive, Rolleston<br />

Ray White Town & Lifestyle<br />

70 Kingsdowne Drive, West Melton<br />

Ray White Town & Lifestyle<br />

3 Te Pihopa Way, aidanfield<br />

Ray White Town & Lifestyle<br />

17 Stables Drive, Lincoln<br />

Bayleys Canterbury<br />

5/781 East Maddisons Road, Rolleston<br />

Bayleys Canterbury<br />

20 Chimango Place, Rolleston<br />

Bayleys Canterbury<br />

26 Clement ave, Rolleston<br />

Harcourts<br />

16 Trelissick Loop, Castle Hill Village<br />

Harcourts<br />

12 Papatahora Drive, Lincoln<br />

Harcourts<br />

7 Pelham Place, Lincoln<br />

Property Brokers<br />

4 Kiddy Place, Rolleston<br />

Ray White Town & Lifestyle<br />

729 East Maddisons Road, Rolleston<br />

Ray White Town & Lifestyle<br />

36 Spring Place, Leeston<br />

Bayleys Canterbury<br />

50 William Street, Prebbleton<br />

Bayleys Canterbury<br />

76 Verdeco Boulevard, Lincoln<br />

Bayleys Canterbury<br />

2 Durrell Way, Rolleston<br />

Harcourts<br />

47 Brenley Drive, Rolleston<br />

Ray White Town & Lifestyle<br />

2 Corriedale Lane, West Melton<br />

Ray White Town & Lifestyle<br />

7 Eastfield Drive, Rolleston<br />

Arizto<br />

780 Weedons Ross Road, West Melton<br />

Ray White Town & Lifestyle<br />

4 anzac Lane, Rolleston<br />

Bayleys Canterbury<br />

3 Kowhai Drive, Darfield<br />

Property Brokers<br />

4 Zabeel Street, Lincoln<br />

Bayleys Canterbury<br />

5 allingham Lane, Rolleston<br />

Ray White Town & Lifestyle<br />

43 Edinburgh Street, Spreydon<br />

Ray White Town & Lifestyle<br />

73 Preston avenue, West Melton<br />

Harcourts<br />

33 Stables Drive, Lincoln<br />

Bayleys Canterbury<br />


For full details of all Open Homes, please contact the Real Estate companies<br />



Faringdon, 47 Lanner Drive, Rolleston<br />

Potential buyers are likely to be living in your<br />

neighbourhood, it’s an area that they already love and<br />

are actively seeking to stay in. That’s why it makes sense<br />

to advertise your property in the <strong>Selwyn</strong> Property Guide.<br />

Visit one of our stunning showhomes to gather ideas for your dream home<br />


Both showhomes<br />

Open Wed-Sun 12pm-4pm<br />

Faringdon, 49 Lanner Drive, Rolleston<br />

We are the only media<br />

that reaches across the<br />

entire <strong>Selwyn</strong> District.<br />

1<br />

73<br />

Arthur’s Pass<br />

77<br />

Springfield<br />

Glentunnel DarfieldTempleton<br />

Rolleston<br />

Burnham Lincoln<br />

Dunsandel Tai Tapu<br />

Leeston<br />

For SHOWrOOM cost effective, / OfficE highly targeted advertising that<br />

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that Open advertises Mon-Fri 9am-5pm in the <strong>Selwyn</strong> Property signature.co.nz Guide.


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